Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 19 2017

Were you surprised by what you saw?

We were surprised and shocked.

So, the 2016 bleaching that we measured on the Barrier Reef

was by far the most extreme.

So, in the northern Barrier Reef,

I flew for three days...

before I found a reef that wasn't bleached.


And it's very confronting to fly for about eight hours a day...

over reef after reef.

I'm talking about hundreds of coral reefs.

All of which were severely damaged.

And, what we found is that, where the bleaching occurred,

can be explained very precisely by where the water was hottest,

for longest.

So, the link between global warming,

hot water and bleaching, is really very, very clear.

What do you say, Terry, to those people who-- who,

look at the evidence you've assembled, and...

still believe there could be other causes of this,

that they don't believe it's climate change, and if they do,

they say you're exaggerating the consequences?

The logical thing to do if someone is denying that

the temperature is going up, is to buy them a thermometer

as a Christmas present.


Because that pattern is simply undeniable.

We also know that...

greenhouse gases are increasing, going up and up and up.

That's a problem.

If I come back here in...

ten, 15 years and we're having a conversation about the Reef...


...Where do you think we are?

In 15 year's time, uh...

I think the Great Barrier Reef will probably have bleached

three or four times or more.

So, the condition of the reef will be poor...


For more infomation >> The Bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef: Real Sports Bonus Clip (HBO) - Duration: 1:53.


Как море влияет на развитие интеллекта - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Как море влияет на развитие интеллекта - Duration: 2:42.



Olá Youtube My name is Ricardo Lino


In English again..

Olá Youtube My name is Ricardo Lino and I´m a wheel addict,

I´m still playing the BLADE game with Zamba

its going now to part 6 (not really, its 7) i think

and Zamba last week did a 450 royalle to savanah

i have to admit i hate spinning into tricks

and its Zamba´s strong point

Lets see what happens, i will try

and after its my turn to set the trick

stay there and check if i can landthe 450 royalle to savanah or not

and thats it

wish me good luck

I´m not really confident.we´ll see

first few try´s

ai ai ai...its going to be the BOMB

Zamba i hate this tricks

I´ll try it again, Mais uma, lets go

way back in the day i used to be able to land this every try

i lost it

im gonna keep trying it and i still tomorrow to try it

but ill try a couple more times today

i hate this


its not easy

this is not an excuse


skating flat, 4 wheels in the ground, four down,

4 wheels in the floor

its not helping me

i cant do this trick that good

but everytime i try i get stuck in the 3rd wheel

i´ll try it again tomorrow

maybe without the middle wheels tomorrow

because this isn't working for me

good morning

9 in the morning

the next day

I´m Ready, lets continue with this

my throat is worst

i´ll take out the middle wheels

and i´ll try it again

lets see if i land it today

probably it wont make any difference

most of the times its just in my head

lets see if my head will deal with it nicelly

lets do this

i warmed up already, i can do royalle to savanah and blindside royalle to savanah

now i gotta try to mix them

lets me show you what i landed already


put the helmet on and try the 450 royalle into it

450 royalle to savanah

i dot know about this one

i keep putting my upper body in the wrong position, i cant lean back



I´ll try my trick

but i wont give up yours yet.

i´ll try mine and then i will come back and try yours again

i dont have a lot of time

lets see

Zamba, and thats it

My trick is a seat down cross over negative fishbrain

its not hard

but its kinda weird to try

so its one foot in negative fishbrain

the other one crosses behind

and seat down

its a seat down cross over negative fishbrain

good luck

and now its my turn

i´ll keep trying your trick

lets see if i get a letter or not

this isnt easy for me

i hate to spin into tricks

and now without the middle wheels seems like its even harder to lock

its really not my kind of tricks

i cant!

my back is so sore!

outta nowhere my back started hurting a lot

i wont even try it anymore

i think i will get a letter

Zamba, B L A for me

but, my trick is here

seat down crossed leg negative fishbrain

good luck

more next week

for those who´s watching the game

we´re almost in the end

i hope!

