Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

"Happy Apocalypse Day!" Diana greeted me cheerfully from behind the front desk.

What now? I had been working at the Good Shade for several weeks at this point, and

had just started to become accustomed to all the things that go on. I could finally check-in

guests, and I was learning more about the types of people that stayed in the hotel.

Not all of them were bad, but most were terrifying.

I was already starting to lose track of how many times a guest had smelled me. On the

bright side, apparently my scent is delicious. Perhaps not the best compliment, considering

it's probably something that would make me more likely to end up a victim. Diana didn't

seem too impressed when she saw such a thing occur to me for the first time.

A tall, pale woman had entered the hotel a few days after I started the job. She looked

like death-- literally. She was beautiful in a dark way, and I found myself compelled

to walk up to her as soon as our eyes met. Long black hair cascaded down her back, matching

in color with her eyes. If the grim reaper was personified as a gorgeous woman, then

that's what I was staring at.

She was as tall as me, a surprising attribute considering that I'm 6'1". She leaned

close to me as I came to a halt in front of her. Her lips hovered mere centimetres away

from my neck, and her breath felt cold on my skin. I trembled due to the fear of what

she may be, but also because I was suddenly awash with a deep lust for her. She laughed,

a deep and alluring sound as she backed away.

"You smell delicious, young man," She purred as she walked around me.

I didn't trust my legs to walk, so I simply stared as she took long graceful steps towards

Alice. "Marise, he's new. Don't play with the staff,"

Alice chastised her. "Shame, it gets lonely at the hotel."

"No it doesn't," Alice laughed, "You bring in more unregistered guests than anyone

else. You keep turning people and there will be none left to feed on."

Abruptly I felt the rush of desire leave my body, leaving only the traces of fear. I walked

hesitantly up to the women, and Marise glanced at me with a pout.

"What if I get hungry?" The pout transformed into a smile, revealing her sharp elongated

canines. Alice sighed, "You know Smith provides for

the guests, and I've already asked you once not to mess with our new staff member. Get

out of his head." Marise shrugged and broke her gaze with me.

I stood there confused until she left with her room key.

"Don't let the guests play with your head," Alice scolded me once Marise was out of sight.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, still confused about the encounter.

"The desire, her teeth? She does it to everyone. It's not real, you have to steel yourself

mentally so that it's not so easy for Shades to get in your head."

I nodded, "What about her teeth?" "You think mine are scary? Hers are just

plain hideous, but almost equally as dangerous." I took what she had told me into account,

and have worked on locking down my brain since then. By the time "Apocalypse Day" arrived

I had a minor grasp on how to protect my mind, but at the same time I was plagued with nightmares

of jagged teeth. I came into work that evening exhausted, the nightmares had made sleep nearly

impossible. "Apocalypse Day?" I questioned with a


"It's a sort of holiday at the hotel. I mean, if holidays meant a ton of extra work,"

She was vigorously typing things into the computer as she spoke, "That's the downfall

of being in the hotel business though. It makes for an interesting night at least."

I watched as she pushed chestnut colored hair away from her tanned face. She was pretty

this way, short and curvy with dark green eyes. She noticed me staring.

"What?" "I'm just not used to Diana yet, what was

wrong with Alice?" "Nothing, I just needed to change bodies

so I could move on undetected," She shrugged at me as though it was the most obvious thing

in the world. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to Alphaea

switching names and bodies, it was definitely confusing the first time she came in as Diana.

I nodded in understanding at her explanation, but wished she would let me call her by a

single name. She requested that I call her by the name of the body so that she wouldn't

slip up around other humans. I doubt she ever slips up though, I'm pretty sure she just

gets a laugh out of my confusion. "So what exactly is this so-called holiday?"

I got back on task, not wanting to be blindsided tonight.

"Years ago-- back in the time of Al Capone-- there was a group of men who thought themselves

Demon Hunters," She glanced up from the screen to make sure I was paying attention,

"Their leader led them to believe the apocalypse was imminent. He brought them here on the

claim that this hotel was run by demons." I listened intently, her tone made it obvious

that their visit to the Good Shade didn't end well.

"I'll tell you the rest later," She cut the story short as two young men entered the

hotel. "Hi, welcome to the Good Shade hotel,"

She smiled sweetly at the new guests.

"Damn, this place is pretty remote," The taller of the pair spoke, "Stumbled on it

by luck." "Mhmm, we don't advertise much," The edges

of her smile tightened as though she knew what would come next.

"So is the place where that massacre happened? Do you know where they died?" He asked casually

as they walked up to the desk.

I took in their appearances, they seemed almost normal. The taller guy sported short blonde

hair, he had an arrogant air about him. The shorter one had dark hair, and he practically

dragged the bags he was weighted down with. He didn't seem to be as thrilled about being

here as his friend was.

"Do you need a room for the night?" Diana ignored his question.

"Can you tell me what happened that night? It's the anniversary you know, those men came

into this forest," The blonde ignored her in return.

