Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for July 12, 2017.

Let's check out Hautelook for today, where Too Faced just started,

Velvet 59 and Kiehl's are in full swing, and the fragrances of Demeter are coming to and end.

The Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Palette will be BACK IN STOCK on July 18th at 8AM pacific!


Kat Von D shows us artwork that will appear on her makeup train-case.

Set to launch with her 10-year anniversary collection, the case will have gold hardware

- and a lush, all-red interior.

KVD is also working on packaging for her upcoming brow collection launch!

Sleek makeup is now available online at offers 20% off your entire online purchase through July 15th

We've got a sneak of Charlotte Tilbury's Hollywood collection, Coming soon

And these four new Wet n Wild mega Glow Highlighters are available now at their website.

- $4.99 each

That's it for now and we'll see you same time Tomorrow.

Don't forget our full-length weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning,

9:30am eastern on Youtube!

For more infomation >> Jaclyn Hill X Morphe Palette RESTOCK DATE! + Kat Von D's Brow Line is COMING | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:01.


Leyla ile Mecnun // Çay Edebiyatı!(2) - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Leyla ile Mecnun // Çay Edebiyatı!(2) - Duration: 6:10.


The Sacred Contribution Of The Mazatec Shaman To The Spiritual World - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> The Sacred Contribution Of The Mazatec Shaman To The Spiritual World - Duration: 6:29.


FoamCore Advanced Basics Tutorial Guide FoamBoard model making: modeling tips & tricks for Designers - Duration: 6:41.

Advanced Foam Core Basics

For more infomation >> FoamCore Advanced Basics Tutorial Guide FoamBoard model making: modeling tips & tricks for Designers - Duration: 6:41.


So ticken die Medien… am Beispiel der Hetzkampagne ... | 12.07.2017 | - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> So ticken die Medien… am Beispiel der Hetzkampagne ... | 12.07.2017 | - Duration: 9:00.



For more infomation >> LULA É CONDENADO A PRISÃO - 9 ANOS E MEIO PRA CONTAR NOS DEDINHOS - Duration: 0:48.


Istant Facial Hair Remedy at Home | Remove Facial Hair Naturally | Instantly Remove Facial Hair - Duration: 4:14.

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For more infomation >> Istant Facial Hair Remedy at Home | Remove Facial Hair Naturally | Instantly Remove Facial Hair - Duration: 4:14.


¿Cómo pueden los ciudadanos y residentes permanentes reclamar familiares y legalizar su estatus migr - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo pueden los ciudadanos y residentes permanentes reclamar familiares y legalizar su estatus migr - Duration: 3:04.


Tú Necesitas Autoridad | 30K Coaching | Liderazgo - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Tú Necesitas Autoridad | 30K Coaching | Liderazgo - Duration: 3:03.



For more infomation >> JUGO DE SANDÍA CON MELÓN # ADELGAZAR SIN HACER DIETAS - Duration: 1:36.


Oats Studios - Volume 1 - Zygote - Duration: 22:24.

[wind gusting]



[cries out in pain]

<i>Back-up generator online.</i>




How much is here? How much food do we have?


Maybe a day's worth. Probably less.


We're very low on water, sir.

Take this.

Drink the rest of it. Go on.

And an MRE, too.

You need to eat.

You come first, sir.

Class Ones come first.

I was born to die. Class Ones are born to live.

Don't fuckin' spout your damn slogans at me.

We've poisoned your mind, with that shit.

You take care of yourself and go find something to eat.

Go on.

[power shutting down]

<i>Warning, power failure.</i>

We need to make it into Building Alpha,

get into the corporate shelter.

Over in the main colliery. It's the only chance we have.

But won't it be there?

It has access to Alpha.

We have to try for the corporate vault.

They have a second kitchen there.

They've got stores of food,

stockpiles of supplies.

We can hole up there,

stay safe until we're rescued.

<i>Back-up generator online.</i>

[Barklay]: We've been safe

in the steam tubes so far, sir.

What if we move nearer to the acid baths?

We could hide there...

It doesn't have the necessary fingerprints for access here.

We'll die if we stay here, Barklay.

We'll freeze to death

if the steam tubes lose power.

We'll die of thirst,

or worse.

It knows about the steam tubes.

It knows everything we know.

It's gonna find its way in here eventually.

We won't be safe here.

I'm going to teach you how to use this.

You're going to get us across to the second facility.

You're Canary Class, right?

Yes, sir.

Canary Class Synthetic. C class labour.

Right. Pick it up.

We're not allowed to, sir.

Do what I say, dammit!

I don't give a fuck about your rules and laws anymore.

Canary Class workers

have access to firearms with a biometric override.

There. I've unlocked this rifle for you, all right?

This is the only way.

Now pick up the fucking gun!

<i>Back-up generator online.</i>

There's a bolt on the side.

You got to pull it back to cock it?

Right here. Do it. Grab it. Pull it back.

Yes, that's it. Okay.

Now it's ready to fire.

