Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

J.seph - Today we're shooting a music video of 'Hola Hola'

Secret story of music video shooting in U.S.A!

BM - We're in Las Vegas!

Special moments with KARD in Las Vegas!

SOMIN - Please look forward to our reality show.

For more infomation >> [SECRET KARD_시크릿카드] teaser2 - Duration: 0:31.



Hey partner, do you have a six?

Uh, no. Go Fish.

We have been hunting the rare martian slime worm for more than a year now.

I wish we didn't have this job.

I am so tired. Yeah.

Do you have a nine of clubs?

Here is a nine.

Do you have a seven?

Go Fish!

Huh? Did you hear that?


Wait. That could have been the slime worm!

Gear up. Let's go!

Hey Rex. Secure the room. You take that side, I'll take this side. GO.

I am out of batteries.

Wait wait. It must be over here.

Cease fire! Cease fire! Cease fire!

Wait, wait, wait. Here hold this.

[ Martian Speak ] Okay.

She has a slime ball stuck in her thoat!


Here, scan her, see if she has a license.

Also, weren't you trained to be a Doctor McStuffins?

Oh, yeah...

Does she have a license?

Hmm, Okay. Yes, but.. She has one.

Okay, good.

Rex, can you help me out here?

I think we got it out.

Oh Yeah.

She just wants to play the game with us.

She's never played 'Go Fish' before!

Oh No.

We can teach her.

She also says, on Mars, its really cold and they can't grow much there.


Do you have a eight?


Thanks for watching!

She says, 'Please subscribe!'

Hit LIke!

Bye Friends!

For more infomation >> MIB DOC MCSTUFFINS SAVES MARTIAN SPACE SLIME WORM - Duration: 3:12.


How to make a beef stew - Duration: 0:56.

Ingredients; white onion, garlic & bell peppers, boiled beans and tomatoes

Chop all the vegetables.

Set you beef chuck at a room temperature.

Dice the beef chuck and season with salt and pepper.

On a medium heat pan add oil and the diced beef chuck.

Add in all the vegetables, beans and mix well.

Add water/ beef broth.

Ready to serve. Bon Appetit!!

For more infomation >> How to make a beef stew - Duration: 0:56.


Bratislavské léto 2016 - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Bratislavské léto 2016 - Duration: 5:24.


100 Dolares Cada Mes | 2Captcha- Día (12) | 12/Julio/2017 - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> 100 Dolares Cada Mes | 2Captcha- Día (12) | 12/Julio/2017 - Duration: 1:58.


[ENG SUB] EP 1 Romeo's Kangmin and UP10TION's Xiao Cuts on 아재목장 Uncle's Ranch - Duration: 28:15.

[Kangmin (18) / Xiao (19) ]

[Other members practicing but Xiao is playing games]

[Kangmin is addicted to selcas and SNS]

[Idols glued to their smartphones and games]

[So the five wolf boys are gathered together]

Xiao: Where are we going?

Sungjae: I don't know the location / Xiao: Ah really?

Director: Until we arrive, the location is a secret

Director: When we arrive, there's a special gift waiting for you

Gift? Wa~ a gift

[The uncles and boys don't know that they're each other's gifts]

[The bus is approaching the uncle house]

Kangmin: We're filming there?

[What is this situation?]


Xiao: Who's here?

[Finally the special gift arrives!]

Xiao: But who's over there?

Xiao: Jiwoong, go hurry in the front, maknae!

[Discovered the boys]

*Look at Xiao kneeing Kangmin lol*

[Finally the healing house family meets each other]

[Careful Careful]

[Seungsoo discovers the boys]

[The boys grasping the situation]

[Uncle's embarrassment]

[Imminent threat]


Seungsoo: You came here?


[Is this New York?]

Here? / Yes


Xiao: To receive a present~

Jiru: Where did you come from?

Xiao: Seoul / Wonhong: From the airport

Kangmin: We came from the airport [aka the airport parking lot]

Jiru: What airport?

Woohyuk: Why from there?

