Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017

How is Seungjae faring at Grandma Yoo Hosun's house?


- Jjajangmyeon, please. / - Come on over.

From where?

I want jjajangmyeon.

I can't order it. I don't know the phone number.

We'll have to ask someone.

- I want to go with you. / - You, too?

Wait here. I'll go ask and come back, okay?

- Just stay here. / - Goodness.

But I want to go, too.

He wants to follow me.

He's been stuck to me since earlier.

(They are off to ask how to order jjajangmyeon.)

(Humming happily)

He's really excited about the jjajangmyeon.

He's very pleased about it.

- He is so adorable. / - Isn't he cute?

- He's obedient, too. / - You're so cute.

How do we order jjajangmyeon?

Can you write down the number for me?

We need to call.

I'll write it down for you inside.

- Where are you going? / - Come on in.

What a commotion.

Just wait a moment. I will...

(She is the town's earlier adaptor of technology.)


Do you serve jjajangmyeon?

We would like two bowls for delivery, please.

We're at Togomi Village.

Immediately, please. Thank you.

(After ordering, she chicly walks away.)

(Younger people sure are different.)

- Grandma, how about this? / - Which one?

How about this one, Grandma?

It's okay. Go ahead and play with it.

Delivery service.

The long awaited jjajangmyeon is finally here.

Head on up.

(It's jjajangmyeon.)

Enjoy your jjajangmyeon, Seungjae.

I get to eat jjajangmyeon thanks to you.

- You should cut it for him. / - Do you need scissors?

Try it now.

There you go. Try it. That's good.

(They enjoy jjajangmyeon out in the countryside.)

(It sure tastes better here than at home.)

Children love jjajangmyeon.

They said that this place was good.

(Please take a bite, Grandma.)

What a commotion.

- Thank you. / - All right. Enjoy your food.

- I love you. / - All right.

I love you, too.

All right. I'll get going, Seungjae.

She's going home.


(Now Seungjae is alone with her.)

(He is just stuck to her.)

- There's your cane. / - Yes, it's my cane.


Look who's here.

Have you been well without me, Seungjae?

Dad, what did you bring?

(He is more interested in the contents of the bag.)

I bought a gift for Grandma.

I want to see it.

- Say "please". / - Would you like to see it?

These are crackers for Grandma.

(Meanwhile, Jiyong has been...)

While Seungjae spent time with Grandma,

Jiyong was busy weeding out in the sun.

(Grandma made a request for him to complete.)

What do elders usually prefer?

He headed straight for the market after work.

(He stopped by the market to buy gifts.)

It's great to wear however.

The color is pretty.

I'll take it.

I bought two pants as well.

- Goodness. / - Here you go.

Did Seungjae behave himself?

He played well. I had a good time thanks to him.

(We had a good time together.)

What did you do while I was gone, Seungjae?

- Seungjae. / - Someone is here.

Who's here?

(Guests have arrived with buchimgae, Korean pancakes.)

My mother told me to give this to you, Ma'am.

Your mother did? Goodness.

(He met them while he was out on an errand.)

(They played together and caught grasshoppers.)


(I like her.)

(I like him, too.)


I see it.

Hold the tail.

(He caught him a dragonfly.)

- I like this. / - I caught it for him.

They're all...

(Goofing around)

(Gosh. Stop it.)

(They have all suddenly gotten closer.)

I want to try going with him.

Are you going to follow them?


(Let's play together.)

Are we all going on a picnic?

(He doesn't know where he's headed, but he's excited.)

Give me your hand.

It's here.

(A bit worried, Jiyong follows them out.)


(It is a scary vibe.)

Seungjae, have you seen a goblin?


- No? / - I'm a bit scared.

Have you seen a goblin before?

I've never seen one either.


Then I'll try catching one.

It's a bulldozer.

The day is coming to a close, but where are they going?

(Where are they headed?)

A goblin will appear here, Seungjae.

Do you want to go?

Shall we go?

(Where have they arrived?)

(Over the ivy-covered wall,)

(there is an eerie deserted house.)

(It seems to have been abandoned for a while.)

(There are dreary marks everywhere.)

Just observing the place is chilling.

Will the children be able to go in?

(Will four-year-old Seungjae go inside?)

Look, he's going in.

Shall we go in?

Let's go.

(Dragging his feet)


I can count to ten inside and come out.

