Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 11 2017

Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I'm doing the mid-year book freak out

tag. I'll leave a link to the original creators down below.

Basically the point is kind of a mid-year recap of how your reasons going, what you

doing, what you're liking, what you're not liking, all that kind of fun stuff put

together into a tag. So let's get started. Number one is what is the best book that

you've read this year, 2017? For me that's hands-down, this should come as a surprise

to no one who watches my channel, but it is My Favorite Thing Is Monster is by

Emil Ferris. This is a brilliant book! I love it so, so, so much! Ah! It's an

all-time favorite, like top three books of all time. One of my favorite, favorite,

favorite, favorite, favorite books. I did a full spoiler free review of it which I

will link the cards and down below. It is brilliant! It is a work of like genius! I

can't rave about it enough. It's a graphic

novel about a young girl living in 1960s Chicago who's obsessed with B monster

movies and she imagines herself as this werewolf girl, and when a woman in her

apartment building dies she decides that no, it is not a suicide like the police

ruled, it is actually a murder and she's gonna find out what's going on through

sleuthing. And it is brilliant. It incorporates Holocaust history because

the woman who died is a Holocaust survivor. It's a story of self-discovery.

The art is amazing! It's incredibly intricate line work done in ballpoint

pen and it is just phenomenal, just phenomenal! Honestly I was looking at

some of the questions and I was like, "I'm just gonna say My Favorite Thing Is

Monsters for almost all of these, except for the negative ones," because honestly

this is all of the positive things! It's all positive things, it's a favorite. I

love it so much. I am gonna try and switch up my answers to these questions, but just

know that in my heart of hearts all of the answers to the positive-skewed

questions, it's truly My Favorite Thing Is Monsters.

Number two is the best sequel that you've picked this year, and I selected

The Providence of Fire by Brian Staveley. This is book 2 in the Chronicle of the

Unhewn Throne series which is an epic fantasy series that I really enjoyed. I

had a couple little issues with female representation in the first book and

they are largely--though not entirely-- largely resolved in this book. So I

really loved that. This whole series is just a super solid

epic fantasy series. It's really, really fun. I definitely recommend checking it

out if you like high fantasy. Number three: a new release that you haven't

read yet but you do want to read. And I'm going with Down Among the Sticks and

Bones they Seanan McGuire. It's a companion book to Every Heart a Doorway.

This is a series about a boarding school for kids who have gone through portals

to other worlds, other dimensions, and then returned home and been like, "Shit!

This all sucks! I want to go back!" and coping with that. So it follows two side

characters who feature prominently in this book, and their world is the super

dark gothic Romantic literature--that world come to life. So like Dracula and

Frankenstein and all that kind of crazy stuff. So that is what Down Among the Sticks

and Bones is about and I'm really excited to read it. I think it takes

place before Every Heart a Doorway, so it's about these two characters before

they came back through the doorway to our world. I've heard wonderful things.

It's gonna be really dark and creepy and I'm so excited for it! Number four is the

most anticipated release of the second half of the year and that is, surprise

surprise, volume two of My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris. I'm going to be

talking about this book a lot. The first one ends on a cliffhanger, and this is

volume 2--I believe the concluding volume. It's just going to be two in total, and I am so excited to read it!

I just want more of it in my life! And that comes out in October.

Number five is biggest disappointment, and I can be quite critical on my

channel, and there have been a few big disappointments this year. Some I'm

gonna name off the top of my head. Number one: The Bronze Horseman by Paulina

Simmons, I think? I hated this book and it has a crazy high Goodreads rating, so I

was like, "I'm gonna love it!" No. It's one of my most hated books of all

time. So that's a disappointment. Another disappointment is... The further away

from it... Kind of controversial but A Court of Wings and Ruin my Sarah J Maas.

I loved A Court of Mist and Fury. This... Disappointed. Perthe question, it

disappointed quite a bit. I thought it fell quite short of my expectations and just

generally the bar set by the previous book in the series. Number six: biggest

surprise. I could say My Favorite Thing Is Monsters because it was surprise. My dad

randomly sent it to me in the mail. He didn't like include a note or anything.

So it was just this big surprise when I received it. But I'm trying to not to

only talk about that, so what I'm going to mention is a book that I had picked up

before and been like, "Eh..." and I picked it up again pretty recently actually, and I

was like, "I was such an idiot! This is amazing!" And that is is Pride and

Prejudice by Jane Austen. This is my beautiful Jane Austen bind up that I

love so much. I've had this for a while but I had only read Sense and Sensibility

which I enjoy, generally. I'd started Pride and Prejudice in high school and

been like, "Ugh," but I was also very deep in like the Twilight hole, I only wanted to

read the popcorn candy junk food paranormal romances that dominated that period of

time. And so I picked this up and I was like, "Oh, it's hard to read," and I think

maybe as I've gotten older now I try to read pretty widely so I've encountered

more classics. I'm more used to the old timey language. I was maybe just in a

better mood when I picked this up. Who knows. But I loved Pride and Prejudice! I

loved it so, so, so much! So it was kind of a surprise given my previous ambivalence

towards it. Number seven is favorite new author and I would say Emil Ferris,

but other than that I'm going to say Seanan McGuire, who I have also already

mentioned on this list, but I absolutely loved Every Heart a Doorway. I think it is

very difficult to write a good short book. I think it is much easier to write

a longer book because you have more wiggle room to stumble around with plot

and pacing and characterization, and if you don't get it right within the first

page you try to it's okay maybe like a few pages later you figure it out. But in

a short book you simply don't have the real estate to get it done. Seanan McGuire

gets it done! It's so good! I love this book. As I said, I'm very excited for Down

Among the Sticks and Bones. So I'm hoping to read more of her work because she's

also written some adult fiction as well, I believe. I'm gonna check that out!

Number eight: favorite new crush, new favorite crush, new crush, we're all

having crushes. And in keeping with the theme of recycling all the same books

in this video I'm going with Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice because I love

him! Like love him. I'm actually going to film a review video.