All right,

you got to put the butt into your shoulder.

Pull it. Really hard.

Yeah. Yeah, okay.

Now, it's going to kick when you fire,

but no more than

the pneumatic drills you're used to.

Just don't let it surprise you.

You make sure you hit that motherfucker.

All right, put the gun down.

Barrel away from me.

Two mags, that's it.

No more ammo.

60 rounds.

I still got my handgun.

Good explosive rounds.

It's backup.

-You got a bag? -Yes, sir.

Then grab it.


Get all the food and water. Bring it here.


Oh, something's not right.

I feel like there's a light...

There's a light inside of me. I can--

[groans in pain]

It's shining out from me.

[high-pitched screeching]


Something's wrong.

It was Richard.

I know what he means now.

I feel like that.


he cut one of those things open--

it had 40 rat brains inside, just linked together,

making a working brain.

Holebrook, you see, he stole pigs from the pens,

he cut the pigs' organs out,

and he strung them all together with sheep organs.

He made those things.

It was that light.

It was the light.

It told him to. It made him.

Then Holebrook, he...

he cut up all those miners.

Cut them all up.

And he made that big one out of them.

Then they cut open that rock, and I saw that light, Barklay.

I saw it, and I knew right away.

I knew it.

I felt it.

I felt it right away,


I cut my eyes out when I saw that light.

But I was too late.

I was too late.


We're going to get the fuck out of here,

all right?

That's your gun. Take it.

Come lift me up. Come on, here we go.

Help me up.


[alarm sounding]

<i>Power restored.</i>

<i>Back-up generator online.</i>

Now, when we open that door,

we've got about 100 metres to go to the second facility.

It has the biometrics to get through.

It's coming, no matter what we dc.

You aim straight.

You aim straight, you fucking hear me?

Yes, sir.

Can you see? Dc you have lights?

Yes, sir. Here's your mask.

We only get one chance at this.

Don't stop.

We go absolutely straight.

100 metres to Facility Alpha, understand?

Yes, sir.

Follow the beacon.

Go, go!

[Barklay]: Get up, sir! Please!

[Quinn]: Hold me! Hold me!


<i>Compromised security on John Quinn.</i>

[Quinn gasping and groaning]


Where do we go?

The managers' complex.

It's up ahead.

The living quarters, meeting rooms--

those rooms are fortified.

<i>Declined. Insufficient status. Declined.</i>

<i>Insufficient status.</i>

It's at the door. Just keep moving.

We can't keep it out.


<i>Authorized. Private Phillip Marshall.</i>

Get the gun ready!



Reload! Reload!

[creature screeching]

You're out! Let's go! Move, move!


<i>Atmospheric leak, sections A through C.</i>

<i>Commence evacuation procedure.</i>

There's a kitchen up ahead.

The door's manual.

Go in.

Bolt the door!

[Barklay]: Sir, we have to go.

Please, sir.

Take it, Barklay.

I'm going to tell you where to go.

Take the gun.


Just take it.

We're so close...

Christ, I'm--

I'm fucked up.

There's something wrong inside of me,

I'm telling you, I can feel it.

There's something wrong.

It's getting worse.

It's that thing--

it rejects synthetics.

Maybe I can slow it down.

Synthetics must be used as mining labour.

Protocol 7, statute 9.

But do you know how much true synthetics cost?

The overhead involved?


they cost more than orphans.

We purchased you from the Strata Group.

The company bought you when you were two weeks old.

You're a fucking human, Barklay.

That barcode we put on you

was to fool the OSHA inspectors.

We bought a couple of synths just to fool them.

You're Canary Class, right?

What's their job?

Your job is to crawl down in the mineshafts,

deep down into the asteroids.

Your job is to die

if you walk into a pocket of poison gas, right?

Now, do you think a synthetic would get sick like that?

Here, take the gun.

Take it.

You're going to get out.

You're going to tell everyone about this place--

about you, about who you are.

About the quartz, how it flashes.

You tell them.

The computer's never going to reject your status.

You're going to take my fingerprint

and you're going to get out of here.

[creature shrieking]

Now, remember, when this thing--

when it gets to me--

it's going to extract everything I know.

It's going to know about the vault.


You're going to make it, Barklay.

[pounding on door]



Take it! Take it! Go!

Go, go!


Come on, take it! Go!

Come on, you motherfucker!

Come on, you motherfucker! Kill me!

Come on, kill me!


<i>Severe damage to power grid detected.</i>

Come on!

Come on!

[creature roaring]

[creature screeching]


<i>Unsafe levels of methane</i>

<i>detected in sections B, C, D, E, and F.</i>

<i>Unsafe levels of methane</i>

<i>detected in sections B, C, D, E, and F.</i>






<i>If you are injured, remain calm...</i>



<i>Insufficient status.</i>


<i>Declined. Declined.</i>

[creature roaring]





[creature screaming]


<i>Declined. Insufficient status.</i>

<i>Declined. Insufficient status.</i>

<i>Authorized. CFO Kevin Bateman.</i>

[creature moaning]

[creature roaring]

For more infomation >> Oats Studios - Volume 1 - Zygote - Duration: 22:24.


