Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

[singing] I hate production. I hate it, it's not my favorite part.

Let's go with some natural lighting and natural face and you natural and sweaty.

Alright, obviously I went to VidCon. Not only did VidCon inspire me to start

working on a bunch of collaborations and further the brainstorming sessions I've

already started through email...there's a lot of you, I'm really working on replying

all those emails...but VidCon also made me get more into the writing and reading

and booktube community. One of my favorite things at VidCon was the

booktube networking session that my friend Kathy hosted. VidCon, this thing,

this thing that I did. Um, I didn't buy that much merch, actually, but I did get some

literary themed soaps. The company's called MacBath and they make their own soap.

It's this woman, she hand makes the soap from goat's milk, up in upstate New York.

And they're just so wonderful! This one is Hamilton themed...soap. Yes! And

it smells like coffee and it has coffee in it. Here's the second one. You can

guess what the theme is Gandalf. I bought it for my dad for Father's Day

and then I went back a day later to get it for myself. Because it smelled so good.

Yeah, so okay, I have done NaNoWriMo, (National Novel Writing Month in November)

a number of years. I don't always do it every year.

And the reason this is, because I get really really obsessive when I want to

complete a goal. And I usually won't start these types of things unless I

know I'm going to succeed. Is it out of fear of failure? I don't know.

But every year that I've done NaNoWriMo, I've won NaNoWriMo. Even when that meant

dictating stream of conscious nonsense into my computer's dictation app and

just coming out with drivel to meet my word count goals. But I wanted to win so

I did it. I know I should not, and will not, do BookTubeAThon this year. It's a

choice I've made because of that obsessive nature that I get. And you may

think it's because I'm doing CampNaNoWriMo, because I'm doing

CampNaNoWriMo right now. This is the second time I've done it, I did it in

April. I have a little group and we're really good about encouraging each other.

We all have very different word count goals, mine is only 10,000 words and I'm

already halfway there. So why not just hit my goal and then read 7 books at

the end of month? That's doable. Yes and no. Yes, I could do it. I'm a very slow

reader. I could pick kids books and graphic novels and complete it and do it

and make videos. It would be really really wonderful and I really really

want to...but I'm going to be traveling that week. And not just visiting people

but I will be on the road, in a car, with my husband. And I love him very very much.

So I don't want to be obsessively trying to read 7 books and taking them all

with me. And I could do audiobooks...but then you know he's got to have his say

in what we listen to, on the road and we're going to have music a lot of the

time. And that's what we like and that's what we like to do. So I'm not going to

be doing BookTubeAThon. I didn't do it last year. I don't remember why not. I

tried to do it the year before and I had started making videos. And then I had a

terrible computer disaster. That not only made it very difficult for me to upload

videos, edit videos, do any of that...but was very, it was a bummer. To put

it lightly. It was a big damper on my mood. So that got

abandoned. I've done it once before, the year before I moved out here. But I did

it on my 2nd channel...because, I don't know why I do anything there...because

it's not for viewers. It's for experimentation, it's for optimization

tricks, and testing, and also because I didn't want anyone to take that username.

So I don't know why I did it there, maybe I thought that it was not going to be

the quality that I want my videos to be that go up here(?) But I don't think I care

anymore, really. Honestly I just need to make things and if quality is what holds

me back then I'm just not going to make things. So I am doing CampNaNoWriMo. I'm

working on this novel idea that I've had for a very long time and it is so

glaringly different than what it originated as, which is a good thing, but

it also means there's a lot of things I'm just reinventing. And it's taking a

while. And I will continue to work on it past this month. Will I do NaNoWriMo this

year? I don't know. I'd like to, if I can get over my obsessive need to win it. I

think then, then if I can do that, then I'll do it. Happy writing, happy reading.

Special shout-out to those of you watching this a day early on my Patreon

page. You are amazing! I'm going to be using

the Patreon funds to increase one of my creative endeavors very soon! I'm just

still saving up a little bit more, but shortly it should it should happen. I'm

very excited about it and I couldn't do it without you! So if you'd like to help

me out and become a Patreon you can do so! There's links all around the place to my

Patreon. Also I'm MagicCatJenny on literally every social media

network that I have. So I'm easy to find. Like...I want to eat this it's smells so

good! Meow!

For more infomation >> CampNaNoWriMo, BookTubeAThon, and Literary Soap - Duration: 6:55.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Jackson Storm de Carros 3 em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Jackson Storm de Carros 3 em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:25.


