Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 15 2017

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on the Passage of H.R. 2664, H.R. 2480, and H.R.



The White House Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

July 12, 2017

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on the Passage of H.R. 2664, H.R. 2480, and H.R.


My Administration is focused on ending the horrific practice of human trafficking, and

the three bills the House of Representatives passed today are important steps forward.

Since taking office, I have met with courageous survivors, non-profit groups, and faith leaders

who are devoting tremendous energy to raising awareness about human trafficking.

I am hopeful that the Senate will take up and pass these three bills as soon as possible

and I look forward to my continued work with the Congress on this important issue.

This article (Statement from President Donald J. Trump on the Passage of H.R. 2664, H.R.

2480, and H.R. 2200) was originally published on The White House.

More Information:

H.R. 2664 � Enhancing Detection of Human Trafficking Act

To direct the Secretary of Labor to train certain Department of Labor personnel how

to effectively detect and assist law enforcement in preventing human trafficking during the

course of their primary roles and responsibilities, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress




This Act may be cited as the �Enhancing Detection of Human Trafficking Act�.




In this Act the term �human trafficking� means an act or practice described in paragraph

(9) or (10) of section 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C.





(a) In General.�Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the

Secretary of Labor shall implement a program to�

(1) train and periodically retrain relevant personnel across the Department of Labor that

the Secretary considers appropriate, how to effectively detect and assist law enforcement

in preventing human trafficking during the course of their primary roles and responsibilities;


(2) ensure that such personnel regularly receive current information on matters related to

the detection of human trafficking, including information that becomes available outside

of the Department�s initial or periodic retraining schedule, to the extent relevant

to their official duties and consistent with applicable information and privacy laws.

(b) Training Described.�The training referred to in subsection (a) may be conducted through

in-class or virtual learning capabilities, and shall include�

(1) methods for identifying suspected victims of human trafficking and, where appropriate,

perpetrators of human trafficking;

(2) training that is most appropriate for a particular location or environment in which

the personnel receiving such training perform their official duties;

(3) other topics determined by the Secretary to be appropriate reflecting current trends

and best practices for personnel in their particular location or professional environment;

(4) a clear course of action for referring potential cases of human trafficking to the

Department of Justice and other appropriate authorities; and

(5) a post-training evaluation for personnel receiving the training.




Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter,

the Secretary of Labor shall report to the appropriate congressional committees on the

training provided to the personnel referred to in section 3(a), including�

(1) an evaluation of such training and the overall effectiveness of the program required

by this Act;

(2) the number of cases referred by Department of Labor personnel in which human trafficking

was suspected and the metrics used by the Department to accurately measure and track

its response to instances of suspected human trafficking; and

(3) the number of Department of Labor employees who have completed such training as required

by this Act.

Passed the House of Representatives July 12, 2017.



H.R. 2480 � Empowering Law Enforcement to Fight Sex Trafficking Demand Act

To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to include an additional

permissible use of amounts provided as grants under the Byrne JAG program, and for other


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress




This Act may be cited as the �Empowering Law Enforcement to Fight Sex Trafficking Demand





Section 501(a)(1) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3751(a)(1))

is amended by adding at the end the following:

�(I) Programs to combat human trafficking (including programs to reduce the demand for

trafficked persons).�.

Passed the House of Representatives July 12, 2017.



H.R. 2200 � Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization

Act of 2017

To reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress




This Act may be cited as the �Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and

Protection Reauthorization Act of 2017�.




The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1.

Short title.

Sec. 2.

Table of contents.


Subtitle A�Programs To Support Victims And Persons Vulnerable To Human Trafficking

Sec. 101.

Grants to assist in the recognition of trafficking.

Sec. 102.

Preventing future trafficking in the United States through receipt of complaints abroad.

Sec. 103.

Modification to grants for victims services.

Subtitle B�Governmental Efforts To Prevent Human Trafficking

Sec. 111.

Required training to prevent human trafficking for certain contracting air carriers.

Sec. 112.

Priority for use of funds for lodging expenses at accommodations lacking certain policies

relating to child sexual exploitation.

Sec. 113.

Ensuring United States procurement does not fund human trafficking.

Sec. 114.

Training course on human trafficking and Government contracting.

Sec. 115.

Modifications to the advisory council on human trafficking.

Sec. 116.

Sense of Congress on strengthening Federal efforts to reduce demand.

Sec. 117.

Sense of Congress on the senior policy operating group.

Subtitle C�Preventing Trafficking In Persons In The United States

Sec. 121.

Demand reduction strategies in the United States.

Sec. 122.

Designation of a labor prosecutor to enhance State and local efforts to combat trafficking

in persons.

Sec. 123.

Preventing human trafficking in foreign missions and diplomatic households.

Sec. 124.

Ensuring that traffickers help pay for care for victims.

Subtitle D�Monitoring Child, Forced, And Slave Labor

Sec. 131.

Sense of Congress.

Sec. 132.

Report on the enforcement of section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930.

Sec. 133.

Modification to list of child-made and slavery-made goods.


Subtitle A�Efforts To Combat Trafficking

Sec. 201.

Including the Secretary of the Treasury and the United States Trade Representative as

a member of the interagency task force to monitor and combat trafficking.

Sec. 202.

Encouraging countries to maintain and share data on human trafficking efforts.

