Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

Aye, I better order the drinks, though.

What'll you have? Scotch? Scotch? Scotch?

Me too.

You'll... you'll have, what, wine?

Do you want some wine? Red or white?

Red wine? Have red wine, it's sweet.

Sunny, yaar.

Look at how you're sitting.

Is this how you sit when you go to your in-laws' house?

Good boys don't sit like this. Sit properly.


Now scoot.


Oh, bhenchod.

Aye, hello.

What is this language, yaar?

Being a boy, how can you curse?

Listen, boys from good families don't use such language, okay?

Excuse me.

Don't tell me you're going to leave the house dressed like this.

I'm seeing far too much skin.

Go. Go and change.

Come on!

What the hell.

As women, we're sick of the double standards we have to put up with every day.

It's time to put an end to this.

Catch our film, Lipstick Under My Burkha

In cinemas from July 21st.

And for goodness sake, stop telling women what to do.

For more infomation >> If Men Were Treated Like Women | Lipstick Under My Burkha | MissMalini - Duration: 2:00.


Rice Cooker Pizza (电饭煲比萨) - Duration: 1:48.

Turn on subtitles for instruction

125 g plain flour , 1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp instant yeast

10 g butter

70 ml warm water

Knead for 5~10 mins

Cover with cling wrap

wait for 1 hour

Use fork to poke holes

pizza sauce




Cook in rice cooker for 10~15 mins

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Rice Cooker Pizza (电饭煲比萨) - Duration: 1:48.


Hypnosis for Connecting to your Angels (Collaboration With Joe Treacy) - Duration: 41:49.


a state of self-hypnosis you're not asleep or unconscious.

You're aware of your surroundings.

You can't be forced to do anything that's against your will.

Don't worry about outside sounds and distractions because you're soon able to relax completely

and can use the outside sounds to deepen your trance.

You're always in control and can accept or reject the suggestions as you wish.

Allow yourself to absorb the suggestions without evaluating or analyzing.

Don't worry if your mind drifts off because you still gain the benefits from the suggestions.

When you find yourself focused on other thoughts, gently remind yourself to focus on my voice

and the suggestions.

Don't worry about getting it or doing it right, just allow yourself to feel comfortable and


Now, take a deep breath and as you exhale, allow your eyes to close.

Imagine a cord attached to the base of your spine and traveling all the way to the center

of the earth.

Really anchor that cord now into the center of the earth, wrapping the ends around anything

solid you find.

Allow the cord to expand to a size that's comfortable for you and now release any stress,

tension, anxiety or negativity down that cord.

You can release any unfinished projects, or any people who may want your attention.

Acknowledge any thoughts that may come into your mind and, for now, release them down

your grounding cord.

Take another deep breath, hold the breath, and exhale through your mouth with a sigh.

Relaxing even deeper.

Feeling so calm and so tranquil.

And with your third deep breath, once more comfortably filling your lungs, hold the breath,

and as you exhale allow that remaining stress and tension to flow out of your body.

It's not necessary to hear any outside sounds or anyone else's voice and now you can enjoy

the comfort of drifting into a deep state of relaxation.

This is the most important process for you to be doing and the most important place for

you to be.

Just allow yourself to let go and relax.

And now focus your awareness on the muscles on the top of your head, and

begin to feel a wave of relaxation flowing from the top of your head down over your forehead,

and into your eyebrows, moving around your eyes now, bathing your eyes with comfort and

ease, as you feel yourself drifting deeper and deeper, focusing on the sound of my voice

feel yourself drifting deeper and relax, deeper and relax as you feel that wave of relaxation

moving across your nose and down into your cheeks, the muscles melting down just like

butter melting on a warm stove, drifting deeper as the muscles around your mouth relax and

that relaxation flows into your jaw and into your tongue, and your teeth may separate slightly

and that's fine.

And now allow that wave of relaxation to flow from the top of your head down over the back

of your head, around your ears and temples and on down into your neck muscles and as

those muscles begin to melt and blend, feel yourself drifting deeper and deeper with each

easy breath that you take, as you relax completely.

All outside sounds, noises, even your own thoughts cause you to drift and go deeper.

Deeper and deeper.

Let that relaxation flow into your shoulders, and feel how your shoulders begin to droop

and sag with a comfortable, drowsy feeling of relaxation.

Allow those muscles to let go completely and notice how much more relaxed you are right

now than you were just a few moments ago.

