Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017


BY Christina Sarich

Forget spraying pesticides on your food, now they�ll be genetically engineered to be

in your food, thanks to Monsanto�s latest quiet approval via the US Environmental Protection


The EPA just told Monsanto they could go ahead and bypass spraying our crops with carcinogenic

chemicals like Round Up and just go ahead and breed them right into the crops themselves.

Using a process called RNA interference, Monsanto�s RNAi plant will supposedly kill pesky rootworms

when they come along to chomp on them- but what else will these genetically modified

crops do to beneficial bugs, the soil, and human health?

The EPA has no idea, because they haven�t done a single trial on RNAi-altered crops.

Nonetheless, the EPA quietly gave Monsanto a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card by allowing them

to move forward with their genetically modified corn strain.

Some are calling this a genetic weapon, in its infancy.

Others are concerned that RNAi will have ramifications for the biosphere that � just like all of

Monsanto�s other products � don�t come to light for years to come.

For instance, the National Honey Bee Advisory Board said in comments submitted to the E.P.A.

before a �meeting� in which this controversial genetic technology was to be reviewed,

To attempt to use this technology at this current stage of understanding would be more

na�ve than our use of DDT in the 1950s.

While the corn rootworm is one of the most expensive pests in agriculture it is having

a hey day because corn � the genetically modified kind � is the number one crop in

the U.S.

GM corn has taken over thousands of other possible crops we could be growing, in field

after field of mono-cropped, industrial agriculturally influenced support of the Standard American

Diet � up to 70 percent of which contain corn products (high fructose corn syrup, corn

solids, etc.)

We also heavily subsidize genetically modified corn to be used not as food, but as a gasoline


Ethanol accounts for a few thousand acres of those GM corn crops we�re growing, too.

RNAi � Gene Silencing

Another big problem with Monsanto getting a green light on this crop is that RNAi is

a form of gene silencing.

What is true for petunias isn�t necessarily true for people.

If we were to silence the gene that makes a pigment in a flower so it can attract bees,

for example, this could end up in our own bodies, silencing our own genetic make-up

in ways we don�t expect.

Regalado, one researcher who helped discover RNAi describes it this way,

The cells of plants and animals carry their instructions in the form of DNA.

To make a protein, the sequence of genetic letters in each gene gets copied into matching

strands of RNA, which then float out of the nucleus to guide the protein-making machinery

of the cell.

RNA interference, or gene silencing, is a way to destroy specific RNA messages so that

a particular protein is not made.

Might not an alteration to the foods we eat, also have the possibility of affecting our

own DNA?

We know now that proteins are even more important than some scientists previously assumed for

signaling certain instructions for genes to carry out their intended purpose.

The very same institutions studying RNAi will admit that protein alteration can epigenetically

create or destroy disease.

If Big Ag Giants Monsanto, and Dow (cooperating to make this RNAi corn a reality) continue

in their successful attempts to get DvSnf7 corn (to be called SmartStax Pro) into our

food supply, we have no idea what mayhem might ensue.



LEGO Clash Royale - Sub Español | CharlyCoC | Clash Royale | - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> LEGO Clash Royale - Sub Español | CharlyCoC | Clash Royale | - Duration: 5:20.




For decades now Roswell, New Mexico has remained one of the legendary sites that could very

well have been visited by aliens from another planet.

The reason is that in July of 1947 there were numerous reports in the area of a UFO sighting.

Many believed that the object in questioned crash landed somewhere around a U.S. Air Force

Base operating in Roswell known as Area 51.

Some individuals even found unexplained debris in fields, and the speculation grew that the

area was visited by alien life forms.

However, the military in a public statement told everyone that the object and the debris

were from a weather balloon.

But this didn't put an end to the speculation, yes some were quick to buy the explanation

while others suspected a cover-up was going on and that aliens did crash on earth.

Now a video that has surfaced online points to the fact that those who believe the military

was involved in a cover-up at Roswell could be true.

The video seems to show military personnel carrying something on a gurney.

At closer range, we see what appears to be an alien life form on that gurney.

Now the video is in black and white; it is also fuzzy at times, so it is hard to make

out things at times.

Let's remember if this is indeed authentic it was filmed back in 1947 when advanced filming

technology wasn't around.

So where did this film come from and who actually got the footage?

A good question could it have been someone on the base who perhaps wanted the truth to

come out all these years later or as some would probably say it's a doctored video and

not authentic.

Yes, there were still be those refusing to believe what is right in front of them.

Despite the denials and naysayers over the years though the legend of Roswell and what

happened there has grown.

Perhaps with good reason, the universe is a vast magnificent place.

There are billions of galaxies, and we have just begun to scratch the surface as to what

as well as who is out there among all those stars.

This is why for decades now authors, ufologists, and researchers have stood by the claim that

no only are we not alone in the galaxy, but we have been visited by other life forms through

out history.

Yes, some could dispute the video of the alien from the crash at Roswell being carried off.

Especially since a good portion of similar type videos has been proven to fake or doctored


But there is always that chance that in a sea of false videos about alien life forms

there is always that chance that one that is authentic will also pop up.

See Shocking video shows military personnel transporting alleged "Roswell Alien".

The link is

below in our description.



Book Tag | Anything But Books [CC] - Duration: 11:05.

Hello lovely humans!

It is Molly from Molly Reads and Writes

and today we are doing the anything but books tag.


I've talked a lot about books and I've talked a lot about writing, so then I

decided that I should do some videos that are about neither, in a way, so that you can

learn just a little bit more about me that's not completely book related.

Or writing related.

Because I do have other stuff in my life.

Not, maybe, a lot of other stuff, but some other stuff.

