Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

Dream A Little Dream Of Me Ukulele Cover


Stars shining bright above you

Night breezes seem to whisper I love you

Birds singing in the sycamore tree

Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me

Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me

While I'm alone and blue as can be

Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on, dear

Still craving your kiss

I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear

Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you

Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you

But in your dreams whatever they be

Dream a little dream of me


For more infomation >> Dream A Little Dream Of Me Ukulele Cover by Asia Anastasia - Duration: 2:47.




by M M


We find ourselves at a critical time in history, on the brink of self-destruction, yet under

the spell of so many lies, illusions and false realities.

A survey of the actors on stage reveals the shocking truth that so many of the would-be-could-be

change-makers out there are absent, sidelined, and simply not present or available for action

when we need them most.

Instead, so many of us are totally engrossed in entertainment-based lifestyles, substituting

games, fantasies and phony arenas for the drama and achievement of real life.

Where are all the young warriors and radicals out there who won�t stand for the abuse,

oppression, surveillance, tyranny, and debt slavery being handed down by older generations?

And why do so many young people seem to care not at all about world events, the quality

of government, or the future of our society and culture?

It really is no accident that so many are too pre-occupied to �occupy,� for after

all, we do live in the matrix, a sort of glorified hamster cage for the human race, where controlling

interests pre-design our lives by entrapping us with pre-set choices, all the while cutting

off exit-strategies for those who�d rather opt-out.

Work, consume, obey� and have fun! That�s our life�s mission, so we�re told.

Lifestyle is a major appeal of the matrix, and while the financial component of this

prison keeps us all hustling 40+ hours a week for fiat money, it is the entertainment industrial

complex that successfully claims ownership of the rest of our time and energy.

Dealing in distraction and misplaced priorities, entertainment is big business. Huge. It steals

time, energy, money, and values, keeping us too busy and too uninformed to challenge the

elite architects of our Brave New World.

It wants you to organize your life around their offerings of circuses and cake, aiming

to short-circuit your survival instincts and your natural drive for conquest, achievement

and adventure.

It wants as many of us as possible to remain complacent and compliant, to be nothing but

worker-bots without the drive, reason or time to revolt, and no interest whatsoever in pursuits

of the mind and spirit.

With so much absent-minded pressure to conform, is it possible that you�ve already become

a tool for the entertainment industrial complex?

Are you ignoring the big questions in life, remaining neutral and apathetic to the great

challenges we all face? Here are some sure signs that this is indeed the case.

1.) You�ve mistaken sports for actual warfare. The natural human male drive for conquest

and plunder has been co-opted by televised team sports, and people take it so seriously

that sports riots are a growing form of civil unrest.

2.) Your speech is largely comprised of movie and television quotes, therefore, you can

only communicate with others who share your devotion to sitting on your duff watching


�Sitting in front of a big screen, watching life go by. You want to be like what you see,

every time you close your eyes.� � Ziggy Marley

3.) Instead of building an interesting and real life, you invest much of your time in

video games, creating avatars of yourself to digitally co-mingle with other avatars,

supplanting real experience with digitized fantasy.

�Video games have become the black market of male achievement.� � Stefan Molyneaux

4.) You�ve become a partying machine, placing top stock on your ability to get crunk and

high. Nothing is more important to you than rocking out with your friends, raving and

filling you head with booze, drugs and tunes.

If someone speaks up about the world, you shut them down by calling them a �Debbie

Downer,� for there is nothing more important than being lit and having fun.

5.) You find nothing unnatural or uncomfortable with the fact you�d rather hide out in your

porn dungeon, pleasuring yourself with the internet�s vast collection of pornography

than you would in pursuing real, physical relationships.

6.) You�re willing to finance your entertainment lifestyle, cheerily leaning on credit cards

to keep the good times flowing. Whatever it takes.

7.) You�re hopelessly hooked on smartphones and sweet apps, always carrying yourself about

with �text-neck,� living in a permanent blind-spot, never noticing your surroundings,

chasing Pokemons, or whatever.

8.) You�re even slightly concerned about happenings in the lives of celebrities, worshipping

their tailored looks and crafted public images, as if you too can someday participate in their

lavish, pampered lifestyles.

You can�t identify important historical figures, but you know all the current pop-stars

and trend-setters.

9.) You find yourself using entertainment as a coping technique for enduring a hated

job you settle for and a life you can�t stand. Entertainment is a survival mechanism

that fills a void in your life.

Final Thoughts

To be a tool for the entertainment industrial complex means that you are a non-combatant

in the war for consciousness, and a non-threat to the powers that be.

These tools are everywhere nowadays, engrossed in performing tricks and getting their kicks.

If any of this applies to you, then you�re missing out on the great adventure of your

life, and you�re way behind the curve in the revolution of human consciousness.

The world around us screams for the attention of brave, heartful people. Are you ready to

get in on

this game?



Q&A 20 + Weird Messages (January, 2017 - June, 2017) - Duration: 12:00.

Hi everyone! I thought I'd answer some more of your

questions and read back weird messages. Be sure to check the

description to go to specific questions if needed. Also, this

will be my last Q&A. I've had 20 videos of this series, and it's

finally time to retire it. What better way than to end on a

nice even number.

What is your blood type?

I honestly do not know. All I know is that mosquitos get all

over me in warm weather. I go outside for a minute and will

have like three or four bites all over me.

what is your secret to keep a nice hair

I wash it once a week. I brush it and get all the knots out.

And, I make sure that I put it up when I sleep. I put it up in

a cap. Other than that, there are no other secret techniques

that I use.

Have you ever considered writing a memoir?

I say it so weird. Maybe one day, though not now.

How do you strengthen your spirituality after no longer

believing in religion?

It depends on what you believe. Spirituality and religion can go

hand-in-hand, or be entirely separate. First you must

understand what you truly believe, if you believe

anything, and then proceed from there and just stand

by what you believe.

when visualising, how does one know when something is not meant

to be manifested ? perhaps the universe has not intended

it for you etc

This is a tricky one since each of us can manifest things into

our lives by focusing on it. Many times it's hidden doubt in

our mind that deters us. We may want something, but that want

turns into manifesting want. If there is something you desire

and you are trying too hard, that may be another problem.

Things will happen at their own pace, and if something doesn't

come into your life, and it's not meant to be, you can learn

to move on from that.

I am being harassed by someone from work, they made a fake

Facebook profile is there any way of finding out who this

person is? Will you please help me?

I don't know your situation personally, but if someone is

harassing you at work and have made a fake account of you, then

it may follow that the person harassing you from work is the

one who made it. You can confront this person at work and

report the profile to Facebook as a fake account of yours. See

where it goes from there, and if they continue, you can further

report them to your employer.

I just recently found out I have PTSD. I don't know how to go

about telling my family and having them understand how

difficult it can be, do you have any advice?

