Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017

Hello i am RINRIN

Seven in the morning and seven in the evening?

- Yes! - WOW!

ACHOOOOO Gosh I am so SORRY!!!

Be sure to check it out!

Hey guys it's Lolita Fashion Reporter Cathy Cat.

This is a special interview for the new Harajuku fashion magazine MELT.

We are right now right where the magic happens.

So let's kick off with the special interview.

My name is RINRIN.

In Japan I work as YouTuber and model.

Let's ask you some questions about FASHION, BEAUTY, SECRETS and

also what's inside your bag today.

Right at the end we will ask you to tell us one of your secrets

so enjoy this video right until the end.


Please introduce today's fashion coordinate to us. Wait wait wait!


Today our dresses are matching!

We are wearing a twin style Lolita coordiante.

This dress has a lot of parfaits and drinks on it.

The food has names are printed on it. Like "Pink Princess Parfait" or "Raspberry soda"

I want to try them!

Lemon Melon soda, that all sounds super tasty.

There are so many on it. Like this "Love Heart Parfait"

Oh it actually has hearts on top.

The headdress reminds me of a waitress that could be working at that parfait place.

It's so super cute!

If you look closer you can see that there are differences in our styles.

I have focused on strawberries. And yours has..


Yours is a full one piece dress.

But for summer the sleeves are half length. Super cute.

This dress is really light so it feels really nice to wear.

It's so much fun to wear this.

We are Twinsies!


Do you wear Lolita fashion on a daily basis?

I wear it daily.

But I also wear many different fashion styles.

What's your favorite fashion brand?

I must say I love Angelic Pretty the most.

Apart from Angelic Pretty... what other brands do you like wearing?

lilLily, Honey Salon and other brands that are kind of cute.

What do you like the most about the style today?

It would have to be these parfaits here. I want to eat them!

I love Lolita fashion dresses that have doughnuts on.

Mmmh I get you. Sweets prints are the best.


Do you have a beauty routine that you do every day?

I actually have really dry skin.

I use proper lotions and about 10 different types of creams.


Ten, maybe seven if I count it all up.

All of them together?

In the mornings and evenings.

Seven in the morning and seven in the evening.

Yes. - WOW!


Toner, then milky lotion,

a lotion, an eye cream,

a face cream, and then between that a hydraulic

a hydraulic essence and something for vitamin C.

That brings us to seven.

And then on top of that a sunscreen. - In the mornings.

About that.

Wow that's a lot of beauty products.

I use a lot.

Do you have a brand that you can recommend to us that you frequently use?

I like the Korean beauty brand IOPE.

Recently I switched over to SKII

I really like both brands.

And you layer them up together? - That's it.

At this point let's find out more about you.

Are you half Japanese?

I am Taiwanese American.

But both of my parents are actually from Taiwan.

I don't have any Japanese blood in me.

So you can speak three languages? - Yes.

Can you introduce yourself?

Is that ok?

You got that spot on!

Really? Awesome!

Since we talked about abroad, I assume you meet many foreign lolitas

Is there a difference between lolitas from Japan and from abroad?

I have been to many countries. I have seen many cultures there.

Lolitas there mix culture into their coordinate to create their styles.

Different countries have different lolita styles.

I really like seeing that.

Is there anything you saw abroad that Japanese lolitas don't do?

In the Netherlands...

I saw a girl use real flowers as part of her hair decorations.

It was so beautiful.

In Mexico the lolitas wear longer skirts.

And wear longer petticoats too.

and it seems ok to show your petticoat too.

Everyone loves Lolita fashion and that connects us all.

But adding your own personal notes on top is what I like seeing.

Is there anything that impressed you with Lolitas from Japan?

At the tea parties, they all make perfect coordinates.

Also many girls wear twin style coordinates like we do.

I really like that.

I agree, twin style coordinates are super cute!

What got you into Japanese fashion?

Well when I was in High school...

I had a Japanese friend. She went to Japan to see her family.

When she came back she gave me the "Gothic and Lolita Bible" magazine as gift.

When I saw that I was so moved.

The fact that people

can wear that...

in real life, left a big impression on me.