Sec. 203.

Appropriate listing of governments involved in human trafficking.

Sec. 204.

Requirements for strategies to prevent trafficking.

Sec. 205.

Expansion of Department of State rewards program.

Sec. 206.

Briefing on countries with primarily migrant workforces.

Sec. 207.

Report on recipients of funding from the United States Agency for International Development.

Subtitle B�Child Soldier Prevention Act Of 2017

Sec. 211.


Sec. 212.

Amendments to the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008.


Sec. 301.

Authorization of appropriations under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.

Sec. 302.

Authorization of appropriations under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization

Act of 2005.

Sec. 303.

Authorization of appropriations for enhancing efforts to combat the trafficking of children.

Sec. 304.

Authorization of appropriations under the International Megan�s Law.

Sec. 305.

Authorization of appropriations for airport personnel training to identify and report

human trafficking victims.

For more infomation >> Statement from President Donald J Trump on the Passage of H R 2664, H R 2480, and H R 2200 - Duration: 11:56.


How I Color Grade My Videos - Duration: 6:59.

this week's video is about how I turn this shot into this shot this video is

one that I've gotten quite a few requests for from you humans it's about

how I color grade the shots in my videos whether that be cinematic videos vlogs

or a video like this it's all the same now obviously I'm not saying that this is

the right way to color grade or the best way to color grade this is just a style

that I try to go for that I think looks good so that's what I aspire to I

take a lot of grading inspiration from people like jesse wellens and this vlog

channel called finsgames I'll link them both in the description but if you

do not have your footage yet I would definitely recommend shooting with a

flat picture profile that means you have your camera set to get a shot that has

very low contrast and saturation that makes it a lot easier and gives you more

control when you're grading later on and before this starts I'd also like to

specify that I do not use LUTs or look-up tables which are basically very

good presets for color grading I recognize that they're very beneficial

they're very practical and most people use them and I respect that but

personally for me color grading is a lot of fun so I prefer to do it all myself

and I just think that using a LUT takes a little bit of the fun out of it so I

prefer not to so the first thing that I do when grading is white balance

correction you just drag the white balance effect onto your clip and then

use the eyedropper and drag that to a white part of your image for example you

can see that I have some white walls behind me there's a white part of the

shirt that I'm wearing any of those would work what that effect will do is

take your clip and adjust the temperature the warm ore more cool

temperature adding in yellow or blue

until that color that you've specified as white is actually white so if your

shot is too yellow then it'll add in blue until it's back to white the next

effect that I'll use is curves and let me talk about that for

a second most people when they're color grading will use either curves or levels

the effects are very similar but personally I prefer curves because

levels only has three things that you can adjust with levels you have to use

the shadows the mid-tones or the highlights with curves you can adjust in

between them that's why I prefer it now when you're shooting on Nikon cameras

your image has a tendency to be a little bit too dark so I'll increase the

brightness of the mid-tones of the image by dragging the middle of the curve

upwards then to add a little bit of contrast to the image I'll add a new

point between the mid-tones and the highlights and drag that upwards to

make the bright spots brighter and add contrast the next part I'm going to talk

about a little bit weird you probably want to add more contrast into your

image by darkening the shadows and I have a bit of a unique way of doing this

I'll take the very bottom point of the graph the black parts of the image and

drag it upwards a little bit until the shadows get a tad bit washed out and

then I will add a new point between the mid-tones and that black part of the

image and drag that spot downwards to add that darkness back in essentially what

you're doing is darkening the shadows and washing them out at the same time

some of you seem to like how it looks some of you seem to hate how it looks I

personally think that it looks kind of cool and it also draws attention away

from the grain in the shadows of your shot the next effect that I use is hue

saturation and lightness to adjust the saturation of individual colors in the

image one thing that I usually do is adjust the red saturation and hue to

make my skin look more orange than pink you can also use this to tone down

colors that look neon and that are distracting for example that green wall

right back there I can decrease the saturation of green and yellow to make

that less vibrant and distracting now you'll notice I said that to decrease

the saturation of that green wall I would adjust the yellow tones in the

image that's because most green tones especially those in nature like

leaves and plants are not actually green in your image they're part of the

yellow channel so if you have a shot of something in nature like a tree and you

want to add saturation to leaves or plants you might notice that adjusting

the green saturation doesn't do much of anything that's because most of that

color is technically a part of the yellow channel

now the saturations that I use for different colors vary a lot between

different types of shots for example if I'm outside I'll increase the green and

yellow saturation to make the colors in nature pop but this will be completely

different for different shots so just experiment now one kind of fun thing you

can do with the hue saturation and lightness effect is shift the hue of

every single color in your image until it is either teal or orange and create a

ridiculous teal and orange grade I used this as a joke in one of my vlogs there's a

spot where the guy filming the video says cinematography that's a joke so I

turned the entire shot to an orange that's how I did that effect

in case you were wondering the final effect that I add is color balance and I'll decrease

the balance of red in the shadows to add a cyan or you might say teal tint to the

dark parts of the image that's also a style that a lot of people don't seem to

like but I think that looks cool so I add it that is it that is everything that

I do to color grade my shots it's a pretty short video probably but my color

grading process is pretty simple I don't use scopes or histograms or anything

crazy like that just four main effects for the entire grade on every shot now if I

was making a vlog and I had to edit it by the next day then I would grade one

shot and then copy and paste that onto every shot but for a tutorial or a

cinematic video something where I have more time to work on it more like a week

then I would grade each shot individually anyway that's all for today I hope that

you enjoyed this week's tutorial if you did make sure to leave a like and subscribe to

my channel because I make new filmmaking tutorials every Saturday

and new vlogs every Wednesday see you in the next one keep creating awesome things bye :)

For more infomation >> How I Color Grade My Videos - Duration: 6:59.


