Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome back to the arrow new and this

is probably going to be the last episode and what I've done here a little

differently is because the last every episode prior to this one it's been so

dark like the gamma has been turned down or up or whatever makes it darker

because this version of RPG maker that runs the game itself when you put

it in full screen with alt and enter which is what I've been having to do it

completely darkens the entire screen you can't see crap so now I have it like

windowed mode and I'm recording windowed mode and so if anything's different if

there's any kind of edge that you guys notice let me know so I know what to do

and what not to do in the future because I can deal with some darkness but now I

can see clearly I can see exactly what you guys are seeing and up until now I

not been able to and I missed a few things including something hiccup

something down here um right in the basement down this away

because when you know the room with the oh yeah the room down here it was so

dark that I couldn't see this door right here which is blocked anyways so okay I

guess we're going back up to the Mazda because we know that the box guy pops

out this way well what is this what is this I've never been in here

it won't open okay so that's locked - what's this thing post the nose thing me

again uh can I use the blue piece I can use the blue piece there I can use it

there okay so it won't open okay how have I never been that okay so I know

where the pieces go so I can do that so I'm going to go back up stay out I'm

going to double check is this one see if there's any like other pieces here

there's nothing there's nothing back maybe that's just kind of a key like a

guide so I had an idea of what to look for or or it's just another red herring

like how the UM the stickman puzzle was like the doll puzzle there goes

yeah what's this okay I need a phillips-head switched

ahead of the driver yes and I'm going to use wait yeah cool now what

well what nail okay I don't know do theirs I'm gonna save it because I don't

did it and here comes this guy no I'm scared

run I'm just gonna run away I don't know how to run no I have no idea how to run

from him I'm just gonna just going to go and try to outrun him and he's gonna go

upstairs and fall down the hole over and over again until he's gone hey people

the thing fell always go there oh no no what I got me I got me of course he did

of course they got me why wouldn't he have gotten me yes shut up okay so now I

know to run for my life forever and I don't know if I can outrun him

though like I think it's an idea whoever might be able to do I need to

run from him like I run from an alligator oh he's still by me

I'm gonna go all the way back what oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness

gracious oh is God Oh Honolulu June I just had two of them

chasing me at the same time I have to save a day game there if I never saved

it the pho I found the item blue piece good good that's two pieces two pieces

it's so good golly jeepers that was hard that wasn't hard and you chased me for

way longer than the other guy did so now we're gonna go put this blue piece here

I'm gonna put the blue peak you click alright one more

oh ma man must man what if I spoke like perfectly good Spanish but I had like a

southern accent when I did it what that yeah yeah that'd be awesome okay now

we're gonna go in here and see what was if there's anything behind there's

nothing what's can I move I can move this over

Hisle oh good I got no numbers I have to no numbers okay time to save it like I

always do and I'm gonna look for numbers I don't know where to find them though I

don't know where to find and though I don't know where to find I I don't know

anything at all actually plate shard no lider no okay so can I pick this up no

okay so anything behind here and you think on

the bookshelves anywhere anything else in this room probably not okay

well very odd and I just no way I'm gonna be

able to guess it either it's like there's 10,000 different combinations

that it could possibly be so I'm just gonna look around see if anything else

is changing because that that is definitely something different yeah I'm

gonna look around everywhere and see if anything's changed maybe some that has

never know because this up here definitely did like the only thing I can

think of though what about what about you

yeah that's six numbers though I can't I can't really use it I don't know

I'm go down this way actually sitting in here save it so I don't die because I

know they like to randomly pop out anything here I'll wait if the first one

fell maybe the second one did too we'll see it didn't it

it won't open okay well let's go back and let's go

this way

all right Dee anything here no anything down here no I

wonder if the stores open now probably is still locked okay anything there's

nothing I can do back to the drawing board man I lost a game and that's not

gonna open that's not good anything this isn't gonna open either

obviously because I need to get the last blue piece to open okay so something

else needs to happen one more thing needs to happen and you defined a code

of some sort I doubt that's it I like highly doubt that's it let's go this way

Thursday's a new play it's loud out here oh I can't go that way

okay so I guess I can't go back yeah I guess that's a mechanic to keep me from

going backwards so there's it's got to be in here somewhere

it is it's in here somewhere there's there's some sort of clue that I'm

missing okay there's got to be something on this so anything in one of these beds