Your family should accept you no matter what. With that being

said, however, that doesn't mean that they will understand. So,

that's the place to start, to realize that your family will

not really understand your struggles and how difficult it

is for you. Set them aside for a little bit and explain your

situation. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

I am 36 and I struggle some of the same conditions you had but

you seem to got better a lot. What did help you getting into

one person the most? Pills or talk?

I have been able to overcome my struggles and obstacles in my

life through therapy, talking, self-discovery,

self-improvement, dedication and commitment. I understood the

problems I had, got to the root of the issues, almost all of

which came from a childhood that I blocked out, and worked on

them one at a time, despite how difficult it was. There have

been many people who have criticized me for not taking

medication as well as my ability to overcome my issues. Some

people argue that it's impossible to overcome the

mental struggles I was faced with, saying that you have it

for your entire life and there is no cure. These people are

often the ones who are on medication and are perhaps

jealous that I was able to overcome the problems without

pills. It's clear they have a pessimistic focus on life, which

is ultimately what inhibits them from healing properly. Many

people cannot face the past and give up too early. Others may

want an easy way out by not working at all to resolve the

issues, but instead treat the symptoms by taking psychotropic

medications that numb the pain. While I have been a big opponent

of psychiatric medication, especially SSRI drugs and

medication for children, I understand that it does help

some people. My belief is that if you are taking medication,

working on yourself and the issues you are experiencing, and

the end goal is to be healthy and healed, free from the drugs,

then your intention is positive and you are looking ahead. But

if you give in and don't bother trying, this shows a pessimistic

attitude which will deter you from healing.

How did you first see you had other personalities?

I first became aware around the time I transitioned, when all

the repressed memories came pouring back into my mind and

I became aware of my issues. When I recognized these altered

states, I realized that they have always been there to some

degree. After some time, I managed to heal the core of my

being, which ultimately lead to the healing of all these aspects

of myself that were created. I do not remember the specific

times I created these different personalities, but they formed

due to past events that made me create them in some way for a

particular purpose.

Do you think is wrong for someone to like being man and

like women but at the same time love expressing his female

persoa in the fullest?

No matter how you express yourself, you should be free to

do as you please. If you are a male, and like women, then by

all means express that female side. We all have this male and

female side to us, and we all express it in different ways,

it's healthy. But, it becomes unhealthy when one resists and

denies an aspect of themselves.

I was wondering if you have any advice around the topic

of transitioning at work.

I've not personally been in this situation, so the advice I can

give will be limited. Sometimes you don't need to announce

anything, and I would personally advise against that. If you are

taking hormones and are changing, people will notice a

change with you, and most will probably not question it. For

people who do, just say it's none of their concern if you

don't wish to share. After enough change, and presenting

yourself as the opposite gender, you may ask people to refer to

you as the opposite gender's pronouns. Some people may be

reluctant to do so, but others will be happy to make you

feel better.

My partner just had her surgery and sometimes dilation is

difficult. It can take 20 minutes to get to the correct

depth. Did this happen to you? Does it get easier?

Right after surgery this is common. Years after surgery,

however, it usually doesn't take that long to get to the correct

depth. It does get easier. I was consistent with dilation for a

while, and I lost depth. But now, I can get it to the same

spot each time. It's not pain-free, and I'm doing it

three times a week, but it is easier and I worry less about

losing depth.

Weird message time. The first is:

You look like you lost your virginity

What doesn't losing virginity look like? What?

you might try to be young but your voice says it all

you are old

Old, bold, and made of mold.

are she a cyborg?

I know I keep saying this, but you humans are so odd.

I bet your breath smells like crayons.

How did I get here from GTA money glitches

Yellow!!! Expect a lot of glances at ya fringe then

What? What?

It's like her teeth don't fit in her mouth.

Tell me about it! I am always biting my lips and cheeks.

So annoying.

trannies always have yellow teeth

That's because trannies love sucking on bananas. Yes! Yes!

you only brush your top teeth is that a goth thing what the fuck

it looks like she accidentally shaved off her eyebrows and

tried to draw them back on with a sharpie marker...

Oh, it was no accident.

Not to be rude but her eyebrows look like whips

[Whip Sound]

your eyebrows are lying to me right now. explain?

what happened to your eyebrows? not natural looking at all. let

the natural eyebrows grow! are you a man?

I'm over here trying to eat ice cream and I lost my appetite

because of that damn makeup

Holly fuck. U should weigh yourself before and after you

put on your make up lady!

This is not MTF this is MTE.

Male to Elvira mistress of the dark.

How do we know the children identify as children? Or people

for that matter? This story is offensive to me, as an 874 year

old crocodile.

Same! Your comment is offensive to me as a trans-species hermit

crab that is 9 days old living in space,

orbiting around Saturn.

I identify as a neighborhood walmart, and anyone that

challenges that is a bigot and a multi-planaristic sexist.

I know a girl, oh I mean wave that sexually identifies as a

tsunami! When she squirts sharks and squid wash up all over the

beach! #SURFSUP

I find this difficult, but not imposible to masturbate to

I nutted 4 times at the sexual alter

Oh my gosh, your balls must be empty.

Michael Jackson is still alive?

>> Michael: Hee-hee-hee!

>> Autumn: Michael?

>> Michael: Yes. It's Michael Jackson.

No, that's ignorant. You're being ignorant. Hee-hee!

People are just ignorant.

>> Michael: I'm not afraid to say it.

Billie Jean is the root of all evil. That's what I see.

Well back in 1979 I got sex. I slept on the floor. I could

never do something like that. I could do something like that.

It's people with a dirty mind that think like that.

>> Autumn: Michael Jackson is still alive.

Michael Jackson is still alive.

Just kidding. He's dead.

>> Michael: No, that's ignorant. People are just ignorant and

they lie and spread rumors about me. Like, that I'm dead.

But if I was dead, how could I do this? Hoo!

For more infomation >> Q&A 20 + Weird Messages (January, 2017 - June, 2017) - Duration: 12:00.


Song of Phoenix (思美人) - Episode 27 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 46:06.

Subtitles and Timing brought to you by The Gone with the Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ The far and long roads, the man I miss is at a distant place ♫

♫ Seeking the truth in heaven and on earth, opening up the words deep in my heart, not looking back ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, if one's heart could be fragrant ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, desolate like the moon ♫

♫ I worry, when can I appreciate the grasses and flowers with a beautiful woman ♫

♫ The ancient people didn't have time to leave some Yimoxiang (a type of plant) ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, heart becoming fragrant on its own ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, fragrant dreams ♫

♫ The whole world is drunk, one's whole life just follows the blue water ♫

♫ I'll drive and go away for an adventure, flying as I want to in the nine skies ♫

Song of Phoenix

Episode 27

As long as I really love it, even if I die for it, I won't regret it. - Li Sao (The Grievances), by Qu Yuan

Not following orders while on the battlefield,

you deserve a beating!

