Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

The weapon balancing of Mass Effect Andromeda is a little off if you compare it to real

life, but I feel if it was made more realistic, it would be as fun,

a big example of this is Sniper Rifles,

in real life a sniper rifle is a big beefy gun that takes some serious skill to use,

they are super powerful and would beat any shotgun, pistol or assault rifle when it comes

to damage.

It requires 2 people to be done effectively, you have a spotter and a shooter,

Now the second person isn't required but when you are looking through a scope with that

level of zoom it's difficult without it.

and yes I know there's many different levels of Sniper Rifle, I'm just using this extreme

as an example to the in-game extreme.

So, super powerful, hard to use, requires crazy amounts of calibration and knowledge

of the current wind state as well as bullet drop.

If you compare that to in mass effect, you have the benefits of a sniper rifle being

super far away from the danger, the enemy can't shoot you all that well, but you don't

have to take bullet drop into account for the most part, no wind correction, zoom isn't

even bad at all for finding your targets,

To balance this, you have less power, less damage.

If you shoot to the other side of the spectrum, there's Shotguns, super powerful and very

low range,

The main constant here is the more danger you are in, the more damage you have.

I'm talking damage per second here, not per shot as when you're taking fire, damage per

second counts the most as there will be more than one target and time is the primary factor.

Now if you move to Pistols, they are also mostly close range, but lower damage than

shotguns... mostly,

The trade off here is lightweight, they don't hinder as much, this gives you a lower DPS

at close to medium range but low weight,

Then finally, Assault Rifles, which are balanced like pistols but have a higher weight with

increased range... mostly.

I say mostly as each weapon type has its outliers,

For Pistols, we have the Hornet armed with the Automatic Fire System,

This gun is frankly insane,

it is the king of enemies without shields or armour and does ok on them in a pinch,

Crazy light, big clip, but has no modifiers, so, red bars it rules, but no to the rest.

Then there's the Ushior, the highest per shot Pistol, it's DPS isn't terrible and it has

no modifiers, but for popping up from cover to take a shot, it's pretty good, pair it

with the Plasma Charge System and it's per shot skyrockets,

I have no numbers for this specific weapon when it comes to plasma charge, but based

on modifiers from other charge weapons, it is likely a 2-second charge with a 200% damage


It's reasonable to assume this, but not definite.

For assault rifles the king is the Valkyrie with the Automatic Fire System, this, when

compared to the Hornet, is actually a little worse.

The damage is lower, and yes I'm taking the extra augment slot, mods skill everything

into account.

The Accuracy is high but at the level they are from mid to end game, it's not a problem,

the Hornet has a very slighter high clip to rate of fire ratio meaning with a bio you

take slightly less damage, the Hornet weight is lower, sure is like 1 lower but that's

20% lower at rank 8, they both have no modifiers for shields and armour, both have 25% weak

point damage, and the Hornet has superior stability.

The only big factor that isn't really all that big that the Valkyrie has over the hornet

is the Force, the Valkyrie has 7.5 times the amount of force is my example setup,

but as this isn't enough to stagger, it isn't really worth considering.

It comes down to both preference and what skills you have invested if you don't have


When it comes to shields and AR's, the vanilla Thokin and Automatic Fire System Sweeper rule

by a good margin due to their 115% damage against shield modifiers.

For Shotguns it's all about the Dhan, Hesh and Piranha, the Dhan is king of Shields,

the Piranha is king of Armour and the Hesh is queen of both,

about it really.

For weirdness, you have the Reegar carbine which is kinda crappy except on shields where

it's almost as good as the thokin.

So it's an option for those who want an Assault Rifle but have their points in shotguns.

The scattershot does terrible damage, it's DPS doesn't fluctuate much at all with a burst

or automatic system added, but it has both shield and armour modifiers,

it also pairs well with the plasma charge system and makes for a very fun AOE scatter


With the assumed 2 second charge for 200% of the plasma charge, this could whack out

almost 80% of the damage of the piranha, Hesh and Dhan against both shields and armour on

large groups,

not for single target, just for AOE fun.

For Snipers, we'll just go simple,

Automatically makes the incisor better, other than that fire system augments are crap on


For red bars with no bio-converter, shadow wins, with bio-converter the Isharay edges

above, but you'll die super fast.

Awesomely, the Shadow has a shield modifier, this may be to make up for no 70% weak point

damage, but either way, against shields the shadow does more than double most other snipers

but the Inferno is right behind it.

