Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 15 2017


The war has finally started.

To my 100,000 soldiers...

Everyone, charge!

Charge! Charge!

Hey, you were just pretending to run.

Get over here. Hey.

What's going on? Hey.

What're you doing?

Come on, let's go.

What is this?


- I'm not going. / - What?

What the...

You can't not go.

- Come on. / - I'm not going.

You can't stay behind for a war. Come on.

We have 100,000 soldiers in our army.

Nobody will know if I don't show up.

They'll know!

Look at this.


The 101 from "Produce 101."

This is actually 100 people.

You didn't notice one person was missing.

Who's missing?

I'm the member that's missing from here.

What do you mean?

I'd like to leave these members here.

What are you saying?

Get over here!

Geez! Please stop it!

Keep away! Please!

Beat the enemy down with that club.

- It's a rice roll. / - A rice roll...

It's a tuna rice roll.

No, it's not. It's missing the tuna.

I am that tuna.

What are you saying?

I won't be a part of this.


I'm not going.

I'll go.

You're supposed to go.

A martial artist should die on the battlefield.

I will now start a fire to light our arrows

that will set the enemy base ablaze.

Attacking with fire. Good idea.

Let's wait for him.

It's smoking.

I have a cold.

Let me try again.

We'll light the arrows...

It's smoking, it's smoking.

Die, die, die, die!

I hate cockroaches!

You know, I think

he's buying time because he doesn't want to go.

I am not.

You scum!

I almost had it going. Too bad.


After I eliminate these scum,

I'll fight until my last breath!

How courageous.

That was so obvious.

I'm dead.

You are not dead.

I'm really dead.

- You're really dead? / - Of course.

I ought to...

You moved.

Rigor mortis.

That's not rigor mortis! You were so obvious there.

No, it wasn't obvious at all.

It was very natural and well done.

It was super obvious he's playing dead.

- Geez... / - It wasn't obvious.

Why are you showing me your top knot?

This is a rice roll.

A rice roll...

A cheese rice roll.

Cheese does not belong in this era.

I also do not belong here.

- Don't be ridiculous! / - I'm not going.

Whatever. I'm not going.

Why do you keep clutching this tree and crying?

Are you crying because you miss your parents?


You miss your wife and kids?


Then why are you crying?

I really don't want to go.

What does that mean?

If the general tells you to go, you go!

Stop drooling here and come with me.

Listen to your general.

Come on.

Why won't you go?

I really don't want to go now that you told me to.

Why you... Geez...

I ought to...

They're attacking the women and children.

Don't you all hear that?

Aren't you ashamed as men?

It's time for us to combine forces.

I command my men again...



Hey, hey.

I had a feeling this would happen.

That's it.

I'm going to cut you down first.


- Me? / - You.

Hey, someone please go.

He picked me again!


Gather around.

Huddle up.

Rock, paper, scissors. Loser has to go.

Crying won't help.

If you lose, you're going no matter what.

Put your fists together.

Rock, paper, scissors!

Rock, paper, scissors!

You keep playing paper so you won't go.

Let's play again with me this time.

Rock, paper, scissors!

Go since you lost!


Don't make excuses and go!

What're you looking at?


I thought you were dead.

This is nuts...

Why are you crying again?

Because I'm so happy.

I should just bury you...

I'll go!

Who are you?

Who are you?


A war isn't just won with strength.

That's true.

You must use your head.

I have a plan to take down

the enemy instantly.

Yes, you need a tactician in a war.

So what is that plan?

I'll use my beauty.

You look like a crazy person.

With my beauty...

You're ugly.

- I'll seduce... / - You have no chance.

The enemy.

You're really ugly.


- The ugliest guy here... / - General.

I'll be in your bed tonight...

That's it! I'm just charging in myself.

- General! / - A messenger!


Our forces were totally victorious in the war!

To celebrate our victory,

we're enjoying a feast in the banquet hall.

- Let's go! / - I'm going.

Hey, hey.

You were the one that was crying.


Is that for real?

We're getting wiped out.

Everyone's getting slaughtered.

I knew it.

For more infomation >> Underpaid | 일당 Back [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 5:51.


Say Anything Festival | 아무 말 대잔치 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 3:59.

(Say Anything Festival)

Hello, viewers.

This is Gag Concert's Say Anything Festival.

Special beam cannon!

What was that?

I just said anything.

- It's the Say Anything Festival. / - Right.

Then let's meet our first contestant now.

Want to come over for...

That was it!

Nice job!

Textbook example!

That was so good it might give you indigestion!

That's right.

If Oh Nami was Seolhyun...


Let's meet the next contestant.

You're stiff here. You need Suji's spit.

An amylase statement!

That's right.

That was so disgustingly well done!

That's right!

Did you get plenty of Suji's spit on you?


Let's meet the next contestant.

Is she Cat-woman?

Stop drinking so much!

Cat-woman drank until she became wasted!

That one deserves praise.

Good job! Stamp, stamp!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is it Leon?

Here's the extra lettuce you ordered.

Thank you.

She just ordered more lettuce.

♪ Is there anyone to order more lettuce? ♪

Let's meet the next lettuce.

"Star Wars?"

This is a construction zone. Please turn back.

A safe and absurd statement!

That was very well done like shoddy construction.

I'm annoyed too at this inconvenience!

I'm excited!

Let's meet the next contestant.

The scene of a crime?

Congratulations on opening your business!

It wasn't a police line!

It was a ribbon cutting.

Up, up.

Down, down.

Let's meet the next contestant.

(Before cosmetic surgery, after)

The order was changed up.

That's right!

What clinic is that?