Delaying and disrespectful, just being passive in facing one's battle,

you deserve a beating!

Deserting your troops and putting down your sword, not adhering to proper military conduct,

you deserve a beating!

You kneel here and think properly

over these three beatings!


Let's go back.

The King was so cruel.

Royal Father doesn't love me at all!

Ji'er! You're not allowed to talk about your Royal Father that way!

That was always the truth.

As a prince, you committed three wrongs in a row!

If he didn't hit you, how can he convince everyone to follow him?

Then Bai Qi shouldn't have talked to me like that.

What does he count as?

Then why weren't you included in the warrior squad?

Greetings, Your Majesty.

Royal Father.

Later, put this on him.

Ji'er, don't say that you are just one little soldier.

Even if you become the King one day,

you still must treat every soldier well.

You must remember. This world was created with their help.

Zhao Bixia. Thank you for these last few days.

You've worked hard.

I'm going to the library. You should rest early too.

Ling Jun!

When are you going to war?

Probably very soon.

Be more careful. You don't know how to fight.

You must not force yourself on the battlefield.

You must remember to be careful!

Chu and Qin were initially countries bound by marriage.

We had no wars for many years!

But now, the Qin country publicly caused trouble

and insulted our country's mighty reputation.

If we don't eliminate these Qins, it's hard to get rid of this anger in our hearts!

If we don't eliminate these Qins, it's hard to get rid of this anger in our hearts!

Guan Zhong of Qi previously said, (T/N Prime Minister 685 BCE, "balancing the light with heavy" fiscal policy )

"Use military code in internal government affairs."

"Prioritize in resisting and being victorious over one's enemies,

there will then be an honest and enlightened internal government afterwards."

Since the past Chancellor died,

I haven't appointed a successor.

Now, the war is ahead of us.

We cannot hold off naming the Chancellor anymore!

The Fortieth King of the State of Chu, Xiong Huai,

names Zhao He as the Chancellor of the State of Chu!

Asking Zhao He to be Chu's chancellor.

I am willing to die a thousand times for Chu!

Internal affairs and military matters: my country, I am now entrusting it to you two.

We will surely work together to resist the Qins and bring prosperity to our country!

Work together to resist the Qin! Bring prosperity to the country!

Excuse me. Let us through.

Everyone! Our state will be going to war with the State of Chu!

Big Sister, it's him.

The Qin went over our borders and murdered our citizens.

Qu You?

We cannot let this go so easily!

Master, we're going to war?

Going to war?

If you're a man, then step forward! Let us pick up our weapons

and drive the Qin dogs from our territory!

It's still more comfortable to stay at home.

Everyone! You all have land to farm, and food to eat.

If war breaks out,

all you have will be gone just like that.

Do you want to wait here

for the Qin people to kill your family?

What do we do?

He's right.

Everyone, everyone!

this soldier is right.

Back when I passed a small mountain village on the way here,

I personally watched the Qin soldiers loot and kill!

They aren't humans. They're dogs, they're wolves!

After they attacked the village,

there was no one left alive!

Even an infant wasn't spared!

They're not human!

Those despicable Qin dogs!

What do we do, Master?

I never imagined there'd be monsters like that in this world!

I-I-If they ran into me, I-I-I would d-d-definitely...

Hey, Liu Wai Zui. A person like you wants to go fight in battle?

Little Qing'er, don't just see that I can't speak well.

I am great at killing the enemy!

You only can bully us.

If in trouble aren't you the one who will run the fastest?


Y-y-y-you stop starting rumors.

Then sign up for it and let us see.

Who doesn't know how to talk about it. You must show us. Right?

Sign up!

Sign up!

You can't.

Are you scared?

Yes! Sign up!

I'm signing up for it!

He signed up for it!

You're signed up. Brave!

You can't! - I will. Sir, I will sign up!

You say that you're not afraid of the Qin people, right?


Everyone, look! Even Liu Wai Zui signed up. What about you?

Then, are you going to lose to someone we look down on?

I'm signing up for it!

Soldier, it's a misunderstanding.

I, don't...

Master, going into war, you will lose your life.

Master, going to war is not a joke. What will happen if you lose your life?

I-Isn't it all because of that girl. She forced me.

Didn't he say one man must come from each family?

Can't we just find a male from our house to take my place?

-Yes yes yes! -Right right?

-Yes yes yes! -Doesn't that make sense?

Why don't you go? Look at your body. It's good.

Master, listen, I'm not made out for the army.

It's okay, your body is much stronger then mine.

By the way, those who signed up must attend!

You can't back away.

If there are substitutes discovered,

according to Chu law, the entire family will be killed!

Master, now I can't help you.

My mouth. My mouth.

I must have owed something my previous life.

Master, let me tell you something.

In war, everyone will go forward, then why don't you go backward?

The ones in front will be killed, in the back the lives will be saved.

M-my life is the small matter now!

I have so much land and many houses!

Don't worry, I will take care of it for you.

Not even a little piece of farm will be lost.


Okay, okay, relax.

My money!

I'll watch it for you.

Yi'er, is the medicine ready?


Where's Father?

Inside and coughing.

Father! Father!

Father, here.

Are you okay, Father?

Old problems. It'll be fine in a few days?

Father, how about we get a doctor to see you?

Did General Qu come to draft soldiers today?

I just knew that with the war between Chu and Qin,

they don't have enough people. They won't not come.


Father, the medicine is ready.

Father, drink the medicine.

Careful. It's hot.

Do you hate me?

Last time we stood here was before you went to Quan County.

In the blink of an eye, it's been so long already.

You changed Quan County.

I need to thank you.

Does Your Majesty truly believe Quan County changed?

Removing the offering money, decreasing the land taxes, punishing the bullies, isn't that enough?

As I see it, these are just small repairs.

Do you really intend to flip my State of Chu upside down?

I wish it could be like that.

I often come here to look at Yingdu and Quan County.

I look as far as I can.

I really love the mountains and seas of the State of Chu.

I really want to become a bird.

I can fly to farther and higher places.

I can see the mountains, rivers, and forests of my State of Chu.

If Your Majesty really became a bird,

then the bird shall be named "Chu Hun".

Chu Hun?

A good name. A good name!

Ling Jun, are you willing to become a bird with me?

I am not willing to become a bird, because birds fly too high.

I just want to become the dust,

and the rivers and merge with Chu's streams and mountains.

You love the State of Chu more than I do.

In that direction is the State of Qin.

Ling Jun,

promise me, you must come back alive.

Stop right there!

You want to become a deserter, huh?

Did you get tired of living?

I don't even have enough food to eat, why become a soldier?

Stop! Stop!


Move out!

Your Highness! Your Highness!

This boy, he has some ability.

Everyone catch him!

Your Highness, are you okay?