Katy Perry - Swish Swish (Live on The Voice Australia) - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Katy Perry - Swish Swish (Live on The Voice Australia) - Duration: 3:27.


5 HORRIFYING Realities Of Daily Life In Historical Times - Duration: 8:24.

History has amazing highlights and the civilizations that helped build the world we know of today

have a lot to take credit for.

From the monolithic pyramids at Giza to the brilliant and provocative artworks of the

Renaissance, you would think that living in any of the centuries when mankind was reaching

for the stars is something you would want to witness and participate in, but you may

want to think twice about it.

While being a badass knight might sound epic to you or being one of Socrates' valued

students is a high honor, it's the things that happen in between the knightly duties

or the lessons at school that you should take heavily into consideration.

Daily life in the Medieval Ages or in Ancient Rome isn't as glammed up to be, and the

things we have read in our school's history books have been, pretty much, filtered down

to suit the taste of a general, more wholesome audience.

So in today's video, we are letting you in on some of the things that may surprise

you about daily living in historical times.

Here are 5 horrifying realities of daily life in the early centuries of the world!

Number 5: Plumbing Problems One of the greatest inventions introduced

into human civilization is indoor plumbing.

It is something we take extremely for granted on a daily basis.

To us, it's just part of a routine we go through every morning.

We sit, we flush, we wash, and once our business is down the drain and off to the sewer system,

it is not our business anymore.

As they say, out of sight, out of mind.

Sadly, the same cannot be said for people living in the days preceding indoor plumbing.

Voiding your bowels is an almost non-stop horror movie that you have to live through

every waking day and every waking moment of your life.

Take the Ancient Romans for example.

You would think that for a civilization that has pioneered a revolutionary system for irrigation

through the aqueducts, they would have found a solution to their plumbing problems.

At the height of their Empire, the Romans did have a way of meeting the daily demands

of bowel movement through a public toilet system.

However, there really was no sewage management system in place when it comes to dealing with

human excrement.

The public toilets were also a horror show regarding hygiene, and one would already be

risking his health by simply sitting on one of the latrines with pipes that lead directly

to a river of poop directly below.

Believe it or not, you are even at risk of catching fire using one of these public facilities

because of the large amount of methane build-up that's steaming out of each toilet seat.


medieval age was no better.

In those days, people tried to be innovative and creative regarding getting rid of their


Some would dig cesspits and bury their waste, but it would eventually spill over to a neighbor's


One woman named Alice Wade created a sophisticated wooden pipe system that ran underneath her

neighbors' yards and home and led directly to the street where her waste would end up.

It was a clever contraption up until it clogged and backed up her neighbors' sewage and,

of course, you can't fail to notice the accumulation of poop on the street.

If you think this is already horrific, most people in those days simply went in the streets

or wherever it is that they need to do their business in buildings, public squares, and


Number 4: Traveling Can Be Tricky Another everyday activity that we can freely

do these days is traveling.

With the convenience of modern transportation, we can safely move from one place to another

no matter the distance.

Traveling abroad – or even to a nearby town – back in the day, is a completely different


We have all seen the movies where commoners traveled armed only with a walking stick and

a rucksack filled with their personal belongings.

They would be lucky if they had a horse to ride.

One of the most challenging parts of traveling in the ancient world was a safe and clean

place to rest.

In fact, many travelers had no choice but to sleep out in the open and be vulnerable

to the elements and either freeze to death or be attacked by wild animals.

Travelling in a group may sound like a logical way to keep safe but you would still run the

risk of armed bandits who would not think twice of slitting your throat before running

off with your belongings or, in a sudden, ironic twist of fate, run the risk of being

robbed and murdered by your companions should conditions become rough.

Ignorance of local customs in a foreign land may also prove to be a problem.

Language barriers are the obvious hurdles but in times where political disputes and

territorial skirmishes abound, being misinformed of the goings on may land you a one-way ticket

to prison – if you're lucky.

It also goes without saying that food and water can be a problem when you did not plan

out your supplies correctly.

Food poisoning is rampant especially if you end up foraging and hunting for food that

could potentially do more harm to your body than you think.

An inn or a monastery are relatively safe places to find lodgings and food to eat, granted

that is the elements or bandits did not get to you first.

Even the most sophisticated traveling party can be susceptible to the horrors of traveling


Injury and accidents are as common as the air they breathe.

In one account in 1190, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I met his untimely death when he

drowned crossing the Saleph River during the Third Crusade.

I think it's safe to say that, back then, if you really don't have to go anywhere

important, it's safe to stay at home.

Number 3: No Quarter for the Unemployed In any government in any country and in any

kind of economic system, unemployment is a necessary evil in the cogs of industry and


Today, we treat the unemployed humanely and offer help in the form of welfare, career

counseling, and many other programs that can help anyone get on their feet and start building

a life.