She rolled her eyes, "Do I look old enough to remember that?"

"Fine, whatever, we'll take a room. Can we film here, and in the area?" He sighed

and gestured to the bags. "The other guests probably won't want to

be on camera, but do what you want without bothering anyone. Names for the room, please,"

She was typing the booking into the computer as she spoke.

"I'm Eric, my friend here is Tim. I'm actually doing research on a mass killing that hasn't

been publicized," He leaned in like he was expecting this would get her to talk.

"I take it that means you didn't come here because you found some sort of advertisement

or invitation?"

Eric simply shrugged, apparently annoyed by the lack of information Diana offered. She

held out a key card silently, and gripped his hand when he reached for it.

"Only use the third elevator, don't leave your room after 11pm, and enjoy your stay

in room 217," She smiled, her eyes seemed to turn into deep black pools as she stared

into him. He yanked his hand away and began walking,

"Crazy. C'mon Tim, let's go set up in the room."

She frowned, "Not long enough," She muttered under her breath, "Tyler, will

you make sure those two make it to their room okay? Third elevator only. The other staff

aren't here yet." I nodded and quickly jogged to catch up with

the men near the elevators. They were trying to enter the wrong one. Eric seemed frustrated,

while Tim seemed slightly scared. "Swiping your key card will only work on

the correct elevator," I told them. We moved to the third elevator, and I took

a few of the heavy bags from Tim. As soon as we entered the elevator Eric began speaking


"So, do you know about the massacre?" He asked me.

"I'm pretty new here, you're the first person to mention it," I replied.

He told the story as we made our way to the room. Apparently this occurred almost a hundred

years ago, most of the story was small town rumor. A group of men had followed a preacher

out into the woods, they believed he was leading them to stop the apocalypse. As the tale goes,

the men never came back and their families believed something in the woods had killed

the entire group. No one knew where exactly the men had gone, and there has been conspiracy

theories about it being a cult that committed a group suicide.

Variations of the story included the men finding a haunted building and being tortured by malevolent

forces, or the preacher turning on them and slaughtering the group. The only solid fact

that Eric had was that this forest was the one where the men had disappeared.

I nodded and made understanding noises at the right moments, this information seemed

to coincide with what Diana had been telling me before. I helped them bring the bags into

the room, and was about to leave when a question popped into my head.

"Why are you filming at the hotel?"

"This is the only place around for miles, no one has ever heard of it, and everyone

who has come looking for answers has gone missing. When we stumbled upon this place

I figured someone here must know what's going on."

"Maybe," I muttered halfheartedly. Oh the people here know what's going on, I

thought. Why else would they celebrate a holiday called Apocalypse Day?

When I returned to the lobby Diana gave me a curious look, "Learn anything interesting

from your fellow humans?" "I suppose," I shrugged, knowing she didn't

plan on enlightening me any further. I didn't have much time to dwell on the fact

that she was leaving me clueless yet again. Guests seemed to pour into the hotel in an

endless stream. Human and Shade alike came to stay. It wasn't uncommon to have human

guests, people like to roam the forest and are always relieved to find that there's somewhere

to rest. None of them remember the hotel once they leave, we have staff that make sure of

that. The influx in guests was apparently due to

the holiday. Half the human guests were out ghost hunting for the missing men, and I wasn't

sure what about this day appealed to the Shades. By the time we had gotten the flood of guests

into their rooms it was almost 11pm. I was entirely exhausted at this point, and couldn't

keep my eyes from closing as I took a seat behind the desk.

I awoke a short time later to the sound of a disagreement.

"You need to go back to your room," Diana said sternly.

I was still half asleep and hardly heard the response from a familiar male voice. I stood,

trying to collect myself, and saw a group of people enter the hotel. Diana noticed that

I was awake.

"Take care of the guests," She barked at me as she took Eric's arm and led him away

quickly. The group was made up of about ten men, and

they seemed angry. It only took a moment of them crying out for redemption upon demons

before I recognized who they must be. I couldn't pinpoint which of them might be the so-called

preacher. As they got closer I faced a horrifying realization. They were all obviously Shades,

and they were mutilated beyond belief.

Suit sleeves dangled limply, lacking arms to fill them. It was a near sea of red, blood

splatter could be found in abundance on each one of them. Eyeless sockets, mouths sewn

shut, limbs snapped and mangled, and missing chunks of flesh. These men had been brutally

torn apart. I was used to seeing awful things, but hadn't yet witnessed anything of this

magnitude. I stood staring, absolutely shocked by the scene in front of me. The gruesome

visual was paired with a soundtrack of enraged shouts.

"Demons come forth!" "We shall end the bringers of the apocalypse!"

"The night of your reckoning has come!" My stupefied state was interrupted by the

sound of elevator doors opening. A tall man in a pristine black suit came over and stood

in front of the gruesome mob. "My followers, welcome to the reckoning!"

He gave an eerie smile to the group, who responded by dropping to their knees.

They sang out praises and gratitude, the man who stood before them was their preacher.

