Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

hey guys it's me elle welcome back to another video so today's video is going

to be travel life hacks and my carry on essentials because I know this is the

type of season where a lot of people are traveling on summer vacation and

everything like that I thought I should come up with an idea to help your

traveling be a little bit easier and everything like that so I'm going to be

including five travel life hacks and also just my all-time carry-on

essentials when I'm going on an airplane or a awesome road trip so definitely

stick around for that if your new to my channel be sure to subscribe it'll be

kind of around here somewhere and also be sure to give this video a thumbs up

for travel life hacks and helpful tips and I think that's everything

that I have to say so let's go ahead and roll with the video

okay so the first life hack is to definitely check the weather because this has happened to me

so many times where I'm planning to go to the beach and everything like that

and then I get there and I'm rained on and I packed all these cute summery

outfits just check the weather and base your outifts on that and it's just really

helpful so the second life hack goes out to all my over packers out there so

this is to just definitely schedule how many outfits that you're wearing each

day so if you don't over pack and have the exact amount of outfits to wear so

you don't have all this excess clothing in your suitcase that you're not gonna

wear and it's just perfect because you have an exact amounts of everything in

your suitcase and you will not over pack so the third life hack is to definitely plan out

little outfit categories in your suitcase and to just try not to throw

everything in your suitcase because it's just really hard to find all your

clothing pieces for the next day if you just have everything that's all thrown in your suitcase

so have different sections for top you know bottoms, dresses everything like that

so that you're organized and you know where everything is so my fourth life

hack is to washi tape chargers and this is like a lifesaver especially if you're

traveling with friends and family members definitely just washi tape your

charger so you know which one's yours because I've had so many times I've

accidentally taken the wrong charger or something and like that and been like oh wait this is not

mine so definitely just washi tape your charger so you know that it's yours

and everything like that and it's a such a great set so the fifth and final life

hack is to definitely keep all your prized possessions in your carry-on bags

when you are at an airport because you never know if something could get stolen

and this is just a prime tip so that nothing gets stolen and it's just a

great tip guys so definitely just keep on your laptop anything in your carry-on

so you have it and its with you

all right so now we're going to talk about my travel essentials so the

first travel essential is definitely some sunglasses because sunglasses are great

it blocks sunrays from your eyes so I definitely love sunglasses while

traveling another essential is obviously my phone I cannot live without my

phone next is a charger just in case my phone dies another essential is

just like a really comfy outfit because your going to be traveling so you definitely

just want something comfy and nice for the road or the plane another essential is

definitely your camera I cannot live without a camera you have to take some cute

pictures while you're at that destination so definitely bring a camera and the

last and final essential is definitely just a wallet or some sorts gonna need

money for those trips and everything like that so definitely a wallet so I

hope you guys really enjoyed this video if you did be sure to give it a thumbs

up and also hit the subscribe button that will be kind of around the screen somewhere

I will see you guys next week with another video bye!

For more infomation >> Travel Life Hacks and Essentials! 2017 - Duration: 3:48.


Aprenda Cores | Canções Infantis | Para Crianças | Desenhos Animados Do Bebê - Duration: 1:06:58.

Let's name a few colors

You wanna try?

Ok let's go!





















For more infomation >> Aprenda Cores | Canções Infantis | Para Crianças | Desenhos Animados Do Bebê - Duration: 1:06:58.


Bitcoin Future | Hard Fork Statement | Bitcoin | Bitcoin Secret Tips017 Channel - Duration: 5:10.

Bitcoin Future | Hard Fork Statement | Bitcoin | Bitcoin Secret Tips017 Channel

Bitcoin Future | Hard Fork Statement | Bitcoin | Bitcoin Secret Tips017 Channel

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Future | Hard Fork Statement | Bitcoin | Bitcoin Secret Tips017 Channel - Duration: 5:10.


СВЕТЛЯЧОК 4 серия | с Русской озвучкой в HD | АНОНС и дата выхода | сюжет Турецкого сериала - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> СВЕТЛЯЧОК 4 серия | с Русской озвучкой в HD | АНОНС и дата выхода | сюжет Турецкого сериала - Duration: 2:29.


Laura's Kitchen Garden Potato Reveal - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Laura's Kitchen Garden Potato Reveal - Duration: 6:44.


