Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

Hello ,guys.Welcome to AlphaOmega Channel

This time ,i'm gonna show you how i finish last mission without taking so much time.

because there's so many players have a difficult time when finish their mission/dLc/quest .

But the good news is , after you watch this, everything will be easy.

1st is USE Stamina Break combo at your opponent if he targeting you.

2nd, is Don't Forget to bring "ALL REGENERATE CAPSULE " to Support Your ALLY (COM) in Front Line.

3rd, is Use Giant Storm OR SuperNova Cooler if you already have it.

GOODLUCK Guys, Dont Forget to Click LIKE and Subscribe.

Don't Forget to LIKE and Subscribe

For more infomation >> XENOVERSE 2 | (QUICK)How to The Finish every Quest/DLC/Mission/PQ (ENG SUB) - Duration: 11:45.


Maski przeciwpyłowe klasy P1 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Maski przeciwpyłowe klasy P1 - Duration: 0:16.


Bytarifa faz bola de futebol com 1 km de alumínio. YouTube Espanha - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Bytarifa faz bola de futebol com 1 km de alumínio. YouTube Espanha - Duration: 1:10.


Paul-Walker-Hymne: "See You Again" knackt YouTube-Rekord! - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Paul-Walker-Hymne: "See You Again" knackt YouTube-Rekord! - Duration: 2:01.


4 DIY Projects With Drinking Straws – 4 New Amazing Drinking Straw Crafts and Life Hacks - Duration: 7:54.

This video has four crafts made with drinking straws and an iron

For more infomation >> 4 DIY Projects With Drinking Straws – 4 New Amazing Drinking Straw Crafts and Life Hacks - Duration: 7:54.




BY Makia Freeman,

Mind control technology is far advanced beyond what we know.

And, thanks to certain whistleblowers and researchers, what we already know is truly


The worldwide conspiracy is all about control, and controlling your mind is one of its ultimate


This doesn�t mean just controlling the flow of information into your mind (via censorship

and propaganda).

It means literally controlling what you think and feel, piping thoughts and dreams into

your mind subliminally (so you�ll never know it�s happening) and even erasing your

memories or implanting false ones.

The current state of mind control technology is a highly dangerous weapon, and at this

stage, the best thing we can do is to become more aware of it.

The Lilly Wave

Let�s begin with the Lilly wave (named after Dr. John C. Lilly, who worked at the US National

Institutes for Health in areas including dolphin brain implants).

In this discussion with Jeff Rense, Dr. Patrick Flanagan reveals how he was friends with Lilly.

According to Flanagan, Lilly �developed technologies for bypassing the mechanism of

the human brain that resist programming�.

By chance, Lilly later discovered that there were signals coming in from the power grid

(with embedded ultrasonic wave forms and shapes) using his own invention, the Lilly wave, which

had been weaponized (like just about everything).

Flanagan also states that some of his own inventions were suppressed, taken and used

for mind control purposes against the public.

The article The Lilly Wave And Psychotronic Warfare states:

�[The Lilly wave] is a bi-phasic electric pulse which stimulates the neurons of the

brain to resonate at a certain frequency, thus the Lilly wave has the ability to control

the brainwave patterns of the brain.

There is however a far more advanced form and a largely unknown and suppressed purpose

in the use of the Lilly Wave.

The water molecules within the brain can be made to resonate at a desired frequency thus

causing the electrons that comprise the brains electrical voltages to also resonate at the

same frequency.

It is not a requirement, as is understood by the majority of science, to implant electrodes

to cause the brains water molecules to be entrained to a certain frequency, it can also

be accomplished by any waveform that can penetrate the skull and cause the entrainment of the

brains water molecules.

For example, radio waves emitted at a frequency of 40hz, targeted at a persons brain, will

entrain the water molecules to a degree of 40hz and thus the rest of the brains electrons

will resonate at such a frequency.

