Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 15 2017

Hey guys! I'm Kuma-chan!

I'm the first cooking bear on YouTube!

Today, I am going to introduce very easy panookie by using a skillet!

It looks so delicious, doesn't it?

And don't forget subscribe Kuma-chan channel!

You don't want to miss my latest video!

Here we go!

First of all, whip the butter until becomes soften. Add sugar and mix well.


Chef! So sorry!!!

Beat the egg, then put this into the bowl little by little, maybe 3 times. Mix well.

Next, mix the bread flour and the baking powder and sift.

Knead them all together with a rubber spatula.

Spread the butter on the skillet all over, then put the dough into it.

Make it even, nice, and smooth.

Bake at 190℃(375℉) for 15 minutes.

Don't forget to preheat the oven!

Ok, all right!

It's done! Looks super good.

Oh, did you wonder if it was ok for me to touch this?

I am a stuffed animal, so it doesn't feel hot!

Wow, surface is pretty crispy.

Chef! Please give me some toppings!

Awww bananas and strawberries, wonderful job!

Vanilla ice cream! Great idea!

Chocolate syrup! Woo hoo!

Sprinkle Powder sugar,

cocoa powder,

and almond slices! Now perfect!

Open mouth!

So yummy! Outside is so crispy but the inside is so soft!

Yeah, this is the absolute hybrid sweet of pancakes and cookies!

Yum yum.

Thank you for all pictures!

They look so delicious.

Please share your pictures of dishes to Kuma-chan Channel introduced and illustrations of me.

Here is my email address.

I look forward hearing from you.

Thank you for watching!

You can watch the Japanese version of this panookie video at Twitter. Please follow!

See you at next time!

For more infomation >> Panookie スキレットで簡単にできちゃうパヌッキーの作り方 - Duration: 2:42.


Ascension Of Intimacy – The INherent Gifts Of Sacred Romance - Duration: 4:49.

Ascension Of Intimacy � The INherent Gifts Of Sacred Romance

by Gabriel Heartman,

Our intimate relationships are sacred grounds of getting to feel and see ourselves.

We GET to experience what is rumbling inside of us that has been kept at bay in our subconscious.

These parts of us that have been living is a safety zone of incognito through the protection

of our comfortability.

When our deepest desires begin to ring out into the cosmos, the mechanics of manifestation

begin to offer their services.

But when they do, it is meant to bring up what is needed in order to let in what is


We aren�t completely aware of what lies in the space between what we feel consciously

and what is in our unfelt wounding until we enter the arena of conscious relationship.

In unconscious unions, there are many reactions and emotions that are left untouched and unexpressed

in our part�s desire to maintain image and safety.

These are sacred unions in there own right as they are meant to serve us into a new dimension

of relationality when we have chosen that other sacred journey of growth and deepening.

These conscious relationships will manifest in ways that may or may not come in the ways

or forms parts of us may have expected.

They come to us to help elucidate the woundings and projections that are still residing inside

of us that, when held in conscious relationship inside of us, can bring us to new depths of

both inner and other intimacy.

However, there can be a LOT to feel and integrate along the way.

There can be a tendency for parts of us to exit, to go back to what was more comfortable

to them before.

This is a point where, if true growth, self-love, and intimacy are the ultimate desire, we hold

these parts within us and feel what the fear is truly about.

What experiences in this or another life are contributing to the need for retraction?

These can be difficult yet necessary to feel if we are to continue on our way to more authentic,

conscious, and intimate transactibility.

The way to Love!

Our vulnerable truth in any moment is our guide in this dance.

There is no guarantee we won�t step on our partners toes and cause some pain.

We aren�t meant to be perfect or �right� in the way we reveal ourselves.

In these moments, we cross bridges previously left uncrossed to change the timelines of

the old and create something new.

It may not be pleasurable, yet it could lead to something more pleasurable than what parts

of us were expecting or ironically afraid of in the first place.

For if the bond deepens and rises, what more is there to experience and how far might we

fall as it keeps going?

This is what is really at stake for these parts of us.

Being left with the pain of being hurt once again.

Yet with a true sense of an authentic, centered self, we are big enough to feel and hold our

way through the process.

Conscious romance is the next frontier for our evolution as a species.

