Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

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For more infomation >> Home Remedy Of Food Positioning | Natural Remedies of Food Positioning | Perfect Remedies - Duration: 3:15.


F-Pedals Phazevibe, demo by Vince Carpentieri [ITA] [ENG] - Duration: 3:04.

In this video we will test the Phazevibe from F-Pedals,

we'll listen to it and give a look at the controls.

Phazevibe is a modulation pedal produced by F-Pedal

in collaboration with Eddie Kramer.

This fully analog mini pedal incorporates

a small phaser, an autowha-phaser and a univibe.

If you own a Phazevibe and want to discuss about it with other users

or if you want to buy one, but you need further advice

please leave a comment and we'll discuss it with the other members of my channel.

How does it sound?

In mode 1, by moving the center knob, we can modulate from a classic phaser

to a vibrato till we get a leslie tone in the end of the range

In mode 2, we can mix a phaser and an auto-wha

'till getting a vibrato tone in the last part of the knob stroke.

In mode 3, we can mix the phaser with a univibe and a vibrato, which will

depending on the position of the central potentiometer, produce a variety of different timbres.

On the front of the pedal, we can find two mini-knobs, one for tone and one for volume controls

a three-position mini-switch that allows us to jump from one phasing mode to the other

and a middle knob that controls that allows us to tweak the modulation.

That's all for this video, please remember to subscribe to my channel for more videos

and don't forget to follow me on my social networks'll find all links in the description.

For more infomation >> F-Pedals Phazevibe, demo by Vince Carpentieri [ITA] [ENG] - Duration: 3:04.


Avengers "Suit Up" Scene | The Avengers (2012) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 3:20.

Was he married?


There was a cellist, I think.

I'm sorry.

He seemed like a good man.

He was an idiot.

Why? For believing?

For taking on Loki alone.

He was doing his job.

He was out of his league. He should have waited.

He should have...

Sometimes there isn't a way out, Tony.

Right, I've heard that before.

Is this the first time you lost a soldier?

We are not soldiers.

I'm not marching to Fury's fife.

Neither am I.

He's got the same blood on his hands that Loki does.

But right now, we got to put that behind us

and get this done.

Loki needs a power source.

If we can put together a list...

He made it personal.

That's not the point.

That is the point. That's Loki's point.

He hit us all right where we live. Why?

To tear us apart.

Yeah, divide and conquer is great

but he knows he has to take us out to win, right?

That's what he wants.

He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it.

He wants an audience.

Right. I caught his act in Stuttgart.

Yeah, that was just previews. This is opening night.

And Loki, he's a full-tilt diva, right?

He wants flowers, he wants parades.

He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered...

Son of a bitch.

Time to go.

- Go where? - I'll tell you on the way.

Can you fly one of those jets?

I can.

You got a suit?


Then suit up.

Hey, you guys aren't authorised to be in here.

Son, just don't.


Agent Hill.

Those cards,

they were in Coulson's locker, not in his jacket.

They needed the push.

We have an unauthorised departure from Bay 6.

They found him.

Get our communications back up, whatever you have to do.

- I want eyes on everything. - Yes, sir.

For more infomation >> Avengers "Suit Up" Scene | The Avengers (2012) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 3:20.


Công Dụng Trời Cho Của Lá Hẹ Hàng Triệu Người Đang Bỏ Phí 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Công Dụng Trời Cho Của Lá Hẹ Hàng Triệu Người Đang Bỏ Phí 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 5:11.


Reading Goals Check-In | 2017 - Duration: 7:50.

Hey guys it's Trina and today I'm going to be checking in with my 2017 reading

goals and see how I've done so far this year. If you guys wanna know why I

set these particular goals, why I chose them, why they were on my mind, please go

back and refer to that original video, but first I did want to read more adult

books this year - and when I say "more" with most of these goals it's just more than

I read last year. Last year I read 21 adult books so this year I'm just aiming

for 22 or more adult books in order to reach this goal because that would be

more than I read last year. So as of right now, in July of 2017, I've read 15

adult books, which is a little over halfway and since we're a little over

halfway through the year I'm about on track to complete this goal by the end

of the year. And to quickly mention a couple of my favorites this year so far, I have

really really loved the Themis Files series by Sylvain Neuvel, and I've also

found that I really enjoy Ruth Ware's mystery writing. Her mysteries aren't the

most mind-blowing but I love the way that she crafts her suspense in her

novels, so I have definitely enjoyed those two authors if you are wondering

what my favorites have been so far. I also wanted to read more own voices

books this year. The own voices conversation kind of came more forefront

to my awareness last year. Last year I only read 13 own voices books, not

counting just diverse books or books by diverse authors, which those are still

very valuable to read as well. But I wanted to read more than 13 this year

and so far I have beat that. I'm in the upper teens, I think closer to 20 so

far this year, so I beat this goal. I can check that one off of my list but I'm

definitely not done. I'm not going to just like quit reading own voices books.

So far this year my favorite own voices books have been The Hate U Give by Angie

Thomas, which has an own voices african-american main character. And my

other favorite has been Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy, which has an own voices

bisexual main character. Next, I wanted to read more debut novels Last year I had

read 7 debut novels. I'm aiming for 8 or more this year and so far this year I

have read 5. So again that's more than half. I am on track to complete that goal

by the end of the year but I do need to focus more on picking up debut novels. My

favorite debuts that I've read so far this year are, again The Hate U Give

by Angie Thomas, and I also really loved When Dimple Met Rishi

by Sandhya Menon. I can't wait to check out more by both of these authors whenever they

release their next books. My fourth goal is that I wanted to read around the

world more and this one was one of my more loosely defined goals because I

didn't have like a specific number I wanted to beat. I just was like I just

want to focus more on these other continents or other countries that I

haven't been really reading from, and so far I have read a couple books set in

Africa. I haven't quite gotten to all the books that I have wanted to by this

point but we've got six months left in the year and I definitely am still

interested in this goal so I do want to be more mindful with this goal. Goal

number five was to read more books that friends have recommended to me and

instead of making a strict list which I did last year and I had like a list of

ten books I wanted to read last year and I only read three of them. It was a big

flop because I felt so locked in by, 'you have to read these specific books!' So

this year I decide I'm just going to pay more attention to the books that my

friends are mentioning over and over and over that they love, that they recommend to

people. And so far this year I have picked up ten books that I've heard

about just because my friends were kind of hyping them up and saying how much

they love them. So I have completed this goal and my favorite friend

recommendation that I've read this year is probably Every Heart A Doorway by

Seanan McGuire, which Jenna from the channel jennaclarek was talking a

ton about at the end of last year and I just got to at the beginning of this year. I have

really enjoyed that book. Definitely glad that I picked it up. And my last goal was

I wanted to read all the books that I owned at the end of last year, so not

counting anything I acquired in 2017. There were twelve books on my list.

