Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

Lyrics, Composition, PV: Kowareta

Vocals: Yumeiro Theory

"What is the meaning of life?"

It's a vicious cycle of happiness and depression

I can't answer your questions;

I don't know everything

Because I can't even make up my mind, forgive me

Please, forgive me

"Give me a fake smile, please"

I can't live up to your expectations;

I can't do everything

Because I can't even make up my mind, forgive me

Please, forgive me

Illustration: PRISMkidd

For more infomation >> 【UHP Original】「悲哀」| "Sorrow" 【Yumeiro Theory】+UST - Duration: 2:58.


Spirit board / talking board - Evoking spirits (ouija) - SHOCK! :o - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> Spirit board / talking board - Evoking spirits (ouija) - SHOCK! :o - Duration: 12:03.


Meet CERN's New Particle: A Double-Charm Baryon! - Duration: 5:50.

This episode of SciShow is brought to you by Anker SoundCore Portable Speaker Series.


We're covering the gamut of scale on SciShow News this week,

from fundamental particles to the time when life started getting bored of being microscopic

and grew much bigger.

We'll start with the particles, because physicists just found a new one.

Most of the familiar, mass-having stuff around us is made of quarks.

Three quarks join up to form a baryon, like a proton or a neutron.

A proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark,

and a neutron is two down quarks and an up quark.

But there are six varieties of quarks: up, down, strange, charm, top, and bottom.

And according to the Standard Model, the physics theory that describes how the subatomic universe works,

any of those six are fair game to make a baryon.

On July 6th, CERN scientists announced they had found a new particle with the catchy name


made of two charm quarks and one up quark.

And this gives us a new tool to study one of the fundamental forces that binds our universe together.

The names of quarks don't really have anything to do with their properties.

But the important thing here is that the up and down quarks are much lighter than the other four,

like charm and strange.

We've observed some heavier baryons before.

Lambda particles, for instance, can have one charm or one strange quark alongside an up and a down.

But the new CERN particle has two charms, making it nearly four times heavier than a proton!

The data was gathered last year by the Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment.

This detector is extra good at measuring particles that form after smashing protons together,

and their radioactive decay products.

And this is the first time scientists have confidently observed a baryon containing

two heavier flavors of quark.

Now, this finding doesn't really shake up our understanding of particle physics.

The Standard Model predicts the existence of these baryons, so they weren't, like,

a huge surprise.

But being able to observe them is really important, because it gives physicists a new tool

to examine the strong force, the fundamental force that holds quarks together.

Inside a baryon like a proton, the three light quarks are pretty evenly balanced and zip

around each other.

If they stray a little too far, the strong force pulls them back, refusing to let them split up.

When two of the quarks are heavy, physicists expect that the lighter quark will circle

around them,

kind of like a planet around a binary star system.

CERN scientists hope that studying these double-charm particles, learning more about their lifetime

and how often they form, will let them see if these expectations are true.

And with more data, researchers can keep updating our theories about the strong force.

As always, there's still more work to do.

For example, scientists at Fermilab thought they found a double-charm baryon way back

in 2002.

That finding isn't as statistically strong as this new one, though, because the mass

was too light

and it decayed faster than physicists had expected.

But even though the data doesn't square up with this new, more confident finding,

it hasn't been ruled out completely.

So some researchers are working on a way to explain both observations.

Going from the very small to the surprisingly big: Life has been microscopic for most of

history, so why did it get big in the last few hundred million years?

It may sound like something out of an RPG, but a rangeomorph is a very old form of multicellular life,

dating about 571 million years ago to the mid-Ediacaran period.

Rangeomorphs were probably animals, but they're so primitive and vaguely fern-like that it's

hard to be sure.

They have no mouths, no guts, no side-to-side symmetry, and certainly no squishy fish cheeks.

They aren't the earliest animals, if they're animals at all, but they're some of the

first big ones.

Some of them stayed under ten centimeters tall, but others could get up to two meters.

And a study out this week in Nature Ecology and Evolution suggests a reason why:

they may have been among the first organisms to change their size and shape because of

changing ocean chemistry.

These researchers studied the shapes of rangeomorph fossils and developed computer models to simulate

their growth with different amounts of nutrients.

And the simulations suggested that where nutrients were hanging around probably affected rangeomorph

size and shape a lot.