Zamba had B L A D at this point

and i got B L A

after today

for those who want to see Zamba´s answer to this

search for Felipe Zambardino or watch the link in this video description

subscribe to his channel

and from that you can watch both sides of the game

right now, i will repeat again, zamba has B L A D and i got B L A from the word BLADE

i hope you enjoyed this video. if you did, give me some thumbs up,

if you didnt like it give me some thumbs down

its doenst matter

give me ideas, if Zamba lands this trick, give me ideas of tricks to try next

thank you everyone


For more infomation >> RICARDO LINO VS FELIPE ZAMBARDINO YOUTUBE BLADE GAME // PART 7 // VLOG 128 - Duration: 6:45.


The Great Barrier Reef-Dying Down Under: Real Sports Trailer (HBO) - Duration: 1:52.

We have lost about half the coral-- coral reefs

of the Great Barrier Reef in the last two years alone.

BRYANT GUMBEL: Dr. Charlie Veron is the world's leading expert

on the Great Barrier Reef.

He's been studying it his entire career.

There're about 340 species of coral...

on the Great Barrier Reef.

GUMBEL: For years, Veron has been warning people

that global warming would eventually destroy the Reef.

His worst fears came true in 2016,

when 30 percent of the Reef was decimated...

by warmer water temperatures.

It happened again this year,

when another 20 percent was bleached.

The first thing you notice is lack of color.

Everything goes white,

and then if you stick around for a couple of weeks or months,

the algae starts growing on the coral.

And it's just covered with slime.

GUMBEL: To view the damage firsthand,

we traveled with Dr. Veron 20 miles out,

to a section of the Reef called Turtle Bay.

They call Veron the "Godfather of Coral,"

because he knows every nook and cranny of the Reef.

From our boat, we spoke with him as he went below

to assess what had become of his life's work.


Charlie, is there a correlation between...

the condition of any particular coral

and the number of fish around it?


For more infomation >> The Great Barrier Reef-Dying Down Under: Real Sports Trailer (HBO) - Duration: 1:52.


Tụng Kinh Phật Giáo Hay Nhất - Nghe để cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn - Duration: 2:54:12.

For more infomation >> Tụng Kinh Phật Giáo Hay Nhất - Nghe để cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn - Duration: 2:54:12.


Essence of Murli 20-07-2017 - Duration: 6:02.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 20th July 2017

( Today Baba has taught us a very good lesson in todays Murli. Towards this Baba also helps us . So lets understand more ...)

Essence: Sweet children, you must never become tired of studying. Be tireless. To be tireless means to reach the karmateet stage.

Question: What have you children promised and why?

Answer: You have promised: I will never cause sorrow for anyone. I will show everyone the path to happiness.

Question: Which children are sustained by the yagya?

Answer: Those who consider themselves to be trustees, that is, those who completely surrender themselves from their hearts.

They stay in a household, they carry on with their business, but are trustees.

Then, it is as though they eat from Shiv Baba's treasure store.

Song: You are the Mother and the Father.

Essence for dharna: 1. Follow the Mother and Father and sustain everyone with knowledge and yoga.

Maintain yourself with that sustenance. Become intense in knowledge and yoga.

2. Eat food prepared by those who are pure and yogi. In order to purify the intellect, take great precautions about your diet.

Blessing: May you be master knowledge-full and observe your part of every moment of the drama while being stable in the trikaldarshi stage.

Be stable in the trikaldarshi stage and look at what you were, what you are and what you will become.

We have special parts fixed for us in the drama.

Experience clearly that yesterday you were deities and that tomorrow you will become deities again.

We have received the knowledge of all three aspects of time.

For instance, in any country, when you stand at the highest point and look down on a whole city, you enjoy it very much.

Similarly, the confluence age is the top point.

Stand at this point, be knowledge-full and observe every part and you will have a lot of pleasure.

Slogan: Those who are constantly yog-yukt automatically receive everyone's co-operation.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 20-07-2017 - Duration: 6:02.


