Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 19 2017

Big news today !

I go to HongKong again

Alone ...

Without Roméo

I'll be back tonight hm ! ?

So why do I go to Hkg ?

It's because Parklu (an influencer platform)

Invited us to join a event

with Gary Vee (important guy in the US )

I haaaate to be late ... But I guess i'll be late !

I just arrived to the event

Lots of people !

We're doing a weird Welcome Gary Vee dance ...

I don't know what this is ..

Thank you Gary

very interesting

The event is over

super interesting !

Basically the idea is

Do what you can, keep motivated, Life is beautiful

Push it push it push it !

You will do great

Follow your dreams

And that's you ;)

HK milk tea :)

Slightly different

I know I should get DimSum

But ... I couldnt really read the menu

So i randomly ordered

And it was this thing

Candy land !

What do you think I should buy to Roméo ?

This ? This ? This ?

Maybe a little ice cream ?

Roméo loves Ice Cream

Thanks a lot, have a good day Yeah you too

Roméo ! that's for you :)

Fox and the barber

This is where we should bring Roméo

Because roméo's hair cut now ....

I love HK's tramway

It's so funny, with a big smile

Do you like time lapse ?

I wonder

Anyway, it doesnt matter, I like them

I'm gonna give you a time lapse, now :

Here is .. Tsim tim tim tsha tsoy ?

Do you know this ?

I know you know

Everybody knows, the good ice creams !

Everybody know, the good ice creams yeah !

The good ice creams yeah !

Finally back home !

So cute ;)

I have a present for you

Ice cream !


Oh ! Thank you

Don't touch me ...

One day

one box

very cute thank you !

Anonymous letter

Dear Xisnhi , back you up all the times

I present you some russian snacks as my gratitude

Thank you so much anonymous

russian snacks ! coconut

Hmm ! Delicious

C'est Mega bon ! Merci  !

Kisses !

For more infomation >> WE BROKE UP ! AND HE CAN'T HANDLE THE SEPARATION.... - Duration: 4:54.


Tsurezure Children First Impressions/Review - Duration: 3:10.

Hello and welcome to my first impressions review of the anime: Tsurezure Children.

Tsurezure Children is a romantic comedy slice of life high school anime about the main character…the

main..character…the main uhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH-

So Tsurezure Children is an anime about no-one,

there is no main character, but there ARE a lot of side characters.

This anime serves as a toast, a tribute, a celebration in honour of all the forgotten

heroes of anime, the ones constantly pushed to the sidelines, the ones who always give

it their all but never get the spotlight they deserve.

But here in this anime, there is no main character to steal their thunder allowing every single

character in Tsurezure Children to shine.

From the delinquent to the senpai, the foreigner to the yandere, the otaku to the brocon, and

even god himself, there's a character to like for everyone and anyone.

Personally I like them all but I have a softspot for adorable little kids.

Wait that didn't come out right.

Err, what I'm trying to say is that this anime has a wonderfully diverse cast of characters

and each one of them get their own stories and relationships fleshed out.

Seriously, every single character gets their happy ending at one point or another, and

that's what I love about this anime.

It's not about the drama, the love triangles or random rivals that pop up out of nowhere,

it's about the pure, sweet, adorable love of high schoolers.


Anyway! Tsurezure Children never fails to put a smile on my face and get my blood sugar levels rising

way above what they should be.

It's the perfect mix of comedy and romance that makes you laugh but also feel at the

same time.

The reaction faces in particular are on point in this show, like seriously, wow.

But anyway, most of this review has been based on my opinions on the manga, which I already

did a video on.

So how well does the anime adapt the source material?

I'd say almost perfectly.

While the art looks a little different, all the dialogue and scenes have been preserved

just as they were in the manga.

Even the reaction faces maintain their ridiculousness.

However, some small parts felt a little bit awkward and drawn out, such as the confession

scene at the very beginning of the anime, probably due to the transition from the quick

4-koma style of the original.

The voice acting fits the characters decently well and the music is your typical slice of

life stuff.