Scientists call this ecophenotypic plasticity.

It's why trees grow differently in a dense forest or an open field,

or why one mollusk might have a different shell shape depending on where it grows up.

This makes a lot of sense, because rangeomorphs might have fed by absorbing nutrients directly

from seawater into their branched bodies.

So if nutrients like oxygen or organic carbon were more available in slightly higher-up

water, for example,

the simulated rangeomorphs grew taller and thinner.

That way, they could maximize the amount of nutrients they could grab from the ocean.

Ocean chemistry was changing a bunch in the Ediacaran,

so this kind of growth flexibility probably helped rangeomorphs survive.

And the researchers think that at least one of these big nutrient shifts might have let

organisms that were living side-by-side with rangeomorphs

grow bigger than ever before.

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For more infomation >> Meet CERN's New Particle: A Double-Charm Baryon! - Duration: 5:50.


Adrenochrome - The Darkest Drug of Them All! - Duration: 36:08.

Adrenochrome is a chemical compound which is produced in the human body when adrenaline


Adrenochrome has been being used since ancient times as a way to get high.

During rituals Satanists induce terror in their victims increasing the amount of adrenochrome

produced in the victims blood, at the peak moment of terror the Satanists kill the victim

then drink their blood receiving an incredible high.

When ingested adrenochrome triggers a psychotic response and induces thought disorder, derealisation

and euphoria.

For the highest spiritual working, one must accordingly choose a victim which contains

the greatest and purest force of energy.

A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most sought after for the rituals

Almost every adrenochrome harvesting ritual is carried out on a child.

From as early as the Aztec civilization Adrenochrome harvesting had been taking place,

they would carry out blood sacrifices on children in order to honour dark forces.

In 6 months of the year the Aztecs would carry out adrenochrome harvesting.

Adrenochrome harvesting was widespread throughout the ancient world

it also took place in ancient Egypt and was carried out by Persians who travelled to ancient Asia.

Adrenochrome harvesting was forbidden in ancient Greece but underground groups continued to carry it out.

Pre Christian cults also banned adrenochrome harvesting

but it was continued symbolically through major Christianity

as wine began to be used to represent the blood of Christ.

During the 15th century Vlad Dracula also known as Vlad the impaler

was one of the most famous Satanists ever,

he carried out Adrenchrome harvesting.

It was from this where the folklore of vampires came about,

hence the name Dracula.

Adrenochrome harvesting still continues in modern day society,

it gets no media coverage as the Satanists which carry it out are high ranking politicians

and influential people who have their grip on this world.

In the 1980s former F.B.I. chief Ted Gunderson

started investigating Satanism and Adrenochrome harvesting,

what he found was sickening.

Global criminal elements of worldwide governments have been involved in gigantic Satanic and Pedophilia rings.

There are groups within this world which carry out these Satanic rituals

they consist of lower level groups and elite groups but in the end they work in unison.

The small level are ancestral families who use incest on their kids,

the parents would have been victims of abuse they then continue this on with their kids and the cycle continues.

It is once these families are caught,

the children are taken by bigger elitist groups

which continue to abuse the children and use them in satanic rituals.

The elitists groups consist of politicians and hidden hands which ultimately have control over the world.

A victim who managed to escape from these satanic rings is Cathy O'Brien,

she was born in 1957 in Muskegon Michigan.

she was raised within a multi-generational incest based family.

Her father would abuse her from the moment she was born

replacing her mother's nipple for milk with his penis.

He was caught by the authorities after sending child pornography by the U.S. postal service.

Instead of being locked up,

he was contacted by members of the U.S. government to give Cathy over to elite Satanists groups

to allow them to carry out further abuse.

After he agreed,

he was granted immunity of prosecution as a means of national security purposes.

Cathy O'Brien was saved from the elite Satanic ring by an ex C.I.A worker by the name of Mark Philips.

Cathy O'Briens first blood ritual she was involved in was called by the Satanists "The Right to Remain Silent"

The children who are not sacrificed are used as sex slaves and mind control subjects,

the criminal elements of the government who use mind control

use the C.I.A created MK-ULTRA Monarch Programming.

This was introduced to the U.S. by the Nazi's

after the U.S. immigrated Nazi scientist from concentration camps

under project paperclip in 1945.

These mind controlled subjects are kept up until the age of 30 when they are then killed.