As that wave of comfort and ease begins to flow across your shoulders and down your arms,

feel the relaxation moving into each and every muscle, into every muscle, nerve and tendon

as you relax and let go.

Feel the muscles melting effortlessly and easily.

Your shoulders and the back of your neck melt completely and now that tingling, soothing

wave moves around your elbows and down into your forearms and now surrounding your wrists

with comfort and ease and on down into your hands and clear out to the very tips of your


Relaxing more with each easy breath that you take and as you relax, allow all the stress

and tension to drain out the very tips of your fingers as you relax and let go.

And now that wave of relaxation spreads from your shoulders down into the

broad muscles of your back.

All discomfort and disorder serving no useful purpose leaves your body as you relax and

drift deeper, even deeper.

As that wave travels down your back and around into your chest muscles, feel yourself relaxing

and drifting even deeper, even deeper.

That wave of relaxation flows around your waist now and on down into your hips and thighs,

feel those muscles melting as you allow yourself to relax.

You may feel a pleasant tingling now, starting at the top of your head and flowing down through

your entire body as that wave of relaxation spreads down through your thighs and down

around your knees, bathing your knees with comfort and ease, and now down into your calves,

feel those calf muscles melting down completely, as you relax, deeper and deeper.

Feel that relaxation flowing around your ankles, bathing your ankles with comfort and ease,

that wave moves on down into the heel and arch of your feet, flowing along the soles

of your feet, clear out to the tips of your toes, and now allow any remaining stress and

tension to drain right out the very ends of your feet removing all aches and pains serving

no useful purpose.

I'm going to count from ten down to one as you allow yourself to deepen this relaxation.

Each descending number takes you deeper down -- relaxed and at peace -- on the number one

you enter a beautiful place of peace and tranquility.

And now, let's take that first step down with -- Ten -- deeper and deeper -- Nine -- relaxing

more with each descending number -- Eight -- drifting, floating, gliding -- Seven -- deeper

still -- Six -- relaxing more with each easy breath that you take -- Five -- half way there

now and when I reach the number one you're ten times more deeply relaxed than you are

right now -- Four -- and deeper still -- Three -- all the way down now -- Two -- almost down

to that perfect place of peace and tranquility -- and One -- deeply relaxed.

More relaxed than you've ever been.

Just resting, gently, in this place of peace and calm.

And beginning to align yourself with the understanding that in this state of relaxation you are beyond

the limits of time.

And you can contact and explore other realms and guides and angels that inhabit other realms

and who are willing to make contact with you, to support you.

To love you.

As one who seeks to live authentically in alignment with your higher self your guardian

angels can guide you.

You have felt their presence, their influence, in your life when your intuition spoke strongly

to you or when someone appeared unexpectedly, to give you aid to lead you from a dark place,

into light.

Do you remember a time when you needed love and support and you suddenly, inexplicably

felt that support?

Or a time when someone came into your life, to offer aid, at just the right moment?

That was the presence of your angels, in your life, in your time of need.

You can reach out to these spirits, these guides.

In connecting with them, you connect to the sacred within you.


And beginning to let your breath shift.

So that your breath is the breath of this realm, filling your body, the cells of your

body with oxygen.

Breathing deeply as a gift of relaxation to your divine earthly body.

And beginning to breathe, too, the breath from the realm of the angels.

Breathing in what that atmosphere brings to you, to nurture your soul, breathing in that

sacred, shining, relaxing energy.

What does it feel like to breathe in the atmosphere of your guardian angels?

What gifts does that breath bring to you, that you are in need of now?

In breathing their atmosphere, you are changing your vibration, and calling to the guardian


Now on your next breath feel them coming to you.

Gently surrounding you.

You may feel a comforting touch on your shoulder or you may feel a tug at your heart or you

may feel enveloped by a warm, shimmering blanket of light.

You may perceive them as warmth or a tingling along your skin, or in your mind.

How do you know the presence of these angels, these guardians?

And even if you don't feel their presence at this

moment know that these beings have been with you, at your side, through this lifetime.

Guarding you and advising you, when you were a child.

At your side in times of trouble or sorrow.

So you might let yourself imagine them at your side, or surrounding you, now.

And know that you'll become aware of their presence

in time.

Perhaps you feel your angels gently urging you to relax, to let go of thoughts or tenseness

in your body.

.. They seek to bring you to their vibrational level so they can help you, and support you.

So breathe and on the in breath, take in the peace and comfort they offer you.

