Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

hey everybody its cubingonmymind and today I have another alg of the week.

so, first of all, i don't even know why I call this alg a week because I haven't made

of one these in forever but hey but im still calling it that so why not.

today we have a really easy oll skip case the way you recognize it is you have your

f2l pair in front here the slot where it needs to go is here with a solid block of an L shape

here and you have a block here. and you do this F' U F R U' R' so the breakdown

of it is your hiding the F2L pair moving the layer over then bring it back up then just

inserting it, really easy really fast thanks watching

For more infomation >> VLS UB Case Alg A Week 16 #cubing - Duration: 0:56.


I'M BACK!! + Orphan Black + WayHaught + Gypsy + Other Reviews - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> I'M BACK!! + Orphan Black + WayHaught + Gypsy + Other Reviews - Duration: 5:39.


30 anos e agora? Top Kart indoor com Tabatha Lacerda - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> 30 anos e agora? Top Kart indoor com Tabatha Lacerda - Duration: 10:37.


Energy Update – Massive 888 Breakthrough - Duration: 7:55.

Energy Update � Massive 888 Breakthrough

by Anastacia,

Massive 888 Breakthrough � New Base Line

We had Upgrades/Transmission of energies all night (AEST) with a massive BREAKTHROUGH.

This came in a vision of numbers as in, many numbers in a row that was so massive, as in

it was like trillions and the numbers were green on a white background.

A message came direct from the Divine that �We Have Made It� we have broken through

and I could feel it energetically for humanity.

The visions one receives in 6D can be very brief sometimes, it is more a feeling and

knowing and this was one of those times.

Then came through very strongly to share the 888 meaning which has been shared on the Blue


Many have commented already how they too have seen this recently.

So this is great validation and then this update expands on what else came through of

the Divine for Humanity.

So there was little sleep or rest during this last night, yet again and somehow we are able

to continue with this extreme and Beyond exhaustion in a very new way.

Refer Pts 1-3.

There has been �upgrades� of energies from the Divine, to Spirit and Soul all week

continuously flowing through actually.

It has been over and over like small white balls of light shooting through from the Divine

to our Spirit and Soul continuously.

When energies come through, there is an blending and receiving in the human physical.

As a Pioneer/Trailblazer bringing these through my 6D embodiment, my body does like a jerking/shuddering

motion, through me.

I am used to this and I know I am not the only Master that feels this this way.

And on reflection this has actually being happening for the last week, this jerking/shuddering

has come through when ever I would stop and rest or sit down.

I did not realise this until this breakthrough of energy and this has now eased.

*Please know, this is not a �deficiency� of any kind, all areas of my Heath have been

covered, this is the energies and how I feel, receive and transmute them for and with Humanity

in my 6D embodiment*


I was then given another vision from Spirit, of like a new �base line�.

A horizontal line of a new base.

It has not come to say a new foundation, which is interesting.

The words/message = vibration � were specifically a new �base line�.

And then on this line, new white �boxes� of a rainbow outline, starting to be placed

on this new �base line�.

Boxes of free white energy with a Rainbow outline, not boxes to contain, there is a


The Rainbow bridge has been connected with humanity!

For all of those souls who are re-connecting their Spirit to their Soul, to then become

a Rainbow bridge for themselves = humanity.

Yet for ourselves firstly.

And now we have a new energetic �base line� for us to now start to place our Rainbow free

energy �boxes�.

All that is the new of: self-reliance, reality, manifesting wealth and positive abundance,

dependability, truth and integrity, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement,

giving and receiving, philanthropy and serving humanity, and karma; the Universal Spiritual

Law of Cause and Effect.

888 is here energetically for and with humanity for those who have been flowing with the Divine

in all they are, are now transmuting this for themselves.

Placing their new white free boxes of rainbow outline on their new �base line�.

Many are still in their breaking through/resurrection energetically and one may see many around

them going through this, as this is so different and varies for each soul.

Continue to �be calm� and trust the Divine and yourself that all you are releasing/shifting

is very necessary to breakthrough to Divine 888 energy for oneself.

Continue to honor your Spirit and Soul in bringing the Divine in and with you in all

you do, as this is vital as we are unable to �do this ourselves� now.

My love to you in all you are and transmuting for yourself, your family and all else that

flows outwards from the inner for and with humanity.

