Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017



For more infomation >> THE ROYAL NEW ZEALAND ALBATROSS . DUNEDIN - Duration: 2:13.





In a recent interview, singer Kesha claimed that her latest album was inspired by a close

encounter with UFOs at Joshua Tree. Some of the artwork on her album, said to be inspired

by her experience, even features spaceships.

In the interview, Kesha said: �I was in Joshua Tree, totally sober, let me preface

� completely f***ing sober � I think people would be like, �She was on acid� or something.

I wasn�t. I was on nothing. I was a totally sober Sally, just a lady in the desert. I

look up in the sky and there�s a bunch of spaceships.�

Kesha continued, �I swear to God, there were like five to seven, and I don�t know

why I didn�t like try to take a picture of it � I just looked at it.�

�I was sitting on a rock, and I was like, �What in the hell is that?� I was trying

to figure it out, and then they went away. And then they came back.�

�They came back in a different formation than the one they were in previously. I was

like, �Those are f***ing aliens.� They were spaceships!�

Kesha also noted that they were in different formations, a common occurrence when it comes

to UFO sightings.

Kesha and the interviewer then get into what those spaceships mean in relation to �God�

and the universe. They discuss how their view on God is more cosmic than religious, noting

that the connection we hold to nature and the universe suggests we hold some sort of

connection to anything outside of our planet, too.

You can watch the full interview here, and these topics are mostly discussed around the

10 and 15 minute marks. To me, it�s exciting to see these topics discussed in the mainstream,

but it�s also natural to question the validity of her alleged experience.

Many people will simply brush her off, thinking that these statements were made to boost her

popularity or to craft a certain public image. Though this could be correct, she could simply

be adhering to a larger agenda and perhaps is being controlled by the elite, similar

to many other celebrities; however, she could also be telling the truth.

Yes, the CIA has been known to help shift the dialogue surrounding �conspiracy theories�

to throw people off from the truth, and the elite use media and pop culture to influence

the public. So, Kesha�s alleged UFO encounter could be another example of people using media

to manipulate the public.

However, it�s important to keep an open mind and remember that for many people, UFO

sightings are very real. UFO sightings aren�t uncommon, and there�s no question that UFOs

exist, thanks to tons of government officials, whistleblowers, declassified documents, and

public sightings.

Before you make any assumptions, I urge you to look further into Kesha�s story, as well

as UFOs, in order to understand the bigger picture. First, let�s take a look at Kesha�s

musical career and her alleged relationship with the elite and her �handler,� Dr.


Symbolism in Kesha�s Music and Her Lawsuit Against Dr. Luke

This marks the first time Kesha will be coming out with new music for a while, as she was

previously blocked from releasing new music thanks to a contract with Sony and Dr. Luke.

Kesha signed this contract over a decade ago, but then tried to get out of it due to allegations

of Dr. Luke physically, emotionally, and sexually abusing her.

Kesha was allegedly put under severe stress that almost cost her her life as a result

of mistreatment and abuse by her producer. She claims Dr. Luke had complete control over

not only her career but her entire life as well, and the lawsuit included many brutal

details of alleged abuse that sounded eerily similar to the type of abuse involved with

MK Ultra and Monarch Mind Control victims. It has been speculated that these CIA-sanctioned

programs shifted toward the music industry, which you can read more about in our CE article


Another reason why many have speculated that Kesha was a pawn used by the elite is that

her music held tons of Illuminati and occult symbolism within it. The music video for her

song �Die Young� had a strange amount of Illuminati symbolism in it, and the song

came out right around the time that the Sandy Hook shooting occurred. Kesha faced a lot

of public scrutiny as a result, to which she responded with claims that she was forced

to sing those lyrics.

Kesha also came out with a song called �Dancing With The Devil� in which she sings about

selling her soul, and she even wrote a song about cannibalism. In an interview with her,

The Rolling Stones actually brought up the high level of Illuminati symbolism in her

music, to which she made joking remarks and even showed off the large tattoo she has on

her hand of an eye.

(To learn more about elite symbolism in the music industry, including Kesha�s music,

I encourage you to check out the site Vigilant Citizen.)

Even some of her newer music holds deeper symbolism and meaning within the lyrics. She

recently released a song called �Praying� from her new album, in which she sings about

there being �no more monsters, so she can breathe again� and that they �put her

through hell so she had to learn to fight for herself.� It�s easy to read between

the lines and see that this song is a clear nod toward Sony and Dr. Luke.

Is she still being controlled by higher-ups? Who knows, but we can only hope not, as she

has finally broken free from her contract with Dr. Luke.

Final Thoughts

So, did Kesha see a UFO? Who knows. She could have made up the story herself as a publicity

stunt, she could be controlled by the elite and this could be part of their �debunking

conspiracy theories agenda,� or she could just be a regular citizen who truly did see

a UFO in the sky.

Mainstream media has sort of made ET/UFO phenomena into a joke through heavy propaganda, which

is strange given the fact that there�s so much evidence in support of it.

One of the most revealing testimonies was provided by Paul Hellyer, Canada�s former

Defence Minister:

In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying

South from Russia across Europe. The Supreme Allied Commander was very concerned and was

about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the

North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and

they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have

been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There�s been a lot more activity

in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb. They are very

concerned about that and if we will use it again, because the whole cosmos is in unity

and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos. They�re very much afraid

that we might start using atomic weapons again and this would be very bad for us, and them


If you�d like to learn more about UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena, check out the

Exopolitics section of our website here.



Rothschild Controlled Media Outlet — 'Get Ready for a World Currency by 2018' - Duration: 10:00.