Both inner and outer.

It starts inside of us first and extends outward.

It is why we are here in many ways.

To explore this deepening and expanding that can create a new world of possibility, creativity,

and aliveness.

Whatever happens in the process you can be guaranteed that you will experience and discover

more about You and what it is you really want from

Life and Love.

For more infomation >> Ascension Of Intimacy – The INherent Gifts Of Sacred Romance - Duration: 4:49.


Амиржон Маллаев дан ►янги клип 2017 ёқса классс лакай тжк каналда. - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Амиржон Маллаев дан ►янги клип 2017 ёқса классс лакай тжк каналда. - Duration: 3:14.


Bosey Bosey Bhabi | Bandhan | Jeet, Koyel Mallick | Raghav, Shreya Ghoshal | Jeet Ganguly | - Duration: 4:09.

"I'm thinking all day, How to repay your Kindness!"

"I'm thinking all day, How to repay your Kindness!"

"You've brought back my lost memories; in my life Slowly! Slowly!"

"I'm thinking all day, How to repay your Kindness!"

"When I look into your smiling face; It's memorizes my lost love's happiness"

"When I look into your smiling face; It's memorizes my lost love's happiness"

"My heart memorize lots memories; each and every second"

"My heart memorize lots memories; each and every second"

"Now I'm able to find her everyday; in you"

"I'm thinking all day, How to repay your Kindness!"

"few days back you were a stranger; now days I can't breath without you"

"few days back you were a stranger; now days I can't breath without you"

"What kind of magic is this: which is in my eyes?"

"What kind of magic is this: which is in my eyes?"

"You make me so Colorful"

"I'm thinking all day, How to repay your Kindness!"

"You've brought back my lost memories; in my life Slowly! Slowly!"

"I'm thinking all day, How to repay your Kindness!"

"I'm thinking all day, How to repay your Kindness!"

"Your Kindness!"

"Your Softness!"

For more infomation >> Bosey Bosey Bhabi | Bandhan | Jeet, Koyel Mallick | Raghav, Shreya Ghoshal | Jeet Ganguly | - Duration: 4:09.


Hãy gọi là cá Betta | Betta Chia Sẻ Kinh Nghiệm - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Hãy gọi là cá Betta | Betta Chia Sẻ Kinh Nghiệm - Duration: 3:21.


岡村隆史 母の言葉を思い出す…感動話!子供の頃「大きくなりたい」と願う岡村に、母が言い聞かせていた言葉とは・・・? - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> 岡村隆史 母の言葉を思い出す…感動話!子供の頃「大きくなりたい」と願う岡村に、母が言い聞かせていた言葉とは・・・? - Duration: 5:51.


The Sacred Meaning of the Pyramid - Duration: 4:30.

The Sacred Meaning of the Pyramid

Walk into any crystal shop and you will most likely see pyramid shapes on the top of crystal

clusters, orgone pyramids or even crystals fashioned into the shape of a pyramid.

This is not just because pyramids are a pretty shape, there is a deep symbolism here that

goes back centuries, all the way back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians and beyond.

I have always felt drawn to the pyramids of Egypt and while I haven�t yet visited them

in person, it is definitely on my bucket list!

It has long been believed that the pyramids were used as burial tombs for the Kings and

Queens of Egypt, however many researchers claim that this is just not true.

An alternative belief about the pyramids is that they were used as powerful healing chambers

and not as burial sites at all.

Perhaps the Egyptians had access to some advanced knowledge that we just don�t yet know about�

Pyramids are believed to be extremely sacred in many cultures around the world.

Many churches are built with pyramid-like steeples and ancient pyramid structures can

be found not just in Egypt, but in South America and parts of Asia.

The Native Americans also sat in tipis to conduct rituals and ceremonies, which have

a pyramid like shape to them.

It was believed that this shape helped to connect them with the earth and the heavens


In fact, what makes a pyramid so powerful is its ability to channel or collect energy

from the higher realms of the stars, the planets and the Universe and deliver it down to earth.

The bottom of the pyramid represents a solid, earthy foundation, whereas the pointed top

represents being able to reach into higher realms of consciousness.

