Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

Lyrics, Composition, PV: Kowareta

Vocals: Yumeiro Theory

"What is the meaning of life?"

It's a vicious cycle of happiness and depression

I can't answer your questions;

I don't know everything

Because I can't even make up my mind, forgive me

Please, forgive me

"Give me a fake smile, please"

I can't live up to your expectations;

I can't do everything

Because I can't even make up my mind, forgive me

Please, forgive me

Illustration: PRISMkidd

For more infomation >> 【UHP Original】「悲哀」| "Sorrow" 【Yumeiro Theory】+UST - Duration: 2:58.


Spirit board / talking board - Evoking spirits (ouija) - SHOCK! :o - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> Spirit board / talking board - Evoking spirits (ouija) - SHOCK! :o - Duration: 12:03.


Adrenochrome - The Darkest Drug of Them All! - Duration: 36:08.

Adrenochrome is a chemical compound which is produced in the human body when adrenaline


Adrenochrome has been being used since ancient times as a way to get high.

During rituals Satanists induce terror in their victims increasing the amount of adrenochrome

produced in the victims blood, at the peak moment of terror the Satanists kill the victim

then drink their blood receiving an incredible high.

When ingested adrenochrome triggers a psychotic response and induces thought disorder, derealisation

and euphoria.

For the highest spiritual working, one must accordingly choose a victim which contains

the greatest and purest force of energy.

A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most sought after for the rituals

Almost every adrenochrome harvesting ritual is carried out on a child.

From as early as the Aztec civilization Adrenochrome harvesting had been taking place,

they would carry out blood sacrifices on children in order to honour dark forces.

In 6 months of the year the Aztecs would carry out adrenochrome harvesting.

Adrenochrome harvesting was widespread throughout the ancient world

it also took place in ancient Egypt and was carried out by Persians who travelled to ancient Asia.

Adrenochrome harvesting was forbidden in ancient Greece but underground groups continued to carry it out.

Pre Christian cults also banned adrenochrome harvesting

but it was continued symbolically through major Christianity

as wine began to be used to represent the blood of Christ.

During the 15th century Vlad Dracula also known as Vlad the impaler

was one of the most famous Satanists ever,

he carried out Adrenchrome harvesting.

It was from this where the folklore of vampires came about,

hence the name Dracula.

Adrenochrome harvesting still continues in modern day society,

it gets no media coverage as the Satanists which carry it out are high ranking politicians

and influential people who have their grip on this world.

In the 1980s former F.B.I. chief Ted Gunderson

started investigating Satanism and Adrenochrome harvesting,

what he found was sickening.

Global criminal elements of worldwide governments have been involved in gigantic Satanic and Pedophilia rings.

There are groups within this world which carry out these Satanic rituals

they consist of lower level groups and elite groups but in the end they work in unison.

The small level are ancestral families who use incest on their kids,

the parents would have been victims of abuse they then continue this on with their kids and the cycle continues.

It is once these families are caught,

the children are taken by bigger elitist groups

which continue to abuse the children and use them in satanic rituals.

The elitists groups consist of politicians and hidden hands which ultimately have control over the world.

A victim who managed to escape from these satanic rings is Cathy O'Brien,

she was born in 1957 in Muskegon Michigan.

she was raised within a multi-generational incest based family.

Her father would abuse her from the moment she was born

replacing her mother's nipple for milk with his penis.

He was caught by the authorities after sending child pornography by the U.S. postal service.

Instead of being locked up,

he was contacted by members of the U.S. government to give Cathy over to elite Satanists groups

to allow them to carry out further abuse.

After he agreed,

he was granted immunity of prosecution as a means of national security purposes.

Cathy O'Brien was saved from the elite Satanic ring by an ex C.I.A worker by the name of Mark Philips.

Cathy O'Briens first blood ritual she was involved in was called by the Satanists "The Right to Remain Silent"

The children who are not sacrificed are used as sex slaves and mind control subjects,

the criminal elements of the government who use mind control

use the C.I.A created MK-ULTRA Monarch Programming.

This was introduced to the U.S. by the Nazi's

after the U.S. immigrated Nazi scientist from concentration camps

under project paperclip in 1945.

These mind controlled subjects are kept up until the age of 30 when they are then killed.

The rituals are usually filmed as a means of keeping politicians under control by blackmail.

weird occultic rituals also take place in Hollywood

Angelina Jolie has been caught on tape discussing weird rituals she has witnessed.

Global elites sacrifice a human effigy

during a ritual known as "the cremation of care"

This takes place at the bohemian grove in July of every year.

this ritual was caught on tape by Alex Jones on July 15th 2000

after he infiltrated the grove.

They sacrifice to a giant statue of an owl

believed to be a representation of Molech a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.

The cremation of care is carried out on the first night of encampment

to become quote "an exorcising of the Demon to ensure the success of the ensuing two weeks."

What are we doing here?

We are a point of awareness having a direct experience of self

who are tuned into the frequency range of visible light.

We are only tuned into this frequency range during normal everyday waking consciousness,

beyond this we phase into different states of consciousness.

As we phase, we get further away from visible light and into the places we go beyond death.

The further we get away from visible light, the further we detach ourselves from the thought of human life,

exit the earth life energy system

and expand to our original form of blissful consciousness which is simply a state of awareness.

Beyond visible light is a hidden world we cannot see while awake in normal everyday waking consciousness

or what is known as Focus 1.