Rothschild Controlled Media Outlet � �Get Ready for a World Currency by 2018�

By Jay Syrmopoulos


The Economist magazine published an article almost thirty years ago, discussing the prospect

of a world currency that should be expected around the year 2018.

The 1988 article foreshadows a methodical movement towards a centralized world currency

that we have, in many ways, seen play out over the past few decades.

One must also keep in mind that the controlling interest of The Economist is held by the powerful

Rothschild family, who regard themselves as the �custodians of The Economist magazine�s

legacy.� In essence, the magazine operates as a quasi-propaganda arm for the Rothschild

banking empire and related businesses and, is in many ways, meant to prime the pump of

public opinion for the globalist agenda to be implemented.

The excerpt below appeared in the print magazine on January 9, 1988, in Vol. 306, pp 9-10.

Ready for the Phoenix

THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries,

and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same


Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let�s say, the phoenix.

The phoenix will be favoured by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient

than today�s national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption

to economic life in the last twentieth century.

At the beginning of 1988 this appears an outlandish prediction.

Proposals for eventual monetary union proliferated five and ten years ago, but they hardly envisaged

the setbacks of 1987.

The governments of the big economies tried to move an inch or two towards a more managed

system of exchange rates � a logical preliminary, it might seem, to radical monetary reform.

For lack of co-operation in their underlying economic policies they bungled it horribly,

and provoked the rise in interest rates that brought on the stock market crash of October.

These events have chastened exchange-rate reformers.

The market crash taught them that the pretence of policy co-operation can be worse than nothing,

and that until real co-operation is feasible (i.e., until governments surrender some economic

sovereignty) further attempts to peg currencies will flounder.

The New World Economy The biggest change in the world economy since

the early 1970�s is that flows of money have replaced trade in goods as the force

that drives exchange rates.

as a result of the relentless integration of the world�s financial markets, differences

in national economic policies can disturb interest rates (or expectations of future

interest rates) only slightly, yet still call forth huge transfers of financial assets from

one country to another.

These transfers swamp the flow of trade revenues in their effect on the demand and supply for

different currencies, and hence in their effect on exchange rates.

As telecommunications technology continues to advance, these transactions will be cheaper

and faster still.

With unco-ordinated economic policies, currencies can get only more volatile.

In all these ways national economic boundaries are slowly dissolving.

As the trend continues, the appeal of a currency union across at least the main industrial

countries will seem irresistible to everybody except foreign-exchange traders and governments.

In the phoenix zone, economic adjustment to shifts in relative prices would happen smoothly

and automatically, rather as it does today between different regions within large economies

(a brief on pages 74-75 explains how.)

The absence of all currency risk would spur trade, investment and employment.

The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments.

There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy.

The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from

the IMF.

The world inflation rate � and hence, within narrow margins, each national inflation rate-

would be in its charge.

Each country could use taxes and public spending to offset temporary falls in demand, but it

would have to borrow rather than print money to finance its budget deficit.

With no recourse to the inflation tax, governments and their creditors would be forced to judge

their borrowing and lending plans more carefully than they do today.

This means a big loss of economic sovereignty, but the trends that make the phoenix so appealing

are taking that sovereignty away in any case.

Even in a world of more-or-less floating exchange rates, individual governments have seen their

policy independence checked by an unfriendly outside world.

As the next century approaches, the natural forces that are pushing the world towards

economic integration will offer governments a broad choice.

They can go with the flow, or they can build barricades.

Preparing the way for the phoenix will mean fewer pretended agreements on policy and more

real ones.

It will mean allowing and then actively promoting the private-sector use of an international

money alongside existing national monies.

That would let people vote with their wallets for the eventual move to full currency union.

The phoenix would probably start as a cocktail of national currencies, just as the Special

Drawing Right is today.

In time, though, its value against national currencies would cease to matter, because

people would choose it for its convenience and the stability of its purchasing power.

The alternative � to preserve policymaking autonomy- would involve a new proliferation

of truly draconian controls on trade and capital flows.

This course offers governments a splendid time.

They could manage exchange-rate movements, deploy monetary and fiscal policy without

inhibition, and tackle the resulting bursts of inflation with prices and incomes polices.

It is a growth-crippling prospect.

Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes.

Only ten years later, in 1998, The Economist was once again engaging the public in an effort

to forward the globalist agenda, with an article entitled �One world, one money.�

Very much in line with the 1988 piece, the publication attempts to explain why a much

more centralized and controlled system would be beneficial to the global economy, while

wholly ignoring the fact that such a centralized global currency would be a massive coup for

the international banking cartel, and the Rothschild banking empire�s financial bottom


Additionally, it must be noted that the creation of a global currency would give an inordinate

amount of geopolitical capital to unelected international bankers, and subsequently take

power away from the citizens of each nation and their respective governmental representatives.

Does anyone really want international bankers to have such a vast amount of political power

on top of the massive financial influence and sway they already hold in the halls of


People want more say in their own lives, not having policy dictated to them by international

banksters and bureaucrats.

Control over a nation�s money supply is, for all intents and purposes, the lifeblood

of a state�s sovereignty � without this independence, the state only exists in name

but is subservient to supranational powers whose interests lie outside of domestic and

national political/economic concerns.

�Give me control of a nation�s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws,�

said Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

Although the Rothschild family now generally keep a very low public profile, they still

have significant business operations across a wide spectrum of sectors.

While you may not find any one particular Rothschild on the Forbes� most rich list,

the family is estimated to control $1 trillion dollars in assets across the globe, thus having

a strong voice across the geopolitical spectrum that many perceive as a hidden hand manipulating

events silently from behind a veil of secrecy and silence.

For more infomation >> Rothschild Controlled Media Outlet — 'Get Ready for a World Currency by 2018' - Duration: 10:00.


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