Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

The Terminator collection

on VHS

Went camping

with some friends

cause even a VHS set

needs to


and get away

from all the day-to-day

The Terminator collection

on VHS

went away

to release

some stress

it was nice for it

to unwind

with no one asking it

to rewind

For more infomation >> Terminator VHS collection goes camping - Duration: 1:38.


MLP Lyra Heartstrings Coloring Book Pages My Little Pony Lyra Coloring Page MLPFiM Kids Art - Duration: 3:27.

Welcome to Happy Magic Toys and episode 86 of our My Little Pony coloring book series.

Today's coloring page is Lyra Heartstrings from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic MLPFiM.

Lyra is one of the background characters in MLPFiM. Lyra's best friend is Bon Bon(Sweetie Drops).

Please check out my playlists to see more My Little Pony coloring book pages, color swaps and customs.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the channel to find videos based on other TV shows and films.

Please like and subscribe for daily videos, and leave any coloring page, color swap and/or custom requests in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> MLP Lyra Heartstrings Coloring Book Pages My Little Pony Lyra Coloring Page MLPFiM Kids Art - Duration: 3:27.



What's up guys? How you guys doing today?

So I have some pretty funny news to start off today's love now if you guys remember a couple of days ago

I titled my video that my sex tape was leaked now my sex tape wasn't actually leaked

I don't have a sex tape

But this website keeps showing up down below in my comment section saying that I have a sex tape

And it's China like bribe people into clicking the link so these people can make money off of their websites or like advertisers

But when I titled my video of that I guess a lot of people thought it was real

So they went and they were looking up my sex tape to see if I really actually had one

Somebody strange shot at this and sent it to me on Twitter

And this is on a sex website where under the trending searches. I am one of the trending searches

This is so crazy, so this is a screenshot that somebody sent to me. My name is right there

Second-to-last this means that people were actually going and looking this stuff up like that is crazy

Your sex games going to get released next breakup. You got to be careful

They're going to start leaving comments about it in the comment section

Because everything in the comment section is true, right?

Everything everything has to be true that hopefully they know everything like I always see these comments on my comments section as well

I'm going to just show you guys right now because my video just went off so every single day

I have to go through and delete these comments guys

Please do me a favor never fall for these spam comments like there's these

Accounts that change their profile picture to me what my profile picture is and then change the name on the account to lance Stewart

So people get tricked and to thinking like it's actually me when it's not so let me show you this right now to give you

An example like look it'll be accounts like this except usually they like both their posts

So this will get like a thousand thumbs up in like a minute because they have like

Multiple accounts registered into a bot that will just don't like this instantly

But since we reach 3.4 million subs please google this cold blah blah blah. You'll see what you're prepared for guys

This is fake this isn't me this is a fake account. Do not fall for any of this krabs

Yo, Chris you ready to hit the gym

Are you doing Chris?

Are you doing? Oh?

Hey, Joey, Chris is always doing some crazy-ass shit. You're gonna bring clumping

I'm so confused

What is he doing? What the fuck am I trapped in my room? No not? Oh, what the fuck?

Jess you good throw

If you like a wild animal on the loose right now

or arm eyes

We found an animal in the Liz

Let's go get it. Oh

It was really it's not an animal. It's some badass

He's got weaponry

Got to be careful. Oh

I stepped in a dog's toilet, but maybe I could use this to protect myself

That's all right our canine

Come here. You're my pain

You're going to help me destroy the bad boy what I intend on doing with this

Is I'm going to throw it at the bad guys

And I'm going to expect you to

attack the bad guy

What's it if it works?

It was safe the bad guy closed the door for us

To make sure we were okay because that never fucking actually happens in a realistic situation

But this isn't real

First of all we're going to look for something like an object that can helpful that we need the hardest piece of material here

That'll obviously hurt the bad guy the most and you know I think I have just that thing this tissue paper

Will hurt him the most you got to think realistic in these situations obviously a guns not going to kill him

so a piece of paper will

yeah, this piece of paper will kill you ah

He's dead. He's dead ah fuck

He's dead you good uh-huh what happened. I fell off fun. You're going so are on the ground

All I'm gonna hurt shoulder. Yeah, free are you ready for the gym yet? Huh? Let's go

We got just today

What the hell lizzie has walked into our apartment?

and she's like highest crap right now because she just went over to the dentist and she had to get some work done and

Before she gets the worst on she needs to be all loopy

So they give her this medicine

And that's the third time that this has happened to lizzie where she's walked in with McDonald's every single time

she does she does that she comes home with

McDonald and then gets a smoothie never drinks any of it passes out, and that wakes up in the smoothies like

Not even drinking that looks so funny right now

You will sell out of it. So what did you do just over there and over back yeah, you can't drive when you're like this


My God yo Lizzie so high right now on this drug. Whatever it is like it

I don't like yeah, whatever they gave you makes you so movie

But can we please talk about why you bring home McDonald's every single time because it?

Shows you how to answer but look I guarantee you see this mo chick right here, it'll be nine

Ten cuz I got you two ones ooh, you got me two one two. I got you on a customer, too

Well, what is she saying I got you two one two?

Said I didn't say it right no

That's like when I said, what did I say yesterday's vlog on axe, and I stuttered my words

I was like my dong boobies or something


When I forget exactly what I said, but I said it two times

And I actually genuinely fucked up when I said that but I was still trying to play like that little role

So instead of making it obvious that I fucked up. I just did it again and then just fix myself but

She's dancing cuz she's got a McDonald

Don't do drugs kids you'll end up like this one

It's only because of stuff that they gave her it's not like she's actually just doing it for the fun of it. Well, huh?

