Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

And? Oh..yeah..

so, it has nothing to do with me?

Everything's been done?

You're saying yes, right?

It's nothing. Not a big deal..okay, bye.

I thought the problem with the house was taken care of..

Is there something more to say about it?

I already told you. I don't want to sell my house

I'm sorry

but I just can't let my house go like this. I was totally ripped off.

You shouldn't say that. I paid a lot of money for this house.

That's why I'm going to return it to you. Soon.


What? You don't even have the money and you want the house?

This is for you.

What is it?

I'm sure you don't this but I write stories on the Internet.

It's not a big deal.

This is my latest one. I will transfer all the copyrights to you.

If that's not enough, I'll get the rest to you little by little.

This house was designed and built by my late father.

This isn't just a house, it's a part of who I am.

I just can't give it up like that.

I know you've been taken by surprise.

Please read it first and then make a decision.

Please wait.

If you would just think about it a little more...

Ugh! The worst manners.. What a jerk!

Hey! What is this? You better get up!

What are you, a leech?

Get up.

Get out!

Please stop. I'm really sick.

I'm telling you to leave.

If I ever lay eyes on you again, you'll be sorry.

Hey! Get up.

Hey! Hey!

Here's water.

Listen to me,

Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?

That's it. Get up, we're going to the hospital.

I don't want to go. I am staying here.

Get up.

No, I'm not going. I'm not going.

"Mom and Dad's Memorial"

You just got to Korea, are you already that busy?

I left a lot of unfinished work.

I'll be able to take a break as soon as the magazine is launched.

You said you were in film marketing, you're also in publishing?

That's my marketing strategy.

By the way, miss, you are coming to the launching party on Saturday, right?

If I'm not busy.

I want to go, but I'm not sure what my schedule's like.

You've got to come, I'm making a special request.

I'll think about it...

Don't play hard to get.

What are you talking about?

Anyway, are you here for good?

That's what I planned

but I think I'm going to have to go to New York some time next month.

You've only just arrived. Why do you have to go?

Can't you just stay?

Hae-won, what do you think of that girl over there?


She keeps smiling at me.

She's pretty. She seems interested in you.

You think so too?

Bartender, the same thing for that lady.


I'll be right back.

"Something urgent came up. I'll see you later. "



Mom, it hurts.

Who told you to sleep there like that?

Don't you have anyone you can call? Isn't there anyone who can come here?


Why are you calling for your mom? You don't even have one.

I am in pain, mom.

What? What are you saying? You're not making sense.

You didn't even look into it. How can you do your job like that?

It is her problem. There were no problems on the paperwork.

We already have a problem. How can you say there weren't any problems?

Are you not understanding me? What are you, an idiot?

And if something like that happened, you should have told me right away.

Why didn't you tell me?

Are you still sleeping?

Get up and eat something.

You need to eat before you take medicine.

Later… I'll eat later.

I have to go now.

Excuse me?

You can stay by yourself, right?

Yes, you can go.

Hey, hey!

When did you get back? I didn't notice you were back.

I think your better now so you should try to get up.

I'm too dizzy to get up. I'm still not well.

I'm sorry but I think I'm going to need to stay here for a few more days

I am really sick.

Don't give me that...

Get up and clean the kitchen before I really get mad.

I am really sick.

Oh..I am so dizzy.

Stop acting.

Hey, get me a glass of water.



Are you homeless?

What? What did you say?

If you are not homeless, why did you sleep outside like that?

Do you not have anywhere to go?

You're the only person that caught a cold in the middle of summer.

I'm sorry I've imposed on you, but don't you think you're crossing the line?

Take this and try to find another place to go.

Why are you giving this to me?

You have nowhere else to go, right?

Just take it. I'm giving it to you.

Why are you giving it to me?

Why? Because I feel sorry for you.

You really are a jerk.


You treat me like I'm some begger on the street.

Who do you think you are? Do you really think you're so great?

Hey... you...

You are the worst person I've ever met.

You're overreacting. Don't regret it later and take the money.

Thanks for your hospitalitiy. I'm leaving.

Fine, if you really don't want it.

I don't think you've come to your senses yet but do what you want.

You can sleep on the street again.

Hey! What are you doing?

What are you doing?

It's none of your business.

Get in the car.

I said get it the car.

Are you crazy? Why should I get in your car?

I'm only asking because I'm curious

but when are you going to pay back the money you borrowed?

I just forgot about it. I was going to pay you back.

How can you, a woman of such pride, give me excuses.

If you don't have money then you should work it off.

It is only housework, nothing difficult.

Have breakfast ready by 7. Rice and soup.

You eat breakfast that early? You don't even have to go anywhere...

So, what?

That means I'll have to get up by 6. I can't get up that early.


I hate it when things are messy and dirty, so make sure everything's clean

Oh, and just to let you know, my privacy is very important to me.

Me too.

Living together in this one space will not be easy.

Probably not.

So, try not to leave your room until I call for you.

As long as you can do that, you can stay.

Have the living room, kitchen, and bathroom clean before I get back.

Make sure it's clean.

What a jerk.

What? Don't you like it?

Yes, why?

Then what's wrong with you?

I have something on my mind, nothing serious.

When are you wearing this?

You know the launching party Min-hyuk's having for the new magazine?

I'm wearing it there. You're going too, right?

No, why would I go?

By the way, I'm going to New York. I am going to study again.

Why so suddenly?

It's not suddenly. I've been thinking about it

When are you coming back?

I don't know. I may never come back.

By the way, I'm going to New York. I may never come back.

- I'd like to see this and this. - Okay.

Calculating a minimum of 2,500 won per hour...

I wake up at 6:30 then until

after doing the dinner dishes, so that's 13 hours...

that's only 32,500 won a day.

I owe him 1,680,000 won for the airfare and hotel...

it'll take 52 days...

I should just kill myself.

Who is it?

I am looking for Ji-eun Han.

That's me.

This is registered mail. Would you please sign here?

Registered mail?

All the paperwork has your name on it.

I have never had a credit card.

Furthermore, I have never used that card to get a loan.

If I didn't do it, why do I have to pay the money back?

It was that jerk Dong-uk Shin who borrowed the money.

I didn't think he was that kind of person.

On top of that, it seems he's having a problem with a girl.

Excuse me?

Someone saw him with a girl at the gynecologist.

Which gynecologist?

Hee-jin Yang, Dong-uk Shin, you guys are dead.

I don't want you to go.

Couldn't you just be with me?

I really like you.

I love you.

I've loved you for a long time..

Couldn't you just be with me?

Hae-won, will you marry me?

Yes, I will.

Ok, let's get married.

What are you doing at this time of night? Are you going over your lines?

What aren't you sleeping? Didn't I tell you to stay in your room?

I came out for some water.

But why is the dialogue for the movie so childish?

That's none of your business.

If you've had your water go back to sleep.

You've got to get up early to make breakfast.

Couldn't you just have toast for breakfast? It's simple.

Make rice.

By the way, I've got an important place to go tomorrow.

I'm probably going to be late, so take care of your own dinner.

Important? What is it?

You don't need to know. I thought privacy was important.

I'm going to be late too. I have an important appointment too.