Twelve is not a big number, it shouldn't be very hard, and how have I done on these

twelve? So far this year I've read two of those books, I DNFed another one, and

unhauled it plus three others. So this goal is now down to six books.

There are six months left in the year, I feel like it's doable but I also

honestly feel like it's not going to happen.

I just, when I own books I procrastinate on reading them so badly because I would

go for a library book ten thousand times over a book I own because that book I

own is not going to be due back. There's no time limit on it but then I put

it off for like three years and lose interest so I

mean I do need to definitely be more mindful about this one. So hopefully I

can knock a few more of these out by the end of the year. So that's how I'm doing

on my reading goals for the year, the six goals that I set for myself, and there's

a couple of other things I do want to cover in this video as well. I keep lists

of every book that I've mentioned on a TBR video on my channel, every book that

I have shown in a book haul on my channel, every book that I have said this

is my most anticipated releases. Everything mentioned on my channel I

keep lists and I keep track of how I'm doing on those books because I want to

see at the end of the year am I really like hauling books that I end up reading?

Am I really mentioning I'm anticipating a book that I follow through on an end

up reading? So for this entire year from January until June - I'm not counting July

because I'm not at the end of July so I can't have passed or failed like my TBR for

July yet or for any of these goals. But for my entire year-long TBR I have put

19 books on monthly TBR's, and out of the 19

I read 16 of them. I did not read all 16 of them in the month that I said I

wanted to, but eventually I've gotten to all but three of the books I put on my

TBRs. That's a really high success rate so it does say to me that I am genuinely

interested in the books that I am saying I want to read this this month. As for

the books that I have said in videos that are my most anticipated releases,

which again is only from January to June, I had mentioned 34 books that were my

most anticipated releases of each month and out of those 34 books I've only read

12 of them, which is not a very good percentage and that says to me that I

should probably rethink how I'm approaching making my anticipated lists

each month because just because I know of something doesn't necessarily mean

I'm excited enough to go ahead and pick it up you know what I mean. So I do

need to kind of redo how I do these lists for the rest of the year because

I'm not doing so good on them so far. And the last thing that I keep track of are

the books that I've hauled, that I've added to my collection

and am I reading those books or not? I also do library halls periodically and

I'm not counting those in this list because those books don't belong to me. I

can just get rid of them at any time. They don't take up space on my shelves.

But books that I've received from publishers, or as birthday gifts, or have

bought for myself, I had 35 books total that I have hauled in videos so far this

year and out of the 35 there were 4 of them that I have unhauled. I've given them

away because either I knew friends would like them more than I would or I'm just

no longer interested in them. And I've read 12 of the books that I have gotten

so far this year, so that's a total of 16 out of the 35 books that are either read

or no longer on my shelves and I don't have to worry about them. So anyway I

just thought it was fun to check in with like those statistics and stuff because

I do keep a list of that stuff I'm very curious in it and if you found those

little check-ins interesting too I would love to know because I love just keeping

track of goals and lists and stuff. So anyway, please let me know how you guys

are doing on your reading goals for this year. What goals did you have for

yourself and what have you accomplished so far? I hope you guys are doing well

with your goals. Thank you guys so much for watching. I

will see you in the comments. Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> Reading Goals Check-In | 2017 - Duration: 7:50.


BUILD A WOODEN BOX - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> BUILD A WOODEN BOX - Duration: 5:56.


怎麼瘦小腿 (COBRA 小腿課程)(Subs) - Duration: 4:24.

Welcome to CobraCamp.

Today, myself and Cobra are going to teach you how to train calves.

Many people ask me how is it my calves are so skinny.

So today I'll share my big secret.

So the first thing;

Cobra will show you his calves. If you have naturally skinny calves,

its hard to train them to become thicker,

and if you have naturally big calves,

its harder to slim them down.

This is because we all have different shaped calf muscles.

There are people with longer calf muscles,

so their muscle insertions are very low.

For this type of calf muscle its difficult to slim down.

And just like Cobra, his muscle insertions are higher

so regardless of how much he trains his calves

his calves will always have a very slim appearance

because the lower part of his leg has no muscle.

His muscle can still become thick, but not longer.

So for me, my calves will never have a super large appearance

because my calf muscle insertions are very high.

What should you do?

For example, like Cobra, high calf muscle insertions,

you have to train them more frequently.

I train my calves everyday.

I'll let you see my routine in a few moments.

If you don't want your calves to be thick

you should not train them directly

because they will just continue to grow.

So you can slim down, lowering your bodyfat.

This will give your calves a slimmer appearance,

but comparatively, there won't be a big difference.

So actually, there's no way to get slimmer calves.

You can run more, lose more bodyfat, but if have larger calves,

There isn't much you can do.

My apologies.

So I hope this video was helpful.

If it was, remember,

Hit like


And, in 1, 2 3, bam .. this is my calf routine.

This movement is called calf raises.

When you are performing this exercise

You need to emphasis the upward part of the movement

and for the downward portion, don't fall down

You want a pressing down, sort of feeling.

So you need to maintain that tension.

So for the entirety of the exercise your calves should not be relaxed.

For the second exercise, you should ve very strict.

Your knees should be pointing upwards, or it will be uncomfortable.

So this is my calf muscle routine.

You can go home and try it for yourself.

For more infomation >> 怎麼瘦小腿 (COBRA 小腿課程)(Subs) - Duration: 4:24.


[Poor travel香港] 旺角和藏桂林夜市!$18蚊功夫魷魚絲(即叫即烤)!$12蚊/2件避風塘脆豆腐、$10蚊/5條腸粉! - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel香港] 旺角和藏桂林夜市!$18蚊功夫魷魚絲(即叫即烤)!$12蚊/2件避風塘脆豆腐、$10蚊/5條腸粉! - Duration: 2:14.


