Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

You little bitch!

What are you talking about? I've done it twice already!

You haven't done it until I've recorded it!

Mate, you can't speak, you've not done it once!

Fine, I'll do the next one.

Here, use my phone, your camera's crap!

Quick! There's another one coming!

Mate, don't bail out too early!



Did you get it?

I could hardly see you! You need to go again!

That was a decent attempt! (DISTANT TRAIN WHISTLE)

Decent attempt? Are you havin' a laugh?

Alright, alright I'll go again.

Get ready mate, this one's coming fast.

Are you recording?

Yeah mate.

Jump towards me this time!



For more infomation >> Distracted - On Dangerous Ground - Duration: 1:25.


OneRepublic & Seeb - Rich Love - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> OneRepublic & Seeb - Rich Love - Duration: 3:22.


Easter Edds #4 - Space Face (1+2) Eng. sub. | EDDSWORLD EASTER EGGS - Duration: 4:10.

ATTENTION: Any presumptions that in this vidoe are included all surprises from discussed Eddsworld episode

are not certainly true, however it should be presumed that big part of them is included here indeed.

Hello! Today, I'll unveil in a flash some easter eggs from episode "Space Face",

both its 1st and 2nd part.

I'll start a bit out of order...

"Space Face" is the last episode which was animated (at least partially) by Edd Gould.

Edd died on March 25th 2012 of leukaemia, in half of production of video.

Moment of his passing away is memorialized by a light going off in this scene.

Since this time, as the main animator was nominated Paul ter Voorde,

who has finished the episode basing on prepared script.

What's interesting, Edd's voice doesn't leave us for a quite long while,

because pre-recording dialogues helps in later drawing lip-sync animation.

The voice changer scene was not present in original scripts,

and its adding was imposed by the need of changing a voice actor in the middle of a film.

Since then, Edd is talking with voice of Tim H.

I'm not going to read his surname, I'll do it wrong for 100%.

Between individual shots, Edd, for a while, speaks like a dial-up modem.

It was a thing which was sending the internet through a phone.

The idea was borrowed from HTTP 404 error animation,

which was drawn years ago by Edd. (Link in description.)

The episode was released in 2 parts, which premiered on YouTube respectively:

on June 2nd, and November 26th of year 2012.

This isn't the 1st 2-part episode. Earlier, in similar way, was released "Hammer & Fail".

On January 2nd 2013, got published a joined complete version, which repairs a few mistakes,

and which can be viewed [in Polish] on my channel.

Let's return to the begginging!

The 1st scene of episode can be seen also at the end.

However, the 1st one was drawn by Edd, and the last - by Paul.

During the intro, we can see EyHedd in Canadian astronaut's uniform,

shot to death by Paul.

During the 1st minute of episode, as well as pre-intro scene, Tom's wearing navy-coloured trousers.

Since his kidnapping by aliens, his pants become grey.

I wonder however he changed them?

Edd's mistake is referenced in 2nd part, by coloring for a while Tom's shirt in blue,

even though it was grey through rest of time.

Whatever, it's probably another goof.

On protagonists' house roof are lying bear traps,

which stay from "Zanta Claws".

In full version of movie, there's another reference to that episode:

the poor bug which Matt stepped on!

There are also references to a few other episodes: gun from "WTFuture",

sentence from Tord's grave in "Zombeh Attack 2",

and a space cat from "MovieMakers".

We can also see the alien's cook book from "The Simpsons",

or androids' heads from "Star Wars".

There's even the out-of-earth invention of bubblewrap and

the Convenant Ark…!

The bridge of spaceship is surrounded by green screens,

which for a big part of episode, display the same inscriptions. We can see:

For a while, they're even mirror-flipped…?

Power levels of ship is over 9000, which references "Dragon Ball" and English translators' mistake.

Texts on girl's sweater refer to "Past Bing Future Bing" series,

which was recorded by… Bing.

In trash-disposal room are present a few interesting objects:

Paul's portrait, broken WALL-E (from a Disney's Movie),

head of robot from "Futurama", and… his cigar.