So that is coming down the pipeline, and I'm going to talk about why I love

Darcy so much. So I'm just going to say here that I love him! Number nine: favorite

new character surprise it's Karen, the main character from My Favorite Things Is

Monsters by Emil Ferris. Surprise, sursprise, surprise.

No one is surprised. Karen is hilarious and weird and precocious and absolutely

wonderful. I think she is da best. I want to be friends with her. Oh, she's so

great! she's so wonderful and earnest and sincere and oh I just want to protect

her. I love Karen. And like this is how she pictures herself, as a noir detective

with werewolf fangs. I think it's lovely and amazing. I love Karen. Number 10: a

book that means you cry my answer for this is the Year of Magical Thinking by

Joan Didion. this is a memoir chronicling the year in Didion's life after her husband

passed away when her daughter was still gravely, gravely ill and it is just

gorgeous writing. It's beautiful and heartbreaking. It's a study in grief. I

cannot recommend this enough it made me cry like a baby. Number 11: a book that makes

you happy. And I'm going with Strange the Dreamer

by Laini Taylor. This is also a book that made me cry, but first it made me really,

really happy, and I think that's mostly to do with Laslo, who is just the

loveliest little cinnamon bun. He's so pure and I love him so much.

And reading about him just made me really, really happy! Number 12 is your

favorite adaptation of the year. Hands down it's gotta be Handmaid's Tale by

Margaret Atwood. I did a discussion video about the first three or four episodes

at that point I'd watched and I was like spewing how much I love it. I love this

book, but the show! I think I like the show better... It's like sacrilegious to say in the BookTube community, but

yeah. I think the show is absolutely brilliant. It's beautifully made.

They do like lens flares a lot--there's a little caveat. A lot of lens flare. I think

it's brilliant. I saw a review and I think this is so

true, how shows, their weakest points are flashbacks and narration. They're used as

crutches a lot of times and they detract from the show or movie. They are some of

the best parts of the Handmaid's Tale which is amazing to see, pushing the

genre forward. It's really bleak though. It's

really, really dark. That's a little something if you're not ready to be so sad,

maybe don't watch it, but at some point you should get to it. This is a brilliant

TV show. Number thirteen is your favorite review that you've done this year.

Surprise, surprise it is once again My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, but also I

really liked my review of Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I

will link both those and the cards and down below and you should--could, if you

want, if you want check them out, a little self promo

going on. Number 14: the most beautiful book that you bought this year.

Surprise, surprise I want to answer My Favorite Thing Is Monsters because it

is gorgeous! But I don't even know how many times I've mentioned that already,

so I'm going to pick a new book. I haven't read this one yet but it is The

Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden. this is a fantasy fairy tale

retelling based on Russian fairy tales. I got this from Book Depository because I

didn't like the US cover and I thought this cover was gorgeous! It's so pretty!

I'm really excited to read this. And finally, what books do you need to

read by the end of the yea? I'm not even that good of TBR's, you think I keep

track for like a full year? No chance. Ooooh, I'm gonna say The Witcher series. I don't

know who writes it off the top of my head, but I'm gonna say the Witcher series

because I heard that they're doing in Netflix adaptation of it. Gotta read it

before I see it, that's my go-to thing. So I'm gonna start that. Elliot Brooks has a

YouTube channel--you should check her out she's like the queen of fantasy--and she

talks about the Witcher series. She's a huge fan. So

based on her opinion, which I regard quite highly, and based on the Netflix

series I'm gonna stay the Witcher series-- those are some books that I gotta read

by the end of this year. That is it! Thanks so much for watching if you liked

this video give it a thumbs up, subscribe to see more of my face, and I will see

you next time!

For more infomation >> MID YEAR BOOK FREAKOUT TAG || 2017 - Duration: 10:04.


BREAKING: Comey "Friend" EXPOSES Criminal Lie. Put Comey Behind Bars! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:13.

The situation with former FBI Director, James

Comey, seems to be getting stranger and stranger.

It is clear that he is attempting to use word games to manipulate conversations with the

Senate Intelligence Community purposely.

In recent news, Comey's friend, Daniel Richman, is adamantly denying that the memo Comey gave

him to leak was marked "classified," according to CNN.

In a sense, Richman betrayed Comey by stating that he never clarified that the info passed

on to him was classified.

We can't be too surprised that these two got caught up in their lies.

When Comey was interviewed about the memo he passed on, he said that he SPECIFICALLY

wrote the memo to avoid including classified information.

So, let's get this straight.

Comey wrote down information about his meeting with President Trump that he can't recall,

yet he KNOWS he avoided classified language.

Something certainly smells fishy about this story, especially when you consider that when

Comey's memos WERE examined, most of them contained information that is classified.

It isn't even a question of "maybe."

It would appear that Comey decided to break his own rules by ignoring the IMPORTANT rules

of information safety and security.

It is absurd to think that they want to accuse the president of "leaking" info, while

Comey is purposely manipulating every piece of information his pen touches.

President Trump made his opinion known about the current scandal via Twitter.

Trump wrote, "James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media.

That is so illegal."

The president is correct.

Leaking CLASSIFIED information to the press, and then LYING about it only makes the charges

more severe.

It is a blatant attempt to try and make the President look bad, but they can't even

figure out what information they are supposed to be discussing.

Left-wingers, particularly this bunch, are acting like the three stooges, except no one

finds them funny.

It is disheartening to think that they were passing around information–that has NO RIGHT

to be in the public domain–for the sake of embarrassing Trump.

In most government positions and across the media, integrity is declining at an alarming


The cable news media, in particular, is hemorrhaging viewers because they refuse to tell the truth.

There comes a time when you are busted.

You should man up, come forward, and admit your crimes.

Don't hide behind your friends, silly memos that you can't recall, and blanket statements.

I encourage everyone to listen to Comey speak during this meeting.

In the pit of your stomach, you can tell that he is deceptive, and it is not okay.

Now that his friends are exposing him, it won't be long before the truth is out there

for everyone to see.

