Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

Hello dear friends!

My name is Svetlana.

And today, I want you talk to a very interesting

an interesting topic about over What Russian names

Italians laugh.

And just tell you like Do Italians Russian names

and what the Russian, rather Slavic names Italians

They name their children last years.

It will be interesting, therefore, subscribe to anything

not to miss.

So, the Italians call some confusion, smile

sometimes even laughter five our names, the usual Russian


Firstly, it is Nelly and Alla.

Why do I say about these the two names together because

These two names on it Italian blend

preposition with the article.

That is, Allah is an A plus LA Together they are obtained on Alla

Italian, Nelly plus it's in li, instead of getting


Therefore, when the Italians hear it, it is

puzzled some. the there is simply a grammatical

design, which does not.

Sometimes not translated in the Russian language, that is,

it serves only to to give value to others

According to the value or the entire grammatical construction.

The whole sentence.

That is, it's like that we would like someone

called "B", "A" or "On".


Strange sounds, so Italians and Nelly

Alla is very strange names.

The third name on which really laugh Italians

- is Galina.

Galina in Italian, with only two "L" is written,

GaLLina - it's chicken.

Therefore, women who Italy move on

Permanent, Galina has not called Of course, they immediately become

Galyami or Galami somehow different name itself only

Galina does not.

Following the name of the fourth place so to speak - is Polina.

Pollina, too, with two A in Italian language translated as "ball"

or "ball".

Sometimes referred to as small Pollina such know these dogs

[Laughter] Well, how we ball that's so - called small


In fifth place the name of the IRA.

For Irina, a name full to name Irina Italians

It is normal, good the name, nothing is in Italian

does not mean smiles causes, However, the short name,

that is, il is more perplexity that is, the Italians

I find it strange because Ira that translated into Italian

language means anger or fury.

That is for the Italians this name sounds rather


All the way so to speak Italians like our

names, that is, the usual the names of the Russian people.

Not saying that they are Russian, because many of these

names which is also borrowed.

What is there Greek names, What then of the other nationalities.

Never mind.

The usual Russian way say ear.

However, they like still not full versions

our names, and the diminutive - affectionate.

For example.

In Cagliari, where I lived in Sardinia, I knew for a Woman

one, whose name was Natasha.

And she had both parents Italians were, she did not

there were no Russian roots.

Incidentally, it was Natasha, instead Natalia enough

widespread name Italy.

Natashas here.

Well, I do not say that name every second, but there are

Natasha here is not Natalia.

At this Natasha, incidentally - I had two sisters.

Parents seemed very much like I do not know, or addicted.

They loved Russia or Culture in general they liked

or they read Russian literature.

I do not know.

In general in this Natasha, what I started to say - it was

two sisters.

One sister named Katyusha [Laughter], too, friends Well it

generally does not parents linked with Russia.

That is, parents are Italians - they named their children Natasha, Katyusha

and a third called Guess as?

Lyudmila !!!

Lyudmila is why in person I'm very neutral

to that name.

Well Lyudmila.



And the Italians for some reason Artist Lyudmila.

They seem very melodic This name.

Just as many of the children here here so I can see that.

In any case, I some are friends

children, which name is Sasha, boys, not Alexander, not Alessandro,

namely Sasha name.

Here Sasha!

Here. full name - Sasha!


The identity card Sasha says.

Just as the Italians often They name their children Yuri.

For example when I was born first child, with me

in the House there was a woman in which he was born Yuri.

It moreover Italian husband Italian, they had a


So I was born Federico [Laughter], and they have born Yuri.


Well here and so Yuri ie, it is quite normal

the name is quite common Yuri.

And Italians do not consider it borrowed.

Oh, friends, why that name Denis seen by the Italians

as an exclusively female the name, I do not know why.

Somehow, the Italians think that Denis - a woman.

Yes, here we have a man, and the Italians it is a woman.

And my name - Svetlana.

My name is Svetlana way I say, with whom we have not met.


Hello to new subscribers.

My name is Svetlana, they do not can say Svetlana

they are in the Italian language C before voiced consonants

at the beginning of words to read as "H" and is pronounced

"Z" and so I - here Zvetlana, Friend's Well [laughing] personal

this can be done.

And when you tell them, Now that I no I'm not Zvetlana,

I am Svetlana.

They do not even see the difference.

Very few people actually really see the difference and says

my name correctly.

Most Italians as it is here still speaks

in his own way Zvetlana that's how they used to recite

W, and so they did and say.

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to friends.


Galina, Pauline, Ira

All were driven.