Lee Byeongwon?

Kidding me are you?

Meet the next contestant let's.

Honey. Cha, cha, cha.

Red cape, cha, cha, cha.

Let's meet the next contestant. Cha, cha, cha!

Dang it!

Is it an interrogation?

I won.

They were playing a game!

Right. That's a traditional French game, right?

The coin game.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he a goalie?

Bye! I can't go out far!

He wasn't a goalie! He was saying good-bye.

What is that?

How many fingers?


You got me.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Kiss time at a baseball game?

It's us!

Good job.

Kiss, kiss!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Jini, grant my wish.


♪ Hwang Jini, Hwang Jini, Jini, Jini ♪

- Not a genie from a lamp! It's Hwang Jini! / - Right.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he begging?

I caught a minnow.

He wasn't begging! He was bragging!

How many days did he try to catch that?

What is it?

Singing off key.

From the Say Anything Festival

this has been caster fine dust...

And commentator that's life.


For more infomation >> Say Anything Festival | 아무 말 대잔치 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 3:59.


Video: Spot Shower Chance This Saturday - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Video: Spot Shower Chance This Saturday - Duration: 3:12.


Junmi KIDS animé| Doc McStuffins et Princesse Sofia The first s'habiller| Disney jeu pour enfants - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> Junmi KIDS animé| Doc McStuffins et Princesse Sofia The first s'habiller| Disney jeu pour enfants - Duration: 6:27.


[Persona 5] 1st play! 🇯🇵 #16 (I'm level 18!) - Duration: 1:05:32.


We are in "Shujin Classroom". I have finally found

Madame's treasure, what I need to do now is to use the "Calling Card".

So it seems, I am not sure. I will need to talk to my party

and see what they reckon. In the meantime I have also went to Mementos,

that public palace where you can satisfy public requests, and in doing so I have now

I saved a bully, well, it was like a side story basically.

It's done and now I'm even stronger!

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the channel!


What do I need to do?

Let's examine a bag.

I expect to be streaming quite a lot this weekend.

There is "Pollen Warning".

Usually, when there is "Pollen Warning" it's a good day to go to "Momentos".

Oh welcome to the stream everyone I'm back

and the microphone seems to be fixed.

but what do I do now I mean it seems

I have ten days left to steal Madame's heart. I don't really have any

urgency so what's the weather like today. it's sunny, let me go to the station

let me check out the courtyard

let's go to the station

Shibuya mmm-hmm I don't know let me Yongen-Jaya

Perhaps can go to the clinic and hit on the lady there

there you go she has a card in the comic balloon.

I don't have enough medicine yet let's see if I can

buy something from her anyway.

you know what I'll buy one branded HP one Ally I have a few of those 50 HP to

our lives because I like to have a lot of these around you never know revised

one Ally with vc % HP ooh I'm gonna get two of these because I

haven't used them I definitely not

and this one can only be used in the safe area so what's the point of it I

will use magic is there okay bye bye I couldn't really move things over with


Springs right back stores but it's good price

let's go to a secondhand shop what would you like

so many things you know what need to do I need to collect the keys yeah that's

why I need to do

wanna go home no I don't want to rest until the evening if I go home now I

will not be able to to actually do anything with the afternoon time and

that's annoying let me go somewhere where I can actually pass tonight maybe

the bath house haven't been there ever so we could try that right maybe the


I can't do any laundry if you don't have anything dirty that's correct

isn't it a bit early to use the bathhouse laksa body alike I'll come on

haven't been to the arcade in a while

goodbye it is for the sake of spending money oh they think your things and

restore SP so maybe that's good to have

change machine well this lets you choose how to get

change it seems useful

I already possible

as a moral and the ninja of fighting it out the blast matters are pretty crazy

you came for fana it's pretty well constructed but it's still just a toy

what gain no no I want to play come on

and white

hey how do I play with their cave oh there's a line God was unable to play

women in central just too tough to cry we do understand their crowd yeah just

dump it down everyone knows whatever's been on TV you could talk about that

mother I'm an accident some way the world like maybe the impersonation could

work to get their attention first


in Cruzes training efficiency that you plant nutrients

cake night rises

no I they want to watch that again

I'm washing away


go to

I cannot eat all that you wanted to go where's the pain manager we're not just

right in your room

fist-bump alone in my room let's go for let's go have a look at

weapons you never know

who's this guy you know the capsule machine the one with army rations over

by the entrance boundary decisions are really gross Enterprise for me and maybe

too risky to it says taste test the relations of the world volume 37 cos it

under the ampere try

the capture is a bit sticky hey go lucky there if you the federal

new arrival of the team lineup is the long-awaited sleeper black the birth of

raging billows compact extra power capsule the modified model turn should

be powerful panel weapon to use different powers ask him about war

wasn't fair the back could ask him if I had don't trust us

I don't


cold brass blade better off sold once I own the most of

yes that's fine I don't want to sell a lot of items because I'm a need that's

fine you should be grateful I can I need this stuff for crafting things together

later on that's fine

let me compare it my weapon is going to be aimed with this one I would jump up

to 90 accuse he will go down a bit

this one will also have an additional effect of burn alone

a dagger fortune fire that burns with intensity

oh man I can't resist how much is this 11 oh man that is a lot and if you

considered that with the main cart of myself to mostly use magic perhaps it's

not a good idea to spend money on a visible weapon little Yugi I already

bought him something big

68 Panther Panther will be killed in battle

because she's pretty weak so like to increase our attack you know just look

those situations so go play the weep let's do it

point out she deserves to do that one break it okay the other ones sounds for

such little money but anyway let's have a life gives good to be quite lethal

when it's called the action so

but there's one doesn't have any particular so forget it if I'm wasting

money on stuff and I wanted to have some special tax I'm not using ranged weapons