Are you filming?

I love you, will you marry me?

Are you filming that? It's so tacky.

Hey, you won't be able to access the first floor after 9 p.m. tomorrow.

Plus, the living room, kitchen and bathroom will be off-limits,

so you should go to the bathroom before then.

- Hey, Hee-jin, are you just finishing? - Yes.

What did the doctor say? Is our baby okay?

Yes, the baby's growing well so there's nothing to worry about.

That's a relief. I worry because you're so weak.

Honey, let's go home. I can't stand the smell of the hospital.

Okay, let's go. Careful. Careful.

Honey, I'm so tired.

Let's hurry home.

Isn't it hot, honey?

Oh! It's a fan, I'll do it for you.

- How is it? - It fees good.

Long time no see, my friends.

Ji-eun.. hi.. how are you?

I am so sorry. We had to move while you were out of the country.

I'm sure you had your reasons.

We should go somewhere quiet to talk.

Honey? Run.




Stop right there! You're dead!

Stop right there! You're dead!

You better stop! Aren't you guys tired?

You're dead.

You call yourself a friend?

You call yourself a human being?

Hee-jin, run away.

Follow me.

Follow me.

Honey, what are we going to do?

I am ok, honey, you get away.

No, let's go together.

Hurry up, go.


Hurry up.



Hurry up! Hurry up!

Hee-jin, it's going to be okay.

Hey! Taxi!

- Were you wating long? - No, I just got here too.

Thank you.

Why is it so empty today?

I don't know, is it?

He's here, he's here! The owner of the ring!

She's tall and pretty.

It fits me!

Hello? Hello? Is this the Maeil Sports Newspaper?

The movie star, Young-jae Lee is here and is going to propose

He put the ring in the dessert.

It's so strange to be here all by ourselves.

So, what did you want to tell me?

I will tell you after dinner when we have dessert.

What is it? I am so curious.

What is it? Please tell me now.

Listen, about you going to New York.

Oh, that.

You don't want me to go? Is that it?

No, go, who said you shouldn't? I want you to have a good trip.

You should have treated me better when you had me.

It's your phone.

Hello, why?

I'm not at the shop, I'm having dinner.

Where are you?

When are you coming? Yes, okay.

Young-jae, I've got to go. Min-hyuk's coming.

Just wait a little. Leave after dessert.

I can't make him wait at my shop. Let's do it another time.

I'm sorry, I'll see you later.

I have to talk to you.

No, Min-hyuk is waiting for me.

You can ask him to wait.

What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?

Are you in love with him?


Do you love him?

Why do I have to tell you that?

Because I feel sorry for you.

He doesn't love you.

You don't mean anything to him. Don't you know that?

I love him.

I'm going to make him fall in love with me.

Thanks for worrying about me. I have to go.

Have you been waiting long?

No, I just got here. Did you come here just because of me?

No, how can I help you.

I want to buy a necktie.

For what occasion?

For the magazine launching party.

Oh, then it can be bold, right?

Anything's fine. You're coming too, right?

You want me to come?

Yes, a beautiful girl like you needs to brighten up the party.

I'll see.

What are you doing standing there in the dark?

Do you have any more beer?

They have been my friends for 15 years. Not one or two years, but 15 years.

How could they do that to me, to their best friend?

This house.

They know I have nowhere else to go. They know I have nothing else..

How could they do that to me? I trusted and relied on them.

Drink this.

By the way, how was filming?



What kind of movie is it? What's it about?

It's about a man who was in love with a girl for a long time

But the girl decides to leave.


So the man decides to propose to her before she leaves.

"I love you so much, don't leave, stay with me."

But he couldn't even tell her because she is in love with someone else.

How did you know that?

I am writer.

You don't know how to write.

Shall I continue?

However, it was too hard to give her up.

She was his everything. He couldn't live without her.

But he couldn't confess his love to her either

because he was afraid he would lose her forever if he did.

So, instead he accepts the pain.

Loving someone doesn't always mean happiness.

However, at the end, he decides to do the manly thing and let her go.

What happens after that? You said he couldn't live without her.

You think someone would actually die over something like that?

To forget her, he goes on a long trip.

On the way, he is hit by a storm and he finds himself stranded on an island.

The island is full of unique fruits and many buried treasures. It's Treasure Island.

He then meets a female coast guard who comes to save him. They fall in love.

At the end of the story, the man realizes

how unpredictable and profound life is.

Wasn't that good?

Ji-eun, just go to bed.

Just wait.. I'm almost there.

Oh! It's so pretty.

Isn't it good?

Is it soup or stew?

It can be both. You know, it's a multiplayer.

Are you throwing this away?

It looks like real gold. I found it in the trashcan.

Throw it away.

What a waste. Why throw it away?

Just throw away.

If you don't want it, I'll take it.

Geez, you're so strange.

You threw it away, right

Then it will belong to the person who finds it, right? Right?

I am going out. Take care of your own lunch.

You didn't have to print the script.

It's easier to read that way. Here is the diskette.

What do you think?

We'll see. I'll call you again later.

Okay, around, when?

Soon. I'll call you soon.

To be honest, I'm in a rush.

Excuse me?

Please, let me know soon.

No, the article was wrong.

No, he did not get engaged. Not at all.

Where is Young-jae? Is he at home?

I don't know. He's not answering the phone.

I told him to be careful.

A report about an engagement, I think his scandals are getting worse.

Keep calling. If you can't reach him today, then go to his house.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

I'm not doing anything.

By the way, the newspapers say you're secretly engaged to a mysterious woman.

Who is this mysterious woman?

It isn't the same woman you had a scandal with last time, is it?

I don't think so.

Then what about the woman before that? The super model Mi-so Lee?

Am I right? Is it her?

Hey, just go to your room.

After I finish this. I should finish what I start.

The ring in the newspaper looks like the one I found in the trashcan.

Is it the same one?

That's so weird.

Listen, about this.

Now, what?

Can I go to this launching party too?


I may be able to meet a publisher who will be interested in my writing.

If that happens, I can pay you back sooner

and I can also get my house back.

Can I go too?


- Why not? - You're too much trouble.

I won't be any trouble.


Then, let me just get in and then we'll go our separate ways.


Fine, have a good life.

You little.


You want to exchange this house with this?

You've got some nerves Ji-eun!

What is this?

My friend wrote it. Please just read it.

Is it a scenario?

Not exactly. Just take a look at it.

How did you get here?

I took a bus.

I told you not to come.

I can go wherever I want.

Even those with a debt have their own free will.


Let's act like we don't know each other. Let's each go on with our business.

I am sorry.



I'm here but I don't know who I should show my writing to.

Let me take a look.

Do you know about publishing?

Yes, I'm learning about it.

But what is it about?

It's a romance story. A story about a woman Casanova.

It sounds interesting.


Where did she go?

So, what happens to the seventh man?

He ended up falling in love with her too.

He repeats her name one hundred times on the roof when there's a full moon.

"I'll forgive you, just please come back!"

It sounds really funny.

It's not that funny, it's kind of sad.

It's sad and it's funny, too.

- You have a stain here. - I dropped my chocolate cake.

