Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast July 10-16, 2017

by Hillory Skott,

July 10-16, 2017 -A more gentle week ahead.

The sun is in cozy home loving Cancer helping you get things in order on the family front.

A stable, safe, secure loving little nest is what we all need to spread our wings and

fly in the real world.

Keep that in mind while you plot your next power play.

Balance is the key to lasting happiness almost always.

With Mercury in Leo and Venus in Gemini it�s likely that you are going to be happy to leave

the nest you are fluffing up in you down time and get out into the world and show them your


Communications should be most interesting.

Even flamboyant.

Your curiosity will definitely be piqued.

Venus in Gemini will bring a circulating energy through the cosmos.

This is great for those of you that can get stuck in a rut.

How boring.

Life is for exploring, for sampling.

Don�t miss the opportunity to do just that.

The Mercury Leo energy will help you to be happy being you.

Feel the encouragement to express your authentic self.

Have fun with it.

Let that inner child your out for some play time.

In fact, keep that kiddo alive and active at all times.

Let go of your overly adulty perspective, see again as if it is for the very first time.






Friday the 14 th is a good day to make a move.

Say something that you have been afraid to say.

If you have been holding back you words for some reason this Fridays sextile between Mercury

in cheerful Leo and Jupiter in charming Libra will create wonderful opportunities to speak

up and out.

A great day to get out and mingle.

You just might find someone lovely who you connect with through humour and warmth.

Sunday will be a busy, emotional day.

You will have the discipline to deal with whatever comes your way.

You may just feel like doing exactly what you want but find there are obligations, or

situations you have to deal with that you just don�t jive with.

Watch for frustration that can lead to a foot stomping show down.

Blow ups are likely.

Just as quickly as the anger rises it disappears.


Exercise or any physical activity will help channel this energy.

In general this is a much calmer week with much less acute pressure than last.

Allow whatever is to be to be.

Stop trying so hard.


Let go.

There is much light

all around.

For more infomation >> Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast July 10 16, 2017 - Duration: 4:10.


Lauren Nine - Sitting Upside Down Ft. Marga Mbande ( Prod. Pebens Beats ) - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Lauren Nine - Sitting Upside Down Ft. Marga Mbande ( Prod. Pebens Beats ) - Duration: 4:26.


Women in Gaming Culture - Duration: 19:55.

Greetings earthlings!

Welcome to the MadqueenShow, I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu, we're going to talk about women in video games culture

This is a video I wanted to make as a result of the recent, and not exactly surprising

controversy that happened in Spain regarding a gaming event that was only for women called

"Gaming Ladies", a private event that was organized by the journalist @Blissy

in collaboration with King

This event that was scheduled to take place this summer in Barcelona was canceled due

to pressures of men that harassed both organizers under the excuse that the event only for women

violates the right of men

to make the world revolve around their dicks

First of all, if you're in this video because you are anti-feminist and you want to insult

at least take the effort to watch the whole video because if you don't you most probably

are going to comment something that I already refuted here, so if you really want to contradict

my arguments it would be great that you know

what my arguments are in the first place

But if you just want to show yourself as an ignorant please go ahead and leave your trashy

comment that YouTube is going to filter and no one is going to see but you

Because, pro tip for haters, any interaction counts, it doesn't matter if it's a like,

a dislike, a praise or an insult, YouTube counts it as interaction and it improves the

visibility of this video, so with every dislike and insult my video goes one step up in YouTube's

ladder, so please, go ahead

If you're obviously looking for something to get offended by, don't worry,

I'm going to help you find it

As I gamer that has been playing games all her life I find pretty amusing when a man

tries to "defend his territory" in the gaming industry

and even in the "nerdy world"

Mostly because most of the times these sexist comments are done by people that are assuming

things about me just because I'm a woman, not considering that I started reading comics

before I started reading books, or that I spent most my childhood and up to my adult

life playing pen and paper roleplaying games, or that I had my first console when I was

8, but even though I must confess that I look like a nerd, and even more when I was a teenager

and in my early twenties because nerd shirts were only done in big sizes so I always looked

like a fat teenage schoolboy, even though it was pretty obvious that I was really into

these things men always felt the need to check on my knowledge before applying the label

of "nerd" on me, like it was some sort of sign of approval, because I obviously I

need the approval of a man to be considered nerd

And by that I don't mean that you have to

look a certain way to be a nerd, that is absurd, but obviously if you wear a Spawn tee and

a Boba Fett lighter and a Batman wallet I believe that it's safe to assume that a

person with so much merchandise over her is most probably a nerd and if you need to question

her about her knowledge on Frank Miller's Batman compared to Bob Kane's Batman before

you accept that she has this taste and most probably she knows her shit better than you,

it says a lot more about you than about her

Video games and all nerd products, in general, are marketed for men, that is true

The trend is changing, really slowly but is changing

and now I'm going to explain the reasons why

But it's true, advertising is targeted for men, that is probably the main reason why

we live in this social construct that says that gaming is a male activity

To start with I'd like to talk about some statics, and I'm going to leave a link in

description for the sources of this statics for you to check along with other reference

material used for this video, because I don't want you to believe only in my word and having

sources to back your data is needed

As I said before, one of the "funniest" things around talking about women in gaming

as consumers is that it is socially accepted that gaming is a male activity

And why is it funny?

If you watch the statics you can see that in 2014 women represent the 48% of the gaming

community, that's almost the half

Not only that, statics also confirms that for a female to identify herself as a gamer

she needs to spend more time playing games than a man, so a casual male gamer identifies

himself as a gamer while only hard gamer women do so

So, 2014, what a great year for videogames, it was the year of Alien: Isolation, Bayonetta 2

Dark Souls 2, Destiny, The Evil within…

it was a great year to be a gamer, wasn't it?

