Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017

hey guys it's Mike today chipper and I are going to be sharing with you four to

five windows tips and tricks that are going to allow you to become more

organized more efficient and just overall allow you to get more work done

in less time I am Mk the CPA and along with my

sidekick chipper we teach people personal finances investing taxes and

more as you guys know normally I makes videos geared around personal finances

and taxes however in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you some life

and career tips things that I do and you is using Microsoft Windows to be more

organized and more efficient I use these things on daily basis and I'm excited to

share these things with you guys so let's get started

now nothing I'm going to show you guys is magical in fact you might already

know most of this stuff but maybe you're not using these features to your

advantage okay guys the tips we're going to be talking about today are going to

be specifically focused around organization if we are on organized and

things are cluttered studies have shown we can easily wait four to five hours

every single week just looking for stuff a 40-hour work week that's roughly 10%

of your time right there so we're going to look at helping you eliminate that

then the first tip is we're going to start with the Windows desktop and

getting yourself uncluttered

okay guys the first tip is really an obvious one that's really to clean up

your desktop and I really encourage this is our desktop right here and I really

encourage you to use that as much as possible because whatever is on your

desktop is right there in front of you you don't have to go digging further

into the file directories of Windows etc it's right here all for you to access

now the mistake I see many people make and I used to do this myself to be

honest is leave this a mess we want to clean this up as soon as possible and a

lot of this stuff now in this case I'm going to delete all of this but let's

say you had files you didn't know what to do with or whether or not you should

delete them but what you can do is or what I do is I like to create a folder

called stuff to go through so what I would do is I would highlight all this

right here if I didn't want to delete it and I wasn't sure what to do with it I

would then drag it to this stuff to go through folder and now look how clean

this desktop is it's almost it's almost too clean

now you can just focus on your task at hand and that overwhelming amount of

files is out of your face but it's all still right here if you need

and now let's talk about how do we get easy access to our programs that we want

to use the most and to do that we use pin to start menu and pin the taskbar

now our taskbar is right here and I believe there is a limited number I'm

not a hundred cincher but I believe there's a limited number of items you

can pin down here correct me if I'm wrong please let me know if you can pin

more I would love to know but the other area is if you want to pin to the Start

menu this is your Windows Start menu I am on Windows 10 as you guys can see but

I believe this should work for Windows XP and above but let's say there's a

program that you want to use a lot and this can be any program on your computer

whether it's at home or at work and this let's say we want to use audacity a lot

when for my videos that I produce I do use that ASCII quite a bit and so it's

probably a program that I would use frequently enough I want to put it along

with taskbar so I can get it quickly and the way to do that is I would just right