Oh, excuse me.

Hello? What?

- Sorry, excuse me. - Okay.

What is so funny?

When did you get here?

What's wrong with you?


Why are you always testing me?

Do you want to test how long Hae-won Kang will be able to endure?

Testing you? What are you talking about?

I love you.

I'm leaving so you better leave too.

I still have something to do.

You still have something to do?

You know that Min-hyuk Yu? I heard he works in publishing.


I was in the middle of a discussion with him,

Why are you insisting we leave now?

Fine, then I'm leaving by myself.

Go ahead. Geez!

I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

I have always thought of you as a little sister.

Besides, you have Young-jae.

Do you know how much he loves you?

You two make a nice couple.

So it is because of him? Because he loves me?

Excuse me.

Young-jae, are you in love with me? Do you love me?

Tell me, do you love me?

What are you doing, Hae-won?

Tell me. If you love me, tell me that you love me.

I love you very much, Ji-eun.

You must have something to say about what happened earlier.

Let's get married. I'll hire you as my wife.

Boil the dishcloth.

We can sleep here together.

Come here.

I'm docking that from your salary.

Are you starting to get scared?

Mr. Lee, please come to your senses.

You're the worst human being I know.

For more infomation >> Full House | 풀하우스 (ENG sub/2004) - Ep.2 - Duration: 1:05:56.


あっという間に大きくなる。犬の成長記録【可愛過ぎて切ない】 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> あっという間に大きくなる。犬の成長記録【可愛過ぎて切ない】 - Duration: 2:34.


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For more infomation >> Видео Плетистая роза. Натуральный футаж Роза. Фон для видеомонтажа HD - Duration: 0:44.


У Меня Только Ты, Лучшие Песни о Любви, Саша Айвазов - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> У Меня Только Ты, Лучшие Песни о Любви, Саша Айвазов - Duration: 3:47.



And that's how the tour starts

check out our van

all packed

Here's Linda

Johnny Kafonsko driving

Cenki Oliver next to him

Next Stop is Mono in Flensburg

look at all that space

just did some groceries

"a few Greens"

no, no greens

except for the watermelon, maybe (which is green)

"a few fruits, apples and a melon

I have a Red Bull

I have an


and I have a

"chest bag?"

"Energy kick" caffein pill

4 a.m.

in Denmark, let's eat a "Knoppers"

Mono, after driving four hours straight, through the night

you look pretty fit

Do I look tired?

We just arrived at the "Oresund Bridge"

Mono what's to check himself out

Oh god

You can't really tell

but there is a massive wind turbine field

clean energy - thumbs up

"is that offshore?"

and back there is the whole silhouette

of the bridge

is that the whole? It doesn't look to long

Or what?

"Don't know"

It think it is actually

actually two metres...?

Yeaah Malmö

What's good

Finally we arrived to Sweden

The Crew is refreshing themselves, I just woke up from sleeping

the last

two or three hours

That really Looks like Spirit Island in Canada with that Little Island in the lake

Kids, come!

We just arrived in Stockholm

At the rehearsal room of Awake the Dreamer

Are you excited to meet the other bands?

No I am stoked!

Since we were driving for so Long, we don't have any time left for Sightseeing in Stockholm

We have to bring our stuff in now and do soundcheck

and I am drinking my Aloe Vera drink

That is the venue

and what I really like is

"All is vegan"

I Need the keys

Why do you Need them?

a short tour..

Merch is ready

I wonder if their backdrop is huge? ... no it's small

Stockholm, you were exhausting..

We are soooo tired....

For more infomation >> VLOG 21: EUROPA TOUR HEARTBOUND | STOCKHOLM - Duration: 5:30.


Black Spiderman Raise Bad Baby Captain America Vs Superheroes for GIANT Candy In real life - Duration: 17:59.

For more infomation >> Black Spiderman Raise Bad Baby Captain America Vs Superheroes for GIANT Candy In real life - Duration: 17:59.


Home Remedy For Weight lose permanently | Weight Lose Shakes | Fat Cutter Drink | Fat Cutter Tea - Duration: 2:42.

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For more infomation >> Home Remedy For Weight lose permanently | Weight Lose Shakes | Fat Cutter Drink | Fat Cutter Tea - Duration: 2:42.


Вкуснейшее абрикосовое варенье на зиму - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Вкуснейшее абрикосовое варенье на зиму - Duration: 3:26.


ROMANTIC LO-FI RNB BEAT (copyright free music for videos) SOFT RAIN - Glass Boy - Duration: 3:35.

This is ROMANTIC LO-FI RNB BEAT music. Copyright free music for videos! SOFT RAIN - Glass Boy!

For more infomation >> ROMANTIC LO-FI RNB BEAT (copyright free music for videos) SOFT RAIN - Glass Boy - Duration: 3:35.


Full House | 풀하우스 (ENG sub/2004) - Ep.1 - Duration: 1:08:48.

Mr. Lee. What's going on with her, Mr. Lee? Mr. Lee?

Episode 1

Crazy... why did he come back?

If he left like that, then that should've have been the end.

Why is he back? Why?

Ah, that's right, that's it.

Oh, she was pregnant with his child..

Wow, it's getting more and more interesting.

What happened? What did he say?

He say's I'm pregnant.

We're so in debt. How are we going to have a baby?

Honey, what are we going to do?

Well, whatever it is, we've got to do it.

Looking deeply into each other's eyes, they found understanding, love

and something else impossible to describe.

She whispered to him as she smiled..

From the moment I saw you, I.. I..

Who was he?

Oh, really, who was it?

Aah! Shoot! Who is it?

Hold on!

Congratulations, you won the lottery!

First class air ticket. deluxe hotel accommodations?

Our bank is giving away free travel gifts to our best customers.

And Ji-eun you won.

Is this some kind of joke?

I told you it was a draw. You're so pessimistic.

Do you want to buy my ticket? I'll give you a special price.

You want me to go? Should I quit my job?

Okay, but you've never even been on a plane before, have you?

No, I've never...

So, you get to go for free this time.

What about my house?

You're house isn't going anywhere without you.

We're here. What do you have to worry about?

Why don't you think about your next novel, isn't that a good idea, Hee-jin?

That's right. What about a story of love beyond the border?

But something doesn't feel right.

What's the problem?

Nothing is ever for free.

Are you sure there aren't any hidden fees?

Yes, why are you so skeptical?

You're right, anyway, it's free. Let's go!

Why do you have so many bags?

I'm going on a trip. Hurry up.

We should have left home earlier.

I didn't know there was going to be so much traffic.

Stop talking and start running.

When you get to the hotel, you will start with interviews.

You will start shooting from the day after.

Your interpreter, staff, and the others will be waiting for you at the airport.

We are going to take care of your contract with IM while you are in China.

And have you seen the newspaper with you and Ji-hae Lee in it?

This is the second time this month.

The boss wants you to be more careful.

What's going on with my new house?

Go in, hurry up.

Somebody from the hotel will be waiting for me at airport, right?

Yes, that 's what I said. Hurry up, you're late.

Don't forget to water my plants, ok?

Don't worry. Just hurry, you're going to be late.