For more infomation >> Above what Russian names the Italians laugh. - Duration: 6:50.


Rap Buồn Tâm Trạng Hay Nhất 2017 | Nghe Mà Muốn Khóc (P01) - Duration: 1:18:15.

For more infomation >> Rap Buồn Tâm Trạng Hay Nhất 2017 | Nghe Mà Muốn Khóc (P01) - Duration: 1:18:15.


CampNaNoWriMo, BookTubeAThon, and Literary Soap - Duration: 6:55.

[singing] I hate production. I hate it, it's not my favorite part.

Let's go with some natural lighting and natural face and you natural and sweaty.

Alright, obviously I went to VidCon. Not only did VidCon inspire me to start

working on a bunch of collaborations and further the brainstorming sessions I've

already started through email...there's a lot of you, I'm really working on replying

all those emails...but VidCon also made me get more into the writing and reading

and booktube community. One of my favorite things at VidCon was the

booktube networking session that my friend Kathy hosted. VidCon, this thing,

this thing that I did. Um, I didn't buy that much merch, actually, but I did get some

literary themed soaps. The company's called MacBath and they make their own soap.

It's this woman, she hand makes the soap from goat's milk, up in upstate New York.

And they're just so wonderful! This one is Hamilton themed...soap. Yes! And

it smells like coffee and it has coffee in it. Here's the second one. You can

guess what the theme is Gandalf. I bought it for my dad for Father's Day

and then I went back a day later to get it for myself. Because it smelled so good.

Yeah, so okay, I have done NaNoWriMo, (National Novel Writing Month in November)

a number of years. I don't always do it every year.

And the reason this is, because I get really really obsessive when I want to

complete a goal. And I usually won't start these types of things unless I

know I'm going to succeed. Is it out of fear of failure? I don't know.

But every year that I've done NaNoWriMo, I've won NaNoWriMo. Even when that meant

dictating stream of conscious nonsense into my computer's dictation app and

just coming out with drivel to meet my word count goals. But I wanted to win so

I did it. I know I should not, and will not, do BookTubeAThon this year. It's a

choice I've made because of that obsessive nature that I get. And you may

think it's because I'm doing CampNaNoWriMo, because I'm doing

CampNaNoWriMo right now. This is the second time I've done it, I did it in

April. I have a little group and we're really good about encouraging each other.

We all have very different word count goals, mine is only 10,000 words and I'm

already halfway there. So why not just hit my goal and then read 7 books at

the end of month? That's doable. Yes and no. Yes, I could do it. I'm a very slow

reader. I could pick kids books and graphic novels and complete it and do it

and make videos. It would be really really wonderful and I really really

want to...but I'm going to be traveling that week. And not just visiting people

but I will be on the road, in a car, with my husband. And I love him very very much.

So I don't want to be obsessively trying to read 7 books and taking them all

with me. And I could do audiobooks...but then you know he's got to have his say

in what we listen to, on the road and we're going to have music a lot of the

time. And that's what we like and that's what we like to do. So I'm not going to

be doing BookTubeAThon. I didn't do it last year. I don't remember why not. I

tried to do it the year before and I had started making videos. And then I had a

terrible computer disaster. That not only made it very difficult for me to upload

videos, edit videos, do any of that...but was very, it was a bummer. To put

it lightly. It was a big damper on my mood. So that got

abandoned. I've done it once before, the year before I moved out here. But I did

it on my 2nd channel...because, I don't know why I do anything there...because

it's not for viewers. It's for experimentation, it's for optimization

tricks, and testing, and also because I didn't want anyone to take that username.

So I don't know why I did it there, maybe I thought that it was not going to be

the quality that I want my videos to be that go up here(?) But I don't think I care

anymore, really. Honestly I just need to make things and if quality is what holds

me back then I'm just not going to make things. So I am doing CampNaNoWriMo. I'm

working on this novel idea that I've had for a very long time and it is so

glaringly different than what it originated as, which is a good thing, but

it also means there's a lot of things I'm just reinventing. And it's taking a

while. And I will continue to work on it past this month. Will I do NaNoWriMo this

year? I don't know. I'd like to, if I can get over my obsessive need to win it. I

think then, then if I can do that, then I'll do it. Happy writing, happy reading.

Special shout-out to those of you watching this a day early on my Patreon

page. You are amazing! I'm going to be using

the Patreon funds to increase one of my creative endeavors very soon! I'm just

still saving up a little bit more, but shortly it should it should happen. I'm

very excited about it and I couldn't do it without you! So if you'd like to help

me out and become a Patreon you can do so! There's links all around the place to my

Patreon. Also I'm MagicCatJenny on literally every social media

network that I have. So I'm easy to find. Like...I want to eat this it's smells so

good! Meow!