The rituals are usually filmed as a means of keeping politicians under control by blackmail.

weird occultic rituals also take place in Hollywood

Angelina Jolie has been caught on tape discussing weird rituals she has witnessed.

Global elites sacrifice a human effigy

during a ritual known as "the cremation of care"

This takes place at the bohemian grove in July of every year.

this ritual was caught on tape by Alex Jones on July 15th 2000

after he infiltrated the grove.

They sacrifice to a giant statue of an owl

believed to be a representation of Molech a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.

The cremation of care is carried out on the first night of encampment

to become quote "an exorcising of the Demon to ensure the success of the ensuing two weeks."

What are we doing here?

We are a point of awareness having a direct experience of self

who are tuned into the frequency range of visible light.

We are only tuned into this frequency range during normal everyday waking consciousness,

beyond this we phase into different states of consciousness.

As we phase, we get further away from visible light and into the places we go beyond death.

The further we get away from visible light, the further we detach ourselves from the thought of human life,

exit the earth life energy system

and expand to our original form of blissful consciousness which is simply a state of awareness.

Beyond visible light is a hidden world we cannot see while awake in normal everyday waking consciousness

or what is known as Focus 1.

As I have done a previous video about this,

for those that have seen it you will already have a greater understanding

The Satanists claim they are feeding hidden demons which are conjured to focus 1 during the rituals

These entities have been called various different things in the past

in Christianity they are known as Demons

in Gnosticism they are known as Archons

in Islam they are known as Jinn,

they are also known simply as mind parasites

For this video we will refer to them as the negative force.

Gnostic writings were found in Nag Haamadi,

Egypt which date back to close to 2000 years ago.

They describe this negative force as entities which lure the mind into deception

to create negative energy in which they use as a food source.

They describe the Archons as having the ability to make false events appear in people's mind

and are able to induce a virtual reality experience.

The Gnostics claimed the archons do not implant the negative ideas into our minds,

they expand upon thoughts we have already created making them appear worse.

In Islam they described these entities as "Jinn",

and claimed the Jinn manipulate humans by creating illusions.

This dark force takes advantage of the reptilian neo-cortex in our brain

which creates fear, this fear stems from the fear of survival.

To put this into context I will give you an analogy I like to call "The Over Protective Mum" analogy.

the mums child leaves the house to go out with friends.

The mum expects the child to be home at a certain time.

The child wants to spend more time with their friends so spends extra time out

The mum at home instantly starts to worry

and pictures every worst possible solution in their head

from their child being murdered to abducted to an accident and so on.

This negative connotation of thought will lead to the action of the mum phoning the child several times

and may leave them volatile text messages.

Once the child returns,

the mother will act out of this negativity

and may trade harsh words with them and a punishment may come as a result.

However they now have peace of mind knowing their child is home safe.

The entire time their child was fine and was simply with friends

but the mother was in a induced state of anxiety

picturing all the worst possible outcomes,

this is the virtual reality and illusions spoke of

in which the Archons create to feed off the negative energy produced.

The mothers reptilian neo-cortex created a fearful thought

as she believed her child wasn't going to survive and pass down their genetic genes,

the entities latch onto this thought and expand upon it.

The fear created by the Archons are false expectations appearing real

which produce false emotions appearing real.

When we have negative thoughts they effect our energetic field,

what these entities do is lock into this field

and synchronise with the frequency we are giving as an output.

Once synchronisation occurs the entities begin to manipulate our thought patterns by illusory thought

to make us go into a mode of panic,

this then leads to what are known as anxiety or panic attacks

which produces adrenochrome in the body making us give off low vibrational energy,

in which the entities feed off of.

In more serious cases this has been seen as demonic possession.

9/11 was a feeding frenzy for these entities

and can be seen as a satanic ritual

as at the time of the attacks

a massive spike in the earths energy field was recorded

as the population of Earth reacted as a whole with low vibrational energy

to the horrific events which occurred.

These Archons manipulate our gift of free will

by expanding and exacerbating negative thoughts we create

to produce a low vibrational reality for them to feed off of.

Pedophiles and Serial Killers are those who live within negative thoughtforms

allowing this negative force to possess them

carrying out horrific acts to produce low vibrational energy.

Pedophiles are also used by elite Satanist as a procurer for the children.

So who is Satan and what is Satanism?