under the bed somewhere underneath one the beds maybe I could pull all these

out yes maybe that's it okay triangle circle square Pentagon

okay so triangle circle square Pentagon I don't know that means no what does

that mean what does that oh the sides decides yes maybe okay so three zero

four five try that let's try three zero four or five I bet that's it I bet I've

gotten so good at thinking outside the budget I've gotten some I only had to

Google once and honestly I hate having to Google stuff I really hate it that is

the worst thing in a puzzle game and I can't believe I stooped down and I did

it but do theirs I would have been there forever

there's no way what was it a 3 0 4 it works it wasn't

I found the item base Mickey so wait dude I'm saving that game awesome so

maybe the screws on the wall over there we're red herring - there's a lot of

those in this game there's a lot of those to kind of lead you astray but

it's ok it's totally fine because we figured it out we found it with my lungs

it's mine all right cool that's the basement key I can use it to get guess

where don't basement me cool so we're going to the basement basement basement

there's like a million basements in this place

all right used to pay some key let's do this

holy macaroni what so is that what was making the rocket hey guys

oh he could open the gate yay are you gonna kill me I'm not oh

okay endure

oh there's a picture on the wall and get the last piece what was that though what

was that all about

on the item blue piece oh hey you too Kuro you're okay yeah that was a close

call it was dangerous to be alone where you please take me with you and sounds

like a good idea let's go to Kuro join the party yeah he's a he's a demon dude

he's a did he got caught but even so he is one god how do you not like come on

like he really trusts his friends like you've got some serious trust in his

friends but this is going to happen I have not eaten the game I've not seen

the ending to the game as made obvious by the reaction to that probably famous

part of the game ooh um I can just use the last pieces oh oh oh I want to know


all I did not see that coming probably should've seen that coming

whoa it opened back up what no I can't close him it I can't close man I can't

quit holy macaroni

ha oh jeez that was scary I was in my menu when it popped up I was in my menu

on that mofo popped up alright let's use it last Lupe's I was

actually about David because that's what I do

I'm gonna save it now and now we're gonna go to the last door hopefully the

last door it's just he escaped are we gonna get away wait so was that him that

was him he's popped

oh that's totally him okay so he didn't like eat me from the inside out he just

kind of turned so I was right

dependent it no

hello I ran and ran until I got back to town

the monster was no longer following me you mean Kuro or whatever your fret your

friend used to be always the mansion of the blue Beast

what was that blue thing I don't know but - Kuro and the others are still

missing to this day yet they were turned into repossessed who's that guy is the


let me out always night vision he see

hahahahaha I don't go yay that was so cool oh my god in it I can totally see

why there's such a big fan base for this game this game is ultimate it was made

in 2008 so it's old it's almost 10 years old but oh my god old but gold this game

is awesome I'm start playing fan games of this game this because I just I love

it I love how many different oneis there are learn more clear time an hour 59

minutes in 39 yes because I keep getting stumped like if you set the main

character's name to block man oh and it gave me a cheat code cool and I did look

up how to change the character's name you just press X to delete like that's

it's not on there but it's listed in the readme so I could just read the readme

like you're supposed to do when you download the game and anyway that was it

for a Loney expect to see bonus content and stuff like different how Google

different names to you cuz I'm sure there's different kinds of stuff to do

and um I'm gonna play some fan games too because I love this this is so cool this

is it's like its own genre of horror game and everything it's got me doing

this with my hands so you know I really liked it yeah so anyway I hope you guys

enjoyed if you guys did enjoy make sure you slap that like button underneath the

video and until next time I'll see you guys later


For more infomation >> THE TRUE HORRORS WITHIN | Ao Oni Pt.8 (ending) - Duration: 14:51.


Youtube Tanıtım Videosu - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Youtube Tanıtım Videosu - Duration: 0:52.


Best Moments of (PewDiePie, Jake Paul, Logan Paul, and SSundee) Funny Moments Montage - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Best Moments of (PewDiePie, Jake Paul, Logan Paul, and SSundee) Funny Moments Montage - Duration: 3:40.