Question one: name a cartoon that you love.

Um, I don't watch TV.

I don't have cable.

And I don't ever watch cartoons on netflix.

Question two: what is your favourite song right now?

My favourite song right now is a mix.

I have a favourite playlist and some of the songs on the playlist are Grace O'Malley by

Cathie Ryan, The Johnny Be Fair set by Cathie Ryan, Ready for the Storm by Deanta, and Mo

Ghille Mear by the UCD Choral Scholars.

And I'll put some links in the description below so that if you want to, you can check

out the songs and kinda see the music that I listen to all the time.

Question three: what could you do for hours that isn't reading?

Build houses on sims.

Enough said.

Question four: what is something you love that your followers would be surprised by?

I actually really enjoy searching up and learning how to play different celtic tunes on the


So that's something that I like to do.

And I don't necessarily...

If I can't find the music for it then I'll just listen to the song 7000 times on repeat

and just figure out how to play it by ear.

Which takes a long time.

I'm not the best at that, but I can do it.

I need to get some more practice.


Question five: what is your favourite unnecessarily specific thing to learn about?

Find me any one star rated documentary.

I will watch it and I will learn and I will love it.

Two of my favourites that you should look up: the first one is The Final Member.

It's really not appropriate though, so like, if you're young, don't.

It used to be on Netflix and Netflix took it off which made me really sad because I

was having lots of fun showing it to people.

And I'm not going to explain what it's about.

You just have to look it up and watch it.

Because it's amazing and so funny.

The broad overview is it's about a museum in Iceland.

Number two was called Finders Keepers.

Last I saw it was still on Netflix so you should try to find this and watch it and it

is the battle between two men.

One of which bought an auctioned off storage unit and made a gruesome discovery in that

storage unit, but wanted to keep it.

The other man is the one who previously owned the storage unit and didn't pay so it got

auctioned, but he wants this object back.

Honestly, all I had to say while I was watching this was that would happen in the States.

Question number six: what is something unusual that you know how to do?

I've done a few roofs in my time so I know how to remove and replace shingles.

And I've actually helped my dad build an extension on our house so I know how to do the framing

and putting the, the wood on the roof, so that's something random.

I also learned how to replace window panes in old windows, so I know that.

I have a lot of really random things because I was a maintenance leader at a summer camp,

so pretty much any completely random maintenance chore that you think might happen at a summer

camp, I have probably done it and I have probably taught other people how to do it.

Question number seven: name something you've made in the last year, and show us if you


Every year I take requests from my students as to what type of music they would like to

hear me play at the recital.

Since I force my students to play in a recital, I tell them I will also play even though I

have horrible, horrible stage fright, so I let my students pick the genre of song that

I'm going to play and last year my students requested something more pop, I guess you

could say.

So I searched up the Lindsey Stirling Halo Theme song, discovered there was no music

to it, and I transcribed it with a friend of mine to play it together.

So I'll show you a little bit of it, but this is only the violin part.

It sounds better when it was the two of us doing violin and piano.

I'll insert a picture here also of our similar thought process while we were transcribing

these totally separately.

And it was just very funny to put our music together and discover the notes that we had

both written in this one section that we couldn't figure out and were just like, well, we play

whatever we feel like playing right here.

We're gonna attempt the end of this because it's been a long time since I played it and

a lot of it doesn't sound the same when you're missing the piano.

Forgive my mistakes.

I have not practised in a year.


Question eight: what is your most recent personal project?

Honestly my most recent personal project is more of a serious note I guess and it's been

in the making the last, kind of, two ish years.

And that's... it's honestly just learning not to care.

Be happy with yourself and do you.

You do you, you do you.

Yeah that's honestly just like, my most recent personal project that is not related to books

or writing.

Question nine: Tell us something that you think about often.

Something I think about often honestly is ideas for stories and plot points that I already

have in the works.

I'm always off in the clouds thinking of that kind of stuff.

And I know that it kind of annoys the people that I hang out with cuz they'll say things

to me like, twelve times, and I just won't register what they're saying cuz I'm not even

paying attention but...

I mean, that's what you get if you're friends with me.

Question ten: give us something that's your favourite, but make it oddly specific.

I know I'm a weird person but to me it just seems normal so I couldn't really think of

anything that was oddly specific as a favourite.

But for food I love crunchy toast that is spread with cream cheese and topped with grapes

that are cut in half.

So good, so good.

And last, number eleven: say the first thing that pops into your head.

It's hot as balls out and I cannot wait for winter.


But if you want something that's not like, weird and slightly crass, it's a quote from

the Anne McCaffrey Pern series that I've been reading.

And the quote is Drummer, beat, and piper, blow.

Harper, strike, and soldier, go.

Free the flame and sear the grasses.

Till the dawning Red Star passes.

There you have it, that is the anything but books tag.

You can comment down below literally anything that is on your mind that you just feel like

word vomiting out in a comment.

This seems like a good place to do that.

You can like and subscribe to see more videos in the future, and I hope that you have an

awesome morning, afternoon, or evening, whichever it is, wherever you are.

See ya!


For more infomation >> Book Tag | Anything But Books [CC] - Duration: 11:05.


مراجعة هاتف ايفون 8 | review iphone 8 clone - Duration: 1:58.

review iphone 8 clone

Hi, I'm Soulaymane Faraj from Channel Geek Info

review iphone 8

Yes iphone 8

The original version has not yet been released

This version is just a replica made in China

On the basis of some leaks circulating on the phone

The phone is made of metal

Dual camera back

The main button is integrated with the screen

Your phone does not have a fingerprint sensor

The phone system is just a Android system rate

My opinion is in the phone

I did not like the phone

You are what you think of the phone?

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