By this point a throng of guests had heard the commotion and crowded around the edges

of the lobby. The humans were easy to distinguish, they bore panicked expressions and some even

screamed at the sight. Other guests held on to them and kept them from running away.

"Friends," The man gestured towards the edges of the room, "Let history repeat itself,

Apocalypse Day has arrived!"

He laughed like a madman, and the room was suddenly chaotic. Shades descended upon the

human guests, tearing them apart or dragging them away. The preacher ran through the room,

laughing as his razor sharp nails cut through his flock of mutilated followers. The men

dissipated when he made the violent contact, but the blood and screams were not lost. The

guests kept the sound alive as they tore each other apart.

I was backed against the wall behind the front desk, shivering with fear. The guests had

gone crazy, this place wasn't safe. I don't know how I could have thought I would get

used to being around such murderous creatures. Suddenly Diana was besides me, blood dripped

from her shark-like teeth and ran down her chin. She looked at me with curiosity, but

her eyes were inky black pools. I shrunk away from her.

She rolled her eyes at me, "I had to take care of Eric, he was getting too aggressive

while asking about the hotel. I see the festivities have started."

I stared at her speechless, and she seemed to suddenly realize the depth of my fear.

"This is what the holiday is for, a cheat day of you will. The guests go wild to celebrate

the massacre. Not a great day for your kind, but you're safe. You're with me, I'll protect

you," She said reassuringly as the darkness faded from her eyes, but the fresh blood dripping

from her chin didn't make me feel any better.

She hooked her arm through mine as we watched the brutal chaos surround us. I couldn't help

but feel afraid that she'd suddenly turn on me, I wasn't sure if she was safe to be near.

As if the universe had set out to prove me wrong, someone clutched at my free arm and

tried to pull me into the disaster.

Diana bared her teeth at the woman holding my arm, "This one is mine," She growled

in an inhuman voice. The stranger backed away, returning to the

grotesque show. We sat there and watched until the violence died down and the guests had

returned to their rooms. The lobby was awash with blood and bits of flesh, and I felt sick

to my stomach. Diana patted me on the back as she stood.

"Congratulations, you've made it through your first hotel holiday," She smiled, "Your

shift is being extended. We need to check in the morning to see how many guests we lost."

I hesitated before speaking, unsure if my voice would work, "Won't people come looking

for them?"

"We have people to take care of that, and people to clean all of this up. Everything

is fine, it's just another day at the hotel. You should get some sleep before we check

the rooms in a few hours."

I laid down on the soft couch in the office, but I couldn't sleep. I'd never get the scene

I witnessed out of my head, and I feared for my life more now than I ever had before. Just

another day? How was this considered a holiday? I was so exhausted that I couldn't keep my eyes

open, and I fell asleep to fearful thoughts.

How was I supposed to stay sane when I still had nearly two months left on my contract?

How was I supposed to get used to their idea of holidays? I didn't understand how they

could be so nonchalant about massacring guests. I felt a deep sadness for the human guests

who had thought this hotel was a safe haven amidst a dangerous forest.

This place might end up being the death of me, and every time something crazy like this

happens I flash back to the words I was told on my first day.

You'll see much worse, trust me.

Those words still remain true. Apocalypse Day may have been violent and gruesome, but

it wasn't the most terrifying night of the job.

For more infomation >> "Our Hotel Celebrates the Strangest Holidays" [The Good Shade Hotel Pt. 3] Creepypasta - Duration: 18:48.


CE QUE DISENT LES JEUNES 2 ?! - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> CE QUE DISENT LES JEUNES 2 ?! - Duration: 3:27.


From Contortionists to Hoop Divers, Discover Artists Behind the Scenes | LUZIAself, Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 20:12.


Welcome to the world of Luzia,

Cirque du Soleil's magnificent big top show inspired by the culture of Mexico.

The name Luzia combines the words "luz" and "julia" in Spanish,

which means light and rain, central elements to the show's creation.

Luzia's cast is made up of 44 artists from 15 different countries.

We take you behind the scenes to discover some of them

in a series of intimate portraits.

First, meet two of our Mexican stars,

Majo and Diana.

Music started in my life because I come from a family of musicians.

My dad is a guitarist. My mom is an opera singer. It was my destiny!

It was my destiny!

Pole dance is something that I love.

I feel like I'm breathing when I do my things.

And for me, it's a part of my heart saying something

with each movement, with each arm,

with each leg, with each movement of the hips.

This is a whole complete show of Cirque inspired in my country.

And I feel so blessed.

It is a way to show off the beauty of Mexico, our culture, our music,

who we are, our love of singing, partying and laughing out loud.

And it's like, very mysterious and very mystical.

It's something that makes you bind in the moment that you are there.

When I transport myself to the mood of the stage,

I just fly.

I feel like it is our responsibility as artists

to give something to every person who comes to see the show.

Whatever it is.

Fervour to fight for your life

or someone saying wow! What a nice body, I want to be like that!

That is what going on stage means for me.