No snipers are any better at armoured targets

So, in general, I think there is balance with some anomalies that make these spreadsheets

fun to make,

If you disagree with me anywhere, I'm happy to discuss in the comments.


Bit of a more relaxed vid this time casually covering best weapons and weapon balance,

Unsure how this will play out so let me know what you think,

However casual this may have been, all of the info discussed is correct and accurate

to the best of my knowledge.

So thanks for watching folks, like, share, subscribe and have an awesome day folks!



7 Celebrities who hate their films! Some Shockers on this list - Duration: 10:11.

Elite Facts Presents

7 Celebrities Who HATE Their Films!


Bill Murray - Garfield This story always makes us laugh.

So who remembers that god awful film adaptation of Garfield?

The one starring Bill Murray?

Well, as it turns out, he hate every second of that film.

To be fair, can you blame him?

Now to be fair, Murray at the time wanted to do an animated kids film and obviously

with Garfield being one of the biggest and most recognisable cartoons out there, it seemed

like a good fit.

That's not what sold him on this film though.

You see, there are two directors in Hollywood with the same name except for one letter.

There is Joel Coen of the famous Coen Brothers who wrote and directed "Inside Llewyn Davis,"

"Burn After Reading," "The Big Lebowski" and of course"Fargo," among many other critically

acclaimed films.

And then there is Joel Cohen who wrote "Cheaper By The Dozen," "Daddy Day Camp," "Monster

Mash: The Movie," and other light comedies — including "Garfield: The Movie."

Like anyone, Murray confusedly thought the "Garfield" script was by the former and signed

on to voice the famous cat in the movie series.

It's a common mistake to make.

The 66-year-old actor explained what happened in a revealing response during the Reddit

chat after a fan asked: "Will there be a 'Garfield' 3?"

I don't think so.

I had a hilarious experience with Garfield.

I only read a few pages of it, and I kind of wanted to do a cartoon movie, because I

had looked at the screenplay and it said "Joel Cohen" on it.

In all fairness, I wouldn't say he hated the film.

He just regretted it.

So much so that he actually stated this in his Zombieland Cameo Appearance.

To sum it all up, You could say that the whole incident was…..Lost in Translation…...I'm

so sorry for that pun!


Shelley Duvall - The Shining As much flack as Shelley Duvall received for

her performance in The Shining, I thought her performance was pretty convincing for

the most part…...For the most part.

Keep that in mind!

For most of the film when she's not scared, I don't know.

Her performance wasn't great.

However during the segments where she's absolutely terrified, Her performance was

pretty damn convincing...Well there's a perfectly good reason for that.

During the shoot of The Shining, Stanley Kubrick went out of his way to torment her throughout

the whole film's production.

Now it's no secret that Kubrick is harsh to his cast and crew but there is a method

to his madness as it does tend to bring out the best in them.

During the production, Kubrick would frequently scare Shelley Duvall throughout the whole

filming process to the point that, in the scene where she gets slowly chased up the

stairs by Jack while trying to defend herself with a baseball bat, she was actually terrified.

Apparently the scene was shot 127 times and Kubrick kept putting her down for every mistake

as a way to get the right performance out of her.

As harsh as it was, it worked.

Duvall would go on to say that


George Clooney - Batman And Robin This one should be no surprise.

George Clooney is a great actor.

There's no question about it.

But what the hell was he thinking when he tooking up the role of Batman in the 1997

film Batman and Robin?!

Considering how bad Batman Forever was (THAT'S RIGHT I SAID IT!), You'd think Clooney would

have avoided the oncoming trainwreck at all costs…..Well not exactly.

The fourth film in the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher Batman Film Franchise was an absolute disaster!

It went beyond campy as it honestly made the Adam West 60s Batman look like the Dark Knight

by comparison!

Clooney himself has spoken critically of the film, saying, "I think we might have killed

the franchise",and called it "a waste of money".

Well lucky for clooney, He didn't star in the worst DC superhero film.

But what could possibly be worse than batman and robin?


Halle Berry - Catwoman Oh god!

We're in for some real hot garbage now!

Now okay, this statement is going to be pretty biased right now.

Catwoman may be one of the worst films i've ever seen.

This film is hated universally by fans, critics and casual moviegoers.

This film had so much hype behind it that it was destined for disappointment.

I bet Michelle Pfeiffer is glad she missed this film out.

