Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

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شاهدنا فلم جديد! - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> شاهدنا فلم جديد! - Duration: 2:18.


Mi canal - Duration: 0:18.

A channel full of

Fun, video games and much more

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For more infomation >> Mi canal - Duration: 0:18.



For more infomation >> Q&A MED MAX MARIUS, GEX OG ASTRID OLSEN - HVAD LAVER I TIL DAGLIG? | #AskCokeTV - Duration: 5:26.


Auf dem Bauernhof [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:29.


Come on, we are leaving, the farm is closing

You've played long enough in the mud

Look how muddy you are

Come on!

Okay my friend

When we're at home, you'll take a bath!

Mom! Wait for me!

For more infomation >> Auf dem Bauernhof [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 0:29.


Ovos Surpresas Gigantes do Gru e Mel de Meu Malvado Favorito 3 de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 14:37.

For more infomation >> Ovos Surpresas Gigantes do Gru e Mel de Meu Malvado Favorito 3 de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 14:37.


How To Get YouTube Subscribers with your Channel Art - Duration: 5:30.

- A lot of YouTube creators don't consider

that most viewers on YouTube subscribe to a channel

on the front of that channel page

which means it's very important that the design there

especially that header image is really critical

to get them to quickly be like,

"Oh yeah, I want to subscribe to this channel

"and quickly click that subscribe button."

Today, I have a guest with me, Karen Kavett,

who's going to share with you some of her tips and ideas

of how you should design the header image

for maximum results, that's coming up.

Hey guys, my name is Tim Schmoyer

and welcome to Video Creators.

This channel is all about helping you guys grow

your YouTube audience so you can spread a message

that reaches people and changes their life.

And if you want to reach those people over

and over and over again, you gotta get them to subscribe

and if they're subscribing on the front of your channel,

the header image is the first they're going to see

so you really gotta pull them in quick with that.

If you don't know who Karen is,

she's been an active YouTube creator for almost 10 years now

and has a channel about design and crafting

so she knows design principles very well

as well as this YouTube platform very well

and brings her best knowledge here together for you guys.

And then after she shares hers, I'll come on

and share some of my best tips and ideas

and perspective on this as well.

- Hi Tim, thanks so much for having me on your channel.

When it comes to your YouTube banner, I have seven tips

that hopefully will help you guys out

Number one, try to limit the amount of information

that you're putting on your banner

so that people don't get overwhelmed.

You might want to put your channel name,

a call to action saying subscribe,

your video schedule, and a tagline.

And really that's all that you need.

Maybe even just one or two or three of those things.

This one's pretty basic but if you haven't put a lot

of thought into your branding yet,

something to think about,

make sure that your banner matches the rest

of your branding and make sure that it is representative

of the look and feel that you're going for in your channel.

Consistently is what's going

to make your channel look professional.

Before just jumping into Photoshop, do your research.

Look at what other companies and other YouTube channels

that have similar demographics

are designing for their branding.

Gather a bunch of images

of how they're all promoting their content.

What similar color schemes do you see,

what similar typography?

Maybe you can use some of that stuff in your own branding.

If you are a personality based channel,

if your face is in a lot of videos,

have a Photoshoot to get high quality photos of yourself.

Really think about your background,

your hair, your outfit, your expression,

and whether that matches the type of content

that you're producing.

Alright, this is one of my favorites, the glance test.

When you're designing your banner,

just glance at it for just a second and see what stands out.

Think about what is the most important information

that you're trying to communicate

and see if that jumps out at you

if you just glance at your design for a second or two.

Be really careful of putting text onto busy backgrounds

because it can get really hard to read

and you want to make it as easy as possible

for everyone to understand

what you're trying to communicate.

Always, always, always ask a friend to look at your banner

before you finalize anything.

It is so helpful to get a fresh pair of eyes

on your design and they're going to see things

that you definitely missed from just staring

at the same design for hours on end.

And finally, when in doubt, keep it simple.

It is so much more important to communicate

your information effectivity than it is to try

to show off being flashy

with all kinds of Photoshop effects.

So good luck with your designing and back to you, Tim.

Thank you so much for those tips, Karen.

And a few of other things from my perspective

for the rest of you guys.

That header image really needs to communicate

to your target audience really quickly.

It needs to make that person feel like,

"Oh, I feel like this channel could be for me."

It has to hook them and draw them in.

And two, it also needs to make them feel like,

"Okay yes, this is for me but there's a value here

"that I want to consume."

What is the value proposition of your channel

to your target audience

and how do you visually communicate that?