In this manner it is possible to stimulate and control the brains wave patterns remotely,

with electromagnetism and also acoustic waves � in short, the Lilly Wave is best described

as a targeted resonance of the brains molecules.� Erasing Real Memories � and Implanting Fake


Melissa and Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media have released some informative videos in the

last 1-2 years on the general theme of mind control.

This videoreveals how scientists say they can now erase memories (and implant false


This video exposes what the Davos controllers were planning and discussing (in 2016) for

the future � brain mapping.

It�s Minority Report stuff coming true day by day, with technology rapidly advancing

to decode your brain.

This means decoding exactly what you are thinking and feeling, as well as what you have just

done (e.g. watched a movie):

�� we can reconstruct the objects and actions in the movie just from your brain

� thoughts and feelings that you may not be able to verbalize, or may not want to verbalize,

they may still leave a signature in your brain, and we might be able to decode that � if

we could get to the point where � you can have an unwilling � suspect having their

brain decoded � there are no legal protections that could be afforded to you ��

One of the speakers then goes on to say that right now there are no legal concepts or protections

such as mental privacy or cognitive liberty.

This is where the discussion was already at over 1 year ago!

Brain mapping: where mind control technology is headed.

Hendricus Loos and Hulu

In another video, Truthstream Media expose the patents of a certain Hendricus G. Loos.

One of his patents (US Patent 6,506,148 B2 from 2003) is entitled Nervous System Manipulation

by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors.

It details how your emotional state can be changed by modifying (pulsing) the EM (electromagnetic)

fields around you � which electronic devices like TV screens and computer monitors already


Loos writes:

�It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulling

images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.�

Two things must be noted here.

Firstly, this can all be done subliminallywithout you consciously noticing it.

Secondly, the idea of pulsed RF signals is exactly what smart meters are doing to destroy

your health.

Pulsed EM fields are especially dangerous to the human energetic field � and the NWO

controllers know it.

How will the 5G grid and IoT contribute to all this?

Interestingly, some have suggested that the TV company Hulu derived its name from Hendricks


Hulu famously released its video ad with Alec Baldwin detailing how they produce programs

that turn people�s brains to mush in order to prime the brains up for eating by aliens.

Just a coincidence, I�m sure.

Ex-CIA Agent Reveals Shocking Extent of Mind Control Technology: Voice of God, OIW, Forced

Dreams & Cybernetic Hive Mind

If what I�ve covered so far shocks you, it�s nothing yet.

Check out this 2016 presentation from Dr. Robert Duncan (ex-CIA agent, black ops insider

and mind control expert who worked on numerous mind control technology projects).

Duncan is literally shaking with nervousness as he gives the speech, probably because he

knows the information he is letting out is so sensitive it could get him killed.

He reveals how every individual can be mapped into the mind control network of the military

intelligence agencies, because each human has a unique resonance signature.

He confesses that he worked on a mind control weapon known as the �Voice of God�, which

has 4 different techniques that can pipe voices into people�s heads.

After a person is subjected to the Voice of God, they can easily be controlled through

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques, because their thought processes have been


The Voice of God is part of a broader weapon array known as OIW (Offensive Information


It was used in the Iraq War against the Iraqi soldiers � voices were piped into their

brains commanding them to surrender (saying something like �Drop your weapons, this

is Allah�).

Duncan reveals that dreams can be hacked in fact.

This is especially insidious, since people believe dreams are their private creation.

Although he admits the existence of these forced dreams or induced dreams, he states

he can�t say which organization is responsible for projecting them.

However, a good guess would be DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) which is

pushing forward the transhumanism agenda.

DARPA has been involved in all sorts of mind control activities, such as creates a Cybernetic

Hive Mind which combined �soldiers, EEG brainwave scanners, 120-megapixel cameras,

and multiple computers running cognitive visual processing algorithms � to significantly

improve the US Army�s threat detection capabilities�.

Conclusion: A Secret Mind Control Technology Network is Being Set Up All Around You

The above is just a snippet of what is out there, and that in turn is just a fraction

of the true state of mind control technology (hidden in black military projects).