You'll never hug me

Chris can we go to the gym. Yes wayne enjoy. Yeah, let's go. You're not going to the gym

I thought I'd already oh, so she's not acting loopy anymore. No. I am how I'm gonna

Go, you're not going to the gym acting like a ui right now

I'm so sorry

But she's gonna. She's going to be like lifting the weight and the weights going to like be all the way

Lopsided like this, and this is a normal barbell press right like you're laying backwards on the bench

You're going like this less you will be like

Let's we'll be like this. It should be like hey. Let's look. I'm doing it good

You're about to fall

All right, yeah, you're not going to do it

I'm sorry about you. I care about you two months to make you hurt yourself during lifting when you're high like this

Okay, so what do I do?

You sleep, but you always though. You come home. You sleep for like five hours, and then you wake up, and you're like

Well go do that

I'm lizzy right now I

Think you're just trippin girl


Got a tear cut this morning cause he didn't any out of that. Oh bad. That's what I meant

He got a bath this morning cuz he pooped all over himself you

Poop all over his buzz disgusting so liz you get in the back. You can look at that accion

Can't even take I can't take this girl seriously right now. I don't know what it is these past couple days

We've just been getting so sidetracked like I'll try to go to hit the gym right now

And we won't go for like 40 minutes and Chris

You're drinking a shake before you go to the gym that like defeats the whole purpose

Pre-workout, it's not pre-workout

The animal crackers that was a pre-workout the other day. I know you just clean this room and

Now all you guys say is to use it

I'm your ceo

Wait, what's beuys in here?

No, we did all of it. Oh yeah, true. I saw him the whole time. Yeah, you did

Oh, yeah, somebody has to remind you that you saw it. That's a lie. Maybe I'm drunk. I'm hot whatever the hell jump

I'm not stupid

stupid bad accent

I'm just saying I know it's a human a human really make it look like a frickin dog

Exhaust if I can go on this pole like you really think there's like oh

I'm this stila boy a stripper and put a pole right? I don't know what I thought. Are you talking?

I don't know you just got so off-topic what all you know is filled in it and

Liz the eye has video proof of clearly right now do

Okay, so I'll show you

Know it was clearly thea Seola

I have it okay my camera

How would you have it on cut man up man up tell them the truth a oh man up? Hey, bro. Take the hell?

Oh, he got us wrong. He got us. He gave her kisses he fucking beat. Oh

Then from Nick. We live isn't it a snitch, bro

You know what happens to snitches they get bitches, or is it the other way no

Diversification that mama be a snitch autotargeting

Okay, co me and Chris forgive you for making that mess

The Milkshake on herself no cheerful. How is it boy you? Hid me I?

Handed it to you. Oh, it's Maya ho oh my gosh

Yo, it's so funny how she jinx this it's so cute - it's funny though. Thanks cute. You're cute

Hey, thank you. What what's wrong?

When your Netflix doesn't work?

What fix it how do I fix it it says?

You just drop the remote. I'm not gonna make this gonna break it

Yeah, I know but Lizzy's are very struggling

Just oh Michael is this on. I know I know you're like really high right now, but listen

It's not working I

Don't know what's going on their servers are down right? I don't know just leave okay



What the fuck?

I'm so confused. Yo, I got to get out of here now

This is how you're going to the gym a lot of seos ball. I didn't rise are still falls. I'm

You're actually going to the gym with it. Yeah

Well, sweat, right?

Kristen part what do we got today chest we got hell? Yeah? I love chest chapter like when my favorite days ever

Tell me Nakia

All right this may sound stupid, but I'm in the gym right now, and I was doing a push-up super-heavyweight

I didn't actually pay attention to the number in the weight, so for example

I'm doing chest press right now with dumbbells, and I did 80 pounds on each side

but when I picked up the weight

The whole time I was thinking that I was pushing 35 pound dumbbells and when I started thinking that

It made me think that it actually was 35 pound dumbbells

And I started pushing a lot more weight because of that reason

I just changed my mental state

so I feel like if

Numbers weren't on weight like for example 20 pounds dumbbell

Nobody actually knew it was 20 pounds because I wasn't labeled if we would actually all push more weight

Just because we didn't think about it like that like I know every time I go up on weight in the gym

It gives me a little bit of anxiety and makes me think that I can't push that weight just because I know I'm going up

And weight I'm not really sure it's just something to think about but I did notice that actually did help me when I thought it

was a lower weight than it really was my chest is dead as

Always, I don't got to tell you guys anymore. I just feel like there's a good work every day Chris is playing with the

Videos ball right now like it's a soccer ball. We're about the gil get some protein

I thought I was going to fall off the edge to be honest like this ball cut itself right in between here

I thought that's where I was going


My God is this your post-workout meal coast yeah, cookies and cookies for Santa fashion

I mean Christians trying to put on weight so screw it right we're going to get some ice oh we're about to go get some

Protein in our system apparently they've had cookies here for the longest time and I never know here. We used to get cookies

He said last year we used to get cookies. I never had cooking. I know you did

I'm pretty sure you introduced me to what I don't remember that at all since one day

I cook these and apparently Chris that they're like really good. I got sausage of any other reason

You're like

I'm I have to try try a cookie sometimes you want to know something

Then then I mentioned this earlier that lizzy was either going to fall asleep reduce something where it makes her not drink her smoothie

Great talk I've decided to go to protein shake today instead of that iso stuff that we've been taking all the time

Chris got it again, and devoured it already. I don't know where's bottles and avoid you to throw it out

Yeah, but I haven't had one of these in a while pretty good lizzy

Lizzy let's go to the pool Lady

sure to

Go to Pool

Babe can go to pool

What do you want? Let's go toufool, I?