I feel so strange. This is the first time I've left home.

You're an adult now. You've got to just go, when it's time.

Okay guys, take good care of my house, I'll be back.

Ji-eun, wait.

Take this.

What is it?

I forgot to change money. Take it and change it there and

buy yourself something good to eat.

Hey, that's okay. Everything's going to be free, right?

Still, just in case of an emergency.

She's right. You catch colds easily in the summer too so be careful.

What's wrong with you guys?


We love you Ji-eun.

You guys are embarrassing me.

We love you so much.

Okay, I love you too.

Will she be okay?

If you dropped her off in the middle of the desert, she would find her way back.

We're going to have problems when she comes back,

so we need to start moving.

- Let me help you put it up. - Okay.

Wow, it's so spacious.

Why are there so many things? What's this?

They're slippers.

Excuse me, would you like a newspaper?

Yes, please.

Excuse me, does the plane shake a lot?


Another scandal? How many is this now?

Who is it this time? Why would you date someone like her?

Hello, this way please.

Hello. Excuse me, you're Mr. Young -jae Lee, aren't you?

Are you going to China? Are you filming something?

Sleep well.

Oh my gosh, the plane is…

The light turns on well. Everything's perfect, don't you think?

Is it all there?

Yes, it's right.

You said you would remove all your belongings beforehand, right?

Of course, we'll take everything.

I'll be going now, thank you.


Take care.


Hee-jin, we've gone too far now, haven't we?

Everything will be okay.

Honey, look a plane's going by.

Sorry Ji-eun.

Sorry Ji-eun.

Ji-eun.. Is it that your plane?

Ji-eun, I am really sorry.

I don't have that.

Can I try one? You can have this.

Thank you.

Excuse me, one more coke, please.

Did you see? Did you see it going into my mouth?

Rubyna Hotel? You're staying there, too?

I have reservations there, too. Wow. What a coincidence.

What are you looking at?

This is my first trip abroad.

And my first time on a plane...

It's much better than I thought.

Doesn't your ears hurt? If they do, they say you should swallow.

Swallow like this...

Oh! Oh, my! I am so sorry..

Oh, shoot!

Excuse me, excuse me...

This! Excuse me! Just a minute!

This! Excuse me. You forgot this!

Excuse me! No, no, this is his! Excuse me.

This is for VIP passengers only.

This is for...okay, okay.

Young-jae! Young-jae! Young-jae!

"Ji-eun Han"

I'm going to lose my mind!

Nobody is answering the phone. What's going on?

How am I going to find the hotel?

What are your impressions of Shanghai?

I think it is a very modern and beautiful city.

What kind of movie are you shooting here?

It is a historic drama about a man

who loses his best friend and the woman he loves.

Is it your first historic drama?

Yes it is.

Are there any difficulties in doing historic dramas?

No, there aren't.

Is it true that you are dating your movie partner, Ji-hae Lee?

No it isn't.

Are you seeing anyone?

I told you there would be no personal questions.

What are your impressions of Shanghai?

I think it is a very modern and beautiful city.

What kind of movie are you shooting here?

It is a historic drama about a man

who loses his best friend and the woman he loves.

Is your first historic drama?

Yes it is.

Here you are.

You are very kind.

Thank you for your postcard. Have a good trip.

It isn't enough!!

I'm so embarrassed!

What can I do for you?

Can you speak English?

Sure I can. What can I do for you?

I... made a reservation... My name is Han Ji-eun

Wait a moment please.


The deal's almost closed I have plans to go back soon

I'll see you then.

What are you staring at? Do you think I'm pretty?

What's so funny?

You're English is good for a Japanese guy.

You must have studied pretty hard.

Do you even know what I'm talking about?

Excuse me?

What is she talking about? Check in please...

It seems they don't have your reservation.

Are you sure you have one?


Are there any rooms available?

How many days will you be staying?

Until Friday.

You can go up to your room when they give you the key

Is there anything else. I can help you with?

No, thank you.

I want to die!

What kind of travel plans are these? You guys are dead.

Why aren't you answering the phone? I'm going crazy!

I thought you were too busy to come.

Even still, I wanted to see you.

I heard you bought a local cable company.


The deal's pretty much closed I'm going to go to Korea next month.

You're coming back to Korea?

I'm planning to try my hand in film marketing.

I may need your help.

Film marketing?

By the way, how are your parents and your grandmother? Are they doing well?

I suppose so.

Are you and your father sill like that?

You're no longer a teenager. You should give in first.

Oh, how's Hae-won? Is she alright?

Yes, she's doing fine.

She wonders about you too. You should call her.

I will.

Do you want something to drink? Beer? Whiskey?

No, I've got to get going. We'll have a drink next time.

- I have to go. - Okay.

Don't get up.

Oh, hello.

We meet again.

I am so sorry about what happened.

I thought you were Japanese. You speak Japanese well, too.

Is that your dinner?

Yes, it is. Did you have dinner?

Not yet.

Would you like some noodles?

No, thank you.

I see. By the way, name is Ji-eun Han.

My name is Min-hyuk Yu.

Are you staying here too?

No, I came to see a friend,

Young-jae Lee I heard he is a famous movie star in Korea

Oh, I see.

I wish I could talk longer

but I am afraid your noodles are getting cold.

Oh, right. You must be busy Goodbye then.

If fate will have it, I'll see you again.


Why aren't they answering the phone?


Hello? Who is this?

Just once. Wait one second. Just a second.

Geez, what's the big deal?

They said to stand closer.

Please pick up the phone.

Hey, why is it so hard to get a hold of you guys? What is going on?

The guide hasn't showed up in two days, I'm all out of the emergency money.

This is urgent. Call me at the hotel.

I'm going to kill you guys when I get back.

There is something definitely wrong.

If the travel agency doesn't show up how am I going to pay for the hotel?

I don't even have a return ticket. How am I going to get back to Korea?

To start with send me money and call me at the hotel, okay?

Hey! Did you guys get my messages? What's going on?

Where are you guys? Why aren't you returning my calls?

I'm scared to death...

I'm running out of everything… I don't have anything to eat

Call me.

There is something really wrong.

First I need to get to Korea and then I will deal with the rest.

But how am I going to get there?

Hello, Ji-eun Han?

Hi, do you remember me?

I sat next to you on the plane…


You do remember be… I'm so sorry about what happened.

I didn't even get a chance to apologize...

What do you have of mine?

Oh.. this You left your shirt

I washed and ironed it for you.

Thank you. Goodbye.


I have something else to talk to you about May I go in for a moment…

May I come in?

Say it here.

It's kind of a long story.

- Then make it short. - It's a little long.

Too bad.

Can I borrow some money?


I don't have any money for the hotel or my flight back.

I promise to pay you back when I get to Korea. Please?

You really are something.

Excuse me?

I don't have any money.

I know this must be a shock but think of how desperate I must be to do this.

I don't know a soul here

and I had to muster up my courage to ask a fellow Korean for help.

Shanghai was where our provisional government was located.

We should help our fellow people.

If you don't trust me, I'll leave you my ID card, my address and phone number.

Don't knock on this door.


Don't knock on this door anymore!