it seems so well Ivan nobody explained them to me

yet so it's good with protectors all right which is basically what they are

wearing I already got the best year equipped he could definitely get a

better number the protection he's got 21 and 8 this one would bump him up to 74

same story that would all deserve something better this youth is sort of

fine yeah I need to work with these guys Oh with something DS and so starting

from Yugi the best I can get in

these this one even resist confused that's when your chairs divided let's

equip it and the other one comes out

same story and the one more gonna to have a better evasion rate

I need more gun enough to die because Morgana does he does healing requires

quite a lot so plus magic will be +4 so I really like this

costs a ton I have to do it let's go that's what you're choosing I'm ready

for a fight

right let's go

I think made good use of my afternoon

this is place is the kind of fun popular this lady's the same to me

so what do I do now I could perhaps go eat something good try the diner is this

thing craps door

study here my table came on knowledge you don't mind in your right starting

waiting what do I do let's go start in right

you know go to the diner

only order the coffee

you've got some guts hmm clearly earned pockets for being so you know

opportunist all right

I mean all right one head back

you're back

come back there's a message for me works yes bold guy is behind the bunk all

right Paul damn ended up turning them into the

teachers think big peaceful at school from now on well done yeah

it looks like double change of heart was a massive success keep up the good work

all right

good time right now

but don't take

mm I don't know if I should spend time with him

next time back I want to create those keys really important there create those


queen of evidence

that's a very famous pressure in the field of love confessions are very

powerful evidence people use them to even resort to torture together as a

high school prodigy for you today tossing a confession step below the

price you knew that the gas tortured oh that's pretty good having proved my


beautiful this has been a very productive days now I just want to

create more of those things really important can I create of these three


okay want to make it through these a couple I can make more good

what are your thoughts

assume or


what are your thoughts

you'll be able to make one more fantastic I don't know why but I managed

to do one more

sure let's do it okay I would run out of silk yarn but I don't care

what are your thoughts

you're definitely getting better I can tell just been watching you yeah

all right time to go too bad

welcome to the stream everyone make sure you leave a thumbs up and machine


should you say something in the chat room because I feel lonely give a thumbs

up I mean follow subscribe hello support me guys I need your love hey you

see you by the way I saw a big sign for the mother I'm an accident on the way

here I couldn't help but remember that putting into art museum we must make

haste to destroy such a world

yeah maybe we'll go see stranger the other guys are not asking me to go

okay are you gonna do today last minute I know that right yeah but

you know once I was happy with our plan this free day studying and doing some

crafting so I'm gonna save now

with a bunch of people saying

oh yeah

you do want some gout

finger should go to the palace quite don't we

No I think we should go

what's the weather like fridaysunny let's go to the pulse

oh I can see them from here

everyone's here

it's not amazing cannot overlook this so what's our status

yeah they're all talking about getting back to mother Rama seems we are doing

quite well if we can continue this rate

meeting adjourned it seems that we're going well so I

would say we infiltrate the palace and see what happens

it's time to work let's go Joker I've left the use key

behind but sorry is there a treasure around here

yeah it was a treasure there was a couple of treasures in fact

I can get to them from the from the central garden

so let me get there

let's go we're here let's can see

this game sort of reminds me of killer is dead a Japanese game from suda51

oh I forgot about this guy

him again

look at that see almost gone

all right okay how embarrassing

shadows body

let's get it right now I'll reveal your true form

right nothing particularly useful to be honest much of this is really

forgettable mmm I'm really not that impressed

that is that so let's carry on we have at least clear the area home lap Joker

show me a true form


all right

just go there and lads the fast travel to the next point

that's the one nice we made it this far

tell you what I may want to have good use care in the party instead of because

I feel like it

let's go falling-out with Yugi I don't quite like you she did very much I don't

know maybe that's me I think we can turn them laser off here oh those lasers hey

we don't need a password for this one would you want to do

I say we shut down go in there what is the meaning of stasis right

could we learn something the infrared laser remained active even during the

power out

let's open the shutters in error only lower man drama canastas this terminal

due to maximum security protocol

it seems disabling the infrared lasers we are not possibly for us

with physical attacks to all

should really heal myself though

let's try again I'll end it


great HP record

I use media

Oh drinking

oh we really managed to do was open the stutters shutters sorry on top of that

when we turn the light off briefly while the lasers remains unaffected well guess

