How to make Slime?
What Spirit Are You Air Water Earth Or Fire - Duration: 6:00.What Spirit Are You Air Water Earth Or Fire
By Radhika Mehrotra
Everything in this Universe is connected and nothing is a coincidence. Often, we tend to
forget that we are all spiritual beings experiencing human form and not a human being experiencing
We are all the Universe itself expressing ourselves as humans. We come from the cosmos
and have within us the 5 physical elements � Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether. Ether
is more recessive than dominant in nature.
Here�s a basic description as to what and who you will be based on the particular element
you connect with, the most. For some people energies of all four elements is intense and
they resonate with all four elements.
Identifying your own element �
# Fire Element
Fire spirits are here to deliver messages to the world. They have an eternal flame ablaze
in their belly that always leads them to follow their dreams and conquer all. They do not
have to take major steps to tune into their true flame � by being true self simply can
create magic, unending for them. They can deliver the message when they are true to
When not in balance, a Fire Spirit can become too aggressive and excessively dominant in
They can bouts of energy episodes and can lash out at anyone hindering their way. However,
as they focus on the bigger picture and remember their core strength, they begin to feel calm
and find their semblance and sanity.
The problem with a fire spirit is, when they are out of sync they lose their ability to
think clearly; they have episodic anxiety attacks and they feel blocked in certain aspects
of their life.
# Earth Element
Earth Spirits are on this planet to heal. Heal self, others and the world at large.
As they are natural healers they are drawn towards plants and their healing properties.
They are highly tuned to Earth and feel it internally, too. Their aim is to make this
place a better place for living.
When an Earth spirit awakens, it is because they have deep desire to heal. They are very
driven and do not mind taking responsibilities or to fulfil their duties. They are born leaders
and usually have a lot of space to accommodate people in life.
When out of balance Earth spirit can become very cold and they forget to hold on to the
bigger picture. They are distant and anxious. They need to spend time in nature to find
their balance.
# Air Element
Air spirits are present on Earth to bring innovation and vision. Their purpose is very
divine and they are natural teachers and speakers. Air elements are strong visionaries and bring
a lasting change through their revolutionary ideas and beliefs. They complete their journey
through many lifetimes.
Air Spirits are guardians of peace and go at lengths to protect it. They have the natural
abilities to solve any issue and resolve conflicts. Air spirits often begin to tune into their
awakened selves through prophetic visions and dreams.
When out of balance they can sense conflict and close themselves from the situation rather
than dealing with it. They also tend to lose their connection with people and ability to
heal or respond to difficult situations.
# Water Element
Water Spirits are here to heal through the aspects of art, music and creativity. Highly
intuitive, they are very experimental with their creative side and explore it all with
an open mind and heart. Water elements are very sensitive to their surroundings and they
can easily tap into people�s energy, it also happens even when they are not aware
of it. They have a gift of intuition and can tap into other people quite easily.
A water element can awaken through simply by knowing who they are and allowing their
creativity to flow free. A water element is of a non-conformist nature and when force
to conform they lose their balance and are out of sync.
When out of balance they are left feeling drained and overwhelmed. They become over
sensitive and feel depressed and anxious. It becomes very important for a water sign
to deal with their emotional side. Shedding that energy residue through tears helps a
Do you connect with any of these elements or more than one? I personally connect with
all of them. It is beautiful and empowering at the same time to get a deeper understanding
of self.
Replika - Artificial (not so artificial) intelligence - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
[Youtube Kacke] Liebe an Zeptah - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Lighten The F Up! New Energetic Boundaries - Duration: 12:22.Lighten The F*** Up!
New Energetic Boundaries
by Anastacia,
Lighten the f*** up � New Energetic Boundaries
We come to a place where living with these energies, feeling so deeply and at times,
what many others do not, that we learn that we need to lighten the f*** up.
Lighten up to release and transmute energies, is such a powerful powerful energy and space
to reach to break through all that we go through, as really it is �nuts� what we are experiencing
and transmuting.
In all the �seriousness� we need to find the joy and humor of it all.
Of us choosing to come here, to each endure what we have personally needed to in our lives.
Especially as we get older in human years, as one looks back and reflects on the �craziness�
of what we endured, and how we reacted or responded, in the best way we could, at that
I often joke about how when the �call� was made to come to Earth and choose to inhabit
a human body to accelerate our and the collective consciousness, that it was said, �who wants
to be a trailblazer, to go where no other soul will go and you need to �work it out�
by yourself�.