Because of its shape, any energy that enters the pyramid has the ability to be cleansed

and purified.

Almost like the pyramid acts like a filter of sorts.

This is because pyramids are said to generate negative ions which can balance the body�s

electromagnetic field and deliver healing.

By sitting inside a pyramid, it is believed that your energy centers can be balanced and

it becomes easier to receive messages from your intuition and higher beings.

Your aura can also be recharged and can appear much brighter.

Placing food, herbs and other supplements inside a pyramid has also been shown to increase

their effectiveness and can actually help to preserve their structure.

Crystals can also be more effectively charged in a pyramid structure and meditating inside

a pyramid is also said to enhance the benefits and reduce stress.

Pyramids also have the ability to absorb harmful EMF�s and other energetic frequencies that

are damaging to your health.

We live in an energetic Universe, and geometrical shapes have the ability to change and influence

the direction of energy.

Different shapes hold different energies, and these energies can influence us in subtle

and also profound ways.

It is a still a mystery as to how the ancient Pyramids of Egypt were built, but it definitely

seems like they had some type of healing power that we have perhaps forgotten.

For more infomation >> The Sacred Meaning of the Pyramid - Duration: 4:30.


Ξ喬治英文Ξ Audio Story Book: Mankind & Monsters 有聲書系列:人類與怪獸 - Duration: 5:26.

Mankind and Monsters, a storybird book by Nick Chen

Illustrated by Cabinet of Curiosities. we are called monsters by mankind we are

left behind. Unwilling as we are, we can only live on the mound, the place so very

far. People believe we leave them afraid in despair. People think we scare.

People believe we make them sob. People think we rob. People believe we act

crazily, indeed. People think we speed.

People believe we are much more cunning than any liar. People think we conspire.

People believe we have plenty of things to conceal. People think we steal. Yet, are

we really a threat? Do we really make them friend? After the sundown, a curious

girl decided to leave town. As everyone was sleeping, Eve snuck into the mound,

creeping. The next morning, Eve's dad, Santa Claus, found out he had a big loss. On the

bedside stand, there was a letter lying. He immediately opened it, sighing. Dear dad,

sorry to leave without letting you know beforehand.

Knowing that you would stop me, writing a letter it's what I planned.

I really need to leave and see the world outside, hoping that you will

understand. Love, Eve. The letter trembling in Santa's hand. There was much danger on

the mound. Santa wished his lovely daughter

safe and sound. Santa promptly started off with the

guidance of Rudolph. After days of searching and seeking, Santa found

something surprisingly shocking. We "the monsters" are not what people perceive

never thieve, never deceive. Let alone hurting Eve. Mr. Frankenstein collects little

parts. Mr. Lion performs juggling arts. Miss Skeleton has fun with her pet. Miss

Elephant enjoying her bike in spite of the sweat. Mr. Werewolf trims his own

hair. Mr. Crocodile flies high in the air. Miss Witch vacuums in the afternoons.

Miss Dragon free-mindedly croons. Mr. Phantom does ironing. Mr. Wolf loves

gardening. Where was Eve, the little girl pursued naive? She had all of us, the

monsters, as her friend. Because of us, her laughter shall never end.

After taking Eve home, Santa mailed people in the world, even in Rome. To

tell every single soul, we, the monsters, are not out of control. Always grateful!

Always thoughtful! Moreover, wonderful! Soon, popular as we are, mankind invites

us to every party in a bar. We are called "monsters" never. And welcome by

mankind forever. The End. If you are interested in this book, you can email me,

send me a message, and I will email it to you, for free. Thank you for listening to

the story.

For more infomation >> Ξ喬治英文Ξ Audio Story Book: Mankind & Monsters 有聲書系列:人類與怪獸 - Duration: 5:26.


Power Rangers (2017) Blu-ray CLIP | Trini Talks About Herself 'Campfire' Scene | HD - Duration: 5:00.

All right.

If I weren't stuck in this wall,

I would eat that junk food!

What happened back there?

Nothing. Don't worry about it.

Billy, how'd you do it?

How'd you morph?

I don't know.

What are you guys thinking about when we're trying to morph?

You must shed your masks to wear this armor.

Think only of each other

and the morphing grid will open to you.

Yeah, that's better.

