Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

Hello everyone! Welcome back

Today we will speak, as mentioned in the previous video

of "13 DAYS OF LIFE"

An adventure graphic that will show you 13 days of the protagonist Mark

"13 DAYS OF LIFE", released on January 13, 2017

Cost 0,59 €

It weighs 62,11 MB and is made with the graphic engine "Unreal Engine"

And it has a 3.7 star rating.

We want to specify that we did not know

Nor we heard about this game earlier

So every aspect has been a, pleasant or not, surprise

The first thing you notice is its monochromatic look and feel

In a grayscale, which we appreciated

As the impact and visually consistent to the topics covered

During the course of the days, you can interact with a large amount of objects

But only some of them, and with the right order

Will allow us to advance in history

The game has a nature predominantly introspective

Since the thoughts of the main character will play a key role

In fact, they can disturb and involve the player

By attracting his attention

Note special attention to sound effects and other small details

Scattered within the setting



The many possible interactions

will also be a weakness, since it will not jump to the eye

as there is not a tutorial

that the actions to take to move forward will be highlighted with a purple stripe.

If we don't realize it, again for lack of a tutorial

We'll be stuck not knowing what to do, and forced to interact with each object to the bitter end

This dispersion can be noticed already in the initial screen

Where all available options will not be grouped by genre, but placed in the same screen

One of these is the choice of language

Despite 20 are officially supported

Including the Italian, many are clearly being a copy-paste

Of an online translation.

If in the first 4-5 days, at least in italian

It will seem to have been translated with a minimum of care

We will notice then a sharp deterioration in the quality

As if suddenly they had lost the will (to live)

Speaking of gameplay, it is likely to become neither fish nor fowl

Since we have neither what characterizes

The classic adventure games, such as puzzles, riddles

Or an inventory

Neither of the choices to be made or a personalized experience.

Although we had already talked about the issues addressed

As a point of force, unfortunately there will be presented

A series of negative events, which will bring

The loss of credibility of the issues themselves

As it will appear that the unfortunate protagonist

Befall all the misfortunes of this world, almost falling into the ridiculous

As explained so far, it was just a general and impartial view of this application

If you are going to play and follow the plot

Please note that the analysis that is to follow

contains spoilers, and a lot of subjective vision

If you want to skip it so, you will find in the description of the exact moment they begin the next part

That is the conclusion

To better understand what we're talking about, we will offer you

A brief summary of the plot.

Mark is a guy who lives in an apartment alone,

Sullen Town in attending college.

We are now presented with inability to relate,

visible depression and deep sadness

Such sadness which led him to an attempted suicide later in history

He also recurrent nightmares, which will be the only "Action" part of the gameplay

It must open a parenthesis about it, because we think it is one of the most frustrating parts of this game.

The mechanics for control of the character

They are very woody and uncomfortable, and run away from a monster with the obstacles that we will

Presented along the road will become a living hell

It will not, however, a high degree of difficulty and challenge

But a real technical failure

To complete these levels

The only way to complete them, will be to spam the "act button"

But by doing so, we can not read the dialogues on screen

Having to give up a piece of plot

Among other things, this monster we affectionately called "educated"

Because waiting for us when we're slowed down by obstacles,

adapting to our speed.

Mh ... okay, thank you?

His life is rather monotonous and repetitive,

so much so that we will meet every morning very little to choose between meals appropriate to the situation

But in the end, it's just a bonus game

as perfectly it reflects the situation dell'universitario offsite

Take keys and purse and exit to complete the day

which at times will be shorter than expected - like two hours.

We note, in this regard, some

small technical details physically and humanly impossible.

For example, the fact that after breakfast on day 9

not eat for two days.

Or, more simply, which will come into shower dress

In this city take place numerous murders, suicides or simply dead

For example, we will hear of the suicide of a girl named Victoria,

and we witness the death of Sofia

Exactly ten minutes later he made his acquaintance

and you have thought that for once things could work.

As if his misfortunes were not enough,

he was diagnosed with leukemia.

Once home, attempts suicide by cutting the veins, but after yet another nightmare

(For the player) he realizes he's still alive

(Although, well, 'he spent the whole night to bleed ...)

