Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

Trump Rages Look What Hillary Clinton May Have Gotten Away With.


by Tyler Durden

President Trump thumb and forefinger have been busy this morning, both defending his

son and attacking the opposition.

First there was this...

...and now, a more pointed and important question that no one seems to be asking...

His tweet appears to be in reponse to Politico's report on the goings-on in Ukraine... (via


Politico revealed in January some of the Ukrainian government�s anti-Trump activities during

the election.

A veteran DNC operative who previously worked in the Clinton White House, Alexandra Chalupa,

worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America

to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort.

She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, according

to the Politico report.

Chalupa met with Ukrainian Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar,

at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort�s Russian

connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico.

Four days later, Trump officially hired Manafort.

�The day after Manafort�s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC�s communications staff

on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the

situation,� Politico reported.

The Politico report also notes that the DNC encouraged Chalupa to try to arrange an interview

with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to talk about Manafort�s ties to the former

pro-Russia president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Manafort previously advised.

The embassy declined to arrange the meeting but was nevertheless �helpful,� Chalupa

told Politico.

�If I asked a question, they would provide guidance, or if there was someone I needed

to follow up with,� she said, but added that �There were no documents given, nothing

like that.�

Chalupa also told Politico that the Ukrainian embassy worked directly with reporters in

uncovering dirt on Manafort and Trump.

Like the Ukrainian embassy, the DNC distanced itself from Chalupa�s actions when asked

by Politico, insisting that she was acting on her own.

Still, that's probably nothing.

And having said all that, amid claims by some media entities that The White House is "in

chaos", Trump responds...

For more infomation >> Trump Rages Look What Hillary Clinton May Have Gotten Away With Disgraceful - Duration: 2:53.


Bible Lesson with Artem : Part One, Sodom and Gomorrah - Duration: 5:57.

Bible Lesson with Artem. Part one: Sodom and Gomorrah

Hi! I have a little cold, so I'm drinking tea with lemon.

But check out my voice, huh?



I noticed awhile ago, that some people decided

to show off their knowledge of the bible

in the comment section and remind me,

that the Bible mentions how God took care of these homosexuals.

(evil, but righteous laugh)

For example, Mihhail Kiltajev

Thought that I forgot about Sodom and Gomorrah.

Of course, by his logic, the fact that I'm gay erases all my memory

and my knowledge of the Bible with it.

Vasiliy Kretsu also decided to remind me that

that "God loves you, but not the sin.

God hated the sin so much

that he burnt Sodom and Gomorrah with fire."

Then wazupdowgs said

I hope you burn in hell

Oops, wrong picture!

Here's another comment from a very smart individual:

Frieda Dalinger wrote:

This is the sin of sAdom and gAmorah (terrible misspelling)

Everyone knows how much this sin angArAd (angered) God.

Hm… and I thought MY Russian was bad…

You know, when people tell me that in their opinion homosexuality is a sin

and mention the story of sAdom and gAmora

and know right away that…

I already won in this discussion.


Because I know for sure,

that they didn't read the story of sAdom and gAmorah


And before you tell me –

Wait, Artem, it's very clearly written what happened

I decided to spend 8 dollars (!)

And buy this whiteboard to create a little illustration

about the story of sAdom and gAmorah.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah

Just like many other religious writings,

the Bible consists of many texts and ideas,

which translations and interpretations are constantly changing.

Of course, many Christians still cannot agree

with each other on most ideas in the Bible,

so it comes as no surprise that there are

over 43 thousand different denominations in Christianity.

But how do we understand the Bible,

when it comes to such questions a homosexuality?

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah can be found in Genesis, Chapter 19.

God sent two angels to check whether the citizens

of these cities are truly as sinful as he heard.

Though angels initially decide to sleep right on the street,

the righteous man called Lot invites them to stay at his house.

Then, the story continues this way:

Before they had gone to bed, all the men from

every part of the city of Sodom—

both young and old—surrounded the house.

They called to Lot,

"Where are the men who came to you tonight?

Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him and said,

"No, my friends. Don't do this wicked thing.

Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man.

Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them.

But don't do anything to these men,

for they have come under the protection of my roof." (200% virgins)

I would like to draw your attention to two important moments in this story –

hospitality and abuse/rape.

If you are at all familiar with the Jewish culture or Judaism,

you'll agree that hospitality is an important principle for Jewish people.

In the new testament God also reminds us that we have to be

hospitable and even love to host someone.

Can we say that the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah were hospitable?


Now let's talk about the second issue –


Many conservative Christians compare homosexuality to abuse/rape

Of course, this is an awful misbelief.

After reading the story about Sodom and Gomorrah, they might think –

since Sodom men wanted to rape male-angels, it makes homosexuality bad.

What would happen if God sent two angels in female form,

and the citizens of Sodom would want to rape them –

does it mean that in this case God would have approved their action?

In addition, pay attention to the verse, where it says

that Lot makes a suggestion that the crowd could rape his daughters,

he even emphasizes that they are virgins. (200%)

So, by the logic of those who think that this story says

that homosexuality is bad, raping women is fine?

The issue of Sodom in this story is that the citizens of the city

city were not only inhospitable but also

wanted to gang rape the travelers.

The prophet Ezekiel describes the sin for which God punished

the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah very clearly:

Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom:

he and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned;

they did not help the poor and needy.

They were haughty and did detestable things before me.

Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

I cannot see anything that would say about homosexual relationships in this story.

So, what was the sin of Sodom then?

Inhospitality and rape.

Can we really compare love of two adults

to gang rape described in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Of course not.

Next time someone calls you a sodomite,

just offer them to watch this video.

Sometimes it can be difficult to look at certain things from a new angle,

but we just have to open our hearts and minds,

to understand something new to us.

Only then can we change the world for the better.

For more infomation >> Bible Lesson with Artem : Part One, Sodom and Gomorrah - Duration: 5:57.




BY Christina Sarich

Forget spraying pesticides on your food, now they�ll be genetically engineered to be

in your food, thanks to Monsanto�s latest quiet approval via the US Environmental Protection


The EPA just told Monsanto they could go ahead and bypass spraying our crops with carcinogenic

chemicals like Round Up and just go ahead and breed them right into the crops themselves.

Using a process called RNA interference, Monsanto�s RNAi plant will supposedly kill pesky rootworms

when they come along to chomp on them- but what else will these genetically modified

crops do to beneficial bugs, the soil, and human health?

The EPA has no idea, because they haven�t done a single trial on RNAi-altered crops.

Nonetheless, the EPA quietly gave Monsanto a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card by allowing them

to move forward with their genetically modified corn strain.

Some are calling this a genetic weapon, in its infancy.

Others are concerned that RNAi will have ramifications for the biosphere that � just like all of

Monsanto�s other products � don�t come to light for years to come.

For instance, the National Honey Bee Advisory Board said in comments submitted to the E.P.A.

before a �meeting� in which this controversial genetic technology was to be reviewed,

To attempt to use this technology at this current stage of understanding would be more

na�ve than our use of DDT in the 1950s.

While the corn rootworm is one of the most expensive pests in agriculture it is having

a hey day because corn � the genetically modified kind � is the number one crop in

the U.S.

GM corn has taken over thousands of other possible crops we could be growing, in field

after field of mono-cropped, industrial agriculturally influenced support of the Standard American

Diet � up to 70 percent of which contain corn products (high fructose corn syrup, corn

solids, etc.)

We also heavily subsidize genetically modified corn to be used not as food, but as a gasoline


Ethanol accounts for a few thousand acres of those GM corn crops we�re growing, too.

RNAi � Gene Silencing

Another big problem with Monsanto getting a green light on this crop is that RNAi is

a form of gene silencing.

What is true for petunias isn�t necessarily true for people.

If we were to silence the gene that makes a pigment in a flower so it can attract bees,

for example, this could end up in our own bodies, silencing our own genetic make-up

in ways we don�t expect.

Regalado, one researcher who helped discover RNAi describes it this way,

The cells of plants and animals carry their instructions in the form of DNA.

To make a protein, the sequence of genetic letters in each gene gets copied into matching

strands of RNA, which then float out of the nucleus to guide the protein-making machinery

of the cell.

RNA interference, or gene silencing, is a way to destroy specific RNA messages so that

a particular protein is not made.

Might not an alteration to the foods we eat, also have the possibility of affecting our

own DNA?

We know now that proteins are even more important than some scientists previously assumed for

signaling certain instructions for genes to carry out their intended purpose.

The very same institutions studying RNAi will admit that protein alteration can epigenetically

create or destroy disease.

If Big Ag Giants Monsanto, and Dow (cooperating to make this RNAi corn a reality) continue

in their successful attempts to get DvSnf7 corn (to be called SmartStax Pro) into our

food supply, we have no idea what mayhem might ensue.



Song of Phoenix (思美人) - Episode 30 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:11.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ The far and long roads, the man I miss is at a distant place ♫

♫ Seeking the truth in heaven and on earth, opening up the words deep in my heart, not looking back ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, if one's heart could be fragrant ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, desolate like the moon ♫

♫ I worry, when can I appreciate the grasses and flowers with a beautiful woman ♫

♫ The ancient people didn't have time to leave some Yimoxiang (a type of plant) ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, heart becoming fragrant on its own ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, fragrant dreams ♫

♫ The whole world is drunk, one's whole life just follows the blue water ♫

♫ I'll drive and go away for an adventure, flying as I want to in the nine skies ♫

Song of Phoenix

Episode 30

Brimming with courage deep within, manifested in one's fighting; in the end was unyielding and not enduring any insults. - Guo Shang (Hymn to the Fallen) from Nine Songs by Qu Yuan


- Are you okay? - I'm fine!