I can do it, too.

- Let's go inside together. / - Okay.

Seungjae doesn't seem afraid.

Right here.

(They enter the deserted house.)


- Two, three. / - Two, three, four.

There is a ghost here.

(A ghost?)

(Creeping by)

(Where are his friends taking him?)


(The cameraman got caught trying to film Seungjae.)

(He scampers away in a hurry.)

(It was just a cameraman.)

Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Nine, ten.

I wasn't afraid.

I almost died because of the ghost.

(He courageously strides outside the abandoned house.)

You there.


(How will Seungjae react?)


(Every situation seems amusing to him.)

Weren't you scared inside?

I went inside,

and there was a ghost.

What did it look like?

Like this.

- That's what it looked like? / - Yes.

What did you say to it?

"Go away."

How did the ghost reply?

It said it would leave.

It said that?

- You're very brave right, Seungjae? / - Yes.

Go and see the ghost one more time.



Bye. Have a good night.

I want to give Seungjae a bath.

- There's a place you can heat the water. / - I see.

Take the water

and heat it over the range.

Got it.

(Jiyong heats up water for a bath,)

Watch this. I'm going to hide.

Gosh. Where did Seungjae go?

Where has Seungjae gone?

I can't see Seungjae.

(Here I am.)


While preparing for Seungjae's bath,

he prepared water for Grandma as well.

Come here. Let's take a bath.

(He flees as soon as he's naked.)

(He even secures the door shut.)

(He plunges into Grandma's sheets.)

- You should go to your father. / - No.

What is that?

- Is it... / - It's a television.

(He watches soap operas with Grandma in the nude.)

He focuses on watching soap operas with Grandma.

You need to take a bath and sleep.

- Don't you? / - No.

Why not?

- You need to... / - What is that?

That's Grandma as well.

(After setting the temperature just right,)

(Jiyong comes to take him.)

- Hurry here. / - No.


- No. / - Look at your nose.

(He distracts him and takes him away.)

I don't want to.

(He distracts him and takes him away.)

(He bathes in a basin for the first time ever.)

(Bath complete)

You're done.

- Goodnight. / - Gosh.

- Goodnight. / - Sleep tight.

Lie down. Pull up the covers.

Sweet dreams, Grandma.

You too, Seungjae.

It's their second day in the countryside.



- Did you sleep well? / - Good morning.

Good morning, Grandma.

Yes, good morning.

- Jiyong. / - Yes?

I heard you used to be a singer.

- Yes. / - My neighbor told me.

- When I was younger. / - When you were younger?

Seungjae, I'm wearing the pants your dad bought.

- Does it fit? / - Yes.

- It stretches out. / - They told me it would.

It's stretchy.


(Seungjae is acting cute.)

I want to live with you.

- You want to live with me? / - Yes.

- Are you going to live with her? / - Yes.

My goodness.


(I want to play with you.)

This is what babies do. You're a big boy.

(Jiyong is lonely again.)

(I better get ready to leave.)

It's time to say goodbye.

- He likes eating that. / - Yes.


You should give this to her.

- Here you go. / - Thank you.

You wrote so well.

What's all this?

I'm protecting you

because you might be scared of spiders.

- The spider came to Grandma. / - It did?

I'm going to get the spider.

So the spider went far away.

Seungjae will protect you.

Thank you so much.

Are you protecting me from the spider since they bite?

Thank you.

What's this?

Candy. You should take this candy.

What do we do?

- Thank you. / - Do you want me to open it?

Don't give me two. Give me one.

Put this in your pocket.

- Put it in your pocket. / - Take it home to eat.

- Thank you for having us. / - Come visit me again.

We'll come back when he misses you.

Will Seungjae miss me?

- Please take care. / - I will.

Take care.

- Call me from time to time. / - Of course.

- You didn't have to see us out. / - Let's go.

(She wants to see them a little more.)

Let's go, let's go.

(Does Seungjae know how much she'll miss him?)

What are you doing?

- Water. / - Water.

Let's go after saying goodbye.

Bye, Grandma.

Bye, Seungjae.

- You should go in. / - Okay.

(The father and son are leaving.)

Seungjae! Bye.

Wave me goodbye.


- Gosh. / - I...

(Did he realize they were saying goodbye?)

Are you back?

- Are you back? / - Seungjae, we have to go.