The next thing we have to think about is how these LIARS are going to be punished and what

information– if any –was released to the public.

Eventually, we will have answers, and there will be no more room for lying from the ANY


Do YOU think Comey should go to prison for leaking classified information?

Please share this news and tell us what you think.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Comey "Friend" EXPOSES Criminal Lie. Put Comey Behind Bars! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:13.


Ending Scene | Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 3:59.

Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth?

I do.

Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?

I don't know what there is left for him to say.

I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac

made his point fairly eloquently.

Well, he could explain how

this country is expected to maintain its national security

now that he and you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus.

HYDRA was selling you lies, not intelligence.

Many of which you seemed to have had a personal hand in telling.

Agent, you should know

that there are some on this committee

who feel, given your service record,

both for this country and against it,

that you belong in a penitentiary.

Not mouthing off on Capitol Hill.

You're not going to put me in a prison.

You're not going to put any of us in a prison. You know why?

Do enlighten us.

Because you need us.

Yes, the world is a vulnerable place,

and yes, we help make it that way.

But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it.

So, if you want to arrest me, arrest me.

You'll know where to find me.

So, you've experienced this sort of thing before.

You get used to it.

We've been data mining HYDRA'S files.

Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship.

I'm headed to Europe tonight.

Wanted to ask if you'd come.

There's something I got to do first.

How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities.

I'm more of a soldier than a spy.

All right, then.

Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me, right here.

You should be honored. That's about as close as he gets

to saying thank you.

Not going with him?


- Not staying here. - Nah.

I blew all my covers. I got to go figure out a new one.

That might take a while.

I'm counting on it.

That thing you asked for,

I called in a few favors from Kiev.

Will you do me a favor? Call that nurse.

She's not a nurse.

And you're not a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

- What was her name again? - Sharon.

She's nice.

Be careful, Steve.

You might not want to pull on that thread.

You're going after him.

You don't have to come with me.

I know.

When do we start?

For more infomation >> Ending Scene | Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 3:59.


Shannon Ullman - Growella Games - Week 2 of 10 - Duration: 2:48.

Hey, guys, I think it's pretty fair to say that fitness is probably part of your routine

and therefore part of your budget. I just left Planet Fitness… ten bucks a month,

I think is pretty affordable, yeah and my next stop is a yoga class.  Yoga is extremely

expensive. The studio charges over a hundred dollars a month, and you only get ten classes

for that so I worked my way around it and I figured out that they have community classes

every Friday night. They usually have students teach the course, so you actually only have

to pay by donation. So I paid five bucks, and I get an hour of yoga and it's a really

good sneaky way around paying the full price for the studio.

You guys want to know what real budgeting is?

Getting Chipotle without the guac.

Hey, friends don't mind my hair it got windblown in the car.

Today I'm taking a break from my freelance work, and I came to a local tourist attraction. You know I love to travel and

I was getting that itch, so instead of just spending money on a plane ticket. I decided

to come to a local tourist attraction, with a shrine, a Polish shrine that I can't pronounce

but I figured I would come check it out because it's free. It helped me save money. I still

get out in the sunshine and do something I've never done before.

So my planning wasn't that great. The actual shrine is closed right now.

I did take a walk on the Rosary garden path.

Is it exciting? Yeah. Was it something to do that was free? Yeah. Am I Polish?

Well, kind of. My grandmother was so I guess that makes me Polish too.

Okay, so in all seriousness.  I've been doing the Growella challenge for about

two weeks I think, and I saved about

80 bucks. I don't know if that's good, I don't know

if that's bad. It's sort of the fruits of my labor of cooking for myself, make my own

coffee, doing community yoga and staying in on the weekends a lot.  So yeah, two weeks

80 bucks I feel like that's not so bad but we'll see.

I have some more bills coming in. We'll see how it goes.

For more infomation >> Shannon Ullman - Growella Games - Week 2 of 10 - Duration: 2:48.


MGSV: The Phantom Triggered A Metal Gear Parody - ITA - RaVe TuBe - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> MGSV: The Phantom Triggered A Metal Gear Parody - ITA - RaVe TuBe - Duration: 2:40.


GG LIVE | Bloodborne #10 (PS4) - Duration: 1:18:26.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | Bloodborne #10 (PS4) - Duration: 1:18:26.


Imagine Dragons - Thunder (Live On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon/2017) - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Imagine Dragons - Thunder (Live On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon/2017) - Duration: 4:08.


Do Any Stars NOT Have Planets? - Duration: 5:29.

This episode is brought to you by Squarespace

[ ♪ intro ]

A decade or so ago, the title of this video would have sounded ridiculous.

The first planet outside of our solar system was only confirmed in 1992.

And when I was in high school and college, we'd only found a handful of exoplanets.

For all we knew, stars with planets around them were super rare.

But now, it seems everywhere we look, planets litter star systems.

And, indeed, it seems increasingly likely that almost 100% of stars

have planets around them.

It's taken awhile to get a good idea of how common it is for a star to have planets

around it, because we just didn't have enough data.

For a long time, we mainly detected exoplanets using the radial velocity method, where the

gravitational pull from a planet orbiting a star makes the star wobble slightly, which

changes the wavelength of the light we detect from Earth.

So far, we've detected more than 600 exoplanets this way.

Problem is, most of the planets we can detect using the radial velocity method are hot Jupiters:

giant planets orbiting very close to their stars.

Since they're so big and orbit so close, they cause bigger, shorter wobbles

that are easier for us to detect.

The other issue is that the radial velocity method doesn't really work for stars farther

than about a hundred light-years from Earth.

Beyond that, it's just too hard to see the wobbles.

They don't have enough of an effect on the wavelength of the light we detect.

So the radial velocity method doesn't tell you much about how common planets are that

aren't hot Jupiters, or about stars farther away from Earth.

Which is why the transit method has been so useful.

A transit is when a planet's orbit takes it between its parent star and Earth.

As it passes in front of its star, the light we detect from the star dims a little.

The Kepler space telescope looks for exoplanets using the transit method.