Gli effetti scientifici della MEDITAZIONE - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Gli effetti scientifici della MEDITAZIONE - Duration: 3:24.


Singing Advise to Adele Like Singers - Duration: 7:07.

Here's Singing Advice to Adele Like Singers.

Adele just injured her vocal cords for the second time within 6 years and has cancelled

the last two shows of her world tour.

Why did this happen?

What could she have done differently to protect her voice?

If your goal is to sing like Adele, what can you do to prevent this from happening to your


Inside this video, I'll give you specific steps to protect your voice from injury.

Hi, I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

First, I think Adele is a force of nature.

She sings with passion and commitment.

There's a rawness to her singing that we immediately feel and which connects us to


Hence, she's won 15 Grammys and been nominated or won 100's of other awards.

She completed 121 of 123 shows during her world tour this last year.

"I have changed my life drastically in everyway to make sure I got through this tour that

started at the beginning of last year," she tweeted as she announced her cancellation.

She has a great team that's been helping her.

I am sure she stopped smoking.

She spread her performances out so her voice could rest.

No doubt she got plenty of rest and stayed hydrated and well nurished.

So what went wrong?

Adele pulls her chest voice too high when she sings.

This causes tremendous stress on the vocal cords song after song.

Let's say it's only 2 times in the chorus.

Often the chorus is sung 3-4 times per song.

Then there's the bridge of the song.

Perhaps there's only 2 times in the bridge where she pulls chest voice too high.

So the total times she is abusing her voice in this one song is 8-10 times in a song.

Times 15-20 songs for the evening.

That means vocal abuse for the evening would be about 150-200 times.

That's why she needed to spread out her performances so she could get vocal rest.

But multiply this 150-200 times the 120 performances over a year to a year and a half of touring.

That's 18,000 to 24,000 extravegant vocal moments where chest voice was pulled too high

and vocal stress and abuse occurs.

No amount of life style adjustment can reduce the injuries.

No amount of vocal rest can prevent the same thing from happening all over again each time

she sings.

Here's singing advice to Adele like singers that will help prevent similar injuries in

your voices.


Raise the key of the song so your top notes are in the first bridge and your highest notes

just above the first bridge.


This enables you to sing in a mix in the first bridge.

This eleminates the tension, stress and reaching which occurs while singing in the top of the

chest voice.

This eliminates a primary cause of vocal damage.


Narrow the open vowels to reduce the pull on the vocal cords and help keep the larynx


A vowel which is open and which widens as you sing higher, drives the larynx and chest

voice upward.

This is a primary contributer to vocal abuse and done repeatedly damages the vocal cords.

[demo Adele]

Seth Riggs tells of a time he was on Micheal Jackson's "Bad" World Tour.

He was getting after Micheal for being too "extravegant" vocally and abusing his


Michael got upset with him and told him to go to his hotel room and leave him alone.

Seth reports that he went to bed and cried himself to sleep not even hearing Michaels

evening performance.

Early the next morning he was awakened by a phone call.

It was Micheal.

He was hoarse and could barely be heard as he told Seth something was wrong with his


Seth went to him immediately.

Together they went through every song in the tour set lists and narrowed every offending


By singing the narrowed vowels correctly Michael's voice was preserved.

This is what will also protect your voice as well.

Listen to this video excerpt of the chorus of Micheal's song, "Bad".

Listen carefully to how he pronounces the word "bad" at the first of the chorus.

For important vowel narrowing hacks please watch this video.

Raising the key and narrowing the vowels will help protect your voice from vocal abuse.

It takes some training to apply it easily in your songs.

But it means a lifetime of singing.

If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share it with a friend.

What's your favorite Adele song?

Let me know in the comments section below.

Singing with excellent technique is also a way to protect your voice.

A great start is to discover your vocal type.

Go to and take the vocal test which I call the PowerTest.

Take the quiz and discover your vocal type.

Your vocal type is what you tend to do when you sing through the first bridge of the voice.

After getting your vocal type, go to the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about your vocal


Download the free exercises and start practicing them.

They'll help you learn good technique which will help you sing extremely well while protecting

your voice from damage.

I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.

I'll see you inside the next video.

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> Singing Advise to Adele Like Singers - Duration: 7:07.


Best Benefits Of Foods For Increase Sexual Power | مرد و عورت دونوں میں جنسی قوت بڑھانے والی غذائیں - Duration: 3:26.

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For more infomation >> Best Benefits Of Foods For Increase Sexual Power | مرد و عورت دونوں میں جنسی قوت بڑھانے والی غذائیں - Duration: 3:26.