DENNIS - THE BIG BAD WOLF COMEBACK - Bodybuilding Motivation 2017 - Duration: 4:20.

He like to train more than anyone I've seen

when I watch his routine and he lives it by the clock

This is a dream come true for the bodybuilder from Germany

This is his time

If you don't have the

better symmetry the better muscle maturity, muscle quality

the MR.Olympia you don't win

I wanna be the best Dennis Wolf ever

I think I don't have to prove anything else you know because

I did it all the time and of course I'm coming in shape and coming for the show

almost hundred percent and so I'm just

keep moving this way and I'm hoping to bring the overall packages with which could

be dangerous for everyone and especially for Phil

From Germany!


I'm going to work!

I'm going to learn!

I'm going to do everything in my power every single day

I'm going to do everything in my power

To become a victor and not a victim!

I'll start a preparation tomorrow

for the Arnold Classic 2018!

I'll bring the title back to Vegas

Can't wait to hit the gym and finally be in bodybuilding

Dennis has officially announced he is making a comeback at the 2018 Arnold Classic

From Germany


Big Bad


He is exactly the way it needs to be and he's exactly the way that

I structured my routine until I actually won a Mr. Olympia where was clock-working train every day at the same time

I train to believe on stage

I train for the biggest show in our businees


the Super Bowl

the Super Bowl in bodybuilding

this is allways be my dream

to compete there and of course to win the show

You need to tell you that you owe you some

I value myself enough to give a 120% or don't do it!

For more infomation >> DENNIS - THE BIG BAD WOLF COMEBACK - Bodybuilding Motivation 2017 - Duration: 4:20.


Star Vs the Forces of Evil coloring book pages Star Butterfly Marco Diaz coloring page Kids Art - Duration: 4:32.

Welcome to Happy Magic Toys and episode 8 of our Star Vs the Forces of Evil coloring book series.

Today's coloring page is Star Butterfly and Marco.

Star Vs the Forces of Evil follows the adventures of Star Butterfly (a princess from the dimension of Mewni) and Marco Diaz throughout the multiverse.

Please check out my playlist to see more Star Vs the Forces of Evil coloring book pages.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the channel to find videos based on other TV shows and films.

Please like and subscribe for daily videos, and leave any coloring page, color swap and/or custom requests in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Star Vs the Forces of Evil coloring book pages Star Butterfly Marco Diaz coloring page Kids Art - Duration: 4:32.


2017上半年,這50首"老歌"殺了個回馬槍|網易雲音樂2017上半年最熱門老歌TOP50 - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> 2017上半年,這50首"老歌"殺了個回馬槍|網易雲音樂2017上半年最熱門老歌TOP50 - Duration: 12:12.


CASH CASH Capítulo 18 - Duration: 13:20.

For more infomation >> CASH CASH Capítulo 18 - Duration: 13:20.


SMOOTHIE CHALLENGE! - Duration: 12:31.

For more infomation >> SMOOTHIE CHALLENGE! - Duration: 12:31.


Captain America: Civil War (2016) Blu-ray CLIP | Tony Stark,You Killed My Son (Scene) | HD - Duration: 3:54.

No one in their right mind would've ever funded it.

Help me out, what's the MIT mission statement?

"To generate, disseminate...

and preserve knowledge.

And work with others...

to bring it to bear on the world's great challenges."

Well, you are the others.

And, quiet as it's kept, the challenges facing you

are the greatest mankind's ever known.

Plus, most of you are broke.

Oh, I'm sorry. Rather, you were.

As of this moment...

every student has been made an equal recipient...

of the inaugural September Foundation Grant.

As in...

all of your projects have just been approved and funded.

No strings, no taxes...

just reframe the future!

Starting now.

Go break some eggs.

Wow. Wow.

That took my breath away.

Oh, Tony! So generous.

So much money! Wow!

Out of curiosity...

will any portion of that grant be made available to faculty?

I know, "Ooh, gross," but hear me out.

I have got this killer idea for a self-cooking hotdog.

Basically, chemical detonator embedded...

Restroom's this way, yeah?

Yeah. Embedded in the meat shaft.

Mr Stark, I am so sorry about the teleprompter.

I didn't know Miss Potts had cancelled.

They didn't have time to fix it.

It's fine. I'll be right back.

We'll catch up later.

That was nice, what you did for those young people.

Ah, they deserve it.

Plus, it helps ease my conscience.

They say there's a correlation between generosity and guilt.

But if you've got the money...

break as many eggs as you like.


Are you going up?

I'm right where I want to be.

Okay. Hey.

Sorry, it's an occupational hazard.

I work for the State Department.

Human Resources.

I know it's boring...

but it enabled me to raise a son.

I'm very proud of what he grew up to be.

His name was Charlie Spencer.

You murdered him.

In Sokovia.