Well, maybe not that much if you were a woman

2014 was also the year when the organization of the E3 event had to step out and give a

solution to the problems with sexual assaults on past edition, that was even called the


Many women, both visitors and journalists, stopped complaining about men constantly checking

on their knowledge on games, even if they made a living out of this knowledge, to share

stories about sexual harassment and sexual assaults at E3 up to a point where several

exhibitors threatened the organization to cancel their appearance until the organization

could guarantee that this was a safe convention for everybody

The most ridiculous part of this controversy and this problem with sexual harassment at

E3 is that it didn't get full visibility and attention until some years later, when

a male employee of Deep Silver complained on Twitter that he ended up getting drugged

at a party at E3 by drinking a drink intended for a girl he was hanging out with

2014 was also the year when Anita Sarkeesian, the founder of Feminist Frequency, had to

cancel a speech for the first time, under threats over her life and the lives of people

attending, within a tour she was making on her video series "Tropes Vs Women in Videogames"

where she analyzes the figure of women in videogames, that since the launch of its Kickstarter

campaign triggered a wave of sexist harassment against her that is still going on up to today,

a noxious campaign to discredit or intimidate outspoken critics of the male-dominated gaming

industry and its culture

And if you want to see what this constant harassment looks like you just need to type

her name on Twitter

2014 was also the year where pro-gaming saw a jump in popularity among women, where the

viewership of e-sports went from 15 to 30 percent, the double of female viewers

Even though there is a very small presence of professional gaming women, which according

to a study from SuperData Research it is in part a result of marketing strategies targeting

a very specific demographic: men between the ages of 21 and 34, so Companies like Coca-Cola

or Intel, that have this target in mind, are more prone to support male professionals because

they want to connect with "affluent young men", even though women also drink Coke

So, again, marketing campaigns shaping our vision of reality

This may not be the only reason, though, because online abuse has been prevalent in the gaming

community for years, especially on e-sports, and If you don't know how hard it is you

can ask the video game developer at Ubisoft and professional gamer Stephanie Harvey, who

has to face death and rape threats on a daily basis for daring to be a professional gamer

and to talk about the representation of women in the video game industry

And, again, if you need to understand what this online harassment looks like, you will

find a link in the description to a very educating blog called "Not in the Kitchen Anymore",

where the gamer Jenny Haniver documents her experiences in online gaming with transcriptions

of audio captures of her online sessions.

That is an information that you only need if you're a man because if you're a woman

either you're incredibly lucky and improbable as a unicorn or you know exactly what I'm

talking about

2014 was also the year of the Gamer Gate controversy

Starting in August that year, supporters of the GamerGate movement, that basically are

against facing issues of sexism in video game culture and in general have a problem with

progressing, specially in games

supporters of the Gamer Gate movement starting a coordinated

harassment movement targeting several women in the video game industry, including the

video game developers Zoë Quinn and Brianna Wu, and the feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian,

and the male video game developer Phil Fish for trying to defend them

Gamer Gate supporters subjected these people amongst other

to harassment, doxing, death and rape threats

The GamerGate trash even published personal information of the people they were targeting

like their home addresses and telephone numbers in 4chan and Reddit, as well as information

of the people that defended the victims of this coordinated harassment, like the YouTuber

Boogie2988 that saw a stranger posting the address of his home

along with a death threat to his wife

If you slept under a rock for the past 4 years and know nothing about that, I'm going to

put in the description a link to the Wikipedia page that explains the Gamer Gate controversy

because I'm afraid that I cannot talk about this subject anymore

or my blood is going boil

So, yes, 2014 was an excellent year to be a gamer

Not so excellent if you are a woman

So, what a surprise!

The statics that said that in 2014 almost half of the gamers were women and it dropped

all the way to this year, to a 41%

8% of women, and in here we're talking about roughly 16 million people as this study is

based on America, 16 million people thought that the gaming culture was not for them and

just stopped wanting to be part of it

The video game industry lost 16 million consumers only in America

And you, men watching it, lost 16 million opportunities to get married to a woman that

likes the same things as you do

So, yes, right now the gaming culture is a scary place to be if you're a woman

your knowledge and validity as a gamer is always going to be questioned, you're going

to get harassed if you play online, You're going to receive sexist comments if you have

a gaming YouTube channel, you're going to be judged by your looks or the amount of fabric

on your tees is you're on Twitch, and if you're public enough and have enough visibility,

then prepare for death and rape threats, and even to have to face these threats offline

if your personal information gets leaked

Just a note, because I know what's coming next

I know what you're thinking dude

Not all men are like that

So, if you're a man and your first response is going to be "not all men", yes not

all men do this and do that, you are completely missing the point

First, because you're trying to shift the discussion here, about the oppression of women

to the protection of man's image, because in here we're not talking about men in the

first place, and maybe "not all men" do harass women, but "Yes all woman" have

to suffer harassment from men, so please don't try to derail the conversation to make it

about you

And second, because by saying "not all men" you're saying that you're more worried

about yourself than about the epidemic of violence and harassment committed by men against

women, so if you really believe that your ego is more important than that

you have a problem

When we do discuss about these things the main matter here is that we are really tired

of being treated like we don't matter, because men believe they have the right to make everything

revolve around them, so if you say "not all men are like that" what you are really

saying is "yes, this needs to revolve around me too, so I'm like that too"

So, back to the building, harassment and sexist behaviors are the everyday bread of women

in gaming communities

No matter if the perpetrator is a kid whose parents didn't slap on time to teach him

some respect for other people or if it is a public figure with lots of influence, the

truth is that this is a reality, you like it or not, because the funny thing about reality

is that it doesn't give a shit about your opinion, it won't cease to exist if you

don't believe in it

This is a reality that is so accepted that even when you are listening to a conversation

where a woman is harassed, or even a conversation that makes her feel uncomfortable and where

she's forced to set some boundaries around that conversation for her to feel safe this

is seen as an overreaction, because we women are expected to accept that and to put the

feelings of the man saying those things to us on top of the feelings that we're having

for being treated that way, because the other person that is being disrespectful to you

doesn't want to take responsibility over his words, so the responsibility is always

Do men insult other men in gaming environments?

Yes, of course, but if the answer of the insulted man is "shut the fuck up" it's not considered

an overreaction because he's not expected to accept this behavior and he's accepted

to set some boundaries on the way other people treat him

So where do we go with this?