I wish the same could be said centuries ago especially in the Medieval Age.

For example, being unemployed in 16th Century England is somewhat considered as a criminal


Because the unemployed had to wander and travel from one town to the next looking for any

means of income, they would often be seen by law enforcement and other locals as vagrants

and are swiftly thrown in jail.

Well, the lucky ones at least.

More often than not, the unemployed are tied to carts and dragged around town while being

flogged and whipped to a bloody pulp.

Talk about motivation.

However that all changed in 1547 when the flogging law was changed and, instead, a vagrant

could have the option of either being branded like cattle or be sold into slavery.

By the time 1600 rolled in, a new set of laws were passed that offered rewards to people

who would capture and bring in vagrants.

It was, as you can assume, a terrible plan to get the jobless off the streets as most

people opted to make this a lucrative form of living by simply tackling and picking up

anyone they find sleeping on the streets or suspect of vagrancy.

The government was not at all evil.

In some form, they did provide assistance to the poor and the jobless.

However, as part of the deal, they will be asked to wear a badge with the letter "P"

stitched into it to identify them in a crowd.

If an individual refused to wear it, he or she would be fined an equivalent of two weeks'

wages: wages that they did not have in the first place and could not have because they

don't have any form of employment to earn it.

Number 2: Being a Woman is Really, Ridiculously Tough

The Ancient World, hands down, is brimming with misogyny and testosterone that many societies

– except for some that also put women in high regard as their male generals like Sparta

– treat the fairer sex as second class citizens and just a means of producing offspring.

A woman's ordeal in the ancient world begins at birth.

In Athens, it was common practice for a couple to leave their new born, the female child

exposed to the elements to die.

Rome is no different.

Especially in poor families, parents would often choose to raise a son than a daughter

saying that a female child is far too burdensome and costs a lot more money to rear.

Most families who do have a female infant would opt to kill the child or leave it exposed

to the elements instead.

The virtue of also keeping your virginity if you were a woman back then was a matter

of life and death.

An Athenian man who finds out that his unmarried daughter is no longer a virgin will sell her

into slavery in the blink of an eye.

Another gruesome story happened in Rome when a priestess of the goddess Vesta lost her

virginity before reaching the age of 30.

She was promptly buried alive; and in Israel, a woman who lost her virginity before tying

the knot could be dragged into the streets and be stoned to death.

Thinking of a dream wedding?

Well, if you were living in the days of the Ancient Romans and the early centuries of

the Chinese and Japanese empires, you better forget it.

Back then, brides were secured by abducting them through invasion, war, and whatever conquest

their empires are enterprising on.

In some parts of China, the kidnapping of brides was not outlawed until the 1940s.

Without kidnapped brides, the Roman Empire would have probably collapsed and crumbled

early with accounts of it being told in several legends such as the kidnapping of the Sabine


Number 1: Death by Common Cold It goes without saying that the field of medicine

is yet to make a revolutionary step forward in the days of the ancient Greeks, Romans,

and even the Medieval Ages.

In fact, most deaths that aren't attributed to illnesses are caused by tiny injuries like

cuts and scrapes that, left untreated, led to severe infection that spread to the vital

parts of the body.

If a person is lucky, he gets to keep his life but lose an infected limb or two.

Among women, childbirth is one of the leading causes of death because of unsanitary practices

and environments.

An infant is also at high risk of dying due to mishandling and various forms of bacteria

present in the surroundings.

Wealth and status are no guarantee to keep you in perfect health.

However, history has seen more deaths in crowded urban areas than in far off farmlands.

Maybe it is because of the unsanitary conditions of the cities.

For one, no one really knows where to throw their poop or where to poop.

The Black Plague is a result of the lack of upkeep in the cities that has cost millions

of lives across Europe.

Suffice to say that, with the combination of an overcrowded urban landscape and poor

medical information, simply catching the common cold signs you a one-way trip to the grave

in a matter of days.

For more infomation >> 5 HORRIFYING Realities Of Daily Life In Historical Times - Duration: 8:24.


Why Can't Anyone Agree On The Crime Rate? - Duration: 4:37.

(high-pitched electronic tones)

- Crime dips to historic lows.

(bell rings) Grisly murders skyrocketing.

(scary orchestral hit echoes)

America enters golden age of safety.

(bell rings)

You're going to die, (groans) c'mon.

(dramatic orchestral music)

Look, last year's presidential election was bewildering

for everyone involved, but if you followed the news,

you might have come away a little confused

about one issue in particular.

(static blaring)

- Crime has continued to drop, including murders, so--

- You're wrong, you're wrong. - There is, no, I'm not.

- Murders are up. (static blaring)

- Thankfully, election season is behind us,

but this question about the crime rate,

it's not going anywhere, in fact,

if you do a quick Google search for news about crime,

you get headlines that are just as contradictory.

So what's the deal?

Is violent crime up or down?

And why can't anyone agree?

Do we even keep track of this stuff?

Well first of all, yeah, we do.