Just walked into Chris's room. He was sleeping. I grabbed him by the arm and I said Chris

We're going to the pool and I started dragging him, and he said he doesn't want to go to school

I said the pool and not school, but regardless. He's still sitting here like this

No, not nice Risa recess

Just chilling outside right now got a shower. We wrapped up the pool area is definitely beautiful out today

I wanted to talk to you guys real quick about some new merchandise that we are releasing today

so if you guys are interested obviously

Merch Lincoln biome wearing some merch or and now you can get this over there to the camera Merch

It's pretty dope but we just released

sunglasses and we also released flip-flops

I did talk about the sandals before we aren't a hundred percent sure if we're releasing them yet

I will keep you guys updated, but flip-flops are now available also with the glasses

So you guys can go to the link down below the very top of description check it out over there get them if you want

Them before they sell out and of course you can check out any of the other merchandise. We have on that website as well

Yo, it's crazy

How things come into play and I want to tell you guys why so I'm on the phone with cody

And I was telling him that we're about to go see the new plan of the apes tonight

We're going to go to the movie theater, and then he's like what you guys doing after that. I was like

I'm not really sure and I was like what if I came back down to vegas because we didn't have to come back to that

Dentist appointment thing he was like you won't do it, and I was like yo Chris you want to go to Vegas tonight

And he was like what so would I'm down and I call lizzy

I'm like yo lizzy would you want to go to vegas tonight? And she was like well, you got this appointment next week

I was like yeah, I can just reschedule the appointment

And I was like if I do that which would be down to go to Vegas she said yes

So probably go to Vegas tonight. We call the vegas tonight

Oh, wow that means that we're not going to leave here to like 1 a.m.. I'll drive

I'm with it. I'm with it. Hell. Yeah, we're going back to Vegas

Yo, guess what we're coming to vegas tonight. You are

You really I swear to God are you down?

Hell yeah, I'm calling examine you down

Yo, Devon section let me say your please, bro

Yeah, again better. Let me say again

Really like three days later

I told you devon hooks it up every time I come through

He lets me stay at his place

Yeah, I'm not going to hold my breath so I don't think you guys are really coming

I swear to God I will pay for everyone

I think they're just too in my board right now right right a God cody's going to be like wait

I didn't know you guys were actually here when I show up at like 4:30 a.m.

Is that what time you would be getting is probably making 4:35 a.m.

Yeah, I mean, I'm down if you are definite then you can stay on this place. I

Could say a devon slave

Yes, awesome

Thank you, Devon

I just posted this tweet, and I said if this gets ten thousand retweets

I'll go back to Vegas and I had a meet up with Kody for another week

And I didn't actually think you guys cared this much, but we're at five thousand retweets in eight minutes

We're definitely going to hit 10k like I'm a hundred percent go and now we have a lot of stuff that ways to handle

Right now. We're actually to go back to the old apartment get a bunch of our stuff

That is still there bring it over here because our official move-out date

Which is in a couple days, and I have to leave the keys over the leasing office - yeah

So I'm currently pulling Chris on this dolly

We needed a dolly and I'm on the hoverboard so it's where I go around hollywood. Yeah

This is so funny

Like what the hell is going on. It's just a funny thing. I'm all worried about the hip people we got to be careful man

It turned it off before it died all right guys. I think I'm actually going to end my vlog here

I really hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did please hit that thumbs up fun

We are going to be headed out for Vegas pretty soon, but before that

We're actually going to be headed over to the movie theater going to see that new movie

We're hoping it's pretty good

but as you guys know I already do shout out to the day every single day to people that my

Notifications turned on here are today's notification shadows for the day

If you guys want to be the shout out for the day

Just leave a comment down below saying you're my notifications turned on make sure to turn on my notifications and other than that

I will see you guys tomorrow if you guys are interested in any of our 210 merchandise

Make sure to click the link down below the very top is here check it out over there

Make sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on my post notifications

And you haven't already make sure to check out yesterday's video as well. Oh

I use mother fuckers. Take me as a joke

For more infomation >> MY GIRLFRIEND WAS DRUGGED! - Duration: 20:10.


Mayweather vs McGregor: London Press Conference - Duration: 2:09:41.

For more infomation >> Mayweather vs McGregor: London Press Conference - Duration: 2:09:41.


How To Make Clear Slime with salt and hand soap 👍🏻really works👍🏻 , No Glue, Transparent Slime - Duration: 2:55.

New Slime Recipe

For more infomation >> How To Make Clear Slime with salt and hand soap 👍🏻really works👍🏻 , No Glue, Transparent Slime - Duration: 2:55.


The Sacred Meaning And Deep Symbolism Of The Pyramid - Duration: 4:34.

The Sacred Meaning And Deep Symbolism Of The Pyramid

By consciousreminder

Walk into any crystal shop and you will most likely see pyramid shapes on the top of crystal

clusters, orgone pyramids or even crystals fashioned into the shape of a pyramid.

This is not just because pyramids are a pretty shape, there is a deep symbolism here that

goes back centuries, all the way back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians and beyond.

I have always felt drawn to the pyramids of Egypt and while I haven�t yet visited them

in person, it is definitely on my bucket list!

It has long been believed that the pyramids were used as burial tombs for the Kings and

Queens of Egypt, however many researchers claim that this is just not true.

An alternative belief about the pyramids is that they were used as powerful healing chambers

and not as burial sites at all.

Perhaps the Egyptians had access to some advanced knowledge that we just don�t yet know about�

Pyramids are believed to be extremely sacred in many cultures around the world.

Many churches are built with pyramid-like steeples and ancient pyramid structures can

be found not just in Egypt, but in South America and parts of Asia.

The Native Americans also sat in tipis to conduct rituals and ceremonies, which have

a pyramid like shape to them.

It was believed that this shape helped to connect them with the earth and the heavens


In fact, what makes a pyramid so powerful is its ability to channel or collect energy

from the higher realms of the stars, the planets and the Universe and deliver it down to earth.

The bottom of the pyramid represents a solid, earthy foundation, whereas the pointed top

represents being able to reach into higher realms of consciousness.