To go out and always give everything you have. Always.


Marta, Devin, Maya & Dom

Now here's Marta, Devin, Maya and Dom,

hoop divers who are long-time friends,

in real life and on stage.

My name is Marta and I'm from San Francisco.

I'm Devin and yeah, I'm Marta's older brother.

We were always performing.

Like ever since we were little, we'd do like,

little festivals in the city or

they'd always put a big show on for us at the end,

we'd invite all our family and friends.

I kind of feel like that,

the career thing kind of just happened,

you know, it wasn't really like ever a plan,

it was just a fun after-school activity.

There's four of us from San Francisco.

We grew up together,

we've been very close ever since we were little,

and now we're all on tour together

and it's kind of like we have our own little family on stage.

Oh my God!

It's a trip. It's—being all four of us together,

for me it's like,

it's the dream.

It's like being able to do what we wanted to do as kids

again as adults

and then be paid for it on top of that

which is awesome.

There's seven of us on stage,

we have wings, we have beaks.

Like, doing hoop diving and trying to get through the hoops

doing acro on the floor is,

<i>a challenge,</i>

a challenge, exactly,

but then adding the movement of the treadmills

and the movement of the stage,

which once you jump if the stage is moving,

you know, you're not gonna land in the same spot

so you have to adjust.

We're like a head above the audience

and the audience is right around the ring of the stage so it's like,

end of the treadmill, first audience member right there,

so it's like, if you're falling off stage sometimes you're like

on your tippy toes.


If you hit a trick, the audience kind of is more with you,

and then when you make it,

it's like the most exciting thing

and that's why I think people like watching hoop diving.

<i>They want you to succeed.</i>

Because they want you to succeed, yeah.

It's like a career

but it's also just our lives

that we get to spend together.

Ah! Ah!


Get ready for Aleksei,

the world's most flexible human being.

Makeup is kind of relaxing before the show.

You run through all the details.

All things that I found before the show,

that I want to add to the act.

And I go through mentally.

And it helps me a lot.

I started when I was four years old.

When I was four, I asked my mom to take me to a circus show.

Just to watch it.

I watched the show and loved it so much.

Since that moment, it was my dream to become a circus performer.

It didn't matter for me what kind of discipline I would do.

And then I asked her to take me to a circus studio.

When I came there, my coach said:

"OK. You are going to be a contortionist."

I was like: "OK."

Since that moment, I never stopped with this discipline.

And when I was eight years old,

I found out about Cirque du Soleil for the first time.

And since that moment, it became my dream to be part of this circus.

And now, I'm here.

So, my dream became true.

It's a big honor for me to be the most flexible human.

Some came from my birth, some came from training.

But it's, of course, a lot of training.

It usually takes me five or six hours a day to keep myself in good shape.

It's very important.

Pain? No.

It's kind of yoga.

So, if you do everything properly,

and you warm up properly before stretching,

everything is good.

People's reactions make me feel like…

I don't know how to explain that.

It's an indescribable feeling.

Sometimes, they're scared.

Sometimes, they're impressed.

And sometimes, they have no words to say.

To see people think they just saw a miracle,

that's the biggest motivation I can get.

Kelly & Grzegorz

Kelly and Grzegorz were both performers in Las Vegas

before beginning their journey with Cirque du Soleil.

Do you love me?

<i>I do.</i>

I love you too.

It's a very special relationship.

Well, I met you eight years—nine years ago.

Yes, but we didn't talk for seven years.

He's big and scary.

Or maybe I was scary,

I don't know why.

I was just observing.

And planning, creating a visual in my head,

what am I going to do with that nice little lady.

We had a nice backing team

and we often asked Kelly to join us.

And then we thought, why don't we create something together?

Through our act that we created actually,

we performed at some cabarets

and some different events and for charities,

and then we were asked to do

a specialty acts audition for Cirque du Soleil,

and not for anything specific,


I think we wanted to challenge ourselves a little bit

and maybe get like a Cirque professional feedback.

So we got the offer and I think

it was pretty quickly after the audition.

We both were a little bit surprised,

<i>what now,</i>

OK, this wasn't in the plan.

I think that trust came right away with his background and,

<i>thank you,</i>

you're welcome. Thank you.

It definitely happens where

you can feel that something is a little bit wrong

and you trust your partners to make a quick decision to

catch or, for me, to make a quick decision on

how I'm gonna land if it's gonna be different.

Working with Kelly, you find out that even if you make a mistake,

I will do something wrong, she will catch me,

like she will not fall on the floor,

she will save herself,

so I have that confidence in her as well.

We complement each other a lot.



Abou brings an unusual mix of sports

and artistic performance to center stage.

I come from Guinea, that's my origin.

We really love soccer in my family.

My mom, my dad, we love watching soccer.

I have three brothers who also play,

we were all into soccer since we were very little.

My goal was to be a professional player

but I was seriously injured during a match

when I played for the Paris St-Germain team.

My older brother Iya Traoré is recognized internationally

for his "freestyle soccer" performance

so we started to perform together, we did street shows.