It is undeniable that a mental-emotional control grid is being set up all around us, using

the power grid and electronic devices to transmit and subliminally influence us.

Some may argue that this technology can be used for good, but let�s be realistic.

This mind control technology has the clear and inherent capacity to be exploited in horribly

manipulative ways.

Controlling people�s memories strikes at the heart of what it means to be human: to

be able to have your own experiences, feel all the emotions involved in them (including

grief and sadness), and learn from your mistakes.

Erasing memories is akin to erasing your identity; it�s the very sense of who you are.

It�s like the chemical numbing that so many synthetic pharmaceutical drugs deliver.

It�s like the soma of Huxley�s Brave New World, a metaphor for all the substances available

to us to make us ignore, deny and forget the pain, rather than facing up to it and dealing

with it.

To those interested in truth and liberty, surely this subject must take on paramount

importance with our research focus.

It is hard to understate the extreme danger this technology poses to our freedom.

For more infomation >> 'THEY' CAN'T READ YOUR THOUGHTS… RIGHT - Duration: 10:57.


¡Jowell y Randy felices por el éxito del video "Bonita"! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> ¡Jowell y Randy felices por el éxito del video "Bonita"! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:10.



Hey guys ! Hope y'all good ?

As you know, it's always them, always them !!!

Armon & Trey released a new mashup

I received the notification !

The mashup seems very lit !

There is Wild Thoughts, my soong

Going to watch it now !!!


This mashup is lit !

It's very very lit

I've no words !

I didn't understand the part when they sing in Spanish !

So you guys know how to speak spanish ?


I put 10/10 on this mashup ! This one overtook all the others

I said this all the time "Yeah this mashup overtake the last one" but for real this mashup is very liiiiiiit !

I will download it

It's very good, look at the high notes please ! I thought I will die lol


So yeah ! My reaction is over, I hope you liked it !

And as I said all the time ! If you're not subscribed, please do it right now pleeeeeaaaase !

If you don't know them, go watch all their mashups and subscribe to their channel please please pease !

Don't hesitate to add me on Snapchat, I'm very active there

At the moment, I'm asking a lot of questions for my next videos, sooo don't hesitate !

With this, full full full of kisses

and see you in my next video !



Sorry. I'm an imposter. - Duration: 3:41.

She's nineteen.

She's suffering from an existential crisis.

How much more relatable can she get?

There we go, just did it.

Everyone tells me to stop dabbing.

Hello, welcome to Nerdy and Quirky!

Now I have had the good fortune of surrounding myself with incredibly talented, incredibly

driven people.

Which is great because when everybody is sprinting forward, you are inspired to keep up with them!

Unless you're me.

Just out of shape physically, mentally, and emotionally.

But here's the reality of my situation, at risk of sounding like a complete narcissist,

I guess I'm one of those talented driven people??

Everyone unsubscribes.

No longer relatable content.

But I have this YouTube channel and I did relatively we-

I passed my first year of school.

I did it.

I made it.

So I'm doing alright.

But the problem is I feel like it's just luck.

And then somebody told me that I might have imposter syndrome.

And if someone was inevitably going to tell me that I've got a disease of some sort, probably

one of the cooler ones to get.

I mean: Imposter syndrome sounds kind of like...

Fellow supervillain!

Here are all of the files you need to hack the planet!


Now, you're under arrest because I'm a super spy police... spy.

[gasp] Are you a carb best served with meatballs because you're an


But in reality, imposter syndrome is kind of like...

Fellow supervillain!

Here are all of the files you need to hack the planet!


Now I can tell you that...


I've been feeling really insecure about my success until this point.

I feel like it's just good timing and luck.

And honestly, even though I spend my entire life dedicated to just dominating the planet,

I feel like I don't deserve it.

And it was really interesting reading more about this syndrome because, forget tumblr...

which everybody already has...

this is relatable content.


So people with imposter syndrome live in constant fear of being called out.