SJ: I even brought my passport (thinking they were going to a different country)


[Before the boys arrived]

[The boys were at the airport, thinking they'd board a plane]

[The boys were endlessly positive]

[Half excitement, half expectation]

SJ: I searched a lot for this for the sign in

[It was all useless, hyung]

Woohyuk: You guys are our surprise gift

SS: I should ask the reason why we're each other's presents though

[How was meeting the three uncles?] It was really scary

There was something, and it was very dark and pshshs!

*wth does that mean Xiao*

Jiru: Are you in the order of your ages / No no

Arrange yourselves in order

[Jeong Jiwoong - Choi Wonhong - Hwang Sungjae - Kangmin - Xiao]

*For once, Kangmin and Xiao are the eldest*

Jiwoong is the youngest? How old are you?

I'm 14 years old *Remember that Korean age is one year older than international*

But why do you look like you're 18?

[We're like the same age!]

Seungsoo: Doesn't he give a 'rich person' feeling?

Jiwoong: It's my father's coat

Seungsoo: Why are we together?

Director: Do you know the title of our program?

WH: What's the title? / JR: Isn't it Uncle's Ranch?

"Uncle's Ranch of the Boys Who Cried Wolf"

WH: These guys are the boys then?

WH: We're the uncles? Really I...

Wait I'm not an uncle. Who am I?

Kangmin: A cool sunbaenim~

Director: Now we'll go to the ranch

Ranch? / Ah is there a ranch here?

This is frustrating / So sudden

What to do?

Director: Starting now, we will move to the ranch

Let's go let's go

[Half nervous and half excited, they leave for the ranch]

Jiru: Ah they're really good-looking now that I'm seeing them up close

Jiru: How old are you? 19?

Kangmin: I'm 18 years old

Kangmin: Teacher, what should I call you then?

Jiru: Not teacher, but some sort of nickname

Woohyuk: Hyung!

Jiru: My own kid is 18 years old

WH: But being called hyung is a good thing, so I think we should do that for you

JR: But these guys can't call me that

JR: If I called my dad 'hyung'...

JR: Jiwoong, look at me and call me 'hyung'

JW: Hyungnim! Big hyung!

[Jiru has been crowned as everyone's hyung]

[Arrived at the ranch]

[Awesome Excitement] There are horses

[The horses showing off in a brilliant pose]

They're really pretty

Woohyuk: Isn't this the ranch I imagined?

SS: It has the feeling of a dairy farm in the Netherlands

[The wide grasslands spread out]

[The animals freely run on them]

[Nature and animals become one in this paradise]

[If you follow the wind along the wide, green hills]

*Yas I live for these aesthetics*

[The dairy cattle freely graze in this spot

Wow it's really cold

It's cold right? You can feel it

[Who are the uncles?]

The smell is really good?

Will they eat now?

JR: Hello

I sincerely welcome you guys to our sky ranch in Daegwallyeong

*lol the cuties weren't paying attention*

And while you guys are interning

Intern? We're interns?

We don't know anything

We're interning, right?

Even the kids? / Yes, everyone is an intern

[Starting now, forget the suffering!]

[Real ranch internship coming soon!]

On this side, these are the cows being milked

Sociable? (WH misheard) / Milked

When they are pregnant and give birth, from then on milk comes out

Do interns have to milk them?

We have an automatic robot system to milk them

But because you need experience during your internship

We'll try milking by hand, starting tomorrow

Oh, starting tomorrow!

[Be relieved!!]

[Milking is not easy!!]

[Will they be able to milk tomorow?]

[This is the calf room!!]

[Cute Cute]

[Jiru quickly becoming close with the calves]

Oh that hurt

[The other boys joking around and becoming close]

Xiao: They're cute~

[Jiwoong is slightly scared]

Try it try it

[Kangmin demonstrating for Jiwoong]

Kangmin: They shouldn't bite

Just do it slightly

I'm scared I can't do this

Xiao: I think they really like people

Work starts tomorrow,

so I hope you all show up at 8 AM

I'll see you tomorrow / Thank you

The calves were so cute when I saw them

I wanted to play with them

But because I have to work with them, it's complicated

[We'll meet tomorrow~]

[The day darkens]

[Seungsoo is gone filming for a drama]

We're going to eat dinner,

so quickly change your clothes and come out

What are you thinking about for dinner?