.. And on the out breath, feel their gentle spirits taking from you, whatever you are

ready to release.

On the out breath, feeling them aid you in releasing thoughts.

Feeling their gentle touch relieving your body of stress, or discomfort.

Give yourself a moment to feel the healing energy of these beings.

They seek to heal you on the physical level, as well as the spiritual level.

And if you're willing, surrender to their power to heal you of whatever needs to be



Experiencing these gentle spirits, letting yourself feel the love they have for you.

If you have felt unloved, in your life, know that these beings offer you love, compassion,

understanding, always.

If you are unused to opening to love, and accepting love, know that you would be safe,

now in allowing these beings to show you love, and receiving that love.

Feeling the energy of these angels touching you, comforting you, guiding you in ways that

help you align with your higher self.

And now is there something you would ask of your angels?

Some question you need an answer for some decision you need help in making?

Or help or support you need?

If there is anything at all that you would call on the angels for ask that of them now.

And allow yourself to feel their support all around you.

And the assurance that if you did not yet receive an answer if you've not yet been given

direction know that it is coming.

In a dream, or a vision, or a sudden insight in the days to come, be open

to the angels presence, their guidance, in your life.


Resting in this place of love and support.

There is no need to say goodbye to your angels.

They accompany you, always.

Ask them, now, to help you be aware of them.

As you move through your day, or your dreams being aware of their presence.

So you can better hear their guidance and be comforted by their love.

For more infomation >> Hypnosis for Connecting to your Angels (Collaboration With Joe Treacy) - Duration: 41:49.


Do DIGITAL artists need THIS? - Duration: 13:26.

For more infomation >> Do DIGITAL artists need THIS? - Duration: 13:26.


(Mentality) To all the newbie DIETERS! with love, JINI [JINI's Wellness] - Duration: 3:56.

Hi Everyone! It's JINI!

(All of us) have a lot to worry about weight control, right?

I've been thinking about where that comes from.

Diet should be framed!

What to do in the morning, what to do, what to do, what to do, How to eat, how to exercise

I have to do this because I have to lose weight!

I think that's a general idea about diet. (= May be the cause of diet abandonment !!) (~ Should -> failure -> confidence drop -> give up)

I don't like to do when I think "I should do this" (Human heart)

If I can't do what I have to do, (depending on the situation and circumstances)

feel guilty, uneasy, think "I'm screwed up" and "I've failed." (My life is what I'm .. I'm a failure ....)

don't think 'diet is a thing to live in a frame'!

Think of it as "changing one by one in my life."

Change my whole life from 0 to 10! (Exercise + eating habits + lifestyle habits, all at once?) It 's so hard when you think about it.

Let's give a change of 0.5 from 0 to 10. (Good start of diet ^ - ^)

(example) 1. I don't drink water well, do I drink water?

2. I hated walking too much, but wake up early in the morning and walk few bus-stops?

3. Let's take a walk at night.

4. I hated the vegetable too much, would I like to eat only one vegetable?

In this way, giving a little change within my reach.

Once this change become easy, if this habit relaxes (if change begins to become a habit!)

Try adding another habit and, my habits on my body become more and more healthy habits. (don't have a diet obsession! It's Natural diet)

<Maximum Advantages of Starting Here> 'My habits that I thought were bad

changed nicely!' If you feel the sense of accomplishment! (A sense of accomplishment + confidence + prosperity = another challenge)

I say diet, just do this! Just do it! I don't think it's good to let you know. (Even though the way is right for me!)

just give a little little change,

I think it can make a big difference later! (This is a sure way for everyone!)

Diet is change few of my lifestyle habits,

Under any circumstances, I think that it is to cope that situation wisely and healthily. (I can do this for a long time and get less stress! The hurting is our biggest enemy !!)

If the purpose of diet is limited to appearance, This is getting really hard.

(More at the beginning of the diet!) The change is invisible and compared to another person,

envy people who don't fat even if they eat,

"Let's change my life in a healthy way!"

It would be great if you were on a diet.

(Preparation for employment, work life, school life, friendship, family relationship, etc.) In a variety of situations, Trying to live a healthy diet!

I think You should praise yourself! It's really cool!

don't think, "I will drive the whole of my life !!"

Let's live a part of my life in a more healthy way!

Even if you don't think this way, and are on a diet!

I want you to praise what you've done so far.

I was really proud, I worked hard!