Fine, then would you please give me Min-hyuk Yu's phone number?


Isn't Min-hyuk still in Shanghai?

How do you know him?

How do I know him?

It seems the two of you are pretty close.

If that's the case, you shouldn't be treating me this way.

And why are you using the informal tense with me?

How well do you know him?

I just know him a little.

Then what did you mean when you said I shouldn't be doing this to you?

The past is the past

I don't want to talk about him anymore It's between him and me.

Min hyuk isn't here any more. I don't know where he is.

He isn't here?

Have you known him for a long time?

What if I have?

If we weren't the playthings of fate, we may have gotten married.

Whenever I think of him, my heart still hurts.

Did I go too far?

Well, as long as I pay him back. I'm saved!

Hee-jin Yang, Dong-uk Shin, I am back in Korea

If you don't have a good reason for not calling me back,

just know that you are dead.

I'm back.

Has Mr. Dong-uk Shin come in yet?

He quit.

What? When?

Over a month ago.

What? A month?

I knew there was something fishy going on.


May I help you with something?

No. thanks.

They planned it from the start… You steal everything in my house?

Excuse me, I have an account here Will you check it please?

It says you withdrew all your savings.

Do you mind checking it again please? There's nothing left?

You have 7 dollars left in your account.

Dong-uk! Dong-uk!


Do you know where Dong-uk, the young man next door, moved to?

I don't know.

- Please think about it. - I don't know.

I no longer have such a daughter Do what you want.

Please, sir.

Where are you guys?

Dear Ji-eun, Forgive us. We had no other choice.

I promise to become successful. Let's meet again then.

P.S. Hee-jin is pregnant. I'm leaving a picture.

We love you, Dong-uk and Hee-jin.

You guys have totally lost your minds. Just crazy…

Young-jae Lee.

Are you busy?

You were there for a few days and you didn't even call. Not once.

I didn't have a reason to call.

You have to have a reason to call? Really...

Were you waiting for my call?

Yes, to tell you to bring me a gift. You came empty-handed didn't you?

Then, let's have dinner tomorrow.

Fine, I'll take dinner instead.



I saw Min-hyuk. He looked good.

Oh, really?

He said he would be coming back He's starting a new company.


He said he missed you.

You have a phone call.

Oh, thanks.



What's the occasion? You are calling me?

Really? You can come tomorrow?

Come, huh? Join us for dinner.

You promise?

I'm really going to get mad if you break your promise.

Okay, call me again tomorrow. Bye.

Young-jae, Min-hyuk's coming.

I heard.

Can we include him tomorrow? It's okay, right?

Why are you asking me? Does it make you that happy?

Well, I haven't seen him in a long time.

Will you give me a special price if I buy all of these?

How are you?

Who are you?

Ah, you don't know me?

Then I must be at the wrong place. Shall I leave?


You're Young-jae Lee, right?

I'm a fan. May I have your autograph?


I should have called you first. I am sorry.

My house was broken in to but I promise to pay you back as soon…

You look awful.

Excuse me?

We don't have time Hurry up and follow me.

Excuse me, why do I have to try on these clothes?

I don't understand what's going on.

Aren't you getting in?

Where are we going?

I won't get in until you tell me where we're going.

We're going to eat. Satisfied?

Over here.

We'll order in a little while.

Wow, it's expensive here.

Because I'm indebted to you, I followed you here.

but do I have to buy dinner?

These clothes, I didn't ask for them…

it's just that you shouldn't go beyond your means.

- Ji-eun - Yes.

You should have courage if you want to get the person you love

You must overcome the difficulties.

If you break up because your parents don't approve, isn't that futile?

If you really love someone what difference do other people make?

Don't you agree?

Yes, you are right. It should be overcome.

I'm sure he hasn't been able to forget you Please give him another chance.


You miss Min-hyuk a lot don't you?

Excuse me? Who?

Are we late?

No, it's okay.

We shouldn't keep a star waiting. look great tonight.

You didn't know he was back in Korea, huh?

Of course not.

But I really don't want to see him.

I know how hard it was for you however, isn't love worth it?

To be frank with you, I think there's a misunderstanding

It's not..


To be honest with you, it is not what…

Here they come. Let's do our best.

Excuse me… actually, it's not.. I mean…that's not it…


You're already here.


"Just wait."

"I want to die."

Who is this?

This is my friend. We just ran into each other.

It's okay if she joins us, right?

Ji-eun, Ji-eun.

Nice to meet you.

This is Hae-won Kang and Min-hyuk Yu.

Nice meeting you.

The media culture industry is one of the most value added businesses.

Nowadays, major foreign companies

have been trying to increase the added values of their content

by uniting the newspapers, the radio, TV, and Internet into a one source multiuse.

"Hey what are you doing, say something quick"

Weren't you interested in the distribution industry?

You dad said he would put you in charge of distribution.

No, I like this better.

So are you going to produce movies, too?

Sure, I'll invest, produce, and distribute.

So that means Young-jae's future depends on you.

Why me?

He's right. My future depends on him.

Make a lot of great movies so I can sell a lot.

"Hey, you better say something!"

Are you okay?

Oh.. yes, I'm fine.

You're Ji-eun Han, right?

Yes? Yes.

Do you remember me?

"That's it, that's right"

Uh? I don't…

In Shanghai, right?

Oh, yes. Wow, we meet again here..

What a coincidence.

How do you know her?

We met once at a hotel when I was visiting Young-jae.


Did you have a good trip?

Yes. Thanks to you.

I don't think you guys were friends at that time.

We've become friends now.

You're going home, right?

You're going to take me home, right?

Where do you live Ji-eun?

I live far from here.

I will take Ji-eun home.


- We'll see you again. - Yes.

- We'll see you again. - Goodbye.


What's so funny?


Hey, you really are something!

Please calm down. I will explain everything.

What? Explain what?

As I told you, it was an emergency. and you wouldn't listen to me.


In my desperation, the story went in the wrong direction.

But I promise to pay you back. Isn't that what you want?

What I want? You scam me and you have the nerves to justify yourself?

Scam? Watch your mouth. You think you can say anything you want?

What? Watch my mouth?

Plus, it was you who took advantage of me.


If I were his real ex-girlfriend,

Do you know how awful the situation would have been?

I don't know why you did that, but you shouldn't be like that.

It's very immature.

You're the one who lied and you're calling me what?

You really are a piece of work.

And further, why are you using the informal tense with me?

What if I do? What are you going to do about it?

Then I will use the informal tense too.

What? I'm going to…

Going to what? You really are a jerk, aren't you?


You want to hit me? Go ahead! Go on! Go on! Hit me, hit me!

What a jerk!

That little…

Who are you?

Who are you?

I'm the homeowner.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with the contract.

It wasn't enough, so they take my house!

Everything's been processed from our side, so would you please leave?

It may look as if there is no problem but there is.

What do you mean?

You didn't make a contract with the owner of the house, which is me.

I'm telling you one more time, there is nothing wrong with the contract.

The transfer of ownership has already been registered.

Someone has stolen my house and everything in it.

I'm not the person you should be telling this to. You should report it to the police.

Excuse me?

May I help you?