click and I would find under more pin to taskbar now this program is on my

taskbar right here and you can also use pin to start menu so let's say let's say

I wanted to use Diablo let's say Diablo 3 which is a game I have I wanted to use

this a lot and I wanted to show up in the Start menu we'll never opened it all

right well what you can do is I can do right click on I would do a pin to start

and boom there it is right here so now I can move this up and so now whenever I

go back to my Start menu it's right there look how quick I was able to

access that so think about the software programs you use the most and that you

want to have the access to the easiest and put them along here or put them

right here in your Start menu and it will save you a ton of time I promise

check it out

okay guys tip number three is to really make the time to get organized because

it is so worth your time now I have a series of folders that I've organized

with YouTube but let's pretend I wasn't organized at all let's pretend I had to

go there from scratch let me show you how long this takes so to get there I

have to go to start menu I would click on this PC and then I would click on

volume D because I know it's there and then I would go to backup to cyber PC

because that's where I've stored all the stuff and finally down here I have

YouTube but I'm still not at the videos I want so now I have to go to videos

created by me and now I'm finally here now can you infer had to go through to

get to this point can you imagine how often or how much time this would take

me if I didn't know exactly where that was well the thing to do is to make the

time to create desktop shortcuts so instead of me going through all these

file paths what I should have done is now that I found this main folder and

you have to find the main directory to this folder if I just want to get to my

videos faster I can create a desktop shortcut so what I'll do is I would

right click and then go down here to see where it says sin to see how it says

desktop create shortcut so what it's going to do is it's going to create a

shortcut directly to that file and boom so there it is right there

so now wash so now instead of going through seven steps to see all my videos

now all I have to do is click this and I'm instantly there and you can do that

for each of these folders you know you can make shortcuts for anything really

and what I would recommend doing is to take this one step further and create a

folder you know something that makes sense to you and let's say you wanted to

have all of your YouTube shortcuts anything related to YouTube well you can

put a YouTube folder right here and then are you like I'm going to call it

YouTube in this case I'm going to move my shortcuts to here and then I can do a

shortcut to anything I that's related to my YouTube channel and

information and files all in one folder and it looks so nice and neat because

now my desktop is still clean it's still uncluttered but I can just access all

this information very quickly so make the time to create these desktop

shortcuts I can't begin to describe how much time this simple little trick will

do you by just taking a few seconds to create shortcuts with the stuff you use

the most

okay guys ready for tip number four and then I'll still keep watching because

then I'll show I saved the best tip for last that most people do not know about

and I learned recently and it is so powerful so let me show you I think this

is a Windows 10 feature but you can actually instead of we talked about

pinning the taskbar we talked about pinning the Start menu but in Windows 10

I corrected me like I said correct me if I'm wrong guys but I think this is the

only Windows 10 there's a thing called quick access so if you have Windows 10

you can actually pin stuff to this quick access bar now this quick access bar is

always going to show up whenever you open a folder you can open up any folder

of any kind and see how it's there watch I'll go back to YouTube folder I just

made and it's there too so basically whatever you want to pin along here you

can so like if I want to go to the main YouTube folder are the main YouTube file

directory and I want to say okay my laptop music is really important to me

and I want to make sure I can access anytime what I would do is I would

right-click on laptop music and then do go into quick access and bam there it is

it's number one you can you can arrange these in whatever order you wanted so if

you wanted this to be to the very top look even above your desktop you could

you can move it back down here it's like wherever you want to move it wherever

what makes sense to you whoops I guess I got a pool I got a pool

of this one up there we go so I guess you can't pull it down that way but you

guys you guys get the idea is it's really easy to pin stuff to this quick

access menu and this will save you time whenever you open up a folder you know

the stuff you need will be right there

okay guys I've saved the best for last and it deals with using hotkeys to get

to things even faster and hotkeys will work for a programmer file shortcuts and

also actual shortcuts to folders and a shortcut is something we were looking at

just a few minutes ago but see this little arrow right here on this folder

that little arrow indicates it's a shortcut and the same is true for

Program Files so if you have a little arrow next to the program it means the

shortcut path to that program so what I'm going to show you guys is how you

can set hotkeys to access these folders instantly just by using a quick touch of

your keyboard so let's say Microsoft Office Excel Microsoft Excel is a

program people use all the time especially at work

so let's find this so I go to my Start menu and I already have Microsoft Excel

pinned here i'ma show you guys how to do this but what I would do is I would

right click to get to it and I would go to more and I would go to open file

location' obviously if you go to my PC and go down through the file directories

you can find it the same way but this is a quicker way for me to find it so I'm

going to go to open file location' and now as you can see it takes us to this

Microsoft Office folder and if you look here see no I'm using a Microsoft 2007

on my personal computer don't judge me because it's free but you

see this little shortcut arrow right here as long as there's a shortcut arrow

this will work if there's not a shortcut arrow it's not going to work but yeah if

you don't have a shortcut arrow just do you know right click send the desktop

create shortcut and then that's how you can get that shortcut arrow now now

here's what's cool so let's say you want to make this a hotkey command so that is

this program will open instantly so what you want to do is you going to right

click go down to properties now see where it's a shortcut up here

there's this first page it opens this first tab see where it says shortcut key

see how it says none well right now there's no programmed shortcut for this

file but we can change that so just click your mouse cursor here and I'm

going to do all f12 as my shortcut key all f12 and now I'm going to hit apply

and says I need administrator privileges so I'm the administrator so I'm gonna

click OK and now I've hit applied now I'm just going to hit OK

now watch guys this is frickin sweet so now I'm hitting alt f12 on my keyboard 1

2 3 boom instantly I am right to this program I don't even have to use my

mouse now as long as I ever remembered what hotkeys I've said it to and the

same is true for your shortcut folders if you go to any of these shortcut

folders like earlier we're looking at this video one see where it says if I

right click on this and go down to properties same thing I can make a

shortcut key here so I'm going to do alt f11 I'm gonna hit apply I'm going to get

out of it and now watch this 1 2 3 all step 11 bone I'm right to my photos and

clips are left I guess I selected this one but I'm right to it this is going to

save you guys so much time it's saved I can't tell you how many minutes the save

all the clicking around I used to do and whatnot

by using these five tricks I know these are all basic really new newbie stuff

really but if you use this to your advantage all in unison you will save

not only minutes but they'll those minutes you save will adds up to hours

and days over the course of your life and in your work and in your personal

life hey guys I really hope you got a lot of those five tips I know they're

all very basic but if you just make the time to get organized create desktop

shortcuts clean up your desktop organize your folders accordingly and pin your

most-used programs to your taskbar your Start menu and even the folders

themselves and use hotkeys all in unison you are going to be a time-saving

machine the thing I didn't mention about not only are you guys are going to be

more efficient work more productive but it's going to help you communicate

better at work and the reason that is is because when somebody asks you ask for

something from you you're going to be so quick to respond to them because your

files are going to be very organized and you're going to know right where to go

define what you need they're going to look back at you and

say he's really got it together my question of the week is what do you guys

do to stay organized at work with your computer files on using Windows is there

anything that I didn't mention that you feel I should have or what other tricks

or tips this you might have please share those in the comments section down below