The original "Gaming Ladies" event, and I hope they make a new event, because is more

than necessary

Safe spaces where we are free of men that want everything to revolve around them, where

women are free to wear whatever cosplay they want without a men thinking and acting like

this cosplay and the amount of fabric of this cosplay revolves around them, spaces where

a woman can play freely without a man feeling the need to undervalue her skills as gamer

so he can have the fake feeling of being "better"

I know there are some men who don't like that, like the huge controversy around the

event proved, that want everything in gaming culture to revolve around them, and the ironic

thing is that with their behavior they proved that these safe spaces are really needed

If it wasn't for the emotional cost of the controversy, because we're talking about

coordinated harassment towards Blissy, the woman that was behind this event, and this

harassment has an emotional cost that no one participating in it wants to assume, if it

wasn't for that, I would be absolutely happy with this controversy, even though the event

was cancelled

First, it gave visibility to the issue

This is an issue that is visible for most women that are in the gaming community, I

mean, no choice here, we have to suffer it, but it's invisible for most men that, as

they don't have the experience, they don't understand up to what point this is a problem

and how serious it is

Again, the first thought men have: overreaction

You're over reacting

A thought that is based on two false premises: first that we somehow have the obligation

to tolerate this kind of behavior even if it makes us feel uncomfortable or unsafe because

we're women and second that someone else has any kind of right to tell us how we should

feel and we need the validation of that person over that feeling

because is not valid by itself

A statement that only wants to invalidate the frustration we feel when we encounter

this kind of issues to avoid responsibility

No, we don't have any kind of obligation and no we're not overreacting, and all this

controversy proved it

It proved how serious this problem is

Second: it validated the point here

See, people, usually men, that don't understand how serious the problem is, that don't understand

the need of these safe spaces

And they position themselves against creating separated spaces for women because they believe

that this, instead of solving the issue, is going to make it worse

I even saw people comparing a woman only event to a concentration camp, like, yeah, concentration

camps where absolutely safe

They do that because they don't understand that there is something that we need to feel

safe from

But all this harassment, all this controversy proved the point that we need some spaces

where we can get rid of these assholes, and we can be ourselves and feel safe

Because that's what these safe spaces are about

as the name says, to be and to feel safe

So, all the harassment and controversy validated the point, proved to the people not understanding

this, that these people and these kind of behaviors are indeed the ones we need to feel

safe from, that there is something we need to feel safe from

And everybody against these kinds of initiatives, what they are saying to us is: you don't

have the right to feel safe

And my answer to that is, why?

Because you say so?

Third: it united female gamers and gave more visibility to the event

There are many women that when they see how bad the things are in gaming culture they

just drop the controller and say "ok, that's it, this world is not for me", but seeing

that there are many others that will stand against this kind of behavior may pick the

controller back like "well, maybe there's hope"

And, well, as Mulder says if I quit they win

There are lots of women that didn't know of the existence of this event until the controversy

exploded and obviously now they want to be part of it

So, yes, Blissy, you did a great job, even though you had to pay the emotional price

for it, and I'm very sorry for that, but at the same time very glad of your achievements

Apart from the people who are obviously positioned against women being part of the gaming culture,

and knowing that most of my viewers are men, I hope that this video gave you a glimpse

of how serious this issue is

If you still believe that men and women have the same treatment into the gaming culture,

I strongly suggest that you visit the links that I put in the description and compare

them with your own gaming experiences before having an opinion about something you don't

really know

As usual: please be informed before throwing opinions because, I'm sorry to tell you

that, but an uninformed opinion is not an opinion, is bullshit

If you're a man, please stop pretending that this is not happening, because if you're

not part of the solution, you're part of the problem

Learn about what's going on, talk to female gamers about their experience, and speak up

when you see this kind of behavior

If you're a woman and you don't feel safe in the gaming community, look for support

in other female gamers, as we're here to support each other

Look for initiatives in your environment, online and offline, to learn to defend yourself

from these kinds of behaviors

Well folks, thanks for watching

I hope you found this information useful and amusing

if you like what we do, hit that subscribe button to join

the Madqueen Army

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> Women in Gaming Culture - Duration: 19:55.


MLP Fluttershy Coloring Book Pages My Little Pony Fluttershy Coloring Page MLPFiM Kids Art - Duration: 3:30.

Welcome to Happy Magic Toys and episode 85 of our My Little Pony coloring book series.

Today's coloring page is Fluttershy from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic MLPFiM.

Fluttershy is part of the Mane 6 and possesses the element of kindness.

Please check out my playlists to see more My Little Pony coloring book pages, color swaps and customs.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the channel to find videos based on other TV shows and films.

Please like and subscribe for daily videos, and leave any coloring page, color swap and/or custom requests in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> MLP Fluttershy Coloring Book Pages My Little Pony Fluttershy Coloring Page MLPFiM Kids Art - Duration: 3:30.





Hulk vs Army | The Incredible Hulk (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 5:50.

Now she'll see.

Alpha team?

Let him have all of it.

Come on, light him up!

Where are the fifty cals? Move your asses!

Oh, my God!

Blonsky, now you're up!


Cover me.

Remember me?

My God, he's doing it.

Move him toward the cannons!


Hold your position!

Do it now!

Please, please, please, no!

- Please, please, please! - Get her back!

You're killing him!

Stop! Get off of me!


Bruce! Bruce!

Where's the gunship?

Is that it?

Blonsky, pull back now.

Pull back!

Is that all you got?

- Fall back! - Fall back! Let's go, let's go!

Find cover!


Fire, goddamn it!


Stop firing!


For more infomation >> Hulk vs Army | The Incredible Hulk (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 5:50.


POR QUE FAZEMOS O QUE FAZEMOS? | Mário Sergio Cortella | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> POR QUE FAZEMOS O QUE FAZEMOS? | Mário Sergio Cortella | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 4:41.


The Real Reason Nicole Kidman And Tom Cruise Broke Up - Duration: 4:30.

It was supposed to be a perfect match.

Tom and Nicole, two young celebrities at the height of international fame, captured the

world's attention with a very publicized marriage that produced heat both on-screen and off.

They became a star couple, and their union became a lightning rod for media attention.

They acted opposite each other in films like Eyes Wide Shut, Far and Away, and Days of

Thunder and were touted as a pair of sex symbols worthy of envy.

They had children, they had fame.