Satanism is the worship of the planet Saturn.

Saturn has the lowest vibrational energy of all the planets.

In Gnosticism they called Saturn Saklas

they describe Saturn as the chief ruler,

the chief demon,

the child of chaos

and the demiurge.

Past civilisations also referred to Saturn as

the dark lord,

the dark sun

and the king of the planets.

As Saturn's energy is low vibrational,

Satanists focus on this

as energy flows where attention goes.

Saturn is associated with the constellation Capricorn

making it receive the image of a horned god.

This imagery has been placed within entertainment by Satanists

who own major media companies

so subliminally we focus on the imagery therefore giving it our energy.

The mind parasites have been described as the servants of Saturn,

in Christianity demons are described as servants of Satan.

Gnostics claimed Saturn was responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe we see in Focus 1

due to this Saturn got the label of a craftsman.

Freemasons also worship Saturn calling their deity the great architect of the universe,

this is the seal of Saturn,

this is the logo of the freemasons.

The Canaanite god Molech is also a representation of Saturn,

as in the creation tale Saturn was said to have "ingested its new born babies"

to stop them from becoming king of the planets.

The day Saturday is also named after Saturn

with Sunday being named after the Sun

So how do you defeat Saturn's spell and conquer your thought patterns?

Keep your mind on your thoughts,

realise any which are trying to induce negativity are illusory to lead you down a negative path.

We have the choice to maintain good thoughts over negativity

and respond to good thoughts with action creating positive outcomes.

We also have the choice to allow the dark side to take over creating negative actions as an outcome,

allowing this low vibratory energy to be used as food.

In the modern day as we no longer necessarily use the words

archons, jinn or demons

people have started to call this negative force "energy vampires"

some teach how to slay the energy vampires in your life.

This is simple,

by keeping a mindset of good over evil.

Modern day religions are feeding these entities as they put the fear of "god" in people,

god is literally good.

By using fear to try and spread high positive energy

only feeds the negative force.

The world is currently ruled by this negative force,

once the global population stops feeding the negative force as a whole

it will die out

as it will have no source of energy to gain sustenance from.

This is when world peace will finally occur.

For more infomation >> Adrenochrome - The Darkest Drug of Them All! - Duration: 36:08.


JUST IN: Man Linked To Hillary Investigation Found Dead – What's Your Response? | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:58.

One of the most ominous memes about the Clinton Family is the propensity of people close to

them winding up dead.

Unfortunately, this "meme" always seems to turn into reality.

81-year-old Peter W. Smith, a long-time Republican activist, was recently found dead in a Minnesota

hotel room.

His suicide note claimed that his death was the result of an expiring $5 million life

insurance policy and ill health.

However, Smith had just recently testified that he was involved in finding Hillary Clinton's

hacked emails, via IJR. Smith told his confession to the Wall Street

Journal just days before his suicide.

Mr. Smith apparently believed that Clinton's emails had been acquired by Russian hackers.

His role, he claimed, was to track down these emails, via Chicago Tribune.

Many on the Internet are not buying this explanation, especially since news outlets have uncovered

the fact that the Russian lawyer at the heart of the scandal involving Donald Trump Jr.

is a long-time Democrat operative.

via Independent.

Also furthering suspicions is the long history of dead bodies piling up around the Clintons.

In 1993, Vince Foster, a Deputy White House Counsel during the Clinton administration,

committed suicide.

The official theory is that Foster killed himself due to fears of false accusations.

Others claim that the Clintons had Foster killed because he knew too much about the

Whitewater scandal.

via Washington Post.

Whitewater suspect James McDougal died of a suspicious heart attack in 1998 during the

height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

via New York Times.

In 1992, Victor Raiser, the chief financial aid to Bill Clinton's presidential campaign,

died in a strange airplane crash with his son.

via New York Times.

More recently, in 2016, corrupt UN leader John Ashe died in a very bizarre weight lifting

accident before he could give potentially damaging testimony involving the Clinton Foundation.

via The Guardian.

Of course, many still maintain that DNC staffer and Bernie Sanders supporter Seth Rich was

murdered by Clinton associates because he leaked the DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

All of these deaths could be coincidental.

However, by viewing them all together, it is beyond eyebrow-raising that so many people

with corrupt connections to the Clintons have a habit of dying young or in bizarre circumstances.