And ever since then I have been reading these magazines.

From now on that magazine will be the "melt" magazine.

I hope more new people can see this fashion in the magazine

and that way we can welcome them into our fashion world.

That would be great.

I am totally catching you on the spot here but...

please introduce your bag to me.

We didn't give her time to prepare for this.

I just went "Show me your bag girl"

I haven't prepared it. I haven't made it look pretty.

That's ok. I think that's actually more interesting.

Where is the bag from?

From the brand "Milk"

The first item would be this one.

It's a fan.

It has gotten hot recently.

So I need this one.

Where is it from?


There used to be a kitty on it though.

None there. It ran off.

Run away kitty.

No cat there.

But there is a new Cat there.


Let's stuff you in my bag.

Not sure if I will fit...

I'll try my best.

Next is a badly folded parasol.

Oh right.

A must-have summer item.

I already need it.

It's a sunscreen from Peach John.

This is my sunscreen from VANESSA.

It's a spray type one.

To apply even over makeup right.

My wallet is from Anna Sui.

It's already a bit battered.

The butterfly clasp is cute.

And this thing popping out here...

That's my... Oh no I need to make it look first.

It actually has ears.

Oh right it's true. So cute.

It's a little pouch.

This is a makeup pouch from Honey Salon.

For whatever reason I am carrying sparkles with me.

Isn't that normal?

There is a lip tint and...

And this one. I love it.

It's an aroma spray for when I have headaches or when I am tired.

That's when I use it.

It says Lavender and Peppermint.

It's quite strong.

This is a powder from MAC...

And a lotion from Jill Stuart.

It contains lots of things.

So that's your makeup bag and?

Makeup bag and...

This one is for notes.

Where is that from? What brand?

It was a novelty item I got recently.

I saw this one earlier and thought it was your phone but apparently it's not?

This is a camera that I got in China recently.

It has a super wide lens,

so you can take full body shots in selfie mode.

And you can do this too.

You can hold it like this.

So it kind of includes the selfie stick already.

How would it look if we were to take a picture together?

Let me set the timer...

3.... 2...... 1.......

I am so sorry!


Let's do this one more time.

I am making a silly face now...

But I think your camera is super cute.

So let's ask you about your secret.

Tell me your secret!

I actually love watching gaming videos on Youtube.

What really?

I am terribly into them.

What type of gaming videos do you like?

I like people who have nice voices.

What channels do you like?

Japanese youtubers Pocky and Settokouji

and international YouTubers...

I watch GTLive, jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and so on.

So it's not about a favorite game, but about the YouTubers.

I like it if someone is talking. I don't like being much on my own.

When I am editing at home, I generally put something on.

and watch it like that.

Finally! One message to your fans!

I am doing a Japanese YouTube channel now too.

Be sure to watch it.

I also am doing an English channel.

So be sure to check it out.

If you are into Lolita fashion and similar,

be sure to pick up the brand new Japanese fashion magazine MELT.

I will be featured in it as model too, so please check it.

See you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> melt × KAWAII♡PATEEN with RinRin Doll【with English Sub】|melt × KAWAII♡PATEEN! RinRin Dollインタビュー! - Duration: 11:54.


Tipe Cowok Aku Itu......! | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Tipe Cowok Aku Itu......! | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:36.


مايك احترافي بسعر رخيص Review Neewer NW-700 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> مايك احترافي بسعر رخيص Review Neewer NW-700 - Duration: 1:59.



For more infomation >> PREGUNTAS CALIENTES EN LA PLAYA 🔥 🔥 - Duration: 8:53.


【HAUL】ASOS 買了什麼? 開箱試穿給你看!|HeyJenniFa - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> 【HAUL】ASOS 買了什麼? 開箱試穿給你看!|HeyJenniFa - Duration: 7:58.


¿Por qué HONG KONG está en DECLIVE? – VisualPolitik - Duration: 13:30.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué HONG KONG está en DECLIVE? – VisualPolitik - Duration: 13:30.