Well, maybe it's because we don't know each other.

Maybe that's why we can't morph.


No, I'm serious. Let's do this. For real.

- What? - I'm Zack.

And I am a Power Ranger.

Hi, Zack.

Truth: I live in the Melody Mobile Home Park.

It's just me and my mom.

And my mom?

My mom is the best!

But my mom, she's sick.

I do what I can, but...

but I'm scared.

Sometimes I get too scared to stay there at night, 'cause...

'cause I'm afraid she can't make it.

And if she goes...

when she goes,

I got nobody else.

Look, I think being with you guys is good for me.

Let's do that.

Let's tell our secrets. It'll... it'll help us.

Okay, I got a secret.

- I like country music. - What?

No, matter of fact, I love country music.

And I don't...

I don't miss my dad as much.

I mean, coming to the mine with him was all I had.

But coming to the mine with you guys is just as good.


Bigger secret is why were you in detention?

- I blew up my lunchbox. - What?

What, it was a accident, okay?

- Of course. - My lunchbox was in my locker.

Boom goes the lunchbox, in detention goes Billy.

But let's not forget that Kimberly Hart was also in... in detention, too, so...

Not tonight.

Skip me.

What about you, dude?

Why don't you tell us who you really are?

Because everyone knows exactly who I am.


What about you, crazy girl?

I could tell you anything and you'd have to believe me.

Okay, um...

I'm the new girl. Always.

Three schools in three years.

What's crazy is I like it that way. You know, it's just easier.

Nobody ever has to get to know me and uh,

my parents don't have to worry about my relationships.

Boyfriend troubles?

Yeah. Boyfriend troubles.

Girlfriend troubles?

My family is so normal.

Too normal.

They believe in labels.

They'd like for me to, um... dress differently.

Talk more.

Have the kind of friends they want me to have.

It's just... I don't know how to tell them what's really going on with me.

And I've never said any of this out loud.

Well, it's cool. You're with us now.

Am I?

What does that mean?

When all this is over.

Are we Power Rangers or...

are we friends?

For more infomation >> Power Rangers (2017) Blu-ray CLIP | Trini Talks About Herself 'Campfire' Scene | HD - Duration: 5:00.


Is The KPOP Craze REAL? I Had To See With My Own Eyes!!! - Duration: 14:39.

So today

No - all throughout this week

London has been

The weather has been so lovely

So it's been very enjoyable

And now

The sun is shining brightly and there are some clouds

There's also a cool breeze so

I'm going to go have a picnic at the park

and go buy some strawberries

It's strawberry season in London

There are lots of strawberries

Look at the weather

Picnic blanket!

I brought something to sit on

I'm taking strawberries as well

To the local park!

To be honest this video isn't about the picnic

I wanted to talk you guys about what happened yesterday

That is why I am filming right now

I was going to make a fun episode about yesterday but

It was too hectic

And I ran out of battery while filming

So I couldn't film properly

I'm going to make this like a chat with you guys

So kinda like recounting my day to you..

I'm going to tell you about yesterday!


It's Sunday today, so it was Saturday yesterday

A festival occurring in England

Occurring in London

There was a Korean festival

And there were heaps of people

I was invited around 2-3 weeks ago

I was kinda dumbfounded

because I was invited as a VIP guest through e-mail

So I got to attend the festival

I did not know there would be that many people

The moment I arrived it was so crazy

And the first thought I had upon arriving was:

"Whatever I say my voice is not going to be picked up in the recording"

It was an odd feeling

Being in London and seeing English people enjoying Korean culture

And the highlight for me was

It was this

Joel and Dan were MC's!

So morning till night

they were both MCing

And both Dan and Joel are such characters

I was a bit worried

I thought, "Could they MC with no problem?"

But seeing them professionally MC

I was so proud as a friend

Josh was also proud

It was really cool to see

They were both very well-spoken

They were running the program very well

And I loved seeing that

Oh I've arrived at the park!

And by now you're probably thinking,

Is Gabie eating strawberries without washing them?

It's organic so it should be fine

Mmm yummy!