Because of its shape, any energy that enters the pyramid has the ability to be cleansed

and purified.

Almost like the pyramid acts like a filter of sorts.

This is because pyramids are said to generate negative ions which can balance the body�s

electromagnetic field and deliver healing.

By sitting inside a pyramid, it is believed that your energy centers can be balanced and

it becomes easier to receive messages from your intuition and higher beings.

Your aura can also be recharged and can appear much brighter.

Placing food, herbs and other supplements inside a pyramid has also been shown to increase

their effectiveness and can actually help to preserve their structure.

Crystals can also be more effectively charged in a pyramid structure and meditating inside

a pyramid is also said to enhance the benefits and reduce stress.

Pyramids also have the ability to absorb harmful EMF�s and other energetic frequencies that

are damaging to your health.

We live in an energetic Universe, and geometrical shapes have the ability to change and influence

the direction of energy.

Different shapes hold different energies, and these energies can influence us in subtle

and also profound ways.

It is a still a mystery as to how the ancient Pyramids of Egypt were built, but it definitely

seems like they had some type of healing power that we have perhaps forgotten.

For more infomation >> The Sacred Meaning And Deep Symbolism Of The Pyramid - Duration: 4:34.


Sketchy Things Everyone Just Ignores About Kevin James - Duration: 4:56.

Thanks to the CBS sitcom King of Queens and films like Paul Blart: Mall Cop and The Zookeeper,

Kevin James earned himself a reputation in Hollywood as the "Everyman" actor.

And since he doesn't use any profanity of provocative material in his stand-up routine,

he's earned a reputation as a squeaky clean celebrity.

But does he deserve that reputation?

Here's a look at the shady side of Kevin James.

He got his co-star fired

In 2016, James returned to CBS with a new sitcom Kevin Can Wait.

The series was savaged by critics for being a King of Queens ripoff, but despite that

- or perhaps because of it - the show did well in the ratings.

So it was kind of a shock when James got his co-star and TV wife Erinn Hayes fired from

the show.

As Decider pointed out, "What's even stranger is how integral Hayes' character is to the


Kevin Can Wait is very much a family comedy that features a happy, stable, 20-year marriage

at its center.

Ditching one of two key characters in this dynamic is odd."

Why did he do it?

Well, apparently he wanted to clear room for his King of Queens co-star Leah Remini to

step and take Hayes's place.

That's... pretty cold.

"Ah, you know what?

You won this my little Care Bear.

You won this one."

His boss quit because of him

Shortly after Kevin Can Wait debuted, CBS gave it a full season order, which was great

news for everyone involved.

Except things went sideways when showrunner Bruce Helford quit halfway through the season

over "creative differences with James," according to Deadline.

It must've taken a lot because Helford had previously worked with Hollywood bad boy Charlie

Sheen on Anger Management and still managed to take the show all the way to syndication.

How bad could James be to work with?

An interesting anecdote from Remini might shed some more light.

The groping thing

In 2014, Remini told Buzzfeed that the first time she met Kevin James, he just straight

up groped her.

"I think he called me a nasty name and grabbed my t*t in the first 30 seconds.

From that point on, I was hooked.

There was just something in his eyes that was indescribable; I fell in love with him."

Remini doesn't seem to have an issue with James's behavior, but just to be completely

clear: groping your co-workers is both wrong and illegal, and will likely get you fired

or arrested.

That is, if you're not a powerful Hollywood celebrity like Kevin James.

Politically incorrect

One of the big criticisms leveled at Kevin Can Wait is that it reinforces the same kind

of tired gender stereotypes that pretty much all of James's projects have been knocked

for, especially what Vulture called the sitcom cliché of "the nagging, much hotter wife."

In fact, James has become an unofficial poster boy for that kind of institutionalized sexism,

with stars like Amy Schumer openly mocking him for his habit of getting much better looking

co-stars to appear as his romantic partners.

"I definitely don't think she's protagonist hot."

"But Kevin James is?"

That unrealistic privilege came to a head in 2015 at the Cancun premiere of Hotel Transylvania

2, where James and frequent collaborator Adam Sandler caused a media firestorm by showing

up looking like total schlubs, while their co-star Selena Gomez was forced to spend hours

dressing to the nines for the red carpet event.

Promoting casual sexism is bad enough.

Arguably worse, though, is the not-so-casual promotion of what Uproxx called blatant homophobia

in James and Sandler's 2007 comedy I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry.

USA Today warned moviegoers to

"Steer clear of the film unless you like your summer movies laced with a heavy dose of homophobia,

sexism and racism."

...while The Washington Post called it "an oafish chance for audiences to laugh at gay-bashing

jokes and then feel morally redeemed for doing so."

"yes, we're, ah, we're ah.."


"Yea, we're ah, marrying each other."


James clearly doesn't care who he offends in his pursuit of a cheap laugh.

But those laughs only seem cheap because he isn't the one paying for them.

He's allegedly a jerk to fans

If you do a google of Kevin James, don't be surprised if it autocompletes with the phrase

"…is a jerk."

That's because the internet is practically overflowing with anecdotes from fans who claim

the star was a total jerk when they encountered him.

Stories abound of James telling people not to talk to him or even look at him, with fans

describing incidents where he simply laughed in their face or told them to "get the hell


They say you should never meet your heroes, because you're always going to be disappointed.

So if you ever wanted to meet James, maybe you should think twice.

"Is there a kickstarter campaign for Kevin James to NEVER make another movie?"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Sketchy Things Everyone Just Ignores About Kevin James - Duration: 4:56.


Learn Colors with Baby 👶 Om Nom Education Funny Video for Kids👶 Toddlers Children Learning Toy - Duration: 13:14.