Now, if you really want to dig into this

and take this topic seriously,

Karen has a full 20 minute video

which I'll link up down below

or a card around here will pop up,

where she goes through all these principles

and much more in detail,

walking you through a channel she's actually designing.

So, if you want to see practically

how well this advice actually works itself out on channel,

I highly recommend you go and watch that video.

She also has an ebook that I'll link down below as well

that will walk you through these principles step-by-step

and teach you how to really design

a really good visually pleasing header image

that converts well for you.

It's only a couple bucks.

I don't get any kickback from it.

I just want to give you guys great resources

to help you guys grow your channel.

And I'd love to hear from you in the comments below

about what principles have you found to be true

and effective in growing your YouTube audience

as far as designing that header image

and converting those viewers into subscribers.

And the rest of you guys read the comments people

are leaving down there.

You will learn a ton from them,

probably even more than you learned in this video

because people here at this community are awesome.

If you're a part of this community,

I loved to have you subscribe.

This channel is all about helping you guys grow

your YouTube audience so you can spread a message

that reaches people and changes their life.

Thank you for letting me and Karen be a small part

of that with you guys here today.

Subscribe and I'll see you guys again next week

for another YouTube training video.

See you then, bye.

For more infomation >> How To Get YouTube Subscribers with your Channel Art - Duration: 5:30.


Bazı Speeditlerim.... - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Bazı Speeditlerim.... - Duration: 1:44.


Интерактивная мышка в домике. Little Live Pets + Mouse House - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Интерактивная мышка в домике. Little Live Pets + Mouse House - Duration: 5:45.


Questions About Trans Stuff with Cody and Ezra - Duration: 11:12.

hey guys, so I have some people here with me today and we're going to talk about

trans stuff, because I'm not qualified to talk about that myself.

Ezra: my name's Ezra, I'm

non-binary and my pronouns are they/them.

Cody: oh, hi I'm Cody

um, I'm a binary trans man and my pronouns are he/him.

so basically the

questions are going to be things about trans topics that are kind of annoying

to hear, but I feel like I can't answer them as a cis person, so these two are

going to try to answer them. one thing that I hear is people ask about trans

stuff is if the goal is to destroy gender stereotypes, what is it that makes

a trans person trans, rather than just a cis person defying those gender roles?

Ezra: gender presentation definitely is part of gender identity, it's not always the

whole situation. you can present one way but your gender is still going to be

whatever is in your head, so gender presentation is a little bit more a

little bit more choice to it, and gender identity is just what you feel

internally. even though the way I present can be read as like a butch lesbian or a

tomboy, the way I feel inside is always going to be non-binary.

Cody: people have said

to me like "why did you have to go through the transition? like we all would

have just accepted you as like a masculine lesbian and you could you

could dress however you wanted to. if we destroyed the notion that like woman

equals like breasts, and we like were very positive about the notion that like men

can have these body parts too and like why do you have to go through surgery?

why do you have to go through hormones? why do you have to change your pronouns

when pronouns no longer mean anything? and like gender is completely

constructed." regardless of how constructed gender potentially is, you

can still feel inside -like you still feel inside yourself that your

gender is very concrete and your gender means something very specific to you, and

if you're feeling like a man in my case and you're feeling that that means

that you would have a better quality of life if you got this surgery or if you

got these hormones or if you refer to as these pronouns,

then do it. however your gender looks like to you and that's how you want to

like physically embody that gender, that part of your gender. and like I

could still feel like a man and I could wear very feminine clothes and that

would be like defying gender stereotypes but that wouldn't be changing anything

about like the internal definition of man to me, and that wouldn't be changing

the status of man to me.

Mel: basically like what you both said is that gender is just a

thing that you feel basically.

Cody: yeah

Mel: -and it's not exactly in correspondence with like

how you dress.

Ezra: no matter how many people at this point understand that gender is socially constructed, like so is money.

and we very much need certain things to

function and also just rely on them a lot as a society. for some people without

physical transition it's very hard for them to be referred to in the way that

they would like in society all the time, and sometimes they need that, and they

want to always be read as the gender that they identify as.

Mel: so a popular topic

that came up recently on the internet was whether it's transphobic or not to

not want to date a trans person because you don't like their genitals.

Ezra: why would you date a trans person?