Number 888 is a powerful number as it carries the vibrations and attributes of number 8

appearing tripled, magnifying its energies and influences.

Number 8 relates to self-reliance, reality, manifesting wealth and positive abundance,

dependability, truth and integrity, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement,

giving and receiving, philanthropy and serving humanity, and karma; the Universal Spiritual

Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 888 brings an uplifting message of encouragement from your angels telling

of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment.

It brings a message to stay optimistic and listen to your intuition and inner-guidance.

Set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones as this will ensure your future


The Universe and your angels will always support you, but it is your responsibility to ensure

that you put in the appropriate work and effort when and where necessary.

You are encouraged to live up to your full potential.

Angel Number 888 indicates that financial and material abundance is on its way into

your life and may be suggesting that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work.

Karma re-paid in kind.

Angel Number 888 tells you that your life purpose is fully supported by the Universe.

The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward you.

Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.

Angel Number 888 may also suggest that a phase in your life is about to end and is a sign

of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life accordingly.

It may also indicate that you are winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase

in your life.

Never compromise your integrity in an effort to �get ahead�.

Honor your own truths and be true to yourself and your own life path and mission.

Joanne Sacred Scribes

As always, I am right here with YOU.

And I love you Divinely and Infinitely.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Massive 888 Breakthrough - Duration: 7:55.


Hijau Daun - Sakit Tapi Ku Rindu (Official Video Clip) - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Hijau Daun - Sakit Tapi Ku Rindu (Official Video Clip) - Duration: 4:09.


Sonic-Catch Me If You Can (Zero Gravity Mix)-Music Video - Duration: 3:47.

No turning back, we are born to dream

In a world full of seeing what we never could reach.

Air time makes on the wind, I'd be like life right by, just a blur you see.

One mind, too wild, stuck in divinity. Hawk tail, wing, claw.

Heaven sent a jessy. A speed rush tweaked to a melancholy vicory; your chance don't stand.

Not one near my class of heat.

The rule of the wind is to never got beat.

Don't "hedge-", don't "-hog"; you're put to test.

Like Jet as hawk, I'll rattle your nest.

I'll never come down, I'm high alone.

Bred from a genie with wings and throne.

Jet, fire, hire, the sky is me. All for the speed I was born to be (born to be) (born to be).

Catch Me If You Can!

There's no turning back!

Reach but never catch.

Catch Me If You Can!

You can't fathom that; wonders you can't have!

Catch Me If You Can!

Catch Me If You Can!

No turning back, we are born to dream

In a world full of seeing what we never could reach.

Air time makes on the wind. I'd be like life right by, just a blur you see.

One mind, too wild, stuck in divinity. Hawk tail, wing, claw

Heaven sent a jessy. A speed rush tweaked to a melancholy victory; your chance don't stand.

Chaos in the emeralds; life is ephemeral; what you gonna do? Nothing is perpetual.

World domination, advanced technology; haven't got the interest in that form of glory.

Put me in the air, my speed will lead.

All in a shine, like a miracle weave.

I just won't stop, the treasure's with me.

I said it before, I was born to be.

Catch Me If You Can!

There's no turning back,

Reach but never catch.

Catch Me If You Can!

You can't fathom that,

Wonders you can't have!

Catch Me If You Can!

We are born to dream; nothing can't be done.

Catch Me If You Can!

There's no turning back,

Reach but never catch.

You can't fathom that,

Wonders you can't have.


For more infomation >> Sonic-Catch Me If You Can (Zero Gravity Mix)-Music Video - Duration: 3:47.


🐝 Do not watch this Vlog #66 - Duration: 11:43.

