Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 13 2017


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to The Xav Experience. In the previous video I talked to you about cartoon that were unfairly

censored. But this time I'll bring you the opposite case. This is disgusting, sad, and it's happening right now.


YouTube Kids is an app that condenses the kids friendly content in YouTube, protecting them from videos that could hurt

or modify their sensitivity. Sounds great on papar, but at execution... It's

terribly failing right now. Since over two years ago, videos are uploaded to YouTube

which are supposedly for children. At first glance, these look to be harmless,

but upon closer inspection, you'll realize

there's something very sinister surrounding the videos. Fetish scenes, full of

sexual content, weird repetitions, inappropiate behavior from children like stealing

a car, coprophilia, violence and sexual crimes. All disguised as an

innocent children's video with no story, but with a pattern. This content

has billions of views and there are testimonials that many children around the world have watched

them. To the point where BBC covered it briefly.

Many people were shocked at this trend of videos, and they gave a name to all of this:

Elsate. Why? Gate is a suffix used for political scandals, for example,

Watergate, Chinagate, Pizzagate and now, Elsagate. Elsa is a reference to the repetition

of Elsa, from Frozen, in these videos.We'll get to that soon.

Now, why so much scandal? Can't those be adult videos in children-like style?

Isn't this something like Happy Tree Friends of South

Park? Here's the line between adult content with children's themes and

children's content with adult themes. Happy Tree Friends, South Park, Rick and Morty, and any

of the like, are clearly aimed at an adult audience, with their respective warnings,

and are broadcasted in adult of teenage networks. The previously mentioned shows have

grotesque imagery and adult themes but those are only a characteristic of the narrative.

Elsagate has no narrativa, no warning, and it's shown in a kids friendly category.

And it gets it its way. What makes this case so unique is that we're not

making only theories and hypothesis. There is something wrong here and it's a fact, as we're about

to see. What are these videos about? As we said, the content

varies from violence to fetishism. What makes things more

eerie is that the format goes from animation with popular characters, to real

actors playing those characters. These actors can be adult aswell as children or toddlers. The paradise

for any pedophile. The most featured characters are Elsa,

Spiderman and the Joker. And sometimes they feature other known characters, like Mickey Mouse, for instance.

Don't you realize something weird? All these characters are protected

under copyright laws. The Joker is not even owned by Disney or Marvel. These

videos don't follow copyright guidelines, yet they stay on YouTube for whatever reason.

Needless to say this content doesn't follow YouTube's guideliens at all

but they're still on the site and, not only that, they are being monetized.

Who created these? Here things get blurry.

The truth is that there are as many creators as there are channels. That's right, many people

all over the world are making the videos. Some are copycats, but

some others clearly work in conjunction. We can realize by looking at patterns

repeated on the channels. So we could say that there is a group of creators

making this content. And every group has a

leader. Who's the leader or who are the leaders of this group of people? That remains unknown.

But the fact that this people are free from copyright infringement and even the platform's rules,

is, at the very least, suspicious. This could be some very important people. But, after

all I said, why? Why making this? Many are the theories but

we'll go in order. First of all, as we said, these videos are monetized. YouTube automatically

pays the creators. Money is a logical reason to make

this. Due to YouTube's sketchy rules with monetization,

there are several kinds of videos that don't fit in with the current policy, so making

videos aimed at children would be the solution. But these videos are not suitable for children. This reason

seems like a bit of a stretch to me because it's too much effort into something so specific, there

has to be something else. Let's think in the target: Kids. Toddlers.

Toddlers that are developing their minds. Repetition is really present

within these videos, colors, color asociation, the fact

that almost always we have the same characters. It all works with children's subconscious.

Sigmund Freud talked about a mnetal scheme which he conceived as "Id, ego and super-ego".

Id is present at birth and is all about pleasure, it has no

limits, no social rules. It's instinctive. Then, at age 4 or 5, we have

super-ego. This is important because social rules appear here, along with

our way, what's right for us. Ego is basically the mix between the last two parts. I'm not intending

to give a lecture in psychoanalysis but I wanted to mention that because it has to do with our point. When

a kid that is developing his or her common sense is exposed nonstop to videos

like in Elsagate, he's going to relate his favorite characters with deviant behavior

and is going to think that what happens is right. What's dangerous is something like kidnap scenes

that occur in these videos. Here, that stuff is being normalized.

Kids will think it's okay to let themselves be kidnapped. Again, a pedo's paradise.