�Oh, you will have the Divine with you and other teachers along the way, but you will
need to ultimately figure this out yourself and write what has not been written before
in a very new way�.
�That you will spend a 10year time span searching and looking for someone else �like
you� that sees, feels and receives ahead of humanity what you do�.
I could continue on with this and go over my whole life in reflection, as could you,
if you put your name to this and shared your story.
The fact of the matter is, that now we have come to a �time� where we are really re-meeting,
those of us who have �known each other before� of the Divine.
That each 1:1 I have is re-meeting an �old� friend and I mean very �old� time-wise,
in timelessness.
That we are realizing we are no longer �on our own�, that we can �come out� more
now and let our lights shine with and for others, yet mainly for and from within for
ourselves firstly.
Where it is very much TIME for us who have felt so deeply and lovingly, and had to face
a very harsh and rude �awakening� that many others are �not like us�.
They do not come from loving space, yet so many times, we lay our hearts �on the line�
and shared of our love, only to have been very hurt, abused and manipulated.
Where it would �crush� us, as it was so devastating to be hurt so much, when we love
so much.
And then comes when we raise above this and come from unconditional love as we grow.
Yet souls would still throw their sh**t as us.
For us as well, to help us to become stronger from this, as we did choose these contracts
as well, albeit so very challenging for us to learn and grow from.
And then we reach a place/space/time of getting �past� that too, as in, coming from a
loving space, from living in this space of unconditional love, to then shift the energy
to that of actually saying what we feel, from this space.
Allowing us to SPEAK UP and say what something is for us, again the critical part here is
the space one comes from in this.
If this comes from a space of anything but unconditional love, then one is needing to
go deeper to see what �button� is being pushed or triggered.
*Please remember this last part as this could be taken in many ways in what I am about to
We are �allowed� to say wtf, if we so choose.
We are �allowed� to laugh and joke in saying �you are kidding me right?�.
We are allowed to lighten the f*** up in our replies to others as we know we come from
a space of unconditional love, truth and honesty.
And there is no �maliciousness� from the space we are coming from.
That is they key, the space we are coming from.
The humor of it all when a soul writes or says a harsh/negative or dominant comment,
that in the past, they would overpower others with their energy and those who come from
a loving space, would not want to �rock the boat�.
As, we are to rise above it and come from unconditional love and see the �bigger picture�
Yes of course and each situation is unique and one needs to judge the situation, as at
times it may be better to �move on� and not do or say anything.
I am referring to those times, when something just �does not sit with us�, within our
Where we know we are coming from a loving space but you know what, we are �over�
that sh**.
Where someone who is being �nasty� feels they can come and dump their anger or whatever
and walk away.
Did you ever �stop and think/feel� that in saying something like this, may be exactly
what that other person may need?
Someone to put a �stop� to the energy they are �dishing out�.
As I know many times when I have done this, it has altered/changed and �lightened up�
the energy and was a breakthrough for that other person and a healing to do so.
As it is like a child throwing a tantrum and we �call them� on it.
Sit with this�
Well dear friends, on July 1st, the energies very much shifted with this�a �line was
crossed� energetically where �no more� � again in certain situations.
And I wrote of this in past posts, leading up to this post.
As I too myself only broke through this on July 1st as this came through for humanity.
To publicly share and say �wtf� and so on.
As in person, I like to laugh and joke and lighten things up, to �call people� on
things, as in point out where �hey, you come here and say what you what and you don�t
even understand what I am saying and are negative, how about you go and feel the love within
as I do and go and take what you are trying� to dish out on me, elsewhere.
As an example.
In a very lighthearted way, a fun way.
Of allowing oneself to say what they are feeling, to disperse any negative energy from �coming
our way� in what someone says or writes is what this is doing.
So many of us have a very powerful powerful energy that it takes another �strong�
person to be able to �handle us�, let alone us to �handle� ourselves.
It is something we have/are needing to �grow into�.
As due to this, we have learned overtime to suppress our inner strength, or alter it,
which does not allow us to be our TRUE SELVES.
Remember, this is about balance and adjusting to where others are at as well.
Realizing that many others are not �where we are at�, for where ever or whatever that
may be.
So now, due to this suppressing, we feel (and so many do) that if we express ourselves that
we are being aggressive, when in fact we are being assertive.