Excavator, Dump trucks, Spiderman Video for children | Trucks for children | TRUCK BRUDER TOYS - Duration: 19:10.

For more infomation >> Excavator, Dump trucks, Spiderman Video for children | Trucks for children | TRUCK BRUDER TOYS - Duration: 19:10.


Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017 - Duration: 3:31.

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

For more infomation >> Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017 - Duration: 3:31.


τατσης κωστας2 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> τατσης κωστας2 - Duration: 2:11.


Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real! - Duration: 2:39.

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Women You Won't Believe Are Real! - Duration: 2:39.


Nerf at War Twin vs Twin YouTube - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Nerf at War Twin vs Twin YouTube - Duration: 0:41.


How to Check the Oxygen and pH Levels in Your Aquaponics System - Duration: 1:42.

So right now we're going to check dissolved oxygen into the system using

this probe we'll do this on a daily basis and that's just to make sure that

there's enough oxygen for the fish and all the bacteria. So we're going to go

ahead and drop this probe in the water then hit read on our sensor. And we're

kind of wanted to fall somewhere above four to five milligrams per liter of

oxygen in the water. That means we're going to have enough oxygen for the fish

and the bacteria to do their job and also provide good oxygen for the plant

roots. So right now we read about a dissolved oxygen about 5.8 and so that's

going to be plenty of oxygen. Although you know if it gets any lower we might

want to put some aeration on there. Something else that's also important is

pH of the water. And so the pH we're going to want to run between about 6.5

and 7 on the pH. And that's important because it helps the plants take up

their nutrients and a little bit lower range. But also the fish do well and the

bacteria do well in that pH range. If you get much lower the plants might do

better but you might harm your bacteria. You get much higher the plants won't be

able to take up any nutrients. So pH is very important. Also

one of the important things to remember in an aquaponic system is you're trying

to feed the plants all the nutrients they need, what they would normally get

in the soil. Unfortunately the fish feed doesn't give them all those nutrients

one of the major nutrients that we have issues with is iron.

For more infomation >> How to Check the Oxygen and pH Levels in Your Aquaponics System - Duration: 1:42.


СОН / МЕЧТА 2 серия / с Русской озвучкой в HD / АНОНС и дата выхода / сюжет Турецкого сериала - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> СОН / МЕЧТА 2 серия / с Русской озвучкой в HD / АНОНС и дата выхода / сюжет Турецкого сериала - Duration: 2:06.


How to Add Iron Nutrients Into Your Aquaponics System - Duration: 1:05.

One of the important things to remember in your aquaponics system is that you are trying

to feed the plants all of the nutrients that they need which they would normally get in

the soil.

Unfortunately the fish feed does not give them all the nutrients.

One of the major nutrients that we have issues with is Iron.

Iron oxide rust is something that precipitates out of solution and it is not available to

the plants.

So we have to provide something called Chelated Iron.

So this is a product that has chelated iron it.

We add about 2 milligrams per liter every two weeks into the system in order to reduce

the micronutrients issues that we have in our plants.

So the feed that you use for your aquaponics system is going to be directly related to

the fish species that you want to grow.

So something like a tilapia for example is gonna need about 35% protein and maybe 8%


For more infomation >> How to Add Iron Nutrients Into Your Aquaponics System - Duration: 1:05.


How to Plant Seedlings for Your Aquaponics System - Duration: 3:04.

So whenever you're starting your seedlings from seed you're going to want

a media that's going to allow you have plenty of oxygen to the moisture around

the seed and something that the seed can root through. And so the product that we

use is called rock wool and it comes in these sheets like this there are

actually little individual pieces that you can break off like so and you can

sow the seeds into the holes here in the end and the seedling will actually grow

right straight through that and then we could transplant this directly into our

floating rafts or into our media beds.

We're going to go ahead and seed our plants into some rock wool and we're

actually going to put them inside of a plastic container. This helps seal in the

moisture and keeps the plants from dehydrating before they get germinated.

So as I lift this off you'll see there's quite a bit of water forming on the roof

of this that's staying inside the container. And inside we have some rock wool.