Well we weren't the only ones to hate this film.

Catwoman herself, Halle Berry absolutely hated this film.

The film received several Razzie Awards in categories such as Worst Film, Worst Director,

and Berry herself received a Razzie Award for Worst Actress in a Motion Picture.

When accepting the award she said "I'd like to thank Warner Brothers.

Thank you for casting me in this piece of shit, god awful movie!....It's exactly what

my career needed!".


Ben Affleck - Daredevil Who doesn't hate Daredevil?

I'm sorry but this film was absolutely godawful!

This film is as bad as superhero films get…...Except for maybe the previous 2 examples.

Still our point stands.

Daredevil was an absolute mess as it was a superhero film that was brought out at a time

where everything had to be "Dark", "Brooding" and "Edgy".

Instead however, it just comes off as very silly and ridiculous.

Okay maybe we're a little be too harsh on this film.

It's definitely the better film of the 3 superhero films on this list as it is at least

enjoyable to some sick extent.

The only saving grace about this film is Colin Farrell as Bullseye…..He's just so goofy

that he's downright adorable!

Anyway, We're not the only ones who hate this film.

As it turns out, The main star of the film, Ben Affleck wasn't too fond of this film

and his own performance.

He has stated during an interview while promoting Batman Vs.Superman: Dawn of Justice that "That's

the movie I want to do.

I want to be a part of that [Batman v Superman].

Part of it was I wanted for once to get one of these movies and do it right—to do a

good version.

I hate Daredevil so much.".

Well unfortunately Batman Vs Superman wasn't great.

But hey, He plays Batman pretty damn well and Dawn Of Justice is a million times better

than Daredevil so it's a step in the right direction.


Robert Pattinson - Twilight Oh, What's that?

You hate Twilight?

Well…...At least you didn't have to star in it for 5 goddamn movies!

Yes, As it turns out, The actor who plays the leading role of Edward, Robert Pattinson

Absolutely despises the Twilight franchise as a whole.

Pattinson got his first major role in the fourth Harry Potter film, The Goblet of Fire.

This film launched his career.

Unfortunately for the young Wizard, He had no idea that his future involved play the

role of sparkly vampire Edward Cullen in the then massive Twilight franchise.

However, even way back in 2008, Pattinson made zero effort to hide his opinion of the

character in an interview with Empire Magazine, poking fun at him for being a century-old


He states that when he read the book, He immediately hated the character due to how he was this

and i quote, "Ridiculous Person Who's So Amazing at Everything".

He also made a wisecrack about how the character is a 108 year old virgin who clearly has issues.

The interview is actually quite hilarious.

The thing about this interview though is that he made these claims before he had to play

the guy for four years.

Even while playing the role of Edward, Pattinson was still taking shots at the character as

he himself has stated that the trick to portraying Edward is just looking "slightly constipated

and stoned."

Oh but it doesn't end there.

Someone helpfully put together this compilation of the various press junkets during which

Pattinson hilariously trashed the movies he was supposed to be promoting.

Our favorite moments include the quote "When I read it, it seemed like a book that wasn't

supposed to be published," the part where he says Edward is creepy in a serial killer

kind of way, and the part where he says Twilight author Stephenie Meyer is even creepier because

she's clearly in love with the character.

Regarding Bella and Edward's relationship, he says, "There's definitely something wrong

with her, and there's very obviously something wrong with me."

He may have hated the role, but he certainly made the best of a bad situation by completely

ripping the films and books to shreds!


Sean Connery - The Later James Bond Films This is one we all know about.

So it's no secret that Sean Connery absolutely HATED James Bond.

Before starring in the first 007 film Dr. No, Connery was just another average joe.

Sure he had a few roles in films and television, but before all the fame, He was just another

Ex Milkman, Ex Coffin Polisher, Ex Footballer, Average Joe.

The second he became James Bond however, Everything changed.

Everyone loved him!

To this day, Most people still think he is the living embodiment of James Bond, Moreso

that his successors.

Every woman wanted him and every man wanted to be him.

Well except for one person.

Connery himself didn't want to be Bond.

As a previously unknown, starving actor, he was grateful for the fame and success the

James Bond role had given him, but he wasn't exactly a fan of actually performing it, saying,

"I have always hated that damned James Bond.

I'd like to kill him."

I mean to his defence, He did suffer the same issues as what Adam West suffered following

his years after the Batman tv series.