My secret Porto, the occupation and the attachment (short film) - Duration: 6:31.

My secret Porto, the occupation and the attachment

On the bicycle and, because wrong-way riding is still illegal, not on the road, but on the pavement,

I think about how occupation alone suffices –

I grew fond of it, and it is enough for me.

Meanwhile someone hurls an insult

I almost take the car's wing mirror, right here beside me, with me,

and fuming I switch to the road,

on which the other vehicles demonstrate less kindly

how and where I should be cruising.

Now I am stuck with my new friends in voyage, waiting for the green darling to show up

so I can go back to deliberating.

It takes so long.

We put a spell on you with new music;

three times we eyed you and you were ours.

You know, the thighs we wore didn't match your pierced ear.

But we couldn't release you because you validated touch we didn't want to give you.

Where are you going? You don't want us anymore?

Leave it, stay with us.

Black hair, thin fingers, his eyes.

Tight back, risen shoulders; closed and rubbed eyes.

Pointed index, split siblings –

Cancel that aggressive playful embarrassment.

You bite my cheek, you ask for a kiss to mend it.

You wish it was true.

I'll undo the spell in your name, then.

His chest, his smell, listen to this -

Thank you for being so; too, this voice.

It is my turn now to hex you.

<i> Lover, you should've come over. </i>

<i> Never seen such good things go so wrong. </i>

You buy me the pass of illusion and you don't renew the caress.

I keep your hours so I cannot see you.

A second fits, it could be three if you wanted;

Don't you feel that I hurt you?

You notice the safety pin on my tongue,

No one can force you to understand my unsettlement;

Maybe you are just careful with these things.

I ask for the flavour again.

The green light is on!

Right, your car doesn't run anymore.

I know, twenty is the new thousand.

It is indifferent to lie or to sit,

Still I stay with you now,

for I won't come back tomorrow.

I do not want your body. I'm getting rid of another one already.

I offended you.

What I felt dying was not born, and even so there is longing.

I know, one month in three is not causal for being consecutive.

You seek memories to forget to take off.

I made you laugh during the first embarrassment,

remember, at the moustache the driver's licence?

The shirt was opening, I was showing the black interior

And the pink sock.

Of Crystal was the kiss.

And forgotten my occupation.

But with a happy belly you had me in your hand.

The kiss split

and I won a handshake.

I despise your squared black hug.

<i> I made you use your self-control and you made me lose my self-control. </i>

<i> I don't know why I got so attached - </i>

<i> We only said goodbye with words. </i>


I receive the words, run sitting, don't do this to me, wicked,

I am still the infant with the red shirt that you asked to come back.

I have got to want who wants me too.

I settled for little;

look, in two hours I found another brother -

one seated, the other lying!

We should have stayed the weekend.

It turned green!

Oh, I have to pedal.

Going back to…

occupation does not stroll without attachment.

They are distinguishable, but not separable. 75 00:05:14:00 --> 00:05:16.800 <i> Expose yourself to damage, instead of taking advantage of... </i>

…of, well, loss of appetite.

Many thanks to Porto de Magia for the kindness!

For more infomation >> My secret Porto, the occupation and the attachment (short film) - Duration: 6:31.


Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Tom Funny Montage 2017 - Duration: 30:22.

Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Tom Funny Montage 2017

For more infomation >> Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Tom Funny Montage 2017 - Duration: 30:22.


Vote Video EF vs. Raptor / 60 Jahre Bundeswehr ETNN - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Vote Video EF vs. Raptor / 60 Jahre Bundeswehr ETNN - Duration: 5:34.


English for Spanish Speakers 36 - difference between 'folder' and 'carpet' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:19.

Hi again everyone, and welcome back to

'One English Tip in One Minute for

Spanish Speakers' where each week I

talk about, in some detail, one common

English mistake made by those who speak

Spanish as a mother tongue...and this is

the 36th video, so video number 36.

As you may have heard once or twice

before, I totally appreciate the fact

that you are trying to improve your

English. It truly is a cool thing to do, I

think, and a very practical thing to do in

today's world. In these videos I show

you a slide, and on the side there are

two sentences: One is the correct way

that a native English speaker would say it,

the other is the wrong way that a native

Spanish speaker would say it. You

have to decide which one is correct .