And we have two of the pelleted style lettuce seeds in each one of these

as you can see up close they're actually starting to crack open and starting to

put down tap roots. And then so we put two in here so we make sure we have

enough for whenever we transplant them to the system. And each one of these

might take two to three weeks for them to actually germinate and become a bit

large enough to put into the system. It's important not to start these off with

much nutrients at all at the very beginning but as the plants get larger

you start adding a little bit of fertilizer to those systems. That could

be from your aquaponic system. And the reason for that is you know the plants

small plants don't handle nutrients well as they get larger they're going to need

it in order for them to grow. It's also important not to leave the humidity dome

on for too long because some plants like the tomatoes they might start damping

off or getting some different sort of fungal diseases. Whenever that they're

subjected to moisture for too long so there's a period of time where they need

the moisture other periods where it's good just to go ahead and water those

plants and allow them to grow on up. So we've got some tomato plants started

here. This is an indeterminate variety which means they continue to grow

throughout their lifecycle. And this particular one is called moneymaker and

so right now we've actually got these transplanted from the rock wool into a

starter media called perlite. And I can actually pull one out here of this

perlite and you see the roots are starting to grow through the rockwool

cube. And as these plants get a little bit larger than we can move those over

into the media based systems in the aquaponics.

So there's a range of building infrastructures that might work for a

producer if depends on if you want to be hobbyist or if you want to be a really

commercial producer.

For more infomation >> How to Plant Seedlings for Your Aquaponics System - Duration: 3:04.


5 Things You May Not Know About Fallout 4 - Duration: 1:31.

Better Alone Than Accompanied?

At least a dozen companions have been confirmed for Fallout 4, among which a loyal dog, a philanthropist outlaw and a robot butler. A wide range of opportunities indeed, but what made Fallout 3 really special was the loneliness. Humanity had been almost wiped away, and you were one of the few survivors: a sensation that spread through you while you roamed the hostile Wasteland. Even in Fallout 4 you'll be able to be alone if you want and not only you won't be penalized, you'll actually get access to some exclusive perks.

Weather Forecast – Radioactive Storms

The variable weather isn't really a novelty in open world games anymore, but usually those titles are not set in a country devastated by nuclear weapons. Living in a world with more water might seem ideal, but it would be dangerously close to the Glowing Sea, called that way since that's where the bomb fell. Storms that rage from this point are radioactive and can hit you anywhere, anytime in the Commonwealth. Acid rain will make you wish to wear a metallic armor, but that might not be a great idea when radioactive lightning strikes start raining down from the sky.

In the Hearts of Machines

While most of you will be happy to treat Mr. Handy, your robot butler, with respect and dignity, it's fair to say that some might be already thinking about trying the new V.A.T.S. system on it. The high level of detail in Fallout 4 also includes the internal parts of each machine, so if you fire on a robot you'll be able to see the circuits behind its cladding. A small but remarkable detail, since making androids go boom is much more satisfying after you've seen how hard it must have been to build them.

Sometimes It's Best Not To Meddle

A great way to improve the sense of realism of an open world game is to give the impression that the lives of NPCs (non-playing characters) go on whether you're there or not. In Fallout 4, it's possible to stumble in conflicts while you explore Boston. A group of savage night-owls might clash with unlucky bandits and it'll be up to you (as long as you're not seen) whether to intervene or not. Moreover, nothing prevents you to watch the whole scene from afar before jumping on the weakened survivors and ultimately rob all corpses.

You Just Won't Shut Up

Fallout 4 dubbing actors have recorded over 13K lines and the whole game has more dialogues than Fallout 3 and Skyrim combined. If you don't like talking, especially with strangers, you may however ignore NPCs, leaving mid-conversation or even just shooting them in the mouth. On the other hand, if you enjoy talking you'll be able to do that even with more characters at once in "multi-chat".

Thanks for watching! :)

For more infomation >> 5 Things You May Not Know About Fallout 4 - Duration: 1:31.


How To Take Care of Water in Your Aquaponics System - Duration: 1:37.

So water source is critically critically important in a system like this. And the

reason why is because all of your fish and bacteria and your plants have to be

able to live on that. So we are in the city of Ames and so we are using

municipal water here and we actually have to dechlorinate that water. Take

the chloramine out and provide that to the fish. But you know we also have to

make sure it's safe before it goes in there.

All right so this is what we call a head tank and we've actually wrapped it in

this product called tech foil to both insulate it and to prevent algae growth

inside. We've only left this one strip open which actually does get covered in

algae. Just so we know what our volume of water is in here.