Not that that matters in the least to you.

You think you fight for us?

You just fight for yourself.

Who's going to avenge my son, Stark?

He's dead... and I blame you.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: Civil War (2016) Blu-ray CLIP | Tony Stark,You Killed My Son (Scene) | HD - Duration: 3:54.


SulCypher Ep.2 - YOGA FIRE - GR Diias, ANX, Zabot, Lyp e cvsh (Prod. Ioda Beat's) - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> SulCypher Ep.2 - YOGA FIRE - GR Diias, ANX, Zabot, Lyp e cvsh (Prod. Ioda Beat's) - Duration: 7:21.


Malware Test Win32 MEMZ Trojan | EN SUB | Cybersecenv - Duration: 6:35.

Hello, My youtube Friends

Digiboy16 Again

in their ethical hacking channel and cyber security every weekend

Today we have a super special Chapter

Today we have Malware testing

The today malware is Special Called MEMZ

ME-MZ in 3.0 version

the objective is too see which are

the consequences have running this Malware

in our computer

we have our test machine running Windows XP

Let's get started


We have our test machine running Win XP with No Internet connection

Come on to execute the Malware

The first is that show an warning message

That's a Malware protection

Obviously that's not the normal execution

But I go to press Yes cause we want to see the Experience


The malware now it is Executed

This is the first step after the Malware is executed

The Text is English So you can Read it :D

Us appeared an Internet explorer repentantly

The trojan told us an warning that our machine will be destroyed

it tried to access to a search query in internet explorer

It say don't try to kill the Memz process

don't try to kill xD


Again Opened another Internet explorer

the query

I go to close it again

I go to close this Notepad

Come on to Verify the Task Manager

To see the running process


Look at here

Again opened another Internet Explorer with another search query

Trying to open

Look at three process were executed



and the Top process

Not, are three, Five, Six

Close this windows again


The control panel was opened automatically by the Trojan

The pointer Mouse is automatically moving

This is not me

This is an interesting trojan I like it :D


I'll try to have the control using the pointer mouse

it is making some changes

I'll close this windows

The windows register was opened by the trojan


Only errors sounds :v

Ok now the color is distortion

Ok again changed


Everything is changing

it is interesting really

Us show a Message

And yes I'm here still using the Machine xD


Interesting!! :D

Ok moving alone the pointer Mouse

I'm trying to close all the Windows xD

The trojan opened a Windows Terminal

I don't know what the malware is executing in MS-DOS

That's too interesting the Malware behavior

I'll try to open My PC

Local Disk C:\ as we can

us appeared another Lol Message xD

In the C:\ root directory we have a .Txt file

Maybe this is the Notepad that us appeared at the beginning


The computer is Becoming crazy :v

The trojan is crazy :v


Another internet Explorer

I'll try to close the Explorer

That's the beginning Notepad

That's a Madness

Song time Suscribe! :D

Let's Go to the Windows folder

Obviously As we can


it is too difficult to access to a Folder :v

Song Time :D suscribe!

Ok now everything is too bad

as we can see the screen

That's Like a mirror

Like a mirror :v

I'm not using the Pointer Mouse

is moving alone

I'm crazy about this Trojan behavior

That's too interesting

That's everything for Today!!



if you Liked the video

Give a Like

And if you want to watch all my videos as soon i uploaded, Just SUSCRIBE!!

For more infomation >> Malware Test Win32 MEMZ Trojan | EN SUB | Cybersecenv - Duration: 6:35.


INDIAN MILITARY POWER - Indian Weapons that Shocked the World 2017 (MUST SEE) - Duration: 8:06.

PINAKA (mbrlS)






INS CHAKRA (Nuclear-Powered Submarine)

INS Visakhapatnam

Sukhoi SU-30MKI


For more infomation >> INDIAN MILITARY POWER - Indian Weapons that Shocked the World 2017 (MUST SEE) - Duration: 8:06.


Russell Simmons is Eyeing Chance the Rapper for Potential 'Def Poetry Jam' Reboot - Duration: 1:14.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

If you were a fan of Def Poetry Jam when it aired from 2002 to 2007, this will be music

to your ears.

A reboot of the Russell Simmons show is potentially on the way and Simmons is eyeing Chance the

Rapper to be it's host.

On Friday, Simmons teased the reboot, which will now be called All Def Poetry, on Twitter


"Super excited.

Been in negotiation with @chancetherapper to host Def poetry jam for HBO.

!!!! Would u guys like to see that"

According to Deadline, Simmons had been speaking to Chance about the potential role since he

took home 3 Grammy's earlier this year.

For those of you unfamiliar, Simmons' original Def Poetry Jam was a spoken-word poetry series

hosted by Mos Def that ran on HBO from 2002-07.

Def Poetry Jam was a spinoff from Simmons' landmark Def Comedy Jam, which aired on HBO

in the 90's and is responsible for launching the careers of Chris Tucker, Martin Lawrence,

Steve Harvey and Bernie Mac.

So far there is no date, or confirmation if the show will come back on, but at least we

know Russell is gearing up to get a good team behind it.

That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For more infomation >> Russell Simmons is Eyeing Chance the Rapper for Potential 'Def Poetry Jam' Reboot - Duration: 1:14.