Though I like how the ending song seeps into the episode.

Overall, Tsurezure Children is a great anime if you like nice things and being happy and

witnessing the budding relationships of 50-odd people.

Seriously, I recommend this to everyone.

Watch it.

For more infomation >> Tsurezure Children First Impressions/Review - Duration: 3:10.


Mom Date - Duration: 3:49.

MOLLY: She just kept putting the circle block into the square and finally I was like, you

know, this is just who she is.

You know why force it?

MEGAN: Laurel, what's up?

What are you doing?

LAUREL: Oh, I'm sorry.

I met this mom at the park a couple of days ago and we exchanged numbers and I haven't

heard from her.

MEGAN: What's her name?

LAUREL: It's Dustin's mom, Michelle.

Do you guys know her?


MOLLY: She's so cool.

MEGAN: She's awesome.

LAUREL: I know.

MOLLY: Oh my gosh.

LAUREL: I really clicked with her and I want to be friends with her.

MOLLY: Yeah.

When you click with another mom, like, you have to pounce on that.

You don't want to blow it.

LAUREL: No, I know.

But I'm worried that it's not mutual.

MEGAN: Call her.

MOLLY: Yeah.

LAUREL: Really?

That feels aggressive.

MEGAN: It is aggressive but it feels necessary.

MOLLY: Yeah.


I don't usually make calls but I definitely don't want to blow it.

LAUREL: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.


LAUREL: She picked up.

MOLLY: And that's what you did?

LAUREL: I thought it would go to voicemail.


MEGAN: I feel like that's...

MOLLY: Now she knows it was you.

MEGAN: Yeah.

MOLLY: What are you going to do?

LAUREL: I don't know, um.

MOLLY: Okay.



I got it.

You call back, say, "Oh, sorry my kid grabbed my phone."


LAUREL: Oh okay.


Oh gosh.

Straight to voicemail.

MOLLY: Her plane may have just taken off.

LAUREL: That's such a coincidence.

That's so unlikely.

Um, hey Michelle.

This is Laurel, Tomothy's mom.

It looks like I just hung up on you, but I didn't.

It was Tomothy.

Also, we're going to go to the park today and I wanted to see if you wanted to go, but

no presh.

And we will not look for you.


MOLLY: What was that last part?

LAUREL: No presh?


We will not look for you.

You basically just said we'll ignore you if you're there.

MEGAN: Like if I were her, I wouldn't know what to feel right now to be honest.

LAUREL: Should I call her again?

MOLLY: Oh no.

MEGAN: Why don' you want me to text her to see how she feels about you?

LAUREL: Don't you feel like that's going to look like I'm trying to find out?

MEGAN: Yeah.

You're probably right.

LAUREL: Do it anyway.

MEGAN: Okay.

LAUREL: Thanks.

MOLLY: Oh, this stuff is so hard.

You know, I feel so lucky that I am in such a great mom relationship right now.

I mean Desiree and I met at the park, we accidentally went home with each other's kids sippy cups

and so we had to meet back up again and we've gone to the park three days a week ever since.

LAUREL: You'e so lucky.

MOLLY: I know.

it's been effortless.

I don't want to brag or anything, but we've been to a lot of parks.

LAUREL: Seriously?

MOLLY: Like some I didn't even know were around.

Like she helped me find them.


LAUREL: Oh my gosh.

MOLLY: I mean I shouldn't be talking about this stuff.

MEGAN: I haven't really met that cool mom for me yet, but I'm okay with it.

I'm okay with it.

MOLLY: Are you putting yourself out there?

MEGAN: Yeah, actually I do.

I've put myself out there a lot.

I feel like i've really tried a lot of different parks and I've tried a lot of different approaches

and so far I just haven't clicked.

And that's okay.

You know I've thought about it a lot and if I have to go to the park alone with just my

kids for the rest of my life, that's okay.

MOLLY: Good for you.

And you know what?

That's when it happens.

When you stop trying.


When you least expect it, some cool mom is going to come in and want to be friends with


MEGAN: You're right.