Aliens' guns have such vibrant names:

"The Big Bang" and "The Somewhat Smaller Bang".

Tom's face, for a while, resembles faces of "Hellbenders" characters.

(Or cartoons from Oney channel, whatever.)

In space floats dr Who's booth.

Also, there's shown the old pun with planet Uranus,

which name in English sounds like "Your Anus".

What do we know about space? That there's no air. So no oxygen as well!

I have no idea how the fuse got fired; even matches begged for oxygen on their own!

Tom who got shot, for a while returned to early 00s,

and even used to have eyes!

When he smashes head on a desk, on monitors are seen parts of scripts

resembling "Spares" and "Zanta Claws". But because of low video quality, they can't be read well.

Meanwhile, big flashing letters appear. If we write them in order on a paper,

we get a link to unpublished before Edd's animation. (Also in description.)

In moment of collision, in 2-part version, a Space Beer bottle falls from the desk.

But in complete version, there's a figurine instead of it!

Also got changed i.a.:

that ship stopped wobbling,

and that lawnmower disappeared.

Also they modified a bit the ending credits.

And that's all. We'll meet after summer vacations. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> Easter Edds #4 - Space Face (1+2) Eng. sub. | EDDSWORLD EASTER EGGS - Duration: 4:10.


Đoán Vận Mệnh Qua Giờ Sinh 12 Con Giáp Chính Xác Nhất - Duration: 28:57.

For more infomation >> Đoán Vận Mệnh Qua Giờ Sinh 12 Con Giáp Chính Xác Nhất - Duration: 28:57.


Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009) | Optimus Prime 'N.E.S.T. Base' Scene | HD - Duration: 7:01.

Soundwave acknowledges. Pursue her.

Retrieve it.

Autobot twins, report to Hangar Three.

Bad-ass ice-cream truck coming through.

-Excuse me! Excuse me! Hello! -No, I don't…

-Hold up. -Those are nice.

Yeah, baby, it's upgrade time.

Yes, sir. Yeah! Look here, it's my booty call right here!

-Time to get my sexy on with the green. -Green? No, green is mine!

I call green!

-I got the green. -That hurt, man.

It's supposed to hurt. It's an ass-kicking.

Present arms!

Director Galloway, what an honor. I'd love to show you around,

but you gotta be on the classified access list.

I am now. Presidential order, Major.

I got a message for your classified space buddies!

You guys made a mess of Shanghai.

All right, so this is where we communicate with the JCS

and this area serves as the Autobots' hangar.

Secure link to JCS is up, Major.

Secure line to the Pentagon is now open.

-General? -Will, I saw the Shanghai op.

-We had a rough day out there. -Yes, sir.

We have intel that I believe warrants an immediate debrief.

Now with your permission, I can't let you see him,

but I would like you to hear from the leader of the Autobots.


You gotta wonder,

if God made us in his image, who made him?

General, our alliance has countermanded

six Decepticon incursions this year,

each on a different continent.

They're clearly searching around the world for something,

but last night's encounter came with a warning.

"The Fallen shall rise again. "

"The Fallen. " Meaning what?

Origin unknown. The only recorded history of our race

was contained within the AllSpark and lost with its destruction.

Excuse me!

With this so-called AllSpark now destroyed,

why hasn't the enemy left the planet like you thought they would?

Director Galloway, our National Security Advisor.

The President just appointed him liaison.

Well, I guess I didn't get that memo.

Forgive the interruption, General. Excuse me. Coming through.

Excuse me. Excuse me, soldier.

After all the damage in Shanghai,

the President is hard-pressed to say the job's getting done.

Now, under the classified Alien/Autobot Cooperation Act,

you agreed to share your intel with us, but not your advancements in weaponry.

We've witnessed your human capacity for war.

It would absolutely bring more harm than good.

But who are you to judge what's best for us?

With all due respect, we've been fighting side by side

in the field for two years.

We've shed blood, sweat and precious metal together.

Soldier, you're paid to shoot, not talk.

Don't tempt me.

And the newest members of your team.

-Easy. -I understand they arrived here

after you sent a message into space,

an open invitation to come to Earth, vetted by no one at the White House.