Mo Chou?


Mo Chou, are you okay?

I'm okay, careful!


Qu Yuan!

W-What are you doing?

- Let go off me! I want to go save him! - You can't go!

Are you crazy! If you go now you're just asking for death!

Qu Yuan! Qu Yuan!

Qu Yuan!

Minister of War! Not good! Second Young Master has been kidnapped!


Qu Yuan? Quickly help General Qu to an honored seat.

No thanks. I can sit myself.

I never thought we meet in this kind of place.

Indeed Prime Minister Zhang, long time no see.

How is it? Being a prisoner of war mustn't feel all that good, right?

How about we make an exchange?

You pledge allegiance to me, and I'll promise you a high official position and handsome income.

Prime Minister Zhang, have you started dreaming even before you've closed your eyes.

I'll give you three days.

Do you think I'll agree?

I'm warning you, this is the Qin camp.

Don't refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit!

Ah, do not be rude to General Qu.

I suggest you go back and think about this carefully.

Don't be so hasty in answering me.

Sure. After all this fuss, I'm quite tired. I'd like to rest.

Okay. Take General Qu back to rest.


Prime Minister, I believe we should kill Qu Yuan

as soon as possible, in case he causes trouble in the future.

- No. - Why?

He's Qu Yuan, the most precious son of Qu Boyong.

With him in our hands, why would you still worry about the Chu not surrendering?

Guards! Take him out, execute him!

Minister of War, reconsider!

Nobody is to plead for mercy!

If it wasn't for me, Little Brother Yuan wouldn't have been captured by the Qin army.

If you hadn't been so fond of drink, how could the Qin destroy the whole provisions store!


Please punish me Father.

Unfilial son.

Slash your own throat to atone for your crimes. Save me the trouble of doing it myself.

Elder young master, you mustn't!

Minister of War! While Elder Young Master is at fault in this matter,

at the moment we don't know whether Second Young Master is dead or alive.

If we execute Elder Young Master now, it'll only aggrieve our kinsmen and gladden our enemies.

Why don't you let him atone for his crimes by rendering a service. It's at least better than dying like this!

Elder Young Master, say something!

Father, if you give me the chance to atone for my crime,

I'm willing to lead the an attack into the Qin camp and rescue Little Brother Yuan!

With the way you are now, how would you be able to rescue Yuan'er!

No matter if I can, I cannot just leave it as is.

I have to at least try!

If you want do something, then do something worthwhile!

Father, is rescuing Little Brother Yuan not something worthwhile to you?

Senseless sacrifice is not worthwhile!

Are we to just leave it as is?

And let Little Brother Yuan be...

Do you think I don't want to rescue Yuan'er?

Father, since you want to, then why don't you!

Because I'm not only a father,

I'm also the Grand General of Chu!

I cannot lose the whole war because of one person!

Father, did you never plan to rescue Brother Yuan at all?

Winning this war is more important than his life.

I never thought

that you'd be this cold-blooded.

This is war.


I've won't take your troops, I'll go on my own!

If you want to rescue Yuan'er, then do as you're told and stay put!

This is an order!

Stop shouting, you're not the one hurt.

I-It hurts just l-looking at it.

- W-What are you doing? - Don't bother about me.

Are you going to rescue him?

Let go.

Y-You cannot go! Y-You're injured!

Stop saying useless things.

You still can't forget that Qu Yuan, i-is that right?

Let go!

Fine, you go ahead!

How is this g-going to rescue him? You're just going to s-seek death.

F-Feeling not so confident now?

Look, y-you're first priority now

is to let your injury heal.

Once you've recovered your strength,

then you can go rescue...w-w-whoever you like.

T-T-This Qu Yuan is really rather unlucky.

How did he get himself c-captured by the Qin soldiers?

And t-t-that Qin army,

how did they manage to find our p-provisions store?

It almost feels like someone guided them.

True, I also felt it was strange.

It seems that they came prepared.

You all think it's strange as well?

That's right, Minister of War. We've always been very careful in regards to the provisions.

Apart from the people who guard the provisions, others don't know the details.

Why is it that when the Qin army came, they were able to find the exact location of the provision stores.

I thought it was strange as well.

It seems that no matter what we do, it's still hard to fend against thieves in your own house.

We need to investigate this matter clearly.

If we do not capture this traitor, then there would be no end of trouble.


Who could be this spy?

Could it be him?

Who do you suspect?

Li Yi,

where did you go last night?

What do you mean by that?

The provisions store was on fire. Everyone went,

except you.

Then you suspect me?

No, no, that's not it. No, no, no...

Q-Qiu Xin, he, he did not mean that.

He just said it incidentally. Qiu.. Qiu Xin...

Grand Adviser Zi Shang's Residence

Look at you, it was so difficult for me to come out and meet you

when His Majesty is not there, but look at that dark face of yours.

How can I not be agitated, such a big issue.

If it gets out, my head would probably be removed!

What issue? To scare you so much!

That Qu Boyong found my family brand seal on some bodies of the Qin soldiers.

If he reports this to His Majesty, then no matter how many heads I have, there won't be enough for His Majesty to cut!

Just this matter?

Luckily I made plans earlier,

and planted Chang Tian as a spy in the army.

If he hadn't intercepted and killed the messenger, I'm afraid this report would already be in His Majesty's hands.

Those lousy Qin people!

You sell them slaves, isn't there anything they could do apart from going to war?

And to fight with Chu of all countries. Isn't this forcing me to death?

The heavens have eyes.

Look at your head, isn't it still sitting perfectly fine upon your neck?

I have a plan that can guarantee your safety.

Quickly tell me, what's your plan?

Aren't you always worried that Qu Boyong would come back and let the whole thing out?

That's right...

Then don't let him come back. Isn't that it?

But Qu Boyong's legs are on his own body, how could I dictate if he can come back or not.

What I mean to say is, don't let him come back alive.

This... this is easy for you to say.

This shouldn't be that hard.

Do you remember that Qu Boyong has an elder son?

Qu You, what about him?

Do you still remember who his birth father is?

Sima An?

Back then, Sima An was a general under Qu Buyong.

Because he got drunk and created a mess, he killed Sima An.

If Qu You finds out the cause of his father's death,

how do you think he would react?

But, Qu Boyong raised him for so many years.

And you are even a Grand Adviser.

When things become urgent, you don't have any ideas.

Even if Qu You can't bear to kill his adoptive father,

but don't forget, in this world there is someone else,

who hopes that he dies even more.


Zhang Yi.

You need to hurry and deliver this to General Chang Tian without any problems.

Your servant obeys.

It's time to eat.

It's been three days. Do you want to starve yourself to death?


Have you gotten tired of living? Do you think you're in Chu? If you don't want to eat, fine.

-What are you doing? -Prime Minister.

Prime Minister, you're here?

How dare you speak to Lord Magistrate Qu like that? Have you gotten tired of living?

I'm dare not, I dare not.

Lord Qu, no matter what, you still need to eat some food.

Only if you eat your fill will you have the energy to curse at me.

I don't care to curse at you.

Coming to us, you don't want to consider it some more?

That's the only answer you'll get from me.

Zhang Yi, I will never become your acquaintance during my life.

We are not people who walk the same path.

Why aren't we?

Because, I wouldn't be like you,

a dog serving the state of Qin in the morning and then serving Chu in the evening. (easy to switch sides)

How dare you!

And who are you?


Qu Yuan, Qu Yuan.

You have already been defeated by me. Why do you speak with such arrogance?

You're right. I, Zhang Yi, am a dog.

If you haven't been a dog, how do you know that being one is bad?

You're shameless.

At least a dog knows who to wag its tail at and who to bite.

Who would have thought that Prime Minister Zhang even has logical reasoning for being a dog.

When this war is over,

and when your State of Chu is under my footstep,

I don't think you'll even have the opportunity to be a dog.

Zhang Yi, you underestimate us Chu.

Do you think that you keeping me here as bait,

that the Chu army will fall for your trick?

We'll see.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

- Are you okay? - I'm fine. Mo Chou?

That person, was it really you?

You came to see me again.

W-Why are we hiding here?

If you don't want to help, then get lost.

I want to, I want to! I'll listen to everything you say.


It's the middle of the night, why is he going to the forest?

It's very suspicious.

Do you think he is a spy for Qin?

What? H-H-Him?

Quiet down!

Think of a way to draw him away.

W-What are you going to do?

Don't worry. You just draw him away.

Okay. Your problem is my problem, my problem is Chu's problem.

Stop talking, hurry and go.

Be careful.

D-Don't worry!

Hey, Li brother, I have s-s-something to ask you.

Y-y-you, I've been wanting to ask you. Let's go over there.

I-I-It's not c-convenient for us to speak here.

Hey, hey, hey, we're almost t-there. It's r-right ahead.

What do you have to tell me, just say it here.

Here? This...T-T-This is not okay, there are too many people over there.

T-T-The people on watch will be w-w-walking back and forth.

We need to walk ahead some more.

What do you want?

I w-w-was...

Let me tell you, what I hate the most is when people mess with me.