And you know what?

At this point, I'm like, it's okay if it's not a cool mom.

It could be a nanny, it could be a grandpa.

I'm open to anything and I'm open to myself.

MOLLY: You are the strongest mom I know.

LAUREL: Me too.

MOLLY: And I'm sorry that's not enough for some people.

LAUREL: Exactly.

MEGAN: Thank you, guys.

LAUREL: You deserve a great mom partner at the park.

MEGAN: Thank you.

LAUREL: You know and I know you're going to, wait.


It's Michelle!



No, we're going today.


We'll see you there.

Okay, bye.

She's going to meet us at the park!

We're totally going to be friends!


MOLLY: You need a makeover!


MEGAN: Anthony, can you say The BreakWomb?


For more infomation >> Mom Date - Duration: 3:49.


What are "Groundscrapers"? | The B1M - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> What are "Groundscrapers"? | The B1M - Duration: 3:16.


Planet of the Apes - فيلم قصير - الجزء التالت - مترجم - Duration: 13:43.

For more infomation >> Planet of the Apes - فيلم قصير - الجزء التالت - مترجم - Duration: 13:43.




by M M


In some areas of the world, payment systems that require palm scanning or face scanning

are already being tested. We have entered an era where biometric security is being hailed

as the �solution� to the antiquated security methods of the past.

We are being promised that the constant problems that hackers are causing with our credit cards,

bank accounts, ATM machines and Internet passwords will all go away once we switch over to biometric


And without a doubt, we have some massive security problems that need to be addressed.

But do you really want a machine to read your face or your hand before you are able to buy

anything, sell anything or log on to the Internet?

Do you really want �the system� to be able to know where you are, what you are buying

and what you are doing at virtually all times?

Biometric security systems are being promoted as �cool� and �cutting edge�, but

there is also potentially a very dark side to them that should not be ignored.

In this day and age, identity theft has become a giant problem. Being able to confirm that

you are who you say that you are is a very big deal. To many, biometric security presents

a very attractive solution to this problem.

For example, the following is a brief excerpt from a recent Fox News article entitled �Biometric

security can�t come soon enough for some people��

In a world where nearly every ATM now uses an operating system without any technical

support, where a bug can force every user of the Internet to change the password to

every account they�ve ever owned overnight, where cyber-attacks and identity theft grow

more menacing every day, the ability to use your voice, your finger, your face or some

combination of the three to log into your e-mail, your social media feed or your checking

account allows you to ensure it�s very difficult for someone else to pretend they�re you.

Almost everyone would like to make their identities more secure. Nobody actually wants their bank

accounts compromised or their Internet passwords stolen.

But there is a price to be paid for adopting biometric identification. Your face or your

hand will be used to continually monitor and track everything that you do and everywhere

that you go.

Here is some more from that Fox News article�

Friday, we made Ryan King the most verified man in Brooklyn.

�Verified,� a fingerprint-recognition device chirped back at Ryan after he placed

his finger on the reader.

�Verified,� a facial-recognition device said to Ryan after scanning his face.

Ryan works at the American headquarters for FingerTec, a Malaysian company replacing PINs,

usernames, and typed passwords with fingers and faces we don�t need to memorize.

�You can�t copy someone�s fingerprint unless you chop it off,� Ryan said, �which

wouldn�t work because it has to be attached to a hand.�

For now, biometric security is not being forced on people. If you want to avoid it, you can.

But eventually, once it has been adopted on a widespread basis, banks and government agencies

will start requiring it.

And it is easy to imagine a day when none of us will any longer be able to buy or sell

anything without submitting to biometric identification.

In fact, an �alternative payment method� involving hand scanning is already being tested

in southern Sweden�

Hand scanning has become an alternative payment method for people in a city in southern Sweden,

researchers at Lund University said Monday.

Vein scanning terminals have been installed in 15 shops and restaurants in Lund thanks

to an engineering student who came up with the idea two years ago while waiting in line

to pay.

Some 1,600 people have signed up already for the system, which its creator says is not

only faster but also safer than traditional payment methods.