Let me stop you right there, Mr. Galloway. It was vetted right here.

And in my experience, the judgment of both Major Lennox and his team

has always been above reproach.

Well, be that as it may, General, it is the position of the President

that when our national security is at stake, no one is above reproach.

Now, what do we know so far?

We know that the enemy leader, classified NBE One, aka Megatron,

is rusting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyssal,

surrounded by SOSUS detection nets and a full-time submarine surveillance.

We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien AllSpark

is locked in an electromagnetic vault

here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world.

Decepticons, we have located the shard.

And since no one can seem to tell me what the enemy is now after,

well, there's only one clear conclusion!

You! The Autobots!

They're here to hunt you!

What's there to hunt for on Earth besides that?

"The Fallen shall rise again"?

It sounds to me like something's coming.

So, let me ask, if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served

by denying you further asylum on our planet,

will you leave peacefully?

Freedom is your right. If you make that request, we will honor it.

But before your President decides, please ask him this.

What if we leave and you're wrong?

That's a good question.( Cliptonite-CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009) | Optimus Prime 'N.E.S.T. Base' Scene | HD - Duration: 7:01.


FUR Jisook's Table For One 0714 - Duration: 9:52.

We research happy, healthy meals for one.

I'm Jisook from "The Cooking Institute."



I'm joined again by chef Seo Hyeonmyeong

who will turn my cooking into cuisine.



I will help Jisook prepare elegant meals

for solo diners. I'm chef Seo Hyeonmyeong.

The pressure is sitting on your shoulders.

The pressure is sitting on your shoulders.

- Will you turn me into a master again? / - Sure.

- I'll make you a master chef. / - Thank you.

Today, we're joined in the studio by solo diners.

Today, we're joined in the studio by solo diners.

Today's ingredients make me feel happy.

- Meat. / - There's meat.

Meat-lover Jisook.

I can see meat.

Meat-lover Jisook.

I can see meat.

My father used to own a butcher's shop.


I can tell what kind of meat it is.

(Today's main item is beef brisket)

Spring makes us feel drowsy and lethargic.

(Lee Jingu / Cuisine researcher)

Beef brisket provides energy and calories.

I love it.

(Yun Seon / Professor Emeritus, Yonsei University)

There's only one drawback. It's fatty.

I think we can overcome that

with vegetables and shiitake mushrooms.

We can also add napa cabbage.

(Lee Wonmi / Food director)

That will make the broth really rich.

I think we'll be able to cook a delicious stew.

(What kind of stew will they cook?)

Do you all like beef brisket?

(I can't get enough of it)

You like it?

For solo dining at a barbecue restaurant...

Do you have any useful pointers?

This something I do whenever I eat alone.

I always carry a camera with me.

- A camera? / - When I eat out alone.

I pretend that I'm a power blogger.

I immediately take a photo. It isn't embarrassing.

That's great.

I'm actually a power blogger myself.

I feel like my job's being threatened.

I feel a little anxious.

- I think that's a good tip. / - I agree.

It makes you look professional.

We're professionals, aren't we?

- We're professional solo diners. / - Right.

There's nothing wrong with eating alone.

Now that we've received a pointer...

- Let's provide cooking advice. / - Okay.

All Koreans love this.

Let's cook spicy beef brisket soybean paste stew.

(Soybean paste, minced garlic, crushed shrimp)

(Salt, beef brisket, red pepper powder)

(Korean soy sauce, cabbage)

(Shiitake mushroom, napa cabbage)

When making a stew,

- the broth is really important. / - Right.

I wanted to save time, so I brought this broth.

Jisook made this herself at home.

It took her 13 hours.

No, it only took 30 minutes.

This is the broth you prepared.

What kind of broth is this?

I used dried bonito and shiitake mushrooms.

I made a rich broth.

You can add water to it.

I think it will make the stew tastier.

We don't have to do much with the vegetables.

Just slice the spring onions and mushrooms.

Just tear the napa cabbage with your hands.

Be gentle.

Slice the spring onions diagonally.

- Slice the mushrooms. / - Slice, slice, slice.