Meat / Yukhoe

Jiru: We'll make rice and fish cake soup

There's eggs, should we fry them?

When you make fish cake soup, you boil the eggs

Then why don't we separate the eggs

Some will be boiled, and the rest fried

First, make the rice. After that,

Peel the dried anchovies

*more instructions from Jiru*

[Naturally peeling the dried anchovies]

SJ: This here. Use this

KM: Why can't I do this

If you have nothing to do, peel dried anchovies

[United over dried anchovies]

*Xiao honey wyd*

[A lecture atmosphere]

Wonhong: This is my first time ever doing this

Xiao: Are they originally big?

Sungjae: Don't smell your hands, or you'll vomit

[There's a student that won't listen]

Jiru: Hao hao, come over here

Xiao: I'm Xiao

Find a thin piece / Of firewood?

<Ranch Math Evaluation>

[1. Choose the thinnest piece of firewood]

*LOL the bg music is FIESTAR's I Don't Know Anything*

There aren't any thin pieces?

Find the axe

Do you know what that is? / I know what an axe is

[2. Find an axe amongst these]

*This will be his theme song for now*

[I'm right in front of you why don't you see me]

[He's scared of Jiru so he goes back into the shed]

[The finally discovered axe]

Xiao: I found it!

It's really heavy

Then chop a few, okay?

How do I do this, mother...

[It's about this level]

*This is too cute omg*

[What are you doing?]

[Massaging the firewood with the axe]

Do it quickly

[Is Xiao hyung okay?]

[Xiao requesting for help]

*needs Kangmin to save him*

Xiao: Can you chop wood? / KM: Why?

KM: How do we do this? / Xiao: Don't know

You usually stand it up

There, it's standing / No it's standing, but...

[Dumb and Dumber have been born]

[Move aside! Uncle Woohyuk appears]

Woohyuk: Look here

[Already stands up the wood easily]

[Show us the strength of a 1st generation idol!]

[What is that?] *Someone gif this reaction I love it*

*Xiao and Kangmin have to hide ten feet away*

No, you can't do it like this

So then just...

It's done, it's done

This is what Jiru hyung wants / That's right

Make each one bigger / Yes, I got it

[3rd wood chopping attempt]

[The kids having fun]

*Me trying to accomplish something*

[The massage was nice]

WH: I'll do this now

Jiru: Just give me it

Kangmin: Hyung there's wood here

Oh really?

Go over there now

[This isn't it]

Oh it's not working

JR: You two stop and come over here

JR: The two of you go / KM: To who?

Go next door

and get kimchi

Go to the woman next door and ask for it while smiling

[Smile like this]

Hello~ *can't say no to that*

What do you need?

KM: We need kimchi / Xiao: To smile

KM: It's kimchi!

[Can I trust you guys?]

KM: It's scary here

Is this the neighbor's house?

Xiao: Isn't it the house?

*Of course you have to send the idols to ask for stuff*

Hello hello

Xiao: We're filming, and we don't have kimchi

If you could please give us some side dishes

Come in first

[Trying to barter with chocolate bars]


[Coming out with a hand full of side dishes]

It seems like too much

This is spicy bellflower root and this is young radish kimchi

We'll eat this well / Thank you!

Big hyung! / Yeah?

[Complete satisfaction]

JR: Were these bought? / Xiao: They seem bought

*Food cause why not*

[I think I'll eat amazing fish cake soup]

[Midway taste evaluation]

[Lacking 2%]

[The watchful Sungjae tries one scoop]

[What could the fish cake soup taste like?]

It looks okay?

[Finally meal time]

[The kids trying a bite]

[The flavor...]

[What is this taste...]

Woohyuk: I think the fish cakes look delicious

[Woohyuk takes a bite of the fish cake soup]

[What is this strange taste...]

[How does it taste?]

[How did the soup taste?]