Mel: Shut up. [laughing]

I mean at the most basic level, if you're saying to

yourself and you're like a cis person and at this point you probably haven't

encountered many trans people, you're probably like "wow never seen one of

those," and it's kind of just like this conception that you have in your head

one: that all trans people are pre- or post-op that you're probably thinking,

two: whether or not they're on hormones, and when you boil it down to all that,

that's like turning a trans person into their transition, and like that's turning

a trans person into what body parts they can like have for you, when in reality like

their body parts they have for them. often times what I hear is not the

social part of being trans. it's not people being like "oh this person is like

socially transgender, therefore there's no way I would date them and their

ideologies." it's basically like "this is what this person has done with their body,

and this is what the trans person's body looks like, so I can never have sex

with them." what I would say to someone who's battling this within them about

whether or not they can date a trans person, and they can heap this burden on

their shoulders, what I would say is listen: if you feel uncomfortable dating

a trans person, if you feel uncomfortable wondering this for yourself, I for one

wouldn't go out into the world and say to everyone ,I would never date a trans

person. what I would do is harbor that feeling inside of you, examine it on your

own time and at your own willing, never say that out loud, and go through the

world not letting trans people know that you won't date them and having them feel

bad about themselves, but keeping that prejudice deep inside you and acting on

it as you wish. you know like, if you're not going to date a trans person, you

don't have to say it like-

Mel: -but we're agreeing it's a prejudice.

Cody: we're agreeing it's a prejudice.

Ezra: it is

Cody: oh yeah like it's a deep-seated discriminatory issue.

Ezra: and the problem is that no two trans people look the same or have the same

body because no two people in the world have the same body. if you're only

attracted to people of a certain gender and you go into every relationship

expecting all their bodies to look the same, you're going to be surprised a lot.

Cody: I got news for you!

Ezra: you're gonna be unhappy a lot.

I understand being uncomfortable dating someone with a certain set of genitals

but the fact is you can't boil all trans people down to a set of genitals, that's

just not going to work out for you. that's just not the case for everyone. I

think everyone has dating preferences, and you can be wary about stuff, but the

fact is, ruling out an entire group of people that is very diverse it's only

going to hurt your dating chances. chances are if you walk around saying

you want to date trans people like, we don't want to date you either

Mel: valid.

Cody: yeah like we're gonna tell you off

and move on. they're being like "no

I don't want to date trans people and you can't FORCE me to date trans people,"

Ezra: yeah

Cody: I hear that a lot, "you can't FORCE me to have sex with you."

no one's asking you to!

Mel: (mockingly) you're sexually assaulting me by telling me that it's

transphobic for me to not want a date trans people.

So another thing that comes up

a lot is what pronouns should I use to refer to a trans person when they were

pre-transition and why?

Cody: I think that the safe thing to do is

to assume that the pronouns they use now, those are the pronouns you should use

to refer to them like in childhood and like when they were born and

things like that. I know some people including myself will use like different

pronouns because they're trying to get a point across, but you should never do

that if you don't know for a fact and you don't have permission from

the person to do that.

Mel: another question is how can a trans person be trans

without experiencing dysphoria.

Ezra: so when I usually hear people ask this question,

they're generally talking about one kind of dysphoria which is gender dysphoria

that focuses on your body. usually people don't talk a lot about social dysphoria,

which involves the dysphoria that comes from people using the wrong pronouns

with you or using the wrong name, or just referring to you as a gender that

you are not. and I think that this question just often overlooks that one component

Cody: and I find it very interesting about like the whole like qualifier for

um for physical dysphoria. gender identity disorder was introduced to the

DSM and for like a lot of years, that's what insurance companies would need to use

and they still need the label of gender dysphoria. it's qualified as like an

illness, so for a lot of insurance companies that's what they need to know

you have in order for you to get on hormones and that's what they need to

have to subsidize hormones, subsidize surgery, and gender dysphoria

specifically refers to like discomfort with one's genitals, with one's

hormones, with the way one's body feels to them, and so a lot of counselors, a lot

of people just in society don't assume you're legitimate unless they can use

that as a reference point.

Mel: the last thing we're gonna talk about is "if such a small

percentage of the population is trans, why should I change my behavior as a cis

to accommodate.

Cody: I'm not asking anyone to like lift me on their shoulders and

carry me to and fro, just cater to my every need and bow down at my feet-

Mel: I would do that for you, Cody.

Cody: thank you I appreciate it ,but I'm not asking you to,

is the point. I don't understand what the big deal is about using a different name

and different pronouns. like nine times out of ten, that's all you'll be asked to

do and it's like as simple as words, and it's so not an inconvenience. even like

slip-ups like I've had people slip up and they'll be like "oh sorry, so sorry"

and they feel so guilty and like that might be a part of why people take such

like a defensive stance on it, is because they don't want

to be made to feel guilty but at that point it's like any slip-up you do, you say sorry

and you move on. and eventually it gets easier.

messing up pronouns is like when

you call the teacher mom. like- [laughing]

Cody: I called my lunch lady sensei once. [laughing]

I apologized and I moved on!