Everyone stop!

Why are you capturing him?

General, this person is a escaped prisoner. He even ran into Her Highness' carriage just now!

What ability is it that so many of you are capturing one of him?

You like buns?

If you do then, follow me. You'll get as many as you want.

That will depend on your ability.

How ridiculous! You dare to be rude to General Qu?


I lost. You can go.

The General just refused to hurt me. When it comes to martial arts,

When it comes to martial arts, I am not better than you.

From now on, I am willing to work for you!

I will listen to your orders!

Okay. What is your name?

-Zhuang Qiao! -Zhuang Qiao?

Who is he?

A few days ago, I saw a notice in the market.

These are prisoners taken from the prisons to join the army.

Your Highness, are we still going to the Grand Adviser's home today?


Go back.

- There is news? - What is it?

Concubine Tian Ji wants me to sneak into General Qu's army.

I'm supposed to follow him out to battle.

Big Brother, weapons have no eyes. You must be careful.

You don't need to worry about me, but you need to be careful.

You must take good care of Tian Ji.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Composing the Poem, "Hymn to the Fallen"

Composing 'Hymn to the Fallen"

♫ There's a heavy downpour outside the city. Flowers beaten down by the raindrops completely covered the soil. ♫

"Carrying a long sword by my waist, holding the bows made by the Qins."

"Even if the body and the head have separated, one's lofty ideals are unchanging."

"Although the body has died, the spirit lives on forever."

"Resolute mind and spirit, heroic ghosts worthy of excellence."

Resolute mind and spirit, heroic ghosts worthy of excellence.

♫ With the moon, I ask my love, "When will you fulfill your date of return?" ♫

♫ The boat I ride floats ♫

♫ causing ripples ♫

♫ The lingering zither sound cuts the horizon ♫

♫ Vermilion lips, longing for an old friend ♫

♫ One yearning used up the drying candle ♫

♫ Horse-hoof sounds accompany you when you stepped into troubled times of the past ♫

♫ That destiny is quite faint, makes one hard to sleep ♫

♫ The other bank is bright purple and red ♫

♫ Sending off the autumn wind with a worried look ♫

♫ Vermilion lips, sighing about an old friend ♫

♫ One last goodbye knocks on one's heart ♫

♫ If there is a next life, let's just continue these romantic years ♫

♫ That old zither faintly plays, the night is hazy, ♫

♫ Causing the river waters to roll over and over ♫

♫ Sending one paper of my years to send you off ♫

Drafting soldiers! Everyone come and sign up!

Lu He.

Go slowly.

Wang Da Zhong.

I am from Lu Mao's family. I want to sign up.

What is your name?

My name is Lu Qiu Xin!

Lu Qiu Xin

Go on. Next.

Liu Da He.

Father! Why did you get up?

Sleep some more. Your body hasn't fully recovered yet.

I'm okay. I have to go sign up for the draft.

Each family is required to have a male go to war.

We can't escape from this.

Father, don't go.

What is it?

-I already signed up. -You?

I dressed as a man!

What nonsense!


What sort of place do you think that is? It's the battlefield!

I know.

If anything happens to you, how can I answer to your mother?

Father, you're old, and Yi'er is still young.

Of course I should go.

A girl like you in the middle of so many men!

So what if I'm a girl? A girl can also go to battle.

Also, I know some martial arts. Those men can't beat me!

No, I must go tell them.


Father! You don't need to go. It's too late.


If the drafting office knew I took your place to sign up,

then our entire family will be punished.

Father, don't worry.

A girl like you!

How could you go to the battlefield?

Big Sister! Big Sister.

You're not really going to war, are you?

A-Are you doing it for Qu Yuan?

If not for him, I'd still go.

Qing'er, after I go,

you must take good care of my father and Yi'er, okay?

Big Sister, it'd be great if I knew some martial arts.

Then I could go with you!

Liu Wai Zui? What did you come for?

I-I want to say a few things to Miss Mo Chou.

M-mo Chou, I'm leaving in a few days.

The one I can't bear to leave behind most is you.

I-I know. You've never liked me.

You don't like that I stutter.

You don't like that I'm not manly.

You don't like that I'm not as handsome as that Qu Yuan.

But what use are good looks, huh?

All he's got are his looks!

I'm going to war in a few days!

I, Liu San, will prove that I'm a real man!

M-mo Chou,

after I go to the battlefield, weapons have no eyes.

My head is going to be like it's attached to my belt.

I may not come back.

So, I must say these next words to you today.

Mo Chou! I truly like you!


Fine. During the days without me,

take good care of yourself.

Qing'er, take good care of your big sister.

I'm leaving!

I'm really leaving!

Go on, go on!

Mo Chou! I really like you!

That Liu Wai Zui.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Why have you come?

I'm leaving in three days. I wanted to come see you.

Are you all packed up?


Oh yes, I've heard poets say that you,

are the best at the Chinese harp.

It's just a rumor. You can't take it seriously.

Can you let me hear it once?

♫ Who swore to this life, fate hard to abandon. ♫

♫ Who decides on winners and losers, the world is like a game. ♫

♫ Illusionary dreams, like lightning, like rain. ♫

♫ Where the heart longs for, death shall not part. ♫

♫ I ask the heavens, what special night is this? ♫

♫ Why the wind blows through the world and flowers all drift to the ground? ♫

♫ Previous life and the next life, never meeting even till the end. ♫

♫ Who am I with today? A toast to separation. ♫

♫ I ask the heavens, what special night is this? ♫

♫ Why the wind blows through the world and flowers all drift to the ground? ♫

♫ Previous life and the next life, never meeting even till the end. ♫

♫ Who am I with today? A toast to separation. ♫

♫ Previous life and the next life, never meeting even till the end. ♫

♫ Who am I with today? A toast to separation. ♫


Mother? Why are you up so early?

You're asking me? I should be asking you! Why did you leave from the library so early in the morning?


Tell me the truth.

In all these days, have you two still not consummated your marriage yet?

Mother! What is there to say about that?

Then, you mean I guessed right?

Did you two sleep alone for all these days?

Mother! That's not a big deal!

How is that not a big deal?

I just don't understand.

In what aspect is Bixia not worthy of you?

Tell me. Are you still thinking about that Mo Chou?


No? I don't believe you.

Mother, this...this is between husband and wife. Bixia and I-

Then you mean that this is Bixia's problem?

She looks down on you, or our Qu family?

That's not what I mean!

-Where are you going? -I'm going to do what I should.

Bixia? Bixia?



I have a few things I must say to you today.

You've been here for so long. How do you feel that we treat you?

There is nothing to say about that. you feel like anything is lacking?


Yuan'er is difficult.

He was named Magistrate of Quan County at a young age.

He suffered a lot outside, he didn't even have a person to confide in.

Now, it was so difficult to have you, but now he has to go to war.