Learn Colors with Baby Om Nom Education Funny Video for Kids Toddlers Children Learning

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Baby 👶 Om Nom Education Funny Video for Kids👶 Toddlers Children Learning Toy - Duration: 13:14.


Ways to Invest $100 (Pt. 2) | DLC YouTube - Duration: 2:08.

Welcome to Ways to Invest, Part 2


Invest in ETF The problem with mutual funds is that they

typically require that you have at least $1000 to invest.

Many require $3,000 or more.

Unfortunately we are only investing 100 dollars so mutual funds are pretty much out.

The good news for us is that ETF's are a way to invest in mutual funds and are available

at a very low cost.

ETF stands for "exchange-traded fund".

This means that instead of having to purchase a mutual fund through one of the many mutual

fund companies we can purchase it just like we invest in stock from the stock market.


Invest in Dividend Paying Stocks A dividend is a sum of money paid out of a

company's profits on a regular basis (usually quarterly) to its stockholders.

The reason that these types of stocks can be very profitable is that it allows you to

grow your portfolio by reinvesting the dividend in new shares of stock.

The bonus is that companies that pay dividends are usually very stable because they have

good cash flow.

This means their stock prices don't go up and down rapidly affecting your investment.


Index Funds Basically the fund invests in a large number

of stocks called an index.

The most famous is the S&P 500, but there are tons of different ones and they are dirt

cheap to invest in through any of the top online brokers.


Money Market Account Money market accounts (MMAs) are another form

of savings account that tends to get a slightly higher interest rate.

MMAs usually have limited check writing privileges and are very easy to get money in and out


Because of this ease of use you are going to get very low interest rates.


Certificates of Deposit Most often referred to as a CD, certificates

of deposit are like a savings account, but they lock up your money for a specific amount

of time.

This amount of time can be as little as 13 months or as long as 10 years.

The longer you lock in your money the higher the interest rate.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you missed part 1 you can view it by clicking the link below.

And stay tuned for part 3 of Way to invest with $100.

Be sure to leave your comments and like or share if you found this content helpful.

For more infomation >> Ways to Invest $100 (Pt. 2) | DLC YouTube - Duration: 2:08.


LPS: Unweld - Full Movie [Littlest Pet Shop Short Film] - Duration: 31:48.

Wren? Ready to go?


It's just...

I never got to do stuff the entire time I've had these on.

Stuff I wanted, I mean.

You want a change of pace, there's plenty going on out there.


[music - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"]

{Welcome to your life}

{There's no turning back}

{Even while we sleep}

{We will find you-}

[singing] Acting on your best behavior,

turn your back on mother nature,

Everybody wants to rule the world~

{It's my own desire}

{It's my own remorse...}

As citizens may know,

a gigantic meteor is causing weather anomalies across the globe,

and getting closer to the earth's atmosphere.

Experts have pinpoint its arrival within the next few days,

and are working to stop it.

Additionally, a major thunderstorm warning

is in effect for Emerton and surrounding counties today.

Several power lines have been struck down

and caused power outages across the state.

Local school districts are ordered to close their doors until further notice.


(Your appointment was canceled.)

(Ortho's closed.)

(Something went wrong on that side of town.)

School was canceled, Mom.

They...the meteor...

(I can't hear you, honey.)


[thunder and lightning]


[two voices] Wren!

Come on, we need to go!

And do what?


What's the point?

We're all gonna die!

You are my best friend.

Best friends scream into the void.



This is worse than the end of the world.

I don't care if I have to crawl to the ends of the tri-state area.

I'm finding an orthodontist

and ending my four-year sentence in this metal prison.

But...that's dangerous!

No one could be left for all we know!


My whole life,

I've wanted an adventure.

This is it.

Who's with me?


Don't worry, pals.

I'm sure this'll be no problem at all.

[lightning strike]



I stand corrected.

Everyone get inside! No one leave!

[soft yelling]

Stay quiet!

Wren. The Walkman.


OK. So. What's the plan?

Get to the orthodontics building.

First, we need to break out of here silently.

What if our phones-?

No one can call you.

But we need them for maps.

So don't lose your phones.

Wait, lose the phones?

DON'T lose the phones!

Dude, I just threw two away!


[ding, ding]

I am so, so, so, so, so, sorry.

Don't worry about it, Tim.

If it gives you that much anxiety, I understand.

You don't have to come with us if you don't want to.

It's really okay.

I'll be even more scared if my sister goes without me.

I want to help.

We should try escaping through the window.

In front of everyone?


That would attract way too much attention.

I have a better idea,

but it involves pyrotechnics.

You can hardly see anything in here.

We could probably make it.

Distraction: fire alarm.

No power. Better idea. Two words:

Fur. Suit.

That's one word.

You can bribe one of the teachers with your music thingy.

Adults LOVE old junk like that.

I would rather-

Hey, I found a secret exit if you wanna use that.

Also, we're getting our phones from the mascot head when this is over.

Fay, why is your wallpaper-?


Carry on.

Now I just have to map our route on the-



No signal.

That explains it.

So how do we find it?

I've visited that office for four years.

I'll just draw a map from memory.

What the-?

Is it supposed to be a cat?





I found an actual map.


I'll admit that this is much better.



you still have work right now?

I can't leave the apocalypse.

I'm all out of vacation days.


This is a robbery!

Everyone out!

Not you.

The kid stays for collateral.

And in case we want headphones.

Load up!

Maybe we should call the cops.

If that were an option, yeah.

I have a better idea.

[mocking laughter]

You're going to pay for that.

What do you think this is? Window shopping?

You misunderstood.

You're going to pay for that.

What's happening?

Can you see-? Ow.

(We're not playing around.)

Try something. I dare you.





[rock music]



Open up!

[softly] Can I help you?

Do you need to get somewhere?

Yeah. We-

Oh, hi, Wren.

Hey, Giffany.