The FBI has been collecting crime statistics

from law enforcement agencies since 1930

and every year they put out a document called

Crime in the United States.

It's like a Bible for crime stats,

and it's used by anyone reporting on these issues.

So if reporters are using the same source,

how are they getting totally different answers?

Well, the key here is that what's up with the crime rate

is a very simple question with a very complicated answer.

You can break down crime stats by time period, place,

percentage of population, and each of those filters

will give you a different answer.

Take the murder rate, if you look at the last couple decades

you can see that the murder rate in the US

has been declining pretty steadily since the mid 90s

with little bumps along the way.

And if you're thinking, wait, what's your source

for that chart, well, A, way to be a savvy media consumer,

and B, we literally downloaded the FBI's raw data

and plugged it into Excel. (group clapping)

Ta-da, anyway, the murder rate is way down

since the early 90s, like, cut in half way down.

But remember all those little bumps along the way?

We're in the middle of one right now.

According to the FBI, there were 10% more murders in 2015

than in the year before, and that upward trend

appeared to continue last year too.

So it is correct to say both murder was at historic lows

in 2015 and murders rose 10% in 2015.

You just have to keep this chart in mind.

That 10% spike is troubling, especially if you live

in a city like Chicago where a sharp increase in murders

is helping drive up the national average.

But even with cities like Chicago in the mix,

the murder rate is still lower

than 10, 20, or even 30 years ago, in other words,

it comes down to which data sets you're comparing.

Criminologists argue that a one or two-year change in crime

is not nearly long enough to determine a meaningful trend.

But, tell that to the news media.

Last year, the New York Times announced

that homicides had doubled in Las Vegas

even though they were only comparing murders

in the first quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2015.

That's a tiny time period to evaluate.

Look, the point here is that asking, has crime gone up

or down is a little like asking are humans happier?

Which humans, where, compared to when?

It's just too broad a question,

and you have to dig into the data to really learn anything.

Unfortunately, most Americans haven't gotten that memo.

According to national opinion pollster Gallup,

for the past 25 years Americans have mostly

thought of violent crime as rising.

Even though, again, basically, the opposite is true.

So what's going on here?

Well, as with many other things,

it may come down to brain wiring.

Psychology studies dating back to the 1960s

have pointed to a mere exposure effect

showing that repeated exposure to information

makes you like it more.

Now pair that with the news media's obsession

with crime stories, and you might end up

with a pretty dark view of safety in America.

And true to form, a number of studies have shown

very convincing links between consuming news media

and fear of crime regardless of actual crime rates.

(machine gun shots resounding)

(man screaming) - Gosh.

- Now pair that with the fact

that for all our statistics and criminologists,

no one really knows what caused the great crime drop.

In the end, a bunch of stats and uncertainty

just might not be a match

for good old-fashioned fear-mongering.

So here's a question, if murders were up 10% in 2015,

but also at 30-year lows, how do you write a headline

that's not misleading in either direction?

Why don't you give it a shot.

Give us your best and most fair headline

in the comments below, and make sure to subscribe.

(upbeat easy listening music)

For more infomation >> Why Can't Anyone Agree On The Crime Rate? - Duration: 4:37.






Quantum entanglement: a phenomenon that Einstein thought was so �spooky� that there was

no way it could be valid, posits that the �space� between physical objects isn�t

actually empty space as our senses perceive it to be, but rather, that either information

is travelling faster than the speed of light, or even better, instantaneously with no �time�


It implies that everything is connected, that if there was a �big bang,� it happened

when all physical matter was one, and then exploded out into little pieces that spread

throughout the cosmos. The tricky part to understand is that all those little piece,

those plants, those starts, and all the intelligent life that has most certainly formed, is still

all connected in some sort of way we have yet to understand.

In the past couple of years alone, quantum entanglement has left the realm of theoretical

physics due to several experiments conducted by physicists around the world. For example,

an experiment devised by the Griffith University�s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, led by Professor

Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers at the university of Tokyo, recently published

a paper in the journal Nature Communications confirming what Einstein did not believe to

be real: the non-local collapse of a particle�s wave function and this is just one example

of many.

They did this by splitting a single photon between two laboratories, and testing whether

measurement of it in one laboratory would actually cause a change in the local quantum

state in the other laboratory. In doing so, researchers were able to verify the entanglement

of the split single photon.

Researchers have since replicated this experiment over and over again, with results of entanglement

seen at kilometres of distance.

�Space is just the construct that gives the illusion that there are separate objects.�

� Dr. Quantum, from the 2004 film, What The Bleep Do We Know

Below you can see a visual demonstration from the documentary.

In an interview with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, a past director of the Association for Humanistic

Psychology Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, a world-renowned physicist, researcher, and presenter who has

done a lot of work for NASA, among several other organizations, admitted that quantum

entanglement has been replicated in space with experiments that�ve been done with

NASA astronauts, as well as replicated in a number of laboratories around the world.

You can watch that full interview here.