Ezra: I don't think I've ever known a trans person who's

gotten like really mad about someone accidentally misgendering them.

Cody: but I feel like a lot of the pushback about it just comes from being like "we don't want

to feel guilty" or like you don't want to have it on your conscience, you know? they

don't want to slip up and they don't want to be held accountable for not

doing that thing because if it's hard for them or if it's a little difficult

at first, they have to feel guilty about it, whereas if you're pushing back

before it even starts and being like "why should I change my entire worldview for

you?" then like you never have to start feeling guilty in the first place.

Ezra: I've never thought about it that way before. Cody: I just thought about it this way right now.

Mel: I hope you learned something about how to treat trans people from this.

Ezra: I also just want to say that like Cody and I are both on the trans masculine side

of things, and we have one perspective that is not everyone's perspective.

Mel: so if you want to follow these two cool people... Ezra: it's Ezra Rae. that's it. I talk about

being non-binary sometimes, I talk about my life.

Cody: my youtube channel is CallMeCody

I don't do a whole lot of like discourse videos, I don't do a whole lot

of like educational stuff. basically it's like just documenting what I've done.

I started when I was 16, and I was like a small child and I had a bowl haircut so

go check that out, and I just like follow my transition including like hormones

and recent top surgery.

Mel: I'll leave both of their information in

the description. thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time make a video.

Cody: OH, so you're gonna cut this out?

Mel: yeah that's how this works Cody. [laughing]

Ezra: being trans is very serious.

Cody: trans people don't laugh.


Ezra: are you pro-trans Mel?

Mel: I'm very pro-trans, I'm dating one so..

Ezra: you just spit in my eye. [laughing]

Cody: that's transphobic.

Mel: I spit on a trans person, not clickbait.

Ezra: I'd kiss you too but that'd be weird.

Cody: yeah I feel like that's your thing.

Do you do a really cool outro? Do you do like (snaps)

Mel: [laughing] yeah I go (snaps)

Cody: oh my god

For more infomation >> Questions About Trans Stuff with Cody and Ezra - Duration: 11:12.


Hot girl Bella bị an ninh sân bay Nội Bài giữ lại vì mang theo... súng giả - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hot girl Bella bị an ninh sân bay Nội Bài giữ lại vì mang theo... súng giả - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL INTRO TECHNO INFO 4.0 - Duration: 1:13.




Today, we'll show you how we

take the wax from the solar smelter.

In a previous video, we put

the wax in the smelter (link in the description).

Now, we take the selected wax

by melting, which we trade for

artificial combs.

There's nothing particular, except the smelter,

which if isn't built corectly, it

can't melt the wax.

Up there's the waste and here

the pure wax.

So, that's all for today!

Dear friends, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE

and to fill the bell from

the right part of the 'SUBSCRIBE'

button, by clicking on it to

notifications when we post new videos!

Thank you for watching!

If you liked this video and

you want more videos like this

one, don't about 'Like', 'Share' and

'SUBSCRIBE', because this helps me a lot!

I was Siminic Clep, best wishes

and see you next time!




Kindly Like ,comment, Share & Subscribe my Channel TECH FIVER

For more infomation >> NOKIA 10 LEAKED VIDEO RELEASING THIS YEAR - Duration: 2:34.


一起來當YouTuber吧!ユーチューバになろう! - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 一起來當YouTuber吧!ユーチューバになろう! - Duration: 2:40.


Love Galore - SZA ft. Travis Scott (Acoustic Instrumental) - Duration: 4:45.

Love, love, love, love 'long as we got

Done with these niggas I don't love these niggas I dust off these niggas

Why you bother me when you know you don't want me? Why you bother me when you know you got a woman?

Love, love, love, love 'long as we got

Why you bother me? Why you bother me? Why you bother me?

Love, love, love, love 'long as we got

Oh, I came to your city Lookin' for lovin' n licky 'Cause you promised to put it down

For more infomation >> Love Galore - SZA ft. Travis Scott (Acoustic Instrumental) - Duration: 4:45.


XL CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE - Duration: 15:57.

- Why are you sat on Buster?

Let him be, mate.

Let him be.

Hello, everyone.

It's Barry here.

Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen.