[Eng Sub]12-0 GRAND CHALLENGE GRAVEYARD CYCLE DECK | Clash Royale - Duration: 15:37.

hello everybody

back to grand challenge series today

is about graveyard cycle deck

creared by clanmate Huy Huỳnh Kris

creator of bridge spam 3 Muskies and Inferno Dragon deck

very powerful in meta right now

you might replace the collector with guards

but still I prefer collector

I will show you some replays against meta decks

describe how I would play this deck

the general plan is to pump up early game

force opponent to make the first move

pump again and combo ice golem graveyard

or night witch graveyard later

poison if needed

in this replay against bridge spam inferno dragon deck

you want to play passive

defend carefully opponent's push

and right when you can, place the pump

this way you force opponent to either commit huge push

or poison your collector

which are both bad for him

because without Poison opponent can hardly defend Graveyard

Tombstone when I pumped here is very bad play

I tried to play Night Witch there to avoid getting Poison together with the collector

I noticed that he was going to commit to the right side

I put pressure on the left

he had to defend with Poison

that way my collector is safe

he was then down in elixir

I can easily defend anything

simply because I had more elixir

Ram was just played so I can safely play the pump again

Now the elixir gap is even bigger

I had upper hand and he was forced again to make the move

I knew I had big elixir lead, so I went with combo on the left

whatever they put on the right, I knew I can easily defend it

this deck is very fast, you can defend almost anything

opponent should not go all in when down in elixir

that was a big mistake

when you are down in elixir, you want to defend first

and then balance the elixir gap

even with Poison, you have to time it right

otherwise Graveyard RNG will still do damage

little by little

Golem Lightning is considered an easy matchup

you Poison their Pump and pump up

you want to go the opposite side against Golem

that was a greedy Golem, he should not do that

Ice Golem and Graveyard are enough pressure

save some elixir to defend the Golem

no need to defend the left Night Witch

we were even in tower damage

opponent placed the collector in a worst position against Graveyard

you can see why

I knew I can take 2 towers in matter of time

what I should do is defend first

eventhough I knew he was gonna take the tower

I want to make use of the tower's power while I could

Ice Golem is very important distraction to the Baby Dragon

Pekka Ram is a normal matchup

his deck has advantage only if he is familiar with our deck

which is not the case because no one plays our graveyard deck right now

his pump was placed in the worst position against Graveyard

because he didn't think I played Graveyard :)

he made the right decision attacking the left side

he want to Poison my pump together with the defensive troops

but I won't let him build up the push

Ice Golem is very crucial in distracting the mother Pekka

so I can deal with the troops behind her first

as you can see the Pekka is like a ball in a soccer game lol

Poison and Log I will take the right tower

Last replay is against 3 Muskies Heal

which should be very hard matchup with Graveyard Poison deck

but you will see, this deck even has advantage against 3 Muskies

you should alway Poison their pump

and pump up, gain the big lead in elixir

greedy move at first is very bad play from opponent

I will maintain the lead in elixir

Heal for Horde to defend was desperate

this deck wins Huy Huỳnh about 20 grand challenges ^^

Like and Subscribe if you enjoy my content

see you next time

good bye <3

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub]12-0 GRAND CHALLENGE GRAVEYARD CYCLE DECK | Clash Royale - Duration: 15:37.


How to Make Pasta FOR DOGS | PADDINGTON'S PANTRY | RECIPE - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> How to Make Pasta FOR DOGS | PADDINGTON'S PANTRY | RECIPE - Duration: 2:19.


Cari Pendapatan Dari Youtube??! | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Cari Pendapatan Dari Youtube??! | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:16.


Diem-diem Aku Ngefansss Banget Sama Dara 😁 | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Diem-diem Aku Ngefansss Banget Sama Dara 😁 | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 5:28.


Pernah di Bully sampe nangisss ???!! | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Pernah di Bully sampe nangisss ???!! | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 2:54.


Awkarin, Inspirasi Aku Jadi Youtuber (?) | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Awkarin, Inspirasi Aku Jadi Youtuber (?) | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:58.


Main Squishy & Slime sampe Tua 😁 | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Main Squishy & Slime sampe Tua 😁 | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:20.