�Every individual�s vein pattern is completely unique, so there really is no way of committing

fraud with this system,� researcher Fredrik Leifland said in a statement.

�You always need your hand scanned for a payment to go through.�

But before biometric identification is widely used for payment systems, we will probably

see it implemented in a whole bunch of other ways first.

For instance, biometric scanners are already being used in dining halls on college campuses

all across America�

Hand geometry readers have been fairly common on campus for years but more recent deployments

are leveraging fingerprint and even iris biometrics to link students with transactions.

Physical access is the hallmark biometric application but the technology has been gaining

popularity in food service and other sectors to expedite transactions.

The social stigma attached to biometrics is also being lifted, as students are becoming

more comfortable with the technology, says Brian Adoff, executive vice president at NuVision.

The inclusion of a fingerprint scanner on the latest iPhone is just one indication that

the younger generation is comfortable with biometrics.

�Administrators have a greater fear of the technology than students,� says Bob Lemley,

director of software development at the CBORD Group.

�Students are growing up with the technology so they don�t think about it as much as

the older generations.�

Georgia Southern University can attest to that fact. The school deployed iris biometrics

at its dining hall and only two students out of 5,400 refused to enroll, says Richard Wynn,

director of the university�s Eagle Card Program.

Young people tend to be less alarmed by this technology, and so that is where it is being


If you can believe it, biometric scanners are even going to be used at Six Flags amusement

park this summer�

A new scanning system at Six Flags sounds like it�s from the future, but the biometric

scanner aims to make faster entrances for season pass holders.

When guests arrive at the front gate for the first time of the season, they will present

their voucher and a scanner processes an image of their fingerprint, assigning a unique set

of numbers that are used to validate the pass holder�s card each visit.

The first visit should take only about 20 seconds to set up the card, as opposed to

the additional time of taking a photo and getting it printed on the card, according

to spokeswoman Elizabeth Gotway.

This kind of reminds me of the new �MagicBands� at Disney parks that I have written about

previously. You have probably seen the television commercials featuring them by now.

Disney seems to think that parents and kids will have no problems wearing RFID tracking

devices that allow them to buy stuff and monitor wherever they go. If you want to see what

Disney has to say about these �MagicBands�, you can do so right here.

Our world is becoming stranger with each passing day.

Incredibly, biometric identification is even being used in Africa to keep track of who

is being vaccinated�

In fact, some biometric solutions are helping solve vaccine delivery issues in Africa which

has been hampered by ineffective tracking and reporting.

Today, a biometric vaccination registry helps to ensure that millions of young children

receive the vaccine that is needed to save their lives.

And by knowing �who� has been vaccinated, these precious life-saving drugs are not wasted

by over-vaccinating some and missing others entirely.

This technology is going to keep spreading, and it is going to become harder and harder

to avoid it.

And it is easy to imagine what a tyrannical government could do with this kind of technology.

If it wanted to, it could use it to literally track the movements and behavior of everyone.

We are already starting to see the establishment of massive biometric databases. One of these

is the FBI�s facial recognition database that is a part of their �Next Generation

Identification� program.

It [was] projected that the FBI compiled 52 million of our �face images� by the year

2015. Given enough time, eventually I am sure that they would have all of our faces in their


And one day, this kind of technology will likely be so pervasive that you won�t be

able to open a bank account, get a credit card or even buy anything without having either

your hand or your face scanned first.

When that day arrives, what will you do? That is something to

think about.



What to do when bored in Summer/Chrysoula - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> What to do when bored in Summer/Chrysoula - Duration: 4:57.


Superman Saves Lois Lane Desert Scene | Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice (2016) | Movie Clip - Duration: 4:59.

Men with power obey neither policy nor principle, Miss Lane.

No one is different.

No one is neutral.


They're tracking us!


You're CIA?

What? No. No!

- You brought him here! - No, he's a photographer.


It's okay, Lois.

Talon's down, sir.

Python, we have lost our asset on the ground.