�What it really is, is that particles that are born together stay in connection with

each other over even kilometres of distance.� �Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher

Now that this fact has hit the mainstream, a new study in the journal Science shows how

scientists were able to produce entangled photons on a satellite orbiting 300 miles

above the planet and beam the particles onto two different ground-based labs that were

750 miles apart, all without losing the particles� strange linkage.

According to the Washington Post, �it is the first time anyone has ever generated entangled

particles in space, and represents a 10-fold increase in the distance over which entanglement

has been maintained.� But, according to the interview linked above with Dr. Rauscher,

it�s clearly not the first time.

�It�s a really stunning achievement, and I think it�s going to be the first of possibly

many such interesting and exciting studies that this particular satellite will open up,�

said Shohini Ghose, a physicist at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. �Who knows,

maybe there�ll be a space entanglement race?�

The post goes on to emphasize that:

�There�s good a reason world governments may soon race to test out quantum theory in

orbit, and it�s not just so they can claim the title of �spookiest.� Entangled particles

could one day be used for �quantum communication� � a means of sending super secure messages

that doesn�t rely on cables, wireless signals, or code. Because any interference with an

entangled particle, even the mere act of observing it, automatically affects its partner, these

missives can�t be hacked. To hear quantum physicists tell it, entangled particles could

help build a �quantum internet,� give rise to new kinds of coding, and allow for

faster-than-light communication � possibilities that have powerful appeal in an era where

hospitals, credit card companies, government agencies, even election systems are falling

victim to cyber attacks.�

What About Black Budget Science?

As we�ve mentioned a number of times before, there are severe restrictions on science.

And this is no secret. For example, Scientists working for the Canadian government have started

to raise their voices, accusing the federal government of �muzzling� them and their

findings on various issues. Apparently, the union representing this group of researchers

will be taking �the unusual step of demanding Ottawa enshrine scientific independence in

their collective agreement.�

What�s even worse is the black budget world. We are talking about Special Access Programs

(SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly,

but they do indeed exist. They are better known as �deep black programs.� A 1997

U.S. Senate report described them as �so sensitive that they are exempt from standard

reporting requirements to the Congress.�

Think about all of the resources put into this world, into the military industrial complex,

a term coined by president Eisenhower.

�It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building

of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,

economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published.

Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure

is questioned, no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed.� �JFK

What about all of the science that�s going on within this system? All of it is classified,

that deals with technology and concepts that are much more advanced and controversial than

what we see in the mainstream. We know this from declassified material, like project STARGATE.

We don�t really hear about black budget programs, or about people who have actually

looked into them. However, the topic was discussed in 2010 by Washington Post journalists Dana

Priest and William Arkin. Their investigation lasted approximately two years and concluded

that America�s classified world has:

�Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs,

how many people it employees, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies

do the same work.�

Another person was aviation journalist Bill Sweetman. Within the Pentagon, he estimated

that approximately 150 special access programs existed that weren�t even acknowledged.

These programs are not known about by the highest members of government and the highest

ranking officials in the military. He determined that most of these programs were dominated

by private contractors (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, etc.) and that he had no idea as to how these

programs were funded.

Another example was the U.S. air strike against Libya in 1986. The raid employed F-111 fighter

aircraft. Left out of the mission, however, was the F-117A Nighthawk, better known as

the stealth fighter. It had been operational since 1983, but was still classified in 1986.

In a form of logic both perverse and rational, the F-117A was so radically advanced that

keeping it secret was more important than using it for this military mission. Perhaps

the Canadian Avro Arrow could be another.

It�s also noteworthy to mention that the U.S. has a history of government agencies

existing in secret for years. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952,

its existence was hidden until the mid 1960s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance

Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years.

Given the mixture of a treasure chest of government money, and private connections, the likelihood

exists that six decades later there is a clandestine group that possesses:

Technology that is vastly superior to that of the �mainstream� world.

The ability to explore areas of our world and surroundings presently unavailable to

the rest of us. Scientific and cosmological understandings

that give them greater insights into the nature of our world.

Inouye was the highest ranking Asian-American politician in U.S. history, serving the democratic

party from 1963 until his death in 2012.

There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising

mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from

all checks and balances, and free from the law itself. � Senator Daniel Inouye, highest

ranking Asian-American politician in United States history

Related CE Article: 10 Presidents & Politicians Who Told Us That A Secret Government Controls

The World & What They Said.

Quantum Entanglement, The Key To �Long Distance� Space Travel?

There is a lot of speculation about these quotes, but they are worth mentioning, especially

given the fact that there are hundreds of high ranking military, political, academic

(and more) personnel who have testified to the this type of phenomenon, that we are being


Ben Rich was the second director of Lockheed Skunk Works from 1975-1991. He�s been called

the �Father of Stealth,� having overseen the development of the stealth fighter, the

F-117A nighthawk. Before his death, Rich made several shocking opening statements about

the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials.