So they work really hard to avoid that.

This increases their success which they believe is because they're imposter.


They tend to give answers they think other people want to hear because they don't have

any confidence in their own answers since they think that they're an imposter.


They do this thing where they mix their personality and charm with their abilities to help gain success.

Which is thing that literally everybody does.

Except when a person with imposter syndrome does it, they think it's only because of their

charm, not because of their abilities.

And of course, it's because I'm soooo charming! [grunts]

Sounded like I just pooped my pants.

And four.

They never really show confidence in their abilities because they think their abilities

are fake.

And the wildest thing about imposter syndrome is that it seems to target a specific group

of people.


What a surprise!

Nobody saw it coming!

I totally know why because they're feelings that I have felt and still feel.

Girls don't want to take credit for their success because they don't want to be called

egotistical or bitchy.

Just read some inevitable comments down below for examples.

And women tend to be told that their success is the result of affirmative action or favouritism

rather than...

I don't know?


And it has to stop!

Because, yes, luck has a lot to do with it!

Luck has to do with a lot of things!

But I, along with everybody else who thinks that they're an imposter, needs to recognize

the fact that luck can only enhance what's already there.

So give yourself some credit!

Now, what about you guys?

What is one thing that you are proud of.

I want you to share it with everybody in the world, or at least, everybody in my comments.

And support people who share that their doing cool things and taking pride in things that

they have worked really hard on.

I just said hard on.

I'm sorry.

I'm twelve.

It's fine.

Please consider liking and sharing this video because as it turns out, the number one cure

for imposter syndrome is recognizing that it exists and it is bullshit.

So share it!

And subscribe to this channel because, y'know what?

I think I make some pretty neato videos and I think you'll like them.

But either way, have a lovely day!

For more infomation >> Sorry. I'm an imposter. - Duration: 3:41.


How To Generate Free Traffic For Your Business Via YouTube - Duration: 3:31.

In this video I'm going to share with you the "how" of generating free traffic

and driving that traffic to videos on YouTube to enable you to build up a

receptive audience that's more likely to buy your goods and services from you in

the near future. 60% of views on YouTube are search-

driven so the first thing we need to do is find out what our audience are

searching for and to then create content based around those topics. There are

three main places to go to to find out what's being searched for, so stay tuned

to find out more..................Hi my name is Jeff Laming from VideoCcashflow and in this

video we'll be looking at those three main places and then what we do with

that information from thereon. Before we do so, if this is your first time watching a

Video Cashflow video and you like what you see, hear and read, then please click

the Subscribe button at the bottom of this video so you can get access to more

videos on video marketing and business tips, tactics, techniques and strategies

that will help you with your own online business. ..............And the best places to search

are: 1. on social media (what are the popular topics being discussed?); 2. the Google

Keyword Planner Tool; and 3. the YouTube and Google search bars where

keywords and phrases show up as you enter terms into those search bars. This'll

help you determine the volume of views that are searching for solutions to particular

problems or issues. Once you know this you can start crafting your videos around these

particular subjects and ultimately provide the solutions. Another thing to

take note of are recurring questions asked by your clients, customers and

prospects. This also highlights problems that require solutions - and you're the

person that can now provide those solutions! Secondly, the videos require

to be optimized for the purpose of getting them ranked on page 1 of YouTube

and Google so that they can get seen by your target audience.

Now, there's two aspects to this. The first one is optimization. This means

your videos should be prepared in a certain format so that they can be

easily found when someone enters a particular

word, phrase or search term (known collectively as keywords) in the YouTube

(and Google) search bars. This is known as SEO - search engine optimization. Secondly,

why page 1? Simply because most people don't look beyond page 1 and if

your video is not on page 1, the chances of people finding it and your solutions are

very slim. Hence the reason why getting them

correctly optimized is critical to the success of your videos and your

marketing plan. Thanks for watching. Look out for another email on video marketing

and YouTube tips, tactics, techniques and strategies coming your way next week....