[Music] be welcomed to our vlog and also Malta


we actually got off at 6:00 a.m. in the morning see this beautiful view so even

in Malta don't forget always be commenting be like and be subscribing

welcome to our beautiful weekend here in Malta south of Italy we're gonna be just

chillin and relaxed and that's all we doing yeah so we couldn't finish this

last night it's still great this you water banana we're just out of breakfast

that you know we're not those kind of people let me turn off the camera first

then take the banana whoo there's already someone is elevator for me now

is what we're going to breakfast not off to see the gimbal so this is the DVD GI

awesome Oh more valuable this see this nothing I'm free what are you doing it's

just an elevator in the high status to fly man into the air

[Music] we've been here like this is our third

time and we did the whole thing really modern and obviously here now

that's a room right there right there there there that's the room


first aid at the pool please Dylan is still alive half a day I'm going to get

lunch now I don't know where so it's lunchtime and we're having lunch at a

local store and we got all our food from the local store governor flake off my

pasta got my coke my holiday kind of pain can't believe the Queen tone even

more smart travelers smart travelers so that's we're relying down there before

those are our two right there [Music]

there's a wedding going on in our hotel remember dy plus our would be a nice

place to get married I did get married in a nice 13 years old and married that

had some very bellows young wild boys

but he died to my back to my hotel his back there right there and we're walking

down into where the city center downtown downtown also downtown Martha my

festival Island right what's the city called this is the part

of Centurions

I think it's just whatever but no you see family isn't

that so smart so smart so smart hey Angelina horse - hello in there looks

like that one horsepower [Music]

but they're vibing if you have certain is so this is downtown the bar street of

Malta all the bars the late is working ha that's my lady and then most

importantly you have to go down here and get a nice shot of this nice little

vehicle so nice on huh Lamborghini

I think we're going to get some cake now

[Music] exactly anytime we want

so we just found a good restaurant here and then behind us there's the Hard Rock

Cafe that's where we're at last time we were here

why was that a year ago wasn't that good hard rock usually just get the cup get

the Hat get the t-shirt let's get out of it this is not that good so we're going

to try try some steak now

I think it's going to be ribs and of your ribs no steak that sounds way too

good looks like a big fish it looks like a big piece of fish would you would you

get mozzarella so we actually found some digits then

Malta can't get them anywhere in Europe actually found the middle we'll store in

in Mobile this is a vlog take it not a picture

taken select secret see those nice boats behind us to take a pic one of those

boat am on about lights really good right there can you pick yourself

looking your you really read he's really nice she was hi this is I I didn't

actually screen on my my birth my eyelashes eyelash I lived eyelid I know

you have the last pattern really moving see my my glasses mr. Shawn blessing

he's so funny but I didn't need to put them on today so can we take a picture

now I want a picture okay what still a video oh so give us a tour of the hotel

I give you tour of the hotel welcome to the built in Makkah

[Music] why didn't I get married here Sisyphus


[Music] dress up we should totally crashed at

what age does nobody would be sitting on our balcony there's the way years can

you use music this is the lisette 9 p.m. wait until midnight then he will be

pissed about this you do you remember Bratislava do you remember Bratislava

Jordi here's nothing you take some now you don't need to show it to us thank

you [Music]

she's going to show me now she doesn't hear anything why should that solution

and a terrific play a DJ downstairs just told the time of the party going who

they're cutting the cake now and these are how long the party going see he was

just stop your hair was not joking shucks

if it's destructed exam like am I was gonna go post exam play with herself I

mean no hello in here anyway we'll see you at 6:00


you [Music]

For more infomation >> 🐝 Do not watch this Vlog #66 - Duration: 11:43.


President Trump suing over Jupiter Golf Club - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> President Trump suing over Jupiter Golf Club - Duration: 0:34.


Modern Farmhouse From Liberation Tiny Homes | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 3:13.


For more infomation >> Modern Farmhouse From Liberation Tiny Homes | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 3:13.


U.S.A. [ENG] Grand Theft Auto V Live Stream - Duration: 2:49:46.

For more infomation >> U.S.A. [ENG] Grand Theft Auto V Live Stream - Duration: 2:49:46.


English Conversation Skills: How to Agree to Disagree - Duration: 7:13.

I think uniforms are actually a good idea. I wore one when I was in school.

For one thing you don't have to put any thought into choosing clothes in the morning.

I suppose you have a point, but I think clothing is part of one self-expression at that age kids want to experiment with fashion.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes when we disagree with another, the best course of action is to agree to disagree.

In this lesson, we'll practice expressions for conceding a point.

That is, acknowledging that someone at least made a logical argument.


So when we concede a point, we may not like what the other person is saying. We may not share their viewpoint.

But we can admit that they have a point.

That's part of being skilled at conversation.

Let's listen again to that conversation about school uniforms. This time you'll hear the whole conversation.