�We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked

up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit

humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.�

�We now have technology to take ET home. No it won�t take someone�s lifetime to

do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability

to travel to the stars.�

�There are two types of UFOs � the ones we build and the ones �they� build.�

When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, �Let me ask you. How does ESP work?�

The questioner responded with, �All points in time and space are connected?� Rich then

said, �That�s how it works!�

Interesting to think about, isn�t it? Perhaps the vast distances that exist between planets,

solar systems and more isn�t really as much of a barrier as we thought it was.

One of the sources is aerospace journalist, James Goodall, who wrote for publications

such as Jane�s Defense Weekly, Aviation Week and Space Technology, and Interavia.

He is an accomplished speaker specializing in the history, development, and operations

of the world�s only Mach 3 capable, manned air breathing aircraft, the SR-71 family of


He is also an author, as well as the Associate Curator at the Pacific Aviation Meseum, HI.

He was also the restoration manager at the Museum of Flight in Paine Field, Everett,


Goodall interviewed many from the classified black budget world (read more about that world

here.) He claimed that some of his contacts told him that �we have things out there

that are literally out of this world, better than Star Trek or what you see in the movies.�

From his work alone, James Goodall knew Ben Rich well. In a video interview, Goodall stated

that he spoke to Rich approximately 10 days before he died:

�About ten days before he died, I was speaking to Ben on the telephone at the USC Medical

Center in LA. And he said, �Jim, we have things out in the desert that are fifty years

beyond what you can comprehend. They have about forty five hundred people at the Lockheed

Skunk works. What have they been doing for the last eighteen or twenty years? They�re

building something.'�

Another source comes from John Andrews, who was a legendary Lockheed engineer. He had

written to Rich, stating his own belief in UFOs, both manmade and extraterrestrial. Andrews

has asked Rich if his own beliefs covered extraterrestrial as well as manmade UFOs.

Rich�s reply was as follows:

�Yes, I�m a believer in both categories. I feel everything is possible. Many of our

man-made UFOs are Un-Funded Opportunities. There are two types of UFOs, the ones we build,

and the ones they build.�

In Rich�s reply, he underlined the U, F, and O in �unfunded opportunities.�

Thirdly, Jan Harzan, a senior executive with IBM, along with Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer

who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA�s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, discusses

a talk Ben gave some time ago. On March 23rd, 1993 at a UCLA School of Engineering talk

where he was presenting a general history of Sunk Works, he said this:

�We now know how to travel to the stars. There is an error in the equations, and we

have figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars and it won�t take a lifetime

to do it. It is time to end all the secrecy on this, as it no longer poses a national

security threat, and make the technology available for use in the private sector. There are many

in the intelligence community who would like to see this stay in the black and not see

the light of day. We now have the technology to take ET home.�



CONFIRMED: Hillary Secret Collusion Meeting Discovered, Hillary PANICS | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:47.

Hypocrites in the mainstream media are hounding Donald Trump Jr. after ignoring similar–but

worse–activity from the Clinton campaign.

In the early days of 2016, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta, scheduled

a meeting with the Chinese ambassador Cui Tiankai for an "off the record get together"

to discuss the "state of US-China affairs" (via Twitter).

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is having a heyday accusing the Trump campaign of improper

meetings with Russian officials.

The differences in coverage reveal deep anti-Trump bias in the media.

Donald Trump Jr. was accused of meeting with a Russian official during the 2016 election.

In an act of transparency, the president's son released all of the emails relating to

the meeting (via CNN).

Donald Trump Jr. was contacted by a publicist, Rob Goldstone, attempting to schedule a meeting

between Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer.

He claimed the lawyer had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump Jr. agreed to meet with the lawyer, and he brought then-campaign manager Paul

Manafort and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner to talk with the Russian lawyer.

The meeting lasted ten minutes, and the lawyer had no information to offer.

Claims of dirt on Hillary Clinton was a lie used to lobby members of the Trump campaign

on unrelated matters.

The media has reported on this meeting as if it is proof the Trump campaign colluded

with Russia to affect the election.

However, the Russian lawyer did not work for the Russian government.

Further, the Russian government denies any knowledge of the meeting, or the lawyer claiming

to work for them.

Members of the Trump campaign agreed to meet with a private citizen, who happened to be

Russian, claiming to have opposition research.

Nothing came of the meeting, and there was no connection to the Russian government.

Nonetheless, the media is considering this the smoking gun against the Trump campaign.

All the while, the media ignores the leaked evidence of a backdoor meeting between Hillary

Clinton and the Chinese government.

This meeting was improper.

The meeting was with a Chinese government employee (the ambassador) and was specifically

intended to discuss foreign policy.

Members of the Chinese government would go on to donate over $2 million to the Clinton

Foundation (via CBS News).

Trump Jr. met with a private citizen to discuss an election campaign for free, while Clinton

met with a government employee to discuss foreign policy for $2 million.

Yet, it is the Trumps who are corrupt…

Do you think there is any fire behind the Trump Jr. smoke?