Someone stole my money and my house.

One moment Inspector Kim.

- One moment. - Okay.

Please let me go.

please let me go for my baby, please, my baby.

But when are you going to pay back the money you borrowed?

If you don't have money then you should work it off.

What a jerk. I should just kill myself.

It isn't the same woman you had a scandal with last time, is it?

Hey, just go to your room.

- Hey! - I'm really sick.

Don't give me that...

Please wait.

Hae-won, what do you think of that girl over there?

He doesn't love you.

I'm going to make him fall in love with me.

Hey! You better stop!


For more infomation >> Full House | 풀하우스 (ENG sub/2004) - Ep.1 - Duration: 1:08:48.


Schlagerstar Bernhard Brink - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> Schlagerstar Bernhard Brink - Duration: 8:11.


Kman夾娃娃 這次有點強阿,利用卡位連續出兩盒大公仔!卡位技巧實際應用教學!POP性感美女公仔#43 - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 這次有點強阿,利用卡位連續出兩盒大公仔!卡位技巧實際應用教學!POP性感美女公仔#43 - Duration: 7:33.


Ein junger Düsenflieger zeigt es allen - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Ein junger Düsenflieger zeigt es allen - Duration: 2:32.


Tan Brownie - Dirty Society *Electronic Instrumental* - Duration: 3:32.

We are teaching that everything can be bought with money

that love can be bought with presents and material things...

Ephimeral issues...

I follow my premonitions. Actions should be done for real feelings

There should be more dialogue, more interaction, looking for face to face relationships, sharing fifty-fitfy...

A sunset, a full moon...

waking up with somebody who really loves you...

Fuck! These things are the ones...


For more infomation >> Tan Brownie - Dirty Society *Electronic Instrumental* - Duration: 3:32.


Serverimizin tanıtımı!!! - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Serverimizin tanıtımı!!! - Duration: 4:25.


Landesschau Baden-Württemberg vom 12.7.2017 - Duration: 43:20.

For more infomation >> Landesschau Baden-Württemberg vom 12.7.2017 - Duration: 43:20.


A day with NK Moss!! My first YouTube video - Duration: 10:31.

Leave your bike here

He is a little Motherf*cker


It's okay. Chillout

He needs a normal girlfriend

Text him

You know I like food

No, I like, you don't like

I don't like food?

I need to eat

No, you don't

I'm a growing man, I need to eat

But you have to.. yeah you have, yeah, you have to be dead

For more infomation >> A day with NK Moss!! My first YouTube video - Duration: 10:31.


Against the Wind || Bob Seger - Duration: 6:17.

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!

For more infomation >> Against the Wind || Bob Seger - Duration: 6:17.


Was Erben bedenken sollten - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Was Erben bedenken sollten - Duration: 3:30.


Full House | 풀하우스 (ENG sub/2004) - Ep.5 - Duration: 58:58.

Episode 5

Please forgive me.

I just can't believe it...

You could've called us at least once

while you were on your honeymoon to let us know you arrived okay.

We don't expect much from Young-jae, but, you...

I'm sorry.

Do you have any idea how your father-in-law must be feeling?

Where is your ring?

Excuse me?

Your wedding ring?

It's in my room.

You shouldn't take off your wedding ring.

I knew this would happen from the start

It's because she grew up without parents to teach her anything.

She didn't learn a thing.


We accepted you into this family because we know how stubborn Young-jae is,

and because he publicized his marriage to the world.

But you shouldn't behave like this.

There's no need to say more, you two are moving in with us.


I'll send a moving company to the house next week.

Don't wait until the last minute and get all of your things ready beforehand.

But...but, grandmother.

Let's go.


Please don't be angry.


But mother, will Young-jae's father let them move in?

He's going to be upset.

Even after all these years, do you still not know your husband?

If it's driving me crazy...well I can imagine what he must be thinking.

Men...why don't they know that a pretty face is of no use?

Excuse me?

How was your recording?

It was just a couple of scenes on the phone...they were simple.

Not a big deal.

The premiere's coming up. I don't know if it'll finish on time.

I'm sure it will.

Oh, I heard you went to the amusement park and you made quite a stir.

Is it already in the newspaper?

Not in the paper, but on the Internet. They say you have constipation.

Please live as quietly as possible.

What do you want to do for dinner? Do you want to eat out?

I'm thinking about taking the staff out.

That's okay. I'll just eat at home.

Why? Did Ji-eun say she made something good for dinner?


I didn't know it at the beginning,

but the more I see her the more I think your wife is cute.

Cute? Who is cute?

There are many women who look like that.

She's a little woman with big eyes and a bad temper.

Even still, you want to go home early, don't you?

You want to see your wife, huh?

What? Who said I wanted to go home early...

You know I don't like office dinners...

Let's go...I'll buy.

Forget it, go home.

I told you I would buy.

I said it's okay, go home.

I'm going.

Yes, Ji-eun, what do you want?

You want me to come home early?

I have plans for dinner with the staff. I'll probably be late.

I can't tell if this is soup or stew.

Is it one of your multiplayer dishes? Who do you think you are, Hiddink?

Did you ask me to come home early for this?

No, that's not it... We have a big problem.

Your mother and grandmother came over today.

We should've visited them first. They are very upset with us.

They said you didn't call them once while we were on our honeymoon.

Didn't it occur to you to call your parents so that they wouldn't worry?

How could you be so ignorant?

Well since you're so deep and thoughtful, why didn't you call them?

Well...that's because I don't know their phone number.

So, there are things that even the great genius doesn't know?

This isn't the time to fight, we need to join forces to find a solution.

What? Join what?

They told me we had to move in with them.

They're sending the moving company next week.


Listen carefully, I'm about to tell you how to deal with each of my family members.

First my mom,

she's great but once she gets mad, she gets scary, so be careful.

Next, my's impossible to communicate with him.

He doesn't think he needs to hear what other people are saying,

so there's no use for long conversations with him.

I'm not worried about your father. I'm most scared of your grandmother.


I've got her in the palm of my hand.s You don't have to worry about her.

But, she doesn't like pretty girls...

What? Why?

I don't know. So, if she gives you a hard time, just remember your face..

is not the reason...

my grandmother doesn't like stupid girls. She really can't stand them.

Anyway, I'll take care of it, so don't worry, okay?

I'm not scared.

Young-jae, where's your ring?

Your ring! You almost forgot your ring...

What brings you here so late? You should've called first.

I heard you stopped by the house.

We came by since you two didn't come to us.

We should've have come first, we're sorry.

I completely forgot. You know how busy I am.

There are things you just shouldn't forget. Do you know how long we waited?

We're sorry... but we can't move in with you.

Why not? Did Ji-eun say she didn't want to?

It's not her. You know I can't live with dad.

There are many things we need to teach your, move in.

There's nothing for you to teach her. She cooks well,

she knows how to do the laundry, she's really good at cleaning.

Hey, what aren't you good at?

I'm really good. I'm good at everything.

I told you so.

That's not what we meant. Look at what she's wearing.

Excuse me?

You should've worn your traditional Korean dress

on the first visit to your in-laws after the wedding.