we just get a go see what's past those shutters

we can't get past here let's look somewhere else walk before you're

further exploring I will do a quick quick side I should write something

hope you guys are enjoying this this game as much as I am so make sure you

have to leave a thumbs up and subscribe the channel tell me happy it seems to

our firm and sniffing around here but we'll have to endure into the accident

ends impertinent make them regret every Inc other and getting me angering me I'm

sorry guys I can't read today it looks like if it seems attacking from this

direction without these

is there any other way for us to climb no wasn't there a button too - oh yeah

thresher just spotted must be something good inside

this one sweet to electricity this one's way to electricity prepare yourself

powerful be careful with the zhenya

it changed to new this is even better this Rach

taking now drastic cosmic undies why not he's vegan will go down but

I used to be something under sealing up there


I press X to ambush him but apparently I jump out of the cold strong wind guard

you're mine pretty lethal that use camera

okay I am planning to do a long stream tomorrow and I mean you know

it's noise noise okay a stylish victory

look what treasure chest just coming this way hold on show me a true form

a weak spot

this one's weak electricity I don't see a weak spot let's try this

this one's weak Twi'leks I don't see a weak spot

this one's wheat will atrophy

that oak tree

I even talk

cool cushy me time ago level 15 that's good

all right she just learned regenerate

generate a logically was two percent of things HP each turning bathroom for my

cartel that is only alright

the COS mission here is weak maybe a safe room nearby yeah we can now travel

to the upper main hole

okay tell you what guys six ace let's push it a little bit let's go

some kind of security room to noise is most likely where all the mechanism in

the exhibition all our control given the number of hanging works it would make

sense to other room dedicated to controlling them this was a patient

skill of an artist out of this world I

need to pull that level

Hey look hey paint is right above the treasure oh fuck there aren't any laser

above it this is quite a large role in their security what do we do jump down

to a tree it will be able to get out if we did that though hmm maybe with a hook

control should probably be around here somewhere

Joker give the try

my god that he worked wait stop stop they'll notice if it could come with

that bring it back with

you got it I know descending on the hole with a nut spot due to the moment ago

don't necessarily nothing I can do to make sure that doesn't happen

ah baby girl hmm exactly that's where skull comes in why

me actually yeah probably screwed up

somehow when we tried to think of something where you just said that to

make fun of me right we were able to turn the lights off over in the other

control only for a few seconds there will not be enough time to make it all

the way here

what going to split up the tasks the person will shut the power off okay one

person would lower the crane I'll grab the treasure hmm okay

that's three different teams he sure is gonna work seems to me like

that and realized what's going on it's a fine sometimes four moves have the

greatest be out

Oh South Joker you understand what being a phantom thief really means

it's time for the calling card fantastic guys I think we have pretty much cleared

all the treasures Oh No look out look at that we forgot one less treasure

believable magic ointment and with that it means that the castle is ready to go

I mean the palace is ready to go because

there are no treasures left

well at least the map is not highlighting any leftovers in terms of

explorations it wasn't a particularly big balance I think that the first one

was actually bigger so the only thing left is to use the : card and then

execute the theft let me see if the consultation says anything however now

how is our progress Joker Joker do we need do we not need to send a calling

card I believe we have already secured our route route or route okay

but once we nab the treasure this one's gonna disappear it's suck to leave loot

behind you know true Samaritan experienced I will leave that decision

to you Joker sure to keep article on your mind what are your thoughts not

that all makes actually pretty good sense in the game is well-designed from

that standpoint so let's go ahead let's go

we have secured our route treasurer I'm still kind of worried okay let's do this

I cannot do it then what mother arm stretch or maybe either way we'll still

if we show

all right our second calling card yes the right and once we send it

he's this the only thing left he have to see I'll let you decide when we do each

Joker let's make sure we're ready before then that's most correct all we have to

now send the calling card to mother AMA

shouldn't we talk to you about that first why I mean mother I'm I was his

teacher it's not our place to be deciding

something like this yeah I stock to use cash

yeah this problem is bigger than just the three of us anyway how about we all

made up at the idols yep

the uncork mother a mixology continues growing constant stream of visitors

turnout is much greater than expected blah blah blah

let's use the toilet I'll go to sleep we don't say that enough in videogames how

do you mean should have toilet we're relaxing thinking that goes eight

days away from the expiration date of this infiltration I think we're pretty

positive we've done a very good job with this infiltration there's still plenty

of time to take over mother Aramis mother Rama's heart so what I'm gonna do

now guys is to say good night and see you guys tomorrow thank you so very much

for hanging out at my sure to leave a thumbs up make sure to follow our

channel as usual and you will see you probably this weekend I'll be streaming

a lot more I think thanks a lot guys for hanging out let's do it let's do

something quite important which is to remember saving

and that is done thank you very much guys

good night you're the bastard

For more infomation >> [Persona 5] 1st play! 🇯🇵 #16 (I'm level 18!) - Duration: 1:05:32.


CACHÉE | the kidults - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> CACHÉE | the kidults - Duration: 0:52.


CHINESE TV BACKSTAGE - Duration: 4:52.

You want to know what the real XINSHI is ?

This is the Real XINSHI

A messy house

two nervous guys

because today we're interviewed by Chinese national TV

And we have to make a one man show

plus a second interview

plus a second one man show !

So we're ... very busy !

Very nervous

very excited !

and very happy ;)

anyway, we're also very late ! Bye bye !

Does it look like we just woke up ?

I thought so too

We arrived !

I'm not exactly sure where we are ...

hello ? hello ?

Nervous ? Stressed out ?

hello !

Makeup team

thank you !


Opps, i went too far

Am I good looking or what ?

That's a biiiiiggg ... what's it called ?

Pe... Peanut !


the PeaPeaNutNut is a GIANT nut !

If you eat too much you get Very fat ! 

Put it back

Give me some wine please

back on stage ?


We'll have to film in french again (We did it too many times...)

I'm sick and tired of you doing nothing ! I'm always the one making food ...

You don't even know how to make food !

Look at your bread ! It's plastic ! not even a real bread !

And your eggs .... FAKE TOO !

Seems like those were not fake ... :D

I'm a bottle ! Anyone wants a drink ?

Roméo let's go, filming time

Well, we just finished 2 of the shows

So we changed clothes for the 3rd one

We're about to start the 3rd interview

But,meanwhile, i'll show you around the place see how crazy it is !

let's go !

there is everything ... even a drum set

Makeup place, kinda cool

a fake kitchen

We just arrived in IKEA !

Let's go

And this is for the 3rd interview

With a little plane

that's cool(=・ω・=)

Now, we're starting the interview

Hello everybody

So that you guys can see when we are interviewed ;)

Finished !