Warning 12 American Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries - Duration: 7:05.

Warning 12 American Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries

Americans are slowly waking up to the sad fact that their food supply is packed with

hazardous and toxic compounds.

Many of the American foods you may be eating on a daily basis are banned in other countries

because they contain compounds that are known to cause inflammation, growth defects and


For some reason the US government and FDA allows these toxic foods to end up in our

supermarkets while other countries have taken them off the shelves.

Here�s a list of 10 banned foods every American should stop eating today:

1. Pink Slime

Pink slime is a name used for processed low-grade beef trimmings and meat by-products. They

use ammonium hydroxide in their processing, which is banned in many other countries outside

the US.

This pink slime is often added to processed foods. Products can contain up to 15% without

additional labeling.

Banned in: Canada, UK, and EU.

2. Farm-Raised Salmon

Farm raised salmons are fed with an unnatural diet of GMO grains and dangerous chemicals

such as synthetic astaxanthin (derived from petrochemical) and antibiotics.

It causes their flesh to become grey-ish instead of the pink-red of wild salmon. Avoid all

Atlantic salmon as these are mostly coming from fish farms.

Look for the �Alaskan salmon� and �sockeye salmon, both not allowed to be farmed.

Banned in: Australia and New Zealand

3. Hormone-infused Beef and Dairy

Many of the American cows are fed synthetic hormones to increase meat or milk production.

These hormones (rBGH and rBST) end up in the meat and dairy products we consume.

Non-organic meat or dairy has been linked to breast, colon, and prostate cancers.

Banned in: Australia, New Zealand, Israel, EU, and Canada.

4. Genetically Modified Papaya

Many of the papayas Americans eat are genetically engineered to be resistant to the ringspot


Studies show that animals fed GMO food, such as corn and soy, have an increased risk of

organ damage, tumors, birth defects, premature death, and sterility.

Banned in: EU

5. Bread With Potassium Bromate

Commercial baking companies enrich their flour with potassium bromate to reduce the baking

time and make the dough more elastic.

Too much potassium bromate can cause kidney and nerve damage, thyroid issues, digestive

disorders, and cancer.

Banned in: Canada, China and the EU

6. Ractopamine-Tained Meat

Ractopamine is a growth stimulator widely used in the US to increase the weight of pigs,

cattle, and turkey. It has been linked to cardiovascular issues, birth defects, and


Banned in: 160 countries across Europe, Russia, China, and Taiwan

7. Arsenic-Laced Chicken

Arsenic-based drugs are used to make the chickens grow faster and it makes their meat pinker

which gives it a fresher look. Inorganic arsenic is a known carcinogen.

Banned in: EU

8. Drinks With Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO)

Mountain dew and a few other citrus-flavored sports drinks are emulsified with brominated

vegetable oil (BVO).

Its main compound is bromine, which is used as a flame retardant. Too much bromine can

lead to iodine deficiency, skin rashes, acne, fatigue, and cardiovascular problems.

Banned: EU and Japan

9. Preservative BHA And BHT

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are often used as a preservative

in cereals, nut mixes, meat, beer, butter, and gum. It has been linked to certain allergies

and may cause cancer.

Banned in: infant food in the UK, parts of the EU, and Japan.

10. Bleached Flour

Azodicarbonamide is often used by US food companies to bleach flour quicker. This chemical,

also found in shoe soles, has been linked to asthma and some types of cancer.

Banned in: Singapore.

11. Processed Foods With Artificial Food Colors

Some of the food flavorings, additives, colors, and preservatives used in the US are banned

in other counties because they are made from coal tar and petroleum.

These include red 40 and yellow 5 which can cause hyperactivity, brain and nerve damage,

birth defects, allergies, and cancer.

Banned: Norway in, Austria and most of the EU.

12. Olestra/Olean

Olestra, aka Olean, is a substitute for fat in fat free products. It depletes essential

vitamins and can cause anal leakages.

Banned in: UK, Canada and many other countries around the world.

Always make sure to read food labels and eliminate all processed food out of your diet to avoid

all these harmful chemicals. Opt for a healthy fresh, whole food diet instead.

For more infomation >> Warning 12 American Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries - Duration: 7:05.


There's a HUGE misunderstanding about Freemasonry that was earnestly started by the Illuminati - Duration: 16:42.

There�s a HUGE misunderstanding about Freemasonry that was earnestly started by the Illuminati

Washington and Franklin were Freemasons, but that was before Freemasonry went dark

*There were numerous Founding Fathers who were Freemasons

including John Hancock, Roger Sherman, Robert Paine, John

Sullivan, James McHenry, John Glover, Henry Knox, Jacob Broom,

John Fitzgerald, Richard Montgomery, Gunning Bedford, Daniel

Carroll, William Whipple and John Dickson, among many others.

State of the Nation

Do you see how ISIS is hellbent on stealing the artifacts wherever they have terrorized

the Northern Levant?

Have you noticed how ISIL has been demolishing centuries-old mosques and churches in the

towns and cities they conquer?

Are you watching the videos which show the Daesh smashing the ancient statuary and urns

and columns with their sledgehammers?

Who hasn�t heard about the beheadings, crucifixions and mass shootings committed throughout the

fake caliphate known as the Islamic State?

There are specific reasons for this repugnant behavior. The most important is the deliberate

destruction of culture. In this way, after the indigenous peoples are forced into an

exodus away from their ancestral lands they will have no reason to ever come back. Their

history and culture have been obliterated, just as they themselves have been terrorized.

However, it�s the purposeful killing of the courageous men in those terrorized communities,

and especially the murdering of the heroes among them, that accelerates the destruction

of their society. The Neocon Zionist cabal and their Illuminati overlords know full well

the effectiveness of this strategy. Which is why they use it whenever possible.

Truly, there is no more successful way to undermine a nation or civilization than to

assassinate its authentic heroes and ruin the reputations of the Founding Fathers.

Fast forward to July 4, 2017

This past Independence Day has seen a flurry of articles and videos circulated throughout

the Alt Media that function in a similar manner. Only in this case, it is the intentional character

assassination of the Founding Fathers of the American Republic that the Illuminati are

perpetrating. And they are using the profound ignorance of alternative news journalists

to disseminate these false narratives.