Both actors were typecasted.

Connery was typecasted to the whole "Spy and Espionage" role.

Connery was reluctant to sign up for more than one Bond movie, and when he reached the

"last" one, he gave away the entire salary to charity, presumably out of spite.

Did we miss any out?

Let us know in the comments below.

Don't forget to Subscribe and tap the bell button to receive notifications for when we


Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 7 Celebrities who hate their films! Some Shockers on this list - Duration: 10:11.


The Real Reason We Haven't Heard From Michael C Hall Recently - Duration: 4:55.

Over the course of a decade and change, Michael C. Hall starred on two of the most critically

acclaimed television series in recent memory, both of them about death.

He played David Fisher on HBO's family-run funeral home drama Six Feet Under, and then

vigilante serial killer Dexter Morgan on Showtime's Dexter.

Between the two shows, Hall amassed six Emmy and five Golden Globe nominations—and one

Golden Globe win—for his performances.

"Yea, well the tricky thing, the tricky thing about Dexter is that I look so much like him."

But with the end of Dexter in 2013, Hall has been largely absent from TV.

Here's a look at what he's up to in the past few years.

Curtain call

Hall is an experienced theatrical actor.

After completing the Graduate Acting program at New York University's prestigious Tisch

School of the Arts, Hall landed the plum role of the Emcee in director Sam Mendes' 1999

revival of Cabaret on Broadway.

While on a hiatus from Six Feet Under in 2002, he portrayed shady lawyer Billy Flynn in the

long-running revival of the musical Chicago.

When Dexter concluded in 2013, Hall again had the time to return to the stage.

One of his most notable roles was in Hedwig and the Angry Inch, a glam-rock musical about

an East German transgender wannabe rock star.

Hall was the third actor to play the title role on Broadway, following Neil Patrick Harris

and Andrew Rannells.

Channeling Bowie

Hall's next major theatrical role was Thomas Newton in Lazarus, a musical co-created by

David Bowie just before his death in 2016.

Built around previously existing Bowie songs as well as ones that had yet to be released,

Lazarus was presented by the New York Theatre Workshop from late 2015 to early 2016.

Hall reprised his role when the sold-out show moved to London.

When Bowie died unexpectedly just before the Lazarus cast recorded the show's album, Hall

said that he felt an "internal fist clench."

But the cast decided to continue the work in his honor.

"We were glad we were able to get together and celebrate his life by recording the album."

Voice work

Outside of stage and screen, Dexter has used his vocal talents to do some voice work here

and there.

Hall has had a recurring role on the light-hearted Disney XD sci-fi/fantasy series Star vs. the

Forces of Evil.

In what's probably Hall's most comic role to date, he voiced an evil reptile man named


"Eat something.

It could be your last meal."

A little closer to his wheelhouse of dark, brooding, men: Hall played Batman in Justice

League: Gods and Monsters...with some lines that'll probably bring on deja vu for Dexter


"He bled to death"

"Yes, except they can't find the blood."

Indie movies

Since the end of Dexter, Hall has popped up in a handful of low-profile but critically-acclaimed

independent films.

He starred in Cold in July, taking the role of a man who kills a burglar, and then must

deal with the man's father, who's out for revenge.

Hall followed up that screen role with yet another project revolving around death: Christine,

about a deeply unstable Florida news anchor.

Michael C. Hall played George, a potential love interest and fellow news anchor.

Married life

In February 2016, Hall took some time to catch up on his personal life.

At New York City Hall, he and Morgan Macgregor, his partner of four years, tied the knot,

which marked Hall's third trip down the aisle.

In the early 2000s, he married his Chicago co-star, actress Amy Spanger, and later got

hitched to Jennifer Carpenter, who played his sister, Deb, on Dexter.

Radiohead: Obsessed

"You're free until you've had enough And you don't understand No ripcord."

In 2016, Hall and fellow Hedwig and the Angry Inch star Lena Hall teamed up to perform at

a Radiohead tribute concert called "Radiohead: Obsessed."

The band they formed was a one-time only thing, turning out a performance at New York's Café


The songs they played included "Ripchord" from Radiohead's 1993 debut LP Pablo Honey,

as well as a mash-up of songs from Radiohead's 1995 follow-up The Bends.

Upcoming projects

Hall will be back on screens, big and small, very soon.

Over the last couple of years, he's filmed appearances in three high-profile projects.