Thanks everybody !

Today was a very interesting experience

I have no idea when those things will be published

It was stressful at first, but after a while .. it's ok

anyway, I hope you guys like this kind of daily life videos ;) (comments?)

one day

one box !

This comes from 自安静看番得cool boy

longest name ever  !

Thank you !(=・ω・=)

3, 2, 1

What about we try this thing in one of our future videos ?

Please write a comment to explain us what it is first

Kisses !

For more infomation >> CHINESE TV BACKSTAGE - Duration: 4:52.


Et tout le monde s'en fout: Le spécisme. (Cambriolage des Chaînons Manquants) - Duration: 2:40.

So, what I wanted to say

is that a choice is no longer personal

When it starts to impact

Somebody else's life

Yes ?

For instance,

Choosing the color of your T-shirt

Is a personal choice

but deciding to kill your neighbor

Is not a personal choice

Your holiday destination

is a personal choice

but choosing to finance

baby's murder

to drink their mother's milk

is not a personal chioce

In the same way...

deciding to finance the murder

of billions of innocent beings

for your own pleasure

is not a personal choice !

Don't panic,

Let me explain,

The strikes against racism

against sexism

and against specism

are no personal choices

they are politics stances

based on a value-judgment

this means that we will judge

in each action

the quantity of good and evil

in that action *facebook noise*

Yea butt u chouldnt juddge otthers

u r intolerant

go clean your teath with some rocks

We don't judge the others !

We judge their actions

If we start to refuse expressing our thoughts

on the actions around us

we start to place everything

on the same level

the juggling show

on the same level as the collective rape

And this means that,

we throw all moral considerations

in the garbage.

Because listen carefully

it's the basic essence of the moral

to judge the actions around us

and to raise one's voice when we meet

the injustice

and since ever and in every place

when someone denounce an injustice

the only who dare complaining

are those who did profit

of that very injustice

Do you understand ?

What I'm trying to tell you

Is that in fact,

You can not say that you are free

to harm anybody else

even if he hasn't the same color as you

even is he hasn't the same sex as you

and even if he is not from the same specie as you

Do you understand ?

You cannot come and kill my dog

and you cannot come and kill the same dog

if he is not mine

because it's the dog that you respect

it's not me

it's not the fact that it is my dog

it's the dog we respect

Do you undersand ???

For more infomation >> Et tout le monde s'en fout: Le spécisme. (Cambriolage des Chaînons Manquants) - Duration: 2:40.


Man from the Future | 미래에서 온 남자 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 8:11.

(Man from the Future)


I am your host Park Seongkwang!

Don't be surprised, people.

Would you believe it if there was someone

from the year 2087 living in this year of 2017?

Everyone, the world wants to know about him.

Introducing the man from the future!

He's from the future!



So amazing!

- Wow! You're from the future! / - Gosh...

Hello! Hello.

What was that?

- Don't misunderstand. / - What?

That means I'm happy to see you.


This is how we greet each other in the future.

- In the future? / - Good to see you!

I see...

I was flustered.

- You were flustered? / - Yes.

You were...

I ought to...

What was that?

That's how we apologize in the future.

- So that's how you apologize in the future. / - Yes.

- Many things change in the future. / - Yes.

This is so amazing. Someone from the future.

From the future...

Who is this person with you?

Who's he?

He's a fan.

- He's a fan? / - Yes.

This is what fans look like in the future?

This is what they look like in the future.

It's a portable fan.

That's amazing! It looks human!

I feel like he's being a bit cautious.

He looks really human.

Dang it...

Isn't he human?

Artificial intelligence.

This is...

He's not human?

He's a machine.

He seems human.


He's not human?

He's a machine.

That's amazing.

Alright, I see...


I am a bit disappointed.

About what?

Your outfit.

I expected something different in the future.

This looks a bit...

It's a Joseon era outfit.


- They say fashion is cyclical. / - Yes...

In the future, the trends have all been done before

and now, this Joseon era outfit is the hottest look.

- Now it's the Joseon era? / - Yes, it's very popular.

So people dress like this in Gangnam?

- Where? / - Gangnam.

Gangnam? Gangnam is...

Oh! The historic site?

- Gangnam becomes a historic site? / - Yeah.

- In 70 years... / - Sure.

- Really? / - That's where kids take field trips to.

So the property value really went up...

It's a historic site.

I see.


Now that Gangnam has become historic,

I want to know the hot place of the future.

- Yeah? / - What's the busy area?

Tell us.

Tell us! Where is it?

- You want to know? / - I'll write it down!

Goesan, Chungcheonbuk-do.

It's amazing.

That's unexpected.

Goesan's Goerosugil is where

all the fashionistas go!

- Goesan? How did that happen? / - Goesan.

It was mentioned by the investing wiz,

Warren Buffet and then it became a hot place.

Oh, right! If it's mentioned by a famous person...

- Yeah! / - It gets really popular.

Now I get it.

- Very good. / - So what happened?

- Warren Buffet came to Korea... / - Yeah.

And after finishing a bowl of blood sausage soup...

"Ma'am, check please."

That's when Goesan became a hot place.

Then if a celebrity says,

"I love "Entertainment Weekly,""

will Junggye blow up too?

- No. / - Then what?

"I love you." Sadang would blow up.

I don't think you're from the future.

- You don't think so? / - You're forcing it!

- You don't believe me? / - That makes no sense!

- Do you like spicy mixed noodles? / - Yes!

And that's all there is to you.

What does that mean?

- Next question. / - What did that mean?

Ask the next question.