Mr. Smith could be just another victim of depression and ill health.

Or, conversely, he could be another corpse linked to the Clinton Crime Family of Arkansas

and Washington D.C.

Do YOU think Peter Smith died due to his connections to the Clintons?

Please share this news and tell us what you think!

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Man Linked To Hillary Investigation Found Dead – What's Your Response? | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:58.


Олимп - Суперкубок по футболу 2017. Спартак - Локомотив 2:1 116' Мануэл Фернандеш - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Олимп - Суперкубок по футболу 2017. Спартак - Локомотив 2:1 116' Мануэл Фернандеш - Duration: 1:02.


Олимп - Суперкубок по футболу 2017. Спартак - Локомотив 2:0 113' Куинси Промес - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Олимп - Суперкубок по футболу 2017. Спартак - Локомотив 2:0 113' Куинси Промес - Duration: 1:23.


Олимп - Суперкубок по футболу 2017. Спартак - Локомотив 1:0 101' Луис Адриано - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Олимп - Суперкубок по футболу 2017. Спартак - Локомотив 1:0 101' Луис Адриано - Duration: 1:09.


Documental Actividad cultural Banrepcultural Resumen 1 - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Documental Actividad cultural Banrepcultural Resumen 1 - Duration: 10:16.


Top 8 #MTGHOU cards I want to brew with - Duration: 8:55.

Top 8 Hour of Devastation cards I want to brew with.

You may not know it, but I love making new decks.

I'm a brewer.

Hour of Devastation has some really cool cards to brew with.

I'm going to show you my top 8, right now.

Welcome Young Mage I'm The Rhino.

Young Mage is devoted to reaching and teaching young mages of all ages.

Subscribe now to show your support.

And don't forget to tap that bell down below to get notifications of all the cool stuff

coming soon.

Before we get started, tell me which card you are most excited to brew with in the comments


Hour of Devastation has some really cool cards.

It's easy to see which cards are going to the pro decks.

But let's make something fun and maybe even competitive.

These are the cards I want to use to brew new decks.

Number 8


It's a rare.

Basically stop all counters… now that sounds like fun.

A lot of people want to brew with this card.

Cards like Thing in the Ice would be fun in the deck.

You can also use it with Amonkhet cards like Crocodile of the Crossing, so it doesn't

get the -1/-1 counters.

As long as you don't want those counters, Solemnity can be your friend.

So if you are looking to build up energy, can't do it.

You can not get doom counters or brick counters.

One thing a lot of people don't realize, is that the counters that are currently on

a card don't go away.

If the enchantment is removed, things pickup where they left off.

Number 7

Imminent Doom

Another rare card.

This one is a bit tricky.

You have to build a deck with every converted mana cost.

If you bring it out on turn 3, you still need a 1 drop, then a two, then a three…

You could do a one then a two for a total of 3 damage on turn 4.

Having multiple Imminent Doom cards on the battlefield would be interesting.

I don't know if it makes sense for them to both be out before they start working.

Having them out of sync may give you some more flexibility.

Especially if you cast one when the other is at 3 doom counters.

Your deck would have to have a lot of 1, 2 and 3 drops.

Almost an equal number of each.

Number 6

A Torment deck

This would be a combination of Torment of Venom, Torment of Scarabs and Torment of Hailfire.

This deck would not be a good matchup against a Madness deck.

I really like the Torment of Scarabs.

It will probably come out first.

I can see people scrambling to build decks with Enchantment removal.

The Torment of Hailfire has to be cast for at least 3 or it does nothing.

But if you can cast it later in the game, that is a lot of removal.

Maybe this can be a mono-black deck.

You would not need a lot of Torment of Hailfire.

Maybe 2.

But 4 Venom and Scarabs would be a must.

Number 5

Obelisk Spider

It's an uncommon that makes adding -1/-1 counters hurt.

We will need to add a bunch of ways to put more -1/-1 counters on any creature.

Ammit Eternal becomes very useful.

Makes your opponent lose a life each time they cast a spell.

Putting -1/-1 counters on their creatures would be better.

Splendid Agony will do this for you.

And maybe some more effects from -1/-1 counters like Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons.

That way you can create a bunch of 1/1 deathtouch snakes.

Number 4

Seer of the Last Tomorrow

Yes, a deck built around a common card.

At least that is where the idea starts.