- No. / - Gosh.

Let's go.

(He's stuck on her.)

- You're tiring her. / - No.


(She treated Seungjae like her own grandson.)

(She was so sweet to Seungjae.)

- For me? / - Yes.

(He had so much fun spending time with her.)

- I love you. / - Okay.

I love you, too.

I want to live with you.

Do you want to live with me? My goodness.


When I was young, my mother wouldn't buy me snacks.

So I would beg my grandmother to take me.

When they're gone,

you only think about what you did wrong.

(We always regret too late.)

You can't remember what you did well.

Seungjae really warmed up to her in the two days.

He really likes her. They're fond of each other.

I want to visit her again with Seungjae later.

For more infomation >> Seungjae goes to a ghost house? What's happening? [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.02] - Duration: 13:38.


Raining heavily in Vietnam…and Twins are isolated? [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.02] - Duration: 10:47.

Let's see what kind of other animals there are.

Let's go to the jungle!

Let's go!

(Let's go to the wild Mangrove Forest!)

They exit the monkey island and head to the forest.

(They follow the swamp.)

When they pass the swamp, they'll see a huge jungle.

The Mangrove Forest has been designated

as a biosphere zone by UNESCO.

(Can Gio District is known for having rare species.)

This place is considered as a haven for wildlife.

What kind of animal friends will they encounter?

This is the nature of Vietnam.

Dad, look over there.

What's that?

(They see a houseboat.)

What's that blue thing? Seoeon, what's that?


Don't sleep!

You can't sleep.

- Okay, fine. / - I wasn't sleeping.

I'm sorry.

There are snakes

and crocodiles in there.

(He instantly falls asleep again.)

(He falls into deep sleep.)

(Seoeon is sleeping soundly.)


(Seojun follows Seoeon and falls asleep.)


(The boat suddenly slows down.)

- It's raining. / - It must be raining.

(It was sunny five minutes ago.)

(But it suddenly became cloudy.)

(They continue to sleep.)

Is everything okay?

(They can't even see properly because of the rain.)

Is everything okay?

After a long fight with the rain,

they finally arrive at the jungle.

- Can you take care of Seoeon for a bit? / - Okay.

(Seoeon is showing his belly and taking a power nap.)

(What is going on right now?)

(Hwijae makes space for Seojun)

(at the tourist information center.)

(Rain starts falling again as he brings Seoeon.)

Can we let them sleep for a while?

- Is that okay? Thank you. / - Okay.

Thank you. Thank you.

(Will the twins be able to explore the jungle?)

(It's as if there's a hole in the sky.)

The rain starts to fall heavily.

What if they can't get out of the jungle?

I guess this is Vietnam.

The sun was shining brightly just two hours ago.

(Hwijae soaks his hair in the rain.)

(He enters a state of impassivity.)

(He must be a weird person.)

(Even the locals are leaving him be.)

When do you think it'll stop raining?

It seems like the rain will

stop around 6 p.m. or 7 p.m.

- She thinks it'll stop at night. / - At night?

Around 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.?

Can we ride the boat and go back out?

How can we leave right now

when it's raining cats and dogs?

We can't leave?

(They're trapped in the jungle.)

(Hwijae uses raincoats to make a tent.)

Hwijae uses raincoats to make a tent for the twins.

Thanks to him, the twins continue to sleep deeply.

- Dad. / - Hi, do you want to come out?

It's raining so much.

I asked if we could go back, but we can't.

What should we do, Seoeon?

I guess we can't go home.

You're right. We can't go home.

(Hwijae starts getting weirder.)

I want to see crocodiles and bats.

(Seoeon wishes to see his animal friends.)

- Dad, I'm hungry. / - Are you hungry?

(Dad, I'm hungry.)

(Hwijae looks inside his backpack.)

Here, eat this.

I have some doughnuts.

- I want to eat it. / - Okay. Here.

Good job.

Eat up.

What are you doing here? You're making me feel sorry.

(He stares at the doughnut.)

- Are you hungry? / - Are you hungry?

He's hungry. I can see from his face that he's hungry.

Here. You can have some.

- Here you go. / - Dad.

- He's eating it now. / - It tastes good, right?

We need to share food even when it's difficult.

(Thank you.)

Come here.

Come here. Why are you so shy?


Dad, do you think he's sad because

- What? / - his mom's not here?