For more infomation >> CampNaNoWriMo, BookTubeAThon, and Literary Soap - Duration: 6:55.


Remount & Finish Turning Wet Apricot Bowl - Duration: 7:45.

Hi, Alan Stratton, from As Wood Turns ( When I obtain a batch of fresh green wood,

I typically like to rough turn leaving it a little bit large and then let it dry. That

is the case for this little apricot bowl. But, that was five years ago and it is much

more than dry now. But when it dries, the bowl typically shrinks and warps leaving a

high spot on the two ends and then it gets a bit narrow. I have to leave enough wood

to make it round again. Part of the process is to somehow get rid of those humps. At time,

I just mount it to the chuck with tailstock pressure. This time however, I decided to

sand it off. I can either use this twelve inch disk that I use on my small lathe. Or,

I did make a big one, a big twenty inch that just barely fits onto my big lathe. Either

one of those is useable for that purpose, to flatten it out so that I can put the wood

against a faceplate, retrim the tenon, and move on.

But there is another aspect to this bowl because I have a touch of post traumatic stress disorder

when I see a piece of apricot. Because it was about five years ago that another piece

of wood from this very same tree had a bark inclusion. I was turning that wood and a ten

pound chunk of this wood flew off and hit me in the head.

Well, I'm here to tell you about it and I'm still here making videos because I was

wearing my faceshield. It protected my face from the impact from that flying block of

wood. So that is why, if you haven't seen it why I always say to wear your face shield.

And I always do because of that incident. If you have not seen it, go back and look

at it. If you have not seen it for a while, it is a good refresher if you are not wearing

your face mask. Let's go ahead and do the final work on

this little apricot bowl. To start, I'm using my 20 inch sanding disk

mounted to my lathe. It's made from a steel faceplate and ¼" aluminum. For my small

lathe, I use a 12" diameter MDF faceplate. For now, I only need to sand down the high

points from the warping. The one problem with this disk is its momentum. I have to be sure

to slow it down gradually to avoid it spinning off the spindle as the lathe brakes.

The next objective is to recut the tenon. Fortunately, I still have the mark from the

live center from the rough turning. I'm pressing the bowl against a wood faceplate

with tailstock pressure. I've also, at times, simply pressed the bowl against my chuck.

This would mar the inside but since I'd be tooling it anyway, that does not matter.

But I like my assortment of threaded wood faceplates. They come in handy and if I need

another one or a different size, I just make one.

Now that I can mount the bowl on the tenon into the chuck, I'm almost ready to go.

But, I always like to have some tail stock pressure when I can. So, I'm mounting a

small cone fitted to the live center. This can apply some pressure while I start refining

the bowl. It's good insurance. I'm starting with the exterior with my large

gouge mostly with a shear scrape action. A push cut is difficult here between the bowl

and the headstock. The bowl is out of round but not to an extreme. I'm wanting to maximize

the outer shape so I want to minimize what I'm removing now. I have plenty of wood

near the foot. In July 2012, this roughed out bowl weighed

668 grams. I coated it with green wood sealer and stored it for a while in a paper sack

until dry. Now, before turning, it weighs 449 grams. This is 32% of its original weight

lost while drying. A typical result for me. For the interior, I'm still using my large

bowl gouge. I just have to be careful starting out my cuts since the sides are out of round.

I aim for a point on the lip that is solid wood clear around the edge. From this point

I can ride the bevel despite the varying wall thickness to remove most of the difference.

Once even, it is a matter of reducing the wall thickness and becomes much like any other

dry bowl. I'm aiming for about ¼" wall thickness. I finish off with a heavy bowl

scraper before power sanding with a 2 inch disk.

Now for the foot. I have a lot of wood to remove but I don't want a funnel. I'm

using my shop made Cole jaws. I cannot run them at a high rpm so the turning is a bit

rough. I have to be very gentle. I'm trying to make most of my cuts with pressure pressing

toward the headstock. I'm using a small spindle gouge and cleaning up with my skew

as a scraper. There is always a difference when a bowl is flipped. Removing all of the

difference is nearly impossible. My task is to blend it into the previously exterior Then

hand sand to finish the blending. The foot is fairly plain. I want to dress

it up just a little before I sign it. Using a point tool, I'm cutting a couple of shallow

grooves near the center. Then sign it with my shop built pyrography pen and power supply.

Then just a touch of 400 grit sandpaper to remove any edge from the burning.