Hall has joined the second-season cast of Netflix's Queen Elizabeth II drama The Crown,

portraying President John F. Kennedy.

Another project, The Silent Man, is a thriller about the Watergate scandal starring Liam

Neeson as Mark Felt, the high-ranking FBI official who leaked details of the scandal

to the Washington Post under the name "Deep Throat."

In that film, Hall has a major role as John Dean, the lawyer who served as White House

Counsel during the sinking Nixon administration.

And finally, he's slated to appear in The Gettysburg Address, a documentary about President

Abraham Lincoln's most famous speech.

Sounds like there's life after Dexter after all!

"I have nothing to hide.

Except for the syringes, scalpels, and bone saw hidden in that secret drawer underneath."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Real Reason We Haven't Heard From Michael C Hall Recently - Duration: 4:55.


REPLAY: FREE 2'000 GEMS TOURNAMENT | LEVEL 1 IN 2v2 😂 | Clash Royale - Duration: 2:30:39.

For more infomation >> REPLAY: FREE 2'000 GEMS TOURNAMENT | LEVEL 1 IN 2v2 😂 | Clash Royale - Duration: 2:30:39.


Lifelong Learning Plan and SPP - Duration: 1:38.


Hi everyone. My name is Kim from the Saskatchewan

Pension Plan. Today I want to

talk about the Lifelong Learning Plan and

how it relates to SPP. Let's start with a

simplified overview of what the Lifelong

Learning Plan is - it allows you to

withdraw amounts from your registered

retirement savings plans to finance

full-time training or education for you,

or your spouse, or common-law partner. You

cannot participate in the LLP to finance

your children's training or education, or

the training or education of your

spouse's or common-law partner's children.

Plan members can make repayments to

their LLP using contributions to SPP, but

they are limited to the total amount of

eligible receipts received from SPP for

that tax period. The taxpayer can

designate all or part of the

contribution as a repayment on Schedule

7 and file it with their tax return.

SPP does not track repayment to the LLP.

Amounts designated as repayments cannot

be deducted as an RRSP contribution and

therefore have no effect on RRSP room.

Spousal contributions cannot be made for

the purpose of LLP repayment. It

should be noted that SPP is a locked-in

plan and members cannot withdraw funds

from their account for the LLP program.

Further information regarding the

Lifelong Learning Plan is available on

the CRA website. Thanks so much for

joining me today.


For more infomation >> Lifelong Learning Plan and SPP - Duration: 1:38.


TBR | Booktubeathon 2017 [CC] - Duration: 5:24.

Hello lovely humans!

It is Molly from Molly Reads and Writes and today I would like to show you the books that

I am planning on reading for the booktubeathon.


So the booktubeathon is a thing that is happening at the end of July, the 24th

to the 30th I believe, and I thought that it would be a great way for me to kick off

my vacation by reading a bunch of books and just kind of taking some chill time for myself.

Plus it'll help me get maybe a little more back on track for my Goodreads reading goal

cuz it's just, psh, we're not gonna talk about that right now.

I'm on a roll already.

[Snaps] Let's go straight into the challenges.

There are seven challenges that have been put forth for this readathon and I have picked

my books and I would like to show you what they are and I plan on reading seven books.

We will see if I have the time.

Challenge number one is to read a book with a person on the cover.

I chose Chime by Franny Billingsly and I've had this book for a while.

I don't really remember anything about it.

Yes it was totally a cover buy.

I was really drawn to the green.

Challenge number two is to read a hyped book.

So I read Starflight by Melissa Landers...

a few months ago, I can't remember when, a couple...

Nah, eh.

I read Starflight by Melissa Landers a couple months ago and I just picked up book two,

Starfall, which I think counts enough as a hyped book for me to use it.

Challenge number three is to finish a book in one day.

For this one I chose Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire because it is

teeny tiny and I really enjoyed the first one so I'm pretty sure I will also get through

this one really quickly.


Did that scare you?

It's okay baby!

It's okay.

It's just the wind, it's just the wind.

My dog is so brave.

Challenge number four is to read about a main character that is very different from you.

For this one I chose The Midnight Sun by Cecilia something, something, something.

Somebody tell me how to pronounce her last name.

I still can't figure it out.

And the main characters are a minister's son-in-law, who is a geologist, and a minister's daughter,

who is disgraced.

And I am like neither of those.

I'm like neither of those.

Challenge five is to read a book completely outdoors and that is meaning every single

time you're reading it, you're outside.