YouTuber erraten Deutsche Sprichwörter l BENI, Subhi Taha & Maha AJ - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> YouTuber erraten Deutsche Sprichwörter l BENI, Subhi Taha & Maha AJ - Duration: 8:36.


People Are AWESOME or INSANE 2017 - FAST WORKERS COMPILATION 8 - Duration: 10:09.


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Wishing you more fun with my videos !

View more videos in the description of this video!

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For more infomation >> People Are AWESOME or INSANE 2017 - FAST WORKERS COMPILATION 8 - Duration: 10:09.


People Are AWESOME or INSANE 2017 - The Most Satisfying Video Ever 8 - Duration: 10:42.

People Are AWESOME or INSANE 2017 - The Most Satisfying Video Ever

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Don't forget Like and Subscribe ... Thankyou very much !!!

Wishing you more fun with my videos !

View more videos in the description of this video!

Don't forget Like and Subscribe ... Thankyou very much !!!

For more infomation >> People Are AWESOME or INSANE 2017 - The Most Satisfying Video Ever 8 - Duration: 10:42.


How To Vlog - Duration: 15:18.

okay so this is going to be a how-to vlog without and like a recommended

specs and what I use for vlog and what I do I'm not going to sit like this a

longer that really hurts my back

I'll go to everybody my name's Adam and welcome to the vlog today is Friday you

know what that means you with that McCune a day we're going to Q&A right

here right now it started this video and then we'll have the whole day to do

whatever the hell we want plus one thing I should mention I'm going to put in

flame called notification charter so if you guys hit a little bell and you know

comments Adam I'm a part of the notification squad or whatever you want

to say notification whatever put your comment in the next video saying

notification shout-out and since I'm starting I thought I tried I'm only an

user for white noise I use my phone to record but I want to get a camera what

do you think I should get for my first camera pa love your vids okay if there's

anything I've learned from making videos make a phone whatever camera you get it

doesn't matter it's with the person using the camera

that make a video good person add it and the person construction it with their

creativity so really the camera doesn't matter the one thing I should say though

the camera should record 1080p and maybe 60 frames per second twenty fives okay

right now I'm recording myself at 25 because I like the cinematic motion blur

the 25 frames per second has from doing be rule I would do 60 frame per second

it all depends what you want to video is one thing I should say a lot of people

say it's not the camera but the person using it I don't believe this for a long

way I thought that's so true because the person's doing the creativity but peace

through me say in 18 to 55 millimeter land say Adam gets super deep focus to

that land it's impossible you can't do it you need either a high millimeter

lens or lands with a low F number to get that really good bokeh background blur

there's no way I could do with this camera maybe if i zoom in so the focal

length is about more the background is a little bit more blurry but as I do that

the f-number changes so there's no way I can get a different blur like that's why

I'm going a little bit off-topic but get a camera that one you can afford and

record in 1080p as long as you have them that will get you started for you know

good camera and then from that you can build up the money that's what I don't

start off with a really property camera and then I sort of built up the money

through YouTube and I have a Canon a 2d what's the worst camera you own oh dear

God right I'll just be right back okay so quite a few old cameras here

I wouldn't part with any of these there's this one my friend gave me this

one okay it's a 1080p camera this one would actually be pretty good for

vlogging you know there's one thing I should mention

though if you are getting a camera get something with a decent mic because in

my opinion sind is way better than visuals because if you're going to watch

a video you don't want really horrible sawing with a beautiful picture I would

prefer an okay looking picture with amazing soundtracks okay this is

probably one of the worst cameras I own it's all I'm Chinese knockoffs of a

GoPro it is horrible I try actually buddy with us in Portugal underwater

it was last year but this was really really bad I remember having a lot of

trouble at Mother footage because it was so grainy and crap it's actually okay in