Why would I be m-m-messing with you?

I-I-I just w-w-wanted to l-l-learn

martial arts from you. T-Teach me m-martial arts.

You want to learn martial arts?

See, what do you mean by that?

I-I-I- why can't I learn martial arts?

I, Liu San, am considered to be a significant person in my Quan County.

But when I c-came here, it wasn't like that.

W-W-When I came here to the b-b-battlefield, there's all these swords, spears, and knives.

If I can't do t-t-this, then doesn't that mean I'm seeking death?

Perfect. That'll save us food.

W-W-Wait. B-B-But.

You, look at you. Y-You don't see me as a life and death comrade anymore?

I have never thought that we were.

Then, what do you think?

Is it that you never saw m-me as a brother, or that I'm not s-someone who would be looking for death.


Are you done yet? Get out of my way.

But, Brother, your temper is t-too quick.

Just tell me what I'd have to do f-for you to teach m-me martial arts?

Let me tell you, if you mess with me one more time, I'll take your life.

Hey! Ah, my hip. Li! Li! Li!

Brother L-Li, your martial arts are good!

You almost broke my hip with that kick.

Let's go.


- Liu Wai Zui, didn't you say you wanted to learn martial arts? - Li...!

I'll teach you right now.

I-I-I-I-I don't want to learn anymore.

I-I-I want to go back to sleep.

Sleep? Too late.

What's wrong? You're scared?


If you're scared, I'll ask a few questions.

If you say half a lie, don't blame me for my merciless sword.

I-I-I-I'll speak.

Do you have something you're hiding from me?

We don't!

Will you tell the truth?

I-I-I'll say it! I saw you keep r-running to the f-forest.

I was just curious.

-And? -There's n-no more.

You think I'm not from Chu? Okay, then I'll tell you.

I am NOT from Chu, but a dead person will not tell on me.

It's you?

You're bullying someone who doesn't know martial arts? What kind of hero is that? Fight me.

I would be afraid others would say I, Li Yi, would be bullying a woman.

You know?

Blame it on your clumsy acting. A woman is a woman.

Mo Chou, he's not from Chu, hurry and kill him!

Mo Chou, be careful!


Liu Wai Zui!

Mo Chou, hurry and kill him!

Hurry, Mo Chou!

Liu Wai Zui!

Liu Wai Zui!

Liu Wai Zui!

How are you?

Mo Chou, do you think this time,

I acted like a Chu person?


This one is so beautiful! I like!

Even if I die, I won't marry you.

In a few days I'll be going on to the battlefield to fight.

I, Liu San, want to prove to you I'm a real man.

Mo Chou! I like you!

From now on, if you are in a d-dangerous situation,

I'll take responsibility to p-protect you.

Liu Wai Zui!

Liu Wai Zui!

Liu Wai Zui!

Liu Wai Zui!

Prime Minister, when do you plan on attacking the Chu army?

We don't need to rush.

But, a day of waiting means wasting a day's worth of food.

Food? I think the Chu army is more impatient than we are.

But right now, their strength is severely drained.

Won't now be the best time to attack?

I don't want to waste a single soldier or battalion

and still will let Qu Bo Yong submit to me.

Why don't I still understand?

Have you forgotten? Qu Yuan is still in my hands.

Prime Minister is wise.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Liu Wai Zui. Thank you for saving me.

Liu San

Before, I always thought you were a bully who bullied the poor.

But after we entered the army,

I learned that you also love the State of Chu.

You are a true man.

A man with flesh and blood.

Liu San

Liu San

Stop! Who are you!


One! Two!

One! Two! Three!

One! Two! Two! Three!

Where are the new captives?

The Prime Minister asked me to look at them, but my mind is blank, I've forgotten where they are.

Oh, they are over there.


Have you seen this soldier before?

What are you here for?

I am here to take inventory of the new captives under the Prime Minister's orders.

Come with me.

Are you done checking?

It seems like there's someone missing.

Are you talking about Qu Yuan? He's not kept here.

Then where is he held?

Qu Yuan is held in a secret location only the Prime Minister and his trusted companions know.

Let's go.

Could it be that I

will really die here?

- Is there any movement from Qu Yuan? - I really belittled this Qu Yuan.

Even if he has no food or drink for several days, he still won't open his mouth.

Never thought that despite his weak, scholarly appearance, he has some level of sturdy bones (braveness).

Let's see how long he can still last.

But it is also not a good plan to continue being like this.

I can't keep guarding him, right? Moreover, Prime Minister,

is that place safe or not?

If the Chu people know about it and rescue him, what should we do?

We should immediately think of a way so as not to have frequent nightmares.

Even the Qin soldiers don't know where he is, you think the Chu can save him?

This Zhang shameless.

You...who are you?

Who are you then?

Who I am? I am Chu Li Ji.

I am the commanding general here!

- What do you do? - I...

I am here making rounds.

Because I was worried of Prime Minister's safety, that's why...

Good! You really are a good soldier!


I'll take my leave then.

D-Don't go first.

Stay behind and drink with me.

General, how could I drink with you?

I still have military duties to do.

Or else, won't I get punished via military code?

I'll take my leave now.

Where is he?

Let's lead the army and do a sudden attack here, and then return...

Where did he go?

General, why are you this drunk?

How come the person is gone?

Who are you talking about?

Earlier, there was a soldier making rounds.

What soldier making rounds?

Not that tall and was quite handsome.

He said that he was worried about Prime Minister's safety so he came to make rounds.

Prime Minister, our Qin soldiers are really great.

General, could you have been confused?

Confused? How could I be confused?

Where did he go?

Where is it?

Hey, for the past days, the Chu didn't really come to cause us trouble.

- Really weird. - That's right. Say, Prime Minister is always on guard.

Always wanting us to make rounds. Completely unnecessary.

Indeed. But it's better to be sure than sorry.

Getting caught off guard by the Chu will be bad.

That's right too. It's better to keep watch more closely.

Don't be noisy anymore! Disturbing my sleep.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Prime Minister, by that time, we will then set up ambushes

here, here, and here and then just catch them like a turtle by a jar. (T/N a sure catch).

Oh, no! Oh, no! Prime Minister, please come out and take a look!

What's going on?

Don't know how the horse stables caught on fire, so the horses started to go wild.

They already stepped on and killed a lot of people.

How can such a thing happen!

Reporting to Prime Minister, we still haven't found the reason yet.

Could it have been done deliberately?

What you mean is...

Someone has infiltrated our camp.

- I'll go take a look. You keep watch here. - Yes.

- Prime Minister. - Open it. - Yes.

So it is Prime Minister Zhang.

The two of us are old friends already. I should visit you more often.

Prime Minister looking flustered like this...

is because you are afraid that I will get rescued?

Qu Yuan, why don't you look first what kind of place this is?

Just be at ease and stay here.

We cannot wait anymore. I cannot wait here any longer!

General, calm down.

How am I going to calm down! Father won't mind at all.

Right now, Little Brother Yuan is there alone, his life or death unknown,

how can I calm down? No!

General! General, you must not!

If we wait any longer, Little Brother Yuan might...

I can't mind that much anymore! I must go save him!

- Move aside! - General Qu!


You are...

Qiu Xin?

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ Day and night, summer and winter, nonstop changes ♫

♫ Herbs and trees, prosperity and decline, would still depend on a beautiful woman ♫

♫ Rumors brought by wind from all over; inciting ministers with different dreams ♫

♫ Asking Heaven if it can bear witness to one's loyalty ♫

♫ Muddy and clear, beautiful and ugly, overturning all living creatures ♫

♫ Angelica and magnolia, orchids and quan, have a hard time emitting their fragrance ♫

♫ Why must you proceed against the current? Why must a lonely flower admire herself? ♫

♫ No one knew that one's birthplace has become someone else's territory ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Getting drunk for a lifetime of dedicating oneself for one's country ♫

♫ Coping with the long, long road; hard to beg the heaven and the earth ♫

♫ I lamented the numerous sorrows in the life of the citizens ♫

♫ Singing one 'Li Sao', pain of separation ♫

♫ Sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes.

♫ If this dream is difficult, let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes.

♫ If this dream is difficult, let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

For more infomation >> Song of Phoenix (思美人) - Episode 30 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:11.


Sueth - Normal Pra Nós (Prod. Major) (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Sueth - Normal Pra Nós (Prod. Major) (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:12.


무제 (無題) Untitled, 2014 - G Dragon (Indonesia Version) cover by Arofah + Lyric - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> 무제 (無題) Untitled, 2014 - G Dragon (Indonesia Version) cover by Arofah + Lyric - Duration: 4:00.


GOT ARRESTED ( STORY ) - Duration: 1:59.

Hello guys and welcome to smokersparadise I hope you're having a wonderful day, today I want talk about the day, I almost got arrested

Go subscribe and become a part of the channel.

me and my best friend we were driving around, we ran out of cigarettes

I know cigarettes are bad for your health, and I do consider stopping

Anyways, we decided what we wanted to do was, go to the grocery store and get some food and cigarettes

So we could drive home and get some dinner. So I was like let me get some weed too. So packed the car. Called my friend

asked him if we could meet and

If he could help me out with some weed and he was like like yeah, sure man, so we met at the grocery store


My best friend is with me in the car. and he saw someone who owes him money and my friend

He jumped out of the car he ran after him. I was just like what the fuck just happened, and I met my friend

He was parked there, and saw it too.