So we've refilled this tank every single time with the city water and then we're

able to dechlorinate it. We actually have a product called chlorine in there which

is chlorine plus ammonia. And so that product has to be broken up and then

degassed out of the water before we can introduce it to the fish. A lot of

producers might want to use something like well water but you're going to want

to have that tested beforehand. It's dangerous to use surface water in some

instances because there will be live animals in there and possibly diseases

that you really want to keep away from your fish and plant you know and have a

system that you really have control over and prevent any issues of occurring.

For more infomation >> How To Take Care of Water in Your Aquaponics System - Duration: 1:37.


БЕСКРЫЛЫЕ ПТИЦЫ 6 серия | с Русской озвучкой в HD | АНОНС и дата выхода | сюжет Турецкого сериала - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> БЕСКРЫЛЫЕ ПТИЦЫ 6 серия | с Русской озвучкой в HD | АНОНС и дата выхода | сюжет Турецкого сериала - Duration: 2:31.


8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop! - Duration: 3:20.

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop!

For more infomation >> 8 Reasons why Tubelight is Flop! - Duration: 3:20.


How to Find Your Triathlon Running Pace - Duration: 8:59.

- Here are some ways that you should be looking at

figuring out your running pace for a triathlon.

Probably wanna be a hero at the finish line.

I haven't hired you yet, by the way.

All right, Trainiacs, Trainiacs, Trainiacs.

Good afternoon.

So last week, I did a video on how to pace the bike,

and in a lot of those comments was, how do I pace the run?

Excellent question.

The run is a little bit harder to pace than the bike,

but I would say that it's probably more important,

because the run is where you can lose a ton of time.

You're not necessarily going to make up a ton of time,

but you can certainly get into a race

and at least have the run be something

that doesn't take a ton of time away

from your overall race time.

So if you can have a running pace

that you know that you can hold

that is similar to the best running pace that you can hold

in just a flat-out running race personal best,

that's really all you can hope for in your running race.

Now, getting that pace figured out is the trick.

Here are some ways that you should be looking at

figuring out your running pace for a triathlon.

Number one is heart rate.

And this is probably a more consistent way

to look at running pace than your actual pace is,

especially when you start traveling for races.

Like, when I went down to Campeche,

it was after an entire winter of training out here

in the frozen tundra, and then all of a sudden

I go down to Campeche and it's hotter than Hades.

I'm not built for that.

So even though we had trained for a running pace

of about 4:30 per kilometer,

we didn't know if I was gonna be able to do that

because we didn't know how I was going to react to the heat.

So what Coach Pat did for me was

he set a top cap on my running pace

and said whether it feels good or it feels bad,

your heart rate can't go over that cap,

because that's your danger zone.

There's a couple ways that you can figure out

your max heart rate.

Number one is on a bike, number two is on a treadmill.

The way on the bike is safer.

The way on the treadmill, you might get spit off

the back of the treadmill, but it's more accurate.

In both tests, what you're looking to do

is start off at a comfortable pace.

Every minute you increase the intensity, the speed,

and you mark down your heart rate and how hard it feels

on a scale of zero to 10.

Let's say, in my case, it'll be like 100, then 104,

then 109, and then when you get to like

a perceived exertion of five to six,

it's gonna get up to around 130, 140.

When you start maxing out,

your heart rate is gonna level out.

So increasing that speed every single minute

might take my heart rate from a 177 to a 178,

and then again to a 179.

And when the increase in speed doesn't really result

in an increase in heart rate, that's about when you max out.

Fair warning, though, your legs are probably gonna give out

before you give in on your heart rate,

hence you might be spit off the back of a treadmill

and that's why we often do these on the bike.

So in my case, we ended up coming up with

a max heart rate on the bike of 180.

That's my max, max max max max max.

We don't want to be hitting that, because that's maxed out,

and you want to be pacing yourself and pulling yourself

a fair bit back from that.

So what Coach Pat had me do was

that 180 was what the test said,

but in the race on the bike,

I wasn't allowed to go over 165 with my heart rate,

and then in the run I wasn't allowed to go over 170.

It's a little bit higher on the run

because your body is carrying your body weight,

so that added five to 10 beats a minute

is where that slightly higher heart rate comes in,

but you can still use your max heart rate from the bike.

Just know that it's gonna be about five to 10 beats higher.