Seemingly, they had it all — and it all fell apart.

Here's a look at why the two called it quits after such a high-profile romance.

Auspicious start

The Tom and Nicole relationship started in 1989, where they connected through — where


— Hollywood.

Kidman was a rising star, fresh from a string of Australian films and miniseries which had

won her increasing accolades and attention in her country.

It was during a viewing of the 1989 Australian film Dead Calm that Tom first set eyes on

Nicole and began putting things in motion to meet her in person.

Perhaps not coincidentally, at the time he was in the process of divorcing his first

wife, Mimi Rogers.

When they eventually did meet, Nicole fell hard for Tom.

She told Vanity Fair in 2002, "He basically swept me off my feet.

I fell madly, passionately in love.

And as happens when you fall in love, my whole plan in terms of what I wanted for my life

— I was like, 'Forget it.

This is it.'"

The two married in 1990, shortly after his divorce from Rogers was finalized.

Baby-making blues

As things were beginning, there seemed to be no sign of the future misgivings that would

tear the couple apart.

In their breaks from movie shoots, they did fun things like skydiving together, and Nicole's

enthusiasm for her husband, and starting a family, was evident.

She told Vanity Fair, "I was desperate to have a baby with him.

I didn't care if we were married."

They tried for children together, unsuccessfully, and chose instead to adopt two children over

the course of three years, Isabella and Connor.

They would raise the kids together up until their divorce in 2001.

Belief systems

In what should have seemed inevitable from the very beginning, fractures in the marriage

started to occur over a very specific ideological split — Tom was (and remains) a Scientologist,

and Nicole was not.

According to multiple sources, the biggest source of friction between Tom and Nicole

came from forces outside their marriage — Tom's church.

Leaders in Scientology were allegedly so concerned that Nicole was pulling Tom away, they began

to conspire to end the marriage.

The church's leaders were suspicious of Nicole from the start, since her father was a psychiatrist,

which is a specific field of study that Scientologists have long raged against.

"Here's the problem.

You don't know the history of psychiatry, I do."

Additionally, in May of 1991, Time magazine ran a scathing exposé on Scientology as their

cover story, calling it a "thriving cult of greed and power."

This article, coupled with her own personal misgivings with how Scientology was affecting

her life, reportedly encouraged Nicole to try and pull Tom away from the organization.

It was a game of tug-of-war that lasted until the end of the decade, but as their differences

became irreconcilable, Tom and Nicole announced their decision to divorce in 2001.

Culling the kids

Tom and Nicole's children, Connor and Bella, were just pre-teens when their parents split,

so at first, their parents shared custody.

But as Nicole's star rose and she took more demanding jobs, the kids spent more and more

time with their father, seeing their mother less and less.

"I try to respect them as little people, you know,

So I give them a voice and I listen to them, and I try and guide them because that's my

job as a mum."

They began to be home-schooled by Tom's sisters, with a Scientology-focused educational regimen,

and one summer went to a Scientology-focused summer camp instead of spending it with Nicole.

By 2005, they were effectively living with Tom full-time, and by choice.

For years, Nicole Kidman's relationship with her children remained estranged.

Isabella grew up and got married without inviting her mother, even though they were in the same

city at the time.

Meanwhile, neither child attended Kidman's father's funeral, and they even referred to

Katie Holmes as "Mom" when their father married her in 2006.

According to former Scientologist celeb Leah Remini, Bella said that she didn't have a

choice but to cut her mother out because she was a "Suppressive Person" in the eyes of

their church.

After a few years, though, Nicole finally began getting back into the loop of her kids'


She met her daughter's husband, nearly a year after the two were married.

And Connor said of his mother, "I don't care what people say.

I know that me and mum are solid.

I love her a lot.

My family means everything."

Nowadays, Nicole tends to talk a lot more kindly about her ex -- and perhaps her reunited

relationship with her kids has something to do with that.

"Tom really supported me and I'm so... so grateful to him for that."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Real Reason Nicole Kidman And Tom Cruise Broke Up - Duration: 4:30.


Porn Stars Defend Net Neutrality - Duration: 2:46.

- Hello there, it's good to see you again.

- We're pornstars on the internet.

- We're here to talk to you today about net neutrality,

which is near and dear to our hearts.

- Without net neutrality,

internet service providers could create special fast lanes

for content providers willing to pay more.

- That means slow streaming, slow social networking,

and yes, slow porn.

And no one ever yells, slower, slower! (panting)

- Net neutrality means that all websites

are treated equally.

And luckily for us President Obama stood hard

and firm on the issue.

(funk music)


- [Narrator] FCC Chairman Ajit Pai,

- who is not sexy

- [Narrator] used to be a lawyer for

- telecom giant

- [Narrator] Verizon.

- And wants to end net neutrality.

- [Narrator] Ajit Pai

- doesn't want me to get naked for you.

- He doesn't want you to see this.

- Or this!

- Or this.

- Or this!

- Or even this.

(funk music)

- So let's break this down:

net neutrality, aka the internet as we know it,

is like a giant sex party where everyone gets

to have sex with anyone they want.

- Without net neutrality that sex party

is only for rich people.

- [Narrator] Ajit Pai

- and the other old rich guys

don't seem to understand any of this.

- Which is ironic because old rich guys always

watch the weirdest porn.

- Like clown stuff.

- Oh, and that net neutrality sex party

we were talking about?

It wasn't a metaphor.

We're gonna have one right now.

- [Together] Ready!

- I'd fuck net neutrality.

(electronic music)

For more infomation >> Porn Stars Defend Net Neutrality - Duration: 2:46.


As manifestações virtuais são ferramentas políticas? - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> As manifestações virtuais são ferramentas políticas? - Duration: 1:04.


Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017 - Duration: 3:31.

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017

For more infomation >> Top 10 Hottest Women in the World 2017 - Duration: 3:31.


Active Lifestyles and Summer Safety - Duration: 20:09.

Good afternoon, and welcome to our Facebook Live broadcast today.

My name is Cindy Speaker.

I have with me one of my favorite guests, David Daggett.

David Daggett is an attorney with Daggett Shuler Attorneys at Law in North Carolina,

but he's also a triathlete.