Since it launched in 2009, it's found more than 2,000 confirmed exoplanets.

It's still harder to spot smaller planets with the transit method, but at least it's

easier than using the radial velocity method.

And the transit method works for planets that are much farther away, because even if it's

too far for us to see the effects of the star's wobble, the planet will still have

a measurable dimming effect.

We've used the transit method to find plenty of planets hundreds of light-years from Earth.

So the transit method is a pretty successful way to find exoplanets,

but it still has its limitations.

Mainly, if a planet doesn't pass between its star and Earth,

you're not gonna detect it.

For example, astronomers were able to find that system of 7 Earth-sized planets around

the star TRAPPIST-1 using the transit method because the planets have relatively close

orbits that just so happen to take them between their parent star and Earth.

But if they weren't lined up so perfectly, we never would have detected them.

Now we've found so many exoplanets using the transit method that it's pretty clear

that planets around other stars are really common,

at least within a few thousand light-years of Earth.

When it comes to finding planets around stars that are really far away, like, tens of thousands

of light-years, our best bet is to use gravitational microlensing.

That's where the gravity from a star with a planet orbiting it warps the light we detect

from a second star behind it.

It doesn't let us see the planet, but it lets us know it's there.

So far, we've only been able to use microlensing to find a few dozen exoplanets, because the

chances of two distant stars lining up in just the right way are incredibly low.

Still, it's the best method we have right now to find exoplanets far from Earth, and

we might even be able to use it to find some outside of the Milky Way,

in the nearby Andromeda galaxy.

With so many limitations to our exoplanet-detection methods,

we aren't going to see exoplanets around every star.

But it seems like practically every star could have them.

We used to think there were some exceptions.

For example, astronomers once thought that binary star systems weren't gravitationally

stable enough for planets to form and survive.

But then we found planets around binary stars.

Astronomers also used to think that blue giant stars, which are huge, hot, bright, and don't

stick around for very long, were too intense for planets to form around them.

The matter the planets would form from would be blown apart before it could condense.

But then we found protoplanetary disks, the disks of rock and gas and dust

that planets form from, around blue giant stars.

Whenever we think there's an environment where planets can't form,

it turns out we're wrong.

So, are there any stars out there without planets?

I mean, probably.

It's a big universe.

But based on all the exoplanets we've found in the last couple of decades, it seems like

almost every single star could have planets, and probably does.

Because of the limitations of the tools we have used thus far, and the relatively short

time we've had access to those tools, we don't yet have the most accurate picture

of the average star system in the universe.

But it has become clear that planets are a natural feature of stellar formation, they

are common, they are everywhere, and they are just waiting to be discovered.

Which is why you should subscribe to SciShow Space,

because when they are discovered, we will let you know!

Also, you might have a thing that you're thinking about doing,

maybe you're already doing it.

Would it be better if it had a website?

Well, this episode was made possible by squarespace, which is a company that makes it really quite

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[ ♪ outro ]

For more infomation >> Do Any Stars NOT Have Planets? - Duration: 5:29.



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This Cup reflects a saucer. That's right, this mug is actually a mirror that takes on

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Wow. Someone get him a megaphone!

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Mount Window Pod, the best way to suction cup your cat to the window which I think we

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Cat Paw Tea Infuser the purrfect device for a beverage that'll make you smitten as a

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The Jammer. A great way to BAMBoost fun at your job because you can do sweet moves

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you have the concentration you need, now that you know your key is hidden by feces….?

A great hiding place assuming your neighbors aren't naturally inclined to look under

your dog's business. And if you don't like your neighbors, no worries because

Ain't No Party Like a Hermit Crab Party Cause a Hermit Crab Party Is Just Me Alone


Links to all the lüt in the description below. Click here for a playlist

of more episodes of Lüt. And as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> DENDRITIC SOLIDIFICATION PUZZLES -- LÜT - Duration: 4:39.


VHS Time Capsules | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 12:35.

Mmmmmmm, Video Tapes.

Video Home System Cassettes.

These were the days when if you wanted to record something, you either relied on the

crappy timer function in your VCR or waited until the program began and finished, poised

with the record and stop buttons.

If you were fancy, you might have had VideoPlus, but WHO EVEN HAD TIME TO LOOK UP THOSE NUMBERS


Anyway, the premise of this video is a simple one.

Earlier today I popped into my garage and retrieved a bag of video tapes I've possessed

since at least the early 90s.

The content of these tapes is somewhat unknown, but my hopes were to go through each one and

perhaps find some gold standard lost footage.

Perhaps of Craig Charles Awoogering through Cyber Zone, or some dodgy late night film

I'd felt the need to record as a wretched 13 year old.

So, I'll be using my trusty Samsung SV-633B VCR for this foray into 90s eroded tape.

It's a well specified machine, with remote, video plus, Nicam stereo sound and even the

ability to playback NTSC tapes, and it seems like quite an abundant model, with various

listings available at eBay.

As you can see, there's a wide variety of tape brands, lengths and indeed labels here.

Some clearly hold films - or did at one point - such as Apollo 13 or Alien 3, whilst others

are more ambiguous.

In any case there's still opportunity for content after the labelled main event.

So hold on to your waste packets, as we begin proceedings with the first tape.

These cardboard sleeves have clearly been shuffled about over the years, but we have

a Bush HQ E180 case holding a Mitsubishi labelled "Super High Quality ENX Grade" E-120 cassette,

scribed with the film title "Nothing to Lose" recorded on Single Play...

You can't fault my teenage tape administration skills.

Playing the cassette reveals I've recorded this one over a copy of of the film Tombstone,

apparently starting a good few minutes in, and I've nabbed it directly from the old analogue

Sky Box Office, which alone induces some forgotten nostalgic feelings.

So this must have been sometime around the year 2000.

The rest of the tape just appears to be a recording of MTV, including some footage of

Cat Deeley presenting Hitlist UK.

Next up in this charming Maxell MEGA POWER TAPE box, we have another Mitsubishi label,

informing us of the Alien movie within.