Yes, just slice them.

- The marinade... / - What's the best mixture?

5 spoons each of red pepper powder

and soybean paste.

(3 tablespoons of minced garlic)

(10 tablespoons of cooking wine)

I have a special ingredient.

Crushed shrimp.

Crushed shrimp?

Crush shrimp is shrimp that's dried and crushed.

If you add this to your stew,

it enhances the flavor.

Let's add 5 spoons of this.

The marinade is ready.

Are we almost done now?

We just have to mix this.

Mix it in the marinade.

We mix it in the marinade first?

It will help season the vegetables.

It will blend nicely with the soup.

Even when they're taken out of the stew,

the vegetables will be tasty.


Now, let's add the marinated napa cabbage

and vegetables we prepared.

It's boiling now.

- It smells good. / - It smells delicious.

- Should we open it? / - Yes.

(It's so good!)


I must've shocked the sound director. Sorry.

You can just add the beef brisket

or cut it once beforehand so it's easy to eat.

Should I add it like this?

Add one at a time so they don't stick.

At the end, add Korean soy sauce.

- That's the final touch. / - The final touch.

- It's boiling nicely. / - It looks delicious.

It would taste delicious with white rice.

(The stew calls for rice)

Let's eat it quickly.

(Looks hearty)

(Spicy beef brisket soybean paste stew)

Should we begin eating?

Thank you.


(In love with the stew)

It's really good.

The soybean paste balances out the fatty meat

and makes it refreshing.

- We added a lot of red pepper paste. / - Right.

It's spicy, so it doesn't taste oily.

It's really easy to eat. It slips down your.

It would slip down even better with a drink.

(He's cute)

- Did everyone enjoy it? / - Yes.

I gave you all a mission.

While you enjoy the food, try to think of a name.

I asked for some original ideas.

Do you want to speak first?

- I'll go first. / - You seemed confident.

I don't think anyone will think of a better name.

I'll announce my idea first.

What was the main ingredient?

Beef brisket.

What else did we add?

Soybean paste, red pepper powder.

- Which marinade? / - Soybean paste.

- Soybean paste and? / - Red pepper paste.

- Also... / - Red pepper powder.

- There's something else. / - Cooking wine?

Crushed shrimp.

- I'm saying... / - You have selective hearing.

I propose the name

Brisk shrimp stew!

It's short for brisket crushed shrimp stew.

Brisk shrimp stew!

Wait. I know someone with the same name.

Sorry but that name reminds me of Chaea.

Anyway, it's different. I like it.

Brisk shrimp stew.

Does anyone else have a good idea?

Our theme for the show is solo dining.

It's a meal for one using beef brisket.

Brisket falls for solo dining.

That's quite good.

Brisket falls for solo dining.

Cha Duri? The soccer player?

Cha Duri falls for solo dining?

You were aiming for that, weren't you?

You got that after hearing my idea.

No, it's my own idea.

It's plagiarism.

He wasn't listening to you.

He was staring straight ahead.

Let's put this to vote.

Raise your hand if you like brisk shrimp stew.

(Candidate 1, brisk shrimp stew)

1, 2, 3.

- 3 votes. / - 4 votes.

4 votes.

Now brisket falls for solo dining.

Please vote.

1, 2, 3.

(A clear winner)

It's a huge difference.



(Today's dish / Brisket falls for solo dining)

We invited these solo diners

to take part in the first 2 episodes

of "The Cooking Institute."

How did you feel about being here?

I'm curious.

I never bothered to cook for myself.

But as of today, I'll put my hands to use.

I'll put them to use and begin cooking myself.

That's what I thought.

I usually eat alone or with one other person.

I feel energized after eating here as a group.

The bustling noise helped me cheer up.

I've been living in Korea alone for over 10 years.

The guests here are in the same boat

as solo diners. It's the first time

I've eaten with a group like this.

I've moved up a level as a solo diner.

It'd be nice to eat together regularly.

I felt the warmth of Koreans today.

It was a meaningful day for me.

Thank you.

(We enjoyed your company too)

Next week, for all those Koreans who eat alone,

we'll be back with another happy, healthy meal.