We're going to talk with him today about summer safety in an active lifestyle.

David, thanks for being here today.

Thank you for have me, Cindy.


David, I want to talk with you about a lot of things, about just overall summer safety,

but let's start with something foundational that I think often gets underestimated, and

that is the importance of hydration.

Tell us a little bit about how you stay hydrated and what you have to recommend for us.


In fact, if I can take a brief deviation, I know you've done some work with people in



Dehydration worldwide is one of the leading causes of death, actually.


Hydration is very important not just when you're active in doing fitness type things,

but it's essential for our life.

The basic guidelines and recommendations, if you look them up, are you take your weight,

so for me I'm a little under 170 pounds, divide it in half, that's 85.

You should drink 85 ounces of water a day.

That's a basic rule of thumb.

I never heard that.


Actually, if you're active and sweating — it's been extremely hot and humid here in the last

few days — obviously you have to add more.

There's all sorts of little tricks.

You can weigh yourself before and after you run, take the difference.

That's typically your sweat rate, and you know that you have to replace that amount

of fluids.

Another thing that's kind of fun here is our office has become a gathering spot for runners

in the community, and we've actually put in a water fountain outside at our back door

so runners, or anybody, walkers, can come get a drink of water, fill up their water

bottle, that sort of thing.

That is great.

Hydration is important.

In fact, we have our Daggett Shuler water bottles.

I always have mine full at my desk.


If anybody wants to stop by and get a water bottle, they're welcome to stop by and get

a water bottle.

That's great.

It's interesting.

I said at the beginning I think often that we underestimate the importance of staying


As you know, a few years ago I had some surgery, and it kind of messed up my voice.

I went through a number of tests.

I went to a rehab here that is really well-known, Bryn Mawr Rehab, and I spent an hour with


They tested me all different ways.

Here was what they said.

They said, "Cindy, the very best thing you can do for your voice is hydrate.

Drink water, more and more water, because it has a healing power."

I thought, yeah, that's an easy solution, but it's also one a lot of times that gets


There's a great deal of healing power in water.

We recently also installed in our office one of those water fountains with a bottle filler

on it that's filled with water.

We're trying to promote that around the office.

That's great.

The other thing about drinking water is water is filling and it helps you to reduce your

appetite, which is better for maintaining a positive weight also.



Little hydration tips there.

Yeah, that's great.

Let's go on and talk more about just overall summer safety.

People get involved in biking and hiking and running and cycling, all kinds of things.

I know that's a broad topic, but give us some idea about how can we stay safe this summer,

keep our families safe.


We have a number of things.

Let me hit the high-risk areas.

One is swimming tragedies.

Always swim with a friend.

Always make sure that the people that you're with actually know how to swim, particularly

... We have creeks and rivers around here.

You take that sort of thing seriously.

You know what obstacles and hazards are there.

You know that you're with somebody who can help you if you get in trouble.

We had a tragedy just a couple years ago at the beach.

A classmate of mine from law school who was a judge went in to save somebody.

He was actually a hero.

Ended up drowning himself.

When you're making those summer trips to the beach, make sure there's lifeguards.

Check with the lifeguards as to the conditions.

Don't stray out too far.

All those sort of things.

Most of our beaches have signs up warning people of that, but those signs are serious,

and the reason they're there is because things occasionally happen.

Take water very, very seriously.

The opposite end from the water, the water's down here, the sun's up there.

Take the sun very seriously.

There's 70,000 cases of melanoma diagnosed every year.

That's one in 59 people that are going to be diagnosed with melanoma during their lifetime.

Do not let your skin get blistered.

The odds of melanoma go way up.

Don't use tanning beds.

If you have a light complexion, you have to be particularly careful.

Also, look back to your family history and those sort of things.

Use sunscreens.

Use hats.

Long sleeve, light clothing out in the sun.

You just don't want your skin to get burned and blistered out in the sun.

Those are the elements.

Then we also have our activities.

We're out a whole lot more walking and running.

When you're walking, you're running, always go against traffic.

Use a sidewalk where possible.

You've got to pretend you're invisible, because to motor vehicles many times you are.

Some of the people are going to get on me, but I'm not a believer in having earphones

or any music in your ears.

You need all of your senses.

I agree.

It's an interesting statistic.

Pedestrian vehicle accidents occur with a car hitting them from behind.

That means two things.

Number one, usually that means you're not on the proper side of the road you're supposed

to be on.

Number two, if you have earphones on, you can't hear the car coming.

I don't want to demagogue that too much and I don't want to beat anybody up over it, but

I would say two or three times a week when I'm running or cycling I have someone either

walk in front of me or they get scared and startled when I come up on them.

Your hearing is an important sense that you have.

Make use of it.

If nothing else, just have one earphone in, not both.

That's better than both.

I'm a believer in going out to what I call the cathedral of nature, where you can hear

the birds and the squirrels and the animals and all those sort of things.

I enjoy that.

Yeah, and you do a lot of that.

Then, stay on familiar courses.

Familiar courses, you know the traffic, you know the patterns, you know that sort of thing.

I know there's one stoplight in downtown Winston-Salem that cars tend to run all the time.

Being familiar with that, I know to be extra careful in that area.

It's always good to let somebody know where you are.

A lot of those same tips apply to riding a bicycle.

Obviously, on a bicycle you're with traffic.

Obey traffic signals.

I think a big part of bicycle safety is if you're respectful to vehicles, the drivers

of vehicles are respectful back to you.

It's kind of a law of nature.

If you're nice to them, they're nice to you.

Again, pretend you can't be seen, because many times you can't.

The other thing, and this is pretty critical, as you know I ride the bike early in the morning

a lot of times.

Well, what you do is, when the sun's coming up, you ride in the other direction so that

the sun is behind you when it's on the horizon.

Then, riding back, it's a little higher so you're safer.

In the mornings, when you take off riding you take off riding to the west, because cars

can see you with the sun at their back.

They can't see you with the sun in their eyes.


In the evening when you take off, you do the opposite, because, again, you don't want to

be riding west with the sun setting because cars can't see you.

Be conscious of that.

That's important.

Always wear a helmet.

In North Carolina, it's mandatory if you're 16 or under.