You think he's sad because his mom's not here?

He only eats it if you throw it to him.

Seoeon, you can't eat the whole thing.

This is the only food we have for everyone here.

That's right.

(He sucks on the sugar that's left on his fingers.)

Good job.

This is dried laver from Korea.

You guys are similar in color.

Here. Try it.

(He only sniffs on it and doesn't eat it.)

The monkey liked it. It tastes nice.

Maybe he can't eat it because it's wet.

No. He's just taken aback because he's never had it.

- What's "taken aback"? / - "Taken aback" means

getting surprised after

encountering something for the first time.

- I want to try it, too. / - What?

(This is how you eat dried laver.)


That's too salty.

Seoeon, stop.

(He knows how to eat dried laver properly.)

No, stop it. That's too salty for you.

(He's full of respect.)

Does it taste good?

(I'm going to eat something sweet now.)

Are you up now?

Good. Come give me a hug.

We were going to see crocodiles and bats.

But it's raining so much right now.

So we were staying here because we can't go.

(He also feeds Seojun some bread.)

- Do you want to... / - Do you have more dried laver?

Dried laver?

No more.

Come on. You took turns eating sugar and salt.

You're a salt and sugar killer.

It's raining a lot less now.

Is it okay for us to go into the jungle now?


Shall we put on our raincoats,

and go see crocodiles and bats?

- Yes. / - Really?

Do you think you can go even in this rain?

Will you wear a raincoat?

Let's explore the jungle. In one, two, three. Let's go!

(The trio is ready to explore the jungle.)

Look carefully. We're not at an amusement park.

This is an actual jungle in Vietnam.

We were really brave to actually come here.

- Let's boast about this to your mom. / - Okay.

This is what you call a jungle.

Why are the trees floating on water?

Those trees must grow from underwater.

(Are there really crocodiles and bats here?)

What is that? What is it?

- Is that place where bats live? / - I think so.

(The bats are all gone because of the rain.)

Come out, bats.

Say, "Come out, crocodiles."

No, I'm scared of crocodiles.

I can easily beat a crocodile. What's that?

Look at that. What's that?

Is it a crocodile?

(Did a crocodile appear?)

Is it a crocodile?

Is it not a crocodile?

(It's a rock that looks like a crocodile.)

(He's relieved and disappointed at the same time.)

There aren't any crocodiles or bats due to the rain.

Hwijae prepares something for the disappointed kids.

The rain keeps falling and stopping.

- Is it still okay to play in water? / - Yes.

Is it just the two of us?

(Hwijae looked for a place beforehand.)


(They got rid of the pool water due to the rain.)

Lie down. It's practically a swimming pool.

(Nothing's working out for the trio today.)

(He's become insane.)

I'm sorry.

Pull on that. Good job.

(He takes revenge on his dad with a water gun.)

(Seoeon gets immersed in the act.)

I'm going to be the hunter.

Are you a hunter? Gosh, you're so scary.

You're so frightening.

How scary.

I'm so scared.

- I'm going to shoot you! / - I'm so scared.

(He gets splashed with water.)

Let's shoot it together.

- Let's shoot Dad. / - Okay.

Let's shoot!

Take this.

(I'm happy as long as you guys are happy.)

Hey, Seojun.

Until when will you have fun with me like this?

- I don't know. / - You don't know?

(Let's enjoy the moment!)

For more infomation >> Raining heavily in Vietnam…and Twins are isolated? [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.02] - Duration: 10:47.


How to whiten the skin from face to body for 1 week with a handful of perilla leaves - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> How to whiten the skin from face to body for 1 week with a handful of perilla leaves - Duration: 2:54.


The Vision Behind GizmoShock - Ident - Duration: 4:46.

What's up everyone i'm Wesley from GFX | Productions and today im here...

With GizmoShock. (that's me) and today we are basically here to make...

A small explanation video about how the Make A Deal - Project is working and...

How you get this end result, that is now playing on the screen. As some of you may...

know on the Gizmo Channel or on the GFX Channel. There were some complications...

With the intro to get to the final result and it were not really big problems but...

There are some ideas we had... Different in mind than before... So yeah,

That's basically what the Gizmo is now gonna explain.

Yeah, hi guys my name is GizmoShock, and if you guys didn't know me. I run a Clash of Clans and...