Try to catch the different ways one can concede a point.

Do you know they're talking about having uniforms next year at my brother's high school?

Lucky I'm not there anymore!

I think uniforms are actually a good idea.

I wore one when I was in school. For one thing, you don't have to put any thought into choosing clothes in the morning.

I suppose you have a point, but I think clothing is part of one's self-expression.

At that age, kids want to experiment with fashion. There's nothing wrong with that.

I can see your point, but they can do that outside of school.

There's enough to distract students while they're in school.

You know, kids can be mean. Some get teased for their fashion choices,

and others gain popularity just because they wear popular brands.

All right, I'll give you that, but kids already feel restricted at school by a lot of rules.

Tomato, tomahto. What you see is restrictive others see as organized. I think uniforms create the right atmosphere.

School isn't supposed to be like your living room or a night club.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

We just see things differently.

Let's review those different ways to concede a point.

Now try to recall some of the expressions. I'll give you a situation and you choose the best response.

What do you say?

What can you say?

What can you say?

So what can you say?

Do you know they're talking about having uniforms next year at my brother's high school?

Lucky I'm not there anymore! I think uniforms are actually a good idea.

I wore one when I was in school. For one thing, you don't have to put any thought into choosing clothes in the morning.

I suppose you have a point, but I think clothing is part of one's self-expression. At that age, kids want to experiment with fashion.

There's nothing wrong with that. I can see your point, but they can do that outside of school.

There's enough to distract students while they're in school.

You know, kids can be mean.

Some get teased for their fashion choices, and others gain popularity just because they wear popular brands.

All right, I'll give you that, but kids already feel restricted at school by a lot of rules.

Tomato, tomahto. What you see is restrictive others see as organized. I think uniforms create the right atmosphere.

School isn't supposed to be like your living room or a nightclub. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one

We just see things differently.

That's all for now. I hope you found this lesson useful.

Thanks for watching and happy studies!


For more infomation >> English Conversation Skills: How to Agree to Disagree - Duration: 7:13.


U.S.A. [ENG] Battlefield 1Live Stream - Duration: 4:33:00.

For more infomation >> U.S.A. [ENG] Battlefield 1Live Stream - Duration: 4:33:00.


U.S.A. [ENG] Minecraft Live Stream - Duration: 7:26:45.

For more infomation >> U.S.A. [ENG] Minecraft Live Stream - Duration: 7:26:45.


Con Chuột Nhắt - Con Heo Đất Remix - Chú Ếch Con Remix - Chú Voi Con - Liên Khúc Nhạc Thiếu Nhi - Duration: 47:00.

For more infomation >> Con Chuột Nhắt - Con Heo Đất Remix - Chú Ếch Con Remix - Chú Voi Con - Liên Khúc Nhạc Thiếu Nhi - Duration: 47:00.


Nacional de Potosi vs Estudiantes de la Plata EN VIVO y DIRECTO - Duration: 19:59.

For more infomation >> Nacional de Potosi vs Estudiantes de la Plata EN VIVO y DIRECTO - Duration: 19:59.



For more infomation >> NACIONAL DE POTOSI VS ESTUDIANTES EN VIVO - Duration: 35:11.


BREAKING: Trump's FBI Drops Hillary Bombshell, Dems Are Screwed | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:49.

James Comey's FBI was in bed with the Clinton criminal machine from the beginning.

The FBI released another batch of documents concerning their investigation into Hillary

Clinton's emails last year.

The documents reveal how Clinton's legal team circumnavigated the FBI and got away

with it (via Fox News).

The released documents make it clear that the FBI did not aggressively go after Hillary

Clinton and her team.

Instead, they offered various immunity deals and allowed Clinton to obstruct justice.

The documents were released thanks to a FISA request launched by the government watchdog,

Judicial Watch.

However, Judicial Watch founder, Tom Fitton, thinks this is just the beginning.

"The new records show how badly the Obama Justice Department and FBI mishandled the

Clinton email investigation.

They get the equivalent of wiped phones from the Clinton lawyers and do nothing?"

Fitton asked.

The released documents shed new light on last year's investigation and suggest that Obama's

Justice Department was providing cover for Clinton.

During the Benghazi investigation into Hillary Clinton, members of Congress learned that

the former Secretary of State was violating State Department protocol by using a personal

email server for official purposes.