Specially if they disguise as a character. Are we talking about

a worldwide pedophile ring? Are we talking about some sort of MK-Ultra project? It's possible.

A recurring theme in these videos are injections. Not as in vaccines,

but as in buttcheek injections, probably drugs. Here, there are children actors suffering this in the videos.

Besides that, things like abuse, humilliation

and even being forced to eat "feces" is present in these channels. With kids

crying several times or not even doing anything at all. Enter learned helplessness.

This term, invented by psychologist Martin Seligman, refers to

humans or even animals that, after a series or traumatic events, develop

a disorder that makes them completely passive towards these events. This means that a

kid, after seeing all that happens in these videos, or one that is acting

and goes through such experiences, learns not to resist to them, and doesn't

defend himself/herself. Yet again, a pedophile's paradise. As you can see, there's a lot of

impression and alteration going on. The typical story, "he did it because he saw it on TV" takes an unprecedented twist.

On top of all this, the fact that this videos

are in YouTube Kids. They've been there for a long time.

Umpunished. Of course, YouTube works with algorythms

but after practically a year or two of this, one would think that

by now this would be under control. It's not and it doesn't seem to stop.

What's the solution? Monitor what your small children watch on YouTube,

even if it's "Kids". As Investigating YouTube said, being a parent is no easy task and YouTube,

used properly, is a tool for entertaining kids, but the colossus that is the internet

is dangerous sometimes. A format like YT Kids play videos automatically without

stopping, and if a kid is exposed to this kind of content he or she is going to be affected,

as testimonials say. Besides, reporting these videos is a good thing.

Here's a list with some of them, given that it's almost impossible to catch them all.

Thanks so much to King_Heart and returntoblue from Reddit. You can join

/r/Elsagate to learn more about this. SO, TO SUUUUUUM IT UP. There has been a trend

of many channels uploading mass videos. These have tons of views

and are targeted for kids. They feature popular character like Spiderman, Elsa and the Joker,

etc, with no consequence for copyright infringement. This gets weird

when videos include violent, sexual, fetishist and overall adult content,

presented in a warm normal way towards millions of kids. These videos follow

psychological patterns that end up affecting the young minds of the audience,

even changing their behavior, with no consequence for breaking YouTube's rules.

The videos are of pedophile nature and they're created by lots of people all over the world,

but as of now there is not a mastermind revealed for this. How

do we fight this? Controlling what kids watch in YouTube, reporting

videos and spreading the word about this trend, known as Elsagate. I hope my video

helped you understand the topic, I gave it an overall view but there's much more to uncover.

Today I'll ask you to share this video, in your social media,

in WhatsApp, with your friends and family, etc, because this is a real threat

and the more informed we are, the more prepared we are to fight it. I'm Xav, and I'll see you in the next experience.

Thanks for tuning in The Xav Experience, subscribe for more quality content.

For more infomation >> Unsettling kids videos in YouTube - The Xav Experience - Duration: 11:34.


Pourquoi PARTICIPER aux WEEKS-ENDS MASTERMIND à MALTE de Maxence RIGOTTIER ? - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi PARTICIPER aux WEEKS-ENDS MASTERMIND à MALTE de Maxence RIGOTTIER ? - Duration: 1:24.


志村けん 加藤茶 ドリフターズ 爆笑コント! - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> 志村けん 加藤茶 ドリフターズ 爆笑コント! - Duration: 11:21.


Different types of Forces( Part-3): Calculate Normal force on inclines, IIT-JEE physics classes - Duration: 6:35.

Hello friends, in this video we will discuss how to calculate normal force on inclined

surfaces. in the last video we have discussed how to calculate normal force on flat surfaces

and in elevator.. so please do watch previous videos to go in detail.

so inclined surface is the surface which is not flat and make some angle theta with the

horizontal, like this blue surface is the flat surface.

it's completely horizontal but this yellow surface is an inclined surface because it's

making some angle theta with the horizontal. this angle theta can have any value like 30

degree, 45 degree or 60 degree.

as the angle increases, inclination of the surface would increase as well.

suppose this is the box which is kept on this inclined surface.

so you know normal force always act perpendicular to the surface.

so here on the flat surface, normal force acts at 90 degree from the surface..