I originally don't like fish cake

It gave me a reaction to refuse it

Can I be honest?

It was like a fishy taste... but weird

WH: Really the neighbor's side dishes saved us

[They would be in big trouble if it weren't for the typical fried eggs]

Kangmin: Does anyone eat ketchup?

Jiru: Next time don't eat with ketchup, just eat it

KM: Why... I still have a young appetite

JR: We did all of this, so if you easily (?) eat like this it's boring

Try it with what's already in there

[I can't live without ketchup T-T]

Why aren't you eating the fish cake soup?

I'm eating it. It's delicious *all lies*

I'll organize the schedule tomorrow

I'll come home again, and I'll make a meal

A meal seems harder?

[Will we be able to eat our meal?]

[What should I cook tomorow?]

[The dinner comes to an end] You worked very hard~

[The wolf boys' first free time]

Xiao: If close my eyes for 10 seconds, I think I'll fall asleep

[The kids that are going to sleep...]

10, 20, then 30 minutes pass

[Kids who've fallen into the world of smartphones]

Director: Everyone come out

Jiru: Uh? Us?

Woohyuk: Why?

Why'd you tell us to come out?

This is Uncle's Ranch right? So there are rules

1. Self-sufficiency 2. Work every day at 8 AM

So the 3rd rule is...

Smartphones and the internet is prohibited

[Oh my god]

*Too cute*

It's a bit somber, but there's nothing I can do

I've never been in a situation without them... so without them

It's a bit... yeah

There won't be a lot of things to do

So it's a bit frustrating

Xiao/Sungjae: Can we say our final goodbyes?

JR: Take out all the handphones

*Phones + Xiao's big tablet*

[If they're determined, there's a spot where they can use them]

[Will the boys keep their promise?]

[The 2nd special present that the director prepared!]

What is this?

[What is the identity of the boxes and letters?]

WH: Do I not have any? / Yes you don't

[Classified information written by parents and members and]

[A box filled with necessities]

[You can only choose one thing in this box]

Bitto: Xiao likes this poster / Wei: A character mask pack

[Various games]

Kogyeol: We'll also send signed CDs, as a gift

Jinhoo: Until now, tension up! This is UP10TION, thank you

Bitto: Xiao fighting~

[We miss you Xiao]

[Romeo members thinking of Kangmin]

[The sent box filled with items that they put in]

[Xiao chooses the album]

[Kangmin chooses the deodorizer]

WH: Ah to help the house? Wow, I like it

[Now it's time to sleep]

Jiru: Please close the door

[What was that noise]

[The day ends and everyone is off to their dreams]

Ya~ who's snoring / It's Jiwoong!

Thanks for watching~ <3

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] EP 1 Romeo's Kangmin and UP10TION's Xiao Cuts on 아재목장 Uncle's Ranch - Duration: 28:15.


"INRI" | 1999 Caledon Local 21 Poem [Feat. Sociopathic Pasta] - Duration: 2:01.

INRI [whispered over and over]

Once upon a time...

There lived a boy named Elliot

Elliot was clever boy who loved playing with his friends

One day he watched a lovely television show about a bear and his children friends


The children loved helping each other as good children should,

But they also loved the bear

The bear loved the children since the children were so good at helping him and the fallen angel

The children and the bear wanted to play forever with the help of their friend Booby

[whispered and glitched] Songs are sung b-best-best when sung by-by chil-children

But the fallen angel needed even more help

so the children HAD to give


Because that's what friends do Elliot

they HELP each other

Help Us Elliot


I want you Elliot


Come b-back to my- to my cellar

pretty please,

with sugar and icing on top!

- Mr.B

INRI [whispered]

[villainous laughing]

For more infomation >> "INRI" | 1999 Caledon Local 21 Poem [Feat. Sociopathic Pasta] - Duration: 2:01.


My Edited Video - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> My Edited Video - Duration: 2:09.


Learn colors with Twister & Candy mmdns Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children Babies toddlers - Duration: 3:38.

learn colors with twister candy mmdns nursery rhymes songs for children babies toddlers

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