Then I got the weed he and he left. my friend ran after the dude who ran into the grocery store hiding

Then I got the weed he and he left.

and my best friend ran into the grocery store

and the other dude was hiding, they called the cops on him ( my friend )

We drove away, but decided to go back

Just when we parked the cop came up on us

Stopped us and told us to wait. a lot of shit really happend. after this they took my weed and my friend end up

Almost getting arrested that day. I just got mad as fuck because they took my weed and give me a ticket anyways guys

I'm making a guide / tutorial on how to hide your weed for the best way in public

follow up, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> GOT ARRESTED ( STORY ) - Duration: 1:59.


Blood Drive 1x06 Promo "Booby Traps" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Blood Drive 1x06 Promo "Booby Traps" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


How Romanians treat thieves . Real Social Justice - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> How Romanians treat thieves . Real Social Justice - Duration: 2:41.


Code Geass Episode 11 REACTION - Duration: 17:14.

Hi everyone, I'm Diênifer.

I'm Felipe

And now we will continue the reactions of Code Geass

Episode 11

Episode 11

Episode 1I will leave here in the card the playlist with the previous episodes ...

And in the description of the video has the link to the channel of our partner, from the one checked there.

That's it.

This one died there.

It's the Japanese eyes closed.

So cool


They have samurai style swords.

Look at the Lelouch woman.

Oh God!

What a cool fight

Call him

She is in love with Suzaku.

Oh My God!

Destroyed the Spear


Cornelia is good at

Wow, he's still there.

Now it's going to be bad.

Oh My God!

It can only be a joke.

He is strong, too.

He's even better than Cornelia.

But he is

You already know who it is ...

Let's see who is stronger now.

Do not know

He took off his shoe.

Now he fucked

He will destroy the two armors

It's getting good.

The two are going to explode.

Is she stronger than he is?

Blocked the bullet


But he destroyed the magic-releasing hand.

That's exactly what he did.

Now he's going to see him.

He has the eye still, truth.

It's getting really good.

Is he going to kill him?

It's the fairy


There's a lot

There is a guy

He is the father of Suzaku.

Suzaku is naked

He is naked

There is more than one power

It's not just about controlling the person.

Okay, that sucks.

Wow, it's going to be all mixed up.

Now he's going to have a memory

No, you're going to tell her story.

She's from some clan, I do not know

So she is old

She is immortal

Will reveal

The two are together

What is going on?

Japan being attacked

All she needs is to die now, and we do not even know who she is.

Say girl

He has no feelings

Just kidding.

that's not fair

Is that his mother's name?

I'm angry

It's because he has no feelings.

If he had feelings, he would have said it aloud.

How dull it is.

How dull it is.


More two

And orange

He went crazy.

He is possessed

Kallen has a crush on him.

No, he called her.

The episode was very good, but they hid the name.

How boring

It was just that he spoke the name.

How boring


Before the anime was so stopped, and now everything is very cool.

A lot of things started to happen.

I think Girl Robo is stronger than Lancelot


Or the Suzaku is very bad.

He does not know how to fly right.

And there is the man with the lightsaber.

It looks like a lightsaber

He is very cool

Very good! Very good!

And there's this girl

It looked like she was from some clan

And she's old, I think she must be middle age

Because she is new, she can be immortal

She must be a witch.

She was lying down with blood streaming down her chest.

And her magic is different, she does not control people.

It makes people have bad memories.

Did Suzaku kill his parents?

He must have killed his stepmother.

A woman appeared

Then his father appeared

There's a lot of people walking around.

That was already in her vision.

That was already part of her.

So much so that they were trapped there

Crazy, that's it.

Showed Lelouch's mother too.

It was Lelouch's mother and not his stepmother.

It was all mixed up.

Suzaku must have done something horrible.

But he must not have killed the Father

Or killed, sometimes he just saw his father going up to him.

Keyed up

Sometimes it was not a memory ...


It was a bad memory that was saved

And she does what? Transmits the powers?

There are two more still in the truck.

There is a lot, who they are ...

As she quoted Ragnarok, they may be of asgard or of another kingdom

Very good.

At first she looked like a nun


She must have joined some society.

She may have been from the freya religion.

Anime has started to work very well.

What good anime

And you did not like it, right?

At first I did not really like it

When does not show the school is very good

The pace is much better

Her name must be something very important.

Or not, sometimes they just wanted to make suspense.

Very Good

"What's in the basement?" (Reference Attack on titan)

Let's not say no, please.

Then that's it.

I even liked that they did not reveal the name now

Since there are few episodes, then they reveal the name.

Let's wait

I know that anime has an end, so I do not care to keep the secret

Do you already know the end?

It's because Anime is over, so I know by the end they'll reveal the secret.

So I do not mind keeping the secret to the end.

I know it's coming in season three, but I'm sure they've already revealed this secret this season.

Hope so

So that's it.

If you liked to leave your like, say there if you like anime.

Do not give spoilers, please.

If you are new to the sign-up channel, activate the bell to receive notifications.

In the card has the playlist with the previous episodes

In the description of the video has our social networks, Facebook, instagram, twitter and snapchat

Follow us there

And take a look at the channel of our partner, his content is very cool

That's it! Bye!

For more infomation >> Code Geass Episode 11 REACTION - Duration: 17:14.


LEGO Clash Royale - Sub Español | CharlyCoC | Clash Royale | - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> LEGO Clash Royale - Sub Español | CharlyCoC | Clash Royale | - Duration: 5:20.




For decades now Roswell, New Mexico has remained one of the legendary sites that could very

well have been visited by aliens from another planet.

The reason is that in July of 1947 there were numerous reports in the area of a UFO sighting.

Many believed that the object in questioned crash landed somewhere around a U.S. Air Force

Base operating in Roswell known as Area 51.

Some individuals even found unexplained debris in fields, and the speculation grew that the

area was visited by alien life forms.

However, the military in a public statement told everyone that the object and the debris

were from a weather balloon.

But this didn't put an end to the speculation, yes some were quick to buy the explanation

while others suspected a cover-up was going on and that aliens did crash on earth.

Now a video that has surfaced online points to the fact that those who believe the military

was involved in a cover-up at Roswell could be true.

The video seems to show military personnel carrying something on a gurney.

At closer range, we see what appears to be an alien life form on that gurney.

Now the video is in black and white; it is also fuzzy at times, so it is hard to make

out things at times.

Let's remember if this is indeed authentic it was filmed back in 1947 when advanced filming

technology wasn't around.

So where did this film come from and who actually got the footage?

A good question could it have been someone on the base who perhaps wanted the truth to

come out all these years later or as some would probably say it's a doctored video and

not authentic.

Yes, there were still be those refusing to believe what is right in front of them.

Despite the denials and naysayers over the years though the legend of Roswell and what

happened there has grown.

Perhaps with good reason, the universe is a vast magnificent place.

There are billions of galaxies, and we have just begun to scratch the surface as to what

as well as who is out there among all those stars.

This is why for decades now authors, ufologists, and researchers have stood by the claim that

no only are we not alone in the galaxy, but we have been visited by other life forms through

out history.

Yes, some could dispute the video of the alien from the crash at Roswell being carried off.

Especially since a good portion of similar type videos has been proven to fake or doctored


But there is always that chance that in a sea of false videos about alien life forms

there is always that chance that one that is authentic will also pop up.

See Shocking video shows military personnel transporting alleged "Roswell Alien".

The link is

below in our description.



Book Tag | Anything But Books [CC] - Duration: 11:05.

Hello lovely humans!

It is Molly from Molly Reads and Writes

and today we are doing the anything but books tag.


I've talked a lot about books and I've talked a lot about writing, so then I

decided that I should do some videos that are about neither, in a way, so that you can

learn just a little bit more about me that's not completely book related.

Or writing related.

Because I do have other stuff in my life.

Not, maybe, a lot of other stuff, but some other stuff.

Question one: name a cartoon that you love.

Um, I don't watch TV.

I don't have cable.

And I don't ever watch cartoons on netflix.

Question two: what is your favourite song right now?

My favourite song right now is a mix.

I have a favourite playlist and some of the songs on the playlist are Grace O'Malley by

Cathie Ryan, The Johnny Be Fair set by Cathie Ryan, Ready for the Storm by Deanta, and Mo

Ghille Mear by the UCD Choral Scholars.

And I'll put some links in the description below so that if you want to, you can check

out the songs and kinda see the music that I listen to all the time.

Question three: what could you do for hours that isn't reading?

Build houses on sims.

Enough said.

Question four: what is something you love that your followers would be surprised by?

I actually really enjoy searching up and learning how to play different celtic tunes on the


So that's something that I like to do.

And I don't necessarily...

If I can't find the music for it then I'll just listen to the song 7000 times on repeat

and just figure out how to play it by ear.

Which takes a long time.

I'm not the best at that, but I can do it.

I need to get some more practice.


Question five: what is your favourite unnecessarily specific thing to learn about?

Find me any one star rated documentary.

I will watch it and I will learn and I will love it.

Two of my favourites that you should look up: the first one is The Final Member.

It's really not appropriate though, so like, if you're young, don't.

It used to be on Netflix and Netflix took it off which made me really sad because I

was having lots of fun showing it to people.

And I'm not going to explain what it's about.

You just have to look it up and watch it.

Because it's amazing and so funny.

The broad overview is it's about a museum in Iceland.