What is he talking about?

- Here's the next question. / - Okay.

- I'm really curious about this. / - What?

The World Cup...

It's 2017 now.

The coach for the Korean team

has been replaced.

The next coach hasn't been decided yet.

Tell us that.

- That? / - Yes, I'm very curious.

Who will become the coach

for the Korean team?

Director Hong Sangsu.

Hong Sangsu...

- You mean the film director? / - Yes, that director.

- For films... / - Yes, yes.

Why would a film director coach soccer?

He has amazing tactics.

- Tactics? / - Simply amazing!

What does he do?

He gathers the players and Hong Sangsu says...

"Let's start the shoot."

Then the ball goes in.

"Let's start the shoot." And the ball goes in again.

"Let's start the shoot." The ball keeps going in!

He's amazing.

And best of all, he gets Min.

Kim Minhui?

Son Heungmin.

- I'm sorry. / - What are you saying?

- I'm sorry. / - Don't be ridiculous!

- It's not like that... / - You!

- Yes. / - You like spicy rice cakes?

- Yes. / - And that's all there is to you.

What was that?

That doesn't make sense!

Alright. Last question.

Alright then.

Hold on.

I think your machine seems tired.


His face is really red.

He's a machine.

Hold on...

Hold on!

- I got him! / - What?

- Hey! / - What?

- What is this? / - Huh?

Look at that!

You have a real fan.

- That's a charger. / - A charger?

A machine needs to be charged.

- He's charging? / - It's a charger.

He's a machine.

It seems strange. Alright.

- I'll just believe you. / - Of course.

Last question.

It's about the idols of the future.


- Korea is obsessed with idols now. / - Right.

You know "Produce 101?"

That's still going on in the future.

- It's on in the future? / - Season 72.

It's incredible.

"Produce 1,000,001."

They pick a million and one people.

They pick that many?

It takes 5 years to pick a winner.

5 years...

It's amazing.

- It's incredible. / - I don't believe you.

Why won't you believe me?

Who here would believe you?

This is why I brought

a winner from the future.

Yes! I'd believe that!

- I'm sorry. / - Winner, step out!

Come on out!

Why are you so tired?

You got all winded just from coming here?

2, 3... Take that!

- Good. / - What's your problem, punk?

Your outfit...

Idols work hard from when they're trainees.

He was picked? You call him an idol?

He spent time as a trainee too.

- That's it. Give me the photo evidence. / - Yes.

He practiced so hard...

- When he was a trainee? / - Sure. Bring it.

This should prove it.

Look how much he struggled.

And now, he's an idol.

It's just an ultrasound!

And he started in his mom's womb

but that's still a bit late.

- Late? / - Yeah.

Trainees that start even earlier...

Are with their fathers.

- They start from here? / - Sure.

- They're already training in here? / - Sure.

I'm raising two myself.

Their body waves are amazing.

You're raising two?

-That's right. / - Excuse me.

I'm sorry to interrupt but

may I sing a song?

- You're so tactless! / - Oh, yes.

Sing your song that won 1st in "Music Bank."

Show them.

Why is he so tired?

Hey, hey!

I get you.

But what are you doing?

The trainees in my body need to practice now.

Get out. Get out of here!

- Why are you apologizing? / - Get out!

For more infomation >> Man from the Future | 미래에서 온 남자 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 8:11.


Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 4:14.

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)


- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.


We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

Can just one of you talk?


- Okay. / - Okay.

Guys, remember when we were kids?

When we went hiking together?

When we got lost hiking together?

When you fought a wild boar then?

What are you saying?

You won.

Won what?

And you ate it.

Not that.

Those boys called us

good girls when we were kids.

You did too, Myeonghun.

Oh, I remember.

But that's not exactly what I said.

Then what?

I said you look like my mom's friends.

You look like my uncle's friend.

You look like my grandma's friend.

Why are you circling me?

Where are you going?

What the...

Myeonghun, do you want to get in trouble?

- Why? / - Why?

I told you not to like me.

- Are you insane? / - Are you insane?

Is she really insane?

Why did you show up and throw

water on the guy

I was on a date with?

To tell him she's your girl?

For him to give up on her?

For him to come to his senses.

I had to save the poor guy.

You shouldn't threaten guys to date you.

Where are you going?

This is heavy.

Hold on...

Why are you sitting?

Girls, congratulate me.

I think I'm going to date a singer.

- Lucky you. / - Lucky you.

This is nuts.

Who is it?

Nobody asked.

Park Hyoshin.

Did anyone here ask?

Park Hyoshin.

Nobody asked.

I don't think anyone asked.

Park Hyoshin.

He suddenly showed up in front of my house

and sang with his sweet voice.

- A serenade of love? / - A serenade of love?

Stop making things up.

My face will break out.


You shouldn't sit...

I've never experienced this.

- Did something happen? / - Did something happen?

You fell asleep while eating?


These days, I'm preparing

to be a fitness model.

So? Keep going.

So I've been working out at the gym early.

And some guy came up to me

and hugged me from behind.


Gosh... Maybe he thinks you're easy.

Gosh... Maybe he's underestimating you.

Gosh... Maybe he thought you were a gym ball.

When you're at the gym...

Don't bend over.

People could get confused.

Don't do the body wave.

I don't want to see that.

Guys, let's go to a water park since it's hot.

Alright, I'll wear a bikini.

Me too.

Would you get out of my face?

Myeonghun, you'd better not

pick me up and throw me in the water.

Maybe I could roll you but not lift you.

I'm going to swim as soon as I get there.

I'm going to tan as soon as I get there.

I'm not going to go.