To the point: Yes, General George Washington was a Freemason, and a very proud one at that.

So was Benjamin Franklin. As a matter of historical fact, it was the many lodges within Freemasonry

which provided the support, both moral and material, for the colonists to even organize.

Some of those lodges were originally set up in Europe and then exported to the Thirteen

Colonies where they established safe havens to plot against the British military.

The pre-Revolutionary War Period was a long and difficult one which actually began with

the many oppressive �Acts�. With each successive �Act�, like the Quartering

Act of 1774, imposed by the British Parliament, the colonists became more and more subjugated

on their own land. Because the early colonists looked to escape persecutions of all type,

they aligned with those Freemason organizations which formed in Europe around the same pursuits

and ideals.

KEY POINT: The modern form of Freemasonry has its roots in the Elizabethan court of

the 16th century and especially the workings of Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon was credited with

setting up the first global spy network which revolved around fraternal orders that resembled

Freemason lodges. This period of rudimentary development was followed by the Comte de Saint

Germain in the 1700s whose formal establishment of Freemason lodges in France was critical

to the birthing of the American Republic. In esoteric circles Saint Germain is known

not only as the patron saint of the United States of America, he is also acknowledged

to be Father of the American Republic.

Were it not for the direct and indirect, overt and covert involvement of France in the American

Revolution, it is quite likely that the Thirteen Colonies would have remained part of the British

Empire. For it was Saint Germain who was responsible for the meeting between George Washington

and the Marquis de Lafayette. Their vital partnership, even Washington has said, was

indispensable to winning the war against the British Empire.

Even before the military phase of the revolution began, it was Saint Germain who appeared at

Independence Hall and uttered the necessary conviction which compelled the signers of

the Declaration of Independence to sign their names. All of them were full of fear in that

moment, and terribly apprehensive about signing that historic document. Each knew that, henceforth,

they would be marked men by the greatest and most vindictive empire on Earth.

A year later, on July 4, 1776, this mysterious stranger (Saint Germain), whose name nobody

knew, suddenly appeared in Independence Hall and delivered a stirring address to the fearful

men there gathered, who were wondering whether they should risk their lives as traitors by

affixing their names to the memorable document which Thomas Jefferson wrote and of whose

ideals Francis Bacon, founder of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, was the true originator.

It�s often the case that the reader is � for the very first time � hearing about this

direct intercession by the Great White Brotherhood. Most have never even heard of such an ethereal

entity and, if they have, it�s usually dismissed as a flight of fancy. Nevertheless, were it

not for the Great White Brotherhood these United States of America would have never

been united �to form a more perfect Union�. And it is Saint Germain who is the de facto

leader of the Great White Brotherhood.

The Illuminati

In the same year as the signing of the Declaration of Independence, another movement was also

forming in Germany. It�s no coincidence that the Illuminati was founded in 1776, as

it was established to ensure that The New Atlantis conceived by Sir Francis Bacon would

not come to complete fruition.

�The secret society known as the Order of the Illuminati was founded in the city of

Ingolstadt in the southern German monarchy of Bavaria on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt,

a 28-year-old professor of religious law. Beginning with only five members, Weishaupt�s

order grew slowly, numbering about 60 in five cities by 1780. The professor deliberately

blended mysticism into the workings of the brotherhood in order to make his agenda of

republicanism appear to be more mysterious than a political reform group. He joined the

Masons in Munich in 1777 and adopted many of their classes and orders and promised his

initiates that they would receive a special communication of occult knowledge as they

advanced higher in the ranks of the Illuminati.�

With this understanding it can easily be seen that the Illuminati was actually established

to pose a countervailing force to the righteous spirit that was moving fiercely through the

Founding Fathers of America. The very same saboteurs of the American Republic today found

their genesis in the Illuminati secret society of 1776. The warmongering traitors, who now

operate at the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government and are responsible for

turning the USA into a feared military juggernaut, are the product of the Illuminati agenda to

thwart the American Experiment.

Their primary strategy and MO was to use secret societies and conspiratorial plots, respectively,

to undermine the nation. This, they have done, since the very day the Declaration was signed.

Back then, working closely with the English monarchy to encourage sedition throughout

the Thirteen Colonies, it was quite easy for the Jesuit Illuminists to infiltrate the Freemason

lodges. They continued to penetrate the lodges after Washington�s victory because they

saw the success that he enjoyed, particularly due to the elaborate spy network that he constructed

in the New York-New Jersey region.

The bottom line here is that American and French Freemasonry proved to be such an effective

organization toward the emancipation of the Thirteen Colonies that the dark side realized

it must be co-opted if they were to effectively terminate the building of The New Atlantis.

And so they have, every day, of every year, since May 1 of 1776. Hence, it is of paramount

importance to properly comprehend the historical fact that European and American Freemasonry

were originally instituted for the good. In fact, they were established for the highest

good, both for the common man and nation-state alike.

In light of these revelations, it behooves everyone who has embraced the incorrect notion

that the Founding Fathers were somehow guilty of advancing the New World Order to reassess

that gross misconception. Certainly, the Illuminati would like you to harbor such a pejorative

notion. After all, it was they and their many agents who have fastidiously planted it. Hence,

someone ought to apprise the following author of the serious error of his writing. Freemasons

Created the US to Advance NWO

Thomas Jefferson

This highly calculated scheme to methodically take down the Founding Fathers of the American

Republic by Deep State was conceived decades ago deep in the bowels of the C.I.A. in Langley,

Virginia The first prong of this PsyOp was to go after the most vulnerable among them�the

preeminent Thomas Jefferson. Because he was a well-known slaveowner, and had an amorous

relationship with one of them � Sally Hemings � the agents of Deep State went after him

with a vengeance.

This ongoing initiative against Jefferson, which started several years ago, blew up again

right after the liberal Left lost their presidential standard-bearer � Barack Hussein Obama � as

well as the most consequential election in US history. On November 14, 2016 this is what

actually occurred at the University of Virginia, the institution founded by Thomas Jefferson

located right down the road from The Company�s headquarters at Langley.