A nutritious recipe for just one person.

This is "The Cooking Institute."

Watch us alone again next week.

- Bye! / - Bye!

(The guests sent in photos after the show)

(Spicy beef brisket soybean paste stew)

(Soybean paste, minced garlic, crushed shrimp)

(Salt, beef brisket, red pepper powder)

(Korean soy sauce, cabbage)

(Shiitake mushrooms, napa cabbage)

(Slice vegetables)

(Marinate the cabbage)

(Broth and water)

(Shiitake mushrooms)

(Marinated cabbage)

(Beef brisket)

(Soy sauce mixture)

For more infomation >> FUR Jisook's Table For One 0714 - Duration: 9:52.


Apa lagi? ~Makan kari di Asakusa~ - Duration: 2:20.

Here we are! My name is Kaiji. My name is Afif.

We are hanging out in Asakusa for breaking the fast.

Are you hungury? Hungry!

Me too~~ Let's go eat! Let's eat!

We've arrived here. We are here.

Taj Mahal.

This is

Indian restaurant in Asakusa.

I am already staving. Let's eat!

Afif, what do you wanna eat?

When we talk about Indian restaurant

We should eat


Meals has come~~ Yeaah~~

What is this? This is curry set.

What is that?

This is Tandoori chicken.

Let's eat.

Itadakimasu. (Bismillah...)



How is the taste?

This curry is creamy.

The nan is crispy.

Can I have some?

Take, take. much ne.


This curry is so nice.

This tandoori chicken is also nice.

Very nice!

Eat, Eat!

You too.

We've finished it!

Are you full? A little bit.

Me too. Still a bit hungry.

After this, we are going for...?

We are gonna eat Kebab!

Let's go!

For more infomation >> Apa lagi? ~Makan kari di Asakusa~ - Duration: 2:20.


【Music Video】一生一展EthanYIJAN | 黑膠漢堡-DUSA-@fei-XIA | 街頭見 | July 2017 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 【Music Video】一生一展EthanYIJAN | 黑膠漢堡-DUSA-@fei-XIA | 街頭見 | July 2017 - Duration: 3:21.


#MyStory - Vimala Placed at CPQ Solutions Private Ltd - Duration: 2:25.

Hi, Everyone.

I am Vimala. I completed my BTech from Universal College of Engineering & Technology,

with an aggregate of 75% in 2014. After that, I got married and I have a baby also.

I am interested to do a job. Nowadays economically it's a both Husband and Wife have to work. So

I decided to do a Job and I am Passionate to be a Software Developer. I tried for many

jobs, I went to many interviews.But the lack of Technical skills, I got rejected from companies. My

brother suggested me to join in TalentSprint. So they have Placement support and they have

good training there. In TalentSprint provide super campus portal also in that we have many

fundamental and advanced concepts related to technical and aptitude and verbal also

from that we can hear the class, videos from in home also.

I am a Housewife, I have a baby also. I have to take care of my baby. So sometimes I did

not come to classes and I miss many concepts through Super campus, I learned each and every

concept very easily. Because they provide each and every concept cleanly what they said in

classes also. So it is very useful. I went maximum 15+ interviews, after that, I got selected

for CPQ Solutions. After getting the job I am so happy I shared my happiest moment to

my Husband, he felt very happy.

I am very thankful to TalentSprint by giving this opportunity and for training me a lot

and giving opportunity. So I am thankful to TalentSprint.

For more infomation >> #MyStory - Vimala Placed at CPQ Solutions Private Ltd - Duration: 2:25.


Herencia de muerte | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:17.

For more infomation >> Herencia de muerte | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:17.


ЩЕНЯЧИЙ ПАТРУЛЬ Спиннер ЗАГИПНОТИЗИРОВАЛ Крепыша Bad kids Magic Fidget Spinner Hypnotize Paw Patrol - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> ЩЕНЯЧИЙ ПАТРУЛЬ Спиннер ЗАГИПНОТИЗИРОВАЛ Крепыша Bad kids Magic Fidget Spinner Hypnotize Paw Patrol - Duration: 2:03.