sony Sony days but in the dark or even in low-light nothing but just sandpaper

there's this one which is a Samsung camera recording 1080 for some reason as

a YouTube logo right here as you can see I don't even know why it has that but

that it's an okay camera that wouldn't be the worst one I have to say the worst

one I have between this one and it's really really one here okay this is how

bad it is Kay to get a camera make sure the frames per second if you are getting

the camera is good because this one right I thought okay 1080p HD Full HD

video five times optical zoom bah blah blah blah blah and then I record with it

and it's like 10 frames per second and I'm like how does that even if you want

to know what 10 frames per second looks like this is me waving right now and 10

frame per second that's what your buddy will look like and then back to 25

frames per second it looks like this really annoying this camera I remember

getting this going wow this is so good I can turn it around I can point out

myself it's gonna be great I got it I was like what the frames per second is

very important when you get in the camera yeah that was the worst camera I

own also this is the first camera I ever got Fuji film cameras really love this

camera at the time 10 point 2 megapixels not was like 4 years ago and that was

like a really good camera at the time how do you zoom on your Sony camera okay

Sony camera it's the handycam my favorite camera the best camera in my

opinion that exists in this entire universe well maybe not the ari alexis

is pretty good right oh this right here this Magoo here is Sony Handycam it's 4k

it's amazing basically you zoom it's this little switch thing it moves back

and forward here as you can see I press forward it's zoomed like a lot and then

press this back up here just push this back and forward or if I want I can set

it so this attorney focus ring here also them star by preference really what

you want to do with your camera so if you look here and I twist this the zoom

is going on right it's all depends what you want to do with this but this is so

many functions in it I love this camera I'll leave a link to this down in the

description if you want to check out this cam yourself if you're going to buy

it or whatever actually I leave a link to all my gear in the description about

videos anyways just want to check out my gear it's all there what's your

recommended specs for vlogging purposes I need a draw site

yes I don't really know what you mean by spec so I'm going to do is I'm going to

do a whole overhaul on everything including the computer the camera and

the editing software I start with a camera because this cool top of askew

day is on camera gear for me personally the camera would need to record a 1080p

at 60 frames per second at least but I think 95 and a camera I would get it at

120 frames per second just because I like doing slow-motion stuff right now

the mic on the camera for me would have to be really really good so I'd say a

rode mic I would need at least a 10 millimeter wide angle lens the

wide-angle lens really makes a difference in vlogging computer for me

you would need to be at least an i7 processor with 64 gigs around and 2

terabytes of memory because that way it can run after effects and premiere at

the same time want to do anything the 2 terabytes would probably have to be an

SSD Draves definitely there faster and editing software for me Premiere Pro all

depends what you like doing that's a definite optional leg from your

pro 2 tutorials on this software so check it out you can but that's my

recommended specs that's kind of camera something does that a make that's good

it doesn't have to be rode wide-angle lands a computer has to be really really

good for editing because it needs to be fast and then add it in software

Premiere Pro QA how do you put the picture on the

camera to your phone and then post an Instagram please add this in your QA

love your video so much thank you so on Xbox gamer so I take a photo in this

camera here what I do is edit it in Photoshop do all the tweaking and stuff

that I want to do then upload it to a website called Emma where you can upload

like HD quality images to this website and you can download them all for the

same quality I find that if you put it a messenger to yourself and Facebook

degrade a lot of the quality of the photos for some reason if it was just me

but if you upload it to Emma ger then the ember app on your phone click on the

app download it off the app you have it on your phone then I'll go to Instagram

from there that's what I do if you guys know an easier way let me know

I tried BlueStacks on my computer for a good way it was just too slow and

doesn't do the job right last question for Q&A today then we're going to do

something what signs of the land on your cannon EDD lands on this is a ten to

twenty two millimeter so this is 10 millimeter 22 millimeter 10 22 very wide

as both this lands my favorite lands at the moment but I feel like I'm going to

fall in love with Prime at some point prime lenses it's going to happen at

always let's go out and do something cool okay so just got into time here's

the thing today it's super so can I say look at my hair it's like all wet I'm

going to use this go throw it in the rain because I just I can't do progress

there so again three days ago proof today it's like super wet but the flock

shows it on it still wet a kite like a super really wet Kaitlyn and Shawn they

were here

so what like what the heck we did

from my deck today what so everybody back in my house right

now it's been a waste in the vlog today as basically I was in time for wine

Sullivan pine came back Mahalo still a little bit of work got some work done

today so very productive day so far eluded and vlog much over add it in

later tonight so what today we're going to the the

private jag the VIP only gay my friend Owen birthday today well it was

yesterday for tonight as like today's having a

card in a bar called Sundy knows one of the bar I don't drink so probably order

water or coffee or something if you guys want to know why I don't drink I just

don't like what it does to my body but anyways I'm really excited for this I

got to get ready I got to get changed because was out in the rain my hair is a

mess or even think I've time to get a shower it started at 9:00 and right now

it's like twenty five to ten so I'm going to be a little bit late but it's

on to like half one in the morning and I don't think I'll stay that long super

super excited for this I'm going to get changed I got to get ready because I'm I

don't know what to say how good are you ready okay so think of change right now

the camera strap just flew in front of Lance got on this red shirt blue here

blue and red or complimentary colors got this in the noggin I'm going to find a

very nice really really excited for this to and birthday is playing actually he's

in a band called foreign oil super super cool bond so one difference burr think

what I'm going to give them I don't want to get on you the old standard gift one

back I said is going to do them a Photoshop way a really sick looking

disparaging Photoshop but I needed a good picture so what I'm doing today or

tonight I'm going to get a picture of one singing or something and then give

them that of like a spine and stuff will be really really cool from what I really