I hope you are well.

Today is a very special video,

just 'cause I'm gonna do what I want.

My video today.

In fact, most videos are mine.

I just let you control me.

That sounds wrong.

It's my birthday on Saturday.

I'm uploading this on Thursday,

so I thought I would do my dream cake,

and that might surprise you.

In fact, when it comes to dream cake,

any cake is good, right?

If someone's giving you cake, you take it.

You accept it.

But for me, this might surprise you,

'cause my dream cake is quite simply

just a very basic chocolate fudge cake.

I don't know why.

Hopefully I'm not the only one.

Maybe one of you can let me know down below

who agrees with me, and as it's my birthday on Saturday,

I thought, I'm gonna make

just a very simple chocolate fudge cake.

But we're gonna do it 10 tiers high.

Look, I've already made eight of them over there last night.

It's a very simple recipe,

my favourite chocolate sponge mixture.

All the recipe ingredients are downstairs.


Down below.

On the website.

And before we do this, a massive thank you.

The one pot pasta recipe somehow got trending

and I think still is on YouTube.

I don't know how or what happened with that,

but that's good.

So, thank you.

I've always wanted to be trendy,

and I knew it was getting in trend,

because all sorts of people that don't understand

the whole concept of my channel

were sort of leaving comments here.

Call yourself a chef?

I'm like, I'm not a chef.

I'm a virgin in the kitchen.

Chocolate cake.

If you wanna get me anything for my birthday,

pre-order my new book.

Thanks very much.

Actually got to number one on the preorder charts

on, 'cause it's finally out in the US now.

This is a mixing bowl that I've just washed.

We're gonna go six ounces of sugar.

This is very simple to follow.

You'll see why in a minute.

Six ounces of butter at room temperature.

Look how droopy that is.

Save a little bit for greasing your tins.

We're gonna electric whisk it, cream it together.

(mixer whirs)


Now, I know we could do that by hand,

we'd like to show you that, but as it's my birthday,

I'm being lazy today.

Actually, also 'cause it's my birthday,

do you know what would be cool?

If you all make this chocolate cake recipe.

Don't make it 10 tiers, just like one or two,

and then we'll all feel

like we're making my birthday cake together.

Aw, yeah.

All right, three eggs, which also weigh roughly six ounces.

I think if we all did make my birthday cake,

it would be like,

that guy from Matilda would be well jealous.

Even though I haven't seen that movie,

I'm just trying to be in trend.

Here we go.

(mixer whirs)

See these bits on the sides trying to escape?

Make sure you push them right down,

get them in the bowl, too.

(mixer whirs)

This is another six ounces, or I'm doing 75 grammes, of flour.

One and a half teaspoons of baking powder,

give it some rise,

and let's just fold it all in using a spatula.

Oh, yeah.

I love that term, fold.

It's something I should do a lot more of on wash day.

Just tend to just throw my t-shirts in a drawer

and then whip 'em straight on.

Speaking of t-shirts, I'm actually bringing out

some My Virgin Kitchen-themed food pun t-shirts

very, very soon, which you'll start seeing

me wearing in videos going forward.

The great thing about the spatula,

we can sort of get right under the bottom of the bowl

and lift it all up to make sure there's no flour

just trying to hide there going, hey,

I'm hiding down here.

He hasn't found me yet.

Just scrape it right 'round.

Aw, yeah.

Little disclaimer, flour doesn't actually talk,

but just give me some slack.

You know, it's my birthday. All right.

So, with the cake mixture all done down there,

I've now got the kettle.

You can probably hear it in the background

(kettle boils)

'cause it's boiling up.

'Cause we're gonna put our cocoa powder in there.

Mixing it to make a little pasty thing

can help it be a little bit more moist.

Yep, so, 40 grammes of cocoa powder,

which is so expensive, this stuff.

I don't know why it's so expensive.

And what I'm gonna do is just add

a little bit of boiling water at a time,

and it's gonna thicken up immediately.

Look at that.

It's not even gonna look like it's gone in there.

But we wanna make a relatively thick paste.

A little bit more.

It's normally about five tablespoons or so.

See, that's making it cling a bit more now.

That's good.

It smells so chocolatey.

Just do it in little batches like I'm doing here,

because, there we go.

We want kind of like that pasty texture like that.

We don't want it to be too wet, okay?

We don't want it to affect the consistency of your cake,

because baking is all about science, folks,

which is why I've never

really been that comfortable about it.

I kinda need a Doc Brown sidekick.