What's wrong with wearing that? I'm in casual clothes, too.

She also shouldn't have come empty-handed on her first visit

to her in-laws.

It's not like I expected her to bring a traditional Korean dinner

for her father-in-law, like other newly married women,

because I know it's not her fault she lost her parents...

Why do you say things like that?

What do you mean why? Because I need to.

As for a gift, I forgot. I'll buy something for you.

What do you need? I'll buy whatever you want.

You rascal, you think I'm asking you to buy me a gift?

I prepared a gift for you...

My gift is a song... I prepared a song.

Three bears live together in one house..., daddy bear, mommy bear, baby bear...

Daddy bear is fat...mommy bear is slim... and the baby bear is so cute...

They are so good together...

You just put on a show, didn't you? Quite a show!

Why didn't you do the jitterbug, tango, and salsa while you were at it?





You want some ice cream?

Do you think I'm in the mood for ice cream?

Always making me do everything.

If he wants ice cream, he should go buy it himself.

I'm going to eat this...


Hey! Why do you get the Popsicle while I have to eat this?

You're the one who wanted ice cream.

Hey, I don't want this. Switch!

Come on...just eat it.


Anyway, when you're feeling blue,

popsicles are the best. The sugar is good for it.

Who said that?

It's in a book.

Is it really true you graduated from medical school?

Your father must have had great expectations of you...

he really must have been disappointed.

You don't know anything about it, so just concentrate on doing what you need to do,

I'm doing fine...I thought you knew I was hired as a writer.

I thought I told you I was hired by Min-hyuk Yu's company.

By the way, about the recorder... thank you.

I didn't think you took me seriously...

Thank you.

If you're really grateful, you should repay me.

Push me on the swing.


Hey, don't push me too hard.

Let's see how long you can handle this.

Stop pushing. Hey, Ji-eun!

Hey, Ji-eun, stop pushing... Let me down...

You're going to kill me if I let you down. Do you think I'm that stupid?

Let me down!

Turn it. Turn it in the opposite direction...

You turn it.

The time is 2 a.m. I don't know what to write.

I'm miserable. I shouldn't have been so smug.

Even still, I have to do my best. Go for it!

What time is it?

What? It's time to get up and cook. Go make breakfast.

I'm really late, so I'll clean the house later.

You've got to clean the whole house today, so come home early.


I'm in the subway. I almost missed it.

No matter how many times I told him I was late, he made me finish the dishes...

Oh, that Young-jae, I can't stand him!

It's not there? Please look carefully. It's red.

And the size is around this big? About this big...

I understand, but there aren't any recorders here.

Thank you anyway.

This isn't what I expected. The story's not very interesting.


And why did you bring three synopses?

I just wanted you to read some of my old things, too.

You knew it wasn't very good, didn't you?

That's why you brought the others.

If it's not interesting to you, it won't be interesting to others.

There's nothing more to say about this. Please do it again.

This time write about something you know, something interesting to you.

I will...

Hey Ms. Tardy!


How do you think I'm going to feel

if you walk out with that depressed look on your face?

No, it's not that... it's just I lost something today.

What did you lose?

It's not anything's just that it was a birthday present.

Actually, the last time I was here, was my birthday...

It was?

Yes, it's not a big deal.

Thank you.

Excuse me, it looked like this... But it was red instead of silver.

Please wait a moment.

It was similar to this. But this part was red.

Are you talking about this?

Yes, it is, this is the same one. This is it!

I'm glad you were able to find the same one.

Would you like it?

Yes, please wrap it up. I'll buy this for you.

Oh no, I have money.

It's for your birthday.

You really don't have to...

I'm so glad I was able to find the same one.

If Young-jae had found out, I would've been in big trouble.

Was it his gift?

Excuse me?

Excuse me, I'm really sorry, but I don't think I'm going to take it.

I'm sorry for bothering you.

Wasn't it the same one?

It was the same model, but it felt different.



Because it wasn't from Young-jae?

I beg your pardon?

Would you like to eat before you go? You still owe me spaghetti.

Oh...but...would it be okay if I bought it for you another time?

Today is a full on house cleaning day. I need to get back early.

A full on house cleaning day?

Yes, even though I clean the house twice a week,

he makes me clean the whole house from top to bottom. It's a real big job.

A big job?

Well, I'm not doing it for free. I'm getting paid, so I just endure it.

Well, take care, goodbye.

Oh, yes...goodbye.

Hey over there to the right... There's a spot over there.


Further up.

I said further up.

I can't reach it.

Like this. Can't you do it like this?

Over there, too.

Where? To the right?

Right next to it... Oh, you're doing a good job!

You do it!

If it were me, I would've finished it.

By the way, what happened this morning? What did they say about your work?

That it wasn't good.

I knew that would happen.

What could possibly come out of that head?

Do you think anyone can be a writer?

So, at night just go to sleep.

Don't sleep at your desk, sleep in your bed.



The recorder you gave me...

Recorder? What about it?

I lost it...

What? You did what?

I think I left it on the subway.

What? You left it?

I knew you would do something like that.

I knew you were stupid, but why is it that everything you do is wrong?

I just can't categorize your brain with the rest of the human kind.

You belong in the bird class, you know, like chickens, you chicken head.

What did you say?

I was crazy to have bought something like that for you.

See if I ever buy you anything again!

Why are you giving me a dirty look? What are you going to do about it?

I already feel so bad I want to die...

Hey, what's wrong with you?


Are you pouting because I got mad at you?

Stop talking to the bird and just eat.

Are you mad because I called you a bird? I always call you that.

Isn't it about time you've gotten used to it? Does it make you feel bad every time?

Listen...I'm sorry.

You gave it to me as a birthday present. I'm sorry I lost it.

What are you going to do this afternoon?

I was going to get my bag from Dong-uk's house.

Do it another time... let's go out somewhere.

Excuse me?

Don't lose it again, okay?

Hey, what took you so long?

Why? The department store opens until 8 tonight.

We have to eat dinner, too.

So I don't have to make dinner?

Hurry up and get in.

Would you take a look at this for me?

I should probably start with a language course, huh?

You speak English well already.

Do you think it's good enough?

Beside, why do you want to go to New York suddenly?

I've always wanted to study more. Plus, I'm tired of working.

But, when are you going back to New York?

Oh? I'm not going back to New York.

Oh... really?

It seems I need to stay here until this project is more established.

So, you don't need to go to New York.


Hae-won, do you really want to go this far?

What? What do you mean?

You know me, right?

Don't you know that you will only end up hurt?

What about me?

I already told you that I think of you as a little sister.

I don't feel anything more for you. Don't you understand what I'm saying?

Is my love for you so wrong that I deserve this kind of insult?

Don't be confused. You don't love me, you just want me.

You need to stop it here... Don't be childish anymore.

Let's go, I'll give you a ride.

Fine, I'm leaving first.

What are we having for dinner?

Should we have pasta?

Oh...I really love spaghetti.

Or we can have Chinese food.

I love Chinese food, too. Noodles and sweet and sour pork...

Maybe we'll have chicken stew.

Chicken stew? Oh, it sounds so good.

What don't you like to eat?

I like everything.