Deco Clay Tutorial #5 - How to make an Earring . - Duration: 4:17.

Hi everyone , Jenifer here at Cjmdecors.

today I'm going to give you an earring tutorial using deco clay beads .

shall we start !!!

we need ,

Mix blue and white clay to get lighter shade .( you can make any shade you want . I just wanted to show you here , how easily the color clays are getting blended . )

make 4 or more balls out of this clay .Anyway I am going to use 2 blue and 1 orange balls for each earring .

Now place the clay ball on top of the plastic brush and roll out with the other brush .

Do it gently , you will get a fine texture in this clay ball .

Place it in between the brush and then roll out gently .

The clay balls should be completely dried before getting into an earring .

The clay balls are completely dried . I will show you how to assemble it into an earring .

Take the earring hoop and open it .With the nose plier open this string

Take blue ball ,poke it in the center and pull it out and add few golden plastic beads.

I have added 10 plastic beads and I am inserting one more orange clay ball and 10 plastic beads .

At the end add one more blue color ball .Bend the string backward to finish your earring .

so the earrings are ready .

Thanks for watching .

For more infomation >> Deco Clay Tutorial #5 - How to make an Earring . - Duration: 4:17.


[千山萬水] Minecraft animation - SpongeBob scares me - Duration: 0:33.

Do not be afraid! It's just a portrait, not a real person.

Now we want you to look that portrait again

If you've seen him, talk to us. Understand?





( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

For more infomation >> [千山萬水] Minecraft animation - SpongeBob scares me - Duration: 0:33.


Hi-tech lawyers do it online - Duration: 6:11.

Australia's No. 1 Conveyancing Website

Hi-tech lawyers do it online

Picture this. It's just before Christmas. A client is anxious to settle their several hundred thousand dollar

property to realise their investment. Your legal staff have already spent 40 minutes on the phone booking

settlement. They're now jostling shoulder to shoulder in a crowded, noise-filled settlement room, calling out to

find the agent acting for the purchaser.

Lawyers of the future are Mac-savvy

"It's atrocious," says Christopher Lane, General Manager of (a recent entrant to the

conveyancing business and now with a national presence) in a frank and open interview about why he

found it compelling to complete the first online settlement on Mac computers. Chris explains how his

firm recently navigated some initial online teething problems to make tech history. He also foreshadows that

Mac practitioners' love of new technology puts them in the box seat to better navigate change.

Why are people still paying for a rushed clearance to get quicker access to their funds?

Chris adds: "If PEXA can help to avoid the dreaded settlement room then that's a breakthrough for many

law firms. At the busiest times there can be up to 150 people grappling to find a space on the floor while

settling clients' properties ranging from $500,000 to $200 million. And why are people still paying for a

rushed clearance these days when they just want quick access to their money?

Clients are stressed and the banks are overwhelmed by transaction volumes

"Sometimes we can't even get on the floor or book a settlement slot in the days leading up to Christmas – one

of the busiest times in the conveyancing calendar. Clients are stressed and the banks are overwhelmed by

transaction volumes. That idea of walking into a room and shouting to be heard is ridiculous. Junior

practitioners new to the business can't believe we're still running around clamouring for space in settlement rooms.

There were a few teething problems completing our first Mac transaction

"In our first PEXA transaction we acted for a mum and dad investor. We worked with PEXA passing on

feedback to prevent the little things that we anticipated might go wrong. There were a few teething problems

completing the first ever PEXA transaction on MAC computers as the e-signatures had to be tested.

The other party was ready to retreat to paper half way through the transaction but one of my fantastic Lawyers

Evelyn Wong, spoke with the other side on the phone, reassured them that we were on track and arranged for a

PEXA Direct Specialist to step them through the process. Without her help and commitment, this transact

would not have gone ahead.

Our PEXA Direct Specialist foreshadowed our concerns – it was real-time trouble shooting

"Nichola Baker, our PEXA Direct Specialist, was great. She was able to foreshadow our concerns before we

voiced them – it was real-time trouble shooting. A smooth transaction saw ANZ make the seller's funds

available in 23 minutes. In the paper world the seller would typically wait about 3 days to receive cleared

funds subject to bank clearance.