Anyways after that

The first floor was jam packed

The second floor was packed as well.. and there was food at that level

It was where they sold food (2nd level)

They also sold different products

To get to the second floor

The waiting time would be 40-45 minutes

And I arrived a bit late so

I didn't even have time to wait and the event finished

And then

Sydney was invited as well

With Sydney and her fiancé

We met up

We went to a nearby pub

The event in the afternoon and evening are different

So we have a three-hour gap

Two hours? Yes two hour gap

So I'm meeting up with Sydney

We're going to eat dinner and go back

But in London when the sun comes out

The sun shines so brightly it hurts.. so we couldn't stay out for long

We moved indoors

Out bums were getting hot so we decided to indoors

But it was hot indoors as well

Because in England air conditioning is rare

But surprisingly though this was an English pub,

It was a fusion pub

There was Italian and Spanish food

So we ordered paella and traditional English sausage and mash

And we had Italian prosciutto and salami

And shared it all together

We enjoyed our meals

We returned back to the festival

Because at night it was a concert

The invited people had to go upstairs so we went up

We're still entering

We're upstairs

I think it's worse to be upstairs

It's too far!

Way too far

It was really cool to see

Very surreal

Oh you've arrived

Are you filming?

Hey guys

Ok so then..

EXID and Highlight

Snowper? and KNK

The four groups came

It was so cool to see!

To see this many people knowing Korean culture

Because of K-pop,

people are looking and finding interest in Korean culture

I really felt that

It was really great to see

I learnt that there were so many people in England

who know and find interest in Korean culture

It was shocking for me

Seeing non-Koreans

recognising me, Sydney, Josh, Joel and Dan

and asking to take photos

and saying they watch our videos

It was so, so cool to see

I was just really dumbfounded the entire time

I was just in awe

I was like is this real or a dream?

It felt really weird

And the concerts were really entertaining

*The moment I was proud of Joel and Dan!

I realized K-pop is so influential

these idol groups

are really promoting our country

they play such an important role

K-dramas as well..

TV programmes as well

Idols, actors and actresses,

They're playing a massive a role

I felt that the influence is powerful

And of course, my husband Josh did a great job as well! Right?

I was really proud

I felt that we were getting something done

I do not know the idol groups in person

but I was still proud of them

and seeing K-pop

Seeing that many English people

Gathering to dance and sing along,

Seeing how they were loving it

I was very thankful and really proud

If you are studying or working abroad and encounter these sorts of festivals

Please go and check it out!

It's really cool

You'd be proud and inspired

You'd think, "Wow, they admire and care about our culture"

because of the singers and actors

these great performances and songs

our country is being noticed

Come to think of it, I met Josh at K-con in L.A.

*2014 Nostalgic moment where I met Josh:KCON

But the feel in KCON was slightly different

It was a bit more...

Wasn't it different?

Because KCON....

Kinda.. there were a lot of Korean-Asians

You're right there were lots of Korean-Americans

Haha did I say Korean-Asians?

But yesterday it was super diverse

There were a lot of black people,

Heaps of middle-eastern people,

Lots of caucasians,

And that was really cool to me

In the U.S, because we are Asians

They were more familiar to us

But yesterday

It was shocking

To see such diverse group of people

Different cultures and races

gathering for celebrate Korean culture

that was awesome to see


And also I want to say hi to all the people who took photos with us!

It was so hectic yesterday

that I seemed so out of it when you guys approached me

I was like "huh?"

I couldn't adjust to the environment

Witnessing it with my own two eyes and feeling it

Felt it in my skin (?)

I saw the power of Hanryu (Korean Influence) in London

Also the strawberries here are delicious

Was that you?

Also I didn't get to talk to Dan and Joel properly

You guys did an amazing job

And I hope that you both become people who spread Korean culture

I hope you guys enjoyed having a picnic talk with me!

I will see you guys next time :)


Bye everyone!

For more infomation >> Is The KPOP Craze REAL? I Had To See With My Own Eyes!!! - Duration: 14:39.