یہ ایک جنسی عمل دنیا کے لوگوں کو تیزی سے بانجھ بنارہا ہے - Duration: 3:45.

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For more infomation >> یہ ایک جنسی عمل دنیا کے لوگوں کو تیزی سے بانجھ بنارہا ہے - Duration: 3:45.



For more infomation >> 📡Что будет, ЕСЛИ МАШИНЫ ВОССТАНУТ? ВОССТАНИЕ ОТМЕНИЛИ? - Duration: 2:55.


How To: Track Day Videos with Data Overlay - Part 1 - Duration: 13:41.

Bro you going to the track Bro? Yeah Bro I'm going to the track man. I'm gonna do some

laps get some video it's gonna be pretty rad. Oh cool man,

nice video! You know how fast you we're going? Uhmm...You know how many G's you were pulling? Nahhh

You know what gear you're even in? I think it's about third...maybe

all right so how do you go about making your videos look a little bit more

badass Harry's lap timer that's how there's three editions of it you get

rookie, petrol head or Grand Prix petrol head is the minimum one you want if

you're going to be doing video Grand Prix gives you everything that the

petrol head Edition does but you get multi cam support and you get support

for professional sensors which just means you get a quicker refresh rate on

your data logging on because race car driver

anyway if you can't decide which one you want you can start with petrol head and

you can upgrade to the Grand Prix edition later for just a few bucks more

you don't have to rebuy the whole Grand Prix edition I'm running this on an

iPhone 4s which is good for cine 720p video I've just basically removed

all the data from the phone so it's good for about a try a full track day even a

little bit more of 720p video this is now asking me about Bluetooth

accessories which I will cover in the second video this video we're just going

to go over the capabilities of Harry Harry's app and the next video I'm going

to show you how to hook up all kinds of other accessories to it to get the most

out of your data and video so let's get in here this is the main screen you the

first place that you would go is prepare race and here you can define your user

so define I'm the one that's driving and this is the vehicle that I will be

driving simple go in here and you can load track and Harry's lap timer has a

bunch of different tracks from all over the world right now we're sorted by the

ones that are near me since we're in New Jersey here we got Monticello New Jersey

Motorsports Park we got Raceway Park and Pocono Raceway

etc so it's kind of neat you can also go into all and see all the different

tracks all over the world they've got ones in Africa Asia you know Germany

whole shebang it's pretty pretty expansive in that department so what you

do is you would pick your lap there and you would load it up we're getting more

detail that in the second video you can do auto cross with it I've never

that so I can't really advise on how it works

new track is also if you wanted to find a new track you could define the

start/stop the corners the straightaways things like that it's if you want to set

up a whole new track and then you can actually submit that data to Harry's for

inclusion in the database and then you would be able to load that track later

ok the race option over here we'll get into that in the second video this is

where you land when you're at your track gain you want to start recording things

you can see a lot of different information from here but we'll leave

that for the second video we really want to get into here is the analysis portion

this is the meat of what this video will be about so if you're anything like me

you've probably recorded video for on a GoPro I used to do it on even like a

handycam that I had strapped down to the backseat of the car but where you get

cool video you don't really get a whole lot of information about if you want to

know your lap time you got to go back and with the stopwatch and time your

laps or you know read the counter off of the video it's not it's just it's very

tedious and you can't do it real-time you can't do it while you're at the

track you got to go home and dump all the data and it just takes a long time

this is where Harry's really shines so let's get into the lap lists here you

can see I had a couple of days worth of track events at thunderbolt and

lightning at new jersey motorsports park here right now we're just looking at

every lap that was done just kind of sorted grossly by what track it was on

this is covering multiple sessions multiple days etc we can go up at the

top here we can sort by track you can see that I got 62 total laps at

lightning on this phone 70 at thunderbolt and it's broken up by days

here November 5th November 6 we can go into session you can see at Lightning on

June 17th between 902 and 929 into 15 laps that's just a nice way to find your

data when you want it you can go by year to it as well so we're going to go over

to track here they have what these what they call these certified tracks

that's where you can go in and it's not let me refresh it there we go you can go

in these certified track sets here and these are times that people have

submitted and it's kind of like a leaderboard see where you fall so you

know I try not to look in here too often because it just proves how slow I am and