Please share this news and tell us what you think.

For more infomation >> CONFIRMED: Hillary Secret Collusion Meeting Discovered, Hillary PANICS | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:47.


What's in the Ear ? ( ears incredible video moments! ) - Duration: 6:25.

What's in the Ear ? ( ears incredible video moments! )

For more infomation >> What's in the Ear ? ( ears incredible video moments! ) - Duration: 6:25.


KIDS TRY NOT TO LAUGH or GRIN 1 MINUTE KID CHALLENGE ToyHaul kid fun - Duration: 3:02.

Try not to laugh or grin kid challenge video

How did you do? let me know in the comments below

joke of the day

Knock knock. Who's there? Mustache. Mustache who?

I mustache you a question, but I'll shave it for later.

cool stuff for you to buy .... buy , buy, buy !!!

cat with a big roar

begging for you to subscribe

thanks for watching!!!

For more infomation >> KIDS TRY NOT TO LAUGH or GRIN 1 MINUTE KID CHALLENGE ToyHaul kid fun - Duration: 3:02.


Hippie-Surfer Style 💓☮✌🏄🚴 #H02 - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Hippie-Surfer Style 💓☮✌🏄🚴 #H02 - Duration: 7:12.


Stay On Track With Your 2017 Goals! 2017 Mid-Year Goals Review - Duration: 6:40.

it is halfway through 2017 which is crazy but I posted a blog post all about

how to check in with your 2017 goals midway through the year so a six-month

check in the halfway point to just see where you wrap see where you still need

to go see what you could be doing more or less of and just to get re-inspired

and get re motivated for your yearly goals my good friend Jenny and hosted on

my Instagram asking if I was going to do a video about it so I thought I may as

well just hop on here today and share those simple journal prompts and simple

questions that you can do as a six month check-in exercise to remove fit yourself

and just get pumped up for the second half of 2015 so first of all the first

question is of course what are my top 10 goals of 2017 you might not have even

thought of some of them you might have completely forgotten you set from soon

so just read your cue memory make sure nothing is sort of left out then ask

yourself what have I achieved so far with it so any small or big milestones

that you've hit towards that goal make a note of them and celebrate them allow

yourself that moment of praise and just pat yourself on the back and this is

really the time to see how far you've come so far

so really note down everything that you've done big or small in order to

move further for that goal the third question is what obstacles are my facing

what challenges are my face and with this goal and what am i doing to

overcome them and the second part is crucial because there's going to be

moments that we fail let's go in through moments that we need to learn a lesson

and we might NEADS pivot direction we might need to

stop doing something and start doing something else but the important thing

is that you're conscious of those things and you're consciously choosing to

overcome them I really like this one because it reframes the negativity into

something positive I think it's important to be honest with yourself and

say what you feel that are what you still badly with but then I also think

is equally as important if not more important to figure out what the lesson

is in that and what you're going to be doing moving forward

with that new knowledge also very empowering if you know you might have

struggled with your goals in the past few months you might not be where you

want to be but at least with this question you can really get back on

track with what you can do moving forward to move through those issues and

start getting in that momentum again and the fourth and final question is what am

I going to do and how am I going to improve and move towards and smash these

goals in the next six months hopefully now you've you know pat yourself on the

back you've empowered yourselves with the lessons that you've learned you

should be feeling a lot more motivated now and the final question is your time

to get really specific you literally can't get too specific with this so if

your goal is to hit a certain sales amount in your new business you would

break that down into month like quarterly income monthly income weekly

income and then you would look at how that applies to your services and

products in terms of sales and then you can write down your sales targets and

then you can look at your sales targets on a weekly basis and set your to-do

lists tasks like marketing getting reviews testimonials from

previous customers and you get really specific about the things you can do to

achieve those broken down targets get those tasks down on us to do list get

them brainstorm down on a big whiteboard whatever you like to do just get them

out of your brain and make sure you actually put in in the action and taking

those next steps those small actions repeated very weekly

monthly closely you're going to get seen this 2017 you're going to be so proud of

yourself you're going to be fired up you're going to feel accomplished and

you will have achieved your goals it sounds almost two or three true but it

is that simple in terms of how do I need to get there what do I need to to get

there and doing those things it really is a case of art and then if something's

not working pivoting tweaking and this these types of check-ins the six-month

mark is the perfect opportunity to make sure that everything you're doing is

moving you in the right direction for you I really encourage you to take half

an hour an hour however long you have to set aside to do this in the next week or

two get it in your diary get it scheduled in I'm going to be doing it as

well with you in the next week let me know if you're going to be doing this

comment below or tweet me please subscribe if you're new I post three

videos every Wednesday Friday and Sunday at 7 p.m. my channel is all about

empowering women to just put themselves first and prioritize their own self-care

and their own goals and dreams and everything else that they want in life

and to just look and feel amazing along the way so lots of organization

productivity business chart but also some beauty self care pampering all that

good stuff is on this channel I hope you'll stick around for

video and I will see you again in a few days


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