Hello, Hae-won.

No, it's okay.

Where are you? Oh...I see. Just wait there.



Go back home.

What? Go back home?

Otherwise, go first.

I'll meet you in front of the department store at 7:30.

You're here.

What happened?

Nothing happened.

I just missed you.


I feel like dying.

I've never felt more miserable in my life.

I'm really stupid, aren't I?

To love someone is stupid.

Loving someone?

Min-hyuk told me it wasn't that I loved him,

but that I wanted him.

It's because you love him

that you want him.

You look really great today.

When are you coming?

I'm starving and my legs hurt. Can't you come now?

Is it going to take longer?

You should've gone in somewhere for a bite.

Have you just been waiting? Are you stupid?

Don't be like that, just go.

Just go, I'm going to go, too.

Okay, I'm leaving now. I'll be right there.

Oh, I'm going to kill you. That's right, just show up...

I'm going to order the most expensive dish.

Oh! I'm starving!

Let's go. I'll drop you off.

I'm going to leave in a little while.

Are you sure?

You better hurry. Ji-eun is waiting for you.

She's waiting.

Okay, I'll call you tomorrow.


Hey, Young-jae.


don't go.

Go on in.

Be careful, thanks for today.

You truly are a great friend.

Hey, Ji-eun, are you back?


When did you get back last night?

What do you care?

Did you wait long?

Do you think I'm stupid to have waited?

Hey, did you buy the recorder?

Why are you so curious? Stop bothering me.



You shouldn't have asked me to go out. Or you shouldn't have asked me to wait.

I though you said you didn't wait.

That's right, I left, I left... even still it makes me feel bad.

What do you think you're doing, training an animal?

Am I that big of a joke to you? Am I?

I knew it was too good to be true.

So you're going to start nagging first thing in the morning?

What? Nagging?

Hey, when things come up other things have to wait.

Who do you think you are getting in my face like that?

You're like a beggar with no where to go.

but I give you shelter, feed you, clothe you, I even pay you.

- What are you complaining about? - Have I ever freeloaded?

I cook, I do the laundry, I clean, and I work all day and what do I get?

You call me stupid? Who do you think you are?

You really think you're smart, don't you?

Isn't it obvious? It's better than being a chicken head.

What? You really are a psycho.

You keep saying psycho, psycho. Do you even know how to spell it?

I may not know how to spell it, but I know you are a psycho!

You psycho!

You really are pushing it. If you're that unhappy, then all you have to do is leave.

Get your things and leave It's your specialty! Go!

Don't worry, I'm leaving.

I can't bear to be in the same room with you a minute longer.

Great. I feel the same way, so just leave.

Don't worry, I'm leaving. You go on and have a good life!

Hey, don't forget to take your toothbrush.


My bag...That's right, it's at Dong-uk's house.

Good, I don't even need to pack.

If I ever associate with you again, I will be a bird.

You already are a bird. You bird!

Don't ask me to make sushi.

You called that sushi? Don't even try to bring anything like that again!

I'll kill you if you do.

Why did I wear this ring?

We should've brought a birthday present. I forgot.

It's okay. Her birthday passed.

I know, but we have to talk about our business.

Hello? Ji-eun, where are you?

At our house? We're bringing your bag to your house.

What? Hey, I'm here, so hurry back. Hurry up and come back.

What do you mean why did we fight?

We fought because we had reason to. So just come back...what?

What business do you have to discuss with Young-jae?

Hello? Hello?

- Who is it? - Hello, how are you?

Who are you?

We met at your wedding. I'm Ji-eun's friend, Dong-uk Shin...

Oh...she's not here right now.

We just spoke with her on the phone, she should be here soon.

May we come in?

You guys fought again?

Don't worry. The only place she can go is my house.

We even brought her bag back.

As we told you before, we've got her in the palm of our hands.

Well, then, I'll be going...

Excuse me...would you mind taking a look at this?

What is it?

I'm starting a management business.

I was wondering if you would be interested in joining our project.


We only have a small budget to start with, but if you would join us,

we wouldn't have any trouble attracting more investors.

I'm sorry, but I'm not interested.

Excuse me? Still, please take a look before you make up your mind.

I'm sure if you read it carefully, you'll change your mind.

I'm quite tired, I'll be going upstairs now. You can wait here for Ji-eun.

Who does he think he is?

Just because he's a movie star... He doesn't have to be so rude.

Honey, it's okay...don't worry about it. It's not good for our baby.

Okay. Do you want something cold to drink?

Is there any fruit instead?

Let me check.

Who does he think he is? What a nasty man!

Wow! Look at all this fruit!

What is this? They don't even share a room.

Hey, Hi-jin, Hi-jin. Look at me.

What is that?

There are so many shoes and clothes upstairs.


How do I look? I look good, don't I?

Wow, you look really great.

Shouldn't I be the movie star?

You're too good looking to be just an ordinary man.

What do you think you're doing?

There were so many clothes in the closet, I just was trying them on.

Take it off now!



What's the big deal? Why are you overreacting?


Hey, Hi-jin.

Just wait... You're making us feel bad.

Who is supposed to say that to whom? What kind of beggars are you guys?

What? What did you just say? Are you finished? Beggars?

Hey! Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are to make my woman cry?

I can be patient with everything else,

but I can't forgive anyone who makes my woman cry!

Hey! Take your hands off me! Let go!

You jerk! Who do you think you are? You jerk!

Hey, what do you think you're doing? You better take your hands off him!

That jerk made Hi-jin...

Who are you calling jerk? Do you think he's your friend?


Did you just scratch this movie star's face?

What are you, gangsters? Do you want me to scratch Dong-uk, too?

Hey, are you taking your husband's side?

Yeah I am, so what?

You shouldn't be like this to us.

Hey, don't ever think about coming to our house again. We're through.

I don't have any regrets, goodbye.

Don't you have hands or feet? How can you get beat up like that?

So you want me to fight with a woman?

Why not? You always fight with me.

You're not a woman, you're a bird.

That's right, I'm a bird for associating with him again. A bird.

- I'm going out. - Okay, have a good day.

- I'll see you later at the movie theater. - Okay.



Hi, Ji-eun, this is Hae-won.

I can't seem to get a hold of Young-jae. Is he home?

He's not here right now... He said something about a shoot.


I'm going to see him a little later. Would you like me to give him a message?

Oh...that's okay, just tell him I called.

Okay, goodbye.

What can I get you?

One popcorn and... two cokes please.

Why are you so late?

I was waiting for the lights to turn off.

I thought I was going to be stood up again.


Can you see anything with those sunglasses on?

Why are you looking at me like that?

When was I looking at you?

You were just looking at me.

By the way, Hae-won called.


Right before I left for the theater.

She said she couldn't get a hold of you, so she called the house.

Oh, hi...I heard you called.

Sick? What's wrong? The hospital?

Wait, wait for me!

It's time to make breakfast.

What if this kind of information gets to the press? What will happen?

Just be quiet and let me handle this.

That's why it's important to live with elders and receive family education.

But you keep saying how I haven't learned anything.

Young-jae is as bad as I am.

Grandma! Oh my gosh.

This girl is killing me...

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