I think it's very, very important regardless of the age, for two reasons.

Number one, you get more respect from cars if you have a helmet.

Number two is it's not "if" a crash is going to happen.

If you ride a bike long enough, it's going to happen, and the old saying is a helmet's

cheaper than a neurosurgeon.

Wear your helmet.

It can protect you.

I speak from experience there.

I know you do.

That's water, sun, running, and bicycles.

That's great.

Let me go to your activity.

You do a lot of triathlons.

Tell us how many you've done.

I have done, what, 187?

That's amazing.

187 triathlons.


27 of the Ironman distance ... Wow.

... which is a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, 26-mile run.

That's amazing.

My old bones have some miles on them.

What I want to ask you about is, okay, within the context of those ... It's biking, running,

and swimming.

Within the context of your triathlons, because they're becoming more and more popular, what

are safety tips that you abide by during those triathlons and that type of an intense sporting


Races are actually safer than training for the most part because you're usually on a

closed course or at least limited traffic.

A couple things.

If the large majority of races are open water swims, is make sure you are a good swimmer

and are accustomed to swimming in changing conditions.

There's always, I don't know, 10, 12 or so deaths every year in triathlons, and they

almost always occur during the swim portion.


A unique physiological thing tends to happen, is when you go from vertical to horizontal

very quickly, you go from the warmer air to the colder water very quickly, combined with

the rush of adrenaline, that is a cocktail that can be very, very dangerous for the inexperienced


What you do is you prepare for those elements and you try to simulate those in advance a

little bit so that on race day it doesn't quite cause the panic and you know how to

handle the conditions.

Very, very important.

Good advice.

On the bike, remember that you have people near you, all sorts of ability levels.


"I'm passing on your left."

"Careful there."

Helping others by pointing out potholes or irregularities in the road is very helpful.

You keep the person next to you safe, it's going to help keep you safe.

Then, on the run, my experience is that there's just an awful lot of camaraderie to help you

through the event.

Take advantage of that camaraderie.

Meet a few new friends and enjoy the healthy fitness aspects of the sport.

David, why is a fit lifestyle so important to you?

It's something that you've maintained your whole life.

It's so admirable.

Why is it so important to you?

What's the impetus for that?

From a selfish point of view, it gets me going and it's an ongoing metaphor for everything

else I do.

It gets me up early in the morning.

I have a mental routine that I go through.

All psychologists, business experts, performance experts say that if you go through a mental

routine, some form of meditation — which I do while I'm swimming — some form of goal

setting — make a bullet points of the three most important things to do today — and

some problem solving when you're by yourself — again, when I'm swimming nobody can interrupt

me, I can problem solve in my brain the most important things — it helps perform better

professionally also.

I think really the bigger point is we've got a real problem — and I would say crisis

— in our country with the health of our children.

The rates of childhood obesity are just going up dramatically, and obese children, it predicts

and portends that we're going to have unfit, unhealthy people when they get older.

They learn by example.

If we all focus on health and fitness, our young people will focus.

We'll be fitter.

Our communities will be healthier going forward.

I don't take any political position, but the cost of healthcare is becoming an increasing


By promoting a fitter, healthier society, it can actually take a tremendous economic

stress off of all of us.

I think it's great.

I really applaud you, because you're quite a role model.

I think it's fantastic.

We do a whole lot of things here with kids.

We've got the Kids for Kids youth triathlon coming up July 8th.

I think it's absolutely the best event in the world.

We do stuff with the Down syndrome community.

That's great.

We have the Beat the Heat 5k coming up, which is North Carolina's state championship 5k.

All those things we're involved in, and hopefully it encourages the community to come together

in a healthy fitness…

That's awesome.


It's fun.

Let me talk a little bit about biking ... because for one thing you have new biking laws, relatively

new biking laws in North Carolina.

Talk a little bit about the importance of drivers sharing the road with bikers and cyclists.

It's very, very important.

Drivers have to remember that when a cyclist is on the road, they're vulnerable and in

a precarious position.

When you blow by a cyclist, and I'm not trying to say that in an impugning sort of way, but

in close proximity, it's pretty scary.

I think motorists have to be aware.

It's even hit me harder because my kids are spending a lot of time on the road cycling

now also, and I want them to be safe.

I also hope motorists are considerate to them.

It's just like any other aspect of our life.

If motorists are kind and considerate to bicyclists, bicyclists are kind and considerate to motorists,

and vice versa.

The one thing I always tell folks in the cycling community is you've got to be a good ambassador.

Just got to be a good ambassador, because the motorists on the road, how I respond to

a motorist is the way they're going to respond to the next cyclist.

No matter the situation, we've got to create positive relationships

That's great advice.

There's a flip side to all of this.

I think this is wonderful information and we want to enjoy our summer and be safe, but,

unfortunately, you see a lot of situations where it doesn't work out quite the way we

had hoped and there's injuries, sometimes very serious injuries.

Talk a little bit about what to do when you've suffered some type of an injury that occurs

in the summer.

Are there insurance issues that come into play?

Things like that.

It's interesting.

Most cyclists and runners don't realize that their automobile insurance may cover them

if something bad happens.

Their homeowners insurance may cover them if something bad happens.

Certainly health insurance, disability insurance policies, all those, the interplay between

those different policies can be very, very complicated and difficult to deal with.

The ordinary person just doesn't deal with those sort of policies or the interaction

between them.

We do that.

Between all the attorneys in our offices with their areas of expertise, we've got the expertise

to put those different types of insurances together to make sure somebody's fully covered,

or at least the best we can if a bad situation happens.

Yes, it does happen.

I always recommend that bicyclists in particular, but also runners, have very good health insurance

and very good auto insurance, because that may cover you also in those situations.

David- In fact we have some…

Oh, sorry.

Go ahead.

... online videos on the YouTube channel that cover those issues.


If someone has questions and they want to reach you, what's the best way to do that?

Our website,, or 336-724-1234.


Google us.

We're pretty easy to find.

Yeah, you are pretty easy to find.

Anything else you want to add before we go today?

I think this has been fantastic.


I just encourage everybody to have a safe, happy summer.

Look out for each other.

Look forward to speaking to you again soon.