Men going to war go alive,

but no one knows if they'll come back. I don't ask for anything else.

I just hope that you can, before Yuan'er goes to war,

make him be a real man for once.

Mother, the words you said,

I understand.

It's good that you understand.

Then today, let Yuan'er come in, okay?

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Father! You-! Why are you here?

Your mother was very strange today.


I mean, I don't know what's wrong with your mother today.

She insisted that I come to the library to read. I wanted to sleep, but she wouldn't let me.

This..! What?

Did she tell you to come spend time with me?


Then hurry and go sleep.

Then go sleep! I'll just stay here tonight.

Go on, go on.

Go on, go on.

How about...if it really won't do,

then we'll just accept this for tonight.

It's alright. You sleep first.

Mother. I'm afraid.

Ji'er, don't be afraid. The State of Qin's world was gained through battle.

If you want to become the next King, you must have battle victories.

But what if...what if I can't come back?

Ji'er, listen well.

In the future, you are the man that will be successor to the throne of the State of Qin.

Your goal is to succeed to the throne of the State of Qin.

It is not to die on the battlefield. You must come back alive.

Only if you preserve your life, can you become King.

Only then can you get justice for me!

Only then can you obtain the world.

♫ Day and night, summer and winter, nonstop changes ♫

♫ Herbs and trees, prosperity and decline, would still depend on a beautiful woman ♫

♫ Rumors brought by wind from all over; inciting ministers with different dreams ♫

♫ Asking Heaven if it can bear witness to one's loyalty ♫

♫ Muddy and clear, beautiful and ugly, overturning all living creatures ♫

♫ Angelica and magnolia, orchids and quan, have a hard time emitting their fragrance ♫

♫ Why must you proceed against the current? Why must a lonely flower admire herself? ♫

♫ No one knew that one's birthplace has become someone else's territory ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Getting drunk for a lifetime of dedicating oneself for one's country ♫

♫ Coping with the long, long road; hard to beg the heaven and the earth ♫

♫ I lamented the numerous sorrows in the life of the citizens ♫

♫ Singing one 'Li Sao', pain of separation ♫

♫ Sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes.

♫ If this dream is difficult, let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes.

♫ If this dream is difficult, let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

For more infomation >> Song of Phoenix (思美人) - Episode 27 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 46:06.


2017 | New Releases [CC] - Duration: 2:42.

Hey, BookTube, it's Sylwia. I'm trying out a new background. I have this little

bookshelf for my unread books. Please let me know if you would rather just see

actual books in back of me. I know that- I want to say the majority of BookTube

does videos like this in January but I'm going to do it in July. I want to tell

you all of the 2017 new releases that I plan to read. I should probably explain

that I do not provide synopses in any of my videos. I'm just really against that. I

don't feel like I ever want to encourage anyone to buy a book just based on the

synopsis or even read a book just based on the synopsis, so I will just be

sharing the titles with you and then please wait for my reviews before you

buy or read these books. I've already read five of them and those are

[says the titles you see on screen]

So the remaining 2017 releases that I would like to read are

[says the titles you see on screen]

Please let me know if there are any 2017 new releases that you expected to be on the

list, that you recommend that I put on this list, and tell me if you had to pick

ONE book out of all of these for me to spend my personal money on which one do

you think is worth spending my hard-earned money on. And let me know if

you have a most anticipated 2017 new releases video because I will check that

out if you do. Come talk to me in the comments! <3

For more infomation >> 2017 | New Releases [CC] - Duration: 2:42.


Donald Trump Jr Releases Emails From Russia Meeting, What's Inside Has Reporters BARFING - Duration: 2:34.

Donald Trump Jr. Releases Emails From Russia Meeting, What�s Inside Has Reporters BARFING

By Paris Swade

Last night the New York Times put out an article claiming that Donald Trump Jr. was told in

an Email that Russians wanted Donald Trump to win.

Donald Trump has now released the email chain related to his meeting with a Russian lawyer.

He said that it was in order to be �totally transparent.�

Liberals heads are exploding into 3,2,1�.

Here is what Donald Jr. wrote:

View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on

�To everyone, in order to be totally transparent, I am releasing the entire email chain of my

emails with Rob Goldstone about the meeting on June 9, 2016.

The first email on June 3, 2016 was from Rob, who was relating a request from Emin, a person

I knew from the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant near Moscow.

Emin and his father have a very highly respected company in Moscow.

The information they suggested they had about Hillary Clinton I thought was Political Opposition


I first wanted to just have a phone call but when that didn�t work out, they said the

woman would be in New York and asked if I would meet.

I decided to take the meeting.

The woman, as she has said publicly, was not a government official.

And, as we have said, she had no information to provide and wanted to talk about adoption

policy and the Magnitsky Act.

To put this in context, this occurred before the current Russian fever was in vogue.

As Rob Goldstone said just today in the press, the entire meeting was �the most inane nonsense

I ever heard.

And I was actually agitated by it,'� the statement read.

Share this if you think that the lying mainstream media needs to stop with all the fake Russia


They are going over the top and trying way too hard.

Even now the fake news media is trying to spin this to say that this is the smoking


Check out the front page of the New York Times:

Get this out there if you stand with the Trump family and not the lying mainstream media!!!

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Jr Releases Emails From Russia Meeting, What's Inside Has Reporters BARFING - Duration: 2:34.


MigMusic: Chrono Trigger - Battle Theme (Cover/Remix) - Duration: 2:51.

What's up guys!

First of all, I want to dedicate this video to Chrono Trigger dos Chroneiros page!

To thank Saulo, owner of one of the biggest Brazilian pages on Chrono Trigger

It's the following ... Let me see here with the Mig's here.

We will try to release a video every two weeks, ok!?

The Medleys we can not release every week because it is a hard work and it takes a lot to finish

So we'll try to release more separate songs like this right now. And with more improvisations and etc.

So that's it. If you liked it, don't forget to give like and subscribe to the channel to join us! See you!

For more infomation >> MigMusic: Chrono Trigger - Battle Theme (Cover/Remix) - Duration: 2:51.


Files & File Systems: Crash Course Computer Science #20 - Duration: 12:03.

Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!

Last episode we talked about data storage, how technologies like magnetic tape and hard

disks can store millions, billions and trillions of bits of data, for long durations, even

without power.

Which is perfect for recording "big blobs" of related data, what are more commonly called

computer files.

You've no doubt encountered many types, like text files, music files, photos and videos.

Today, we're going to talk about how files work, and how computers keep them all organized

with File Systems.


It's perfectly legal for a file to contain arbitrary, unformatted data, but it's most

useful and practical if the data inside the file is organized somehow.

This is called a file format.

You can invent your own, and programmers do that from time to time, but it's usually

best and easiest to use an existing standard, like JPEG and MP3.

Let's look at some simple file formats.