Number two was called Finders Keepers.

Last I saw it was still on Netflix so you should try to find this and watch it and it

is the battle between two men.

One of which bought an auctioned off storage unit and made a gruesome discovery in that

storage unit, but wanted to keep it.

The other man is the one who previously owned the storage unit and didn't pay so it got

auctioned, but he wants this object back.

Honestly, all I had to say while I was watching this was that would happen in the States.

Question number six: what is something unusual that you know how to do?

I've done a few roofs in my time so I know how to remove and replace shingles.

And I've actually helped my dad build an extension on our house so I know how to do the framing

and putting the, the wood on the roof, so that's something random.

I also learned how to replace window panes in old windows, so I know that.

I have a lot of really random things because I was a maintenance leader at a summer camp,

so pretty much any completely random maintenance chore that you think might happen at a summer

camp, I have probably done it and I have probably taught other people how to do it.

Question number seven: name something you've made in the last year, and show us if you


Every year I take requests from my students as to what type of music they would like to

hear me play at the recital.

Since I force my students to play in a recital, I tell them I will also play even though I

have horrible, horrible stage fright, so I let my students pick the genre of song that

I'm going to play and last year my students requested something more pop, I guess you

could say.

So I searched up the Lindsey Stirling Halo Theme song, discovered there was no music

to it, and I transcribed it with a friend of mine to play it together.

So I'll show you a little bit of it, but this is only the violin part.

It sounds better when it was the two of us doing violin and piano.

I'll insert a picture here also of our similar thought process while we were transcribing

these totally separately.

And it was just very funny to put our music together and discover the notes that we had

both written in this one section that we couldn't figure out and were just like, well, we play

whatever we feel like playing right here.

We're gonna attempt the end of this because it's been a long time since I played it and

a lot of it doesn't sound the same when you're missing the piano.

Forgive my mistakes.

I have not practised in a year.


Question eight: what is your most recent personal project?

Honestly my most recent personal project is more of a serious note I guess and it's been

in the making the last, kind of, two ish years.

And that's... it's honestly just learning not to care.

Be happy with yourself and do you.

You do you, you do you.

Yeah that's honestly just like, my most recent personal project that is not related to books

or writing.

Question nine: Tell us something that you think about often.

Something I think about often honestly is ideas for stories and plot points that I already

have in the works.

I'm always off in the clouds thinking of that kind of stuff.

And I know that it kind of annoys the people that I hang out with cuz they'll say things

to me like, twelve times, and I just won't register what they're saying cuz I'm not even

paying attention but...

I mean, that's what you get if you're friends with me.

Question ten: give us something that's your favourite, but make it oddly specific.

I know I'm a weird person but to me it just seems normal so I couldn't really think of

anything that was oddly specific as a favourite.

But for food I love crunchy toast that is spread with cream cheese and topped with grapes

that are cut in half.

So good, so good.

And last, number eleven: say the first thing that pops into your head.

It's hot as balls out and I cannot wait for winter.


But if you want something that's not like, weird and slightly crass, it's a quote from

the Anne McCaffrey Pern series that I've been reading.

And the quote is Drummer, beat, and piper, blow.

Harper, strike, and soldier, go.

Free the flame and sear the grasses.

Till the dawning Red Star passes.

There you have it, that is the anything but books tag.

You can comment down below literally anything that is on your mind that you just feel like

word vomiting out in a comment.

This seems like a good place to do that.

You can like and subscribe to see more videos in the future, and I hope that you have an

awesome morning, afternoon, or evening, whichever it is, wherever you are.

See ya!


For more infomation >> Book Tag | Anything But Books [CC] - Duration: 11:05.


مراجعة هاتف ايفون 8 | review iphone 8 clone - Duration: 1:58.

review iphone 8 clone

Hi, I'm Soulaymane Faraj from Channel Geek Info

review iphone 8

Yes iphone 8

The original version has not yet been released

This version is just a replica made in China

On the basis of some leaks circulating on the phone

The phone is made of metal

Dual camera back

The main button is integrated with the screen

Your phone does not have a fingerprint sensor

The phone system is just a Android system rate

My opinion is in the phone

I did not like the phone

You are what you think of the phone?

For more infomation >> مراجعة هاتف ايفون 8 | review iphone 8 clone - Duration: 1:58.


[FREE] Madeintyo x uzi x playboi carti Type Beat | Smoke ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Madeintyo x uzi x playboi carti Type Beat | Smoke ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:31.


Final Fantasy Legend Part 1 — Already the fetch quests! - Duration: 16:41.


This is Yahweasel, let's play The Final Fantasy Legend, otherwise known as Makai Toushi SaGa.

Uh, this is a prequel prequel prequel prequel to SaGa Frontier, so that's why I know about

it at all, but it is a Gameboy RPG, and there, I've now told you everything I know about


I played SaGa Frontier, but that's obviously a much much newer game than this.

Before I actually get into the game proper, I do want to briefly look at the, the cartridge.

So, here's the Final Fantasy Legend cartridge, it's, you know, not fascinating, but it's

got some imagery, it's a little bit evocative, it tells you roughly what to expect in the


Here's the Final Fantasy Legend II cartridge.


It's just, here's the title, okay, enjoy.

And here's the Final Fantasy 3– or Final Fantasy Legend 3 cartridge.

It's... it's a game within a game.

What's happening here?

Like, I've occasionally seen this kind of look when it's, like, a rerelease Game of

the Year thing, but I don't think this is a case of that, I think this is just a game

within a game, very strange.

Anyway, let's, let's start The Final Fantasy Legend.

"It has been said that this text is too slow."

"... that the tower in the center of the world is connected to paradise."

"Dreaming of a life in paradise, many of challenge the secret of the tower, but no one knows

what became of them."

"Now there is another who will brave the adventure."

Well that's a really stupid story.

I am playing this in Gameboy Color mode, hence the color.

I don't know what any of these are, but I'm obviously not gonna be human, that's boring.

I could be mutant... what could Clipper mean, very hard to tell, Red Bull, how about not,

Wererat, eh, Zombie, hell no, I guess I'm gonna be a mutant then.


Mutant Fffff.

Let's be...

Oh wait, how many characters do I have?



Okay, Y W S L.



I am Yahweazelda!

"If you want to advance, choose members at the guild."

Is that mandatory to advance?

That's the inn.

So, I don't know why Yahweazelda has decided she needs to attack the tower.

"If you lose your last heart you can't be brought back to life."

Okay, that's actually the same characteristic as SaGa Frontier, much, much later.

Except it was called Life Points.


Cost 1 GP per 1 HP?

So it's not really an inn, it's just a health restorative place.

Guild, okay.

Ah, I see, I see, I see, now this is lizard...

Oh I see, I have different choices here.

Well that's very interesting!

Albatross, really?!

I mean, is that... hmmm...

What I need is a sea bird, that'll help me enormously!

Let's snag a human male, just to sort of even out the team.


It suddenly occurred to me that his name is obvious.

It's our good friend SaGa!

Oh, you can get four, okay!

Uh, we've already got mutants... lizards, skeleton... yeah, of course I need the albatross!

Who shall be...

This is hard to fit into four characters...


And... the thing is I don't know what– what any of these do, so I don't know what the

benefit or disadvantage is.

Lizard, who I shall name... I shall name the lizard Cute.

Okay, sorted!

Now I have a team.


Oh, okay, I, as a mutant I have stealth I guess?

I, I have nothing else, but I have Saber, which seems probably good?

Do I... okay, okay.

I have stealth and I have Saber.

He has Hammer power!

Birdo has beak and... oh quake?

And Cute has bite and ice, okay, that sort of makes sense to me, whatever.


Do I have anything to equip?


I guess it's– I'm– oh, can we save anywhere?


Okay, I'm more confused than ever, but whatever!

"This tower leads to–"

Oh, oh, oh, this is, okay, this actually is the tower!

Oh, I didn't expect that, actually!

Okay, well, I have zero gold, so that's not gonna help much.

Uh, are these spells?

Oh no, these must... okay—heart—these must be the items, items.

But I still have no, uh, no gold, so I don't think I'm gonna succeed there.

"There's another town in the southeast."

Probably I should go there before wandering directly into the tower!

"Once you leave town it's a Savage Land."

What, she's, like, briefly popping up some other mess– oh, it's the entire message,


Definitely not buggy!

No bugs in this game whatsoever!

So, there's another town in the southeast.

Is there?

There we go!

Let's see how savage this lamd is!

I see a zombie.

Saber zombie hammer zombie beak zombie!

I really don't seem to have any options...

By saber 20 damage, six damage, 15 damage, by nail 14 damage, that seemed, I mean, certainly

survivable, but not great.

I don't like the fact that we haven't killed it yet!

Cute doesn't seem to do a lot of damage, I hope Cute gets a little bit more useful at

some point!

Okay, I do have 40 gold, that seems important.

At this point I'm just, like, I, I assume I need to grind for gold before going into

the tower, so...

Let's go down to the southeast town.


"This is the town of Hero."

"A statue of Hero is in the center of the town."

Is that why it's called Hero?

"3 Kings are fight - ing for control of the world."

That's great, do I get to be one of them?


Something missing from this statue.

Such as my nametag!

Hmm, so they're actually– in spite of it obviously being focused around the, tower

there's obviously a lot of other things you can do.

"The castle have shield is nearby."

"The castle of armor is to the northeast."

