Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

If there's one thing I've learned over the last ten years

Stay in front of the competition because there's two ways in this industry. You move with it, or it moves you

And I've seen so many sad stories across the decade where chefs have just got lazy

Got lazy given up and lost that hunger to be competitive

Never ever ever give up

I think that's the kiss of death is if you're convinced that you're going to fail or fall or get hurt

that will come to fruition because that's what you're visualizing. I never vision

You know I was willing to get hurt along the way, but I didn't visualize myself getting hurt along the way

And I think that's what stops a lot of people, and that's really what separates a lot of people from being

World Champions or from being as good as they can because they stop at some point saying oh, no, I?

I am not capable of this or I'll probably get hurt doing this and if you approach anything with that hesitation

You're going to fail. I always approached it like

This is going to work. I'm going to figure this out, even if it takes me

hundreds of attempts

The difference between successful people and not successful people, are people give up. People wake up every morning

They have doubt, they have fear, they lose in a Ferrari race or they lose in a race, and then they just give up

The hardest thing in life to learn is to lose. Winning's easy.

You win, you're happy, you get a high five your friends are happy

It's your ability to take a loss, get up the next day, dust yourself off and keep going

I have lost at everything you can imagine. Seriously, I have been beat up and put down and

Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong for me, but I just kept going

Well, I think there is no substitute for hard work. None. Zero. I was in India

I talked to 200

newly hired individuals, and this is I can say this because

I'm of Indian heritage

They're always asking when I go to India, so tell us the one or two shortcuts to get to your point

And I always say there are no shortcuts

You've got to put in the time and so I think the first takeaway is there are absolutely no shortcuts

It takes time, and it takes a lot of hard work

I am beast mode. But it don't mean beast mode without fear. It don't mean beast mode without a little anxiety

It don't mean beast mode and I'm just 120% sure, no, I have to live my faith too

And I made up in my mind. ET, you've got to go after it


I finished my coursework it took me two years, why? Because it took me two years to get over the fear. It took me

Two years to get over the anxiety, it took me two years to finally say Goliath here

I come. The lion you might be taller than me you might be bigger than me you might be stronger than me

But I'm coming and I'd rather die trying. I'd rather die going after this dissertation

I'd rather give everything I got, I'd rather give a year. I'd rather put in work

Success is not doing the right thing and it definitely isn't doing the right thing the first time

Success is having the courage to move in the direction of your dreams, move in a direction that your heart is taking you

That is what success is as you are progressively

realizing that thing

People think success is, I've got a plan and I go and work out that plan. It never ever ever ever ever works that way

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goal

But progressive realization means that you're doing things that you don't know how to do. You're stepping out in faith

You're being courageous

Your self-doubt will step out of the way

And the power will be added to you

Focus. Focus is super underrated. Like if you commit all that you are and all of your energy to one thing


All right, you can do ten things to the first degree like this right here

And that's how well you'll do all ten things. Or you can do one thing

To the tenth degree right there and look how much better you do that

So when it comes to focus to put all of your energy into one thing is to do that one thing

Really well, to the best of your abilities to take it all the way, and to scatter yourself means you're never actually

Accomplishing anything. You're just sort of chipping away at a bunch of nothingness, and this is true for work. This is true for like

Dating versus committing yourself to one person

friendship, everything

If you want to make your dream become reality

The people that are running at their dreams know, that it's possible that you can live your dream

That it's necessary that you're relentless that you have a plan of action that you are creative

The people that are living their dream are finding winners to attach themselves to. The people that are living their dreams

Are the people that know that if it's going to happen, it's up to them and they're revolving within themselves

It's not over until I win

The people that are running after that dream know they're going to have hard times, they keep on running because they're saying within themselves

I'm the one. I'm the one no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets

I'm going to make it. The people that are running after their dreams are the people that are hungry

Most people have done all that they're ever going to do. They raise a family, they earn a living and then they die

but people were running towards their dreams, life has a special kind of meaning

And here's what I will share with you

That in the process of working on your dreams

You are going to incur a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain

a lot of setbacks, a lot of defeats

but in the process of doing that

You will discover some things about yourself that you don't know right now. What you will realize is

That you have greatness within you

What you'll realize is that you're more powerful than you can ever begin to imagine


For more infomation >> How Bad Do You Want It? - Study Motivation - Duration: 6:52.


GTA5 how to make MILLS in gta5 - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> GTA5 how to make MILLS in gta5 - Duration: 10:15.


One Plants, Another Waters - How you can be important in God's Kingdom - Duration: 9:59.

If you would like to help support Crack Your Bible without spending a dime, this

is NOT like "please, go to my Patreon." I don't have a Patreon. I need your

help because I only speak English fluently.

(Music Plays)

Hey it's Rachel!