I want to mill my opponent's deck.

But discarding a card made me think about how I could make the graveyard useful.

What if the deck had a lot of cycling?

Then if you add Abandoned Sarcophagus later, you can cast them from the graveyard.

Then my dad showed me Fraying Sanity.

Lots of good milling possibilities.

But the deck would need a lot of control.

It may be possible to make it mono blue.

A cycling, control, mill deck sounds really annoying…

In a good way…

for me.

Number 3

Avid Reclaimer

It's an uncommon that plays nice with Nissa.

You use it in a green blue ramp deck.

Keep in mind that the ability is a mana ability.

It does not use the stack and can not be responded to.

So you gain the life if you have a Nissa out…

No matter what.

I would also add in things like The River Hoopoe for late game card draw.

Number 2

Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs

Yes a common card is number 2.

And deserts do matter.

With cards like Fervent Paincaster and Thermo Alchemist, you have lots of ways to ping your


Ping, ping, ping, ping… get's annoying really fast.

Add Insult to Injury to make for an interesting passive aggro deck.

Number 1

Pride Sovereign

I have been waiting for this card since I first saw it.

Cats are cool.

Put in cards like Prepare to Fight and your Pride Sovereign, does not stay untapped.


And add Anointed Procession to double cats when you cast a Regal Caracal or another token

creature maker.

Lots of cool cat things that make you think you are watching funny cat videos…

Until they attack.

There is my top 8 cards I want to brew decks with.

Which one do you think will be the best, or the most fun?

How about the most annoying?

Let me know in the comments below.

Make sure you click like on my videos, it helps out a lot.

Don't forget to subscribe, if you haven't already.

And there are a few things here and here that may interest you.

I have more videos coming out soon.

And until then, Rhino out.

For more infomation >> Top 8 #MTGHOU cards I want to brew with - Duration: 8:55.


Dinosaur Attack on The Beach Education Video Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 1:36.

Dinosaur Attack on The Beach Education Video Cartoons for Kids

For more infomation >> Dinosaur Attack on The Beach Education Video Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 1:36.


AVA少しだけプレイ - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> AVA少しだけプレイ - Duration: 8:41.


Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Story Trailer - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Story Trailer - Duration: 2:20.


How to Make a DIY Over the Collar Bandana for your Small Dog - Duration: 3:05.

Hi Everyone!

In this video, we are going to take a look at how to build and over the collar bandana

for your small dog just like my small dog here Potter.

So let take a look at how to get started.


I am going to start off by, ironing my fabric to remove any wrinkles or creases.

then, I am going to measure out 12 inches by 12 inches this works well for my dog being

that he is a small dog.

If you have a larger dog just make this square a little bit larger.

Now that we have measured it out.

we are cutting it and then folding it in half, lining up all of the corners and measuring

out three inches from the folded corners, like what we have here and then we are cutting

them off.

This is where the collar is going to go through the bandana.

So This is going to be a visible edge and we need to hem it off.

Here you can see me pinning or clipping in this case the edges that are going to be hemmed.

and now I am going to hem these edges.

the reason I am going to hem this is because we don't want the edges fraying and in this

case it is going to keep it nice and clean and we can keep on putting the collar on and

off and switching off different bandanas if we wanted to.

Switching over to the second side and again it is going to create a loop so the two sides

are hemmed because they will both be visible and once we finish this hem we are going to

fold the fabric in half again putting the right sides together and we do that it going

to create a little house shape and what we want to do is sew the edges of the peak of

the house.

so the pointy part of the bandana with the right sides together.

what this is going to do is basically finish off the main essential part for our bandana.

Once we finish this we are going to have to cut off the tip of the bandana.

so that way when we flip it out the corner look nice and crisp.

So now that we have it filpped over we basically have a finished bandana.

I am going to create another seam right here so that when I am putting on the collar it

to doesn't travel and get stuck in the base no I mean the tip of the bandana.

It just makes it a little bit easier for me to use.

Snip the last little bit of thread and we have a finished bandana. all we need now is

to put the collar inside of the bandana and put it on the dog.


I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please, LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.

And We'll see you guys in the next video.


For more infomation >> How to Make a DIY Over the Collar Bandana for your Small Dog - Duration: 3:05.


El brochazo | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 15:19.

For more infomation >> El brochazo | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 15:19.