Somewhere along the line, we have taken on that we are �too much� for others�.and
then shifted into a �submission� that if we now say what something is for us, that
we are being aggressive or too over the top, or are we being rude etc.
The fact that we are aware of this, means we are not.
While we care so much and do not want to �hurt� another, other souls are going around �abusing�
others with no care at all.
There is such an imbalance going on and until we find our VOICE and come and speak from
a loving space in saying what something is for us, this energy will continue.
As we each SPEAK UP and say what something is for us, this then allows or creates our
LOVING ENERGY and LIGHT to shine and �break� that negative energy coming from others.
As this is vital in the human to express this.
We have the above and now remember there is the below as well.
And that it is not okay for someone to just come along and throw negativity or abuse at
us, and that because we are so loving that we �have to take it� anymore.
Yes we can choose to raise above it, that souls are learning and growing, and to not
engage in negativity, for sure, it is up to our discretion here.
As I know in the past, souls have made such comments.
This is about reaching a place/space where we can feel and see where someone is �at�
or �coming from� and letting them know we do and lightening things up and letting
them know, �you may do this with others, but I have NEW ENERGETIC BOUNDARIES and that
is not okay and so I am going to tell you how I feel about what you just said or wrote�.
Always, always coming from a loving space of unconditional love of a bigger picture.
So, if someone wants to write a negative comment to this and does not understand or feel where
I am coming from in this � I say to you �Lighten the f*** up� and dont take life
too seriously.
As we need more �real� people who are on their Divine Journeys, who do not �hide�
behind a sanctity of total pureness as oh yes we are pure, yet we also have another
side and this is what we are needing to lighten up with and about ;-).
If you do not understand something the JUST ASK without �dissing� the information
or the person.
Have the �guts� to actually ask and communicate in respect.
As I know that I will let someone know if they are disrespectful for sure, as I respect
myself and I have my boundaries.
As we need to have and know what our boundaries are, before we �expect� someone else to
�follow them�.
As this is critical to do, to know what ones boundaries are of what they will and will
not accept from another in words or behaviour.
As this starts from and with us, for ourselves firstly.
From the Inner � Out.
I love me and I love you as/and of the Divine.
Keep shining your light and loving and respecting yourself and setting new energetic boundaries
as once we do, there ain�t no going back� ;-).
As always, I am right here with you.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
பிக் பாஸ் கழிவறையில் ஓவியா செய்த அதிர்சி காரியம்…! | தமிழ் நியூஸ் Tamil Cinema News Kollywood - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Phụ Nữ Có Số Cuối Ngày Sinh Là 3 Số Này Sẽ Được Sống An Nhàn Sung Túc Suốt Đời - Duration: 8:34.-------------------------------------------
Accounting for Beginners #45 / LIFO / FIFO / Weighted Average / Summary / Inventory Perpetual - Duration: know what up what up what up squad this is CPA strength Who am I I am the
strongest licensed CPA in Florida what do you do seek safe drinks I teach the
accounting I teach the world accounting basics that's what I do over here
building blocks one little step at a time that's how we get it done here
let's go man I want to grind I'm on the grind I can't be stopped
I ain't burning out because I love this let's go what are you doing today what
are you doing today today I'm doing accounting for beginners so this is my
class exchanges but junk classics it's a class exploit you ready all that drama
law outside your own will get it out get it out we're going to be learning we're
getting smart here we're better our future we're trying to get some chippers
up let's go you're always wrong without me I'll be
learning right now let's go we're doing number 45 accounting firm again is
number 45 in inventory perpetual we're doing a summary we're going to summary
of our last three videos but hey if you haven't seen those or any other ones and
you're new here I know you've been binge watching but if you happen to be new
here this is the playlist there's a card to the best playlist in the world
that's the playlist in the world it'll let you do anything you want in life
just watch that so let's go what you said it's a summary yeah bro yeah yeah
yeah yeah this is a summary mate what are you going to summarize this is what