For this one I chose Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer and I, it's an adult science fiction.

That's all I know about it.

I bought it because the cover.


Challenge number six, this could work for a lot of books that I have, read

a book that you bought because of the cover, and for this one I chose The Heart of Darkness

by Joseph Conrad.

It's kinda hard to see cuz it's really dark but it's, it's a really pretty cover.

This series of classics is really pretty so I could have chosen any of them because legitimately

the reason I bought them was because of the cover.

But I figured since I was going to read a classic, I was going to choose a short classic

because they generally take me longer to read.

That's where this one came in.

The last challenge, challenge shev, sheven, seven,

is to read seven books.

So to round this out I chose Twin Star Exorcists volume eight because volume nine should be

coming out soon and I know I need to get through this one.

I'm pretty sure a lot of it is a fight scene in Magano.

It just annoys me when fight scenes go on forever.


I'm going to read this one because volume nine should be out soon and I would like to

get into it.

I know the anime is done, I haven't watched anything past the first episode.

[Nonsense mumbling] We're done.


There you have it.

That is my TBR for the booktubeathon.

The only one that I, that is like, raising concerns about if I'll be able to finish it

is Midnight Sun because it's set in Sweden in like, the 1800s, so I know there's going

to be a lot of people names and place names that I'm going to struggle with.

So that's, that's the only one that's like concerning me as to if I'll actually be able

to complete it or not.

The rest of them, I tried to choose shorter ones or young adult ones that I would be able

to fly through.

If you are interested in me doing reading vlogs throughout the booktubeathon, let me

know in the comments below.

Also in the comments, tell me if you are participating and tell me if you've made a TBR so I can

check it out.

Like and subscribe to see more videos in the future and I hope that you have an awesome

morning, afternoon, or evening, whichever it is, wherever you are.

See ya!


For more infomation >> TBR | Booktubeathon 2017 [CC] - Duration: 5:24.


BOOKTUBE-A-THON TBR!! - Duration: 2:36.

Hey everyone, my name is Maria and I am new to booktube.

This is actually my first video ever so thank you for watching.

This video is going to be a TBR for booktubeathon.

If you don't know what booktubeathon is I will leave a link down below but chances are

if you are watching this video you probably know what booktubeathon is.

Anyway, as per usual there is seven challenges each challenge is a different book so lets

get started.

Challenge number one is read a book with a person on the cover and for this challenge

I chose Bossypants by Tina Fey.

I love Tina Fey and I've heard wonderful things about this book so I'm very excited to read


challenge number two is read a hyped book and for this challenge I chose Caraval by

Stephanie Garber.

This book has been hella hyped lately especially in the beginning of the year so I'm very excited

to see what the fuss is about.

Also, this cover is beautiful.

Challenege number three is finish a book in one day and for that challenge I chose My

Brothers Shadow by Tom Avery.

This book is very short its about 150 pages.

It follows a girl who's brother dies and she starts seeing his shadow everywhere.

It is a short book, it looks like an easy read and I don't think I'll have trouble finishing

it in one day.

Challenge number four is read about a character that's very different from you and for that

challenge I chose Alexander Hamilton The Outsider by Jean Fritz.

This is Alexander Hamilton I am Maria, completely different people, completely different eras.

I'm exited to read it because I do love Alexander Hamilton and it does look like an easy read.

Challenge number five is finish a book completely outdoors.


This challenge I think is the most difficult one.

I live in Florida.

It's hot AF.

For this challenge I chose Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen.

I haven't read Sarah Dessen since High School but I do remember enjoying her books.

It is a big book so I don't know if it was such a good idea but I do remember that I

would read her books like in one sitting so hopefully this is the case and hopefully I

don't die of heat exhaustion.

Challenge number six is read a book you bought because of the cover and for that I chose

Eve and Adam by Michael Grant.

Can we take a look at this beautiful cover?

wow wow.

I only bought it because of the cover.

That's a cool ass cover.

I have no idea what it's about but I do hope that it's good.

I've read some Michael Grant books and I've kind of enjoyed them so hopefully this will

be the same.

Finally challenge number seven is read seven books.

As you can see I only have six so I went around, looked at my bookshelves, and chose the shortest

book I have and that is A Slient Boy by Lois Lowry.

This is supposedly a very sad book but it is short so hopefully I could finish it and

finish seven books.

So that is it guys.