Repeat, we have lost our asset on the ground.

There's still a civilian in the compound. We'll extract her.

Negative. RPA to engage. Stand down and get black.

There'll be friendlies in the blast zone, so...

Call off the goddamn drone.

Stand down is an order. Python?

Let's move!


I didn't know.

Ignorance is not the same as innocence,

Miss Lane.

Get up! Stand up!

Quickly. He's coming.

Inbound 2 mikes.

Passing Python now.

Move out!

- Target locked. - You are clear to engage.

Armed hot and in range.


Two. One.

Link's been hit.

By what?

Take one step, you will see the inside of her head.

For more infomation >> Superman Saves Lois Lane Desert Scene | Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice (2016) | Movie Clip - Duration: 4:59.




This seems like a scene from a bizarre and outrageous sci-fi movie that already destroyed

the main plot by its incredulity.

The truth behind the origins of humanity is far from what we originally thought.

For many years, the ones who have strayed from the path have believed that humans are

essentially made of stardust - which many will still think incredulous now.


survey of 150,000 have confirmed these scientists who believed in the far-fetched - and it proved

many wrongs, and them correct.

In the survey proved the cliche to be true - about 97% of the same kind of atoms that

make us human is those that are found in the stars - and these elements are actually even

more prevalent in them, as stars are in the center of the universe.


CHNOPS - what runs through your head when this abbreviation is used?

It actually means carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

Why are they so important?

If one were to think properly, one would realize these elements are the building blocks of

life - the ones that are essentially vital to the way we live, and the reason humanity

can find life in the first place.

ELEMENTS OF LIFE How exactly do you dissect a star, an eternal material that seems to

cease to exist and impossible to contain?

Scientists have come up with the most brilliant way of researching and dissecting stars - which

is a method called spectroscopy.

Each element in a star emits different wavelengths, which are then determined and matched to each

star's light spectrum to determine the material.

The researchers used measurements from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's (SDSS) Apache Point

Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) in Mexico.

The wonderful thing about APOGEE is that it is able to peer through dust - a breakthrough

in science.

Sloan researchers have since released a statement, claiming: "This instrument collects light

in the near-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum and disperses it, like a prism, to

reveal signatures of different elements in the atmospheres of stars.

A fraction of the almost 200,000 stars surveyed by APOGEE overlap with the sample of stars

targeted by the NASA Kepler mission, which was designed to find potentially Earth-like


However, one all-important question comes to mind: What makes a human, and what makes

a star?

The thing is, even though humans share many similar elements with stars down to the atomic

level, the mass in which we are made up of that particular element is different.

For instance, humans are made up of 65% oxygen, whereas oxygen does not even account a 1%

in a star's mass.

This, in fact, has also led to another amazing discovery: the proportion of each element

of life differed depending on which region the star was from.

This allows researchers to find out more about our galaxy - and just where humanity came

from, and any other secrets the stars may hold.

For more infomation >> NEW STUDY PROVES WE ARE REALLY MADE OF STARDUST - Duration: 5:04.


شرح فتح جميع البورتات في أنظمة لينكس + ويندوز [Kali Linux] - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> شرح فتح جميع البورتات في أنظمة لينكس + ويندوز [Kali Linux] - Duration: 7:07.


Las Calaveras Salen de Su Tumba Chumbala Cachumbala - Canción infantil con El Mono Sílabo - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Las Calaveras Salen de Su Tumba Chumbala Cachumbala - Canción infantil con El Mono Sílabo - Duration: 3:21.


PoP Vlog 1 - Why are you an advocate for Pearson? - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> PoP Vlog 1 - Why are you an advocate for Pearson? - Duration: 4:43.


Bad Sponsors: De-hab Center, Gary's Maybe Taco Truck - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Bad Sponsors: De-hab Center, Gary's Maybe Taco Truck - Duration: 3:35.


Pedestrian Question - On Vacation or Unemployed? - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Pedestrian Question - On Vacation or Unemployed? - Duration: 4:46.