The most straightforward are T-X-T files, which contain, surprise, text.

Like all computer files, this is just a huge list of numbers, stored as binary.

If we look at the raw values of a T-X-T file in storage, it would look something like this:

We can view this as decimal numbers instead of binary, but that still doesn't help us

read the text.

The key to interpreting this data is knowing that T-X-T files use ASCII, a character encoding

standard we discussed way back in Episode 4.

So, in ASCII, our first value, 72, maps to the capital letter H. And in this way, we

decode the whole file.

Let's look at a more complicated example: a WAVE File – also called a WAV – which

stores audio.

Before we can correctly read the data, we need to know some information, like the bit

rate and whether it's a single track or stereo.

Data, about data, is called meta data.

This metadata is stored at the front of the file, ahead of any actual data, in what's

known as a Header.

Here's what the first 44 bytes of a WAV file looks like.

Some parts are always the same, like where it spells out W-A-V-E.

Other parts contain numbers that change depending on the data contained within.

The audio data comes right behind the metadata, and it's stored as a long list of numbers.

These values represent the amplitude of sound captured many times per second, and if you

want a primer on sound, check out our video all about it in Crash Course Physics.

Link in the dobblydoo.

As an example, let's look at a waveform of me saying: "hello!" Hello!

Now that we've captured some sound, let's zoom into a little snippet.

A digital microphone, like the one in your computer or smartphone, samples the sound

pressure thousands of times.

Each sample can be represented as a number.

Larger numbers mean higher sound pressure, what's called amplitude.

And these numbers are exactly what gets stored in a WAVE file!

Thousands of amplitudes for every single second of audio!

When it's time to play this file, an audio program needs to actuate the computer's speakers

such that the original waveform is emitted.


So, now that you're getting the hang of file formats, let's talk about bitmaps or

B-M-Ps, which store pictures.

On a computer, PICtures are made up of little tiny square ELements called pixels.

Each pixel is a combination of three colors: red, green and blue.

These are called additive primary colors, and they can be mixed together to create any

other color on our electronic displays.

Now, just like WAV files, BMPs start with metadata, including key values like image

width, image height, and color depth.

As an example, let's say the metadata specified an image 4 pixels wide, by 4 pixels tall,

with a 24-bit color depth - that's 8-bits for red, 8-bits for green, and 8-bits for blue.

As a reminder, 8 bits is the same as one byte.

The smallest number a byte can store is 0, and the largest is 255.

Our image data is going to look something like this:

Let's look at the color of our first pixel.

It has 255 for its red value, 255 for green and 255 for blue.

This equates to full intensity red, full intensity green and full intensity blue.

These colors blend together on your computer monitor to become white.

So our first pixel is white!

The next pixel has a Red-Green-Blue, or RGB value of 255, 255, 0.

That's the color yellow!

The pixel after that has a RGB value of 0,0,0 - that's zero intensity everything, which is black.

And the next one is yellow.

Because the metadata specified this was a 4 by 4 image, we know that we've reached

the end of our first row of pixels.

So, we need to drop down a row.

The next RGB value is 255,255,0 – yellow again.

Okay, let's go ahead and read all the pixels in our 4x4 image… tada!

A very low resolution pac-man!

Obviously this is a simple example of a small image, but we could just as easily store this

image in a BMP.

I want to emphasize again that it doesn't matter if it's a text file, WAV, BMP, or

fancier formats we don't have time to discuss, like ZIPs and PPTs.

Under the hood, they're all the same: long lists of numbers, stored as binary, on a storage device.

File formats are the key to reading and understanding the data inside.

Now that you understand files a little better, let's move on to how computers go about

storing them.

Even though the underlying storage medium might be a strip of tape, a drum, a disk,

or integrated circuits... hardware and software abstractions let us think of storage as a

long line of little buckets that store values.

In the early days, when computers only performed one computation like calculating artillery

range tables – the entire storage operated like one big file.

Data started at the beginning of storage, and then filled it up in order as output was

produced, up to the storage capacity.

However, as computational power and storage capacity improved, it became possible, and

useful, to store more than one file at a time.

The simplest option is to store files back-to-back.

This can work... but how does the computer know where files begin and end?

Storage devices have no notion of files – they're just a mechanism for storing lots of bits.

So, for this to work, we need to have a special file that records where other ones are located.

This goes by many names, but a good general term is Directory File.

Most often, it's kept right at the front of storage, so we always know where to access it.

Location zero!

Inside the Directory File are the names of all the other files in storage.

In our example, they each have a name, followed by a period, and end with what's called

a File Extension, like "BMP" or "WAV".

Those further assist programs in identifying file types.

The Directory File also stores metadata about these files, like when they were created and

last modified, who the owner is, and if it can be read, written or both.

But most importantly, the directory file contains where these files begin in storage, and how

long they are.

If we want to add a file, remove a file, change a filename, or similar, we have to update

the information in the Directory File.

It's like the Table of Contents in a book, if you make a chapter shorter, or move it

somewhere else, you have to update the table of contents, otherwise the page numbers won't match!

The Directory File, and the maintenance of it, is an example of a very basic File System,

the part of an Operating System that manages and keep track of stored files.

This particular example is a called a Flat File System, because they're all stored at one level.

It's flat!

Of course, packing files together, back-to-back, is a bit of a problem, because if we want

to add some data to let's say "todo.txt", there's no room to do it without overwriting

part of "carrie.bmp".

So modern File Systems do two things.

First, they store files in blocks.

This leaves a little extra space for changes, called slack space.

It also means that all file data is aligned to a common size, which simplifies management.

In a scheme like this, our Directory File needs to keep track of what block each one

is stored in.

The second thing File Systems do, is allow files to be broken up into chunks and stored

across many blocks.

So let's say we open "todo.txt", and we add a few more items then the file becomes

too big to be saved in its one block.

We don't want to overwrite the neighboring one, so instead, the File System allocates

an unused block, which can accommodate extra data.

With a File System scheme like this, the Directory File needs to store not just one block per

file, but rather a list of blocks per file.

In this way, we can have files of variable sizes that can be easily expanded and shrunk,

simply by allocating and deallocating blocks.

If you watched our episode on Operating Systems, this should sound a lot like Virtual Memory.

Conceptually it's very similar!

Now let's say we want to delete "carrie.bmp".

To do that, we can simply remove the entry from the Directory File.

This, in turn, causes one block to become free.

Note that we didn't actually erase the file's data in storage, we just deleted the record of it.

At some point, that block will be overwritten with new data, but until then, it just sits there.

This is one way that computer forensic teams can "recover" data from computers even

though people think it has been deleted. Crafty!

Ok, let's say we add even more items to our todo list, which causes the File System

to allocate yet another block to the file, in this case, recycling the block freed from


Now our "todo.txt" is stored across 3 blocks, spaced apart, and also out of order.