We've been waiting for PEXA to get traction

"There's high acceptance in our team that change is inevitable. We love property and all we want to do is

make it work for our clients. We've been waiting for PEXA to get traction and that included the recent

enhancement that means that the PEXA platform now supports Mac computers.

With PEXA there's a focus on everyone working to achieve one outcome. I've been in a change environment

before as a CEO and I know that getting multiple parties to align takes time. We'll eventually get there. Resistance is futile.

Young lawyers are turning to Mac technology and will be early online adopters

"Whilst our commitment to PEXA hasn't been without a rocky first start when we were first told that PEXA didn't

support MAC's, Think was committed to moving ahead with a MAC based environment due to demand from junior practitioners.

I've spent a bit of time in university lecture halls and I can tell you that it's a sea of students using Macs. It's a case of 'spot the PC' – if you can find one.

As keen technologists we were excited to partner with PEXA in this exciting season of change

"PEXA's recent decision to deliver the MAC solution is a reflection of its commitment to serve the emerging

demand in the conveyancing market and to keep pace with technology that is leading innovation in the industry.

At, as keen technologists we were excited to partner with PEXA in this exciting

season of change and to demonstrate the efficacy of combining the technology initiated by PEXA and user

demand from young lawyers in making history with the first ever MAC based PEXA settlement nationally.

Digital transactions aid flexible work practices for innovative firms

"There are other benefits that new technologies bring that are integral to how legal firms work these days too.

PEXA represents a consistent way of working that can be applied across our national practice. Paper files don't

translate well for people working remotely who rely on electronic exchange of information.

Young people are tech-savvy. It's a skill that they bring to the workplace so let's capitalise on it

About 80 per cent of our people are women who require family flexible working hours to collect children from

school. We've struck the right balance where we can service clients while meeting our own people's personal

commitments. That's why we have a high satisfaction rate among our team.

Think Conveyancing spends a lot of time and money on training. We're investing in our people and wanting them

to commit for years in a partnership between the employee and employer. We have young lawyers and

we're a burgeoning place. Young people are tech-savvy. It's a skill that they bring to the workplace so let's capitalise on it.

To get in contact with our friendly team today about your conveyancing needs, call us on 1300 932 738 or request a free quote online.

Australia's No.1 Conveyancing Website

For more infomation >> Hi-tech lawyers do it online - Duration: 6:11.


U.S. requires nations to provide extensive data on travelers - Duration: 0:46.

Heads up to those with plans to visit the U.S....

With the Trump administration's push for anti-terror measure,... the U.S. State Department has

unveiled a new protocol for all nations to provide more data on individuals entering

the country.

Countries that fail to meet the new standards within 50 days will face travel sanctions,

which includes their citizens being barred entry to the United States.

The requirements include that countries issue electronic passports to their citizens and

regularly report lost and stolen passports to INTERPOL, the international police organization.

The State Department says it's adopting the new protocol to ensure visa applicants and

travelers do not pose any terror threat to Americans.

For more infomation >> U.S. requires nations to provide extensive data on travelers - Duration: 0:46.


Malye's first YouTube Live Notice for 2017 Korea Queer Festival - Duration: 0:16.

Malye's first YouTube Live Notice for 2017 Korea Queer Festival

From 11 am on July 15th

On Talking Artist's YouTube Channel

For more infomation >> Malye's first YouTube Live Notice for 2017 Korea Queer Festival - Duration: 0:16.


Robot Savaşları - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> Robot Savaşları - Duration: 10:04.


Luis Alberto Hernando: träningstips för trailrunning, del III - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Luis Alberto Hernando: träningstips för trailrunning, del III - Duration: 2:38.


【TOY SMILEY】170714 08:00:40 SR【こちゃ☆】 - Duration: 41:53.

For more infomation >> 【TOY SMILEY】170714 08:00:40 SR【こちゃ☆】 - Duration: 41:53.


So Sick - Ne-Yo (Cover by Peck Palitchoke) - Duration: 2:43.

Over there, they still didn't get it

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