DIY Lawn Flamingo Jewelry Hooks - HGTV Handmade - Duration: 2:55.

Hi guys, I'm Karen Kavett, welcome back to HGTV Handmade.

So flamingos are such a trendy trend this summer, that today we are actually going to

be making wall hooks out of lawn flamingos.

These are really cute, a little unexpected.

Here's how to make them.

For these, you'll need a small lawn flamingo, which you can buy online.

You'll also need a small saw.

Start cutting about halfway through the flamingo's body, and carefully cut all the way down.

You can use your scissors to cut the last little bit, and then use your scissors to

trim down any rough spots.

This is what your flamingo should look like once you're done cutting.

Now grab a piece of thick, sturdy cardboard.

Trace the back of the flamingo onto it, but before you cut it out, draw and cut out a

hole to be able to hang it up.

Then cut out the oval, and you'll need to keep trimming it down until it fits nice and

snug into the end of the flamingo.

Once it fits in there, put a generous line of hot glue all the way around the inside

and then press the cardboard into place.

Then add more hot glue to the outside, smoothing it down with the tip of your glue gun as you


Once it's in place, you shouldn't be able to see it from the side.

Now this part is optional, but I decided to paint mine.

Of course you can paint it any color you like, but I'm using pink chalk paint to get a

nice pastel matte finish.

I did three coats of paint to make sure there weren't any streaks.

And once that was dry, I used yellow chalk paint to paint the top half of the beak, and

again, I did two coats to get it totally opaque.

And then finally, I used black chalk paint to clean up any pink and yellow that got onto

the bottom of the beak and to paint the tip of the beak.

And of course, to paint the flamingo's eyes to finish it off.

Once you're done painting, it should look like this, and then you're done.

Just hang it up on a thumbtack or a nail, and you can hang up your jewelry in a really

fun, summery way.

Hang them up high for necklaces, or down low for bracelets.

So I would love to know in a comment right down below how you're decorating your room

for the summer or if you've made any fun flamingo crafts lately.

Be sure to like and subscribe and I'll see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> DIY Lawn Flamingo Jewelry Hooks - HGTV Handmade - Duration: 2:55.


Couples Before & After Marriage | Toilet Ek Prem Katha | MissMalini - Duration: 3:34.

Do you guys get jealous when someone else gives your partner attention?

Very! I'm very possessive.

I want him all to myself.

Please? Who will tolerate this man?

If there's someone, please take him and go.

What do you think about each other's friends?

They're very sweet. They're like family.

They treat me like family.


They just lie around our house all day.

Baby, you've started again?

And who has to cook for them? Me!

I'm not saying don't invite them, but at least tell me.

How well would you say you know each other?

She knows me very well.


She knows I like blue...

... so she always buys blue shirts for me.

It's been one year of marriage

And she still doesn't know that

I hate "shalgam ki sabzi"

I'm tired of telling her I don't like it.

But by God, without fail, every Saturday

she'll make "shalgam ki sabzi"

How often do you have date night?

Every night's a date night!

When I'm with her, every night's a date night.

Aww! That's so sweet!

Date night...

Quite often... we just went yesterday.

Please... dinner with your parents

is not a date, okay?

What would you say is the foundation of a happy relationship?


Trusting each other.

That is important.

I think communication.

The secret to a happy relationship...

Separate toilets!

Oh God, she's started again.

In a marriage, the biggest fight - who'll use the toilet first.

I've told him very clearly

that between 7 to 8, the toilet is mine.

But does he listen to me? Never!

Now who's going to tell her... potty doesn't ask

That hello, it's 8

Should I come?

Listen, I don't care. I need a bathroom between 7 and 8

and I've told you it's non-negotiable.

So what do I do?

When you're in the bathroom, what do I do?

Should I sit on the sidewalk?

India anyway has the highest number of

people practicing open defecation

You want to add me in that list, too?

See what I mean?

What would you say is the best part about your relationship?

I think his sense of humour

He makes me laugh all the time

Stop it!


She always surprises me with sweet gifts.

Coming home to her. Coming home to him.

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