That's my TBR.

I hope to be filming like the video challenges as well.

Thank you so much for watching and remember to do some Sirius Reading.


For more infomation >> BOOKTUBE-A-THON TBR!! - Duration: 2:36.


24 Reasons Harry and the Hendersons & Rise of the Planet of the Apes Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:50.

Movie starts off and it's welcome to the jungle like Guns N' Roses.

It sucks because an endangered species creature is stolen from his or her home by these hunter

guys, which is a bad reflection on human beings in my opinion, but just when you think there's

no hope for mankind, the main dude has a chance to kill the animal, but he lets his conscious

be his guide like the Pinocchio lyrics and doesn't take the shot.

Instead, the main dude invites the beast to live in suburbia America at John Lithgow's


Side note: I cannot stand when Hollywood typecasts certain people for no reason.

Maybe it's just me, but take away his villain role in Ricochet, John Lithgow's always

playing the same crazy father in all his movies.

Keep it up and his agent will wreck his career worse than the vehicles he wrecks in these


But anyways, bringing the animal to live with them seems like a horrible horrible idea at

first when you factor in the main character gets little to no sleep since the beast is

always making noise while digging in the frigidaire in the middle of the night and it's always

pain to have to keep saying you're sorry to neighbors when your pet keeps trespassing

on their property, but overall, I think the good outweigh the bad stuff by like a lot.

For example the dad has never seemed better and being around the animal allows him to

excel in the arts.

It's stuff like this that causes the family to think, hmm, maybe we could raise him like

a member of our own family.

But after the part where he gets a cut and the main guy's love interest gives 'em

a patch job she suggests that keeping the pet in the house is a bad idea and he should

move back in with mother nature instead.

To his credit, the main dude does arrange for a trip back to the wilderness.

Thats when the owner and the animal get into an argument because the beast doesn't wanna

ride in the back of the station wagon, even though no one heard him call shotgun.

Then the beasts runs out the house without permission and terrorizes the neighborhood.

Keep in mind this is his first time interacting with people other than the family he's been

living with and the first impression is the worst impression.

All the humans are mean and give him a good excuse to be racist, sexist, etc.

Other than the main people, you could argue everybody's a bad guy in the movie.

If you wanna get more specific, the main bad guy is the guy with the gun we meet at the

exhibit thingy.

By the middle of the movie, from the outside looking in, it looks like the beast is adapting

to society pretty well and is loving his living arrangements.

He gets to shower once a week and gets to watch the kind of cable with the extra ESPN

channels and Disney XD (audio).

However, all the electricity in the world is no replacement for his hometown though.

He thinks of a plan to get back to the wilderness and the only person standing in his way is the bad


They go toe to toe and the bad guy loses in more ways than one.

Bad guy loses the fight, his weapon, and his freedom.

Meanwhile back at the office, the main character and his boss are having a fight about the


It's here where the boss realizes every employee is just a quitter in disguise and

accepts the main guy's two weeks notice two weeks early (I quit audio).

The animal gets loose on the city and starts racking up wanted level stars.

By the time he gets all the way up to 3 stars, the cops but out an APB on 'em and the cops

aren't the only people looking for the animal.

There's a scene where a nosey man tries to peep tom on the side of the family's

house and the nosey guy's caught red handed by a nosier character.

Fast forward to the climactic action scene on the bridge.

There's a traffic jam, and the cop cars are getting closer and closer, but the beasts

find a way to move the cars out the way to avoid rush hour.

Afterwards, they head to the national park and say their goodbyes and when I say "say",

I mean literally because both the human and animal get to say their two cents (audio).

When it's all said and done he loses one family, but gains another so when you do the

algebra, it's a still a happy ending.

Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?

Yes, no, maybe so?

If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe

button for more 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons Harry and the Hendersons & Rise of the Planet of the Apes Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:50.


السياسة نجاسة ميكيافيلي - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> السياسة نجاسة ميكيافيلي - Duration: 1:21.


Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009) Blu-ray CLIP | Opening - Shanghai Battle (Scene) | HD - Duration: 6:54.

-Newsflash from the BBC. -Breaking news out of Shanghai.

There's been a major toxic spill in the Shanghai factory district.

We're staying on top of this developing story for you.

We will bring you any new information as we get it.

NEST Seahawks approaching target.

Three minutes until evacuation is complete, sir.

Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed, one-mile radius.

All right, give NEST team the go.