we're going to summarize first-in first-out fight felt lesson first out
light fell weighted average which is just the average all three of these and
see the difference now the average the average I think is kind of simple we're
still going to briefly go over that but it's kind of different than FIFO and
LIFO and now I always say don't abbreviate but this is our third video
I've read it out so now send you know what these are now we can start
abbreviating because we need to go a little faster this the summary of our
last couple videos is basically going to be mostly on FIFO and LIFO and the cost
the Cup you know what happens to the cost this year the inventory this year
the net income this year between Plato and wife Washington Parham and the
summary is really a little dig deeper the summaries are how I got good at
accounting I stopped worrying about that this is taken forever and I just I just
figured of different things take different times I'm going to learn this
so I just didn't worry about how long it took I liked if it would take me a
shorter time to learn something but in summary is basically me going through
when I was learning this stuff five ten years ago five five years ago or six
years ago when it started clicking into my head is when it started clicking in
my head is when I learned the dca learn you know time up in system I started
using a DC a blur and then I started like just going the extra mile the extra
mile being this up here kind of you know or or doing this doing that basically
doing this you know and then then making like a nice little summary page that
makes sense in my head because I wrote it it's my little summary page now I use
that to accompany homework problems and if I keep getting the homework problems
right that means my basic formula you know with what what cost more and less
and to the inverse of that so my formulas are correct if I'm doing the
homeworks correct if I'm getting homeworks incorrect I mean something's
wrong with my basics we have about what formula or something's wrong so I always
like to do lots and lots and homework even though if it's if I so
called too easy for me nothing's really too easy for me I learned a lot from a
very beginner asking a question which is funny because a beginner doesn't know
any doesn't know why it shouldn't be or why it isn't it's just mmm I like it
because it beginner intuitively like you know I teach beginners online here and
YouTube so I get questions from beginners well why isn't this you know
why is it a truck and expense you know and you're like oh you know just
something something will deal with it after a while so anyways we're going to
summarize let's go it's to the point now where I've done a lot of talking I'll
lead in right now probably five minutes so you got to get in to me we're going
up we're going to do some ring and this is how you would value an inventory and
a lot of problems I remember taking is like they'll tell you you know how would
you value the inventory for sale and then like and another other questions to
do journal entries and stuff it would be you know we're we're valuing the
inventory by LIFO and / / widget it's you know whatever ten twenty dollars
like they'll tell you how much the inventory is so that would be a really
big problem have to figure out figure out what then what how much the
inventory is and then have a journal entry of selling and buying it
we're probably going to run through some of those problems
alright let's go through the summary I'm going to ha I'm sorry I I won't talk
about my Harris to take my hat off right boo touchdown let's go dang I haven't
got a bicep shot a little bit mmm let's go with the difference here so all
the facts were the same we bought one plus we bought a widget for $10 you
bought a widget whether it's fight fold lightful or average I'm still facts
remain for our inventory we still have always 60 in our inventory here as we
bought in January 1 and waited for $10 February by widget for $20 March
regarding widget Caesarea dollars so the inventory is all within our what's in
our warehouses all the same amounts it's just how are you what's coming out
and a big thing of this we're trying to really touch on before which came to
italics we go easy with one selling one with that time but the thing is what
happens when you start selling two widgets at a time you know if you sell
to how much is how much does each one cost because each one you bought one you
bought one for different and you're selling to and you don't know which ones
you're selling so you have to either do a FIFO and LIFO or an average say if you
start selling to in our examples we sold one so you're like well I know it's what
I'm selling anyways let's go so if you have 60 60 in your inventory no matter