The private email server was used by Clinton for official State Department business and

hosted thousands of emails containing classified information.

After the probe into Clinton's email server was launched, she tasked her aides with deleting

over 30,000 emails deemed "personal."

These emails have not been recovered.

However, the new documents reveal that the FBI spent little effort attempting to uncover

any of the information destroyed or deleted by Clinton.

Clinton aides destroyed 13 electronic devices with hammers.

Only three devices were turned over: an iPad and two blackberries.

However, these devices had their SIM cards and SD cards removed and destroyed.

This action could be considered the destruction of government property and obstruction of


However, the FBI accepted the inert devices without question.

Additionally, the FBI offered immunity to Cheryl Mills, Clinton's Chief of Staff,

and even allowed Mills in the room while Hillary Clinton was being interrogated.

In total, five members of Clinton's staff were offered immunity for nothing in return.

All evidence suggests that the FBI soft-balled the investigation into Hillary Clinton because

there was never any intention to press charges.

Do you think President Trump should audit the investigation into Hillary Clinton?

Please share this news and tell us what you think.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump's FBI Drops Hillary Bombshell, Dems Are Screwed | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:49.


Burlington flood water contaminated with debris, attracting unwanted insects - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Burlington flood water contaminated with debris, attracting unwanted insects - Duration: 1:23.


BAND STORIES #02: Redound / Despite Everything / Verka / Sentence / Nadimač (ENG SUB) - Duration: 8:39.

A few years ago we went to play in Stara Zagora, on a festival, I can't remember which one exactly...

We were staying in a very cool hotel, it was great.

But... erm... Sasho, our drummer, after he took a shower,

because he had been sweating a bit, he decided to take a shower in his underwear,

since he didn't have a change of underwear.

So his underpants were super wet, and it turned out there was no way for him to dry them,

because the central heating was not on.

And, since we were drinking this luke warm Whiskey all night, and we got wasted on that horrible drink,

he decided to dry his underpants in the microwave, and then he tried a hot plate,

and since that didn't work, and he ruined them, on the next day he had to put his shorts on without any underpants, because

his underwear was ruined. Then we had to make a stop in Pazardzhik, I don't remember why,

and we walked about Pazardzhik, and I 'd taken my underpants of, out of solidarity,

so we took a walk in Pazardzhik without any underwear, and we sat on a bench,

so.. with the wide shorts, from underneath, some things were well visible,

people passing by looked at us wearily, while we were drinking beer... it was cool...

The next story... also a few years ago, we went to play in Instanbul,

Everything was great, the gig was cool, but our guitarist Anka's backpack disappeared,

with his passport in, and the van's documents, the one we had rented for the trip.

So we din't sleep that night, we were at the club, watching the security cameras videos,

We didn't see anything, we didn't find out who had stolen the documents, and on the next day, at 6am,

we got up, basically without having slept at all, both exhausted, so we starded roaming about Istanbul,

by taxies, we went to some police stations, we saw several police stations up close,

people in chains passing us, back and forth, cool...

And, at some point we got to the Ambassy, in a taxi that turned out to be illegal,

and in no time, from Istanbul, we ended up on the highway to Ankara, 100% sure we were going to be killed for our organs.

Finally, anfer fierce arguing, we managed to pull the car to the side of the road,

we started arguing, the driver got out, opened the trunk, it was totally absurd...

out of nowhere an older man appeared, very cool, who turned out to be Bulgarian,

and he was like: "Boys, are you Bulgarian?", it turned out he was working there in military, and knew people in the Ambassy,

so he spoke a bit to the guy, in Turkish, since we didn't want to pay him,

so finally he drove us back to the Ambassy.

We managed to get a pasavan.

It had been very stressful.

And on top of all that, while we were leaving Istanbul, the van's clutch broke,

so we got back from Istanbul without the clutch,

we stopped in Chirpan for some meat balls , and that was it....

Before Verka, I used to have a band called Modified Gods, some of you may know it, but it doesn't matter...

So, we had a gig, here in Delchevo, in ' 98, in a hall where there were no stage lights,

you either turn the bulbs on and it's too light, or you turn them off and it's too dark, no in between.

So we decided to bring a lamp from home, for the stage.

I brought it, placed it...