Today on Crack Your Bible, I want to let you guys know how much I appreciate

everybody who's been subscribing. It was just the last week of January when I

started this channel and now, while in comparison to regular YouTube

channels where they have thousands and thousands of subscribers, I try to keep

things in mind of, "if I started a church in January, if I had 200+ people,

would that be amazing?" Yes! It is amazing, so I am so happy with how this

channel has been growing. And I just wanted to say "thank you" to all of you

who subscribe. But I also want to let you guys know what is happening with this

channel, because if you're not aware, I also do social media for Crack Your

Bible. Now if you follow me on Instagram, or Twitter, or Pinterest, or Medium or my

own website, you'll know that I do post different things for those sites. For

Instagram on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, I have special posts. We have the

"verse of the week." We have "Tuesday truth." We have "word to the wise" and then we

also have "Flirty Fridays." On Twitter, we also post everything that goes on Instagram

over to Twitter as far as those four days. But I also will post links to

articles and things that I find interesting that deal with religion. Now

on Instagram, that's usually where I also do my updates about a video, if like a

videos running late or I found out something crazy on the news, I will do a

short little video post about that. Now also, if you follow me on those sites you

will know that I'm starting to do special links where

you can watch a video a day earlier than it posts. So what I do is I just

make it an unlisted video when I upload it. I will put the link on my social

media for you to watch it. that way you can watch it before it ever airs and

then the next day is when it will actually go live for everybody else. So

if you follow me on social media, you'll actually sometimes get links for videos

a day early. Now I have had a website for years and I didn't really use it

because it was something that we were forced to create in college for one of

my classes - so that's why I have that website. But this past week, I got a

notification from Google telling me "hey you have a lot of photos on your account

that are up text. Would you like to archive those?" So I was looking through

them and I noticed that what they were screenshots of really long comments

that I've made on YouTube or other channels dealing with religion that I

wanted to save for myself, because they took a lot of time and effort. So I

thought, "why don't I just start transferring what I wrote on to my

website and then link it to one of my videos." Because I'm sure that if you're a

new subscriber, you haven't necessarily seen my older videos. The quality isn't

as good, but whatever, such is life. But I wanted to start reintroducing those

topics and then also giving more information that is not in the video. So

I'm going to, over time, start posting more on my website. I'm not going to have

like a schedule like I do on this channel where I post Monday, Wednesday and

Friday. Or on Instagram, for sure. like without a doubt, we have posts Monday,

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. But I wanted you guys to know that there is a lot

more information out there than I am creating for Crack Your Bible and it's

not all concentrated to YouTube. So if you want to check it out, you can. But

here is the big thing - if you would like to help support Crack Your Bible without

spending a dime; this is NOT like "please go to my Patreon." I don't have a Patreon.

We're not at that point yet, like we're just not there. So if you have people

that you like, go support them financially, whatever. But this is where

I'm at right now in Crack Your Bible. I NEED YOUR HELP

because I only speak English fluently. But from my analytics, I can see that

there are a lot of you out there that are from outside of the United States.

And if you're outside of the United States, I bet you speak more than one

language. So in every single video description, you're going to see a link

for translating the subtitles of my videos. Now if you go look at my videos,

you'll see every single video (I painstakingly did this) has a little "CC"

next to it. So I've actually transcribed every single one of my videos so that

people can watch my videos in closed captions, and those only go out really

to English-speaking viewers. But we want to share the gospel with everybody, and

unfortunately not everybody has access to the gospel. So one plants,

(1 Corinthians 3:5-8 on screen) another

waters, but it's the Holy Spirit that brings the increase so I am asking you

to be the one that waters for Crack Your Bible. Now I am going to post a link on

how you can actually transcribe my subtitles. You can also transcribe the

description, You can transcribe the title into whatever language that you speak,

and that way it will show up in other search boxes in other videos, for people

who don't speak English. Now when I first started, I was actually going in and

sitting there, and transcribing it by hand. And then I realized that Google

will do an auto transcribe, and then you just have to go in there and fix it up

in English. So I've done that for all of my videos where we are up to 75, 76

videos, that I've done this for. It is a lot of work, but because I've already

done the brunt work, all the English is done, Google will auto translate it into

whatever language that you speak. And then, all you have to do is go through

and proofread Google's translations to make sure they're correct. Now sometimes

it gets words wrong that I'm saying, sometimes I speak very fast, so Google

will translate it incorrectly. Because I am an American, I do use quite a bit of

slang and idioms in my videos, so those would need to be translated correctly.

You can always use to see what I'm actually saying, if

something sounds confusing. But I would really love and appreciate your support

in spreading the gospel, because if maybe you're not sure how to go out and spread

the gospel, this is one way that you can do it. And Google automatically will

credit you in every description box, that you were the one that provided the

translation services for this video or that video. So I'm willing to leave it up

to you. You can translate whatever videos that you want. You don't even have to do

the whole video, but because we are smaller, it would be really great if you

did because there's not necessarily going to be somebody else that speaks

that language right now, for now, because we're still very, very tiny. So I will

include a link up here and down below in the description box. And again, there is

always a link in every single video to do transcription services for Crack Your

Bible, because it is up to all of us to go into all the world and preach the

gospel, and this is one way that you can go out into all the world and help

preach the gospel. So it's not going to cost you any money, but again, I would

really appreciate it. And just know that in the Kingdom of Heaven, when God says

"what did you do with the talents that I gave you?" Well, you can say

that, "I helped share the gospel with the tools that You gave me." Christianity is like

a pyramid scheme, because if you have any part in spreading the

gospel, you get credit for everybody who was saved because of the one little

thing that you did. So if you share the gospel with one person, and that person

shares the gospel with a thousand people, you, in the Kingdom of God, get credit for

that one person and the other thousand too. So again, I would really appreciate

it if you would help me share the gospel by translating my videos, and my captions,

and my descriptions, into whatever language you speak. Your choice, I am fine

with it. And as always, I would love if you would like, subscribe, and share. Make

sure to hit that button so you get notifications, and I will see you later!