what all facts are the same here here's where our facts start to get different
and let's let's figure out let's figure out the cost of been sold in the
inventory and then I'll come back first in first in first out let's figure out
the cost of goods sold in inventory of the first in first out alright first in
was the January and that's the first out so first in first out right here that's
our cost of goods sold okay cogs right here cause
so that means all right is first in first out that was the first in that's
the first out cost of goods sold $10 because that's how much the good that we
sold cost in our inventory $10 so we had 60 in our inventory that's what we
always have inner beginning inventory I should have wrote that down but we don't
let from our past once ever used to say 60 every gaming tour so we got rid of we
got rid of 10 60 - 10 60 minus 10 is 50 also you could look at will inventory
doing inventory now what it what is there in our inventory a 20 plus a third
years left in our inventory up to 50 that's our inventory is a 50 and
inventory 50 right here you might see that you have inventory you sell
something so whatever is left is still your inventory just you know I want you
to see things are here's are doing the summary let's go to LIFO last in first
out which would you last one the last one in was the one in works so that
means it's the first out okay so right here this is our cost of goods sold here
at the 30 30 custom it sold for LIFO cost of goods sold costume is sold 30
what's the inventory well we know beginning with 60 60 minus 30 is 30 the
inventory or you could just simply look in your picture what's left here what's
left after you sold this for 30 so what's left is a 10 to 20 that's your
inventory so 30 to our inventory all right you got that so you know you're
going to start once you know it you can just do like a king my original tight
fold life over here oh like a empty number 11 or something I spent really
fast and that's what I would do on if I would get a inventory if I have to value
if I would have to do a light 4 or 5 for average question or welcoming CPA exams
they're asked a lot of times was like well what's
both due to the net income you know we're raising that income we're lower it
or what about next year or did you next year so I would just do really fast you
know frightful in ten twenty thirty ten twenty thirty and then I would sell I
know fight well first one boom and then I would circle these consummatory so I'm
going to real fast and then I see that now we're back to the summary when
comparing to trance fight for life up we figured out cost of goods sold inventory
right we figured out that what it's like let's go to the extra mile what does it
all mean here I know what we can do real fast let's figure out the net income
let's think logically here I don't think logically costs are down
here does they have more inventory so the costs are down inventories works a
lot more of the costs are down alright so costs are down in FIFO inventory up
all right I'm putting arrows next to these my good going verses over here
look costs are up over here costs are up over here that means our inventories
down okay so now well let's think about it if in FIFO your cost your costs are
down in fact it costs are down if costs are down that means your net income
would be up because what is net income net income is revenue minus expenses
okay we're not talking what are we talking we're talking right here we're
talking our expenses our costs are down so that means our profits up our net
incomes up cost down profits up just think more logically think about
anything you know widget selling widgets that's what we're doing because the
widget can be something that you personally sold so what is the widget in
your head all right where was I that was good right it can be anything like
whatever you sell that's why we're doing widgets whatever what you want your
video but they go on to something here let's
go over the light bulbs and filete goes on to something
stay with me stay with me to discover minutes life Oh is what cost
cops are up if costs are up that means our net income is going to be down so
kind of has inverse relationship right cost down and income up
coughs coughs up and come down now that's this year what happens next
year I wanted your little side piece this is what you ought to think what
happens next reflects one life well what happens next year I'm almost out of time
so I got to go fast look up here in the top right hand corner here look you've
got to two inches left in the resistance for next year
50/50 inventory for FIFO thirty and LIFO divided by two so 500 25 per and in
lightbulb it's 15 car widget so next year