I praise myself, I'm so beautiful, I'm so successful! This way

It may be difficult, but let us try to force together once.

I always cheer you! cheer up!

If you enjoyed the video today! If you feel little helpful! please 'Like' and 'subscribe'

Have a healthy and happy day today! Bye ~

For more infomation >> (Mentality) To all the newbie DIETERS! with love, JINI [JINI's Wellness] - Duration: 3:56.


YuDavid - 把全部都給妳 Feat.Zeng Fanfan - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> YuDavid - 把全部都給妳 Feat.Zeng Fanfan - Duration: 2:41.


Magdalena Rybarikova Wimbledon 2017 quarter-final press conference - Duration: 1:35.

Well, obviously I was dreaming about it since I was a little kid, to be

to be semifinal in the Wimbledon. I think all the players are dreaming about this to happen.

But, well, I mean, before the match, I was still saying to myself, It's great to be quarterfinal, just be relaxed,

just play your game, then we'll see what's going to happen.

I mean, maybe because of my past.

Last year it was very difficult for me.

I was sometimes thinking maybe I'm never going to come back,

and here I am in the semifinal of Grand Slam.

Maybe I just relaxed myself. I'm really enjoying to be on the court. Really I'm

so grateful, and lucky. I'm really lucky that my health is doing well right now

I don't have any limit right now. Before I was always having some issues,

my knee or my wrist. Now I can just think about my game.

Maybe that helped me a lot. Also I can practice fully. Before I was still

not sure if I can go tournament or I cannot go, or if I can practice full or not. I was always afraid to be

on the court if something is going to happen. Right now I really feel very good on court.

I think that helped me a lot, and also kind of, as I said before, why I expect much from myself.

Q:Do you think this is the best You've ever played?

For sure. I mean, semifinal of Grand Slam, I'm sure it is, yeah.

For more infomation >> Magdalena Rybarikova Wimbledon 2017 quarter-final press conference - Duration: 1:35.


How To Add Subscribe Button On YouTube Video 2017-18 Add a Custom Subscribe Button to all Videos - Duration: 3:11.

Hello! friends

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How To Add Subscribe Button On YouTube Video 2017-18 Add A Custom Subscribe Button to all Videos

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For more infomation >> How To Add Subscribe Button On YouTube Video 2017-18 Add a Custom Subscribe Button to all Videos - Duration: 3:11.


Business meetings & enterntainment in Brabant. | Jantine visits De Donkhoeve - Duration: 5:40.

Bed & breakfast De Donkhoeve is a location...

...where you can spend a nicght.

With a group of friends, or family.

But where you also can have your business meetings.

You can also rent the business location...

...that is situated behind the farm.

Look what a great space this is.

Perfect for..

... a meeting or a training.

It is equipt with...

...all the necessary technology.

So you can hold your presentations.

And it has a lovely wood stove.

Nice and cosy.

The owner Hanneke, makes sure all is neat and tidy.

Right, Hanneke? "Yes, absolutly."

One of the sleeping locations is a tiny house...

...right next to the farm.

It has space for 6 people.

It's super cute!

Have a look!

A small house, where 4 generations ago...

...the great grandfather of the current owner lived in.

You have everything here.

And an extra luxerious thing:

It has a small sauna.

It's a bit like a...

... a Fairytale house.

Old and cosy.

Down here is a double bed.

Upstairs are 2 small bedrooms.

And this is just one place where you can stay.

They also have normal bed & breakfast rooms!


This is the communal living room.

Of all rooms.

If you're here with a large group, and people staying in the small house... can have breakfast here together.

Upstairs is space for 8 people.

This used to be the barn.

And upstairs, where I am now...

... was the haystack.

So you sleep above the cow barn.

These rooms are only rented together if you come as a group.

So if you come with just 2 people, you have this bathroom for yourself.

This is room: The Rose.

And this is: Lavender.

Everywhere are seats in the garden.

Where you can relax or have breakfast.

If you come here, Hanneke greets you.

She tells you about the rooms and the surounding.

And she has guests, so I will take a look.

"You can sit here for breakfast."

"Upstairs are the two rooms."

"And the bathroom."

"We are 3 km north of Oirschot."

Öirschot has..."

"...320 monuments."

"It's in the top 3 of most momuments in a city."

"In the Netherlands."

"And we are right next to The Mortelen, nature area."

If you think that you can only sleep here...'re wrong.

There is a lot to do here!

You can Skike here.