Although the top label reads a rather ambiguous P'S Tape, which I apparently recorded on Long


Given the picture quality of Alien, it certainly looks like it's a long play recording, which

again seems to be followed by more MTV dross.

Thankfully this VCR has auto tracking, otherwise I could have spent an entire day on this project.

Wahey, here's one of the Mitsubishi cases, containing a Lloyds VHS with a half size Amstrad

label, devoid of content information.

This lack of content gave me high hopes of a tape jam packed with a mish mash of 90s

television... anddd, well, it's half way there.

We kick off with some Who Wants to be a Millionaire, move onto a Tommy Cooper documentary, a somewhat

disturbing scene with Ainsley Harriot... although most scenes with Ainsley Harriot are quite

disturbing, and we end up a few episodes of Red Dwarf, season 8.

Dating these recordings to most likely 1999.

So we know by this point that I've recorded a lot of sh*t.

A lot of utterly pointless sh*t.

Hopefully some of it at least by accident.

Which brings us onto this tape, completely devoid of labels, but with what appears to

be some mild mould on the tape reels.

Now, this is a mixed capsule.

We begin with some WWF footage, which given I stopped watching WWF just after Wrestlemania

VII, frankly baffles me.

I don't even know who these people are.

We then move onto The Priory, which was a celebrity chat show type thing from 1992 to


Presented by Zoe Ball and Jamie Theakston, it's safe to say that this was utter garbage.

But I appear to have let the recorder run into the night, capturing this Channel Phwoar

animation..... there's Jeremy Beadle, and there's the program shining from this lady's


What in the name of all that is good, even is this?

But all is not lost, we've got a schedule screen telling us this was recorded on Sunday

11th June 2000, and coming up is BITS!

Maybe this is what I was hoping to record at 2:30 in the morning?!

I can't actually remember watching Bits at that period in time, but for those unaware,

it's a gaming show, featuring an all female presenting team, airing from 4th June 1999

to 6th April 2001 on Channel 4.

It appeared in both this late night format and edited morning editions.


This Super Video E-180 with what appears to be the corresponding tape!

Wahey, containing the film Apollo 13.

Apollo 13 is followed by MORE god damn Music Television, and urggh, that's enough of that.

At this point my hopes were waning for some lost classic television.

I mean Bits was a good find, but you can find all the episodes online easily.

Now, this BASF chromdioxid extra Quality case filled me with hope.

You can see I've scrawled 1/2 of Jaws Revenge... wait?!


HALF of Jaws Revenge?

Who the hell records half a film?!

Man, the 90s.

What a desperate time it was for obtaining feature length movies.

There's also apparently a copy of Turtles I and "SEGA"... YES.

I have no idea what SEGA content this is referring to, but it sounded promising.


THE TAPE, turned out to be "Mum's Tape"...

"Hands Off", and yes.

It appears to contain some bizarre dramatisations which my mother had possibly decided to record

at some point in the unknown past.

Any of this ring a bell to you?

I have no idea.

I presume the tape the sleeve referred to has either been recorded over, or lost.


The labels on this next tape look like they've been through a deep fat fryer.

There's all these cryptic annotations on various tapes as well.

"TAPE: 2", a sticker of the number 2.

Clearly these meant something to me at the time, but now, I have absolutely zero idea.

This VHS has Richard Ashcroft singing "I know I'll see your face again" through a plethora

of tape deterioration and tracking lines.


Followed by yet more MTV....

I really have no idea why I recorded some much damn Music Television.

Over what was probably gold dust beforehand.

I bet a couple of slivers of Craig Charles shouting Awooga remain on these tapes, somewhere,

recorded over multiple times... along with that half copy of Jaws 2.

Such a waste.

GoldStar case next, containing another Lloyds E180 tape.

The E, by the way denotes this is the running time under the PAL/SECAM system, hence I guess

it stands for Europe.

For NTSC, you'll notice tapes would be labelled T180, as the minutes of video they can hold

who vary dependent on the system in use.

Anyway, this tape holds Alien 3, as stated on the label, along with an alien abduction

documentary and footage of the National Lottery in 1997.

If you had those numbers, you're 20 years too late mate, sorry.

There's also THE SPICE GIRLS.

Yeah boiiiii.

Alright, last tape.

What does it hold, other than Alien Resurrection.

Well, actually, it contains a Spitting Image episode, I think from 1984.

Although I also think this was a repeat which aired sometime during the 90s.

And that's about it.

We've witnessed some reasonably classic TV.

Nothing ground breaking.

Nothing that made me stand up and shout, I remember that!

Well, apart from this Stephen Hawkin advert.

Not that it's an advert FOR Stephen Hawkin.... you get what I'm saying.

So, possibly nothing to write home about, and towards the end of the 90s, In a final

hurrah, I clearly decided that anything interesting I'd recording should be covered with a nice

stream of MTV footage, almost as a big "f*ck you" to my future self.

But still, it's been a treasure hunt of adequate discovery.

and this hunt in particular has also reminded me of the tactile beauty of the VHS cassette.

They may be slow, clunky and noisy to use, but that is all part of the charm.

As is the multitude of makes, lengths, labels, quality and deterioration of each tape.

I think, just like old tape games and floppy disks, the volatility of this medium is one

of the main things which makes them compelling.

It's almost like they continue to live, breath and erode over time.

Just like we do, and it's those qualities which make these mechanical wonders feel closer

to our hearts, than perhaps an SD card would 20 years down the line.

For more infomation >> VHS Time Capsules | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 12:35.


What Will Pokemon On The Switch Be Like? - Duration: 7:54.

One of the most interesting things to come out of Nintendo's E3 conference this year

was the announcement of a main series Pokemon game coming to the Switch.

Unfortunately it's not far enough along in development for us to know anything about

it, which has left people like me lying in bed awake at night, staring at the ceiling

& furiously masterb- I mean, and wondering what the final game will be like.

So to make up for my ruined sleep schedule, let's talk about what this means for Nintendo,

what the game might look like, and what it could/should turn out to be.