(Music Plays)

For more infomation >> One Plants, Another Waters - How you can be important in God's Kingdom - Duration: 9:59.





RETURN OF THE RIPPER | N. Sane Trilogy | Cortex Strikes Back Pt.2 - Duration: 14:33.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and walk about the crash bandicoot the insane

trilogy wrath of cortex so anyway last episode we finished the first three

level the turtle would the snow go and hang eight nationally found out how what

was going on which cortex actually needs and me Crash Bandicoot to help him

course hacks to get these crystals for some reason if level is called the pits

since the piss sowing we're gonna find out what's going on in the pit

make sure there's like no bonus anything in front of me like I don't know why I

do that oh so it's just like I'm just gonna

should I ignore those oh is that why it's called the pit since because

there's a bunch of are you gonna dive on me yeah good job bro I really got me

okay so that's that's not risky at all well he thought you bought fun but you

didn't you didn't get me today but haha yeah

alright onward we go got me that time okay whatever I guess that's what again

but I got Sham pointing down son really care I'm your life so I have 12 here I'm

good to go I think I mask off I'm like I'm in I'm

good right now and lap 98 fruit you okay I okay so they're like modify these

things yeah what the f blood falls on their bags for turtles that can't be

good they can't like that sound

whoa okay it's fine

oh don't you up on all my learning so is that that's got to be the second doctor

nitrous it's fine so we lost alive I guess whatever you

can't spend those away oh okay well I'm not even worried about all the boxes

like I've been doing I'm just gonna spin them away spin them away bye bye bye

don't kill me don't randomly kill me oh yeah go away we don't want you here

spiky mutant everything and I mean I wasn't put it past the new doctor to do

this kind of stuff I mean look at him little rocket sticking out into space

probably doing it's a just might these guys look at them they're all all sorts

of jacked up making Pokemon cry noises and everything sound like Santa

legendary Pokemon when they dive bomb you wonder if these guys are needed to

know what up look how we did it we done did a boss bonus level I'll hand us the

belly-flop box crush awesome that hey hey whoa that was risky at it oh yeah

slice I didn't blow those up I thought it was going to for a section alright

yeah one two three four five one five alright cool

and now i belly-flopped these Oh scrumptious cicadas fruit perfect

not to go back oh so we have to go back oh I go by I can't go back there's no

way that's not happened just just just no way I guess I'm just missing out on

those two bosses somehow whatever that's will remain a mystery how to get rid of

those boxes probably it's probably night room

it was probably nicer button later on in the level yeah I did it I am the master

of mold people and stuff hey hey yeah


this is belly flop small net so weird during the bird's-eye view on him 43 out

of 33 so I missed 10 boxes that time fine at least they don't crash on

crashes head like they did in the first one we just kind of see that we miss

them and that's that so when are we gonna get cocoa when do I get to use so

dope why did I not get it I didn't get the crystal I got to go back get the

crystal where was it I didn't even see it huh it must have been on the left

then it must be on the left side I totally forgot about that she's okay so

stick to the left we're going to zoom zoom this is going to be a speedrun of

this level did speed brother pitch let's do this there it is it's a big one

maybe it's just the lighting okay we're we're good now

there you go we can go now boy I'm going to worry about the boldest bubbles or

anything I'm just going to go it's going to roll with it so in order to get in

order to get all the boxes you actually have to ah whatever I can't do that

again okay nope not going there did that last time I don't need to do it again

thanks for getting on alive so if they pop underneath me it technically counts

me jumping on their head I guess oh those clothes almost lost it there I'm

just trying to knock this out real quick

alright good we're good and we're you're done we beat it I was

fast but still like 30 seconds yeah I didn't get any boxes but I got the

crystal and now we're out hey boy too much I'll destroy there it

is yeah pulling that crystal a PUD going alright

crash - see what those levels about and he said he wasn't going to contact me

again until I got two more crystals so this is this was number two this is the

fifth crystal that we've gotten that we will have gotten sliding can help you

move faster okay also am i running from stuff oh yeah I

think I'm running oh yeah I remember I remember all the

boulders just like old times buddy how you been whoa don't do that okay that's

all you don't cool I thought it was gonna be like a polar bear or something

I like the music whoo fine all right so do you you don't have to

fly it it's not necessary it is when you do that the ball boys don't run into the