GIANT Shaved Ice Shop in Tokyo (Gram Factory) - Duration: 6:51.

yo! natalia natchan here

so how many of you guys have been experiencing this lately?

ok, im leaving now

hey so. im not coming today

okay so maybe

its not possible to just cancel on people like that

but... in general.. tokyo is HOT

and when i was living in America (St. Louis)

it was pretty damn hot

and it was very humid like tokyo

but in st louis, we all drive

so we dont have this whole "walk out of the house

start dripping in sweat

and makeup melting off" type of heat

and since ive come to japan

I've just been amazed with japanese girls and the perfect makeup

you are all so tough

i've decided i need to become a bit more

tough since coming to japan.

but im wondering how to enjoy this heat

if i was in america, i'd just stay inside

and maybe play games or something.

but i want to DO something

since I'm in Japan!

so when i think of summer, i think of "ice cream" or "shaved ice"

and one of my cute friends actually sent me a link to this one shop

where you can create your own shaved ice

and we dont have that in missouri

so today i want to go

and make my own shaved ice

lets go!

i just arrived in shimokitazawa

but i'll meet with one more pershon

pershon? person.

i wonder who it is~

it's 'etsu da yooo" (etsuyo)

it's so hot natchan!

i was actually wondering if i should just cancel because it's so hot

no way

you just go straight here!

this outfit is so cute!

no way! thank you!

we kind of match today

white sneakers and half socks

with shorts and a small backpack

and a tshirt and cap

you're cute as always!

how many times have you been here?


well the first time actually i came here, i fell in love

so i came like three times in one week

but after that i got bored of it

what did you fall in love with? the used clothing or what?

the used clothes and... well I just like the vibe

yeah it's kind of a unique shopping street

its close to shibuya so it's convenient, but it's not like "the city"

oh yeah!

well.. i've been coming here for awhile

so it's kind of normal.. but

it's a lot like how you were saying "its the city but not TOO much city"

and it's really easy to come here

looks good

its huge

so you pick from here, and then make it on your own?

yep. this is the basic one and then you put your toppings

you put a lot of oreos..

they add up the price depending on how much you take

i dont wanna know the calories in this

can you even eat all that?

don't break the pocky!

how much pocky is enough...?

length? how many?

3 or 4?

your plate is dark

what did you get? wait... you barely got anything

i didn't get too much but i wanna put haribo on top

it's gonna melt!

yep. the melting has started

this definitely wont go together

hurry! hurry and put them there!

wait wait

its cute though!

no its not!

it's kind of "japanese style"

oh yeah i can see that

time to eat

how is it?

everything is milk flavor?

the top is kind of fluffy...

what is it?

i have no idea what you're saying

can i try?

yeah its good!

the white circles

oreo party!

the oreos have appeared!

the ice in the middle is really smooth and fluffy.. it's weird

i guess yours isnt so fluffy anymore though


now you just have oreos at the top

why did i put so many??

the fluffy part is so good!

it's weird that it doesn't melt though! i wonder how they make it like that

yours wont melt!

you got yours first, but it wont melt

you're right! why!?

does chocolate melt easier?

it's because the oreos soaked up all the moisture!!


what are you what-ing at??

you just gave me the most "what" look ever

it was delicious!

lets go again!

For more infomation >> GIANT Shaved Ice Shop in Tokyo (Gram Factory) - Duration: 6:51.


Xuka sand painting - Learn Color For Kids - Duration: 13:38.


For more infomation >> Xuka sand painting - Learn Color For Kids - Duration: 13:38.


Paulownia Tomentosa from seed | Update - Duration: 3:02.

Hi I'm George :) In this video I will show you the Paulownia tomentosa which I grow from seed

And I only stayed with two plants, so only two plants survived

And I want to show you how they developed, so

until they grow in pots and is all ok

And I'll show you

Do not scare my voice, what's a little different

That I fix my teeth, and have teeth problems

Soon everything will be ok

Well, and I want to show you how paulownia looks

I'm glad that grew from seed

When I was watching, they were small small paulownias

And now they are bigger and grow very well

They're not that big, but anyway it's great

Here is paulownia, now I lit the led on the phone as it is in the evening and it is not quality

look how they look at leaves, looks good

I do not have much time to take care of them, and I keep them out and the ground dries quickly