....and if you like this video please click the Like button underneath the video; feel

free to share it with friends, family, business colleagues and associates. By

all means leave a comment or ask a question in the Comments section

underneath the video; and if you'd like access to more videos on video marketing

and business tips, tactics, techniques and strategies, don't forget to hit the

Subscribe button. Until next time.... bye for now....

For more infomation >> How To Generate Free Traffic For Your Business Via YouTube - Duration: 3:31.


Учим Буквы ИгрАя. Буква В, легКо и Просто на руСском Языке. - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Учим Буквы ИгрАя. Буква В, легКо и Просто на руСском Языке. - Duration: 3:01.


Netflix Hacks You Need In Your Life - Duration: 6:41.

At this point, Netflix is an entertainment staple and a full-fledged cultural phenomenon.

And you may think you have it all figured out, but there are plenty of tricks to help

you take your night-in experience to the next level.

So get on in your couch groove and prepare to binge.

Here are the Netflix hacks you'll want to try ASAP.

Category codes

Netflix's recommended categories can get old pretty quickly, and those old fallbacks just

don't have the spark they used to.

Get familiar with sub-category codes, which give you access to more specific films, like

"Dramas Starring Colin Firth" or "Greek movies."

There's a list seemingly a mile long, so you're essentially guaranteed to land on something

you'll love, no matter how obscure.

"I decided I would use my new Kung Fu powers to fight crime so I became the best cop in

the world.

I became Kung Fury."

Highest quality

We've all been there.

You're trying to watch something on Netflix, but the quality keeps going out the window.

Life loses all meaning after that.

Well, you may not be getting the best out of your default Netflix settings.

Squeeze the best quality out of your subscription by customizing your playback settings to always

stream in high definition.

Head into "Account," then "My Profile," and then "Playback Settings."

Here, you have some choices.

Choose between "Auto," which is the default setting; "Low," for basic video quality; "Medium,"

for standard playback; or "High," which plays all your films and TV shows in crisp HD.


Watching Netflix on your computer?

Netflix has some built-in hotkeys to make your viewing experience easier.

You can press "F" to go full-screen, and hit Escape to return to normal.

Pressing enter or the space bar will allow you to pause, and "M" mutes the video.

You can also rewind or fast forward in ten-second increments by using the left and right keys.

Clear out "Continue Watching"

It's great to be able to go back and finish shows and movies later, but that "Continue

Watching" queue can get seriously bogged down over time.

When are you ever going to finish watching Boyhood?

And that last season of Dexter was WEAK.

Fortunately, it's easy to keep your "Continue Watching" queue nice and organized by getting

rid of random titles.

Dive into "Account," then "My Profile," and "Viewing Activity" to remove any shows you've

stopped watching.

Click the tiny "X" near each title you'd rather forget you watched, and Netflix will clear

it from the list, allowing you to get back to the things you're really interested in.

"That's a laser raptor, I thought they went extinct thousands of years ago."

Kill all spoilers

You know what's the worst?


You're blazing through Twin Peaks or Breaking Bad when you glance at the next episode's

description, and suddenly Making a Murderer just got a lot more literal.

Fortunately, you can fight back with Flix Plus, a Google Chrome extension that works

with Netflix to blur out any hidden spoilers in film and TV show blurbs.

So sit back, relax, and let your favorite characters do all the killing, spoiler-free.

Try new features

Netflix is constantly developing improvements and enhancements and testing them in real

time with real-life people.

Take new features out for a spin before anyone else by going to "Account," then "Settings,"

and "Test Participation."

Enrolling is as simple as shifting the "include me in tests and previews" option to "on."

You may even get your hands on the feature that changes Netflix forever, months before

the general public does.

Control your account

These days, Netflix accounts get passed around faster than earplugs at a Dave Matthews concert.

You give your login to a few friends, and suddenly, you've lost track entirely of everyone

on your plan.

If you've had multiple people using your Netflix account in the past, see who's still benefiting

from your monthly payment by checking "Account," then "Viewing Activity," and clicking "See

recent account access."