electric fan all these extra line 15 lines I know except for the Holden fine

turn the fan hey hey whoa electric pen hey hey look it's crazy when you're

playing it a runaway level where I'm not sure now where you're running towards

the camera cuz you don't know what's about to happen it's so hard this is way

faster pace than the first one to the personal seven boo crystal motors level

I don't I don't care about the bonus company one whoa kind of care another

bonus now I got plenty of lines let's go let's do this I don't know saying it ah

yeah start slowing down to go faster no sliding just jump just jumping and no

sliding unless I have to unless I'm really behind oh wait okay so

what is it about speeds it's going to be one those time trial level I can't say

all our time for our levels think about it

well those levels you definitely can't take your no need that whoa not worth it

no or this whoa whoa who's close I tried I tried to get that life it's just

something about an extra life just sitting there just haunts me like I

wanted well you're not all right no we're about

to find out Dick's dad we'll all right now we're back in the workroom I'm gonna

let you yeah you're gonna find out if we're fighting a boss now are we

Ripper Roo he's back I forgot he came back that's so cool

yeah I totally forgot he shouldn't play with nitro boxes and neither should you

okay so don't touch the Nitro oh yeah because he's smart now he's been reading

he's not crazy anymore what's so crazy but I'm gonna fuse

so what do you do I'm confused

oh okay if we just wait for him to hurt himself and then okay got it

so TMZ boxers aren't a big deal so you just got a you got to stick with the

pattern and run with it and then when he gets knocked out got like an Einstein

haircut - cool Oh Ripper Roo is crazy Q and

like slime candy corn all around his head as a fitting first of all the

second box in the first game

okay we're so good because no ah I knew I was gonna die eventually

I know I was being a runner perfect on the first ball okay I got 15 line

students to use on this guy

blew his glasses off in his hat now he's is crazy

I like how he's still in a straitjacket though good oh okay I'm Kristin this

quarter maybe not drew just so hard cause you don't know what what's going

on I like how there's um we've got like equations written all

around the arena

yay one more bit okay do it hug one run


and undid him crazy so he earned professor polar I professor Ripper Roo

okay so now he's crazy again a tourist straitjacket to if you didn't notice his

hands were free when I beat fun fact I don't know if that means anything so

where are you where are you cortex you said you were gonna get with

me when I got five crystals and you didn't what's with that fine now I have

six so where are you I have them all or1 to

go up ok duh oh layers the layers they're liking the ogre and now we are

at the snow stages awesome Oh back hey friends I see that River

rule failed to prove much of a challenge yet again but back to business need not

there are crystals to be gathered 20 to be exact the planets will align shortly

all 13 of them and this will create a power great enough to rip the earth

apart properly utilized however the crystals can absorb and contain it

Craigie thank you I've been looking everywhere I don't know how much time to

tell you it you have to be careful trusting courgettes seems a little

unwise crash I can't open my closet I need to what excuse me what do you say

who's that oh hey is it time machine hey do you

want her - yes awesome now we can use Coco that's what I'm talking about

awesome possum so I'm gonna go ahead and finish the episode off here I know you

guys want to see more now there weren't the snow levels for any little guy hey

buddy oh my god yes that's the first level I'm

doing when I come back is Barrett also you keep the rides a little polar bear

baby but I'm so excited for that anyway our guys enjoyed if you guys did enjoy

make sure you slap that like button underneath the video and until next time

see you guys later



For more infomation >> RETURN OF THE RIPPER | N. Sane Trilogy | Cortex Strikes Back Pt.2 - Duration: 14:33.


Who Old Are You? -- DONG - Duration: 4:31.


Who old are you?

Is a DONG.

It's something you can do online now guys.

Enter your birthday into the site and it'll spit back a timeline that allows you to see

where you are in your life compared to other famous achievers.

Here's my info and as it turns out, Harrison Ford was a little younger than me when he

was in his first big movie.

But Michelangelo was older than me when he began painting the Sistine Chapel.

The museum of conceptual art has a similar site.

Type in your age and get a list of accomplishments others had made by that age.

This all reminds me of Wait But Why and a fantastic set of visuals they made.

If every one of these diamonds is a year, this is what 90 of them would look like.

So if you live to be 90 years old, this is how many years of life you'll have.

This is how many months you'll have.

And this is how many weeks you'll have.

Here's relatively how much of your life will be spent in things like elementary school,

middle school, high school, and so on.

It's cool and .. a little scary, to see your life like this.

But how much life do you have left?

I know when and how you will die but I'm not allowed to tell you.

Instead, get a rough idea from primiere magazine's interactive chart.

Enter your birthday and check out what proportion of the weeks you'll probably live you've

already lived.

Brain Anatomy features a 3D human brain you can rotate, look inside, and learn from

Whereas brain tree is a site that accesses your webcam to make you look all cool and

made of text.

Adjust elements like contrast, brightness, or font size which doesn't look like much

when it's too large.

Zoom in, out, and rotate it around to view your text selfie in all of its glory.

Now take those letters off your face and arrange them into words with

Word association.

Perhaps the largest compendium of what words people associate with other words.