On some sort of skeelers: Skikes.

You can do a clinic, someone will explain this to you.

Here I go!

Ahhhh!!! Okay, this is more complicated then it looks.

But you can also cycle, or go stepping here.

You can do a culinair tour, past farms in the area.

Where you can eat.

I think I'll try that.

Eating and... stepping!

And do you want something truly unique?

Rent an Oldtimer!


You can sleep here and rent a car like this.

And tour around the beautiful countryside.

I have a private driver today! "Yes! Let's start it!"

For more infomation >> Business meetings & enterntainment in Brabant. | Jantine visits De Donkhoeve - Duration: 5:40.


合作推薦 l 吳寶春 - 亞洲超級團隊:勇闖夢想國度 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 合作推薦 l 吳寶春 - 亞洲超級團隊:勇闖夢想國度 - Duration: 2:44.


(Liberian Music) PRINCESS GBOR - I AM A STAR - Duration: 5:29.

Please Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe

For more infomation >> (Liberian Music) PRINCESS GBOR - I AM A STAR - Duration: 5:29.


Volkswagen汽車城─Autostadt | 德國汽車博物館系列專題[5/6] - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen汽車城─Autostadt | 德國汽車博物館系列專題[5/6] - Duration: 10:18.


Dernières explorations | Compass Rose S1E3 [Sous-titré FR] - Duration: 21:09.

For more infomation >> Dernières explorations | Compass Rose S1E3 [Sous-titré FR] - Duration: 21:09.


GTA ONLINE - NEW GAME MODE & CAR - Duration: 2:12:07.

For more infomation >> GTA ONLINE - NEW GAME MODE & CAR - Duration: 2:12:07.


Warface - New Trailer - Duration: 1:36.

















For more infomation >> Warface - New Trailer - Duration: 1:36.


マステとグルーガンでブレスレットを作ってみた - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> マステとグルーガンでブレスレットを作ってみた - Duration: 3:44.


Chuyện lạ có thật: Nữ phượt thủ kể lý do bị "gạ tình" khi đi phượt cùng người lạ - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Chuyện lạ có thật: Nữ phượt thủ kể lý do bị "gạ tình" khi đi phượt cùng người lạ - Duration: 2:43.


Absorbent Microfiber Facial Towels for Baby Adult - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Absorbent Microfiber Facial Towels for Baby Adult - Duration: 0:07.


Top 10 Highest Paid Wwe Superstars In The World-Highest Paid Wrestler 2017 - Duration: 3:49.

Top 10 Highest Paid Wwe Superstars In The World-Highest Paid Wrestler 2017

For more infomation >> Top 10 Highest Paid Wwe Superstars In The World-Highest Paid Wrestler 2017 - Duration: 3:49.



Good morning,

Today I wanted to discuss the topic of "normal" keyboards used in the cellphone, as I have been using

Blackberry KeyOne which still has (as one of the last in the world, I believe)

QWERTY keyboard.

I wanted to point out the initial reason why such keyboards are not anymore used in mobile phones.

They are not installed anymore, not for user's convenience

but because they are easier to handle for the producers.

If the phone has software keyboard (meaning keyboard popping up on the screen), the most common keyboard nowadays,

the producer does not have to evaluate which type of telephone shall be released on which market.

He does not need to think what type of keyboard individual countries use... whether it is QWERTY in Poland,AZER in France or QWERTZ in Germany;

there are no necessary physical adjustments for Chinese or Arab market.

The producer releases one model, which has keyboard adjusted with the software.

It is not so easy with the physical keyboard,

which has to be chosen appropriately for each of the markets.

This is why, at the moment, there are practically no phones with physical keyboard,

except Blackberry (which I currently use).

It is easier for the producer to manage, especially if he wants to release new models frequently and

artificially spin the consumption.

Physical keyboards have been replaced by other solutions, to make it possible to frequently change models and

to easily restock their products intercontinentally.

And, naturally, to not have any sort of obstacles in adapting the phones for particular country.

On the contrary, for the user, it is easier to use physical keyboard, which allows more precise writing.

After a few weeks of using BlackBerry KeyOne I am 100 % convinced it is more comfortable for the user.

For the producer - it is a different story. For them it is easier to have software keyboard.

I hope that even though Blackberry is a niche, they will still be present on the market.

I hope that you enjoyed the video. If so, please leave a like and subscribe!

Share info with your friends, leave questions in the comments. Take care!

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