I'm here for my-

Did your mom not tell you?

The doctor was too scared to work today.

He sent me to close up office.

I'm not sure how to explain this, but-

They don't want to be the last person on earth with braces.

OK. I think I can help you. Come on.

She's my orthodontic assistant.

I've seen her for years.

My mom called it "Breakfast at Giffany's."

You both sound like nerds.

There are other places you can go,

but we don't have enough power to remove your braces safely.

I gotta go.


Shouldn't the three of you be taking shelter or something?

Does anybody else hear that?

Hear what?



To the elevator! Go, go, go!

Are you sure that being underground is a good idea?


This room will hold up.

Nice job sensing it early.

This one's really old.

Look. Something was crossed out.


The doctor used this compound past it being outlawed.

He didn't know,

and when he did, he threw everything we had out.

The paper...

The scientists need that to stop the meteor.

When specifically did you stop using it?

Um, in June 2014, we threw everything out.

They got their braces on four years ago.

Do you record what you use for every procedure?

I mean, yeah-

Can you find it?

Well, we have a copy of every patient's history upstairs,

but we keep the originals down here,

so I should be able to...


Oh, no.

There was a mistake on the...

We didn't throw everything out above storage.

We used whatever was left up there until it was gone.

There was barely anything.

It couldn't...


You were the last...

The compound is in your braces.


How's THAT for an adventure?

You're gonna save the world!


Thanks, Giffany.



Trust me.

That was the best mistake of my life.


I'm heading home.

Do you need a ride?

And take all the fun out of it?

No, thanks.


Good luck.

[engine sounds]

Excuse me.

I don't have an appointment,

but can someone please remove my braces?

Why now?!

They've got the missing component for the gamma ray.

[music - "Livin' On A Prayer"]

Get them!



{Oh, we're halfway there}

{Oh-oh, livin' on a prayer}

{Take my hand}

{We'll make it, I swear}


Why are they chasing us?

They either don't believe us or are way too eager to help. (For comedic effect?)



New plan.


Maybe we should just go to the scientists directly and let THEM take it out.


How would we get there?

I don't know.

I wouldn't get past airport security, and we're broke anyway.

[record scratch]

I know someone who can help.


Heh heh.

You can get us to the NASA research center?


I just got my learner's permit,

so this should be a piece of cake.

This is Steven.

He's the tenth grader who hid our phones for us back at school.



My pleasure.

Wait, Steven?

Like school mascot Steven?

I'd prefer not to talk about it.

Anyway, I told everyone else about your mission.

It's so cool you're going on an adventure during the apocalypse.

I was so inspired, I've been helping people all day.

Do you know if anyone's looking for us?

I don't see how.

The power's down everywhere-



Can we stop?

Fight it, bro!

Alright, I'll stop talking now.

He's my cousin, he's a pilot in training, and he'll get you where you need to go.

That's a utility helicopter.

You'll be fine.

And you're doing this because...?

I want you to be my friends.

Good luck.

(Welcome aboard, peeps.)

(If everyone is secure, we'll be there in no time.)

Uh, why aren't they in a seat?

I'm the main character.

This is where I go.

Do you actually believe us?

(I believe my cousin would be willing to help anyone.)

That's fair.

Does anyone know how far we are?

Or how long we'll be up this high?

I guess we'll find out.

[fire crackling]

Are we there yet-oh my gosh, what's happening?

Some people just wanna watch the world burn.

Too soon.

Literally way too soon.

Wren's deathly scared of burning, remember?

Almost out.

No need to panic yet.

You're both scared of heights, Fay.

Or are you not afraid of anything?

I'm afraid of falling, but that won't happen, so I'm cool with it.

[error noise]

[imitates error noise sarcastically]

What now?

[switch, ding]

Uh, you need to leave.

What? Why?

I can't see through the smoke,

and the tank's low on fuel.

The helicopter could crash into a tree, erupt into flames, or worse.


And that's why you can't trust strangers, kids!

There's safe landing area.

Just let me help you get your parachutes on-

[bang, scream]

Cousin Steven, no!

My name is-

What do we do?

Get the parachute!

You have to get back on!

I'm sorry!

Every man for himseeeeeeelf!

[helicopter crashing noises]

[music - "The Final Countdown"]

[click, raise]

Wren, we have to-


I'm not giving up!

I can't find a spare parachute!


Need a little help over here!

We have to land.

How do we land?!

I won't let you abandon him in an actual FOREST FIRE, Wren!

That's understandable!

There's no WAY I'm flying this!

Tim, grab the thing!

I'm trying!

Fay, grab the other thing!

Got it!

Pull up!

No, I mean, push down!

Do you even know what you're doing?

Not really!

Why the [bang] did you take it off autopilot?

I don't know where he went.

Try turning around.

[all] AHH!

There he is!

[all yelling]

Think, think, think, think!

He can't get to us because we're going down anyway.

Right. And we can't land because we'll be too low to reach him.

I have an idea.

We'll help him climb down.

Sis, can you find a rope ladder?

Got it.

What are you even doing?

It's losing altitude, but I don't know how to stop it completely.

What if you take your hands off the steering wheel?

That's a GREAT idea!

Let's just plummet to our destruction!

I'm sorry.

Stay calm.

{It's the final-}

(Wren, no!) Wait, I didn't mean to-!


Is everyone okay?

The ladder should be low enough to climb down.

I can't do it.

We're too far up!

And the fire's getting closer!

Little brother, I believe in you.

I also believe we're in much more danger than you are right now, so MOVE.

This way to the clearing.

The fire ends there.

Good thing it's not here yet,

'cause that's a VERY flammable-

[crash, fire crackling]

Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! NOPE!

I singed my arm a bit to get it, but...

Thanks, Tim.

[music stops]

Wait, WHAT?