Join in by typing the first thing that comes to mind when given a word.

The most common word associated with THAT word will then given.

Let me try this..ok

shaven, face, makeup, beautiful, awesome, good, head, butt, kicking, screaming, eagles,

fly, open, closed, door, slam, noise, silence, sound

At any time you can check the stats on a word to see what else people think of when they

see that word.

Degrees of wikipedia connects things for you.

This was a recommended DONG from twitter.

Type in any two topics you want and this site will find the number and name of the links

it took to get from one to another.

For example, dendrite and brain have a short connection with only "neuron" in between.

What's the longest link you can find?

Can you find one equal to the distance between

London and Auckland?

City extremes was initially built to answer the question of what city of at least 100,000

people is closest to Honolulu -- the answer, by the way, is Daly City, California.

The site now also includes furthest cities, closest foreign city, furthest domestic city,

and more.

So go ahead and give it a try...angle

With trigon.

This game has one rule and one chance at victory.

It's to match the triangle color to the corresponding line.

Suuuuper first.

You better stay alert because like I said one misstep costs you the game but that's

okay because you can just jump on over to

Jumpball, a multiplayer game where you move around and use the spacebar to jump and blast

other players.

Shift speeds it up and at the end you'll be given a rank and weight.

Now it's time for some soft, fluffy pancakes.

Uhh whuuu?

It's gone stale.

Don't turn stale yourself.

Keep your DONG reservoirs fresh by subscribing to this channel.

There's a playlist you can click on above.

Check out the curiosity box for cool stuff delivered right to your door.

And as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Who Old Are You? -- DONG - Duration: 4:31.


ERB | YanChan vs YanKun | Michaela Laws Reaction | AyChristene Reacts - Duration: 3:30.

Hey Buddies its ya girl AyChristene and a bunch of guys let me know like hey there's a new

epic rap battles of academic by Michaela laws this one is from between yandere

chan and younger queen okay yeah 300 I'm cool I don't know let me

know how to do that down below but he has been really excited because I loved

it but I loved the twist that she did with the ERV type of vibe and I'm

excited to see what she's got so finally cuz I description box below let's get


epic rap battles of academia I wonder if fu Jon Benet John Young but

a child versus okay young today cool it down baby trying to steal my senpai who

do you think you're dealing with trying to take him just know I have a knife at

home with your name on it a hero of the best really what if you avoid like a

fanboy please try and beat me there are many things that I could do that you

would never get okay I'm sure has the courage of taking claims 500 yeah a

rival to a chair and make her wish she was never born

drop it I'm sure you're missing some freaky cable porn it's funny huh well

they're so enamored of your position that all you can for your part for a

stories through fruition but you see that's all about rule 63 and characters

have an office exact counterpart like me I'm the time you don't wanna mess with

Oh like you're the other counterpart let's younger even and watch you got all

except our seasons to end up loving me I'll give you one

verse to back away and beg me for mercy ready that you're scary let me show you

something frightening it's in a world those social just lightening me give me

the stalker taking the house excuse me uh they cried wolf fur coat you've been

born a new day take a look oh well yeah crave my kiss the girl that is being

wronged founded by the factor that is now on first just want to wait lucify to

meet you sad pathetic whisper sweet you're fun for a dead man I'm not you're

wasting my gun I have to go make sure senpai Rachel told he's mine you'll take

him from me even catch a man that really think so let's dance

whoa whoa I like that one a lot of they're the big I really crazy at the

end I like that there's a male version a male counterparts to Y Andre because

especially nowadays like it you know I think that it's not as out there of a

story for a guy to have a crush on another guy as it was maybe I don't know

20 years ago if this was a game from 20 years ago and they did this then it

would be like women is this a different one but it I mean or employees of a dino

so it's really not a big deal but I think it's cool that they do have

a male counterpart that love senpai and will kill for him I actually appreciate

that so let me know your intestine well in the comment section if you like this

video has a life on that like button check me out on my second channel and my

social media subscribe here for more awesome path of them.this you and check

out the other things that were working on love you guys as always

For more infomation >> ERB | YanChan vs YanKun | Michaela Laws Reaction | AyChristene Reacts - Duration: 3:30.


GG LIVE | Bloodborne Chalice Dungeons #2 (PS4) - Duration: 3:15:27.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | Bloodborne Chalice Dungeons #2 (PS4) - Duration: 3:15:27.


50 nombres para niños por Q - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.

50 Baby boy names that start with Q



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres para niños por Q - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.


IG Boboka • Storm Spirit • 25 Kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 43:25.

IG Boboka • Storm Spirit • 25 Kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> IG Boboka • Storm Spirit • 25 Kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 43:25.


Random Editing in Geometry Dash - Duration: 5:01.

Get ready for the most unnecessary scene in my whole channel 8)

For more infomation >> Random Editing in Geometry Dash - Duration: 5:01.


Reptilianlar Ve Yeni Keşfedilen Reptilian Yuvası - Duration: 12:26.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Son yılların en önemli komplo teorisi haline gelen reptilianların askeri raporlara ve

turist kameralarına yansıyan görüntülerini ele alacağımız bir videoyla sizlerle berabreriz.