Files getting broken up across storage like this is called fragmentation.

It's the inevitable byproduct of files being created, deleted and modified.

For many storage technologies, this is bad news.

On magnetic tape, reading todo.txt into memory would require seeking to block 1, then fast

forwarding to block 5, and then rewinding to block 3 – that's a lot of back and forth!

In real world File Systems, large files might be stored across hundreds of blocks, and you

don't want to have to wait five minutes for your files to open.

The answer is defragmentation!

That might sound like technobabble, but the process is really simple, and once upon a

time it was really fun to watch!

The computer copies around data so that files have blocks located together in storage and

in the right order.

After we've defragged, we can read our todo file, now located in blocks 1 through 3, in

a single, quick read pass.

So far, we've only been talking about Flat File Systems, where they're all stored in

one directory.

This worked ok when computers only had a little bit of storage, and you might only have a

dozen or so files.

But as storage capacity exploded, like we discussed last episode, so did the number

of files on computers.

Very quickly, it became impractical to store all files together at one level.

Just like documents in the real world, it's handy to store related files together in folders.

Then we can put connected folders into folders, and so on.

This is a Hierarchical File System, and its what your computer uses.There are a variety

of ways to implement this, but let's stick with the File System example we've been

using to convey the main idea.

The biggest change is that our Directory File needs to be able to point not just to files,

but also other directories.

To keep track of what's a file and what's a directory, we need some extra metadata.

This Directory File is the top-most one, known as the Root Directory.

All other files and folders lie beneath this directory along various file paths.

We can see inside of our "Root" Directory File that we have 3 files and 2 subdirectories:

music and photos.

If we want to see what's stored in our music directory, we have to go to that block and

read the Directory File located there; the format is the same as our root directory.

There's a lot of great songs in there!

In addition to being able to create hierarchies of unlimited depth, this method also allows

us to easily move around files.

So, if we wanted to move "theme.wav" from our root directory to the music directory,

we don't have to re-arrange any blocks of data.

We can simply modify the two Directory Files, removing an entry from one and adding it to another.

Importantly, the theme.wav file stays in block 5.

So that's a quick overview of the key principles of File Systems.

They provide yet another way to move up a new level of abstraction.

File systems allow us to hide the raw bits stored on magnetic tape, spinning disks and

the like, and they let us think of data as neatly organized and easily accessible files.

We even started talking about users, not programmers, manipulating data, like opening files and

organizing them, foreshadowing where the series will be going in a few episodes.

I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Files & File Systems: Crash Course Computer Science #20 - Duration: 12:03.


10 Times Rich Kids Took It TOO FAR! - Duration: 11:33.

10 times rich kids took it took far

For more infomation >> 10 Times Rich Kids Took It TOO FAR! - Duration: 11:33.


Parents of Perry Cohen can file civil lawsuit - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Parents of Perry Cohen can file civil lawsuit - Duration: 0:54.


How To Clean a Car's Interior - Duration: 8:46.

This episode is brought to you by Squarespace.


Whether you feel like cleaning is a soothing ritual or a task best procrastinated, cleaning

your stuff is part of adulting.

So let's take a look at a simple but effective checklist for cleaning the interior of your


We should note that this guide is geared towards folks on a budget who own a car that maybe

isn't in completely pristine condition, and not for folks who won a new car on the

Price is Right.

One day...

Okay, first up, let's gather our supplies.

Here is a list of household cleaning materials, with a few car-specific cleaners if you want

to go the extra mile.

A bucket, soft cloth, laundry detergent, dish soap, a vacuum, and toothbrushes can go a

long way by themselves.

But, it's good to remember that dish and laundry soaps are designed to clean dishes

and clothes, and therefore aren't always the best choice to use on your car.

If you're unsure how a soap solution is going to affect the material you're applying

it to, it's always a good idea to test it out on a small section of the car first.

Step one: clear out all of your stuff.

A car is a room on wheels, so it makes sense that you might have a few things in there

that don't belong, but have lingered nonetheless.

Grab some trash bags and sort your stuff into 'stuff that belongs in the car', 'stuff

that belongs elsewhere', and 'stuff that goes in the trash that is too big to vacuum'.

Here's lookin' at you, four-year-old french fry. [violin sting]

Step two: FLOOR MATS

If you have removeable floor mats, remove them!

Then whack them on the ground to get the smaller dusty particles out and vacuum to get rid

of any big particles in the fibers or crevices.

If you have rubber mats you can use a hose or a bucket of water, and some detergent to

wash away any stains or remaining dust with a sponge or cloth.

Then give them a rinse, towel them off, and hang them up to air dry while you go about

the rest of your cleaning spree.

If you have cloth mats you'll want a stiff bristle brush, a laundry detergent and water

mix, and some degreaser if you have some particularly bad or greasy stains.

First, if you've got any obvious nasty spots, spray the degreaser on the cloth side and

let it sit for about 15 minutes or so.

Then take that stiff bristled brush from your detergent-water mix and give the mat a good

brush-down in vertical strokes, and then perpendicular horizontal strokes.

After that, use an absorbent cloth and some elbow grease to absorb as much water and suspended

dirt as you can.

Hang it up to dry while you complete the rest of the car cleaning.

Make sure your mats are sahara dry before putting them back in your car.

The last thing you want from your cleaning session is to wind up with a musty or moldy


Step three: VACUUM.

Vacuum up all of the loose debris in your car using an attachment without bristles.

This requires getting up close and personal with the crumbs of past snacks, dog hair,

and dirt.

Make sure to get under each seat, and use the crevice tool of your vacuum to get into

every nook and cranny.

Step four: FLOORS

If you have a vinyl or rubber floor just use mild dish soap, water, and a rag.

Easy peasy!

If you have a carpeted floor, cleaning it is a little tricky.

You don't want to get anything too wet for too long or it will mildew and mold.

If the carpet isn't too dirty, the safer play is probably to just vacuum.

Better to look at a tiny coffee stain than smell putrid mold, I always say.

But if you have a few stains that are driving you bananas, dilute some laundry detergent

with water and put it in a spray bottle, or use products specifically designed for car


Spritz 'er a few times, then grab your brush and get busy.

Dab the spot with a damp rag to remove the soap and dirt, but again, don't let your

carpet get too wet.

Make sure those spots are dry before closing all your doors and windows.

If you're on a time crunch and you've still got wet spots, you can bust out a hair

dryer and extension cord to finish the job quickly.

Bonus points for pointing the hair dryer at yourself and pretending you're in a shampoo


Step five: SEATS

For fabric upholstered seats, fill two buckets with water, one hot and one cold.

Then put a small amount of laundry detergent in the hot water bucket.

Lightly dampen the brush or rag with the water from the hot bucket, then scrub your stain.

Finally, use a cloth or towel dampened with the cold bucket and remove excess soap and

dirt with it.