Do things look strange?

Is Aunt Gertrude watching Knitting Wars out in Iowa again?

Take back the gift that keeps on giving by signing out of all currently logged-in devices.

4K viewing

We've all heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Well, Netflix has taken note and started introducing 4K titles to its library under certain subscription


If you've got a 4K T-V and a strong internet connection, and want to get the most out of

your hardware, just type "4K" into the Netflix search box to browse Netflix's Ultra HD library.

Rating control

You're probably already aware that Netflix caters its suggestions to you based on your

watch history, but you can tell Netflix what you really want to watch by going to "Account,"

and then "Ratings" under the "My Profile" section.

Here, you can alter or remove ratings to fine-tune your Netflix recommendations.

Watch offline

We've all had a time when we wanted to watch Netflix without an internet connection.

Maybe you're on a long flight and itching to binge some Black Mirror, or you're out

getting in touch with nature but get bored with the dumb flowers.

Well, you're in luck.

There are a number of films and series ready for download in Netflix's library, but this

feature is only accessible on iOS and Android devices.

All you have to do is install the Netflix app on your phone or tablet, and when you

log in, you'll be greeted with a "Download & Go" splash-page, where you can tap "Find

something to download."

Alternatively, you can make your way to the main menu, where you'll find the "Available

for Download" section.

Tap the arrow button to save to your device, and you're all set for offline-viewing!

Outside opinion

Next time you're about to spend two hours on a movie you're not sure about, check out

Rotten Tomatoes first.

The site's "On DVD and Streaming" section collects everything available on Netflix,

plus a ton of other streaming services, so you can browse ratings to weed out anything

that's guaranteed to be awful.

The site also has a list of new releases hitting Netflix soon, so you can always pick a winner.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Netflix Hacks You Need In Your Life - Duration: 6:41.


Best Ways To Earn Money Online In Pakistan 2017/ Paisa Kamao Internet Se 100% Real & Easy Hindi/URDU - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Best Ways To Earn Money Online In Pakistan 2017/ Paisa Kamao Internet Se 100% Real & Easy Hindi/URDU - Duration: 3:13.


MIcheal Che Open Mic TJ Miller Sketch SNL - Duration: 6:15.

So we decided to do a video on Shane attempting stand-up at an open Mic with actual comedians Devin Column and Seanie

What happened there was more interesting?

Freaking elephant. I'll Freackin stables. Oh, God

i do have a joke we want to work on

You guys know that Beach mogul Tommy bahama with born Thomas bohamus

always I would always watch these elaborate scenes

and then dean would just do a one liner let me wrote that thing about we were in Detroit. Oh, yeah

we cast tommy dean as a the landlord

thomas bohaumus

in fact if you were there in the early days it wasnt even a call back

join us on stage

you may no him as the 4th member of our sketch group but we know him as the 4th member of the sketch group

i learned a lot by going to the comedy club with seanie and the lads

Along with learning a bit more about sketch artist from micheal che and Tj Miller what's amazing thing

I learned was just how rare this event was combined Seanie Devn and Colum have all been to

Thousands of open mics and nobody even remotely famous turned up to any of them

It just really shows how rare an event this was that was a wacky Wednesday fun fact segment if you've made it this far

Be sure to like this video and more importantly subscribe

comment below your favorite fun fact and it might make it onto our wacky Wednesday fun facts segment I have

a new hero in life his name is kyle maynard

he was borna quadruple amputee

no arms no legs he had feet ,

well he had feet to speak of ,

but id say kyle would admit to himself that they aren't the most practical

For more infomation >> MIcheal Che Open Mic TJ Miller Sketch SNL - Duration: 6:15.


Cartoons for Children. Solving Math Problems Add and Sub. Videos for Kids. Education for 1st Grade - Duration: 4:12.

Cartoons for Children. Solving Math Problems Add and Sub. Videos for Kids. Education for 1st Grade

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