The enthusiasm it triggered in people,

the fact that he could get such reactions from a single soccer ball,

really motivated me.

I thought: "Ok. I'm not playing soccer anymore,

but I can follow my brother's footsteps,

and actually be better than him!"

I play with people, I move toward them, I smile.

I'm not always focused on my ball.

People love it, it makes them happy.

I keep amazing memories of the people I interact with.

Rachel Salzman

Angelica and Rachel were meant to be partners on the Cyr wheels.

They are simply so alike.

I'm Angelica Bongiovonni, I'm from Los Angeles, California, and I'm 26 years old.

I'm Rachel Salzman, I'm from New York City, and I'm 27 years old.

So, actually, when I showed up for the audition at the school,

having never seen a Cyr wheel,

immediately people were already like,

you're so much like Angie,

so much to the point that it became actually a joke

that if I like had ten cents for every time someone said I was just like Angie,

and then starting to work together

and making people realize how different we are.

And that was so satisfying when we started the contract

as people started to get to know each other,

they realized that our styles are super complementary

because they're in the same family,

but that our approaches are actually super different.

Like she's the more,

like she'll use her muscles more in like,

the tempo and more explosiveness,

and I'm more like, I'll just like sink into it and use like my weight

and try to use the least muscles as possible.

So I'm kind of more

the slow, and you're more the,

<i>California, New York,</i>

yeah, <i>true.</i>

For me there's always this thing of like,

trying to figure out the ways that I was different from her

and then when we met,

it was not only like, ok,

we have a lot of similarities on stage,

but in life, we have a lot of very similar,

we're kind of the same person, kind of tendencies,

we're like two sides of the same coin,



Oksana is a fearless performer on the Russian swings

who pushes limits and defies gravity at every show.

It's impressive to be as high

as birds can fly.

I'm not afraid of heights, I love heights.

The swing, it's that act where it's like,

a thin line between danger and excitement.

You need to be really precise,

because otherwise you can be short

or long, and you can slightly get injured or really injured.

So, when I'm in the swing, like nothing else exists,

it's just, I see another swing and like,

I think that time is stopped for me.

Like, I don't hear the music, I don't hear the audience,

I just see another swing and like, time stops.

Like, my—I don't know, my palms are sweating right now

just to think about the feeling that I'm going into every show.

Are you ready to walk outside here?


Look at this, it's not scary?


Yeah! No, it was great, it was great.

I did edge walk,

how I do exactly in this show,

like, you know, on the edge of the stage.

It was great.

Life on tour for the show's cast and crew is a unique experience.

Living, training and performing ten shows a week together

inevitably creates some very special bonds.

Yeah, it's very nice, you know,

it's very good company, you know, very cool group, you know,

artists, you know, everything is very nice, perfect.

Everyone here is like, inspiring for different reasons,

for everything they do and they always give themselves like 100%.

So much fun.

This has like, been amazing for me so far,

I'm really like on cloud nine,

over the moon, I don't really know how to explain it because it's like,

it's so much what I want to do,

the whole tour life, the cast is amazing,

like, we have 44 artists who are like,

the most interesting people I've ever met in my life.

Everybody who works like, on the tour as like,

a rigger, a technician, the people who work behind the scenes,

the coaches,

people on tour services and stuff like that,

like, everybody is amazing.

It's my first big gig, it's my first big top show,

first touring, first anything,

and it's just, they made it really easy to love.


Executive Producers: Francis Jalbert & Magdalena Pienkowska Producers: Alexandre Emond & Laurence Trépanier

Direction and Line Production: AceMedia Show Footage Producers: Sébastien Ouimet & Québécom Télévision Inc. Show Footage Director Adrian Wills


Show Creators

Guy Laliberté – Guide Jean-François Bouchard – Creative Guide

Daniele Finzi Pasca – Co-writer and Director Brigitte Poupart – Associate Director

Patricia Ruel – Director of Creation Julie Caballero – Set and Props Designer

Giovanna Buzzi – Costume Designer Simon Carpentier – Composer and Musical Director

Edesia Moreno Barata – Acrobatic Choreographer Debra Brown – Acrobatic Choreographer

Sylvia Gertrúdix González – Acrobatic Choreographer Max Humphries – Puppet Designer

Martin Labrecque – Lighting Designer Johnny Ranger – Projection Designer

Jacques Boucher – Sound Designer Philippe Aubertin – Acrobatic Performance Designer

Danny Zen – Acrobatic Equipment and Rigging Designer Maryse Gosselin – Makeup Designer

For more infomation >> From Contortionists to Hoop Divers, Discover Artists Behind the Scenes | LUZIAself, Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 20:12.


400 arrested in nationwide opioid bust - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> 400 arrested in nationwide opioid bust - Duration: 1:40.


El futuro del arte digital desde Mundos Digitales 2017. Dibujar Bien .com - Duration: 10:39.