Hundreds of University of Virginia students and faculty members are demanding President

Teresa Sullivan stop quoting former President Thomas Jefferson, the school�s founder,

in her emails because doing so �undermines the message of unity, equality and civility

that you are attempting to convey.�[2]

Can you believe TPTB tried to banish Thomas Jefferson from the very university he founded?!

We better believe it, because these determined agents of sedition will stop at nothing until

all of America�s hallowed traditions and original culture are laid to waste.


Just how special were the Founding Fathers? How extraordinary was their divinely inspired

mission to raise The New Atlantis? The historical record is replete with evidence which indicates

that each of the �Fathers� responded to a sacred mandate. For example, that General

Washington led the untrained colonists to victory over the most powerful army and navy

on Earth is completely implausible. It should not have happened � � � but indeed it

did! The British Empire was ignominiously defeated. Secondly, what are the odds that

Thomas Jefferson and the incomparable John Adams would pass away on the very same day?

That day was July 4th, 1826, the 50th anniversary of Independence Day.

Caveat to those who misrepresent the Founding Fathers

The following excerpt from a previous essay clearly lays out the case against those who

are being used and manipulated by the Illuminati. Hence, there is perhaps no better way to conclude

this extremely urgent missive than with the following admonition, strong though it may


Let this essay serve as a serious warning to those who have taken to heaping scorn and

disrespect on some of the greatest men of English and American history, as well as some

of the most spiritual personages of all time. With the advent of the Internet many writers

have become instant �experts� and supposed investigative historians. In so becoming,

they have written material that is replete with utter falsehood. Much of their fictitious

writing is merely a regurgitation of purposefully planted false stories about the most noble

and courageous men of past eras.

These highly inferior authors and researchers have no clue about the actual progression

of many profound historical events which are integral to the emancipation of the human

race. They fail to make crucial connections and in so doing forever throw the baby out

with the bathwater. For instance, because some of the Founding Fathers such as George

Washington and Benjamin Franklin were known Freemasons, many modern-day bloggers wrongfully

assume that they were in on the continual subversion of the American Republic by the

British Crown. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

As the astute historians recognize, Freemasonry was eventually taken over by the dark forces

and co-opted whenever the opportunities presented themselves. Even though the Founding Fathers

routinely used the best that Freemasonry had to offer during their day, and it was truly

indispensable, how can these courageous figures be criticized because the Freemason groups

were later undermined by the malevolent Illuminati? Simply put, they cannot possibly bear any

responsibility for such an eventuality.

Then there is the much more serious matter of these same bloggers who take every opportunity

to bash the Great White Brotherhood. Woe to them who criticize or besmirch the virtuous

reputations of those truly great beings who populate the firmament of the Great White

Brotherhood. These spiritual entities have worked tirelessly over eons toward the advancement

and betterment of humankind. Not only are they responsible for the protection of the

current race of humanity, they continue to make untold sacrifices on behalf of nations

and peoples everywhere


In closing, it�s extremely urgent for American patriots everywhere to unify around this critical

matter. They must do everything within their power to prevent the Illuminati from taking

down our true heroes. It ought to be obvious what happens to a nation when Deep State outright

murders our most courageous leaders as they did with JFK, RFK and MLK. There are many

other less famous heroes who have been quietly killed by CIA/FBI black op conspiracies who

most will never even know about.

The final point is that Deep State has been working triple time to systematically eliminate

the best and brightest among US over decades. The Illuminati know exactly how powerful and

influential one man or woman can be. Just look at what Mahatma Gandhi was able to accomplish

successfully leading the people of India against British imperialism. Which is exactly why

a British author floated this factually incorrect and fabricated story about him. This

is how the Brits tried to take down

the venerated Mahatma Gandhi

For more infomation >> There's a HUGE misunderstanding about Freemasonry that was earnestly started by the Illuminati - Duration: 16:42.


The Ghibertins - The Less I Know The Better - Duration: 3:45.

Dreaming, I guess I'm dreaming

I can't believe the frame I saw the other day.

He was swimming, that child was swimming

while he was playing in a bomb crater pool

And what do we do next?

Just dance dance on my grave Come on dance dance on our graves

Our future has just been sold, one nation with no control

I will dance dance on your graves

We are the generation of crisis, born under the threat of ISIS

Gears of a collapsing system just ready to get twisted

Victims of a triple B, remember what they did in Greece?

Being blind is easy 'cause the hope in our eyes won't set us free

And what do we do next?

Just dance dance on my grave Come on dance dance on our graves

Our future has just been sold One nation with no control

I will dance dance on your graves

Dreaming I must be dreaming

people judging by the color of the skin

And it's fair, I guess it's fair

When someone take a stand by simply sitting down

You know what you should do next?

Just dance dance on my grave Come on dance dance on our graves

Our future has just been sold One nation with no control

I will dance dance on your graves

Come on dance dance on my grave

Come on dance dance on our graves

Our future has just been sold One nation with no control

So let's dance dance for one chance

For more infomation >> The Ghibertins - The Less I Know The Better - Duration: 3:45.


Immediate Shot Practice - Soccer Tips - Duration: 1:31.

Hi, it's Mohammed from best soccer tricks dot com. Today, we're going to show you how

to do an immediate shot, an immediate shot with the practice. So we have me and

my partner. I'm going to give him the ball in an area and he's going to shoot

directly to the net without controlling. The most important is to always keep an eye

on the ball and to keep an eye on the net, so you know where you're going to

shoot. Let's see what happens.

[Soccer player trying to score a goal against a keeper.]

always be ready for the ball, because you don't know where the ball is going to end.

[Soccer player trying to score a goal against a keeper.]

Keep you head up, to know where to go the goalie is and where are the goal areas.

[Soccer player making a pass to a teammate.]

[Soccer player trying to score a goal against a keeper.]

[Soccer player making a pass to a teammate.]

[Soccer player trying to score a goal against a keeper.]

[soccer players performing a soccer exercise.]

I hope you enjoyed this video. It's very important to know how to kick a ball

without controlling. So, practice guys with your partners both areas, so the

right or the left and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more

soccer videos and to improve your soccer game. Thank you guys for watching!

[Best Soccer Tricks]

For more infomation >> Immediate Shot Practice - Soccer Tips - Duration: 1:31.