put a lot of work under a lot of effort and make it look cool like you know my

YouTube logo it looks like this put like maybe two three yards work under that

just to get into exactly how I wanted are you looking actually - okay just a

second ago that was my friend from Andhra it's really like going on guy

cool guy I was I'm just a second ago a little chat about like focusing and how

difficult it is to sometimes you can't focus and then whenever you can focus

it's like whoa you know saying so music a Reliford right now

tell me does it look any different compared to this this is like handheld

vlogging this is Gorillapod vlog and slightly different i am super super glad

that it stopped raining because I could barely vlog all day or I was a hero 5 to

vlog with that day and time so I just want to come back to my house and then

went back to the DSLR but now it's night time I can actually blog with us things

that's super super good till I can get across this road here cars go in this

place it's let me go thank you

I'm here at all right sandino's feel excited for the iscope ones here some

slightly late sorry I'm a little bit late on

merci thank you very much for you filling our you blog on blogger and I

okay good I'll be on there's been this guy run like a youtube channel talking

to oxide there we should have birthday and stuff but Holly does get less that

was there enough to sign into so I'll go say a little whatever we're saying on

here yes thank you are you okay so we were coming here all

the cool stuff happen over here this thing is a marshmallow what the heck use

my phone

okay so I was just sort of sat and listened in so we'll play in Sunday

knows there and then Junaid to major I hearing she look like she popped my

shoulder and look who's that and then she name was here could a

stationary oh I see I didn't expect to be here what are you drinking

Hey so look you see I'm drinking this coffee down here call free time for me

yeah I wanted a coffee but I couldn't get it upstairs

yeah I walked on search its coffee and then carefully I serve both many people

himself I don't know how I was able to keep it all in the cup alright let's go

by going to sending those we're gonna do some be rules because it's so noise in

there you just can't record voice that old absolutely can't hear anything

because it's people plans people talking what we're going to do be rule anyways

we're going to get some cool shots or when playing for noise extra clean for


haha you


I think so Instagram photos of the walls at night because that is a photo way to

not get yet I really want to get and what time is it right now that is 11:40

sex right it's almost midnight I really really enjoyed that coffee I had in

Sunday notice it was really like for a bar I didn't expect him to make such

good coffee it was nice so we ever made a cafe car

it's like almost like good like a really good cafe and a bar at the same time

yeah that's what you just said that's a girl tall at night if you don't look

like a knight it's like you can see it all right so how do really good time on

Sunday knows there with Owens very own if you're watching us massive hot

versity hope you've a good day I'll get that folded on so as possible got some

good photos today I'm going to head home right now we end up this vlog right here

in the street beside her on the road if you enjoyed please smash the like button

down below go to my channel for more and I will see you guys tomorrow in the next

video thank you so much for watching



For more infomation >> How To Vlog - Duration: 15:18.




Based on numerous archaeological discoveries: artifacts, records and monuments found in

the past by experts, it is believed that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: �those who came down

from the heavens), an extremely advanced civilization from an elusive planet in our solar system,

came to Earth, landing in the Persian Gulf some 432,000 years ago.

ee the video clip link below in our description.


For more infomation >> THE COMPLETE ANUNNAKI TIMELINE EXPLAINED - Duration: 1:54.


Lenormand Tageskarte mal anders - zum Licht und Schatten deuten - Duration: 22:20.

For more infomation >> Lenormand Tageskarte mal anders - zum Licht und Schatten deuten - Duration: 22:20.


Romberg Stance Head Movement Up and Down - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:28.

For Romberg stance with head movements up

and down, make sure you have something sturdy next to you like a chair or

countertop just in case you need it for balance. Bring your feet as close

together as you can, and then just look up and down.

For more infomation >> Romberg Stance Head Movement Up and Down - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:28.


Why The News Has Nothing To Do With News - Duration: 9:47.

Hello guys, today I welcome a very special guest and we bring to you a collaboration.

He shares insightful animations on various topics, so make sure to check out his channel


Before we begin I'll let him introduce himself for you.

Hey everyone.

I'm Thought Monkey and I'm excited to have worked with The Journey on this video.

Every step was an insightful experience and it really helped me to expand my ideas and

thoughts on this topic.

Today we're going to be talking about why the news has little to do with the news.

The news these days is filled with sensational headlines meant to constantly grab our attention.

But why?

Shouldn't the news just be a report on significant events that have an effect on our lives?

Why are we flooded with "breaking news," and trending tweets that don't matter?

There are two events that are covered in the news world – those that happen spontaneously

and those that are what the author Daniel Boorstin call "pseudo-events."

Spontaneous events are events that happen by themselves – things like a local Earthquake

or terrorist attack – in other words they are rare but important enough that the news

will cover them because they are noteworthy enough.

Pseudo-events however are planned, man-made, and mostly predictions of probabilities that

may or may not occur.

They are mostly used in self-interest as a way to grab attention and gain coverage.

For example there might be a hotel that wants more business.

So they hire a PR firm that tells them to set up a celebration of their 13th anniversary.

They form a committee of rich people, plan the event and hire photographers and journalists

to report on it.

If this were a truly an important event it would all happen on its own.

There'd be no need to hire photographers and reporters because they'd be there naturally.

In other words the power to make an event reportable is really based on the power to

make an experience.

A false report like this hotel anniversary affects people's perception of reality – of

what actually is important and what is not.

But before the 20th century people didn't expect exciting news every single day.

It was ok if the news was boring or the paper wasn't even published that day because nothing

may have happened that was noteworthy.

Nowadays we expect sensational news daily or even hourly.

And the journalist is expected to find a story where there is no story.

There is increased demand for illusion, which has resulted in a change in how the news is

delivered, but also a change in what we expect from the news.

The news is now a business and if we didn't create and implement pseudo-events, thousands

would be out of work.

Fake news has become the norm and has been propagated even more with the invention of


TV has made it easy to deliver constant news to millions of people.

This has increased the media's ability to feed its audience content, while at the same

time financially supporting itself.

There is surely benefit in watching certain TV shows like documentaries.

Nonetheless, in his book Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman argues that most of

what's on TV actually attacks literacy and critical thinking instead of promoting it.

Most of the programs and news we watch, are rarely informative or thought-provoking, the

focus is only to amuse.

We may think of TV as a evolution of journalism.

But it's not.

The automobile, a continuation of the horse.

Electricity replaced candles.

TV however, is not in the slightest the subsequent of typography and the written paper, but merely

that of the telegraph and photography.