It decided, therefore, to move and start over

However, collapses just climbed on the bus and found, finally, death

The whole narrative is surrounded by a soundtrack apparently

pleasant, but quickly repetitive

and soon almost unbearable.

Which, by the way, reminds me vaguely of something ...

Arrivamo, therefore, the final ...


Of course?

I refuse.

No, as you refuse ?!

-Come here. -No.

Come here, we have to finish to record! -No

-No! -Move!

... tell you.

Have you already Tuesday, tomorrow you have to assemble! Come on, move!

-No! The end is too disgusting! -I know that sucks! You have to just say it!

-No, it's a final me- -I know that is an end of shit!

-...No! -You must let others know!

-On! -No!

What to say about the final ...

After collapsing on the coach,

He finds himself in a kind of paradise.

That, according to him, is created by the mind of Sofia.

In this paradise, Sofia meets Mark

And, he explains why the Victoria suicide

Oh my God.

-That would... -That sucks!

I know it sucks!

Let me at least try to be impartial - then.

I'm trying.

In essence,

Victoria had committed suicide because ...

He loved Sofia. Only Sof- Sofia's love for Victoria ...

It was ... yes paid, but half.

Because she, Sofia, wanted a family

and he could not be with Victoria after it was all right together.

So what does ?! It goes to Mark after two days who commits suicide!

Let me finish!


After two days, apparently

It went to Mark

Because ... for comfort?

I do not know. I do not know why it andata-

In fact the karma has made investing!

In conclusion, so ... trying not to freak out again.

The final vote that we give is two and a half stars out of five.

Because, as you saw, in addition to the final horrific ... er.

-Yup -The end

The end ... there are at least three minus points for a bonus.

We would now like an olive branch, however,

Since we know that it is difficult to create video games

we know that it is difficult to program them.

And these criticisms we made

They do not want to be destructive but constructive

We hope that anyone who wants to create video games, or intend to do so

May benefit them

Maybe, looking at what's wrong

in this game, and trying to avoid it

Or why not, to the creator of this video game, hope

Watching these errors and correct them for a future game

or to re-create from scratch that.

Yes, it would not hurt

replay this game with all the errors corrected, however,

If I'm honest, at first I gave him a chance in this game

We hoped to see the end, but ...


That said, we hope we have done anyway exhaustive review

And ... if there makes you want to buy the game,

it means that we have not done well.

Oh well, no ', sorry.

So see you next Wednesday, with another app.

For more infomation >> 13 DAYS OF LIFE - aka: depression simulator 2017 - Duration: 9:58.


The most beautiful hair in the world.Những kiểu tóc được tạo đẹp nhất thế giới.P1 - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> The most beautiful hair in the world.Những kiểu tóc được tạo đẹp nhất thế giới.P1 - Duration: 10:11.


Energy Update – Transition Phase - Duration: 4:48.

Energy Update � Transition Phase

by Anastacia,

Seemingly non-stop �moving� for the last �few days� is taking its toll on the physical

right now with many, especially Blue Rays

Not being able to be in our �own spaces� as much as we would �like� to or �usually�

are able to do.

Situations and circumstances personally for each of us, have altered in that we are �around

others� more during this �transition phase� we are going through.

And due to this we are needing to adjust and cope/manage within this.

As we move into new spaces it allows us a new independence which allows further spiritual

growth in a very new way

This is so new and different, this �way�.

Yes it can feel uncomfortable and challenging yet very necessary for us to see, just how

far we have come�.just how much we have grown.

As this is like �stretching� us to cope with more than what we felt was possible just

so recently.

We are transmuting �more than just ourselves� right now, during this

As we move/shift in this TRANSITION phase.

Where many are feeling this right now, is the adjusting and coping in the physical.

This is Beyond usual �tiredness�, this is taking this to a �whole other� level


Just know, that you are not alone in this, that many are also feeling so very deeply

through the physical and transmuting with you, all individually, yet collectively at

the same time.

Double Transition � SPIRIT and SOUL.

Bridging between the two.

Feeling floaty and detached but then not.

We are in a Double Transition of EXPANDING our Spirit and our Soul at the same time.

Yet bridging the two through how conscious we are.