Firstly, the fact that Nintendo are releasing a main console Pokemon game is extremely reassuring

to me, as someone who's been a vocal detractor of the Switch up until now.

It's widely agreed upon that the main problem with the WiiU was the lack of really good

first party games, and the idea of putting a main line Pokemon game on their newest console,

tells me that they realize that.

A main console Pokemon game is the equivalent of Nintendo going super saiyan, of busting

through the "In Case Of Diminishing Market Presence, Break Glass" cases, and of pulling

out all the stops to give the Switch the best possible chance of succeeding.

But while this game has the potential to turn the Switch into a force to be reckoned with,

that is entirely dependant on the QUALITY of that [snort] Sorry sorry, I couldn't

say that with a straight face.

No, it's been proven that people will flock in droves to spend money on even the shittiest

Pokemon games, so regardless of however good this ends up being, it will sell consoles

- and that's just a fact of life.

But of course, it would be nice if it was good, so what could Nintendo do to achieve


Well, part of the problem in answering that question, is that we don't have much of

a precedent for what a main console Pokemon game would look like, besides Pokemon Colosseum

and LOL Gale of Darkness.

And as I've discussed before, the thing that makes Pokemon Colosseum my favorite Pokemon

game is that it is so different to anything else in the series, that almost no part of

it adheres to the basic formula they've recycling for the last 20 years.

You play as a criminal who goes around stealing other people's Pokemon!

You ride around on a badass hoverbike through the world of Mad Max!

There's an explosion in the first five seconds of the game, and I guarantee you've never

seen that shit before!

So the main thing I want from this new Pokemon game is for it to do something similar.

I want for it to take takes risks and do things differently, to give the classic formula a

good hard smack to get it moving, like when my girlfriend refuses to make me food.

I mean, keep in mind the level of hardware we're dealing with now.

Sure, the current turn based system was all the original Gameboy games could handle, and

even though the 3DS has 20 billion times more power than the Gameboy, even it's limited

in what it can realistically do.

I mean hell, Game Freak can barely keep the games we have now from lagging down to PowerPoint

level framerates.

But, the Switch is the same console that can handle something as huge as Breath of the


Imagine what you could do with power like that!

First and most immediately obvious, place Pokemon in the overworld itself instead of

relegating them to the random encounter system.

The biggest problems in the way of doing that previously were A: Having a world big enough

to physically contain all the Pokemon, which wouldn't be a problem for the Switch, and

B: having to model and animate all the Pokemon you want to include, which also is not longer

an issue, because the models GameFreak made for X&Y were designed to be future proof,

with source assets that are much higher quality than the ones we see in the 3DS games, so

that's pretty much already done.

I mean don't get me wrong, this would still be a herculean feat to accomplish, but the

two biggest factors that could prevent it are no longer a problem.

You've got the hardware, and you've got the models.

Well, I say the two biggest issues have been overcome, but there's actually a third one.

Nintendo itself.

You see, this hypothetical game couldn't be on the 3DS, and I don't think Nintendo

is ready to abandon the 3DS yet.

Personally, as time goes on I see Nintendo abandoning the the 3DS altogether and just

merging their traditional 2 consoles together.

But at the moment, even if every person who currently owns a 3DS went out and bought a

Switch to play Pokemon on, you would still need to sell at least 5x the current number

of Switch's before GameFreak would see the level of profit that could be made by keeping

it on the 3DS.

So that could mean a couple of things.

1: (and probably the best outcome in my opinion) Nintendo and GameFreak will make a huge Switch

exclusive Pokemon game and consider it a loss leader, thereby ignoring the extra money they

could've made in order to sell more Switch's which will hopefully make them more money

in the future, or 2: they'll make a relatively small Switch exclusive game, something along

the lines of Pokemon Colosseum and release something else for the 3DS that same year,

which I could potentially get behind, or 3: They'll make something that's cross platform

for both the 3DS and Switch, which would undoubtedly be the worst outcome.

As I said before, I want something new and interesting to light a fire up the ass of

this franchise, and what absolutely won't do that is another Sun and Moon style game

that's a bit shinier; which if it was also going to be on the 3DS's limited hardware,

is exactly what it would have to be.

As to what Nintendo will actually do?

Noooo idea.

With one or two notable exceptions, Pokemon has always been a very "play it safe"


I mean, you can look at Red and Blue and Sun and Moon footage side by side, and aside from

one being a bit prettier, nothing has changed!

But at the same time, with games like Breath of the Wild, Nintendo have proven that they

do have a spine after all, and have been showing off a willingness to take risks, and surprise

surprise, people like it when you do that!

So time will tell what Nintendo ends up doing.

Whether they elect to stay in the late 90s, or move forward with confidence into the future.

[Copyright takedown] Oh well, that probably answers that.

Hey, did you know I have a second channel where you can waste even more of your limited

days on this Earth?

It's true!

I upload vlogs, let's plays, and whatever the hell else has caught my 5 second attention


So go check that out over on Syy Live - link below.

And finally, I wanna give a very special thank you to my Patreon patrons, including: Isaiah

Christou, Sawsbucky, Forgotten Paladin, Ludwig, Magaline, Mythnut, and Sol.

Thank you all for watching, and I'll see you guys, next time.


For more infomation >> What Will Pokemon On The Switch Be Like? - Duration: 7:54.


New Feature Release: Create New Project & Project Templates - Duration: 4:46.

Hey everybody! Andrew here. So we recently released the ability to create and copy

your own projects. Pretty cool. I just wanted to show you how it worked.

Here it goes! If you go to settings, project settings, you'll notice now

there's a button up at the top: "Create New Project". Alright, let's go ahead and

click it.

Alright and this is the new page. From here you have two options:

You can either copy one of your current projects or you can create a

brand new one. We'll go ahead and go over copying a project first. I'll click

there. You'll see a list of all the current projects you have. So you just

choose the one you want to copy. So go ahead and click this one.