Chuột Ruồi Muỗi Gián Biến Mất Hoàn Toàn Khỏi Gia Đình Bạn Nhờ Những Mẹo Đơn Giản Này Hiệu Quả 100% - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Chuột Ruồi Muỗi Gián Biến Mất Hoàn Toàn Khỏi Gia Đình Bạn Nhờ Những Mẹo Đơn Giản Này Hiệu Quả 100% - Duration: 4:29.


ママが世界を変える 感動実話!障害を抱える娘のために考案したショッピングカートとは・・・? - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> ママが世界を変える 感動実話!障害を抱える娘のために考案したショッピングカートとは・・・? - Duration: 5:51.


قراند 5 || فلم الجندي معيض - توظف بالشرطة - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> قراند 5 || فلم الجندي معيض - توظف بالشرطة - Duration: 5:59.

------------------------------------------- all'Erzberg Rodeo con Giò Sala e KTM - 2° puntata! - Duration: 10:51.

We're finally in Erzberg!

Aimone, I have a surprise for you: you won't be riding the 4 strokes, yet the 2 strokes injection one, let's go take a look!

it's amazing, it's a 300 cc with electronic injection, it's a prototype. We're the only one using it. Let's put the stickers on

This year it's full of people but the mountain is the star of the event

The race will start from the bottom, then going uphill, we should go take a look

you'll need to get the most from the prologue. The track is wide, so you'll need to use a good trajectory like if you were riding on road

For more infomation >> all'Erzberg Rodeo con Giò Sala e KTM - 2° puntata! - Duration: 10:51.


Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.52 [ENG/2017.07.14] - Duration: 34:41.

(Episode 52)

When is dad coming home from the hospital?

We couldn't bring him today because Dochi objected,

but we have to bring him home.

It's too inconvenient to go to the hospital all the time.

I told you that I'm not that woman.


You're alive.

- You have the wrong person. / - Okay.


I understand how you feel.

You must've been so angry.

That's why you came back using

someone else's name.


Maya, would you wait outside?

I need to talk to your grandma.

It's all my fault.

It's my fault

for splitting you guys up and separating you

from your child.

It's because I was poor. It's my fault.

- Grandma! / - Hi.

Gaya, what were you doing?

Welcome home.

Mok-dong grandma is here.

What? Where?

How dare she come here?

Miss Yun is here too.

Hold on.

How have you been living

all those years?

You gave birth

in prison after breaking up with Muyeol.

You had no parents or anyone to turn to.


How great is it

that the child you had with Muyeol

is doing well...


Look who's here. Muyeol...

What are you doing here?

Didn't you and Haeju split up?

Why are you here?

What about you?

Why are you here?

Why are you in Maya's room?

Muyeol, you brat!

Do you know who she is? Why are you yelling at her?

She's Yeori.

The girl you couldn't live without. Son Yeori!

- My goodness. / - Stop it, mother!

Let's go.

Let's talk outside.

Stop it.

We can't leave Yeori.

It's been so long.

We have so much to talk about.


Hey! Yeori is searching for her daughter!


Your daughter is right...

Be quiet, mother.

Muyeol! What are you doing?

Hey! Yeori!

Yeori! She's...

Why did you sneak in here?

What were you trying to do to the kids

while the adults were out?

You didn't harm my kids, did you?

Were you planning to kidnap them or something?

What do you mean?

Kidnapping and abduction

are your specialties, remember?

Tell us! Why were you hiding in Maya's room?

Don't yell at her.

I'm the one that let her in.

I told her to come in.

Get over here!

Who told you to let anyone in?

What if something had happened?

She isn't just anyone!

She's going to marry great-uncle.

I like her too.

What do you know? How dare you talk back to us?

Stop yelling at Maya.

I only came to bring her the clothes

she left behind at my place.


She brought me this dress as a gift too.

This stupid dress.

Throw it away!

Stop it!

She made it for me!

- Shut it! / - I hate you!

What's wrong, Maya?

Mom is being mean to Miss Yun.

Mom tore my dress too.

What did Maya do wrong?

All she did was like my gift.

Exactly. Why did you give my daughter a gift?

We're not close enough

to give each other's children gifts.

Are you trying to win over a clueless child

and stir up trouble in our family?

Don't you dare meet with Maya

without my permission again.

Don't call her or talk to her!

- What? / - As her mom...

I'm trying to protect my child from you,

who's threatening our family.

Is something wrong with that?

There's no need to listen to them.

Don't bother with them. Let's go.


I'm sorry.

You got in trouble because of me.

You made this dress for me.

Look what happened. I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I'll make you another one.

Let's go.

Maya, come to my room!

Maya! Promise you'll never see that lady again!

- Why? / - Just do as we say!

Why do we need to explain?

Miss Yun is a good person.

- She's nice to me. / - She isn't a good person.

She hates our family and is here to harass us.

That's not true. She's a good person.

Who do you believe, your mom who gave birth to you

and raised you, or that woman?


We're your family.

Grandma, mom, dad and Gaya.

Family must stick together.

We're on the same side.

Don't meet with her ever again.

Got it?

I'm fine.

Go in and comfort Maya.

I'm worried that she'll be hurt because

of the adults' feud.

- Okay. Get home safely. / - Okay.


You'll understand when you grow up,

but the adults' world is complicated.

So there is a lot of hatred and fights.

It's because we grew up, but not our hearts.

Can you try to understand?

I have a favor to ask you.

Here. Please give this to Miss Yun.

Did you make this yourself?

I wanted to give it to her earlier,

but I was afraid grandma and mom would yell at me.

You two have become best friends.

You made a hair clip for her,

and she made a dress for you.

I can't see her anymore.

Grandma and mom said not to.

Don't you worry.

I'll act as the bridge between you

and Miss Yun.

Just like in the tale "Gyeonu and Jiknyeo?"


I'll let you two meet whenever you want.

Aren't I the best?

What are you talking about?

Why are you telling me

not to tell Yeori that Maya is her daughter?

She's putting up flyers everywhere, looking for her.

Why would you do that to someone

searching for her baby?

My in-laws know Maya is Yeori's child.

They know, but they're keeping it from her.


Are you saying your in-laws took Yeori's child

and had her replace the baby who died?


Did you know

that Maya was you and Yeori's child?