2 Easy & Healthy Oats Recipe For Working People/Students - Breakfast/Lunch Ideas For Weight Loss - Duration: 3:37.

2 quick, easy oats recipes for working people.

hey guys!

I am nisa homey and welcome back to my channel.

Today, I am sharing 2 protein rich and energy boosting smoothie recipes with oats, which

can be had as a filling breakfast or as a wholesome meal for lunch.

No cooking involved if you have some pan roasted oats and granola at hand.

Pls check my granola recipes, if you havent; the links will be updated in the description

box below.

So lets get started with the recipe.

I am dry roasting rolled oats in a pan.

Note that I am using rolled oats and not instant oats.

Rolled oats are less processed and has more fibre and it is best to use them toasted in

this recipe.

The toasting actually helps to break the phytic acid content in raw oats, using raw oats may

give indigestion problems, stomach upsets, and bloating issues to some.

Another way to use raw oats is to soak them in any acidic medium, you can check my overnight

oats recipes to understand more and also my video on different types of oats.

The links will be updated in the description box below, so pls do check it out.

Once the rolled oats are toasted and crispy remove them to a plate and allow it to cool


you can also toast large batches of oats and store in a airtight container as it will save

time when making oats smoothie.

having some toasted rolled oats and some granola at hand does make a big difference when you

have a busy schedule.

to make the first recipe; which is chocolate oats smoothie, into my blender I am adding

in 2 tbsp roasted rolled oats, 3/4 cup water, 1 tbsp flaxseeds, 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder,

1 whole frozen banana; if you are using fresh banana use 1 cup ice cubes instead of water.

add in 1/2 cup frozen pineapple, 1 1/2 tbsp raw cocao powder and blend all this on high

speed until everything is nicely mixed and combined.

Pour the chocolate oat smoothie to a serving glass and sprinkle 2-3 tbsp of chocolate granola

on top and my filling and fibre rich oat smoothie is ready to serve.

have this as a filling meal for lunch or breakfast.

moving on to the next recipe which is cinnamon oats smoothie.

into my blender, add in 1 cup water and add in 2 tbsp roasted rolled oats, 1/2 tsp cinnamon

powder, 1 tbsp flaxseeds, 1 whole frozen banana; adding frozen banana makes the smoothie creamy

and thick, and that is the reason why I always recommend frozen fruits for smoothies.

If you do not have frozen fruits in your freezer then you can use upto 1 1/2 cups ice cubes

instead of water.

Add in 1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango, if mangoes are not available or not in season in the

place you live in you can use any seasonal fruits of your choice.

Blend all this together until everything is nicely mixed and combined.

Pour the blended smoothie into a serving glass and layer it with granola.

For this smoothie, i am using the granola with dates; the links will be updated in the

description box below, so pls do check it out.

And my fibre rich and filling cinnamon oats smoothie is ready to serve.

Do try this weight loss smoothie recipes and let me know how this turned out.

If you like to see more such healthy recipes, pls give a thumbs up! and if you are new to

my channel, pls click the subscribe button so that you can stay updated when I post new


thank you for watching and until next time, take care! bye! bye

For more infomation >> 2 Easy & Healthy Oats Recipe For Working People/Students - Breakfast/Lunch Ideas For Weight Loss - Duration: 3:37.


Canlı Yayında Yaşanan 10 Utanç Verici An - 2.Bölüm - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Canlı Yayında Yaşanan 10 Utanç Verici An - 2.Bölüm - Duration: 4:53.


«Игра престолов» 2 серия 7 сезон, АНОНС и содержание 7 сезона 2 серии сериала Игры Престолов - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> «Игра престолов» 2 серия 7 сезон, АНОНС и содержание 7 сезона 2 серии сериала Игры Престолов - Duration: 2:25.


NextMedia: YouTube Syndications - include 2 captions.test2 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> NextMedia: YouTube Syndications - include 2 captions.test2 - Duration: 3:48.


Шедоу и Эми Настоящая любовь часть 8 - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Шедоу и Эми Настоящая любовь часть 8 - Duration: 1:49.