That is so bizarre.

"The three kings are shield, armor, and sword."

I see, okay.

"A long time ago the statue of Hero wore armor."


And wore a swo– wait, did he say... yeah wore sword, good.

Hero war shield, ah!

"Castle sword is in the southwest mountains."

So can I go in an arbitrary order, is it open-ended in that sense?

That seems like a SaGa thing to do.

Item shop.

Yep, I have 40 gold!

Really not enough, sorry.

Okay, so I guess I can go in basically an arbitrary– talk to me!

"When the statue was intact we could enter the tower–"



So, we had– the statue magically controls the tower in some way.


Is there reason you've made the, the floor in here, like, a puzzle?

House of life.

Cost a hundred gold, I don't have a hundred gold.

Oh that presumably revives Life Points, is that– or may– hm, I don't know.

Okay, I'd presumably need to go to the inn to rest.

Bye bye!

That's such an interesting system, one gold per HP.

Let's quickly save.

Okay, I guess it's time to wander on!

Hello, I'm gonna take the thing!

"You're not welcome–"

What, what, hey!

What was that all about?

"You're not welcome here, get out!"

So what happens if I just ignore that guy and continue in?

Doo ba doo doo, don't talk to anybody or they'll kick you out!

Apparently it's fine so long as I don't talk to them!

"I won't give my shield to you!"

"You want the shield?"

"That's the King's treasure, get out!"

Hmm, so I can tell them that I would like the shield, but they are obviously not gonna

just hand it over.

How do I convince them?

Wow, quite the castle you've got here, it has one floor.

Why are they so effective at kicking me out when the king isn't?

Okay, obviously nothing else to be done here for the moment.

Let me, let me actually check the—what?—let me actually check the tower, because now I'm

curious whether I would have been allowed to even attempt to go into the tower.

Because it sort of seems like I wouldn't.

And, oh, I attack immediately, but I'm– wait, am I– yeah, I'm fighting it, but I

have an albatross on my team!

Yeah, albatross vs albatross!

Wow, that was easy.

Okay, so if I attempt to go into the Tower of Babel now, will it just stop me?

Well this is the inn...

Okay, but it also is...

Door is locked by magic of black!

Oh, black!

Putting your magic on that door!

Okay, so, right, I need to wander out and find this– find all of this stuff, put it

on the...

Right, so that the main quest is not just going into the tower, that's gonna be, like,

the last step.

The main step is actually restoring the statue so that we can unmagic the, the tower.

Understood, understood!

I now understand what this video game is!


Not the goblin!


Ok, I think, A, they always seem to be attacking Yahweasel, and B, Yahweasel is now in really

bad shape!

Eh, can I, can I rearrange them?

Position 1f, maximum 1f, but I can't actually get up there?

Yeah, I can't find a way to rearrange...

Yahweasel has a stealth ability, but I don't know– Yahweazelda, sorry, has a stealth

ability, but I don't know what to do with it, like I don't know how to activate it.


If only this game explained itself at all!

Like, whatsoever.

I'm gonna get more gold before I start buying anything.


Well it seems like that castle is the only place I can go?

Maybe not.


I'm just trying to figure out how to make progress in this game!

I'm begging you!


Yahweasel casts death!

Man, they always attack Yahweasel, but I can't find a way to rearrange, it says position

1f up there, can I– does that mean that I can reposition somehow if I can just figure

out how?

Equip yourself to a different position!

And I can't equip stealth, which is weird.

I don't know what that means, but, hmm, I am muchly confused!

Hello, I need your prized possession!

"Welcome, friend, the King would like to speak to you on the second floor!"

Ah, good to know I'm being treated a little bit better, here!

They just wanted me to bug off in the last Kingdom!

Okay, you say the exact same thing.



Okay, everybody says the same thing.

I like how it's the second floor which is to say– like, look at this.

Is, is the floor above here, like, the entire Tower is just suspended on this one tiny,

tiny little staircase.


I am here!

Are you?


Ah, I see, it's good that I've got Cute with me, I guess.

"I'm in love."

Oh no, not the worst.

"Who is the lady?"

"She is a girl who lives in the south, but she wouldn't accept my proposal."

"I see, I may be able to kidnap her for you, for a reward!"

"I'll give you anything you want!"

Ah, what a stupid story.

Ha ha!

So it looks like we're already into fetch quest adventure here!

He wants the love of a lady to the south, but to do that, I'm gonna have to probably

fetch something else, etc, etc.

What's going on over here?

Absolutely nothing!

To the south, huh, so what's going on to the north?

Absolutely nothing!

Ok, so if I go south from there that I'm just back where I came from, but presumably there's

something I can do?

I don't like that I have 20 HP, I might need to start grinding...

Yes, good, attack Birdo, not Yahweazelda.

Ok, ok, ok, I think maybe we're okay!


Uh, just gonna go south.

Just gonna go straight south and see what happens.

I mean, I'll die is what will happen but, hey!

I found a town!

Inn, please!

What the, what?!


Your inn is just sort of out in the open?

Whatever you say.

"The bandits live in a cave to the west."

"There's a girl in the back– in back who is very special."

"Statue of Hero used to wear the Kings armor."

Right, so they, they took all the stuff.

I mean, I don't think I need any of this.

Maybe I should get something?

I don't know.

Well, armor.

Armor seems good!

These are spells, I guess?

Ok, let's, let's get some armor, let's, let's see here.

Let me just buy one and see if I can figure out even how to equip things.


Oh, I see, I see, so these are skills up here, and then weapons and armor down here, very

much like SaGa Frontier, actually, that's amazing!

Okay, well I guess we're gonna continue the hunt for the girl next time!

Until then thanks for watching, if you liked the video I've got hundreds more, just click

that channel button!

Cheers from Yahweasel!

For more infomation >> Final Fantasy Legend Part 1 — Already the fetch quests! - Duration: 16:41.


The Halloqueen and Fashion (EN/PT) - Duration: 8:44.

Hi, my name is Sunil, I'm 22 years old, I am gay my preferred pronoun is he and I'm

half Indian half Irish, and I was born in London

so my drag name would be Bombay Potato if I did have a drag name

Because it's half Indian half Irish, Bombay Potato

I always knew there's som ething that wasn't the same as the other kids I grew up with

I remember as young as four years old my my mom and her sisters used to tease my dad and say you know

He's gonna grow up to be gay and my dad would be like refusingly

No he's not gonna be gay he's not gonna from be gay

and like you look over to me I'm there with my toy hoover singing to Spice Girls

which is what I do all the time, so it was kind of

it wasn't a well-hidden secret, we'll say that

as a child growing into a teenager, and then further on

we start understanding sexuality more

It was always very present that I was attracted to men. I came out to my parents when I was 15 I decided

to tell my mom first because she's always been my closest friend growing up, and I felt like she'd understand

and I felt like she knew as well

because my dad's background you know growing up Indian and very family tradition heavy. I just

always feared he would reject me. To my surprise

it had the reverse reaction that I thought would have taken place my mom was very

shocked and

a bit taking it aback, and wasn't sure how she felt about it, and she thought it was just a phase and my dad was very

disappointed I didn't tell him first

and thought that I would have trusted him more. It was a bizarre for me you know to

have my world turned upside down with that you know

but I'm very grateful with the outcome I have because both my parents are very on my side.

Going to school being gay was always

it was it was

a scary experience, but I was very lucky to have a very

accepted group of friends. My best friends were all straight males

so of course there's that kind of worry that they're going to reject you because you're a different to them

It was very much the opposite again

My straight friends were very very open very accepting very kind and then there was a group of kids at our school

that was just a collection of

people from the Queer community in general, just a lot of

people who were bisexual, gay, lesbian,

might have been a bit more on the

gender fluid side you know, people who would

play around the fashion sense and just their gender identity in general, which I just thought was the coolest thing

I was very drawn to those people

and very grateful to have them there cause they definitely helped me understand my inner

confusion in what was going on with me. My experience

developing my understanding of myself being gay had a lot to do with music and fashion

which are two of my biggest interests my big passions. I remember the first time I picked up a guitar

I was 15 or 16 and then I learned how to play piano when I was 17

and I was writing music the whole time and I notice it was very

LGBTQ+ heavy content and

even today a lot of my songs they're very very unashamed of being gay. I don't like to cover my songs up with

mystery about who the song is about or what my sexual orientation is I like to be very very open and honest about it and

I think the same with my fashion sense as well in terms of you know, I built a company based on

sunglasses which I'm very vibrant

some people will describe with wacky and brave and just all these kinds of words, and it is just a way for me to

encourage other people to

play around shapes and colors and

find your identity in a certain

design and just embrace that you know, no matter how crazy it might look to other people. It's your own style.