look these are costs right are these are cost yet these words are in inventory so
next year is going to be our cost of goods sold if we sell these first is all
we have
you know bro we're going to a life or FIFO or average wherever so it's crazy
but anyways it's like laugh now cry later because look if they cost if they
cost more or less next year that means whatever cost more whatever cost less is
going to be so look you're going to make light bulb cost less so next year next
year because next year you're going to make more money because let's say you
sell these two let's say you get 100 tripperz 100 tripperz next year off this
LIFO only cost you 30 so you make 70 next year over here you make 100
chippers where you have 50 in here see only make 59
here damn camera just shut off on me like that I couldn't have it I couldn't
have it okay so that's so that's next year so see this year saying it's a
laugh now cry later kind of thing with with a accounting and you'll notice
especially with like inventory and cost of goods sold and their income it's like
they always kind of reverse like make more money this year make less the next
year and it's kind of flip-flops to us and forth what's great about accounting
sometimes like on a question of like what would you do to correct the error
and you're like I have nothing time will correct itself and they're like you're
right now's like okay but this year in FIFO you wouldn't you would make more
money your income would be higher you would make more money next year would be
LIFO this year you make less money ah next year you make more money so it's
the inverse anyways I don't really know what I got for to try to motivate you
guys man you're with me anyways I'm out here grinding about her going hard
people worry about me bar now ain't gonna happen I love this let's go so I
see you next time deuces
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ПАССИВНО 40 РУБЛЕЙ В ДЕНЬ / ОТВЕТ ПОДПИСЧИКАМ НА ВОПРОС ПРО ХАЙПЫ И ФЕРМЫ / ВЛОЖИЛ 1000 РУБЛЕЙ - Duration: 13:15.-------------------------------------------
夏休みの手伝い企画 換気扇を掃除しよう - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Bhai Anantvir Singh LA - ਸਤਿਗੁਰਪਾਸਿਬੇਨੰਤੀਆ - Beautiful Kirtan - Duration: 15:03.ਰਾਗੁਸੂਹੀਮਹਲਾ੫ਘਰੁ੬ Raag Soohee Mehalaa 5 Ghar 6 Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House: rāgu sūhī mahlā 5 gharu 6 ੴਸਤਿਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ॥ Ik Oankaar Sathigur Prasaadh || One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ik-ōṅkār satigur prasādi ॥ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਪਾਸਿਬੇਨੰਤੀਆਮਿਲੈਨਾਮੁਆਧਾਰਾ॥ Sathigur Paas Baenantheeaa Milai Naam Aadhhaaraa || I offer this prayer to the True Guru, to bless me with the sustenance of the Naam. satigur pāsi bēnntīā milai nāmu ādhārā ॥ ਤੁਠਾਸਚਾਪਾਤਿਸਾਹੁਤਾਪੁਗਇਆਸੰਸਾਰਾ॥੧॥ Thuthaa Sachaa Paathisaahu Thaap Gaeiaa Sansaaraa ||1|| When the True King is pleased, the world is rid of its diseases. ||1|| tuṭhā sachā pātisāhu tāpu gaiā saṃsārā ॥1॥ ਭਗਤਾਕੀਟੇਕਤੂੰਸੰਤਾਕੀਓਟਤੂੰਸਚਾਸਿਰਜਨਹਾਰਾ॥੧॥ਰਹਾਉ॥ Bhagathaa Kee Ttaek Thoon Santhaa Kee Outt Thoon Sachaa Sirajanehaaraa ||1|| Rehaao || You are the Support of Your devotees, and the Shelter of the Saints, O True Creator Lord. ||1||Pause|| bhagtā kī ṭēk tūṃ santā kī ōṭ tūṃ sachā sirjanhārā ॥1॥ rahāu ॥ ਸਚੁਤੇਰੀਸਾਮਗਰੀਸਚੁਤੇਰਾਦਰਬਾਰਾ॥ Sach Thaeree Saamagaree Sach Thaeraa Dharabaaraa || True are Your devices, and True is Your Court. sachu tērī sāmgarī sachu tērā darbārā ॥ ਸਚੁਤੇਰੇਖਾਜੀਨਿਆਸਚੁਤੇਰਾਪਾਸਾਰਾ॥੨॥ Sach Thaerae Khaajeeniaa Sach Thaeraa Paasaaraa ||2|| True are Your treasures, and True is Your expanse. ||2|| sachu tērē khājīniā sachu tērā pāsārā ॥2॥ ਤੇਰਾਰੂਪੁਅਗੰਮੁਹੈਅਨੂਪੁਤੇਰਾਦਰਸਾਰਾ॥ Thaeraa Roop Aganm Hai Anoop Thaeraa Dharasaaraa || Your Form is inaccessible, and Your Vision is incomparably beautiful. tērā rūpu agmmu hai anūpu tērā darsārā ॥ ਹਉਕੁਰਬਾਣੀਤੇਰਿਆਸੇਵਕਾਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਹਰਿਨਾਮੁਪਿਆਰਾ॥੩॥ Ho Kurabaanee Thaeriaa Saevakaa Jinh Har Naam Piaaraa ||3|| I am a sacrifice to Your servants; they love Your Name, O Lord. ||3|| hau kurbāṇī tēriā sēvkā jinhh hari nāmu piārā ॥3॥ਸਭੇਇਛਾਪੂਰੀਆਜਾਪਾਇਆਅਗਮਅਪਾਰਾ॥ Sabhae Eishhaa Pooreeaa Jaa Paaeiaa Agam Apaaraa || All desires are fulfilled, when the Inaccessible and Infinite Lord is obtained. sabhē ichhā pūrīā jā pāiā agam apārā ॥ ਗੁਰੁਨਾਨਕੁਮਿਲਿਆਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮੁਤੇਰਿਆਚਰਣਾਕਉਬਲਿਹਾਰਾ॥੪॥੧॥੪੭॥ Gur Naanak Miliaa Paarabreham Thaeriaa Charanaa Ko Balihaaraa ||4||1||47|| Guru Nanak has met the Supreme Lord God; I am a sacrifice to Your Feet. ||4||1||47|| guru nānku miliā pārbrahmu tēriā charṇā kau balihārā ॥4॥1॥47॥
My little Pony Boss Baby Finger Family Song | Playdoh - Duration: 0:53.Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
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