Again, read the sentences, listen to me

read the sentences, pause the video, think

about your answer and I will discuss the

answer in the slide that follows this slide.

(If you got his) wrong - or took a wild guess and just happened to get

it right...and what it means is -- it's very

simple: You just need to study to get

past this mistake. The more you study,

the quicker you'll get past this mistake.

To start you off on the process I've

given you three sentences. You should

memorize these sentences in their

entirety, you should hardwire them into

your brain through reviewing them and

you should put into practice what you've

learned through speaking or writing or

both...and you should just continue this

process, using outside resources if you

have to, until you get the good English

in your head and the bad English is out

of your head (hopefully forever).

For more infomation >> English for Spanish Speakers 36 - difference between 'folder' and 'carpet' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:19.


Species that have gone extinct in our lifetime - Duration: 1:57.

Golden Toad, 1989

Scientists aren't totally sure what led to this Costa Rican toad's decline, but the best theory is that the El Nino weather pattern along with global warming and airborne pollution dried up pools and ponds the toad lived in.

Japanese Sea Lion, 1974

Commercial hunting for these along with habitat loss due to WWII did these seal lions in. There were a few sightings in the '60s, and a baby was caught in 1974. In 2007, the government of South Korea announced a plan to introduce the closely related California sea lions into areas the Japanese sea lion lived.

Poʻouli or Black-faced Honeycreeper, 2004

Non-native species, particularly pigs, cats, and rats, have wreaked havoc on Hawaii's ecosystem over the last few centuries, and most likely contributed to the decline of this unique bird. After an unsuccessful effort to get the last few remaining birds to breed, the last bird died in 2004. Technically, it's still listed as "critically endangered", but none birds have turned up in the wild after extensive searching for the last few years.

Pyrenean Ibex, 2000

The last of this subspecies of Spanis ibex died in the wild in 2000 when a tree fell on her. Scientist had taken samples of the last ibex's DNA in 1999, and in 2009 scientist had mixed the DNA with domestic goat eggs to create a clone. However, the cloned baby ibex died shortly after birth due to lung defects.

Baiji or Yangtze River Dolphin, 2006

Declared extinct in 2006, a video of what appeared to be a baiji dolphin was taken in 2007. The species is still considered "functionally extinct", meaning that if there is only one of a few old creatures alive, no new ones will be born.

Pinta Island Tortoise, June 24, 2012

The last of his kind, Lonesome George died this weekend in his pen at a research facility. His exact age isn't known, but he was estimated to be over 100

Japanese Sea Lion, 1974

Javan Tiger, 1994

Loss of habitat due to farming was the main killer for this distinct subspecies of tiger that lived on the Indonesian island of Java. The last area where they lived was in the highest mountain of Java. A tiger was killed there in 1984, but by 1993 scientists couldn't find any evidence of tigers still living there.

Alaotra Grebe, 2010

This small diving duck lived in primarily in one lake in Madagascar until habitat loss and predation by carnivorous non-native fish species killed it off.

For more infomation >> Species that have gone extinct in our lifetime - Duration: 1:57.


Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh 2017 List - Duration: 2:39.

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh 2017 List Video link: Don't Forget To Subscribe: Describe Videos: 1. Moosa Bin Shamsher 2. Salman F Rahman 3. Tarique Rahman 4. Sajeeb Wazed 5. Sayed Abul Hossain 6. Ahmad Akbar Sobhan 7. Giasuddin Al Mamun 8. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir 9. Ragib Ali 10. Iqbal Ahmed Blogger: Twitter: Google+ Facebook:

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

For more infomation >> Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh 2017 List - Duration: 2:39.


I dyed Justin Biebers hair! (How to dye hair in Photoshop video) - Duration: 7:46.

I Dyed Justin Biebers hair! (How to dye hair in Photoshop video)

For more infomation >> I dyed Justin Biebers hair! (How to dye hair in Photoshop video) - Duration: 7:46.


1K views - Duration: 0:33.

It is all said in the video

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