To get into those seams, try using a toothbrush.

Leather seats are a little trickier.

Clean them with commercial leather cleaner, saddle soap, or a very diluted solution of

liquid dish washing soap.

Lightly dampen a soft cloth with your soap solution and gently wipe the surfaces down.

Be careful not to use too much water or it might stain your leather or seep into the


Because leather is literally cow skin, you need a conditioner to keep it from drying

out and cracking.

Apply some leather conditioner to a soft cloth and lightly massage it into the seat.

You want to strike a balance on leather: make sure your car's seat-skin doesn't dry

out, but don't get it super greasy either.


Cleaning the interior of your windshield requires some interesting and potentially difficult

arm positioning, but trust me, it'll be worth it.

For a deep clean, first grab a dry, clean, soft cloth and wipe the entire windshield.

Next, put a few towels on the dashboard to prevent any spillage from glass to dash.

Then apply some rubbing alcohol or glass cleaner to a paper towel or clean cloth and get to


Another method is to use a crumpled up newspaper with a white vinegar and water mixture.

Rub your windshield down in a circular pattern to eliminate spots, and finish off with some

vertical and horizontal strokes.


For this step, you can buy some Armor All or some other brand, or use a bucket of hot

water with some mild dishwashing soap, and a rag.

You can use a soft toothbrush, q-tip, or soft paintbrush to get into those hard-to-reach

places like the AC vents, or around various knobs.

Add the soap to the tool you're using instead of spraying directly on the surface.

This will decrease the likelihood of staining that precious vinyl.

And finally, be careful not to apply vinyl or leather cleaner or any other slippery solution

to your steering wheel or gearstick.

Even the most beautifully polished wheel or stickshift is not worth spending a night -- or

a month -- in the hospital.

And there you have it!

Make sure to bask in the cleanliness of your car's interior while you can, but don't

sweat it when the next french fry drops, or your dog jumps in after running around in

the mud.

Life is messy.

If you have any car interior cleaning tips or tricks, let us know in the comments!

We love to hear from you and continue the conversation.

And if you want to learn more about adulting with Hank and me, subscribe to us at

We're hoping to have an episode for cleaning the exterior of your car in the future, so

keep an eye out, and happy cleaning!

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Dish soap.

Can I never say dish soap in other scripts ever again?

But it's good to remember that dish s-thppp.

Man, now my eyes hurt.



Step—step four floor.


Step four—

Step four.



Can I say floors?

Step four.


[off-screen] You're like back there, giggling!

[off-screen] I'm a terrible director.

Everybody just take a deep breath, and hold it.

Better to look at a tiny coffee stain than smell putrid mold, I always say.

Lightly dampen a brush or a rag with the water from the hot bocket.

Hot pocket.

For more infomation >> How To Clean a Car's Interior - Duration: 8:46.


Turtles released at Juno Beach - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Turtles released at Juno Beach - Duration: 0:57.


Skan & Krale - No Glory (ft. M.I.M.E & Drama B) - Duration: 4:37.


For more infomation >> Skan & Krale - No Glory (ft. M.I.M.E & Drama B) - Duration: 4:37.


Southeast Christian Church Elizabethtown holds cross raising ceremony - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Southeast Christian Church Elizabethtown holds cross raising ceremony - Duration: 1:37.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Rated Arenas on Ret Paladin - That CRAZY DPS! - Duration: 1:04:45.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Rated Arenas on Ret Paladin - That CRAZY DPS!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Rated Arenas on Ret Paladin - That CRAZY DPS! - Duration: 1:04:45.


Severe Weather Warnings Update for Thu 13th and Fri 14th - Duration: 3:31.

Kia Ora Aotearoa Angus Hines here on MetService TV with the brief morning update on the severe

weather affecting the country and you may be able to hear it coming through

the mic because it is blowing a gale out there so let's have a look at the

pressure scene we can see low pressure system affecting the North Island this

still southerly down the top part of the South Island so cold with a little more

snow there but it's really the wind and rain affecting parts of the North Island

that is the major player today and into tomorrow and we'll see that here in the

wind and action chart you can see they're very strong wind whistling

through central parts of the country then up the west coast of the North

Island and eventually some into Northland and Auckland as well so

that'll be reflected in the watches and warnings we're going to start though

with snow I'll just jump out of the way here so we're looking at the heavy snow

warnings to begin with still a little further snow expected at the top of the

South Island but inland Canterbury mid and North Canterbury and the Kaikoura

district are still under a heavy snow warning that will be gradually easing

throughout the day they have already been reports of 30-plus centimetres in

parts of the Kaikoura ranges so we could be adding five to eight centimeters

beyond what has already fallen down to around 400 meters through to this

evening before it starts to ease and then it's really the North Islands turn to be

the main player for the snow so central North Island high country including the

higher parts of Hawke's Bay and Manawatu they're going to be getting further 15

to 25 centimeters above 600 meters lesser amounts accumulating above 400

and even flurries down to 200 we have seen some reports of snow down around

Dannevirke and places like that there will be further snow tomorrow in places

as the system progressive so do keep an eye out for that it is not going to

be all wrapped up in the North Island tonight so moving on to the next

criteria we are looking at heavy rain so that is really affecting the central

part of the country Wellington Wairarapa, Kapiti and the Manawatu

Ranges all there through central New Zealand we could be seeing 120 to 170

millimeters accumulating in the higher ground and the Rangers that through

until Friday morning and over the same time period 70 to 100 millimeters in the

lower lying part including possibly in Wellington City certainly the eastern

suburbs the eastern hills of Wellington could be in line for a bit of a pelting

there was a broader severe with a watch area covering heavy rain so that coastal

parts of Marlborough and Kaikoura and then central parts of the North Island from

Taranaki across to Hawke's Bay and finally the strong wind which is

what you may be able to hear through the mic at the moment very very strong

around central parts of the country again

Wellington Kapiti and the Marlborough Sounds are getting the strongest wind

gusting up to a hundred and fifty kilometres an hour now those top gusts

will ease this evening but is expected to stay very strong into tomorrow

morning the other areas are that are on severe with a warning at Taranaki Whanganui

and Wairarapa they could be gusting up to 120 kilometres an hour in

the severe southerly gales again we have a broader watch area stretching from

North Canterbury Nelson and the rest of Marlborough and the South Island so

there are potentially very strong gales there and then a little bit later in the

day the top of the country from this evening through to tomorrow Auckland and

Northland under severe weather watch for potential very strong South to

southwesterly winds in that part of the country so just quickly look how things

are progressing so the low pressures are going to move away the bands of rain are

going to slide further north so expect in the next update some areas up here

Hawke's Bay and Gisborne to be added into the severe weather warning or watch

for heavy rain so bear in mind there will be more information coming today as

these warnings are updated and added but from me today Ka Kite

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