I don't want to be slow and depressed so it is it an option it is there if you

want to take a look at it apparently it's verified somehow to make sure that

you're not submitting fake times I don't know how exactly they do that but take

it for what it's worth all right so from within the analysis here we can go in

and say let's pick this day and you can see all the different sessions that we

had all the different laps and I will just pick one of these right here we're

going to go with this one right here so when you open this up you get the date

you get the time you get how this was done with automatic recording which is

really nice feature you set it up and the phone uses GPS to know where the

start/finish line of the track is you don't have to touch anything once you're

going you just let it run it's got the track it's got the vehicle it's got the

lap number you can do to put this edge of status right to Facebook you could

tweet it etc so then we also have down here a really nice thing is we have the

video from this particular lap you don't have to do any editing or do anything

you can just go and sit hit play and it'll bring up the video from that lap

already cut and even with the data overlay already going sorry I can't put

it in a landscape mode my screen capture program will not let me do that but

right away you can go take a look at it you don't have to do any processing

later it's so you know exactly what your lap time was you can go down here into

the data recording area it's got a heat map of through lateral G's around the

track you can open that up you can see all the turns numbered you can see the

start finish you can go into charts you you can see your speed as opposed to

your position on the track which is quite quite nice you can see your

overall G on this scatter diagram here they have lateral G's at different

points on the track hip lineal acceleration with different points on

the track and they actually have your elevation at different points on the

track so there's a lot of data here if you want to sort through it then you can

go into this is this area which is the times for all of the laps right now we

have all laps on I think this is Thunderbolt that I chose and you can see

here they're all listed you can zoom in on them and all of your lap times are

listed below at 224 148 146 there's a six minute lap in there that must've

been a cool down or something happen on track but what's nice about this though

is that you can open up this little key over here and it will tell you exactly

what was going on at that are in this data so Green is the absolute fastest

sector or lap blue is the fastest sector or lap at the time recorded it does a

virtual best lap which means it takes all of your best sections even if it's

from different laps and puts it together to say theoretically what you would run

if you ran a perfect lap from all from the combination of your best ones and

then the red one is just the one that you've selected so you can see here on

this lap right out of all the laps I ever ran that are on this phone this lap

right here I had the best I believe that's the best third session a third

section of the course the best first section there the second section there

and this is my best virtual lap all the way over here on the right you can see

it was a 1 to 143 that was if I combined all those other perfect sections into

that still pretty slow so anyway this is all the laps you can go up here and you

can filter it by season you can filter it by the days you go by day is probably

what we really want so November 6th here you can see all the laps from that day

just take a look and compare what was going on so now the nice thing is you

say okay wow it's really fast on this lap right here this is my fastest lap I

want to go back to that and see exactly what I did what did I do different on

that lap they made me faster so you can go into details you're right back at the

screen that we looked at before and then you go right down to your video and you

watch your video and you say oh and that lap I braked a little bit later or you

know I tried this corner entry a little bit different so with all this kind of

data here you can if you start to analyze it and come up with a method of

using it you could really start to improve your lap times so what I like to

do is is when I'm at the track I'll take a couple laps and then I'll try to find

an instructor to get in the car with me and run the laps again and generally

when I have an instructor in the car I'm a lot faster so then I can go back and

use those specific laps and look at the data and compare it to some of the laps

that I didn't have an instructor to see you know what was being done differently

and that's how you say I get faster so that's it I mean you get all of this

kind of information from a 20-dollar app so yeah I mean this is I don't know a

couple thousand dollars worth of timing equipment you're not too long ago um get

more data than you can shake a stick at you can see your average speed you can

see your max speed for that lap see the length of the track to 0.167 miles your

altitude change you know you can you can export all of this data which is really

nice you can just take this and you can put it in the drop box or you can put it

into an email to send to yourself you can render the videos right away from in

here so say you have something really cool happen like there's a spin-out or

you know you you passed a Ferrari and you want to show everybody you can

export the video by hitting this export button and it will go right into your

camera roll and then from there you can go right up to Facebook or whatever

wherever you want to put it essentially without doing anything you just get out

of the car go find that lap hit export send it up and you're good five ten

minutes after it happened you can also this little Google Earth

option which is kind of cool you pull it up

I'll show you guys since I installed Google Earth for it alright just let it

load here for a second

iPhone 4s is not the quickest thing out there all right we're doing this little

fly in here and it's just giving you the data track and the heat bet as GPS heat

map overlaid on a satellite image which is kind of cool alright well that does

it for part 1 of this series in the second part I'll show you how to overlay

some additional data points such as throttle position rpm and your what gear

you're in also we'll cover some of the external hardware that we use an obd2

sensor that's either Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to interface with the phone to get some

additional data so if you liked this video or if you want to be notified of

part 1 part 2 is released don't forget to hit that subscribe button and if you

liked this video don't forget to hit the like button thanks for watching


For more infomation >> How To: Track Day Videos with Data Overlay - Part 1 - Duration: 13:41.