For more infomation >> El futuro del arte digital desde Mundos Digitales 2017. Dibujar Bien .com - Duration: 10:39.


Home Remedies Of Body Gilty | Jism Ki Giltiyan | Jism ki Guthli | Gutliyon Se Chutkara - Duration: 2:54.

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For more infomation >> Home Remedies Of Body Gilty | Jism Ki Giltiyan | Jism ki Guthli | Gutliyon Se Chutkara - Duration: 2:54.


Windstar Cruises Star Pride Ship Tour : Everything You Need To Know (And More!) - Duration: 6:10.

I'm Gary Bembridge of Tips For Travellers. Join me as we go on a tour of Windstar

Star Pride, a beautiful yacht-style ship which holds just over 212 guests, has

150 crew and we're going to go and explore this whole ship.

It was originally launched, and it's hard to believe, almost 30 years

ago as a Seabourn ship and in 2014 it got bought by Windstar and turned into

a Windstar product. So let's go take a look around the ship starting with the centre

of the ship. So the real heart of the ship is this circular staircase and

on one level is where you have the Reception area, you have the Shore

Excursions Desk and then just leading off that you have the Lounge. The Lounge is

where you have your nightly port talks and if there's any form of entertainment,

whether it's the crew show or whether it's one of the musical duo's that are based on

board the ship, they will perform in here. So as we head up the ship, we head up

onto the upper levels and get the area which is the open decks. There's no

large sized swimming pool here but there is one of these small pools which you can

basically swim against the tide, and there is also a hot tub. Up on the open decks you have

the Star Bar which is very popular of course for the Sail Aways when ship is

setting off in sunny climates. This is a very popular for Sail Aways and hanging out.

Also up here on the top is probably one of my favorite rooms of all, which is the

Yacht Club. It's a beautiful space. It is really nicely done. On three sides you

have fantastic views across to the bow of the ship and on to two sides. Now in here

you have a small sort of coffee shop area and it has various snacks during

the day. You can have speciality coffees, hot chocolate and also play games up

here. It's also where the photographs are displayed and sold. So the on-board

photographer has this computer here where you can basically go on and all of

the photographs that are taken of you during the cruise are. There is also a space

outside where you can go and stand outside watching yourself coming in and out of

Port or just general sightseeing. As we head back down into the ship one of the

popular venues, particular before and after dinner, is the Compass Rose. Again another

nice space towards the back of the ship. There is a bar where you can have drinks and

you have one of the two duo's that are based on the ship who will perform here

before dinner and after dinner - giving you chance to dance. There is also the

small casino here. So you have some tables and some slot machines.

Just a bit further along from the Compass Rose is the library. Now in the

library there are both books, reference books and port guides and also quite a

large DVD library - because there are DVD players in the cabin. It is also has

some space here to sit and relax and read or if just you want some quiet time.

Now on this level is the shop. It's quite a small shop but has quite a nice

big range of the usual stuff you'll find like watches and jewelry and a very big

collection of Windstar Cruises branded merchandise. So very nice little shop.

Let's talk about dining venues. Now the most important dining venue of all is

the AmphorA restaurant. The AmphorA restaurant, if you are on a colder

climate cruise, will be the main restaurant for breakfast, lunch and

dinner. Breakfast being buffet. Lunch being buffet, although they are also

a la carte options too, and then it's open seated dining in the evening. And it's

great because you can basically have tables for one if you wanted, two or more - whatever

you want basically! The restaurant can hold

everybody so they can do whatever combination you want. Very big menus.

It's a very beautiful venue. Now if you are on a warmer climate

cruise, the Veranda is actually where breakfast and lunch are held. So although

in these particular shots that I've got, because I was on a slightly colder

cruise, you don't see it to its best advantage, it it's a nice big open

space and then it has inside space too. At night this becomes the Candles

Restaurant. This is the speciality dining restaurant. It's a seafood and steak

restaurant and it's included in your fare, and all you have to do is pre book. The

other great feature of the ship is in terms of spa and fitness. So there's

obviously a spa on board and it has a fitness center a hairdressers and of

course usual spa treatments. The Star Pride has a space at the back

of the ship which can be opened when in warm cruises.

It's basically a watersports deck so you have an RiB boat and

they'll put out stuff that you can go and splash around about off the back

of the ship. If you're also looking for some deck space right in front here is

another whirlpool right down the bow of the ship, and this is also a great place

to be on a nice sunny day heading out of Port. It's great place to relax have a

drink and spend some time in the whirlpool.

Another great feature of Windstar is the open bridge policy. So pretty much at any

time during the cruise you can go onto the bridge, chat to the bridge crew and

find out what's going on. So as you can see the ship it's a nice size. It

holds about 212 guests, has about 150 crew and just over a hundred

suites. The suites themselves are very large. If you just take look at the cabin that

I was staying in, as you can see, it's a large space. A great size as it's a

luxury ship and was built as a very luxurious ship. So these are big

comfortable cabins. So there you have it, that is a tour of Windstar Star Pride, a

beautiful ship. If you enjoyed that video tour, I'd really appreciate it if

you gave the video a "like" and very importantly also watch my other video

tours of Windstar where I give you ship tours and also I give you a whole series

of tips if you're thinking of cruising on Windstar to help you decide if

it's the right line for you, but also how you give the most once you are onboard. Very

important also please subscribe to the Tips For Travellers channel and get more

travel inspiration, advice and tips.