As you've seen rarely post videos lately

And this is the second paulownia

At this ground is ok


But at this ground is dry, and I will wet it right now

And look, they grew so well

I do not know, I did not think it would grow like that

Were so small, small

Just remember, when we planted with tweezers

I removed them from the container and planted them in the ground

And now I've watered them

It is recommended to spray on the leaves, to add fertilizer

But as I said, now I do not have time

And it's ok, look how it is

So I can remove these leaves but I will think

It seems like I will eliminate them for that

It's dry and I do not like what it looks like

What is dry is not good, and I think that I'll remove it after I'm done filming

Compared to the paulownia that Sorin gave me

Those are very big compared to this

Have large leaves, but these are small yet

But I'm glad I did, and grow them from seed

And that's very cool

When you grow some from seed

And thise I wanted to show you

So thank you for watching, leave a like

And share this video

I wish you a good day, we'll see you next time

bye :)

For more infomation >> Paulownia Tomentosa from seed | Update - Duration: 3:02.


How to Design an Outdoor Living Room - HGTV - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> How to Design an Outdoor Living Room - HGTV - Duration: 1:38.


* LUMTURI il record 88' completo @SPietraCaprina - Duration: 1:27:42.

For more infomation >> * LUMTURI il record 88' completo @SPietraCaprina - Duration: 1:27:42.


衝撃 修羅場話!子供を車に乗せたら、なぜか全てのドアがロックされてしまった… - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> 衝撃 修羅場話!子供を車に乗せたら、なぜか全てのドアがロックされてしまった… - Duration: 3:45.


Flag and anthem of Morocco - Duration: 1:03.

Root of the free

Rising place of the Lights,

Forum of glory and its protector,

May you perpetuate as its forum and its protector.

May you live among the homelands

As an address for grandeur

Filling every garden

conveyed by every tongue.

With the spirit, with the body,

Your son has come to answer your call.

In my mouth and in my blood,

Your love stirred up as light and fire.

Let's go brothers! Heading for grandeur,

Making the world witness that we here perpetually live

With the motto:

God, homeland,

With the motto: God, homeland, king.

For more infomation >> Flag and anthem of Morocco - Duration: 1:03.


ESL Cologne 2017 - Duration: 6:15.

I've just about recovered from ESL Cologne now, so here's a brief video showing it

from my perspective.

I believe I was able to speak to even more people this time than last year.

And it seems that this was the first CS:GO event that many of you have attended.


For me, the Cologne major in 2016 was my first event.

And a first for many other things as well, not least of all meeting other Youtubers and

professional CS:GO players.

I came away from it thinking 'wow!' and wanting to return for this year.

And I guess that I was worried that trying to repeat it again would some how ruin the

experience a bit.

Surely the second time couldn't be as good as the first and so on.

Plus, this year it wasn't a major!

But I needn't have feared.

It was just as exciting, the games played were better and the feeling of being recognised

as I walk down the street is still kind of cool!

I hope to attend again next year as well, Cologne is a really great and friendly place

even if I'm still a bit confused by the train tickets getting from the airport to

the city centre.

It goes without saying that the Lanxess Arena is an incredible place.

The maze of stairs everywhere may look like something out of a David Bowie movie but it

actually makes navigating the place super easy.

The crowd was massive and the stage super cool looking, complete with an all-new bomb

timer count-down line thingy.

Really, I don't need to talk about this too much, the arena is exactly what you'd

hope it would be for this kind of event.

Being in a place like this is unlike anything else I've ever been to.

It's total sensory overload -in a good way- but it does mean that it's harder to follow

the matches here than it is at home when sat in front of my computer screen.

Although the players are sat on the stage in front of you, you'll still spend most

of the time staring at them on the screens instead.

And you can have just as much fun looking away from the game and towards the crowd and

all of the cool stuff that goes on there.

You guys were amazing.

I loved the ESL letters you spelled out using your phones.

I LOVED the Australians doing shoeys on the ground floor.

And the rest of you were okay too 😉 Spent a lot of time sitting in different places

because every bit of the arena has its own feel and I never know who I'm going to meet.

As usual there were a load of tents and events outside of the arena to keep you entertained

when the matches weren't on.

There really isn't a dull moment at events like this.

If you're familiar with any of the team's logos and colours then you'll feel at home

wherever you walk in the city centre as you can't go a street without seeing at least

a few groups of CS:GO fans walking about.