And stop by at the water fountain and to get a water bottle at Daggett Shuler Law.


Thanks, David.

Thank you.


For those of you that are watching on the web, whether by live or on the replay, if

you have questions, feel free to post in the comments area.

We'll make sure we get back to you.

Thanks, everybody.

For more infomation >> Active Lifestyles and Summer Safety - Duration: 20:09.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Ret paladin STOMPING the Alliance in Deepwind Gorge! - Duration: 12:03.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Ret paladin STOMPING the Alliance in Deepwind Gorge!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Ret paladin STOMPING the Alliance in Deepwind Gorge! - Duration: 12:03.


WHY BIOTRONIK? Tremendous Growth. - Duration: 0:25.

BIOTRONIK is like a rocket ship.

The company has made great strides in its portfolio.

We're seeing tremendous double digit growth here in the United States.

That's exciting and it's being noticed, not only by physicians and patients throughout

the United States, but also it's being noticed in the C-Suite in the hospital organizations.

For more infomation >> WHY BIOTRONIK? Tremendous Growth. - Duration: 0:25.


Heroes & Generals. 1.07.1 Care Package Update review. Обзор обновления - Duration: 5:07.

Hey everyone, here is the 1.07.1 update review.

Interface is changed a little and language selecton option is added to the client.

In general nothing important

Render is tweaked. Optimization, high FPS and no freezes are coming!

Probably it is not true.

Gun sounds changing is started.

Starter SA-rifles and 1st tier SMGs became first "victims" of it.

Now they sound more realistic, but quite similar to each other.

Vehicle impact model is changed - goodbye annoying explosions at the slightest impact.

We will miss it! (We wont).

Also impact damage is reduced

In "Vehicle vs Vehicle" case the main argument is weight and "sturdiness".

And it looks like a food chain

if you see someone smaller than you, then ram this sh*t!

Two similar vehicles will get the same damage.

And the last thing - good new for tankers

Bazooka and Schreck rocket prices reduced to 18.000c and amount increased to 100.

RPG-43 and Panzerwurfmine amout is also increased from 50 to 100.

It means that cost per each is reduced.

Rocket cost is reduced from 470 to 180,

and RPG-43 and PWM cost is reduced from 360 to 190 per each.

Tank hunting season is opened!

AP-mine cost is reduced as well - from 1000+ to 780 per each.

Lets summarize: Impact damage model changes get rid us of annoying explosions.

New weapon sounds are long-awaited too.

For example, Gewehr-43 shooting sound made me feel like I am shooting with a plastic toy.

The rating of the update is...

7 RedBjarne out of 10!

That's all! May the good FPS be with you!

For more infomation >> Heroes & Generals. 1.07.1 Care Package Update review. Обзор обновления - Duration: 5:07.


Как быстро и просто наложить коффердам? Нестандартная техника - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Как быстро и просто наложить коффердам? Нестандартная техника - Duration: 4:18.


What Does An Atom REALLY Look Like? - Duration: 8:44.

Hey Crazies.

I'm here to burst your bubble again.

This picture of the atom is wrong.

The real atom is far weirder than we could have ever imagined.

So weird, that we had to rule out everything else before we could accept it.

And, judging from the length of the video, you can see we're going to take our time

with this.

Alright, we can't really understand where we are, until we see where we've been.

To the timeline!

Debates about atoms have been going on since Ancient Greece.

Democritus first suggested that matter was made of tiny invisible bits.

He called them "atomos" because he thought they were "indivisible."

This is why we call them "atoms" today.

Of course, Aristotle thought it was a stupid idea.

I still do!

Why did I make you?

Anyway, the debate raged on for over 2 thousand years.

Finally, the 20th century was fast approaching and we made some headway.

Thomson discovered the electron in 1897 and proposed a simple atom in 1904.

Negative electrons floating in a positive mist.

Rutherford proposed a better one in 1911 with an atomic nucleus, but he wouldn't discover

the proton until 1919.

Unfortunately, that nucleus couldn't be made of just protons. That wouldn't predict

the masses on the Periodic Table.

We had to wait until 1932 for the discovery of the neutron to explain it.

Neutral particles are really hard to find.

Alright, what do we know so far?

Negative electrons are on the outside surrounding a positive nucleus.

That nucleus is made of protons and neutrons, but, by the time we even knew about neutrons,

we already knew electrons didn't orbit like this.

This picture is wrong.

So what does it really look like?

Well, it looks like this, but that's probably not what you were hoping for.

Isn't there, like, a visual model or something?

Like this, but more accurate?

Ok, I'll give it a shot, but be prepared to have your mind blown.

Things got really weird in the 1920s, so let's try to keep this as concrete as possible.

You are all seeing me because light is emitted by your screens.

We saw in a previous video that individual atoms can emit light too.

It's called an emission spectrum and it can tell us what kind of atom it is.

Whatever model we come up with for the atom must explain that.

Let's start with the most obvious question: How do atoms emit light?

Energy levels!!

Say we have hydrogen gas in a closed glass tube.

If we run a bunch of electricity through it, the electrons will absorb some of the electrical


When those same electrons fall back down, the energy gets emitted as light.

Slight problem though!

If that electron could jump to any energy, it could emit any color of light, but we know

it only emits these four colors: one red, one blue-green, and two violets.

The only possible conclusion: The electron can't have any energy it wants.

It can only have very specific energies called "energy levels" and jumps between those

levels emit or absorb very specific colors of light.

We number these levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.; all the way to infinity.

The electron isn't allowed to be anywhere in-between them.

Not even for a moment while it jumps.

It must disappear from one and reappear on the other.

I know, crazy, right?!

Anyway, back to hydrogen.

The four jumps for hydrogen's visible spectrum are: 3-to-2, 4-to-2, 5-to-2, and 6-to-2.

Any other jump emits light that isn't visible.

But why though?

That's the question that takes us straight into madness.

When a measurement can only have certain values, we say it's "quantized" and the light

emitted or absorbed during a jump between those values is called a "quantum."

That's right!

We're talking about quantum mechanics!

We know that when things orbit by gravity, they can have any energy they'd like.

"Classical mechanics" is the mechanism for how that works.