90° means perpendicular to the surface.

the same way this is the inclined surface so this surface will apply normal force on

this box at the 90 degree or the perpendicular to the surface.

so basically if an object or box is kept on an incline surface, there are two forces acting.

first force is applied by this inclined surface which is the normal force and the second force

is applied by this box.

you know box has the weight so its weight or force of gravity would act exactly downward.

on the inclined surfaces we have little different coordinate system.

you know on the flat surface we take x axis parallel to the flat surface like this...this

would be x - axis or horizontal..

And perpendicular to the flat surface would be the y axis.

We use same technique for the inclined surface.

So parallel to the inclined surface would be the x axis and perpendicular or at 90°

would be the y axis. so you can see, normal force is exactly along the y-axis, so it is

the vertical force.

while the force of gravity is neither along the x-axis nor along the y-axis.

that means it's neither the horizontal force nor the vertical force.

First of all we need to break this force of gravity into X and Y components.

for that we need to find the angle of force of gravity from the x-axis. suppose this angle

is 'phi'. you know the angle of inclined surface is theta.

so we can draw this triangle like this.

this is our Fg and it is inclined surface and this one is theta. we have to find phi.

this angle is the 90 degree.

so phi would be 90 - theta.

so X component of force of gravity would be.. we can write it Fgx.

so the X component of Fg would be Fg* sin theta.

the same way, the formula of Y component is Fg* sin phi .

we have already learnt these formulas for X and Y components in vector series.

so please watch all videos of vectors to understand these formulas.

we can break Fg in the figure also.

X component of Fg is mg sin theta and the Y component is mg cos theta.

you can memorize these 2 things because this whole calculation is true for all problems

on inclined surfaces.

so now we can make the force equation for vertical forces only.

there are two vertical forces.

first is a Fn and second is Fg cos theta.

addition of vertical forces = 0.

box is not moving upward or downward.

it not moving perpendicular to the incline surface.

so the vertical acceleration, ay is zero . so m*0=0,

So net vertical force = 0 and net Vertical force would be addition of these two vertical


as Fn is upward along the positive y-axis, so it's positive.

while Fg*cos theta is downward along the negative y axis, so its negative.

so Fn= Fg* cos theta.

you know fg or force of gravity = m*g. we can plug in this value here.

so this is the formula of normal force on inclined surfaces.

this formula is true for all incline surfaces when friction force is negligible.

we will discuss fiction force in the next videos.

so Stay tuned and study more.

don't forget to subscribe, share and Likes for daily updates.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Different types of Forces( Part-3): Calculate Normal force on inclines, IIT-JEE physics classes - Duration: 6:35.


Werkzaamheden Vlaardingen Oost 10 juli 2017 - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Werkzaamheden Vlaardingen Oost 10 juli 2017 - Duration: 4:40.


志村けん バカ殿 爆笑コント動画集! - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> 志村けん バカ殿 爆笑コント動画集! - Duration: 5:49.


How to whiten skin at home, white as baby without spending tens of millions go to the spa. - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> How to whiten skin at home, white as baby without spending tens of millions go to the spa. - Duration: 8:32.


Learn colors with Patlu and pacman for kids | Patlu cry, Finger Family song - Duration: 1:48.

Learn colors with Patlu and pacman for kids | Patlu cry, Finger Family song

For more infomation >> Learn colors with Patlu and pacman for kids | Patlu cry, Finger Family song - Duration: 1:48.


Farming Simulator 17 JohnDeere 6170R / 6210R And Amazone EDX 6000 - Duration: 10:42.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a Two new Mods From MoDHuB.

JohnDeere 6170R / 6210R 2 Front Attacher Setup Front Loader 2 Engine Setup 5 Wheel Setup Colorable Rims


Amazone EDX 6000 Seeder 6m Working Width 15Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 170hp 1460l Capacity

With this Seeder You can plant Corn Sunflowers Soybeans And Sugar Beet

You can fill the planter with your own production Seeds And Fertilizer Open planter cover N KEY

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 JohnDeere 6170R / 6210R And Amazone EDX 6000 - Duration: 10:42.


How to make Mukimo. - Duration: 1:06.

Ingredients; 5 Boiled potatoes, 1/2 diced onion, 250g boiled maize & 250g boiled peas, and Boiled and Blended spinach( you can also use pumpkin leaves).

Put potatoes in a large bowl and mash them.

Mashed potatoes.

Add in the blended spinach.

Add in a tbsp of butter(optional).

Continue to mix.

Add maize and peas.

Mix and set a side.

In a medium heat pan add oil and onions.

Add in your favorite spices. Curry powder etc

Pour in the curry sauce and mix.

Ready to serve. Bon Appetit!!!!

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