As I have done a previous video about this,

for those that have seen it you will already have a greater understanding

The Satanists claim they are feeding hidden demons which are conjured to focus 1 during the rituals

These entities have been called various different things in the past

in Christianity they are known as Demons

in Gnosticism they are known as Archons

in Islam they are known as Jinn,

they are also known simply as mind parasites

For this video we will refer to them as the negative force.

Gnostic writings were found in Nag Haamadi,

Egypt which date back to close to 2000 years ago.

They describe this negative force as entities which lure the mind into deception

to create negative energy in which they use as a food source.

They describe the Archons as having the ability to make false events appear in people's mind

and are able to induce a virtual reality experience.

The Gnostics claimed the archons do not implant the negative ideas into our minds,

they expand upon thoughts we have already created making them appear worse.

In Islam they described these entities as "Jinn",

and claimed the Jinn manipulate humans by creating illusions.

This dark force takes advantage of the reptilian neo-cortex in our brain

which creates fear, this fear stems from the fear of survival.

To put this into context I will give you an analogy I like to call "The Over Protective Mum" analogy.

the mums child leaves the house to go out with friends.

The mum expects the child to be home at a certain time.

The child wants to spend more time with their friends so spends extra time out

The mum at home instantly starts to worry

and pictures every worst possible solution in their head

from their child being murdered to abducted to an accident and so on.

This negative connotation of thought will lead to the action of the mum phoning the child several times

and may leave them volatile text messages.

Once the child returns,

the mother will act out of this negativity

and may trade harsh words with them and a punishment may come as a result.

However they now have peace of mind knowing their child is home safe.

The entire time their child was fine and was simply with friends

but the mother was in a induced state of anxiety

picturing all the worst possible outcomes,

this is the virtual reality and illusions spoke of

in which the Archons create to feed off the negative energy produced.

The mothers reptilian neo-cortex created a fearful thought

as she believed her child wasn't going to survive and pass down their genetic genes,

the entities latch onto this thought and expand upon it.

The fear created by the Archons are false expectations appearing real

which produce false emotions appearing real.

When we have negative thoughts they effect our energetic field,

what these entities do is lock into this field

and synchronise with the frequency we are giving as an output.

Once synchronisation occurs the entities begin to manipulate our thought patterns by illusory thought

to make us go into a mode of panic,

this then leads to what are known as anxiety or panic attacks

which produces adrenochrome in the body making us give off low vibrational energy,

in which the entities feed off of.

In more serious cases this has been seen as demonic possession.

9/11 was a feeding frenzy for these entities

and can be seen as a satanic ritual

as at the time of the attacks

a massive spike in the earths energy field was recorded

as the population of Earth reacted as a whole with low vibrational energy

to the horrific events which occurred.

These Archons manipulate our gift of free will

by expanding and exacerbating negative thoughts we create

to produce a low vibrational reality for them to feed off of.

Pedophiles and Serial Killers are those who live within negative thoughtforms

allowing this negative force to possess them

carrying out horrific acts to produce low vibrational energy.

Pedophiles are also used by elite Satanist as a procurer for the children.

So who is Satan and what is Satanism?

Satanism is the worship of the planet Saturn.

Saturn has the lowest vibrational energy of all the planets.

In Gnosticism they called Saturn Saklas

they describe Saturn as the chief ruler,

the chief demon,

the child of chaos

and the demiurge.

Past civilisations also referred to Saturn as

the dark lord,

the dark sun

and the king of the planets.

As Saturn's energy is low vibrational,

Satanists focus on this

as energy flows where attention goes.

Saturn is associated with the constellation Capricorn

making it receive the image of a horned god.

This imagery has been placed within entertainment by Satanists

who own major media companies

so subliminally we focus on the imagery therefore giving it our energy.

The mind parasites have been described as the servants of Saturn,

in Christianity demons are described as servants of Satan.

Gnostics claimed Saturn was responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe we see in Focus 1

due to this Saturn got the label of a craftsman.

Freemasons also worship Saturn calling their deity the great architect of the universe,

this is the seal of Saturn,

this is the logo of the freemasons.

The Canaanite god Molech is also a representation of Saturn,

as in the creation tale Saturn was said to have "ingested its new born babies"

to stop them from becoming king of the planets.

The day Saturday is also named after Saturn

with Sunday being named after the Sun

So how do you defeat Saturn's spell and conquer your thought patterns?

Keep your mind on your thoughts,

realise any which are trying to induce negativity are illusory to lead you down a negative path.

We have the choice to maintain good thoughts over negativity

and respond to good thoughts with action creating positive outcomes.

We also have the choice to allow the dark side to take over creating negative actions as an outcome,

allowing this low vibratory energy to be used as food.

In the modern day as we no longer necessarily use the words

archons, jinn or demons

people have started to call this negative force "energy vampires"

some teach how to slay the energy vampires in your life.

This is simple,

by keeping a mindset of good over evil.

Modern day religions are feeding these entities as they put the fear of "god" in people,

god is literally good.

By using fear to try and spread high positive energy

only feeds the negative force.

The world is currently ruled by this negative force,

once the global population stops feeding the negative force as a whole

it will die out

as it will have no source of energy to gain sustenance from.

This is when world peace will finally occur.

For more infomation >> Adrenochrome - The Darkest Drug of Them All! - Duration: 36:08.


Dinosaur Attack on The Beach Education Video Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 1:36.

Dinosaur Attack on The Beach Education Video Cartoons for Kids

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