Documental Actividad cultural Banrepcultural Resumen 2 - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> Documental Actividad cultural Banrepcultural Resumen 2 - Duration: 11:46.


EP053: Comic Book Origins – Turok, Son of Stone - Duration: 5:26.

[Main theme]

Hello everyone!

And welcome to an all-new episode of MajestiComic.

We reached a major milestone last week – we got our 100th subscriber!

We want to say thank you to everyone who has subscribed, we really appreciate your support.

And to everyone who hasn't subscribed yet... we'd like to get to two hundred, so please

subscribe and tell all your friends!

Today's video comes as a request from a viewer named An-oh-pha-thalm (sorry for the

mangled pronunciation!).

He suggested that we profile a classic character that many people may not have heard of yet,

called Turok, which means Son of Stone.

Turok is a Native American warrior who, like Solar, Man of the Atom, who we profiled a

couple of months ago, has appeared in comics from several different publishing houses.

He and his friend Andar fall into a valley in which dinosaurs – and later, robot dinosaurs

– still exist.

It is a place where time has no meaning, and they must find a way to escape with their


Turok, first appeared in comic books published by Western Publishing, an imprint of Dell

Comics, in 1954.

Although it is unclear which individual writer created him, we do know that he made his first

appearance in episode number 596 of Four Color Comics.

In 1956, the company, combined with Gold Key Comics, gave him his own line of comics titled

Turok, Son of Stone.

The series ran all the way until 1982, after which the character was reimagined and appeared

in comics from many other publishers, like Valiant Comics, Dark Horse Comics, and Dynamite


Turok's story begins when he and his friend Andar are walking near the Carlsbad Caverns

in New Mexico.

For history buffs, this is a bit of a quote-unquote "mistake," because Turok and Andar are

both Plains Indians from the Mandan tribe, which is located much farther to the East.

However they got to New Mexico, though, the important thing is that they discovered a

lost valley there, in which dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures still lived.

Inside this lost valley, Turok and Andar become trapped, and have to fight to survive against

the dinosaurs, which they call "honkers," as well as the cavemen who live there and

mean to do them harm.

In 1992, Valiant takes over the character of Turok, and reimagines him as a Kiowa warrior

from a tribe in the Dakotas.

This time, the lost valley is known as the "Lost Lands," and is more of a pocket

of time and space that can move in a self-contained loop.

Inside the pocket, time doesn't pass – to quote from the comic "time has no meaning"


Like before, dinosaurs, cavemen, and other prehistoric creatures flourish in this place,

but this time, so do demons and aliens.

Eventually, Turok comes across a being called Mothergod, a female physicist transformed

by the same radiation that created Solar, Man of the Atom.

She is a woman who is driven mad by how imperfect the universe is.

In her quest to perfect all of these imprefections, she infiltrates the Lost Lands with an army

of futuristic robots.

Once inside, she begins to use her futuristic technology on the dinosaurs, which she turns

into "bionisaurs," bionic dinosaurs with superior intelligence.

Turok fights against the bionisaurs and Mothergod by forming an army of his own with the cavemen

who live in the Lost Lands, but it isn't until he is joined by X-O Manowar, Solar,

Shadowman, and some of Valiant's other most famous heroes that Mothergod is finally defeated.

In the aftermath of his epic battle, though, the Lost Lands pocket of time and space begins

to close.

Turok and Andar are able to escape before it is destroyed… but so are some of the


The group emerges from the Lost Lands into a post-apocalyptic world, in which Turok then

has to track down and destroy, not just the bionisaurs, but the demons and aliens that

now exist on Earth as well.

Although a lot of current comic book readers might be unfamiliar with Turok and his adventures,

he was actually an extremely popular character.

In fact, in 1996, issue number one of Turok's solo line, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, was the

6th bestselling comic book, bested only by five sequential issues of a Superman-related

comic from DC.

After his time at Valiant had passed, the Turok character went on to appear in different

forms in Acclaim Comics, Dark Horse Comics, and Dynamite Comics as well.

And even when he is finished there, he will surely appear again in the future, fighting

off dinosaurs and robots as the world changes around him.

What are your thoughts on Turok?

Let us know in the comments!

While you're there, you can also give us some suggestions for who to profile next!

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and share this video with your friends.

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Thanks for watching!

Until next time.


[Credits theme]

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