Back and forth, balancing, expanding and adjusting.

This is the BREAKTHROUGH we have been waiting for I am �told�.

This is �why� we are feeling this so deeply in the physical as Beyond exhaustion, a whole

�other� level, as literally this is.

This is us now �coping� with so much more than we were physically �able� to in the

past (recent at that).

When we are in the flow of the Divine, we are able to �achieve� so much more than

just ourselves.

Yet in this there are those who are still operating in the �mind/logic��and these

souls will feel very frustrated within this double transition, balancing and adjusting

of each individually (Spirit and Soul) and then jointly as well.

Also there are souls who have been/are operating in the Spirit and not �wanting� to �come

down� into the human.

When we CONSCIOUSLY read and feel this, we can then �help us to help ourselves� and

�settle down� these energies of expanding our conscious awareness during this �Double

Transition� � both Spirit and Soul of a �bigger picture� occurring right now.

It allows us to empower ourselves energetically, of all that is occurring with us right now.

I know, that having an awareness of the �bigger picture� has been very vital and important

in my Spirits and Souls growth.

So I share this with much Divine True Love for those souls who are resonating so deeply

at this time.

Those transmuters who feel so deeply in all they/we are, as not all feel as deeply as

�we do�.

As always, I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Transition Phase - Duration: 4:48.


DARPA Using Warfare Technology On Unsuspecting Civilians For Mass Mind Control - Duration: 6:50.

DARPA Using Warfare Technology On Unsuspecting Civilians For Mass Mind Control

By Paul A. Philips

Never mind the bombs and bullets or other conventional weaponry, consider the use of

hi-tech stealth weapons.

Not just for use in warfare, but for other nefarious purposes.

A number of whistleblowers have come out of the woodwork to let us know that governmental

agencies such as DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) are using some of these hi-tech

stealth weapons on unsuspecting civilians for mass mind control.

Through his research, such as that based on the startling revealing information he obtained

from whistleblowers, author Dr Nick Begich explains the nature of the operations and

hidden ulterior motives behind this rapidly developing mind control technology.

The mind control technology originates from the work of original scientists such as Jos�

Delgado and his EEG (electroencephalograph), bio-physics studies on subjects.

The technology began with brain implants, which were later removed as it developed.

The current technology works by directing radio signals on targeted individuals to stimulate

specific areas of their brain.

These low-density subtle energies have the effects of causing disruption to the body�s

physiological integrity, resulting in mood changes such as high anxiety.

The directed radio signals may also be used to alter decision making in order to manipulate

a desired behavioral outcome.

Not just specific individuals, but according to Dr Begich, the technology has been known

to psychoactively manipulate and overwhelm entire enemy armies during combat, causing

them to surrender.

However, the fact that this technology is used in the military is only because the soldiers

are guinea pigs.

.There is a bigger picture at work:

The government is also using agencies such as DARPA for applying this psychological warfare

technology to covertly control and manipulate entire civilian populations.

It�s all part of the ruling elite�s technocratic agenda; total global domination with the use

of technology.

For instance, it�s no coincidence that DARPA has a strong allegiance with Google.

Both have a number of same objectives involving the mind control and manipulation of society

for forming a new hybrid social structure.

Further developments

As the technology develops with other technologies, there are more options for the ruling elite

over what they can do.

Consider those technologies perceived by many members of the public as advantageous, but,

unknown to them, have other nefarious purposes for controlling and manipulating society into

a police state, mass surveillance, New World Order�.

For example, a number of us know that there has been a strong push for implanting microchips

for I.D and monitoring purposes.

Take the case of implanting microchipped pills.

There are advantages such as the ability to control doses and monitor patients remotely,

but the implants could be used for other nefarious purposes.

Consider other examples having hidden nefarious purposes, such as the health- and mind-threatening

ubiquitous Wi-Fi towers with their applications including computers, cell phones and forced

�smart� technology.

Then there are mind controlling techniques involving the use of modulated signals to

electronically manipulate the brain, via the mainstream media and social media for brainwashing

and extreme propaganda.