That hurts.

For more infomation >> Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 4:14.


Die richtige Körperhaltung I STRESSBEWÄLTIGUNG Teil 1 - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Die richtige Körperhaltung I STRESSBEWÄLTIGUNG Teil 1 - Duration: 6:28.


మిధున రాశి 2017 - Mithuna Rasi - August Rasi Phalalu 2017 - Astrology In Telugu - Bhavishya Jyoti - Duration: 3:15.

Please Subcribe Like

For more infomation >> మిధున రాశి 2017 - Mithuna Rasi - August Rasi Phalalu 2017 - Astrology In Telugu - Bhavishya Jyoti - Duration: 3:15.


Super Fatty-man | 힘을 내요! 슈퍼뚱맨 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 3:38.

(Super Fatty-man)

Fire! A fire!

There's a fire!

Where? Where?

Where's a fire?

Right here!

I am the world's greatest villain, Zero-X!

I'll blow the Earth up!

Hold it!

A hero shows up to save the world from danger.

Super Fatty-man!

I am the warrior of justice that protects the Earth!

Super Fatty-man!

Zero-X, I'll never forgive evil-doers!

It's Super Fatty-man!

This way, everyone!

Come hide this way.

Super Fatty-man.

It's no use.

Take this.

Zero-X fireball!

Super Fatty-man caldron lid pork belly shield!

They're nicely cooked. Let's eat these later.


You grilled pork belly with my fireball?

You can't block this.

- What is it? / - Take this.

Zero-X staff technique!


This won't do anything!


Why? What is it?

My deceased father left this behind...


How could you break something his dad left him?

How would I know that?

People, I was fighting a...

Where are you all going?

Excuse me. Are you okay?

This is dangerous. Please step aside!


What is it?

My girlfriend, Yuki!

That's your girlfriend?

To defeat a villain,

he will smash something from the deceased...

- No... / - And eliminate a citizen's girlfriend.

That's our Super Fatty-man!

It was just a pillow. Don't say it like that, sir.

- Now! Minions! / - What?

- You have henchmen? / - Get him!

What the...

You scum! This won't help you!

Super Fatty-man pork hock chop!

Die, villain!


What is it now?

Why'd you only shoot him?

So what? I was defeating a villain!

Geez... This is my fault?

Fine. You all save the world on your own.

I quit.


Take this. Zero-X sword!

I knew it!

Die, villain!

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear X... ♪

- X! / - X!

It's your birthday today?

How could you leave us like this?

We even got you a present.

What a scary present.

Your birthday became the day of your funeral!

I'm so happy I could die...

- X! / - X!

This isn't even sad.

Oh, it's over.

So Super Fatty-man ends up...

- Destroying another's belonging... / - No...

And killed someone on their birthday...

- What? / - All to save the world.

Why do you say it like...

- You're amazing, Super Fatty-man! / - I quit.

- Be strong, Super Fatty-man! / - I quit being a hero!

For more infomation >> Super Fatty-man | 힘을 내요! 슈퍼뚱맨 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.15] - Duration: 3:38.


Wynonna Earp 2x07 Promo "Everybody Knows" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Wynonna Earp 2x07 Promo "Everybody Knows" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.


Matt Wrld - West Ham Fan TV on Huddersfield Town FC - Duration: 5:32.

Hi I'm Nicky, West Ham Fan TV, and you're watching Matt WRLD. Come on you Irons

This is a Championship stadium here, Huddersfield are not a Championship club.

We're going to be a Premier League club, I've never known that - what's it going

to be like for me and what are your thoughts about Huddersfield getting up there?

It's going to be tough mate, it's going to be a culture shock. Especially being a new side

up there all eyes are gonna be on you again. Not looking forward to that you know, if you

get tanked. In my whole life if you get tanked then no one

really notices. But actually getting tanked on Super Sunday against

Man United. That'll be alright. Sam Peoples. It could be worse.

Nah, it is a little bit 'all eyes are on you', especially coming up from the Championship.

But they've made some shocks, haven't they, in the Premier League?

You know teams like Bournemouth and Hull and people like that coming up

and staying up and doing okay, doing all right. Yeah I think you know

what it's one of them things it's

either going to be absolutely terrible or it's going

to be the ride of your life, do you know what I mean? It feels that way, cause I think the Town

fans that check out my channel I think what they might enjoy is what a

different fans perspective is of, of Huddersfield Town. What do you know about

us? Do you care you know that kind of thing? I care because of you mate, to be honest

I remember playing you about 20 years ago in a League Cup and I thought

a small club and then I started looking into the history and my old man

said "they used to be massive, Huddersfield used to be massive." Even in the

sixties and things they were a big side yeah? We've got like an anthem, you've got

blowing bubbles and Liverpool have you'll never walk alone, we had one called "Smile Awhile" which we still have

but apparently that, back in the day was as famous as those. Shankly was our manager as well.

Yeah, exactly. That's a big side mate but, I'm glad

they're up I'm glad for you. I remember when I first joined Ball

Street we had a little conversation and I remember you telling me that they'll

never be a top-flight Club as long as you live and it's two years

later mate and you're there. It's shocking, I'm still shocked.

It's still like what? No! We've spent like 35 million so far, we've broken

our transfer record. You've spent more than us mate! That's right. You're doing the

business and we're not doing anything. Have you been up to our ground before? Never.