1999'da, David Icke, Gezegenin Babil Kardeşliği olarak adlandırılan Reptilian insansılar

ırkınca kontrol edilen Yeni Dünya Düzeni tarafından yönetildiğini iddia ederek şöyle

yazdı: "Benim kendi araştırmam, Reptilian kontrolünün ve manipülasyonunun başka

bir boyuttan dördüncü boyutun alt bölümünden yönetildiğini gösteriyor.

"Diğer insanlar, bunu alt astral boyut olarak bilir, kara büyü ritüelleri olan demonların

ve kötü niyetli varlıkların yuvası…"

Icke'ye göre, reptil melezi Reptilian – insan DNA'sı, onların eğer insan kanı içerlerse,

sürüngenden insan formuna değişmelerini sağlıyor.

Reptilian grubu bir çok ünlü/seçkin insanı ve pratik olarak her dünya liderini kapsıyor.Örneğin,

İngiltere'nin Ana Kraliçesi, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Harold Winson, Tony Blair.

Bu insanların ya kendileri Reptilian veya sürüngenler için çalışıyorlar.

Rothschilds, Rockefellers, İngiliz Kraliyet ailesi ve ABD'nin ve dünyanın geri kalanının

idareci politik ve ekonomik aileleri bu AYNI soydan geliyor.

Züppelik nedeni ile değil, genetik yapılarının sağladığını taşımak için – Reptilian

– memeli DNA kombinasyonu onların şekil değiştirmesini sağlıyor çünkü.

Icke, Galler Prensesi Diana'nın öldürülmesinin nedeninin, Diana'nın, Charles ve Camilla'nın

satanik bir ritüel ile kurban edilen bir çocuğa sahip olduklarını keşfetmesi olduğunu


Reptilian adı verilen varlıklarla ilgili ilk bilgiler ufoloji dahilinde yani ilk ufo

gözlemleriyle ortaya çıkmıştır.

Uzaylılar tarafından kaçırıldığını iddia eden insanların anlattıkları ortak

noktalardan edinilen bilgilerle, reptilianlar hakkında bildiklerimiz oluşmaya başlamıştır.

İnsanoğlu, dünya dışı yaşam ile tarih boyunca ilişki kurmuştur.

Bunun kanıtlarına birçok tarihi belgede hatta taş devrine ait mağara resimlerinde

dahi rastlamak mümkündür.

Ancak biz bu süreci yakın tarihimiz üzerinden incelemek istersek, çağdaş zamanlı dünya

dışı varlıklarla temas akımının, Polonyalı profesör "George Adamski" ile başladığını


Adamski, insana benzeyen uzaylılarla tanıştığını dile getiren ilk kişidir.

Yarı insan yarı sürüngenimsi görüntüsü olan reptilianlar en çok bilinen tür olsa

da Reptilian ırkının da kendi arasında üç-dört grubu bulunmakla birlikte en çok

rastlananlar iki ayağı üzerinde yürüyen; vücutları ve yüzleri kertenkele derisine

benzeyen, gözleri de sarı renkli, dikine çizgilerden oluşan adeta bir yılanın gözüne

benzer ve hipnotize etme gücüne sahiptirler.

Reptilianlar çok zeki varlıklar olup aşırı bir bilgi birikimine sahiptirler.

İnsanları etkisi altına alabilirler ve telepati gücüyle konuşurlar.

Varlıkların kendi aralarında sınıf farklılıkları ve hiyeraşiler bulunmaktadır.

Bu varlıklar arasında en az görülen tür "Drakolar"dır.

Drakolar süt beyazı bir ten rengine, kırmızı parlayan gözlere sahiptirler.

Bunlar kendilerini en üst varlık olarak görmektedirler.

Reptilianların vücutları hem enerjik hem de fiziki (madde) yapıya sahiptirler.

En önemlisi de bu varlıklar vücutlarını istediği şekle sokabilirler ve insanlara

istedikleri biçimde gözükebilirler.

Yani istediği bir hayvanın şeklini alabilir ya da daha da ilginci herhangi bir tanıdığınızın

görüntüsüne bürünebilirler.

Bu özelliklerinden dolayı bir çok kaynakta bunlardan şekil değiştiren olarak da bahsedilmiştir.

İnsanların zihnindeki önemli anıları tararlar ve o zihindeki en önemli kimse o

kişinin kılığına girmeyi tercih ederler.

Reptilianlarla temasa geçen bir kadının anlattığına göre kadın: evinde bir gece

uyanır ve ölmüş kocasının karşısında dikildiğini görür, kocasının ruhunun

kendisini ziyaret ettiğini düşündüğü anda o karşısındaki görüntü değişir

ve yeşil derili, yılan gözlü bir varlık şeklini alır.

Yaptığı araştırmalardan sonra kadın, bu varlığın reptilian olduğunu öğrenir.

Reptilianlar, istedikleri zaman görünmez olabiliyorlar, kapalı kapılar ve kalın

duvarların içinden geçebiliyorlar.