Epic Hearthstone Plays #180 - Duration: 10:39.

and evolve

look, doomsayer here

doomsayer, doomsayer!

yeah bitch!

oh yeah!

do you see it?


(I don't know wtf with sound here. I can't fix it)

what to do? concede of course

oh fuck

Lok'tar Ogar!

Huge thank to all of you who support me on the Patreon

Here much more people than I could count on!

I still can't believe the goal done for the half of a day!

By the way, very important detail

I just forgot to say about it last time

My bad

Patreon it's a subscription platform

It means amount you set to help me will be paid every month

I didn't get any money yet, because transfer take place in the first days of the month

If you wanna support me only one time, don't rush to cancel the subscribe

But be careful!

I don't want to lie to you!

If you want to help too and prevent the closure of this channel,

go to the link in description

Even $1 per month is a big help to me!

If you can't do this on Patreon for some reason

you also can find a link to my PayPal in description, and number of my bank card

(here I talk about my streams on twitch, but it's on russian, cuz my english very bad. Maybe one day I'll be stream in english too, but not now, sorry)

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Here together with you we will make the Hearthstone even more interesting


For more infomation >> Epic Hearthstone Plays #180 - Duration: 10:39.


Haters???! Bodo Amat | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Haters???! Bodo Amat | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 3:16.


Dapet Uang 1Milyar Langsung Beli Squishy!! | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Dapet Uang 1Milyar Langsung Beli Squishy!! | QnA #drmcoolabszone - Duration: 4:47.


#MamaBarbi, #MashaiMedved PETERSBURG WITH #MOANA - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> #MamaBarbi, #MashaiMedved PETERSBURG WITH #MOANA - Duration: 7:32.


I am Back With a Kitchen Haul Fatemahisoksy - Duration: 8:20.

Hello and welcome to the channel

first I would like to apologize for my long absence from youtube

I hope you all are doing well

in my new videos today

I will be sharing with you all my new purchases

all my purchases in this video are kitchen related

I hope you all enjoy the video and lets begin

the first couple of things

are mini pound cake molds

the first one has 35 mini cake spots

it is made of very heavy excellent quality iron

it is a family owned business in the USA

even if the molds are pretty expensive

I preferred to purchase them as they will mast me a long tims

the second one is an acorn shaped mini cakes molds

this mold as well is very heavy and of very good quality

I purchased the two molds from

my other purchase is these two french bread mold

nothing special about this mold it is pretty basic

I also purchased this plastic sheets or boards

they come in very handy when slicing meat or chicken

they are textured on the bottom so they dont slip easily

they are pretty affordable as well

my other purchase that i am pretty excited about is

Tefal electric grille machine

the machines comes with two removable iron plates

of course the top and the bottom plates are removable

of course it is electric

but whats really interesting about is is

the fact that you can purchase separately many other accessories

such as the Madeleine pan

it does come with a recipe book

also there is the flat waffle iron

it comes with a recipe book as well

there is the panini maker

the irons are of heavy decent quality

it comes with a recipe as well

there is semi sandwich iron

and finally the Madeleine shaped sandwich iron

it comes with a recipe book too

there is many other irons available for purchase such as

donuts, pancakes, pop cakes and otehr

I got this electric mandolin

it comes with five blades

they look like this

they are stored in this plastic conatainer

it comes with a mini cleaning brush

I havent tested any of these machines or pans

this blade is to cut fries or long strips of veggies

its used like so

there is the shredding blade

this one to cube either cooked or raw veggies

this one is to slice either cheese or potatoes

this is what the machine looks like on the side

it is the brand Moulinex

like I said all the blades can be stored in securely this plastic container

the last thing I wanted to share with you all is

my new kitchen-aid stand mixer

it is not the smallest of the largest in the market

it is the artisan stand mixer

like I sans I havent used any of the my new purchases

if you would like to see a live first impression

please let me know in the comment secition

I hope you enjoyed my haul video

bye and I shall see you all very soon :)

For more infomation >> I am Back With a Kitchen Haul Fatemahisoksy - Duration: 8:20.


Baby Surprise Eggs - Eggs In Bowling Alley | Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Kids Funny Toys - Duration: 13:43.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

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