Beneluxtrein, IC met Traxx, SGM & Metro HSG3, SG3 in Schiedam - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Beneluxtrein, IC met Traxx, SGM & Metro HSG3, SG3 in Schiedam - Duration: 3:20.


Goodnight Message video from CNU B1A4 (Ignition Repackage Teaser) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 1:18.



Who said that?

It's a misunderstanding

The members mustn't wake up...

I'm saying it's a misunderstanding

Soojung and I are just friends

It's true

You know...

There's no one for me besides you...?

I'm not lying

What are you doing awake? It's late

Go sleep quickly


I'll call you tomorrow

Sleep well


For more infomation >> Goodnight Message video from CNU B1A4 (Ignition Repackage Teaser) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 1:18.


Falcon BMS Oxygen Panel #24 - Tutorial Cockpit Panels - English subtitles - Duration: 9:29.

welcome again this is the falcon academy of the escuadron111

in the section today discover and we are going to discover the panel oxygen

here you can see we have some PSI indication 3 peculiar switches

as you can see only works the on/off

as is logic in a simulator, sim everything is not possible

but now in bms, 4.33 the green button, that in real live give the oxygen to the pilot in the mask

in BMS you will heard the pilot breath

if you feel the breath too hi in volume, you can change it with this rotatory, the intercom

coming back to the oxygen

there are the option of 100% or just normal

the button is in the down position, in which the system mix the normal air with some pure oxygen

according the altitude will use more pure oxygen or less

trying to keep the 21% of oxygen in the air

some cases you will use the 100%, this depend os protocols, countries...

the USAF in night operation as protocols set the 100% oxygen

that will make you feel awake, better

when you can need this 100% ?, smoke in ckpit,

biological to the body breath too much oxygen is not good

because the body is oxidized , and the lungs will get dry

this is a long term not for small period I am not a medic.... I don´t know

bur in long term you lung will suffer something

this flow switch , have emergency, normal and test mask

the usual is normal, the test mask is in the startup procedure, and you will see the flow , blinking, in the test will be permanent white,

i normal mode that blink think work each time the pilot breath ,

emergency will increase the pressure , forcing to the pilot to breath

that extra pressure will have to the pilot to breath when this one barely can breath

normally emergenci is going with 100% oxygen

since BMS will have hypoxia sooner or later

this panel will be more necessary

the on/off will work as the real one

the hypoxia have in count the cabin altitude, other instrument that will have some functionality in the future

of course with 100% oxygen you will get out the hypoxia thing sooner..

this manometer will tell us the oxygen pressure in the system

normally this kind of instrument have a green area, but this one is really simple

that green area is where the system have good pressure for any flight

this is just the pressure in PSI of the system

I want to understand this line all filled is good pressure and the line in dases is bad pressure

this panel could be different with the obbogs system

but I think any of this panels has been removed in BMS for the obogs one

in the F16 you have a bottle of liquid oxygen

the OBOGS system generate the oxygen while flying but I think that system do not store it in a bottle....

I don't know if the real life this instrument is present or not with the obogs

the cabin pressure

is here, a bit hided


this is the feet in cockpit

there a relation with the real altitude of the plane and the cockpit altitude due the difference of pressures do not break the plane

I believe when you are at 32000 feet the cockpit pressure is 18000

there is exponential difference until a limit

using the trackir you almost do not see the instrument

it´s bad placed in my opinion

that was the tutorial, I hope you like it and I see you in the next video, subscribe to your family to my channel since you are already a sub, thanks

For more infomation >> Falcon BMS Oxygen Panel #24 - Tutorial Cockpit Panels - English subtitles - Duration: 9:29.


Fatherscamp 2017 | Deggingen - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Fatherscamp 2017 | Deggingen - Duration: 3:46.


Finger Family Plants Vs Zombies Learn Colors With Plants Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Finger Family Plants Vs Zombies Learn Colors With Plants Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers - Duration: 4:50.


London Motorcycle Theft Kawasaki H2 stolen from Daytona Motorcycles PART 1 - Duration: 2:54.

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