Clash Royale Channel and I signed up for this product... Way, way, back when I had a

first channel it was called BigBear153gaming and you know...

I just wasn't happy with that but the whole point of bringing up BigBear153gaming is...

Because I met GFX | Productions through a Freedom Forum, and since then I've been...

know talking with Wesley, and he's produced me many intros over time...

I think this is like, technically this is three, because he's redone this latest one a

couple of times because it just wasn't what I had in mind.

And basically I just, you know I had a certain image of what I wanted, in my...

head in my mind, at a time and the first one that he made, didn't really reach...

that, so then we just went back together you know, we started with our main idea...

Which led to the first one and again it wasn't as I had pictured, in my mind so...

we made some additions and changes, what you guys can see there should be some...

Footage for you guys to see on you know the differences between the two, and what...

I really liked about GFX is that we worked face to face, about you know what

was going on and like, what specific changes, you guys might also see some

footage of him actually making the intro which was a live stream actually.

So i was able to watch GFX what he was actually doing and I was able to you

know correct or change what I had in mind. Yeah as you can see there were some

movement changing in the text and also in the lightning, and the way how it were

bouncing, because we both thought it would be a more visual appealing if we...

Did it on this way, and yeah that's basically how it turned out on this way.

And the reason why we are trying to work face-to-face with our clients, or...

Customers or basically People as we are Refer, is because you have more...

Connection about what people really desire and reaching the satisfaction you

trying to get from the customers, because that's basically how we work, and that's...

also how it needs to be. So yeah that's basically how the Make A Deal - Program is...

working and if you would like to get more information on that, I would like to

prefer you go to the description and there would be some links for my website

and the Deal Program, and maybe also some other helpful links, that you can get and...

Yeah, basically from that I also would like to ask you to check out the...

GizmoShock Channel for amazing... (Clash of Clans content, stuff yeah, So thanks...)

Guys for watching this video, we would really appreciate you guys to you know

check out those links in the description, especially if you're interested in any...

Type of Graphics that GFX can produce, and again guys, like, like, we said this is...

A very face to face, so you can have exactly what you pictured in your mind

and you can have that on the screen, and it'll look amazing so you guys will not...

Regret this at all, again check out the link in the description,

Thanks for watching and we will talk to you guys later...

For more infomation >> The Vision Behind GizmoShock - Ident - Duration: 4:46.


Try dry skin scrub - Traditional method of 1000 grasping skin to rejuvenate smooth firmness - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Try dry skin scrub - Traditional method of 1000 grasping skin to rejuvenate smooth firmness - Duration: 3:40.


The Vision Behind: GizmoShock - Ident - Duration: 4:46.

What's up everyone i'm Wesley from GFX | Productions and today im here...

With GizmoShock. (that's me) and today we are basically here to make...

A small explanation video about how the Make A Deal - Project is working and...

How you get this end result, that is now playing on the screen. As some of you may...

know on the Gizmo Channel or on the GFX Channel. There were some complications...

With the intro to get to the final result and it were not really big problems but...

There are some ideas we had... Different in mind than before... So yeah,

That's basically what the Gizmo is now gonna explain.

Yeah, hi guys my name is GizmoShock, and if you guys didn't know me. I run a Clash of Clans and...

Clash Royale Channel and I signed up for this product... Way, way, back when I had a

first channel it was called BigBear153gaming and you know...

I just wasn't happy with that but the whole point of bringing up BigBear153gaming is...

Because I met GFX | Productions through a Freedom Forum, and since then I've been...

know talking with Wesley, and he's produced me many intros over time...

I think this is like, technically this is three, because he's redone this latest one a

couple of times because it just wasn't what I had in mind.

And basically I just, you know I had a certain image of what I wanted, in my...

head in my mind, at a time and the first one that he made, didn't really reach...

that, so then we just went back together you know, we started with our main idea...

Which led to the first one and again it wasn't as I had pictured, in my mind so...

we made some additions and changes, what you guys can see there should be some...

Footage for you guys to see on you know the differences between the two, and what...

I really liked about GFX is that we worked face to face, about you know what

was going on and like, what specific changes, you guys might also see some

footage of him actually making the intro which was a live stream actually.

So i was able to watch GFX what he was actually doing and I was able to you

know correct or change what I had in mind. Yeah as you can see there were some

movement changing in the text and also in the lightning, and the way how it were

bouncing, because we both thought it would be a more visual appealing if we...