Oh, the apocalypse is REALLY going down now!

Wouldn't that imply-?

I know what I said!

You plan to finish this.

'Course we do.

Then you'd better hide before backup arrives and arrests me for endangerment.


To the bushes!

Ugh, my legs are killing me.

The city's about two miles away.

Unless it's a mirage and we're dying and it's a mirage.

We left a forest, Fay.

[music - "I Want To Know What Love Is"]

[singing] In my life,

there's been heartache and pain.

I don't know

if I can [both] face it again.

Can't stop now,

I've traveled so far, to-






[distant disaster]

[music, ambient sounds]

Keep walking.

[hail sounds]


[car alarm]

That was completely unnecessary and you know it!

Ow, ow, ow.

No offense, but this doesn't seem like the best course of judgement.

Dr. Surlaw is my orthodontist.

I don't know why he's here,

but I'm not taking any chances.


Wren, is it?

Haven't seen you in a while, kid.

Sorry to intrude, sir, but...

You have an appointment to make up for.

Excuse them.

We have a lot to catch up on.

OK, why don't you-?

[forcefully] Sit down.


The world is ending.

And YOU can fix it.

Yeah, we have reason to believe you've been hiding the cure to the apocalypse this whole time?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Face the facts, Dr. Coleslaw.


Tim, evidence.

We came here to get to the NASA research center

because experts are looking for a specific compound to power the gamma ray with.

Specific compound.

A compound that YOU have used post-recall

as an adhesive in dental procedures.

Dental procedures.

You can't just repeat everything I say to sound threatening.

She does this.

Face the facts, Dr. Surlaw.

You have a lot to do with this.

Fine. You got me.

I knew they were looking for radioactive molybdenium,

but I'm the one who destroyed it,

so I hid.

Eventually, someone found out and I came here,

but I'm not much help.

Unless they find any, I can't leave.

Giffany showed us the records.

I know it was last used on my braces.

Wren, I had no idea.

You really think I would plan this?

That doesn't matter right now.

You have to take them off.


They dragged us all this way!

We crashed a helicopter!

I'm begging you.

We can stop this.

Calm down.

I can't remove them without proper equipment.

What do you mean?

Of course you can!

Tim, find pliers.

On it!

Even if I do, there's no guarantee of extracting-

You are going to help us,

whether you like it or not,

and you will be held responsible for your actions.

You can't run anymore, sir.

Can both of you turn it down a little?


I can't help you,

but I know someone in the research center who can.

I'll take you to them, but then I want out of this.


Look! There's a cell tower!

Full bars and eleven missed calls from your mom.

Shouldn't YOUR parents be worried by now?

Our mom usually calls ME,

and I tossed my phone a while ago, so...

According to this update, the meteor's coming...


It's coming today.

You can go ahead now.

Aren't you coming with us?

I'm afraid not.

The world depends on the three of you now.

To be honest, I never do removals myself.


You shouldn't be in here!

There's radioactive molybdenium in my braces,

Dr. Surlaw brought us,

we're trying to stop the meteor,

please don't hurt me.

I'm glad you're here, Wren.

There's no need to be scared.

I'm Dr. Live.

The others abandoned the project, but I knew things would come through.

Follow me.

The two of you can wait out here.

Everything is set up to begin the procedure.

I can hang on to your music player if you-


This feels so underwhelming for some reason.

And we're saving the world.


As long as Wren's happy, I guess.

What do you think they'll sound like after?

I don't know.

Have we ever heard them without braces?

Not that I can remember.

They'd be okay with us looking for the bathrooms.


Where did we come from again?

Wait, we're lost?

No, this way!

Woah, woah, woah.

What's HE doing here?

What are THEY doing here?


I'll catch up with you.

You know what I'm going to say.

I'm sorry...

My family...


I can't believe you did that!

What did you do?

You need to get out of here before it's too late.

We're not leaving until this is over, so spill it.

Dr. Live isn't with NASA at all, to my knowledge,

but he tracked me down and took my family hostage.

That's why I couldn't leave.

What reason could he possibly have-?

He had no choice.

I wanted no part of his plan.

Stopping the meteor?

Allowing it,

by taking the compound and making sure no one can use it,

at all costs.

Wren would figure that out.

And then they'd try to stop him because they want to be the hero and then-

We have to go.

Wrong way!


Stay safe!

I have to say the old man delivered.

I kinda wanna drink something.



You should be proud of yourself. (Supercali-)


Hey, how do you know my name?



(He's going to kill you!)


No, I'm not!

[battle cry]

Get off of me!

[nervous Tim sound]


You won't stop me!

Sure about that?

Holy cheese, they're gone.


I got the compound, by the way.

You didn't have to announce it.


He took Dr. Surlaw's family!

That's why he couldn't leave!

Oh, no!

His name is literally "evil" spelled backward!

We thought you'd figure that out-

No, that!

No, no, no, no, no-!

Give the compound to me.

What's your problem?

You don't have to hurt anyone.

He wants to destroy the earth.

Not in this story.

Monkey in the middle!

[nervous Tim sound]


Hey, get back here!

Was that an obscure Goosebumps reference?!

This is getting really annoying!


Please stop that!

I have no idea what you're talking about!

Stop at once!

Not again!

Not again!

Curse my top-heavy body!

Finders, keepers.


No where to run now!

That's what YOU think!




[taser sound]


My turn!



A tornado?




That must be it. That's where the ray is.


As usual.

There's only up.

I have an idea, but-

[both] We're doing that!


All you have to do is climb as high as you can

and wait for the tornado to knock you over.

That is literally the worst idea I have ever heard.


It's my mom.

There's no ti-

We'll find our own way in.

Good luck.



Goodness' sakes, I was worried something happened to you.


That would be bad.

You sound different.

Whatever you're doing-

I'm saving the world, Mom.