From here all you have to do is give it a new name, go through and approve the

charges. So it's a $50 charge for copying the project and you are also

able to request a project manager's assistance. It's an extra $150

So total is $200. You can either accept this or not. This is optional. This one is mandatory.

So going down, what would you like to copy over.

This is actually a really cool feature. What we've done is we've

created the ability to clone current projects. So that means we're

copying everything, so forms, emails, time units, etc . This even includes user

information. So your users enter in first names, last names, emails, addresses,

the answers to questions. All that stuff you can copy over into the new

project. So pretty cool. You would just turn this on or off

depending on if you want to keep it or not.

Then click create new project. And that'd be it.

Now let's say you don't want to clone a project you already have

for maybe a new registration cycle would be a common use for that. Let's say

instead you want to create a new thing. So this is the new interface

for it. So all you do first is just figure out

you know what kind of project is it going to be? Find the one that

best describes it and if you find one here that doesn't describe what you

would like to create, just let know know and we're happy

to incorporate feedback. I'll go ahead and say an event.

Ok from here, who's registering. So remember, we can have individual systems

where one person creates one account, one profile. Or we can have group systems

where one person goes in and creates multiple profiles for people.

Go through click what you want. So we'll say group.

If you'll be accepting orders, so things with costs, then you can decide whether

that's true or not. I'll go ahead and say I am. From here, we have two different

ways you can take payments. We recommend doing a payment issued for each profile.

O you could also have one big payment made for all the profiles at once.

So, two different ways of doing it. We'll go and click this one.

From here, we'll go ahead and scroll down a little bit. You can see that there's

multiple different types. You can go through, read a little bit about

each new template that you would have access to. Feel free to try it out!

There is a "Try it out" button. There it is!

Feel free to you to create a test user account , see how it goes and see if you like it.

Once you say, hey this looks good.

Just click select. And then same deal as last time,

give the project a name up here. Make sure to approve the $50 charge ,and if you

would like a Project Manager to help, just click yes. Click "Create Project".

And that's it!

Okay well I hope you found this helpful. If you have any questions, just reach

out to Have a good one!

For more infomation >> New Feature Release: Create New Project & Project Templates - Duration: 4:46.


Samantha Hot PhotoShoot For JFW-Magazine HD Photos - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Samantha Hot PhotoShoot For JFW-Magazine HD Photos - Duration: 1:11.


Create a polka dot pattern in Illustrator - Duration: 3:15.

Hello! I'm Cristina from Elan Creative Co. Welcome to my Illustrator for

Beginners series. Today, I want to show you how to create a polka dot pattern

and how to use the pattern making tool. Before we get started, please make sure

that the swatches panel is open. We are going to need this later. If you can't see

it, go to Windows > Swatches to activate it. Now let's draw a polka dot. I'm going to

use the Ellipse tool. Hold down the Shift key while you draw to create a perfect

circle. I'm going to change the fill color to this dark purple and remove

the stroke. You don't have to worry about colors right now because you can always

change them later. So make sure the polka dot is still selected and go to

Object > Pattern > Make. This will open up the pattern making tool. So let's give

this pattern a new name. I'm going to call it Polka Dots. By default, the

polka dots are arranged in a grid but we can change the tile type. There are four

other tile types you can choose from. My favorite is hex by column. So um those

are a little bit too close to each other but we can change the spacing. Just make

sure the Size Tile to Art box is checked and enter a value. I'm going to use half

an inch because the polka dots are pretty big. That looks perfect! So when you are happy

with the pattern just click Done to save it. You can delete this polka dot. So as

you can see, the polka dot pattern will appear here in the

Swatches panel. Adobe Illustrator pattern scratches work just like color

swatches so you can use it with the Brush tool or with the Type tool or you

can apply them to your artwork. Just click on thr polka dot pattern to select it

and let's apply it to a shape. So this is it. This is your polka dot

background. Now let's try to change the color. So make sure the background is

selected and go to the swatches panel. Double-click on the polka dot button. This

will take you back to the pattern making tool. So using the Selection tool, select

the polka dot in the middle. Now you can choose a new color from the swatches

panel or you can use the color picker. Okay this is perfect. Just

click Done to save it again. Now one last thing, let's try to make the dots a

little bit smaller. You can use the Scale tool for that or just go to Object >

Transform > Scale. It will bring up the scale menu. So make sure that only Transform

Pattern is selected. You can enter a value here or use the arrow keys to make

it smaller or larger. Since this is a vector pattern you can also make the

polka dots larger than the original polka dot. So I'm going to make it smaller.

Let's say 50%. Okay this is perfect! So there you have it. This is your very

first polka dot pattern. Thank you so much for watching. Visit my blog for

more Illustrator and Photoshop tutorials. And if you enjoyed this video please

like, share, and subscribe. More tutorials are coming soon!

For more infomation >> Create a polka dot pattern in Illustrator - Duration: 3:15.


Market Opportunity: GCC - Duration: 3:22.

[Upbeat, Middle Eastern music starts.]

Andrew Maharaj: The GCC is comprised of six different markets.

United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman.

Together the region has about 50 million people...

...and it's growing at a rate of 2.5% on average every year.

The GDP per capita is amongst the highest in the world.

[Modern Middle Eastern music starts.] My name is Andrew Maharaj and I am the regional agriculture counsellor for...

...Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, based in Dubai. There's a lot of purchasing power.

It's a very young population. I think most of the population is their late twenties, early thirties.

They have often, you know, studied abroad, and they have western tastes.

The six GCC countries import about 80% of their food needs.

Going away from this idea of self-sufficiency, they're phasing that out because of scarce resources.

So that opens up new opportunities for Canadian exports on the primary side.

Most of the trade that we do to the Middle East is...

...pulses, canola, and then wheat.

They understand the quality of Canadian primary commodities, so it's not a market that we need to develop so much...

...we just need to be present in servicing the customers that we have.

We can get a lot of our nice niche products: maple syrup, honeys...

...fresh fruit like cherries and blueberries, products like beef, for example. We have very good beef in Canada.