Did it on this way, and yeah that's basically how it turned out on this way.

And the reason why we are trying to work face-to-face with our clients, or...

Customers or basically People as we are Refer, is because you have more...

Connection about what people really desire and reaching the satisfaction you

trying to get from the customers, because that's basically how we work, and that's...

also how it needs to be. So yeah that's basically how the Make A Deal - Program is...

working and if you would like to get more information on that, I would like to

prefer you go to the description and there would be some links for my website

and the Deal Program, and maybe also some other helpful links, that you can get and...

Yeah, basically from that I also would like to ask you to check out the...

GizmoShock Channel for amazing... (Clash of Clans content, stuff yeah, So thanks...)

Guys for watching this video, we would really appreciate you guys to you know

check out those links in the description, especially if you're interested in any...

Type of Graphics that GFX can produce, and again guys, like, like, we said this is...

A very face to face, so you can have exactly what you pictured in your mind

and you can have that on the screen, and it'll look amazing so you guys will not...

Regret this at all, again check out the link in the description,

Thanks for watching and we will talk to you guys later...

For more infomation >> The Vision Behind: GizmoShock - Ident - Duration: 4:46.


Волшебная яблоня (Польская народная сказка) - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> Волшебная яблоня (Польская народная сказка) - Duration: 7:48.



For more infomation >> SERWER OVERGRAMY.TASRV.COM - Duration: 0:40.


Stephen R. Hicks - Zrozumieć postmodernizm - Duration: 58:52.

For more infomation >> Stephen R. Hicks - Zrozumieć postmodernizm - Duration: 58:52.


For Mom with morning sickness, William and Dad cook dinner! [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.02] - Duration: 9:26.

(Sam wants to make healthy food before his wife comes.)

Cutting board.

(I will use my cooking skills.)

A cutting board's friend is cutting edge.

(He makes a lame dad joke.)

I need to get ready.

Play by yourself.


(Rice puffs)

Would you like this?


(I love puffed grain snack.)

What are you doing?

(It wouldn't be fun to eat it nicely.)

(He picks up the fallen puffed rice.)

Stay here

and pick up the puffed rice.

(I will clean up the floor.)

William looks uncomfortable.

I think I know what happened.


What's wrong?

(He hasn't figured out the situation.)

Is something the matter?

Come here.

Gosh, you pooped, didn't you?

You pooped.

(He picked the perfect timing.)

(Not knowing that Sam's in a hurry, he plays around.)

It's hot. It's hot.

(It's refreshing.)

(He is exhausted before cooking.)

Let's get ready.

Sam will prepare healthy food for his pregnant wife.

Silkworm pupa contains a lot of protein.

(Silkworm pupa is very nutritious.)

Omija will lessen the morning sickness.

(Omija will stimulate her appetite.)

What is this?

(He was picking ingredients earlier.)

(Should I get mushroom?)

It's running away.

(William caught sight of a soft-shelled turtle.)

Do people eat it for health?

Yes, they do.

What about pregnant women?

It's good for pregnant women with a weak body.

Can children eat it?

Yes, they can.

I see.

Isn't it hard to cook?

The method is the same as boiling a chicken.

Is this health food?

(The Korean health food, mudfish)

How do I cook it?

- Mudfish? / - Yes.

Sprinkle salt on the fish.

After you kill them, boil them and blend them.

I need to blend them.

(My goodness.)

I don't think I can do that.

Do you want mudfish or soft-shelled turtle?

Which one would you like?

This one or that one?

Which ingredient did William choose?

- This one? / - This one?


(He chose a soft-shelled turtle.)

- I will get one. / - You will get one.

Are you sure? A soft-shelled turtle?

(Look forward to it, Mom.)

I am sorry, soft-shelled turtle.

It's for a healthy baby.

I'm depending on you.

I hope his wife likes the dishes.

I'm already worried.

(His stomach grumbles.)

William, please wait a second.

It will be tasty.

(He adds strawberries to omija tea.)

(He finished the omija and strawberry punch.)


Come here.

Come here. I have something.

(He coaxes William with sound.)

(Is it food?)

It's very tasty.

(He feels his food first.)

Take one. Okay.

(He puts it in his mouth.)

(This is good.)