For more infomation >> Windstar Cruises Star Pride Ship Tour : Everything You Need To Know (And More!) - Duration: 6:10.


ROUND TWO Donald Trump Just Fired Back AGAIN About Trump Jr…This Is HUGE - Duration: 1:39.

ROUND TWO Donald Trump Just Fired Back AGAIN About Trump Jr�This Is HUGE

By Danny Gold

Donald Trump may be a tough and hard-hitting President but that does NOT mean he is gonna

sit idly by while the Mainstream media beats up on his kids.

The President struck back again tonight on Twitter when he made it VERY clear where he

stands on the allegations of his son being a �traitor�.

The tweet read:

My son, Donald, will be interviewed by @seanhannity tonight at 10:00 P.M.

He is a great person who loves our country!

Hell yeah.

He is right, too.

Donald Jr has done nothing but positive things ever since his dad let him help out on the

campaign trail.

I think the conclusion here is simple�He is politically inexperienced.

Apparently, the people over at FOX were thinking the same thing.

Here is a clip of their interview and the follow-up assessment.

Now that�s an interview I think every Conservative in America is gonna watch.

Still, where was the media outrage when Hillary was smashing cell phones?

What about when Loretta Lynch met Bill Clinton in secret during the investigation?

I�m just saying, this outrage may be misplaced.

If you believe in the Trumps, share this out and comment Amen.

For more infomation >> ROUND TWO Donald Trump Just Fired Back AGAIN About Trump Jr…This Is HUGE - Duration: 1:39.


How to Download and Install Bluestacks - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> How to Download and Install Bluestacks - Duration: 4:34.


Mega Drive One Switch Region Mod - Play Games From All Regions, At Full Speed/Screen, NOW! - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> Mega Drive One Switch Region Mod - Play Games From All Regions, At Full Speed/Screen, NOW! - Duration: 12:22.


LSPD Recruitment Video - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> LSPD Recruitment Video - Duration: 1:55.


Самая далекая галактика! - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Самая далекая галактика! - Duration: 6:26.


Does the World's Top Weed Killer Cause Cancer? - Duration: 3:12.

This is Monsanto's RoundUp.

It's in cookies, breads, corn, crackers, chips, breakfast cereals, and beer.

The list goes on, and on, and on.

The active ingredient in RoundUp is called glyphosate, and it's used by backyard gardeners

and industrial farmers alike to kill invasive weeds.

And whether glyphosate is harmful to humans or not is something of a 66 billion dollar


But first: What is glyphosate?

Commercial: There's never been a herbicide like it before.

Glyphosate was originally introduced in 1974 by Monsanto.

Its use in American agriculture has soared nearly tenfold since Monsanto introduced the

first genetically-modified RoundUp Ready seeds in 1996.

Glyphosate is now used in more than 160 countries, with more than 1.4 billion pounds applied

per year.

And while Monsanto lost patent protection over glyphosate herbicides in 2000, the company

still has about 40 percent of the 8 billion dollar global herbicide market because of

what is called the "virtuous cycle":

Monsanto sells its genetically modified RoundUp-ready seeds to produce cotton, corn and other commodities

to make them resistant to glyphosate's herbicidal effects.

More sales of the GMO seeds beget more use of Roundup; more herbicide use drives up demand

for Monsanto's GMO seeds.

For 25 years that cycle has enjoyed an unblemished run in our crops, soil, and food.

Until now.

Now Monsanto has its own invasive species creeping in: Doubt.

On its website, Monsanto says glyphosate is "about half as toxic as table salt and more

than 25 times less toxic than caffeine."

More than 1,000 farmers and herbicide applicators stricken with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma disagree.

Hundreds of plaintiffs with cancer have filed a class-action lawsuit against the company.

In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, known as IARC, determined glyphosate

to be a "probable carcinogen".

Remember that 66 billion dollars?

That's where this comes in: It's how much Bayer is offering to buy Monsanto for, but

if glyphosate is thought of as cancer-causing, it may back out of the deal completely.

But what would life without glyphosate look like?

According to Bloomberg agriculture expert Christopher Perrella, it wouldn't be pretty.

Perrella: The alternative would be a step back.

And it would definitely affect farmers, income their profitability, the way they do business.

Eventually filters down to the consumer in terms of higher prices for meats… for all

food products.

The question now, after the EPA's own hand-picked experts have also voiced concerns, is what

the Trump EPA will do about it.

But with administrations from Clinton to Bush to Obama promoting GMOs, it seems unlikely

Trump's EPA will be any different.

For more infomation >> Does the World's Top Weed Killer Cause Cancer? - Duration: 3:12.