I think I would encourage

everybody whether you're in school or you're a parent to just really educate yourselves on

what it means to

question your sexuality

understanding gender and

sexuality as spectrums rather than labels and boxes. You don't just

wake up one day and have all the answers like you have to experience and learn and grow and I think a lot of young

people today in schools they are not educated enough on

You know understanding why they feel this way why they feel that way. Irish young people as well

are very lucky to have the atmosphere they have where Ireland really wants to move forward in terms of their civil rights and

Just being very accepting as a society in general although there's still a lot of hatred there, they should really just

embrace learning as much as they can about

who they are as people and other people around them as well

and just use that as a driving force to moving towards a better country and a better society

Because I think we're very lucky compared to some other countries

and generations even as well in this country you know, to think about it 20 years ago

It was illegal to be gay in this country and now we're allowed to get married

You know like Ireland's not the safest country in the world being in terms of being gay. I don't think there's really any country

that's 100% safe


It's a lot better considering there's other countries that have

crazy high suicide rates for gay people or hate crimes towards gay people

countries where is still illegal to be gay just all kinds of things or even even any sort of queer

anywhere under the queer spectrum. If you're not just a straight

cisgender person

Ireland definitely has

a lot of benefits for these kind of people and there's a lot of people from other countries who travel here

to study and they end up staying here because they feel a lot safer here, they feel a lot more accepted. They feel like their life is

blossoming a lot better than it might have done it back at home

and I think that's something that we should celebrate in Ireland as well and really use that as

a way just to kind of show that

love and acceptance really will bring people together and really will make everybody feel happier and safer to live

you know, where they're living. A message I would shared to anybody watching the video is

to never ever ever ever allow

outside opinions,

society change how you present yourself to the world, how you develop. Just be yourself and I know that's such

a common thing to hear, but it's such a strong message. It's just to be yourself


completely, it's the bravest thing to do

I suppose the second thing I's say is go to as many drag queen shows as possible

appreciate the art of drag

I would say appreciate drag and

always educate yourself because you'll never stop learning and you'll never stop

learning other people's experiences as well, so I think that's very important.

Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you learned something.

Make sure you like, comment, subscribe, share this video with all your friends and family or anybody who might think could find this video useful

with their struggle of identity and sexuality

and look out for more great videos in the future.

And also if you want to check out my eye wear store

I design and sell sun glasses, Lucas will leave a nice little link at the bottom of the video

and you can go check it out

Feeling brave you might find a color or a shape bar style you like and we also donate 10% of all our proceeds to local dog charities

as well

So not only will you look cool you will also be helping

poor unfortunate little puppies

For more infomation >> The Halloqueen and Fashion (EN/PT) - Duration: 8:44.


Getting Back On The Horse Regarding My Health! | LegacyOfJames - Duration: 6:45.

This is the weirdest position I've ever recorded in.

Very very strange. Hey chums! James here, welcome back to my channel and welcome

to my bed................ pretty much where we are. I would like to talk today about healthy

eating. That's something I've been doing a

precious little of recently so I think it's about time I got started again,

don't you? Alright back to my original setup, Oh that's better,

this is better right! So how am I going to approach this new eating regime? Well,

I'm going to be taking bits from different diets, you know elements from

different diets and compiling them together into one thing that I think is

going to work for me, based on prior experience. So the first diet I'm going

to take something from is going to be the Atkins diet. So I'm pretty much

going to be taking the low carb nature of the Atkins diet and making it kind of

a staple really for me with one notable exception which I will go into

later. But suffice to say most of the diet is going to be low carb.

The second diet that I'm actually going to take inspiration from and elements

from is going to be the intermittent fasting plan now some of some of you may

have heard this referred to as the 5:2, but it's very much different from 5:2.

I'm going for a slightly different form of that and that is I'm only going to be

having one meal a day the rest of the time is spent fasting.

That worked for me in the past. Although I've done a more drastic version of it

in the past I'm really not up for repeating that so I'm going to be having

one meal a day. Now that could either be lunch or tea.

Most of the time is going to be tea, or dinner for those in America. But yeah and

then we have the final diet it's an anti-estrogenic diet. Because this whole

thing that I'm doing is part of me combating my Gynecomastia run more man

boobs and they're caused by: number one it's caused by excessive Estrogen in

your system and part of that is the fact that Estrogen molecules are stored in

fatty cells, and because I have quite a lot of fatty

cells including in the man boobs themselves because they are just lumps

of fat, trying to have a bit of an anti-estrogenic diet and trying to promote a

bit of Testosterone is a good way forward to trying to combat it. So that's

another element of and that's mainly to do with what I eat as much as if it kind

of goes along along with the Atkins diet really which is it is just more to do

with how much I eat. So those are the three diets I'm really taking things

from now what about exercise? Well it's going to be a combination of two things.

It's going to be a combination of walking and HIIT circuit training and

for those of you don't know what HIIT is it's High-Intensity Interval Training I

think is what it stands for or something along those lines which basically will

involve my free weights and well........... anything that can be done with free

weights. So what is my diet going to consist mainly of well the first portion

of any meal that I will have it it's going to be very protein heavy so that's

a lot of meat. To be honest with you is probably going to be mainly Chicken

that's kind of the first part. The second part is technically carbohydrate and

that is going to be Brown Rice preferably Wholegrain Brown Rice and

that will form like the carbs portion of it and then the final portion of it will

be some sort of green Vegetables so Broccoli, Sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower.

I know I know Cauliflower is not exactly a green veg but it's in the same family as

Broccoli and I suppose I could have you know Peas or something like that but

most of the time it's going to be those three things: Meat, Rice, Green Veg. Now

some of you may have heard of that diet before and that's the diet that's it's

the diet that movie stars used to bulk up and you know why they use that diet?

Because it fucking works. So that's what I'm going to be eating mainly. Now

am I going to be sticking to this strictly? No.

I'm probably going to be sticking to it strictly about five days out of seven.

Five days out of seven that's pretty much what I will be eating. The other two

days are kind of days that I can I can be a bit more liberal with what I eat.

Now exercise, I'm hoping to exercise about three or four times a week and I'll try

to alternate between the walking and the weightlifting to try and give a bit a

bit of a balanced approach to exercise. I'm going to be revealing a lot more of

this in when I when I restart Moving Moob Mountain at the end of this month.

You'll find a lot more details on my eating plan and my exercise regime. I'll

probably go through my exercise routine. I'll probably document one of my days

when I'm actually fasting and having like my chicken rice and green veg meal.

I probably document one of those days and what I will do and that will be part

of Moving Moob Mountain and the monthly vlogs that I do for that. So I'm

really looking forward to starting this new regime. I really really do need to

get back on the horse when it comes to my health so if you have any tips for me,

if you have any like ideas or comments please leave them down in the comments

because I would really like to hear love to hear them, I'll take all the help

I can get. So I'm off to... no hang on a minute wait............ No

I'm not off to edit this. I have a bit of an announcement regarding the

channel. A few videos ago I made an announcement that I was going to move to

three videos a week because of some supposed YouTube algorithm change which

didn't push content past 48 hours. I've seen no evidence of that in my analytics

I've got to be honest so what I'm going to do because three videos a week, coming

up for ideas for three videos a week may not sound like much but it is very very

difficult especially when your life is boring as mine. So I'm going to be going

back to two videos a week and I'm going to be...... The release schedule is going to

be Thursday and Sunday so every Thursday and Sunday you'll get a video so check

back on those two days you know for videos. I may release a third video

in a week depending. It maybe a video game thing it may just be it may

be a new song but those things are probably be quite few and far between.

I'm kind of relaxing the schedule a little bit more. So now I'm off to where this

and probably play a bit of Riders of Icarus or watch more Sword Art Online.

I've really been getting into that show recently. A lot of people have said it's

a bit slow but I don't see it. I'm really enjoying it at the moment. So

thank you so much for watching and I'll see you chums in the next video.

For more infomation >> Getting Back On The Horse Regarding My Health! | LegacyOfJames - Duration: 6:45.


How Do We Stop Conspiracy Theories? - The Action Report - Duration: 13:26.

Hello and welcome to "The Action Report." We break down the big, hairy problems in the news and tell you what you

could do to actually fix them. Today we're going to be talking about what you can

do to stop conspiracy theories. Bare with me though, because first we got to break

this down. Conspiracy theories have been around forever - from the government being

behind the JFK assassination, to the government staging the moon landing, to

the government being controlled by the Illuminati...hmm I wonder if there's a theme

here. Richard Hofstadter who explored conspiracy theories all the

way back in 1964, in his paper, "The Paranoid Style in American politics,"

believed that conspiracy theorists were driven by three basic elements: 1.) a

belief that some entity wanted to collapse our current system of

governance; 2.) that that entity had infiltrated the government; and 3.)

that they had agents everywhere. In Hofstadter's time, the big bad was communism,

and political pundits like Barry Goldwater were pledging to remove the

threat at any cost. But for Hofstadter these were fringe beliefs, that with the

exception of Goldwater, didn't play an outside role on the political discourse.

But recently, something strange has happened...You're maintaining that the

birth certificate that the President of the United States revealed and released

to the public, you're maintaining that that is fraudulent...that's right...If you

hear this shouting, it's a group of demonstrators claiming 9/11 was an inside

job...I am totally in favor of vaccines but I want smaller doses over a longer

period of time...That's right, conspiracy theories have gone mainstream.

Our 45th president alone has said that former President of the United States

Barack Obama was not a US citizen, and therefore ineligible to be President.

Senator Ted Cruz's father helped with the JFK assassination. The people

protesting 45 presidency across the United States are being paid to do so,

usually by George Soros. That global warming is a hoax perpetuated by the

Chinese. That there was widespread voter fraud during the 2016 election. That

the crowd during his inauguration was the biggest one ever. That news outlets

like the New York Times are not only "Fake News," but have had to repeatedly

apologize for their reporting of his presidency. That he won the electoral

college by the widest margin since Ronald Reagan.