You have one in your hand.

You are greedy.

Finish that one first.

(I don't want to eat one strawberry at a time.)

Are you going to drink it?

Here it is.

You can eat it your way.

You're a grownup now.

Eat and clean up on your own.

I need to cook for your mom.

(I will play nicely.)

While Sam cooks,

William feels his food.

(He feels his food.)

(He throws his food)

(and steps on it.)


(He eats mashed strawberries.)

(He can't stop eating.)

(He finished a bowl of punch after making a mess.)

Hey, goodness.

You made a mess.

My goodness.

Those are new clothes.

(He has strawberries on his shorts.)

(A beggar would be proud of him.)

(Sexy back)

(Falling down)

(Will he cry?)

(I acted naturally.)

(A total wreck)

(Sam gave up.)

Look at me.

(He shows a crazy dance.)

(He must be going through a rough time.)

What is this smell?

What happened to William?

Goodness, you're a mess. Come here.

My goodness.

Hold this.

Sam quickly gets the dishes ready.

I hope his wife likes them.

My goodness, you are a mess.

(I took a bath earlier.)

(When William is almost done with the bath...)


(Sam is waiting nonchalantly.)

William finished his shower.

What did you make?

- Sit down. / - Should I? What is this?


I prepared some dishes for your morning sickness.

What are they?

This is the first one.


What is this?

(It's your favorite dish, silkworm pupa soup.)

Gosh, it smells.

You like silkworm pupa.

I liked it before. I can't stand the smell anymore

because of morning sickness. Why did you make it?

How did you make it?

What is that? Is it chicken?

This is...

(The main dish, soft-shelled turtle soup)

Soft-shelled turtle soup.

- Soft-shelled turtle soup. / - My goodness.

Wait a minute.

(It worsened her morning sickness.)

(My goodness.)

William, what is this?

Are you going to eat it?

(He avoids eye contact with Sam.)

(She pats her own back.)

Let's see how she is doing.

Are you okay?

I am not okay.

I'm feeling even worse after looking at the toilet.

I made the dishes to alleviate your morning sickness.

I can't believe you thought of that.

(Sam puts away the dishes without a word.)

(Yumi tastes the omija punch.)

This is really tasty.

I heard omija is good for morning sickness.

This is really tasty.

I tried my best.

Is it good?

You sweated to make the dishes.

Thank you.

Your dad's the only person who cares.

Say, "Thank you, Dad."

- Give me a high-five. / - High-five.

Let's cheer up for your younger sibling.

Hey, King Kong.

- King Kong. / - Do you know who King Kong is?

That's what we called you when you were in my belly.

We haven't thought of a nickname for our second baby.

- You're right. / - What should we use as a nickname?

William, you should name it. Can you give us an idea?

Tell us. What do you think would be a good nickname?

- Spoon. / - Shall we name it Spoon?


- Chopsticks? / - Chopsticks?

- Ding-dong? / - That's not bad.

William, what do you think of Ding-dong?


That sound is very welcoming. It's pleasant.

When you get a package delivery, the doorbell rings.

I think William likes the nickname.

(I approve.)

Okay, we'll go with that one. Thank you, William.

We came up with the nickname together.

For more infomation >> For Mom with morning sickness, William and Dad cook dinner! [The Return of Superman / 2017.07.02] - Duration: 9:26.


鬥陣特攻 師傅:源氏,怨你平安 - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> 鬥陣特攻 師傅:源氏,怨你平安 - Duration: 0:17.


Khim sokheng - Use Energy Vs Use Skill to Make Money | Success Reveal - Duration: 17:25.

Success Reveal

Khim Sokheng

Mr. Khim sokheng - Use Energy vs Use Skill to make money

For more infomation >> Khim sokheng - Use Energy Vs Use Skill to Make Money | Success Reveal - Duration: 17:25.


How To Remove Background Noise From Audio | Remove Surround Sound 2017 - Duration: 3:36.

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For more infomation >> How To Remove Background Noise From Audio | Remove Surround Sound 2017 - Duration: 3:36.


【快問快快答!!】 『 自製遊戲+整人』 〔 合作〕 有花絮! - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> 【快問快快答!!】 『 自製遊戲+整人』 〔 合作〕 有花絮! - Duration: 12:55.



For more infomation >> HOW TO CLEAN WINDOW AC FILTER - Duration: 2:42.