Just think about it.

When you watch TV you are actually watching moving images.

The average TV shot is 3.5 seconds so the eye never gets to rest and always has something

new to see accompanied by complementing sounds.

It has nothing to do with sharing information.

They need your attention so they could put food on the table.

Welcome to the age of show business.

Notice when people are talking on TV there often is no time for them to stop and think.

That would be seen as boring or awkward.

But this is a natural part of how we communicate with one another.

If we were to watch people on TV have real discussions, we would be bored for the most


No one wants to watch someone think or fumble over their words.

An example would be modern political debates; each person is required to make a list of

ideas before the show, rehearse, and is then granted a limited time to convey them, a threshold.

Now, how in hell can a politician introduce his campaign in less than three minutes, let

alone another one be able to criticize him in two minutes?

Same goes for the so-called intellectual shows where the author is questioned not about the

actual ideas in his book, but on surface-matters like his childhood, how inspiration came to

him, or about his family.

More often the show lingers around the hot journalist asking the questions and the excellent

camera positioning.

The problem isn't that TV entertains us.

It's that it presents almost all subject matter in an entertaining way.

As Wilson Bryan Key put it: "even the killings are funny.

" Wonder why would they broadcast a war or a terrorist attack if the viewer has no say

in it, and can't do anything about it?

For them it is no different than airing an action movie, both add up in entertainment.

The News is on four times a night, has attractive anchors on it that talk with a weird news

accent, engaging in friendly banter, and constantly flood you with sensational headlines that

hook you by telling you part of a story, then say "find out more after these commercials"

or "make sure to join us tomorrow".

What for?

The violence broadcasted in a single report is enough for a whole month of restless sleep.

Still, we do accept the news anchor's invitation because we realize consciously or subconsciously

that what we're watching is by no means of serious nature.

There's no conspiracy here.

It's just an understanding that good TV means exciting pictures, music, people, and

stories that grab attention.

It has nothing to do with treating today's global concerns.

On the contrary, everything is distorted and served in a way to stimulate, and of course,

help the business of news get paid.

On TV, with their frequent bloody arguments and contentions, the role of politicians and

thinkers became more so that of actors in a film rather than thought-provokers.

Postman says that today's American culture is best symbolized by Las Vegas – a place

entirely devoted to constant entertainment, such is the case for American media.

And sadly, the mediums through which information is shared often will reflect the intellectual

level of a whole culture, provided the person maintains regular exposure.

Keep in mind both of the previous books were written long before what we know as the internet

today was accessible to billions of people.

TV is slowly being put out of business by the internet.

Of course, with this comes pros and cons.

Today, and especially in terms of political matters, blogs are the new medium.

And they're often driven to cover content by what's trending on Twitter or Facebook

or whatever is going to sell the most clicks or get the most views.

Remember that the media has an incentive to capture your attention because it makes its

money off advertising.

If no one watches or reads their content – they don't make money.

The author Ryan Holiday is an expert at figuring out what people will click on.

According to what he wrote in his book "Trust Me I'm Lying", manipulating the media

and scamming your way into the headlines is easier than you might think.

It starts with bloggers who will do anything for traffic because first that's how they

make their money and second they are paid very little.

For example to make $60,000 a blogger needs to get 1.8 million views a month.

How do they do that?

They often use click bait headlines, cover fake stories, sell sensationalism, sex, scandal

or hatred, or just make up stuff by going on craigslist and look under the section about

what people are complaining about today.

Some may even be driven to pay people for comments and pageviews.

In one example of how desperate bloggers are for content that will give them traffic – Holiday

made a fake memo, sent it out to a bunch of bloggers as if he were an employee leaking

that memo from his boss.

What happens next?

It's common that bloggers don't check their sources and still write about it on

their blogs.

It starts getting traffic and begins to trend.

The mainstream media then picks up on it and see that there are enough bloggers writing

about it that they believe it's credible.

They then talk about it on the news with their accents and seconds later millions upon millions

of people in the U.S. believe whatever it is they just heard.

In addition, today's blogs also help make history, and can be the cause of someone's

unfounded fame or imminent death in vain.

Ryan brings up the case of Tim Pawlenty.

The guy had no campaign and wasn't even a recognized figure in the elections of 2012.

He made it quickly to the top and nearly became president of the United States.

How come?

Well he simply hired a reporter from the blog "politico" to follow him from one city to

another with a camera and a laptop, documenting his non-campaign.

From there came the snowball effect.

Major blogs like "The New york Times" often sponsor and get their article ideas

from smaller ones like "Politico," and since any news is better than no news in terms

of views - what happened was "The New York Times" covered "Politico" covering Pawlenty.

Much like a ponzi scheme.

The guy went from zero to hero with just a few clicks and a camera.

Some say it's crazy to think that the media manipulates us.

But if you just start to notice how much of the news is filled with "pseudo-events,"

and how TV is filled with imagery and sounds that hook your constant attention, and how

what's trending on the internet often makes it onto the nightly news, you'll begin to

realize just how infected our media is.

Most of us don't think twice about this kind of stuff – but that might just be because

when "we play by their rules long enough - it becomes our game."

Thanks for watching guys.

You can support us by a simple like, share, or comment and ensure to check out Thought

Monkey's channel by clicking the link you see on the video or in the description box


Until next time.

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