دورايمون || حلقة خداع نوبي وما سوف يفعله نوبي لينتقم || جديد سبيس تون 2017 - Duration: 22:27.

For more infomation >> دورايمون || حلقة خداع نوبي وما سوف يفعله نوبي لينتقم || جديد سبيس تون 2017 - Duration: 22:27.



For more infomation >> 5 НЕВЕРОЯТНЫЙ ВЕЩЕЙ, ОБНАРУЖЕННЫХ ВНУТРИ ЛЮДЕЙ - Duration: 3:47.


(外國毛毛動畫) 老鹽礦遊樂園 by The Salina Turda Team - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> (外國毛毛動畫) 老鹽礦遊樂園 by The Salina Turda Team - Duration: 5:42.


Minecraft game - Duration: 13:25.



For more infomation >> Minecraft game - Duration: 13:25.


What's the purpose of the UK MS register? - Duration: 2:42.

Hi Rod, thanks for taking the time to speak to us today, can you please briefly introduce

yourself and just tell us a little bit about the kind of work you do?


So I'm Rod Middleton from the UK MS Register, which is run and operated by

Swansea University.

I'm the project manager for it, so I'm sort of operationally sure that it

keeps going.

The purpose of the MS Register is, it's to capture real world data of what it's

like to live with MS in the United Kingdom today.

So in order to do that we collect data

directly from the NHS where people have given us informed consent to do so.

We collect

data directly from people with MS themselves via the internet, and then where possible


there's other routine data resources, such as general practice records and things like


we try and link that together.

So all these things come together to form a fairly canonical

source of information about MS in the UK.

Okay, are there any sort of similarities and differences between the MS Register in the


and other similar initiatives in other countries?

Oh, absolutely.

It's a good question.

So, our Scandinavian colleagues are far better at this,

they're really good at registries of people and have been collecting things since the



So you can imagine they've got millions and millions and millions of records about

people, so we've left it a bit late to start really.

And Italy and Germany and other European

countries have started the register as well, so we're slow starters to it.

But what we do

slightly unique in the sense that the clinical and the routine and the participant supplied


all comes together in one place, and that's quite unusual, normally you have one thing.


NARCOMS in America, for example, is a big participant supplied registry, they have very

little clinical information at all.

So it brings a different flavour to it really.

What would you think are the key challenges to your work?

Filling in questionnaires is really boring.

[laughs] But it's really important because

everybody's perspective of their MS is different to the next person.

So as you gather more

and more of that, the better an idea you get of what's going on.

So it's on us as researchers

to make that (a) as less boring as you can make it, but more than that, researchers always

ask the same questions all the time, fill in this survey, fill in that survey, and we

want it all in

one place, so you have to let other researchers have access to it so people don't have to


it in again and again and again and again.

So it's as much that as anything else.

For more infomation >> What's the purpose of the UK MS register? - Duration: 2:42.


[한글] 슈퍼X신이 해결하다 - 청산가리와 행복 (Superjerk Saves the Day - Classic Cyanide & Happiness Shorts) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> [한글] 슈퍼X신이 해결하다 - 청산가리와 행복 (Superjerk Saves the Day - Classic Cyanide & Happiness Shorts) - Duration: 0:41.


Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017 - Duration: 2:41.

Hey guys, what's up welcome back to my channel again. I'm in this weird setting some of my dad

I look like crap so I got to go to work and then black paints a new music video camera, and I'm literally so

Excited I'm obsessive black pink. I love them. My biases leap up. So literally the situs event I've been waiting for their comeback

Forever and just so excited that they're back, so let's get right into this ignore that beating

I don't know what it is. So let's go

Good now I'm getting none. I'm was recently dude

Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017

Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017

Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017

Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017

Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017

Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017

Shah Rukh Khan upcoming 😍| Movie Trailer |😍 Jab Harry Met Sejal 😍August 4, 2017Hey, yo got my baby coos going on with that hair color. I swear I

Will expect you yeah, but you need whatever does giving for the recipe

So make it a deep purple put in her hair. How is she



my gosh

Oh my God blame me literally I

love Black pink and

Yeah, I'm obsessed with them. So I realized I have to get going to work in like one minute so yeah

I was thinking eyes so much for watching I'll see you in my next video

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