"Color Songs Collection" Learn Colors Car W Spiderman Cars Cartoon For Children Nursery Rhymes Songs - Duration: 2:38.

Yellow car, yellow cars, where are you?

Here i am, here i am.

How do you do?

Blue car, blue cars, where are you?

Here i am, here i am.

How do you do?

Red car, red cars, where are you?

Here i am, here i am.

How do you do?

Green car, green cars, where are you?

Here i am, here i am.

How do you do?


Yellow car, yellow colors 2.

Blue car, blue colors 3.

Red car, red colors 4.

Green car, green colors

For more infomation >> "Color Songs Collection" Learn Colors Car W Spiderman Cars Cartoon For Children Nursery Rhymes Songs - Duration: 2:38.


AMD VEGA - A NEW FRONTIER....or in other words the Radeon Vega Frontier Edition Graphics Card - Duration: 3:40.

So let's talk about AMD Vega Frontier Edition. AMD promised to start shipping its new generation

of video cards in late June, and now here we are with Radeon Vega Frontier Edition cards

in our virtual shopping carts. AMD has also filled in a few more technical details on

the high-end GPU, and clarified the most important spec: price. The air cooled model is $999,

while the liquid cooled version is $1499. Meanwhile AMD has also posted the final specifications

for the card, confirming the 1600MHz peak clock. Sustained performance is a bit lower,

with AMD publishing a "Typical clock" of 1382MHz. It's worth noting that this

is the first time AMD has used this term – they've previously used the term "base clock",

which is generally treated as the minimum clockspeed a card under a full gaming workload

should run at. As for power consumption, AMD lists the card's

typical board power as "< 300W". This is consistent with the earlier figures posted

by retailers, and perhaps most importantly, this is AMD's official typical board power,

not the maximum board power. But moving off the specs for a bit, if you

go to AMD's website, they have this to say relating to the Vega Frontier Edition.

"The Radeon™ Vega Frontier Edition Story Who are the pioneers? They are the ones who

have cured diseases and strengthened our bodies. They work to heal our planet and explore new

ones. They work to undo mankind's mistakes and protect the next generation from making

them again. Harnessing science to fuel creativity, and employing creativity to drive science.

They pursue an unerring, unwavering path towards their goals. There are no barriers, no compromises.

They are people who see boundaries as starting lines, and who risk everything in pursuit

of innovation. They are the early adopters, the people whose passion is to pursue what

is new and different. Their achievements won't be measured in days, weeks or even years.

They'll be measured in centuries." I don't know how you feel, but to me it

seems like AMD is inflating the amazingness of their new card a bit, if that's even

a word, but that doesn't mean that the new Card is horrible. It's still really good.

It seems like AMD is mostly focused on content creators, and the company has even encouraged

gamers to wait for the Vega RX series, but AMD is also including dual-mode drivers for

the card, so it can easily be flipped from pro applications like CAD and computing tasks

over to video game acceleration. This makes the most sense for game and VR developers

who need both types of acceleration on a daily basis. It also sounds complicated, and deserves

some testing before it's trusted with a professional workflow.

I was actually a bit surprised to hear that the Vega Frontier Edition has up to Up to

13.1 TFLOPS of peak single-precision floating-point performance. I Didn't really know what to

expect in the first place, but I'm still amazed by the numbers and stats I'm seeing.

Of course, it'll be up to actual physical tests to measure the full capabilities of

this new card, but for now I've gotta say that AMD is doing pretty well when it comes

to producing Good Pieces of Tech for the consumer market. However long it may take for the said

hardware to be released. So guys, if you enjoyed the video, learnt

anything new or want more, feel free to subscribe for new videos every week, comment your thoughts

below, and leave a like for more. Also, blah, blah, blah, as usual all important links to

previous videos and to check out the Vega Frontier Edition will be listed In the description

below. Thanks for watching and I will be seeing you in the next video.

For more infomation >> AMD VEGA - A NEW FRONTIER....or in other words the Radeon Vega Frontier Edition Graphics Card - Duration: 3:40.


鬥陣特攻 師傅如何躲76開大鎖定 - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> 鬥陣特攻 師傅如何躲76開大鎖定 - Duration: 0:20.


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How To Delete Facebook Messages Within 2 Minutes

How To Delete All Facebook Messages All At Once

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