None of these statements are true and often border on outright paranoia. So how did

we get from Lyndon B. Johnson crushing conspiracy-ridden Barry Goldwater in

1964 to conspiracies-tweeting Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016?

We're going to talk about the trend that let us from then to now as well as cover some

of the actions you can take to challenge these trends. The prevalence of

conspiracy theories in the political discourse today are effected by three

trends: 1.) the media landscape has completely changed over the last 100

years; 2.) people trust the mainstream media less;

3.) people trust government less. First let's cover the factors driving these trends,

and after that I promise we'll get to the things that you can do. Hang in there!

So why has the media landscape changed? Look no further than theThingy Mig-

jigger you are using to watch this video. The Internet has changed

everything. Back in the day, newspapers were pretty much the gatekeepers to all

information that was disseminated. As early as 1994, nearly 60 percent of

Americans were getting their news from newspapers. And boy was business booming.

...and I've been at that paper more than 40 years and every year I've been there I've

seen our staff increase. I've seen our salaries increase. Not a years gone by

that an employee at the Oregonian, a full-time employee, has not been a

beneficiary of a raise. Ha ha! Cut to today and times have changed.

Traditional journalists are no longer the gatekeepers to information, mainly

because distribution costs have almost completely disappeared. What took over a

dozen people nearly two decades ago, now only requires a single person with a

can-do attitude. Hiiii! People have hundreds, if not thousands, of sources

to pick from in getting their breaking news. And often being the top story

depends on an algorithm that news outlets have very little control over.

When the Internet age started newspapers were put in a precarious position that

many were not ready for. Today, only 20% of the population consumes printed

newspapers, and this demographic skews heavily towards the early bird special crowd.

For better or worse, people are now able to get their information elsewhere.

And while this has led to some pretty awesome develops, such as the rise

in citizen journalism and an exposure to greater viewpoints, it has also given less

reputable sources a greater voice too. The prevalence of false or fake news has

become a defining feature of our era. PolitiFact keeps a running list of a

hundred and fifty sites and Google crackdown on over 300 fake new sites

just last year alone. While its simple to say that we shouldn't consume this content.

the reality is that Americans are primed to believe these sources. A 2014

studies that continues Hofstadter's work, titled "Conspiracy Theorists and the

Paranoid Style(s) of American Politics" found that 50 percent of Americans

believe in some type of conspiracy theory. This figure has remained more or

less consistent since 2006. since much of the information we consume is filtered

to reflect our own ideological preferences, this has created a

self-reinforcing feedback loop, often referred to as the Echo Chamber Effect.

Facebook and other social media reinforce this because they want to show

you content you will like and engage with. That's why your social media feed looks

so different from say Uncle Bob's - who just liked the comment about how white men are

super oppressed. They're not Uncle Bob. Get woke. You can say that you'll expose

yourself to other viewpoints, but when the system is literally designed to

reinforce existing biases the chances of you will-powering through all

misinformation are slim. Now you'd hope that when false statements good uttered real

news would debunk them, but as we have painfully learned this does not always

happen. All the Donald Trump conspiracy theories I listed in the beginning of

this video have articles debunking them. None of these efforts have impacted 45's overall

trustworthiness among his base, which as of filming this video currently sits at

around 80 percent for Republicans. Part of this has to do with human psychology.

Human beings are emotional creatures that are pretty terrible at dealing with

facts that challenge their worldview. Yet this facet of human nature has always

existed and we weren't dealing with an existential crisis on the nature of

reality in Hofstadter's time. So again, what happened? Well Americans don't seem to

trust the mainstream media that much anymore.

In 2016, the number of Americans that claim to have a great or fair amount of trust

in the media drop to 32 percent. This drastic decline has to do

- in part - with an ideological war that has been raging in journalism for

decades. We do not have time to cover this in depth, but depending on what

generation you belong to, the CliffsNotes /Sparknotes/Wikipedia version is

that two schools of journalistic thought have been duking it out for decades: 1.)

the more traditional school of journalism that totes this concept of

objectivity, and has been dominant in more mainstream news venues such as the New

York Times and The Wall Street Journal; and 2.) the more conservative outlets that

openly take a partisan point of view on the news. Think Fox News with their

famously lampooned tag line "fair and balanced" as well as magazines like the

National Review. It's worth noting that although extremely, liberal, partisan news

sources do exist - such as the Nation and the DailyKos - they do not have near the

same audience numbers or the influence in the national conversation as their

conservative counterparts. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge and research

they have not majorly participated in a smear campaign

aimed at eroding the public's trust in the mainstream media. We've talked about

this on ConSpot before. For years, conservative outlets have been accusing

mainstream journalists of using facts to justify and defend liberal politics. For

example, in Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential election, his

press secretary handed out gold pens to journalists that read "Eastern liberal

Press." This brimming ideological divide has now exploded with political pundits

like Donald Trump labeling all mainstream media as liberal and

therefore fake news. But you may be asking yourself, why conspiracy theories?

Sure conservatives thought that the press was being too liberal, but why are we now

seeing anti-vaxxers, 9/11 truthers, and birthers

so often on news segments and roundtables, and not say Market-

Fundamentalists. The press isn't the only institution to take a hit in public perception.

Literally every government institution has too. According to long-standing historical

data from Pew Research, just 19% of Americans say they trust the

government always or most of the time. Some of the lowest recorded levels of

trust measured by this question since 1958. Again part of this was engineered.

It's no secret that traditional, conservative skepticism

of big government has bled over into a generally anti-government stance. But don't

just take my word for it, check out the linked article by a resident scholar of

the generally conservative American Enterprise Institute saying just as much.

This has had some pretty startling consequences.

Remember two of Hofstadter's criteria for a conspiracy theory are 1.) the belief

that an entity had infiltrated the government and 2.) the belief that that entity

had agents everywhere. If you belong to the large swath of the American public that

distrusts the actions of our government, then it is far easier to believe in

conspiracy theories - such as President Obama being a Muslim. When you believe

that the government does not have your best interests at heart, then it is

easier to think that they are plotting against you. A mindset that has created

the perfect environment for apocryphal peddlers to flourish... shocked by it. Some of

their bashing it, because I don't like gay people. I don't like 'em puttin'

chemicals in the water to turn the friggin' frogs gay. Do you understand that

crap...That came from the fallacious site Infowars - hosted by this guy, Alex Jones

who has in the past claimed such nonsense as the nation of Israel being behind 9/11

and that the 2012 Aurora shooting was staged. Infowars gets nearly 5 million viewers a month,

and has an even wider reach on social media. In fact, Alex Jones was recently

interviewed by Megyn Kelly on NBC. And white it may be entertaining to poke fun at

Alex Jones for being a human-sized molerat in a perpetual fight with the ferret on top

of his head, the reality is that what he, and other

conspiracy theorists are saying has far-reaching consequences. Like it or not,

we have a president that listens to these people. Donald Trump is such a fan of Alex Jones

that he actually sat down with him for an interview during the beginning of his

2016 campaign...Donald Trump joins us live. Can you speak to as president what your

relationship would be with foreign leaders, and and what you know about

Vladimir Putin, because all I know is why are we starting a fight with Russia when

they're not doing anything to us... I think I get along great with people. I mean I

will probably get along well with him, and if I don't, somebody else will, and

who knows, you know he's a difficult cookie... Uggghhhhh. This may sound dire, but

finally on a personal level, what can you actually do to stop conspiracy theories? Firstly,

do your best to challenge your biases and escape your echo chamber. Everyone

thinks they are normal and of sound mind, but with literally half Americans

believing in one form of conspiracy theory or another, that's really not an

assumption that we can rely on anymore. Use sites like "Hi from the other side"

and the newsletter "the Counterpart" because until you attempt to challenge your

biases, you may very well be part of the problem. Secondly, support traditional

journalism, especially your local papers. Everyone you watch online, including this

channel, relies on the reporting of mainstream journalists. This includes not

only papers like the New York Times, but also fact-checkers like PolitiFact,and nonprofits

and organizations like "ProPublica" and the "Sunlight Foundation." They might

not stop the spread of misinformation, but in an age of alternate facts they

will certainly preserve the truth. Thirdly, make a concerted effort to read

something before you share it online. It sounds so simple, but

we don't always remember to do this when posting casually.

Conspiracy theorists and other such misinformation, rely on seeming real.

Alex Jones doesn't just rant into his laptop - well maybe he does - but he also

invested in a modern studio to seem like the real thing.

Don't just rely on the aesthetics. Weigh the content to see if it actually stacks

up. Lastly, give people shit for sharing conspiracy theories. Refuting stuff

does matter. When someone is allowed to repeat something it entrenches that

person's viewpoint not only for them, but for others as well. You may not convince the

original spewer of misinformation, but if they're saying the stuff in a public

setting, then objecting will tell all those watching that the issue is not so

straightforward. Take it upon yourself to respectfully disagree, even if it

means tacking flak from social media trolls. You will expand other people's

horizons. That's all for now. We shoot a new video every month, so stay tuned.

The next topic will be decided entirely by your comments, so if you have a

problem you need help a tacklin' let us know in the comment section below. This

video is made possible by our action-tastic doners over at Patreon. If you like what you see,

consider becoming a patron. A link is also in the description. Subscribe over

at our main channel. ConSpot, on YouTube for more action-oriented updates and

check out more action-packed videos. I'm your host Alex Mell-Taylor, and this has been an

episode of the Action Report. I will see you next month.

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