Oh, in the gadget video, speaking of Doc Brown,

someone actually did Photoshop, a lot of you did,

the Back to the Future poster...

Here's two of my favourites right there.

I particularly liked the Doc Brown/Amy version with the wig.

There we go, so like a sort of putty kind of texture.


While we're here, might as well just grease our tins.

So just a little bit, just to hold that paper down,

and around the sides.

Two greased tins!

All right.

So, we have got this thick, clumpy paste.

Look at that.

Ooh, I'm gonna try and dollop it in one go.

(Barry laughs)


All I'm gonna do

is whisk this through with me whisk-y thing.

You can do this with a spatula too,

but it does take a lot of elbow grease.

(mixer whirs)

Look at that colour.

Stonkin', and stonkin'

will be one of the t-shirts that I get.

So pushing this down in the bowl.

Loving the marble effect on it, actually.

You just wanna make sure that all of the yellow-y stuff,

that's the technical term,

is blended in with the chocolate-y goodness.

One more time. (mixer whirs)


It's done.

Right, folks.

So I've now put the cake mixture into the tins.

You can actually be really over the top and weigh the tins.

Mrs. Barry likes to do that,

but you can do it by eye like that.

Okay, it's going in the oven for 20 minutes to bake,

and I'm just gonna chill while they bake.

It's been 20 minutes.

Our cakes are cooked through.

I know this because we've done eight already,

but if you wanna make sure, put a toothpick through it,

and make sure it comes out clean.

We're gonna get it on our wire rack now to cool down.

Huh! (tin clatters)

There's pretty butch cakes.

They're holding themselves together,

but we have to let them cool down for now.

Homer is just keeping his eye on those cakes,

as you can see.

Excuse me.

So they take a little while to cool down,

but the good thing is about making all the other ones,

which are over there, the good thing about that

is we can now make our very simple buttercream filling.

I'm gonna be super lazy for this step.

We're going to use a good ol' stand mixer.

We've got a kilo of chocolate,

a kilo of butter at room temperature,

and a kilo of icing sugar,

also known as confectioner's sugar.

The first thing we're gonna do is melt the chocolate

up in the microwave.


So that's going in.


A lot of love for the microwave gadgets

on the last gadget video.

Thanks for that.

I think you've helped them achieve their target,

especially the Toasty.

30-second blasts, stirring it in between.

Oh, my God!

I think I've left tin foil in there!

Ah, yes, look.

That little piece of tin foil.

Ah, wow.

Don't do that.

That's also why you take your lids off Nutella.

You know why I tell you guys about that?

It does that as well.

Make sure you get...

If you're ever gonna warm Nutella,

make it super spreadable.

So, 30 seconds out.

Just mix it about a little bit.

And I'll keep doing that.

because it's such a large amount of chocolate,

it might take several minutes

until that nice, smoothy chocolate.

Let's just show you the best thing ever.

Aw, yeah.


Any Moana fans out there.

Nice, melted chocolate.

We're just gonna let it cool down while we work

on creaming together the icing sugar and butter.

I'm literally gonna push in blocks of the butter.

Come on, now.

Don't be shy.

I'm going to start to open the icing sugar bag,

but first, though, we will beat the butter

to get it nice and softened.

(mixer whirs)

That'll do.

And now I'm going to gradually add in the icing sugar,

trying not to create a huge vortex of snowy icing sugar.

I don't even know if that makes sense.

So, maybe like a quarter at a time, 250 grammes.

This could go everywhere.

Hopefully it won't.

(mixer whirs)

Nearly there, now.

Remember to scrape the sides as well.


All right, last little batch.

We got a little bit of icing sugar,

and I think there's a cover I could have gotten as well.

(mixer whirs)

So, I'm actually stood over by the living room right now.

I'm just letting that whiz away and really cream it up.

I just gave that a heck of a blast

to get it nice and smooth.

Now, we chuck in the chocolate.

I don't wanna say this is optional,

but if you just wanted a standard buttercream...

Oh, my gosh.

All the chocolate.

Down this goes, boom.

Nice, low setting.

(mixer whirs)


Just a little scrapey-scrapey of the bowl.

Do this a couple of times.

It is already looking absolutely gorgeous.

I'm loving that chocolate shine.

Can you see?

You bring it up right from the bottom,

and you're getting this marble-y effect,

which is pretty cool, but no.

We want it all whipped through.

Austin is lurking in the background.

(mixer whirs)

I could do that all day.

Unfortunately, well, actually fortunately,

it's going on my cake.