Great production. We need more halal production in beef to satisfy the needs of this market.

Halal production is something that's new in Canada. We have some halal production...

...but not nearly enough to satisfy the Muslim world.

There's a growing demand there for high quality halal products, and so that's a big opportunity...

...but they need to be aware of what the regulations are and how to get their products ready for export to that market.

[Upbeat music begins.] One thing Canada does really, really well is niche, healthy products...

...and this is a huge trend in the GCC, so a lot of people are turning towards things like gluten free..., low calorie. If we can get some of those types of producs, where we do an incredible job producing...

...we have a huge potential market

The GCC countries are really working hard... implement regulations that address some very important challenges.

Things like legitimizing halal, ensuring product labelling meets the needs of the local market.

A lot of companies are not used to Arabic labeling on products, but it's a must for the GCC.

Production and expiry dates on products as opposed to just "Best Before".

So these are adjustments that they need to make for their products.

They also have to understand the business culture in the GCC.

You can't just do business from Canada, you've got to be in the market. You've got to build relationships with your importers...

...if you want to be successful. Join the mission! There are missions coming into Dubai, and it's not just for Dubai, they'll visit other areas in the region.

It's a great opportunity to come in and do some business meetings, explore the market.

We also do promotional events where you can do tabletops and display your products to chefs or importers.

We are the source for qualified contacts.

We make the introductions, and you take the conversation further once we make those introductions.

We're there to support with any follow-up, and help support Canadian companies that want to target the market there.

The companies are very passionate about what they do...

...and I love just learning from them. Learning about what makes their product unique, and how they got into making the products that they're making...

...and it gives me great gratification to introduce them to new opportunities in the market and see them take those forward into success stories.

[Upbeat music continues.]

[Upbeat music fades out.]

For more infomation >> Market Opportunity: GCC - Duration: 3:22.


Sobre Nós, Sobre Elas! - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Sobre Nós, Sobre Elas! - Duration: 1:31.


Will Miles Morales Join the MCU? - Letters to July 11 #WithCaptions - Duration: 2:21.

Dear July, We need to talk about Spider-Man.


So First of all, Spider-man: Homecoming was

a great movie and I really enjoyed it.

It was just kind of a typical Marvel movie, which is not really a good or bad thing, but

it does allow me to talk about my favorite character who was set-up by this movie: Miles Morales!

For those of you who don't know Miles Morales is Spider-Man (in the ultimate universe and

then some stuff happens and it's complicated), but as we know the Marvel Cinematic Universe

is its own alternate universe that is unaffected by what is happening in the comics and can

do whatever it wants.

Spider-man: Homecoming does not include Miles Morales directly, but it does allude to him

through including a character named Aaron Davis played by Donald Glover.

Warning: incoming spoiler Donald Glover's character is a criminal trying

to buy weapons from the Vulture that don't draw attention to himself.

This is important because Aaron Davis has an alias, he is a burglar who goes by the name "The Prowler".

In the comics, The Prowler breaks into and steals from Oscorp.

Yeah, that's right, Oscorp - that place full of weird scientists that perform experiments

on Spiders and keep turning out to be evil.

While he is stealing from them a spider crawls into his duffel bag without him noticing (sidenote:

that is one of my biggest fears).

Now, in the movie, Aaron Davis mentions that despite the fact that he is buying weapons

he doesn't want these weapons in this neighborhood.

He says that this is because he has a nephew that lives in the neighborhood.

And who is Aaron Davis' nephew?

None other than Miles FREAKING Morales - who gets bitten by the spider that crawled into

Davis' bag while he was stealing from Oscorp and becomes a new, and second, Spider-man.

Also, one of my biggest fears. Please stay away spiders.

This movie has given us the opportunity to see more of Donald Glover in the MCU (fans

rejoice) and gives the possibility of having a new Spider-man in the MCU in just a few

years that is not the same Spider-man that we've gotten to see in the past three franchises.

And I am excited.

Love, Katrina Post-Script: Please subscribe if you want

to see new videos of mine where I will probably fangirl about something else, you can watch

another video of mine - like that one where I was talking about Ms.Marvel and Traditional

beauty standards, and if you want to see every video I make a day early you can support me

on Patreon.

And, hey, I love you.

For more infomation >> Will Miles Morales Join the MCU? - Letters to July 11 #WithCaptions - Duration: 2:21.


Pork Soda - Meme MidnightGA - Duration: 0:49.

I figured sense this intro is 8 seconds long

That I would give the font a little wiggle wiggle

I didn't even bother animating the guys name in lol

I wanted to glitch it in, but holly hell they are hard in AE


Finally some action! But maybe I should have toned down the background just a bit...

When I first tried the 3d effect I had a white layer in the middle of the red and blue.

Almost posted it that way too. But then I watched TINYSPORT's and it just hit me

GRAAAAAAH! She screams, trying to compete with all those other crazy interesting OCs

I could have made her seem more interesting but the original plan was simplicity.

I was pretty much done with the animation and art within 2 days

But it was AE that really took the other two weeks.

Random fact, that pineapple was never eaten. qq rip

I got the background style idea from the Better Call Saul intros.

During the animation process I accidentally made my own order of sequence for the meme

I ended up liking it way more then the way everyone else was doing it

So half is how they did it and the second half is how I did it. Spices things up anyways

Dats me

Low key stole that pineapple design from google images, it was so pretty

I had to draw the fade out by individual frames. And I had to re-due them 2 times >.<

You couldn't tell before but the eyes are so off center now.

I did that on purpose because the picture before would look off center if the eyes were in the middle.

Want to say a quick thanks to my one and only Patreon, Knightmare

Figures someone named Midnight would be friends with a Knightmare

For more infomation >> Pork Soda - Meme MidnightGA - Duration: 0:49.


BZZHOUND - Vomitando Flow Ft Lalo Ebratt - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> BZZHOUND - Vomitando Flow Ft Lalo Ebratt - Duration: 3:32.


Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017 - Duration: 2:45.

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

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