Electrons don't seem to obey those rules though.

So we needed a "quantum mechanics," a mechanism for quantum particles.

Back to the timeline!

In 1924, a French physicist named Louis de Broglie proposed an idea.

What if electrons had wave properties?

The electron can only exist in certain energy levels because there must be a whole number

of wavelengths present.

They're not actually orbits at all!

This was some serious out-of-the-box thinking, but it solved a couple of problems:


Why can electrons only be in certain energy levels?

Cutting a wavelength up would be like cutting an electron up. Ridiculous!

A jump from one level to another is just a gain or loss of whole electron wavelengths.


Accelerating charges must emit light.

Why don't electron orbits collapse?

An orbit is accelerated motion.

Electrons should continuously lose energy to light and fall into the nucleus.

But they don't.

Why not?

They're not actually orbiting.

They're just waves.

But, if a wave like light, can come in little packets like a particle and little packets

like electrons can look like waves.

Why stop at electrons?

In 1926, an Austrian physicist named Erwin Schrödinger ran with that thought.

If all particles are also waves, then we're going to need a wave equation to predict their


Maxwell's equations gave us something like this for light so that's that kind of thing

we want for ALL particles.

Using the total energy of a particle, what we call the Hamiltonian, we get something

that looks like this, which is designed to help us figure out this: the wave function,

an equation to contain all the wave properties of a particle.

Another slight problem though!

Even if we think of the electron itself as waving in space a wave is still accelerated


It should still be continuously emitting light and collapsing into the nucleus.

The only solution is that the electron isn't waving.

Wait wait.

Didn't you just say it was waving?

Well, yes and no.

Ok I think it's time for a summary again.

The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and there is a cloud of electrons surrounding it.

The behavior of all those particles is governed by wave functions.

But, if the particles themselves aren't doing the waving, what is waving?

Later in 1926, a German physicist named Max Born butted into the conversation and suggested

maybe, just maybe, it's a wave of probability.

I know, I know.

It's nuts!

But it fixes all the problems.

I think Richard Feynman put it best when he said:

The wave function for an electron in an atom does not describe a smeared-out electron with

a smooth charge density.

The electron is either here, or there, or somewhere else, but wherever it is, it is

a point charge.


Alright, here's how it works:

Even though a particle itself isn't a wave, its properties are.

Where it is, what it's doing, how much energy it has; all these things are wave-shaped,

but they're only waves of probability.

Say the position of an electron looks like this.

It's not smeared out across all space.

It just doesn't have a definite position.

It's most likely to be here, but also pretty likely to be here or here and it's probably

not going to be any of these places.

But it could be almost anywhere!

So what happens if I try to measure where it is?

It'll only be one place.

You just can't predict where that will be.

The act of measuring it, changes what the wave looks like.

It changes the wave from this to this but even then it's not exactly known.

There's still a little wiggle room.

That's what the uncertainty principle is all about.

But the measurement doesn't destroy the wave.

It just collapses it to a simpler shape.

Luckily, some measurements can be made together.

The energy, the magnitude of angular momentum and at least part of its orientation can all

be measured together, so those are allowed to be definite all at the same time.

Again though, there's still a little spread.

A little wiggle room, which is what gives emission lines their thickness.

But the definiteness of these measurements gives us a lot of information about electrons

in atoms.

Information we use to categorize them into shells and orbitals.

Ok final summary.

The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and there is a cloud of electrons surrounding it.

The behavior of all those particles is governed by wave functions.

But those are waves of probability, so everything is at least a little bit vague.

We're not sure exactly what anything is doing or exactly where it is, but we can make

some great educated guesses.

And that's enough to predict the entire periodic table.

So got any questions?

Please ask in the comments.

Thanks for liking and sharing this video.

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to keep up with us.

And until next time, remember, it's ok to be a little crazy.

We tried out a new type of video and everyone seemed to love it.

But Jeremiah Pendley asked if it would take away from my other content.

That's a solid "no" Jeremiah.

I just don't want to do the same thing all the time.

I need variety, so I'm mixing into the line-up.

For more infomation >> What Does An Atom REALLY Look Like? - Duration: 8:44.


CANÁRIO BELGA SALSA - 1 Hora de Canto de Canário Belga com Intervalo !!! - Duration: 1:32:48.

For more infomation >> CANÁRIO BELGA SALSA - 1 Hora de Canto de Canário Belga com Intervalo !!! - Duration: 1:32:48.


Leaked! Insider Evidence Uncovered, Obama And Hillary's FBI Guilty Of Betraying U.S. Secrets. - Duration: 2:17.

It just continues deteriorating for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's wallowing Justice


We've known for quite a while that Hillary has been under investigation for the mishandling

of highly classified materials, however, we didn't know exactly how bold and messy she


We're recently beginning to learn now that the previous presidential applicant played

reckless with the tenets and more awful, she did it for quite a while.

As per a breaking news report at Fox News, Judicial Watch has released 42 pages of exceedingly

redacted records from the FBI's criminal investigation concerning Hillary Clinton,

and they don't paint a pretty picture.

There is a wide range of redacted trades amongst Clinton and her private lawyers while utilizing

absolutely unsecured devices:

One redacted exchange reveals a back and forth subpoena response to the FBI from one of Mrs.

Clinton's private attorneys, Katherine Turner, and a partner at the Washington DC powerhouse

firm Williams & Connolly.

In the document, Turner agreed to turn over one of Mrs. Clinton's non-secure Apple iPads

and two of her BlackBerrys to the FBI.


The problem is that nobody seems to find the 13 mobile devices identified by the FBI, the

ones that potentially used email addresses.

Convenient, is not it?

Added Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:

"We are presuming there are still 13 devices at issue.

The new records show how badly the Obama Justice Department and the FBI mishandled the Clinton

email investigation.

They get the equivalent of wiped phones from the Clinton lawyers and do nothing?


Damn great inquiry.

The inquiry now is, what would be an ideal next step?

Without enough solid proof, Hillary could get off sans shot… once more.

At any rate, we as a whole know one truth: It's a DAMN good thing Hillary Clinton never

got the opportunity to be President of the United States.

In view of all that we're discovering now, that would've been totally awful.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

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