It all worked fine, there were no problems. The first band finished and it was time for Modified Gods.

I came with my guitar to play, and, all of a sudden, I pushed the lamp with my foot,

and I decided to place it at the same spot.

The moment I touched it -


It started shaking me, sparks all over, I started twitching....

The crowd thought I was doing it for the show, but in 10 seconds... adios amigos...

I'd have passed over to the underworld... hehe

Luckily, the band's vocal, Kruno, realized that if he pulled the cable from the socket,

there would be no electricity and I would be o.k.

So that's what he did. The moment he did that, I dropped the wires leading to the bulb,

they had burned, and the wires were bare...

That's why I was electrified.

What were we to do? There was panic. "Let's go to the doctor's" ...

"Doctor's?!", I said. "We're having a gig."

So, all wet, with bloody hands, the whole show, from the beginning to the end.

I was bent over, doggy style stance.

What's important, I played the whole gig. The crowd was super happy.

All right, let's talk interesting anecdotes from concerts...

There's this interesting one when we played without having completed the lyrics,

and we saw a guy at the front who knew the lyrics. Obviously the audience knows our lyrics better than us.

The second anecdote would be, God forbid you ever ask me again,

a young boy came up to me after the gig and he said to me:

"The gig was awesome. Will you give me a guitar pick?"

And I gave him the worst possible answer:

"Hey, this is my last one.."

So, that's it, don't ask me to give you a guitar pick....

We were on a tour Slovenia - Italy, we played in Florence and we all thought it was going to be

you know, Florence - the middle ages, museums, and shit, while, actually,

we played in the middle of nowhere, outside of the city, in an industrial zone, we never even saw Florence.

We didn't speak the language, there were no shops, we were starving,

none of us spoke Italian, and we didn't know ehen we were going to eat.

The day started with the Italians going away to eat, with their girlfriends, uncles, aunts...

After that they asked: "Why didn't you come with us to eat?" and we were like: "Well..." And that was the beginning of the day.

Then the club owner told us we each had half a bear, the small cans we hadn't seen in ten years, and we didn't drink them even then...

And then we were, like, what were we going to do afterwards, where were we going to sleep,

and then the guy told us: "If the club ownr liked us, we could sleep in the club, on the floor."

we were like 'o.k.' So the gig was over, it had been great, crazy, we jumped...

The guy came up and said: "The club owner doen's like you, you have to continue your way to Milan." We said 'o.k.'

The guy who was driving us, fell asleep at some point, while driving on the highway, we almost got killed there.

Then we stopped on the highway to get some sleep. And then it turned out we couldn't sleep in Milan either.

We got there at 8 in the morning, the guy went to his parents' to sleep,

We had to, since you aren't allowed to sit and sleep on the benches there,

we had to take an 8km walk by a canal, 50 'C, in sweatpants, we looked like albanians dealing dope, if you catch my drift.

Then we went 8km from this town to Milan,

when we god back we stank like bears, and we played that night in Milan,

where, we had thought, it was going to be the best ever, and in the end, 6 people came,

I broke my nose and ended up in the emergency room, Ćora passed out,

and that's how the tour ended.

For more infomation >> BAND STORIES #02: Redound / Despite Everything / Verka / Sentence / Nadimač (ENG SUB) - Duration: 8:39.


Ubisoft Star Players @ E3 2017 - Day 4 (Ubisoft Lounge) - Duration: 11:46.

mom, I'm in Cadu's vlog

- say hi - hi, mom

I guess if you sent "hi" in Túlio's vlog

you'd recieve more views

I just wonder

good morning

last day of...

activities as a Star Player

I forgot the breakfast card again

but it happens, it happens

at least, I didn't forget the key this time

now we're doing down 'cuz' we'll go to Ubisoft Lounge

and after the Lounge, we'll go...