So that's how you can figure out your running pace

based off of max heart rate on the bike.

Now, you are gonna need to know what type of pace

you should have as a bit of a guideline.

One of the best ways to do that is by

doing long simulation road races.

So let's say you're doing a sprint triathlon,

you want to be doing 5k road races.

You're doing an Olympic, you want to do 10k road races.

It doesn't have to be a measured road race,

you can just do it yourself,

but figure out what your max pace is,

your personal best, and then somewhere around, say, 10%,

give or take a few percent of that,

that's gonna be about what your pace is going to be

in a triathlon.

So in my case, my 5k personal best is around, like 19:15,

my 10k personal best is just around 40,

my half-marathon personal best is around 128.

And determining whether you are 10% slower

than your personal best or 5% slower than your personal best

or 15% slower than your personal best

is based off of your overall fitness

and the length of time that you've been in triathlon.

The longer you've been in triathlon and the fitter you are,

the closer you're going to be able to get

that triathlon time down to your fresh personal best time.

So in my case, I'm taking that 19:15 personal best run

and I'm looking for about a 20 to 20 and a half minute run

in a sprint triathlon.

That half Iron Man triathlon, I haven't yet nailed this,

and this is a Coach Pat project for Austin coming up.

I'm taking that 128 half marathon

and I'm trying to do somewhere around a 135 half marathon

in the half Iron Man.

So do those running tests, do the road races,

do those measured distances where you see

what your body's capable of, and those numbers will give you

a bit of a measure of dialing it back.

As far as figuring out your pacing strategy,

go out slow.



As I mentioned just yesterday,

I did not quite nail this in my Campeche race.

And when you go out fast,

you're setting yourself up for failure.

It's quite hard to go out fast, spend a bunch of energy,

and then try to hang onto it.

What's easier to do is to go out slow,

reserve a bunch of energy, and then as you feel good

and your heart rate is in check,

it's easier to pick it up or even just hold onto your pace.

Get in the habit of doing brick workouts

where in the first one, two, three miles

you're going out and you're holding yourself way back.

And even though you might feel good,

you have to get in the habit of knowing

how far you've gotta pull yourself back

and being able to feel that pace,

which will probably feel quite slow,

because you're running around the transition zone

and people are cheering for you and you feel great

and you're going out there and you're like,

oh, I'm gonna kill this run.

Hmmm, doesn't quite happen that way.

Slow yourself back.

Do you want to be a hero coming out of transition

or do you want to be a hero at the finish line?

Probably wanna be a hero at the finish line.

Run pacing, and I'm sure now people are gonna

ask for swim pacing.

If you're interested in swim pacing,

that's a little bit harder to figure out

because you don't have a watch,

but if you are interested in figuring out

how to figure out your swim pacing, like button.

This lighting is just crispy white, huh?


It's everyone's favorite light, the ice light.


Got some podcasts planning to do with...

You know what they say about working with family members?

Especially one that's smarter than you at something,

like interviewing?

It's bound to go well.

Bet we won't ask, just like, call it.

- It's what you do.

- Well, I don't know these things.

How am I supposed to know that you know that?

Problems already.

I haven't hired you yet, by the way.

- First question, are you wearing pants?

Taren did not want to wear pants.

I made him put on pants.

You don't have to, we can't see you.

- All right, Trainiacs, I think we have

a pistol of a first interview together.

- You call everything a pistol.

- Everything is a pistol when we do it.

- Gotta find a new word.

- Crackerjack.

How do you feel about said upcoming interview with,

we're not gonna say who it is.

Shmike Shmiley.

- Ah, it's going to be great.

- You're talking like this, and the microphone's right away.

- It's gonna be great! - There you go.

Ah, these new triathlon cams, I tell ya.

All right, Trainiacs.

Big things are happening, big things., and I'll keep you updated

on the podcasting as it happens.

She knows a lot more than me about interviewing.

And she's not gonna let me forget it, is she?

- Why should I? - Exactly.

For more infomation >> How to Find Your Triathlon Running Pace - Duration: 8:59.


Learn Colors For Children Kids Toddlers With Spiderman Cartoon 2017 Full Episodes In English Funny - Duration: 8:03.

Learn Colors For Children Kids Toddlers With Spiderman Cartoon 2017 Full Episodes In English Funny

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