I'm finishing this bowl with walnut oil. When the oil is dry, I'll buff it out for

a nice sheen. It's a pretty bowl. Since it is dry, it should not warp any more. I

like it. It is great medicine for my PTSD. That's all for this bowl - we'll see you

again next week for another woodturning video. Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe

and tell your friends. Always wear your full face shield –goggles are not enough protection.

Until next week, this is Alan Stratton from As Wood Turns dot com. Let's keep turning.

For more infomation >> Remount & Finish Turning Wet Apricot Bowl - Duration: 7:45.


Planspotting - Miniatur Wunderland's most beautiful planes at Knuffingen Airport - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Planspotting - Miniatur Wunderland's most beautiful planes at Knuffingen Airport - Duration: 3:54.


soi cầu lô đề ngày 15/7/2017 siêu chuẩn - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> soi cầu lô đề ngày 15/7/2017 siêu chuẩn - Duration: 3:06.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Jackson Storm de Carros 3 em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Jackson Storm de Carros 3 em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:25.


Gli effetti scientifici della MEDITAZIONE - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Gli effetti scientifici della MEDITAZIONE - Duration: 3:24.


Singing Advise to Adele Like Singers - Duration: 7:07.

Here's Singing Advice to Adele Like Singers.

Adele just injured her vocal cords for the second time within 6 years and has cancelled

the last two shows of her world tour.

Why did this happen?

What could she have done differently to protect her voice?

If your goal is to sing like Adele, what can you do to prevent this from happening to your


Inside this video, I'll give you specific steps to protect your voice from injury.

Hi, I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

First, I think Adele is a force of nature.

She sings with passion and commitment.

There's a rawness to her singing that we immediately feel and which connects us to


Hence, she's won 15 Grammys and been nominated or won 100's of other awards.

She completed 121 of 123 shows during her world tour this last year.

"I have changed my life drastically in everyway to make sure I got through this tour that

started at the beginning of last year," she tweeted as she announced her cancellation.

She has a great team that's been helping her.

I am sure she stopped smoking.

She spread her performances out so her voice could rest.

No doubt she got plenty of rest and stayed hydrated and well nurished.

So what went wrong?

Adele pulls her chest voice too high when she sings.

This causes tremendous stress on the vocal cords song after song.

Let's say it's only 2 times in the chorus.

Often the chorus is sung 3-4 times per song.

Then there's the bridge of the song.

Perhaps there's only 2 times in the bridge where she pulls chest voice too high.

So the total times she is abusing her voice in this one song is 8-10 times in a song.

Times 15-20 songs for the evening.

That means vocal abuse for the evening would be about 150-200 times.

That's why she needed to spread out her performances so she could get vocal rest.

But multiply this 150-200 times the 120 performances over a year to a year and a half of touring.

That's 18,000 to 24,000 extravegant vocal moments where chest voice was pulled too high

and vocal stress and abuse occurs.

No amount of life style adjustment can reduce the injuries.

No amount of vocal rest can prevent the same thing from happening all over again each time

she sings.

Here's singing advice to Adele like singers that will help prevent similar injuries in

your voices.


Raise the key of the song so your top notes are in the first bridge and your highest notes

just above the first bridge.


This enables you to sing in a mix in the first bridge.

This eleminates the tension, stress and reaching which occurs while singing in the top of the

chest voice.

This eliminates a primary cause of vocal damage.


Narrow the open vowels to reduce the pull on the vocal cords and help keep the larynx


A vowel which is open and which widens as you sing higher, drives the larynx and chest

voice upward.

This is a primary contributer to vocal abuse and done repeatedly damages the vocal cords.

[demo Adele]

Seth Riggs tells of a time he was on Micheal Jackson's "Bad" World Tour.

He was getting after Micheal for being too "extravegant" vocally and abusing his


Michael got upset with him and told him to go to his hotel room and leave him alone.

Seth reports that he went to bed and cried himself to sleep not even hearing Michaels

evening performance.

Early the next morning he was awakened by a phone call.

It was Micheal.

He was hoarse and could barely be heard as he told Seth something was wrong with his


Seth went to him immediately.

Together they went through every song in the tour set lists and narrowed every offending


By singing the narrowed vowels correctly Michael's voice was preserved.

This is what will also protect your voice as well.

Listen to this video excerpt of the chorus of Micheal's song, "Bad".

Listen carefully to how he pronounces the word "bad" at the first of the chorus.

For important vowel narrowing hacks please watch this video.

Raising the key and narrowing the vowels will help protect your voice from vocal abuse.