Black Hawks, you're clear to land.

Ding-a-ling! Come out and get your ice cream.

Any bad robot out there better get ready for an ass-whupping.

For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots

has taken refuge here under my command.

Arcees, get ready to launch.

We're locked and loaded.

Together, we form an alliance with the humans,

a secret but brave squad of soldiers.

All right, listen up. China's cover story on this one is "toxic spill. "

They had to evac the area for search and rescue.

This makes six enemy contacts in eight months.

We gotta make sure this one does not get out in the public eye, so keep it tight.

A classified strike team called NEST.

We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes

hiding in different countries around the globe.

Roll in Alpha through Echo now.

Move out! Let's go!

All right, Ironhide. We got echoes. They're close.

Steel stacks at 2 o'clock.

He's here. I smell him.

It's close. It's getting closer.

-Oh, no. -What have you got?

Thermal ripple.

Right, everybody, be steady. We're right on top of it.

Eagle niner!

I need an energy proton.

Panther 1, requesting fire mission now!

Gunships on station. Roll in hot!

Dog 1, now we are engaging.

We got a second Decepticon.

Arcee twins! Target coming your way!

I got him, I got him!

I screwed that up. I'm okay. I'm all right.

-This is combat, man. -Total brain freeze, man.

What's wrong with you?

Bring in Sideswipe!

Clear a path!

Damn, I'm good!

Air support, we need Big Buddha to deliver the drop now!

Cyclone 98, final attack hitting in 120.

Clear to drop in five, four, three, two, one.

Autobots, I'm in pursuit!

Pull over!

Punk-ass Decepticon!

Any last words?

This is not your planet to rule!

The Fallen shall rise again.

That doesn't sound good.

Not today.(Cliptonite-CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009) Blu-ray CLIP | Opening - Shanghai Battle (Scene) | HD - Duration: 6:54.

------------------------------------------- - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> - Duration: 1:18.


World of Warships - Táticas de Mapa: Ilhas + Polar - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> World of Warships - Táticas de Mapa: Ilhas + Polar - Duration: 7:32.


Driver loses control, overturns on Route 283 - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Driver loses control, overturns on Route 283 - Duration: 1:15.


Jesse Ridgeway (MCJUGGERNUGGETS) being forbidden? (259 vlog 307#) - Duration: 2:54.


Jesse: But, I can't cut back. That's why I'm filming right now.

Jeffrey: Yeah, you can't cut back. Right. Well, you're gonna have to cut back.

Jeffrey: It's just like you wanna go to North Carolina, you're going to be videoing, right?

Jesse: We went through this. Yeah, I...

Jeffrey: Yeah, we went through it.

Jesse: Yeah, I will be videoing.

Jeffrey: Did you understand what I said? You disrespecting me by doing this.

Jesse: I did. "I cannot do the videos."

Jeffrey: You're gonna have to.

Jesse: I'm still doing this, so...

Jeffrey: Then, we're not going.

(clicks tongue)

That's so fucking harsh.

As you may know, guys...

(clicks tongue again)


...Jesse Ridgeway already posted that video 2 days ago. And that's called: "MY DAD RUINS OUR FAMILY VACATION!".

And, if you want to look that video up, you know where to find it: in the description down below.

Well, after the talk that Jesse Ridgeway and his father...


...well, a whole lot has changed.

I mean, Jeffrey "PSYCHO DAD" Ridgeway really wanted to put an end to Jesse Ridgeway's filming.

Well, because, ever since he made those risk taking videos of when he was playing as the "ISAAC" character, well, his father is piss. I mean, he has to point the gun at him, he has to kidnapped his own mother, and on top of that, he was all tied up.

And also, his camera man, PARKER, he quit.

So, will Jesse Ridgeway get his ass straight, or vice versa?

Well, we don't know.

Well, that's all I have to say to y'all, so good bye. Thanks for watching.

I'm getting a shout out to MCJUGGERNUGGETS, of course, KIDBEHINDACAMERA, TESSA HUYCK, BLAYKE RIFLEY, BRIDGETTE WEST, and TONY TORNADO. And as always, keep it real. And stay in school.

ending + closing funding

For more infomation >> Jesse Ridgeway (MCJUGGERNUGGETS) being forbidden? (259 vlog 307#) - Duration: 2:54.


CALABRESE- Dayglo Necros Statue - BUNDLE **Limited Edition** - Duration: 1:28.

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