I'm not surprised.



If anyone was going to try, it would be you.


I don't know if I can do this.

Listen to me.

You're Wren.

The Wren who won the ninth grade science fair.

Who's strong willed,

who's the most optimistic,


and imaginative kid I know.

You can be your own hero.


Thanks, Mom-

[phone breaks]

[dial tone]








Piece! Of!



This entire room is like...

The closet of convenience.

That was bad.

I know.

Are you okay?

I came this whole way to protect my best friend and my little brother,

and I can't guarantee I can do that anymore.

I'm not an indestructible force of nature, Tim.

That's what's wrong?

I know that's why you look up to me.

I look up to you because you're so calm all the time.

This is calm to you.

You're so protective of everyone.

You make me feel safe.

Aww, that's really...

Do you see something wrong with this picture?

Where's Dr. Live?

We should hurry.


[music - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"]

{There's a room where the light won't find you}

{Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down}

{When they do, I'll be right behind you}

I'm indestructible, you fools!



[crash, sparks]

Don't do this!


I have to.

It's the only way.

That's not your decision to make.

Do you think I haven't thought about this?

Humanity needs to end.

There's no goodness left in the world.

You and your friends alone practically forgot I was a person.

Dr. Live, I'm sorry, but-

I'm not even with NASA.

I broke in.

My real name is Bread Live

because my parents were torn between Brad and Brendon.

I'm unemployed.

I lost my family.

Look around you.

Even now, people are suffering.

There's no goodness left in the world!

Mr. Live, listen to me.

Oh, for the love of-

Everything's going to actually work out, OK?

Look around you.

People have been coming together even if it seems like there's no reason to have hope.

The fact that you wish there was goodness in the world

proves that there's goodness in you,

and if there can be goodness in you,

then there can be goodness in everybody.

Your friend hit me in the face with a fire extinguisher.

I apologize on her behalf.

Your words are nothing to me.

No one has shown me a bit of kindness for a long time.

I can't imagine how much hurt you've been through

that you don't see another way out,

but it can't get better if you allow the world to be destroyed.

You can help us.

We'll be your friends.

What did you say?

We'll be.

Your friends.

Thank you.

This is the most hopeful I've felt-

[crash, sparks]

Mr. Live!

I'm okay!

Armadillo and all that.



Wren! Over here! Wren! (Wren! Wren! Open up!)


How'd you-

[both] Behind you!


I was wondering...

How'd you get up here?

We found some tools in the lab.

Where's the evil guy?


On the ground?

I think he'll be okay with this,


you have to go.

It's too dangerous


and there's not much time left.

Go somewhere safe.


What are you-?

They were my braces.

This is my responsibility.

This was my big adventure.

I'm the hero now.

Look outside of yourself for once

and listen to me for one second!

It's the world or yourself, Wren.

You can't do this alone.


Is that true?

All this time.

I thought we were helping everyone else,

but they've only helped us.

And the two of them...

Of course.

It's not me.

It's never been me.

There's more than one hero.

There has to be.

Otherwise, why would the world be worth saving?

Yes, I get it now!

Come in quick!

The door was unlocked the whole time.

We knew you'd let us in.

We just wanted you to say you needed us.

And you're the worst.


Angle it up some.

Too much.


A little to the left...

Tiny bit right...



Let me see...

What are you doing?

We need to hurry up, people!

Yeah, I can't move.

What do you mean you can't-?

You have to hold it in place while it fires.

I'm scared, too.

Friends fall into the void.


That's MY thing!

[ray powers up] ("Firing in 10...9...8...7...")




Wait, we need a cool thing to say!

What's a cool thing to-?!



[rips up paper]


(Yay, we're alive, we get to live, yay, woohoo, yay-!)

That's my kid!



[all] Ow.

They fought so valiantly.

(Not without my pals!)

Sometimes we can still hear their voice.

[class laughs]

(Hey, quit telling people I'm dead!)

[class laughs more]

The world has been saved,

thanks to the combined efforts

of several Emerton teenagers.

Bread Live has been imprisoned for attempted terrorist attack

and for interfering with the government.

In a statement, Live said that he plans to,

"make the world a better place, not harm it,"

once he has fulfilled his sentence.


("Ten new messages.")

Tim, where are you?

The power went out everywhere and we're a little worried.

Call me back.


Is everyone at the school okay?

We have no idea what's going on.

Call me back!


I can't reach your sister

and there's a huge storm outside and-

AUGH, I'll call you back!


We're staying in the cellar.

I'm losing signal.

Call me back as soon as you can.


I can't reach your sister!

Young man, I swear, if you don't-!


When I get my hands on you, you're grounded.

Do you hear me?



I'm sorry if I scared you.

I really hope you're alright.

But seriously, you're in trouble.



Your phone!


The least you could do is pick up some toilet paper.


OK, I'm about to lose signal,

I love you,

you're GROUNDED!


[music - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"]

{All for freed-}

And they're crying.


It's just so good...

and I love my...


Where are your headphones?

Tunes for everybody!

Go on.

For more infomation >> LPS: Unweld - Full Movie [Littlest Pet Shop Short Film] - Duration: 31:48.




Humans are a curious species and crave to know more.

The desire to know is a good thing when it comes to attaining knowledge and wisdom, to

better overcome obstacles and to create something new.

But some people are just too curious and want to meddle with things they aren't supposed

too, and sometimes they even want the ability to read minds.

Well, good news for those

people because scientists are now creating

a portable mind reading machine that will enable people to

view the thoughts of others.

Company Openwater says the technology is less than a decade away.

The founder of the company, Mary Lou Jepson said: "I figured out how to put basically

the functionality of an MRI machine � a multimillion-dollar MRI machine � into a

wearable in the

form of a ski hat.� Could reading minds help humanity in some way?

Watch the following video to know more!

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