It's such a friendly atmosphere.

As though the world of CS:GO is squished into a small area for a few short and sunny days.

I also finally got to see the sights of the city.

I saw the inside of the impressive Dom cathedral, which I certainly recommend seeing since it's

really really big.

It's like 500 foot tall and everything.

That's half the height of the SHARD!

And there was also a LGBTQ+ pride parade going on in the city for the weekend.

A colourful, busy affair with FANTASTIC music choice.

Gay pride in the day, CS:GO in the afternoon and parties at night.

This year, ESL hosted nightly events for CS:GO players to attend.

For this, hundreds of fans hopped on a bus and got off in the middle of nowhere, following

the lights sounds and signs to the party.

Or so we thought we were.

Some people I spoke to snuck into this event and were somewhat surprised to find so many

topless bodies and affectionate young men at the event.

That's because there was a pride party taking place right next door to the CS:GO event!

Fortunately, for those of us who queued up like respectable citizens, they were kind

enough to let us know that this was the 'sexy' party and that the 'gamer' party was around

the next corner.

This event ranks well beyond the best house parties I've ever seen, sporting a basketball

court, gaming computers, dancefloors, Australians drinking out of shoes and so on.

I'm not the biggest socialiser normally but I can't emphasise enough how amazing

it is to be at an event where everybody shares a passion for CS:GO.

You guys were amazing and had I been in a class with any of you you'd have been one

of my best friends.

There's really nothing like it outside of CS:GO tournaments.

Australians are great, by the way.

It took them 3 days to travel to the event and they sure as hell made the most of it,

being some of the friendliest and craziest people I've ever met.

I really enjoyed the game of beer pong I had with you, even if I lost and ended up drinking

most of the cups.

Which I don't understand.

Bit like drinking chess, you'd think it should be the winner who should drink to try

and balance things out.

But hey.

I wasn't complaining!

Also had a night out where I hung around Houngoungne and his friends who seemed intent on eating

giant crickets, maggots and mealworms.

I guess it's just a French thing!

We then travelled to the city centre where we visited an esports bar …of course.

I tried gaming on one of the computers, but who knows what's installed on them so fearing

a VAC ban I stuck to insecure servers and quickly met an army of spin botters.

Probably not the best place to go if you want to play the game but certainly great if you

want a good time with lots of other CS:GO players!

And then on the final night was the mysterious Twitch Afterparty, but what goes on there

stays there.

But I got consent from Bananagaming to share this picture of us two having a merry old


But this event certainly didn't help with the 24 hour coach journey I had the following


I promised myself after last time that I wouldn't do the coach again… but those tickets are

so darn cheap!

If you plan on doing something similar then be sure to bring a V-shaped pillow.

It really can be torture without one.

Still suffered from sleep paralysis when I got home, much like I did last year.

Definitely something to do with complete and utter exhaustion.

Still worth it.

Accommodation-wise, I was in the difficult situation of having booked last minute.

Like, a week before going.

I got accommodation, but it was in a different place every night which is extra hassle and

early mornings are kind of uncomfortable after the late nights that everybody tends to have

at these events.

I certainly suggest booking in advance if you plan to go next year… or to do the high

risk high reward strat of waiting 'till the night before, where I suddenly found several

very cheap rooms available where people had obviously cancelled last minute.

But waiting this late is a gamble.

And gambling is bad.

So don't do it.

Any way!

That's my account of Cologne 2017.

I absolutely loved every bit of it apart from a messy bit at the end of the Twitch party

and can't wait to do it all again and to meet everybody who says 'hi' to me.

I'm sure that other Youtubers will also be posting videos about the event, meeting

them all in person shows me just how nice everybody is.

It's made me prouder to be a part of Counter Strike's community.

I hope that it's around for many years to come.

Shame that Cologne wasn't a major this year, but like I said I don't think it suffered

for it, still the same quality as last year, still a full crowd and hey- now we have an

upcoming major to look forward to as well.



Win win win win win.

For more infomation >> ESL Cologne 2017 - Duration: 6:15.


BÓNG ĐÁ HÀI HƯỚC(Funny Football).Tổng hợp những tình huống bi hài nhất trong bóng đá.P6 - Duration: 17:27.

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