Targeted Individual � also euphemistically known in the military as an �anomalous human


Through the governmental agencies� obsession with mass surveillance and data collecting,

wanting to know your every move, using the technologies, you could be regarded as an

enemy of the state if:

You have anti-corporatist views, knowing about corporate crimes and cover-ups�

You stand for the 2nd Amendment You�re pro-Constitution

Actively against your treasonous, corrupt government

In other words if you�re found to be standing in the way of the ruling elite�s New World

Order agenda then that could make you a targeted individual (anomalous human potential) for

mind control to bring about your subjugation.

(Now wouldn�t that be quite ironic.

DARPA using your own tax dollars to technologically manipulate your decision making and behavior!)

A turnaround

The ruling elite know that if the people ever made the shift from fear to love then their

higher states of consciousness could be accessed to produce a turnaround for worldwide transformation.

So in order to maintain the control system, the ruling elite have to keep the people in

a constant state of fear by using such resources as their mind control technology.

However, the ruling elite are deeply concerned.

As the global mass awakeningcontinues to gather more and more momentum, they know that the

future of their control system could be seriously under threat through an overwhelming number

of awakened individuals taking back their rightful ownership of the world, where corrupt

governments and their power structures would be redundant.

Instead of enslavement, what if the mind control technology could be altered and then used

to free us?

What about using the technology to make us happy, loving and peaceful?

For more infomation >> DARPA Using Warfare Technology On Unsuspecting Civilians For Mass Mind Control - Duration: 6:50.





For many years, Matt Angle has claimed that the holy grail of neuroscience � the restoration

of lost senses � was in reach thanks to an obscure invention by a small company in

Moldova in the 1960s.

For most people, his claims were fairly eccentric, and he was ignored for a long time but now

people are starting to take notice, and his invention could herald a new phase in the

development of humanity.

The US Department of Defense has awarded a contract to Angle�s small San Jose-based

company Paradromics Inc.

To develop a technology which will be able to record and manipulate an astonishing one

million individual neurons inside a human brain at the same time.

This is considered to be a highly complex task.

More than a century ago, scientists realized that they could use metal electrodes to record

the activity of a single neuron.

Since then there has not been a great deal of progress in the recording of neurons in

the human brain with scientists only being able to record from a few hundred at a time.

Recently, scientists and technology specialists have announced their intention to research

and make steps towards exponentially increasing a number of neurons which can be recorded

at any given time.

Elon Musk recently made headlines when he announced that he was funding a company called

Neuralink which was working on a brain-computer interface which hoped to tackle the problem

of blindness in the near future.

In addition to that, representatives from the social media giant Facebook have also

claimed that the company is working on a thought-to-text device that will allow users to silently write

posts and messages to be transferred via the internet.

However, neither of these technology giants explained to the media exactly how they planned

to make these lofty ambitions a reality.

By contrast, Angle believes that he and his team are already well on their way to creating

a device that will allow millions of neurons to be recorded simultaneously.

Angle explains that the idea of the new invention spray from technology developed by a small

Moldovan company in the 1960s which allowed hot metal to be stretched into extremely thin

insulated wires which are a mere 20 microns thick.

These wires can be used to make a lattice attached to landing pads and microprocessors

which can make electrical contact with a huge number of brain cells simultaneously and record

their activity.

Angle hopes that this invention could eventually be developed to penetrate the speech center

of the brain and allow the words that the person are thinking of to be translated via

a microprocessor.

If this first stage of development is indeed successful, then neuroscientists are presented

with boundless opportunities for utilizing this technology.

It is believed that the invention could knit together sensory stimuli or even generate

consciousness itself.



Overview of Leghorn V-33 and a mini meat - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Overview of Leghorn V-33 and a mini meat - Duration: 6:00.



Ariana Grande - Love Me Harder

Inna - Wow

Cassie - King Of Hearts

Lady Gaga - Applause

Rihanna - What Now

Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop

Beyoncé - 1 + 1

G. Girls - Call The Police

Ciara - Body Party

Serebro - Gun

For more infomation >> EROTIC VIDEOS | NAKED VIDEO, NUDE VIDEO | 18+ - Duration: 3:04.


اصبر و خلي ثيقتك في ربي كبيرة - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> اصبر و خلي ثيقتك في ربي كبيرة - Duration: 2:38.