Tüm bu özellikler, bizlere sanki doğaüstü güçler gibi gelebilir ama bilim yeterince

geliştiğinde maddenin atomlarına hükmedecek bilgi birikimi oluştuğunda bu gibi eylemler


Kuantum fiziğine göre görünmezlik ve maddelerin birbiri içerisinden geçmesi mümkün olabilir.

Reptilianlar'ın etrafında manyetik alanlardan oluşan auralar mevcuttur.

Ellerinde 4 parmak bulunur, el ve ayakları pençe şeklindedir.

Bir süre önce basında Vietnam da dünyanın en büyük mağarası tespit edildi başlıklı

bir yazı gündeme geldi.

Laos-Vietnam sınırında bulunan Son Doong, 2013 yılında turistlik turlar için açıldığında,

ziyaretçilerinden en az bir kişinin kaybolup tekrar görülmemesi ile mağara ziyarete


Ayrıca Turistlerden mağara derinliklerinde ve karanlıkta gizemli sürüngen benzeri

insansı yaratıklar 'görüldüğüne dair raporlar tutulmaya başlanmış.

Yerel insanların onları 'şeytan yaratık.'

olarak nitelendirdiği muhtemelen reptilian olan bu yaratıklar ile defalarca karşılaştıklarını


Bölge halkının tasviri ile mağarada gördükleri insan vücuduna sahip ancak derileri ve yüzleri

bir 'ejderha' ya da kertenkeleye benzeyen varlıklar olduğu anlatılmaktadır.

Birkaç yıl önce, bu konu üzerinde kişisel deneyimlerini 3 e-posta ile derleyen bölgede

görev yapmış emekli bir asker konuyu araştıran gazeteciye ulaşır.

Vietnam'da bu tür anormal karşılaşmalar olduğunu özellikle Çinhindi'nin diğer

bölgelerinde söylentilerin ne denli fazla olduğunu anlatır.

Kendi ifadesi ile 1970 Yılında ABD ordusunda on başı olarak görev yaptığını Yaklaşık

30 Mil güneyde WMZ isimli bir bölgede güney Vietnam'a konuşlandırıldıklarını ikinci

takımın askerlerinden bir tanesi olduğunu, Ormanda bir kampta kaldıklarını ve bir

akşam vadide devriye emri aldıklarını bir uzman çavuş komutasında devriyeye çıktıklarında

girdikleri küçük bir vadide bir hareket tespit ettiklerini anlatır.

Önlerin de ki bu hareketli aktivite dağınıktır bu yüzden onların düşman askerleri olduklarını

düşünerek ağaçlar ve uzun çalıların arkasına siper alarak beklemeye başlarlar.

Ay o gece parlaktır ancak ne olduğunu tespit edecek yeterli aydınlık yoktur.

Yavaşça vadinin yukarılarına doğru hareket ederler.

Tepenin üzerinde dik bir duvara yaklaşırken biri yada bir şeyin önlerinde ki geçide

taş ve kayalıklar yığdığını görürler.

Yukarıda yaklaşık 15 ayak yüksekliğinde 13 ayak genişliğinde bir mağara girişi


Geçidi gözlemleyerek kenarları küçük ve pürüzsün aralıklarla oyulmuş olan

bu mağarayı net şekil de görürler.

Daha önce de düşman tarafından kazılmış buna benzer mağaralar görmüşlerdir.

Buranın da aynı şekil de düşmana ait bir besin veya silah deposu olduğunu düşünmüşlerdir.

Bu sebeple takım komutanı mağaranın araştırılmasını emreder ve mağaraya girerler.

O andan itibaren işler garip bir hal alır.

Hemen girişte bir çürük kokusu farkedilmektedir.

Koku yumurta ve çürümüş insan cesedini andırmaktadır.

Koku askerleri son derece rahatsız eder çünkü o kadar iğrenç ve keskin bir kokudur ki

bazı askerler mağaradan çıkarak ormana doğru çekilirler.

Başta çavuş olmak üzere olayı anlatan askerler bir şey görebilmek için ışıklarını

mağaranın derinliklerine tutarlar.

Ancak zayıf ışıkları ile bir şey görmeleri mümkün değildir ve içeride ne olduğuna

dair hiçbir fikirleri yoktur.

Daha iyi bir gözlem yapabilmek için mağara girişinde pozisyon alırlar onlar içeriyi

görmeye çalışırken mağaranın derinliklerinden guruldama sesleri işitirler.

Arkalarında ki orman sessizdir.

Çavuş kendi kendine çıkarımlar yaparken olayları anlatan askere yakın bir mesafededir.

Herkes bu seslerden ürkmüştür birkaç saat sonra ise şafak sökecektir.

Askerler harekete hazırdır.

Çavuş saatini kontrol eder neredeyse 5 tir.

Tam o anda mağarada bir hareketlenme olur.

Bir varlık ki ilk etapta askerler bunun bir insan olduğunu düşünürler.

Mağaranın derinliklerinden kapısına doğru hareket eder.