You knew, but you kept it a secret?

I only recently found out.

Haeju too.

Then who did it?

Hong Jiwon.

Was it that woman's doing? Why?

I don't know either, so don't ask.

What's important is that Yeori and those around her

can't know the truth.

I'm trying to start over with Haeju.

So please,

you have to keep your mouth shut.

Still, that's not right.

You can't cut the tie...

- Between a parent and child. / - Do you know...

Why Yeori came back to us as a different person?

She's here to get revenge on me.

She wanted to make me get divorced and

take over Wid Group.


This is my last chance.

If you tell her everything,

everything's over for me.

You want to keep

Yeori and Maya apart, just so you can survive?

I can raise Maya as my daughter

as I have until now.

It's better for her to grow up in a conglomerate family

than with an escaped convict of a mother.

Wake up!

Money isn't everything.

- Aren't you afraid of the heavens? / - No.

I fear poverty more than the heavens.

You know. You've suffered through poverty before.

So you must keep your mouth shut.

For your one and only son.


What's going on here?



What do I do?


What do I do?

We haven't fully taken you back yet.

So why is your mother coming to our house?

She found out about Maya.


- About Yeori and Maya... / - Watch it.

What if someone hears?

She saw a flyer looking for Maya.

Luckily, she hasn't told Yeori yet.

So? Did you tell her to be quiet?

Did she promise not to talk?

She won't.

I told her that she'd put me in a bad spot if she did.

Did she really promise you?

Your mother has a big mouth.

Make sure she doesn't talk.

Or it's over between us.

Imagine how angry she was,

that the sweet and kind Yeori

would decide to take revenge.

Even still,

how could you separate blood?

I can raise Maya as my daughter

as I have until now.

It's better for her

to grow up in a conglomerate family

than with an escaped convict of a mother.


It'll make things bad for Muyeol.

I can't do this.

I haven't done anything for him as his mom.

- Aenok. / - Oh, my gosh!

Hi, Yeori.

What brings you here?

Did you know that this place is run by my parents?


Please forgive Muyeol.

Take revenge on me instead.

I'll take the punishment for what we did to you.

I have no ill feelings toward you.

All I care about

is finding my daughter Bom.

Bom... Bom?

Yeori, the thing is...

Do you have to find your daughter?


I mean, well...

What I mean is,

you should find a nice guy and get married too.

You can just have another child.

You had two children of your own.

How could you say that?

How could I forget my child?

That's true. You're right.

How could you forget your child?

Where did you go? Why are you back now?

You disappeared without making the delivery,

and you show up during closing time?

We were worried that something had happened.


I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused.

I'll go now.

I hope you find another part-timer.

Hey, Watermelon!

Let her go. She won't come back.

Why not?

She's Muyeol's mother.

- What? / - What?

Did Oliver recommend her to us, knowing that?

Where's Oliver?

Please calm down.

You don't have kids, so you don't understand.

If something bad happens to your child,

you can't help but think it's your fault.

He's a grown adult. He wouldn't blame his parent.

What are you doing?

Why is she here, doing that?

Did you follow me?

For flaking on a delivery?

Please have a seat, mother, father.

Mother, father?

Do you really think I'd sit with this woman?

I know she's Muyeol's mother.

What were you thinking?

How could you recommend her to us?

You know Seol and Muyeol's relationship.

I'm sorry.

I knew it was wrong, but I felt so bad for her.

She had nowhere to go,

and was kicked out empty-handed.

Did you latch onto Oliver, you gold digger?

How could you say that?

It isn't like that.

Don't get the wrong idea.

It's all my fault.

What did you do wrong?

It's all my fault.

I'm sorry about Yeori,

and I'm sorry about you.

I'm the evil one.

Just scold me instead.

She did nothing wrong.

What ridiculous scene is this?

I should've let him go long ago.

What use is a late daughter's fiance to us?

We held onto him for way too long.

Let's let Oliver go.

But why does it have to be an old gold digger?

It's so upsetting.

Please take your medication and calm down.

Please be understanding of Oliver.

He has such a kind heart.

I'm sure he couldn't ignore Muyeol's mother in need.

You take it first.

Don't wake up in the middle of the night.


Does that feel good?

You need to wake up.

I'll protect Wid Group

until you wake up.

Don't take too long, okay?


It's so strange.

I'm sure I've seen her before.

Why am I so stupid?

Maya would've remembered right away.


(Missing Child, Son Bom)

She must be around 10 years old.

Maybe in the second grade...

I remember!

She's the lady who had Maya's picture.


What is it? Is something up?

Maya, I remember.

I remember where I saw that lady from last night.

Who? Miss Yun?

- Gaya, time for breakfast. / - Yes.

I saw that lawyer lady on TV.

She had your baby picture.

Miss Yun had my picture?

What are you talking about, Gaya?

Are you still asleep?

Are you talking about your dream?

He said Miss Yun was on TV

with my picture.

I saw it with my own eyes.

You were mistaken.

Why would she have Maya's picture?

Maya, go down and eat

before grandma gets mad again.


I really saw it. I'm positive.

I saw it not once, but twice.

You were mistaken.

You mistook other people for Maya and

that lawyer lady.

I didn't. I'm sure of what I saw.

The lawyer lady was looking for Maya.

Maya's picture was behind her.

Gaya! Do you want to live apart from Maya?

If you tell her,

you'll have to live apart from her. Is that okay?

No matter how much you cry,

you may never see her again.

No. I don't want to live apart from Maya.

If you don't, then promise me.

Promise not to say that again.

Don't tell anyone else,

and if Maya asks, tell her it was just a dream.

Promise me now!

I'm so nervous.

We need to send Maya abroad or something.

I can't handle this.

Why? Did she ask for Yeori again?

Gaya remembers Yeori from when she was on TV

looking for Maya.

He was telling Maya

that Yeori had Maya's baby picture.

I thought my heart would stop.


I told him that he can't tell Maya,

but still...

How do I keep him quiet for the rest of his life?

It's like we're surrounded by land mines.

Muyeol's mom is also like a mine.

Who knows when that'll blow up in our faces?

Forget this.

I need to silence her somehow.

What's this?

Take a look.

I'm sure you'll be grinning from ear to ear.

I didn't sell the apartment.