As I stand here observing that amazing buttercream,

I actually mixed it through four times, okay,

'cause there was still butter hiding at the bottom.

Make sure you do that.

It's so smooth and spreadable now.

It wouldn't be a Barry birthday cake

without a little surprise.

Now, here's a little thing you didn't know about me.

When it comes to chocolate cake, I like a little bit of jam

in between the layers of the sponge.

It just gives it a little bit of mm.

I'm going for strawberry jam.

So this is some strawberry jam,

and I've got about one and a half tablespoons of water.

Oh my gosh, I nearly missed.

I'm gonna bang that in the microwave

for about 30 sections...

30 seconds, just to loosen up,

and I'll spread every layer with a pastry brush.

What did you just say?

- It's amazing.

- [Barry] That's amazing.

- The kids aren't here,

so someone's gotta lick the spoon.

- [Barry] You should be making my birthday cake for me.

It is your day off work, though.

- I am.

But the girls really wanna make you one.

- [Barry] Yeah, this is my on-screen birthday cake,

but the kids are making me a pub one, I hope.

I say that.

It will just be like a sponge, but hey, it's all good.

30 seconds in there, just to warm the fruit,

and then we'll build this thing.

We've just been having a whirl of a time

behind the scenes on the Snapchat and the Instagram story,

but anyhow, I'm gonna use this cake stand.

We're just gonna build it and see how it goes, all right?

We'll set this sponge on there, and hopefully,

that will grip it.

After a bit of the glue,

all the cakes have been levelled off.

I haven't got a cake levelling gadget yet.

I think I'm being sent one, which is cool,

but I just did it with a knife.

So, there's me jam on me pastry brush,

and we're not gonna soak it in this.

It's literally just a small layer.

All right, that'll do.

And now, buttercream.

In that goes.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm not gonna go too thick with it,

'cause I think the weight

is probably going to try and squish a lot of it out.

So the less of it there is,

if it's just quite a finished layer,

hopefully it won't droop and spill out.

But we could always go for that look, I suppose.

Now I can just spread it around the sides and go,

oh, yeah, I meant to do that.

Down goes tier number two.

(Barry laughs)

I'm just gonna repeat these layers.

And the buttercream.

And that's it.

I'm going to keep going like this and see how we get on.

♫ Woo, we're halfway there!

Asterisk, might actually stop in a minute

just in case it gets too heavy.

Oh, my God.

(Barry laughs)

Oh, my gosh.

One more to go.

It's the last layer.

And this one, I'm not rounding off the top,

'cause I wanna kind of get that dome-y look like that.

Oh, my gosh.

Are you all right?

Are you okay?

It looks stable.

It doesn't look like you wanna like shove it

on some sort of Turkish kebab-cooker thing, but wow.

So a little bit of jam on top to finish.

I'm being really gently 'cause it's so wobbly,

and some more of that buttercream.

I'm gonna pile this up a little bit, actually.

Do you know what?

This looks so good now, I'm half-tempted to just coat...

I've got so much buttercream left.

I am tempted to just decorate the whole of it with it.

Ah, dunno, dunno.

Sort of just lifting it up like that,

giving it some meringue-y spikes.

You know what?

I am actually gonna leave it like that.

I was gonna coat it, but then it wouldn't give you

the effect of all the different layers.

I'm gonna just finish it

with some sprinkles and a birthday candle.

Some people say why?

I say why not?

I am pleasantly surprised that this hasn't broken.

The buttercream will firm up a little bit as well,

as the chocolate sets a little bit there.

But let's get the sprinkles on.

We're going all out.

(Barry laughs)

Oh, man.

Yes. (Barry laughs)

Wee! (Barry laughs)

All right.

We've gotta tidy up a bottom,

'cause it's a bit messy down there.

♫ Happy birthday to me!

Just one candle, 'cause I'm like 56 this year.


You know what?

I ain't gonna put it on a cake stand.

That will 100% fall over.

Let's try and take some sort of slice out of it.

A cake this big needs a chopping board for a plate.

To be fair, that cut through really, really well.

Always keep your knife sharp, folks.

You know, if this works,

it's gonna inspire some sort of, oh my gosh,

it's Barry and the 10-layer cake challenge.

Don't do that, all right?

You're better than that.

For safety, I'm going to use a spatula to lift it.

Oh my gosh.

Come on.

(Barry laughs)






Ah, wow!

Look at that!

All right, it's kind of gone a bit uneven,

but in case you're wondering,

I'm going to share this with at least one other person.

All right, just taking a little wedge in the end.

Oh, my word.