Aya kalktığında neredeyse 7 ayak yüksekliğindedir.

Hemen ardından bir başka yaratık daha ayaklanır.

Askerler siluetleri görmekte zorlansalar da kendilerine yaklaşan şeyin bir insan

olmadığını kavramışlardır.

Yaratıklar bir anda durur ve gözlerini askerlere dikerek tıslamaya başlarlar.

Zifir karanlıkta parlayan bu gözler dehşet vericidir.

Olayı anlatan asker bu yaratıkları açıklarken iki ayakları üzerinde duran dev kertenkelelere

benzediklerini söylemiştir.

Parlak pulları olsa da derileri koyu yeşil yer yer de kahve rengindedir.

İlk bakışta çok büyük yılan benzeri gözleri ve yüzleri hemen dikkat çekmektedir.

Pullu sürüngenimsi derileri olsa da kolları ve bacakları ile bir insanı da andırmaktadırlar.

Kuyrukları yoktur başlarından aşağıya kadar inen tek parça cübbe benzeri kapşonlu

bir kıyafet giymektedirler.

Ayakları pençeli olup çıplaktır.

Hiçbir emir verilememesine rağmen bu kısacık sessizlik bir anda silah sesleriyle bozulur.

Tüm askerler dehşet içinde bu varlıklara ateş açmaya başlarlar.

Çavuşun ateş kes emriyle kendine gelen askerler kafalarını kaldırdıkların da

hiçbir şey göremezler.

Mağara tamamen boştur.

Etrafı ararlar birkaç ayak izi dışında bir şey bulamazlar mağara girişine siper

alarak beklemeye balarlar.

Yaratıklar kaçmıştır.

Mağarayı biraz daha incelediklerin de her tarafa saçılmış insan iskeletleri parçalarına


Yaratıkların mağaranın derinliklerinden tekrar çıkma ihtimaline karşı mağaranın

girişini bomba ile patlatırlar.

Kampa döndüklerin de hepsi şaşkınlık içindedir.

Burada olayın anlatılıp anlatılmaması konusunda küçük bir tartışma yaşanır.

Çavuş detaylı bir rapor hazırlar.

Kısa bir süre geçtikten sonra çavuş apar topar görevinden alınarak birleşik devletlere

geri çağırılır ve Amerikan Ordusuna ait bir rehabilitasyon merkezin de 3 sene boyunca

kapalı tutulur.

Bu olayları tekrar gündeme getiren şey ise kaybolan turistlerden veya yerli halkın

rapor ettiklerinden daha çok mağaranın derinliklerin de bir turistin çektiği fotoğraf


Karanlıklar içerisinde belli olmayan sürüngensi varlık dikkatli bakıldığında seçilebilmektedir.

Fotoğrafı çeken turist yaratığın çok hızlı hareket ettiğini ve bir anda mağaranın

derinliklerine geri döndüğünü söylemiştir.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi ortamlarda

paylaşmayı yeni videolardan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna katılmak

için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın bir başka videoda daha görüşünceye kadar

hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar.

For more infomation >> Reptilianlar Ve Yeni Keşfedilen Reptilian Yuvası - Duration: 12:26.


المال ليس كل شي - court métrage - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> المال ليس كل شي - court métrage - Duration: 2:33.


Учим Буквы # ИгрАя. Буква Г, легКо и Просто на руСском Языке. - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Учим Буквы # ИгрАя. Буква Г, легКо и Просто на руСском Языке. - Duration: 2:38.


Youtube En ucuz Ekipman Toplama!EFSANE! - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Youtube En ucuz Ekipman Toplama!EFSANE! - Duration: 3:10.


志村けん お宝映像!懐かしの爆笑コント! - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 志村けん お宝映像!懐かしの爆笑コント! - Duration: 3:01.


#myAC SPOTLIGHT - Jason Gao - Duration: 1:55.

I'm Jason, and I'm from Mainland China, and I've been to Vancouver for about 3 years!

I really enjoy living here, I heard from my friends and they told me that

Alexander College offers students so many courses

and I really like the class size here!

I think it's the perfect size for a student. I was holding the Math club and it's good

for students to develop their skills on Mathematics and

I like to help students.

I've transferred to UBC this Summer, and I got an offer

from the Faculty of Arts, and it's quite a lucky thing!

I just want to graduate, run my own business, or have my own cafe!

The advisors gave me a lot of suggestions and helped me

to search for the courses that I can use to transfer!

Thank you guys very much, and I hope there are more students that can

transfer to UBC or SFU, other universities, and I think they can do a good job!

For more infomation >> #myAC SPOTLIGHT - Jason Gao - Duration: 1:55.


[FREE] Pierre Bourne x Lil Uzi x PlayBoi Carti Type Beat | Keys ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Pierre Bourne x Lil Uzi x PlayBoi Carti Type Beat | Keys ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:42.


Trailer | YHS Tv | Urdu\Hindi - Duration: 0:10.

No, I don't wanna waste what's left

No, I don't wanna waste what's left

And on and on we'll go

And on and on we'll go

And on and on we'll go


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