It takes some training to apply it easily in your songs.

But it means a lifetime of singing.

If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with a friend.

What's your favorite Adele song?

Let me know in the comments section below.

Singing with excellent technique is also a way to protect your voice.

A great start is to discover your vocal type.

Go to and take the vocal test which I call the PowerTest.

Take the quiz and discover your vocal type.

Your vocal type is what you tend to do when you sing through the first bridge of the voice.

After getting your vocal type, go to the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about your vocal


Download the free exercises and start practicing them.

They'll help you learn good technique which will help you sing extremely well while protecting

your voice from damage.

I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.

I'll see you inside the next video.

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> Singing Advise to Adele Like Singers - Duration: 7:07.


TOP 10: самые депрессивные концовки в видеоиграх - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> TOP 10: самые депрессивные концовки в видеоиграх - Duration: 8:51.


Best Benefits Of Foods For Increase Sexual Power | مرد و عورت دونوں میں جنسی قوت بڑھانے والی غذائیں - Duration: 3:26.

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For more infomation >> Best Benefits Of Foods For Increase Sexual Power | مرد و عورت دونوں میں جنسی قوت بڑھانے والی غذائیں - Duration: 3:26.


I benefici dello scollegare il cervello - parodia Scienziati MAI - Duration: 2:41.

The greatest human capacity It is the ability to disconnect the brain

During a situation where there's no interest in it, for example a discussion about something we do not

not give a worthy, a lesson in school, at work; wherever there is a need to

skip moments that we would have just done without.

But how is this possible?

It all starts in the brain.

Imagine a three hours lesson on the French literature of the 17th century or a meeting

on how to improve the training of incoinvolgment with the network and re-launch of the engagement of

"stacippa", what better time to disconnect your brain and just nod occasionally,

with a convincing "yes, yes"?

At this time the brain is completely disconnected from the real world, but is able to perform

some basic functions such as nodding, saying "yes, yes ", or a little 'more challenging' "it is just what

I wanted to say. "

This is possible with the neural network known as default mode network - Thanks to Mrs Smith

for the pronunciation.

It turned out that this situation of a cerebral standby improves memory and the ability

to achieve objectives.

So, if you want to achieve goals at school or at work, you think of anything else and if

anyone pecks you, you should be able to answer "Science says so."

During a mental trip, brain scans, with instruments costing billions, have

found that the brain has gone on a mental trip.

When scientists never compared the brains of Buddhist monks with that

of Dimmaios, have found that the region associated with verbal conjugations is more

developed in the monks.

Finally, the disconnection of the brain from the world around us, it is a peaceful alternative

from the rise up and say "sorry everyone, It doesn't give a shit. "

We do not want you to think that this is the solution to all the awkward moments, in

some cases, it is much better to get up and say, that it doesn't give a shit.

Also if you try to concentrate on a topic that does not interest you, the brain will go on

overreaching, leading to headaches.

You do not want the headache, having to then resort to different days of illness?

Better not.


No, no "Moment", do yourself a mental journey.

If you have a headache, write it in the comments, and not to forget to forget the channel, for

miss the next video of ASAPScience parody

For more infomation >> I benefici dello scollegare il cervello - parodia Scienziati MAI - Duration: 2:41.


BALEIAS E BOLHAS - O Cinismo Plasmático das águas vivas - estreia 18 de julho! - Duration: 0:33.

I was swimming in the middle of three humpback whales

It was very comfortable ocean

everything was slow, cool,

lightweight, good ...

whales smiled and sang

The plasmatic cynism of jellyfishes

18 and 19 July. 20h. centro coreográfico do rio de janeiro.

For more infomation >> BALEIAS E BOLHAS - O Cinismo Plasmático das águas vivas - estreia 18 de julho! - Duration: 0:33.


یہ ایک جنسی عمل دنیا کے لوگوں کو تیزی سے بانجھ بنارہا ہے - Duration: 3:45.

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For more infomation >> یہ ایک جنسی عمل دنیا کے لوگوں کو تیزی سے بانجھ بنارہا ہے - Duration: 3:45.


Recipe of the Day: Argentine Stuffed Flank Steak (Matambre) | Food Network - Duration: 1:33.







For more infomation >> Recipe of the Day: Argentine Stuffed Flank Steak (Matambre) | Food Network - Duration: 1:33.


Dayanandrea - Yastaki | Dial Urbano | Santiago - Chile - Duration: 5:16.

Hi, we are Dayanandrea greetings to ...

Dial Urbano, Dial Urbano, Dial Urbano, Dial Urbano !!!!!

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