From the Overwatch League Office | Welcome Our Initial Seven Teams - Duration: 2:21.

Hey everyone I'm Nate Nanzer.

As commissioner of the Overwatch league

I know the community has been waiting a long time for an update.

And no one has heard you louder than me.

The team here at the Overwatch League office

has been working tirelessly

to make sure that when we share information

about our professional teams it will have been worth the wait.

Well, that moment has arrived

and I wanted to deliver it to you personally.

It's with great pleasure that we announce

the first 7 city-based teams entering the Overwatch League.

First, the city of Boston

whose home team belongs to Robert Kraft.

Chairman and CEO of the Kraft Group.

Next up, Boston traditional rival, New York.

will continue it sports heritage under Jeff Wilpon.

Rounding out the East coast

Miami-Orlando has been snapped up by Ben Spoont

CEO and co-founder of Misfits Gaming.

Moving to the west coast

San Francisco has been locked down by Andy Miller

Chairman of NRG eSports.

Take a plane an hour south

and Noah Whinston the CEO of Immortals

has secured Los Angeles.

Across the Pacific the city of Shanghai

will have its own team under Netease.

And finally what is a global eSports league

without South Korea.

We welcome the city of Seoul

and its team owner Kevin Chou the co-founder of Kabam

to represent the home and heart of competitive gaming worldwide.

And this is only the beginning

we look forward to announcing more teams

from across the globe in the future.

All of us here have been deeply moved

by your commitment to building up

the competitive Overwatch ecosystem.

The appetite to compete in Overwatch contenders

in North America and Europe has blown us away

and we continue to see amazing competition

in South Korea, China and the Asia-Pacific region.

Together with our new team owners

we are working towards launching the Overwatch League

as the pinnacle of Overwatch eSports.

One that all aspiring players and audiences

can celebrate, strive towards and call their own.

We are building this league to be worthy of your passion.

Thank you for being a part of this

and be sure to stay up-to-date

with everything Overwatch League


For more infomation >> From the Overwatch League Office | Welcome Our Initial Seven Teams - Duration: 2:21.


免費學習 YouTube賺錢方法 | YouTube官方教你如何在YouTube賺錢 🤑 - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 免費學習 YouTube賺錢方法 | YouTube官方教你如何在YouTube賺錢 🤑 - Duration: 4:23.


Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Profil Resmi Değiştirme - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Profil Resmi Değiştirme - Duration: 1:37.


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Latest wedding party saree wedding Bridal saree collection in amazon shopping online

For more infomation >> Latest wedding party saree wedding Bridal saree collection in amazon shopping online 57654 - Duration: 0:38.


Space Face Prevew 0/3 ep - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Space Face Prevew 0/3 ep - Duration: 0:55.


Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Creator Studio Uygulaması - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Creator Studio Uygulaması - Duration: 0:50.


❤sucalet ❤ AGOTADA!! Recorriendo la ciudad completa! - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> ❤sucalet ❤ AGOTADA!! Recorriendo la ciudad completa! - Duration: 9:27.


Boss Baby Smeshariki Finger Family Song | Playdoh | Daddy Finger Song - Duration: 0:54.

Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Boss Baby Smeshariki Finger Family Song | Playdoh | Daddy Finger Song - Duration: 0:54.


Mahindra Scorpio 2018 Review .Brand New Pajero Car From Mahindra .||Price , specification,|| - Duration: 1:47.

Name: mahindra scorpio

Price : RS 1 Million

Length : 4456mm

Width : 1820 mm Height : 1995 mm

Seating Capacity : 7 & 8 Person

Displacement : 2179 cc

Fuel Type : Diesel

Max Power: 120 bhp @ 4000 RPM

Max Torque : 280 Nm @ 1800 RPM

Mileage (ARAI) : 15.4kmpl Fuel credit card offersAd

Alternate Fuel: Not Applicable

Transmission Type : Automatic

No of gears : 6Gears

Drivetrain Rear : Wheel Drive

Air Conditioner : Automatic Climate Control

Central Locking : Remote

Anti-Lock Braking System : (ABS) Yes

Airbags : 2 (Driver & Co-Driver)

Seat : Upholstery Fabric

Thanks for watching please subscribe my channel

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