No, I've never been. I'm looking forward to going this season though, I like a

good old ground, a bit like this one. A good old fashioned

working-class ground. Mind you ours is a bit of a spaceship now so I'm not sure I

working-class it is but the area obviously certainly is and the fan

bases is but it's a good family club. There'll be a few idiots still from back in the day

that will be like "Icf" in the corner giving it that. They'll all come

out now it's the top flight and they wanna make a name for themselves, that's the way it is. We play you at your place quite

early don't we? Is it your first home game? It's our first home game, yeah

What can town fans expect from the Olympic Stadium?

A long walk, Matt, for a start. Wear sneakers. Yeah, wear your best trainers mate.

It's an arena, it's not a football stadium let's be fair. But, you know

it is impressive to look at outside not so much inside watching the football but.

What's the atmosphere like at the minute? It's okay, it's not that bad. It's not as bad as

people make out. Obviously rivalry games are better than smaller

games but you know the place can get rocking, especially if we go a couple of goals up

it will get rocking yeah. Well I hope I don't see that.

Do you think we've got a chance of staying up? If Bournemouth have done it two

years in a row anyone can stay up, anyone can stay in this League and you know what it's

teams like us and you know you've only got to look at teams like Aston Villa and

people like that who are you know big clubs

top-flight for most of their existences who just don't want to invest the money.

You get a greedy owner that don't want to invest the money in the teams and

that can pull them down into it whereas I don't know what your Chairman is, is he

a Town fair? Massive Town fan yeah so he's going to want to for the good of the club, not for his pocket he's

going to want to stay there. So yeah, I think you've got a

good chance and you know the longer you stay there the more likely it is you do

stay there. I just started to feel, I know preseason

you get optimistic, I'm starting to feel that we might actually have a little

chance of sticking around for a while and who knows but I think that our

future is tied to Wagner's, really, if we can keep him, cause he's an

excellent manager and I think if we can keep him and the pitfalls of going

into you know when you get in Redknapp's and people like that that, ultimately

they're on the way down and they're just trying to get paid out here

Wagner's on the way up and I think if we can keep him you never know. Anyway mate,

thank you for your time hopefully we'll see you during the

season and we can see you at the London Stadium.

For more infomation >> Matt Wrld - West Ham Fan TV on Huddersfield Town FC - Duration: 5:32.


Muthal Afrad K Liye Khushkhabri | Hand Practice in Urdu/Hindi | Full Treatment For Masturbation Boys - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Muthal Afrad K Liye Khushkhabri | Hand Practice in Urdu/Hindi | Full Treatment For Masturbation Boys - Duration: 2:58.


Молния МАКВИН #мультик с игрушками на русском языке - Гордость Маквина! мультфильмы #для детей 2017 - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Молния МАКВИН #мультик с игрушками на русском языке - Гордость Маквина! мультфильмы #для детей 2017 - Duration: 4:58.


Making a video game all by myself - Episode 2 : Sketching - Duration: 12:01.

Wonderfully sketch, isn't-it?

But I will try to do better.

I was a web-developer.

I made internet sites with languages like PHP, Javascript, CSS …

Then I had the opportunity to work on web-based games

and now I work on console games.

So I switch from PHP to c++.

With my project, I played with c# and I learned a little more Unity.

But, even if it is a big change for me, it's just code and software.

It's completely different for sketching.

Because, as many of us, I thought science and art are incompatible.

When I tried to challenge that,

I made that.

It was not easy.

With sport, I've learnt to focus more on feelings and less on results.

I do the same for sketching.

You can try. Take a pencil and paper.

No matter what you want to draw, enjoy in sketching simple lines.

I really like that even if what I sketch is not good.

I'm looking for tutorials and I found 2 sites,

"" by Pit and "Proko" by Stan.

They do a great job.

What I know I learned it from their sites and YouTube channels.

I learned abstraction, action lines, perspective, thickness, shortcuts

Links are in the video description.

I'm going to talk about the 5 steps I went through sketching.

1. Simple copy

2. Copy with construction (I don't really know how to say that in English :p)

3. Sketching based on models

4. Sketching from memory

5. Sketching from the imagination

1. Simple copy

Just copy a photo by tracing contour without trying to understand why.

(French blabla).

And then you have weird sketch.

2. Copy with construction

This technique gives us reference points.

You start your sketch with "simple" shapes.

Not so "simple" because I spent days drawing circles.

That's what I called the "Karate kid" part.

I didn't know if it's worth it.

Because it's very boring and frustrating.

You cannot show your sketch because you spent hours drawing squares and circles.

At the beginning, you thought you would learn to sketch figures and dragons

and after 2 hours you will know everything.

But the truth is I sketch circles and squares for days

then beans

and then robot beans (This is for you Stan :-)).

I trusted in my coaches and now I know realize it was important.

Some people don't use constructions

but it's just another way to sketch.

I use constructions.

3. Sketching based on models

This is my favorite part.

In this step you create your own sketch base on reference.

(French blabla again)

I started to create something new and not just copy.

Then I started sketching everything

my friends,

my family,

strangers in the train, in the café.

When you try to sketch strangers,

you try to lay low and

that is so funny.

Of course I keep sketching for my game.

4. Sketching from memory

What else could I say?

5. Sketching from the imagination

Just draw what is in your mind without any references.

To do that you should master the previous steps.

I cannot really sketch from imagination.

But I can sketch from references. So I think it's enough to start to create.

Of course I keep sketching.

I sketch one hour almost every day since one and half year.

I do it in the train because I have one hour to kill.

I tried Photoshop but for me pencil gives better feelings.

But you can adjust your sketch with digital sketching

when with pencil you have to erase and draw again.

Actually I don't use Photoshop because it's not very easy in a train :) .

From the step 3 I wanted to create animations.

And I made that.

My name is still Manou.

See you soon.

To be continued

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