I guess we'll be going to E3 again

Don't record this, Cadu!

as you can guess, I'm totally sweaty


and people can play other games

yesterday I played Mario+Rabbids, it's really cool, I liked it

so let's pause this video a little bit, 'cuz' I'm editing it

I forgot it's name, I know there's "rumble"

I know there's "rumble" somewhere

it's exclusive for Switch

and it's really...

well, at least, I thought it was really cool

I could play only half of the song because

they called us to another activity

in this mode, you use both joy-cons to play

a lot of people knew that

but there is a special reason for using both joy-cons

there are some actions on screen acordding to the theme you picked

of this "music", just to put in that way

and on this music will appers some

coaches that will take turns

and at the time you'll be copying that specific coach

the joy-cons will vibrate according to

what the coach holds on his hand

for sample: if one of the coaches is a construction worker

and he's using the drilling machine

so you'll feel like it's a drilling machine

of it's a mariachi and he's

shaking his maracas, so you'll feel like you're shaking them

because the joy-con

has a rumble technology

that's different, Nintendo called it HD Rumble

that, instead of vibrating all the control, it has some

it's like the controller can simulate different sensations

again: I couldn't play that much

I thought it really interesting

so, as they could talk that much

or even talk about it, and they let me talk about

share with you, so I'm sharing

we've just left a Masterclass that, WOW

what a awesome game

we couldn't shoot of else

the game seens really awesome

there are some pieces that can be removed

it's shown on the trailer

but it was really amazing

so, yeah, we're in the bus again, that we're going to

we're going back to E3

we're going there to dance on stage

to go back to Ubisoft Lounge later

look at that

how cool

it's good this time we can walk, right?

they got people taller than me to do the cosplay

and now we wait

Mo Chocolate is there

the most interesting about today is that

today is way more empty

it's "walkable"

unfortunalety the day schedule to visit E3 wasn't today

because if it was today, we could see a lot of stuff

actually, not that much stuff, but I guess

maybe we could see a significant amount of stuff

something really neat about E3 I'm seeing

it's that almost like

almost like BGS

you don't have only the big booths of companies like Nintendo

but you also see booths of people showing their projects, there is space for indie games, and I love it

each person there is being able to play a multiplayer game

but each one is watching your own screen, they can't see each other player's

bye, E3, bye

yesterday was too crowded

I think people was so hyped they were like

"OMG I need to go there on the first day, OH, if I don't go in the first day, I'll die"

in a fair, you can't see everything

it's a piece of advice I give you: usually, if you're going all days of a fair

it's more interesting to create small objectives

for example: I'll see one specific game, another game too, not more than three

because you'll have more chances of seeing what you want

no, what, what do I need to agree?

Brazil is wonderful

there are... I won't say wonderful women, I'll say people

wonderful people

bye Convention Center

that can't be shown because we're too close

guys, it's massive

and there's even

a upper level, with some rooms and I think there's even a building

however, this is huge

now we're, we have just... they kinda changed the schedule

there was supposed to have some surprise we don't know what it is

later we would have dinner, but they changed, so... however, IDK

so now we're about to have some surprise and a very special meet & greet

so, we don't know, there are many mysteries in life

and mystery specially for those two, that probably don't know what I'm talking

that's my point

and we're finally using stairs

good, exercising, right?

we ended up having kinda some talk

not a talk, it was more like a Q&A

with THE MAN

Ubisoft's MAN

it was nice, because we could

have some questions about the games, about the company answered

and after, I talked a little bit with him, he seemed really cool

in theory, we should be on a party, but in reality...

Kelvin, Pâmella, Arthur and me

and Túlio came with us

we went

have some business done

the guys got some stuffs they needed, I guess

and we ate something later

and that's is basically

we're back at the hotel at 10:48p.m.

or 10:49, however

but I'd rather this way, because

the party must end at 2:00 a.m.

and I don't know if

you can leave the party any time


so, for me, I think it was the best solution

I'll get some stuff organized now

so tomorrow I'll just wake up, have breakfast

and leave, go back home

but I'm happy

with the experience, I'm happy meeting all people I met

in person or the meet the ones I've already met again

grateful for Ubisoft providing us this experience

some people don't know, but I really like programming, developing

and I think it motivated me

to keep trying

developing, try to do things

I feel like saying goodbye happily

for being here, because I was part of

I'm being part of this experience

and saying goodbye hoping it won't be the last time

I'll attempt to E3, I'll visit LA

I'm finishing the vlog

with the Just Dance wristlet I got

and that's it, guys

I hope you enjoyed this video, all vlogs

there's nothing to vlog tomorrow, I'll just say goodbye and go home

but I hope you've enjoyed those vlogs

see ya and don't forget to be nice with your mates

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