Here's Who Drake's Rooting For in the McGregor v. Mayweather Fight - Duration: 2:34.

What's up, guys?

Beija here for Complex News.

The Floyd Mayweather/Conor McGregor promotional tour took a trip to Toronto on Wednesday afternoon.

The two fighters squared off on stage at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts to hype

up their August 26 fight.

And of course, a trip to Toronto wouldn't be complete without an appearance from the

biggest rapper in the city, so Drake played a major part in helping Mayweather and McGregor

get things started.

At the beginner of the huge event, which featured an overwhelming number of McGregor supporters

in the stands, Drake grabbed the mic and welcomed Mayweather and McGregor.

He told those in attendance that he was happy to have the two fighters in Toronto for the

day before handing the mic over to them to let them do their thing.

It appears as though Drake might be pulling for one fighter over the other on fight night,


Just minutes before taking the stage to introduce Mayweather and McGregor, Drake was spotted

backstage giving McGregor a hug.

The two were filmed smiling ear to ear as they said hello.

Drake's loyalties to McGregor shouldn't come as a huge surprise.

Mayweather did hire the rapper once to perform at his daughter's Sweet 16 party.

But Drake and McGregor have been friendly for awhile now.

Back in September 2016, McGregor posted a photo of him and Drake on Instagram and referred

to Drake as his "brother" following a concert in Los Angeles.

And this past May, McGregor signed an endorsement deal with Beats By Dre and thanked Drake,

who he once again called his "brother," for helping him land the deal in an Instagram


Drake has been accused of being a bandwagon fan when it comes to sports in the past.

But in this particular instance, McGregor is big underdog in his fight against Mayweather.

So fans didn't give Drake too much of a hard time for siding with McGregor prior to

Wednesday's press conference.

No word yet on whether or not Drake will attend the Mayweather/McGregor fight in Las Vegas

next month, but if we had to guess, he will be there.

In the meantime, Mayweather and McGregor's promotional tour will continue on Thursday.

The fighters will make a stop at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Thursday afternoon before

flying to London for the final stop on the tour on Friday.

That's the news for now, but for all the latest news, subscribe to Complex News on


For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.

For more infomation >> Here's Who Drake's Rooting For in the McGregor v. Mayweather Fight - Duration: 2:34.


The Myth of Beer Can Chicken with Meathead Goldwyn | Food Network - Duration: 2:24.

Hello, everyone.

I'm Meathead.

And I'm in the Food Network Test Kitchen.

This is my book, "Meathead, the Science of Great

Barbecue and Grilling."

And in the book, we talk a lot about barbecue myths.

And I'm going to tell you about one of my favorite myths

about barbecue.

Everybody know what this is?

It's a beer can.

And that little piece of foam rubber,

they call it a beer koozie or a beer cozy.

And that's supposed to keep the beer cold, right?

OK, you know what this is?

This is a chicken cozy or a chicken koozie,

with a beer can up its butt.

That's right, if you're going to make beer can chicken,

you have made a chicken koozie.

You have found a way to take a 38-degree,

three-and-a-half-pound chicken that's ice cold,

and put it around a beer can.

And you're going to heat it up, And it's

never going to get that beer any hotter than chicken.

So if you cook the chicken to a safe temp of 160 to 165,

or even if you badly overcook it to 170 or 180,

what's the boiling temperature of water?


The beer is not going to come anywhere close to 212.

It can't boil.

If you weigh the can before you put it in,

weigh the can when you take it out, if you put a thermometer

in the can, put thermometers in the bird,

I've done all this, no evaporation.

The beer never evaporates.

You'll never get beer flavor or anything into the bird.

And now you're saying, but doggone it, Meathead, my beer

can chicken's delicious.

And everybody loves it.

Of course it's delicious.

It's roast chicken.

Everybody loves roast chicken.

You can't mess up roast chick-- well, you can mess it up.

But it's hard to do.

You've made a roast chicken, that's all,

with a beer can up its butt.

Now, if you want to make a good chicken, brown is beautiful.

The outside is nice and brown.

Get the beer can out of there, and hot air

can get on the inside and cook the inside.

Or better still, cut it in half and cook

the two halves on your grill.

You can put one side down, turn it over, cook the other side,

get both sides brown.

Or cut it into quarters, and then you

can temp each piece individually, get them

to the perfect temperature.

They'll cook a lot faster than as a big, solid thermal mass.

The faster they cook, the less moisture lost,

the better the taste, the better the flavor.

Save the beer.

Drink the beer.

Don't stick it up the butt of the chicken.

For more infomation >> The Myth of Beer Can Chicken with Meathead Goldwyn | Food Network - Duration: 2:24.


President Donald Trump, French Pres. Emmanuel Macron full remarks in Paris - Duration: 1:20:35.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump, French Pres. Emmanuel Macron full remarks in Paris - Duration: 1:20:35.


Bipasha Basu hot sex Scene In Movie-ALONE 2015 - Duration: 1:51.

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