That was absolutely stonkin'.

Such simplicity.

I know you're probably thinking, Barry,

your favourite cake should be something bonkers.

Banoffee pie is quite close to that,

but I just love a classic cake.

Super easy buttercream,

the jam running through it as well.

So I've got two birthday wishes.

Well, apart from preordering the book, if you want.

One is that you try this cake.

You don't have to go as high as that.

Maybe two stories high and tag it,

maybe like, #barrysbirthdaycake if you want.

It's up to you.

I love to see all your attempts.

You send me loads on Twitter on Instagram.

It's really cool to see.

My second birthday wish is fingers crossed

that I don't have actually have to work

on my actual birthday doing

some of the kitchen renovations for the new studio,

which I'm so, so excited about.

Livestreams, cookalongs.

You're gonna love it.

So, cheers, guys.

Happy birthday to me, and you, whenever your birthday is.

There's a one in 365 chance of hitting that,

unless you're the Queen.

- Oi, someone say the Queen?

Happy birthday, Barry.

I'm allowed to have two birthdays.

I wear cool hats.

For more infomation >> XL CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE - Duration: 15:57.


How to Convert iOS to Android and Vice Versa - Duration: 4:53.

Hi there!

It seems like a time for our new video.

We have already touched upon a variety cases related to popular applications development

on our channel.

So, it is high time to tell you about how to convert your iOS app to Android, as well

as about the difficulties you can be faced with when converting.

Before we start, it is worth mentioning that in this video you will not find any information

about online converting services for mobile apps.

They are far from delivering the high-quality products to their customers, so this video

is focused on converting apps by coders.

Nowadays, the majority of mobile solutions are oriented for Android and iOS.

However, it is not always affordable or even reasonable for entrepreneurs to adopt their

projects for both systems at once, so they do not start thinking about the transfer to

iOS or Android platform until later.

Customers are willing to choose the platform they are comfortable with, while you have

no choice but give them an opportunity to use your app wherever it is convenient for


Nowadays, Android is officially recognized as the world's most popular mobile OS.

For comparison, there are about 1.6 billion Android devices and 395 million iOS devices


Apple's users tend to spend more money per app, so App Store earns at least twice as

much than Google Play.

However, Android takes the leading position when it comes to a number of downloads.

So, having chosen the right approach you may use the platform's drawback in your favor.

Otherwise, over 1 billion active users of this platform will be deprived of your product,

the same as you will be deprived of an opportunity to increase your app's audience.

It is worth mentioning that the majority of companies use freemium strategies or in-app


It is not a secret that Android is more flexible than iOS.

This way, you can add some features aimed at customization to provide your users with

the possibility to adjust your app according to their preferences.

Let's consider the main challenges and stages you and your development team have to get

through when porting an app for Android.

Fragmentation is a phenomenon when some mobile users are running older OS versions.

Developers have to deal with lots of app's versions on Android to make sure the app works

correctly regardless of the installed OS version.

By the way, subscribe to our channel in order not to miss our next video!

One more difficulty is that the latest Android SDK version supports about 20 resolutions.

That is not enough, taking into account the huge number of Android-based devices.

It may appear that if platforms use different programming languages, coders need to just

'translate' one into another.

However, that's not correct.

A switch to Android demands a separate development process.

What's more, developers have to take into account the performance of a Java coding language

that is lower in comparison with Objective-C.

This way, an app has to be optimized in order for users to interact with it conveniently.

Besides, the adjustment of interaction with a server will also take some time.

That's because the majority of Android-based solutions use XML technology for data sharing

while iOS prefers using JSON.

These two operating systems use different design languages - flat and material.

Both of them has patterns everyone should follow.

This way, you need to adapt your app's design depending on the operating system.

You cannot simply take a flat design from your iOS app and put it into Google's environment.

Just because users will be deprived of basic functions and the app will not fit into the

general platform's style.

Google understands the importance of good-looking apps, as well as the influence of changes

in algorithms on system's UI.

That is why they have created the compatibility library that allows you to run the latest

UI elements on both new and old devices.

Probably the biggest advantage of app converting from iOS to Android is that redesign takes

50-80% less time in comparison with designing an app from scratch.

QA and testing play an important role in porting.

In order to migrate from iOS to Android without critical bugs and issues, your testers have

to think through the strategy of testing including UX testing, code testing etc.

The variety of Android devices, screen resolutions, and OS versions may lead to longer testing

if compared to iOS.

So, convert your apps wisely!

Do not forget to subscribe to our channel to stay tuned.

See you next time!

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