I put in new furniture.

All you have to do is move in.

You used all your might to get me out of there.

Why are you giving it back?

You took it back,

so why are you returning to me?

Like you don't know.

I'm telling you not to do anything stupid.

Watch yourself.

What? Don't do anything stupid? Watch myself?

How dare you talk to an adult like that?

I'm done talking, so I'll go now.

Sit down! I said to sit!

Are you trying to shut me up

with this stupid little apartment?

To keep me from telling Yeori

that Maya is her daughter?

Who's her daughter?

Maya was my daughter for the last 8 years.

Yeori didn't raise her,

I did!

But Yeori's back. It's not like she's gone.

She's nearby.

Maya should know who her real mom is.


You are a mom too. You shouldn't be like that.

Yeori is so desperate to find her child.

How could we ignore that?

A human being shouldn't be like that.

Aren't you afraid of the heavens?

How could we separate a parent from her child?

What right do we have to do that?

Stop acting like you care about your granddaughter.

It's annoying.

If you cared so much about your children,

how could you have leech off of Muyeol all his life?


This is what you want, isn't it?

You're saying the apartment isn't enough.

Here. Take it and spend as much as you want.

I'll give you as much money as you want,

so take the money and keep your mouth shut.

What do you take me for?

How dare you throw money at me?

Keep your wretched money.

You can take it with you to your death.

I don't need your dirty money.

You said the products are what matters.

Our products are trendier than most new products

and are competitive.

If we can't get our own time slot,

let us fill the time slot after a product that sells out.


We have many products lined up for those too.

I have a live broadcast to get to.

Please reconsider.

I'm sure it'll be a hit.

Please give us a chance.

I won't give up.

Even if we're rejected 100 times,

I'll keep trying.

I will not give up.


He wouldn't give me the time of day before.

Now that I'm a famous show host,

he wants to see me again?

Oh, no!

I have a live broadcast.

Are you okay?

Oh, no.

My stylist didn't even come today.

Excuse me.

If you'd like, I can lend you my dress.

I know you need to go in for your show.

Did you change?

Her show was about to start, so I gave her my dress.

Oh, no. My phone.


You dropped it earlier.

Be careful with that.

I have been careful with it.

It has the most important files.



It's from Maya.

She got yelled at because of me.

Is she okay?

Just a minute.

- Hello? / - Yeori?

It's me, Aenok.



I'll see you there. I'll come to you.

Who was that?

Muyeol's mother wants to see me.

I'm meeting her at a cafe by the office.

I'll go after dropping you off.

Why is Jang Aenok meeting Son Yeori?

Does she plan to tell her that Bom is Maya?

I don't think we can trust Muyeol's mother.

I think she's going to tell Seol about Maya.

- She's impossible to talk to. / - What?

Director Kim!

Yes, mother. I mean, Madam Chairman.

Call your mother right this instant.

- Sorry? / - She's on her way to see Yeori.

Who knows what she'll say?

You need to go stop her. Right now!



- Come with me. / - What are you doing?

- Let go of me. / - Come out!


What do you plan to do when you see Yeori?

Did you forget what I said?

Did you follow me?

You didn't care where I was when

I had nowhere to go,

but since I said I wanted to see Yeori,

you went looking for me?

Do you really want to see me die?

- Muyeol. / - I'll die the moment you tell her.

Just keep that in mind.

The number you have dialed is unavailable...

Is she not here yet?

Hello, Jjanggu.

You need to rush back to the office. Hurry!

Why? What is it?


Yes, that's right.

The dress that Kim Juwon wore on the show is ours.

- Thank you. / - Okay.


What's going on?

The dress you gave that show host Kim Juwon...

She wore it on the show, and it's become a huge hit.

It was a jewelry show,

but the phones are ringing off the hook

asking about the dress.

Kim Juwon really must be the sell-out queen.

Oh, my gosh.

Gu Dochi speaking.

Pardon? A show?

Okay. We'll head there right now.

What is it?

The studio is getting flooded with calls too.

They want to put our clothes on a show right away.

Let's hurry over.

I'll go with Jjanggu after preparing the documents.

Bring the materials.


- Let's go. / - Okay.

- Here. / - Okay.

We're done.

What is that?

This was in the office.

I found one in my car too.

That's how Muyeol was able to stop us

from going on home shopping.

Check your car too.


I'll take care of things here. You should go.

You can't ruin your mood before going on TV.

Hurry. You'll be late.

You can't go in there.

Who said to let people in without my permission?

I'm sorry. Please leave.

What are you doing? How dare you come in here?

- You may go. / - Yes, ma'am.

Are you really going to cheat like this?

This is not befitting of a chairman.

What is this?

Yeori, do you have any right to say that?

You're the one who hid a camera in this office

and blackmailed me.

Bring me the end of the video.

If you refuse to show it to me,

I'll assume you don't have it.

If you don't trust me, call the police.

Then I'll show them the video of you

causing Chairman Gu's accident.

I need to check the video,

no matter what it takes.

Since she texted it to me last time,

it must be on her phone.

Nice. We sold out completely.

I can't believe it.

They have a vacant time slot this weekend

and want us to do another show.

At this rate, we may hit our goal

before the one month deadline.

Thank you. This is all thanks to you.

What did I do?

I just hope Jiwon won't get in our way anymore.

That's right.

What did she say about the bugs?

I think she wanted to find out if there was

more to the video.

She said she'd report me if I don't bring it.

I'll have to keep holding out.

She won't be too hasty.

- I'm going to wash my hands. / - Okay.

(Hong Jiwon)

What more do you have to say?

I'll make you pay for your crimes.

I'll send you back to where you belong.

The same goes for me.

If you get in Dochi's way again,

I'll go public with the video and make you pay

and I'll drag you out of that chairman's seat.

Sorry, but that's mine.

I took yours by mistake.

I'm sorry.


Son Yeori. I'm warning you.

If you don't have conclusive evidence,

you're through.

Son Yeori.

It's time for you to go back

to where you came from.

Inmate number 1894.

Let's go. We should plan the next show.


For more infomation >> Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.52 [ENG/2017.07.14] - Duration: 34:41.


HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước siêu bựa,ngu người nhất Trung Quốc(Most funny China).P12 - Duration: 21:33.

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