and also in the description down below I'm going to be including some links to

some art articles that will be real that are related to this video so make sure

to check them out alright guys drop a like leave a comment

or question down below make sure to subscribe if you have not already let me

know if you would like to see more videos like this I had a lot of fun

making this one I love making tutorial types of videos for you guys and don't

forget you can also follow me on Twitter and on Facebook but until next time and

most importantly please take this information you learned here today and

use it in your life apply it to your life so you

can work more towards living your life on gauged the guys love you I will see

you in next week's video take care bye

For more infomation >> 5 Microsoft Windows Productivity Tips for Work [Windows 10 Virtual Declutter & Organization Tips!] - Duration: 15:37.


Enlightenment 1 - "Relax for 2 to 5 seconds" - Duration: 2:09.

So right now take a deep breath.

And Relax.

Like completely.

Relax your mind.

You don't have to stop thinking...but just relax your focus off of your mind for a moment.

Just come into the here and now.

Come into the space that is here and now so effortlessly.

Can you already notice the ease? Can you already notice the natural sense of peacefulness?.

The natural sense of coming home, of being spacious. Of being free.

So for 2-5 seconds, at least 12 times a day, make it a habit, especially in this first course...

Make it a habit to relax your mind. To give away your thoughts. Give it back to life. For just 2-5 seconds.

Take a deep breath...and as you exhale be decisive, be committed to give away your thoughts

Like disown them in a sense. Surrender them. Don't hold on to them.

And as you do that, your attention, your consciousness will start to naturally shift its attention to the presence of this moment.

lt will happen naturally, and you'll see that as soon as your relax your thinking mind, for even as much as a 2-5 second window.

In that 2-5 second window, consciousness becomes aware of, in a sense, the essence that remains.

When we're not overlaying it with thought.

So for 2-5 seconds, at least 12 times a day, make it a habit to take a deep breath.

And relax you're thoughts for 2-5 seconds.

And then to notice the spaciousness, the presence, the consciousness, that remains.

For more infomation >> Enlightenment 1 - "Relax for 2 to 5 seconds" - Duration: 2:09.


THE TRUE HORRORS WITHIN | Ao Oni Pt.8 (ending) - Duration: 14:51.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome back to the arrow new and this

is probably going to be the last episode and what I've done here a little

differently is because the last every episode prior to this one it's been so

dark like the gamma has been turned down or up or whatever makes it darker

because this version of RPG maker that runs the game itself when you put

it in full screen with alt and enter which is what I've been having to do it

completely darkens the entire screen you can't see crap so now I have it like

windowed mode and I'm recording windowed mode and so if anything's different if

there's any kind of edge that you guys notice let me know so I know what to do

and what not to do in the future because I can deal with some darkness but now I

can see clearly I can see exactly what you guys are seeing and up until now I

not been able to and I missed a few things including something hiccup

something down here um right in the basement down this away

because when you know the room with the oh yeah the room down here it was so

dark that I couldn't see this door right here which is blocked anyways so okay I

guess we're going back up to the Mazda because we know that the box guy pops

out this way well what is this what is this I've never been in here

it won't open okay so that's locked - what's this thing post the nose thing me

again uh can I use the blue piece I can use the blue piece there I can use it

there okay so it won't open okay how have I never been that okay so I know

where the pieces go so I can do that so I'm going to go back up stay out I'm

going to double check is this one see if there's any like other pieces here

there's nothing there's nothing back maybe that's just kind of a key like a

guide so I had an idea of what to look for or or it's just another red herring

like how the UM the stickman puzzle was like the doll puzzle there goes

yeah what's this okay I need a phillips-head switched

ahead of the driver yes and I'm going to use wait yeah cool now what

well what nail okay I don't know do theirs I'm gonna save it because I don't

did it and here comes this guy no I'm scared

run I'm just gonna run away I don't know how to run no I have no idea how to run

from him I'm just gonna just going to go and try to outrun him and he's gonna go

upstairs and fall down the hole over and over again until he's gone hey people

the thing fell always go there oh no no what I got me I got me of course he did

of course they got me why wouldn't he have gotten me yes shut up okay so now I

know to run for my life forever and I don't know if I can outrun him

though like I think it's an idea whoever might be able to do I need to

run from him like I run from an alligator oh he's still by me

I'm gonna go all the way back what oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness

gracious oh is God Oh Honolulu June I just had two of them

chasing me at the same time I have to save a day game there if I never saved

it the pho I found the item blue piece good good that's two pieces two pieces

it's so good golly jeepers that was hard that wasn't hard and you chased me for

way longer than the other guy did so now we're gonna go put this blue piece here

I'm gonna put the blue peak you click alright one more

oh ma man must man what if I spoke like perfectly good Spanish but I had like a

southern accent when I did it what that yeah yeah that'd be awesome okay now

we're gonna go in here and see what was if there's anything behind there's

nothing what's can I move I can move this over

Hisle oh good I got no numbers I have to no numbers okay time to save it like I

always do and I'm gonna look for numbers I don't know where to find them though I

don't know where to find and though I don't know where to find I I don't know

anything at all actually plate shard no lider no okay so can I pick this up no

okay so anything behind here and you think on

the bookshelves anywhere anything else in this room probably not okay

well very odd and I just no way I'm gonna be

able to guess it either it's like there's 10,000 different combinations

that it could possibly be so I'm just gonna look around see if anything else

is changing because that that is definitely something different yeah I'm

gonna look around everywhere and see if anything's changed maybe some that has

never know because this up here definitely did like the only thing I can

think of though what about what about you

yeah that's six numbers though I can't I can't really use it I don't know

I'm go down this way actually sitting in here save it so I don't die because I

know they like to randomly pop out anything here I'll wait if the first one

fell maybe the second one did too we'll see it didn't it

it won't open okay well let's go back and let's go

this way

all right Dee anything here no anything down here no I

wonder if the stores open now probably is still locked okay anything there's

nothing I can do back to the drawing board man I lost a game and that's not

gonna open that's not good anything this isn't gonna open either

obviously because I need to get the last blue piece to open okay so something

else needs to happen one more thing needs to happen and you defined a code

of some sort I doubt that's it I like highly doubt that's it let's go this way

Thursday's a new play it's loud out here oh I can't go that way

okay so I guess I can't go back yeah I guess that's a mechanic to keep me from

going backwards so there's it's got to be in here somewhere

it is it's in here somewhere there's there's some sort of clue that I'm

missing okay there's got to be something on this so anything in one of these beds

under the bed somewhere underneath one the beds maybe I could pull all these

out yes maybe that's it okay triangle circle square Pentagon

okay so triangle circle square Pentagon I don't know that means no what does

that mean what does that oh the sides decides yes maybe okay so three zero

four five try that let's try three zero four or five I bet that's it I bet I've

gotten so good at thinking outside the budget I've gotten some I only had to

Google once and honestly I hate having to Google stuff I really hate it that is

the worst thing in a puzzle game and I can't believe I stooped down and I did

it but do theirs I would have been there forever

there's no way what was it a 3 0 4 it works it wasn't

I found the item base Mickey so wait dude I'm saving that game awesome so

maybe the screws on the wall over there we're red herring - there's a lot of

those in this game there's a lot of those to kind of lead you astray but

it's ok it's totally fine because we figured it out we found it with my lungs

it's mine all right cool that's the basement key I can use it to get guess

where don't basement me cool so we're going to the basement basement basement

there's like a million basements in this place

all right used to pay some key let's do this

holy macaroni what so is that what was making the rocket hey guys

oh he could open the gate yay are you gonna kill me I'm not oh

okay endure

oh there's a picture on the wall and get the last piece what was that though what

was that all about

on the item blue piece oh hey you too Kuro you're okay yeah that was a close

call it was dangerous to be alone where you please take me with you and sounds

like a good idea let's go to Kuro join the party yeah he's a he's a demon dude

he's a did he got caught but even so he is one god how do you not like come on

like he really trusts his friends like you've got some serious trust in his

friends but this is going to happen I have not eaten the game I've not seen

the ending to the game as made obvious by the reaction to that probably famous

part of the game ooh um I can just use the last pieces oh oh oh I want to know


all I did not see that coming probably should've seen that coming

whoa it opened back up what no I can't close him it I can't close man I can't

quit holy macaroni

ha oh jeez that was scary I was in my menu when it popped up I was in my menu

on that mofo popped up alright let's use it last Lupe's I was

actually about David because that's what I do

I'm gonna save it now and now we're gonna go to the last door hopefully the

last door it's just he escaped are we gonna get away wait so was that him that

was him he's popped

oh that's totally him okay so he didn't like eat me from the inside out he just

kind of turned so I was right

dependent it no

hello I ran and ran until I got back to town

the monster was no longer following me you mean Kuro or whatever your fret your

friend used to be always the mansion of the blue Beast

what was that blue thing I don't know but - Kuro and the others are still

missing to this day yet they were turned into repossessed who's that guy is the


let me out always night vision he see

hahahahaha I don't go yay that was so cool oh my god in it I can totally see

why there's such a big fan base for this game this game is ultimate it was made

in 2008 so it's old it's almost 10 years old but oh my god old but gold this game

is awesome I'm start playing fan games of this game this because I just I love

it I love how many different oneis there are learn more clear time an hour 59

minutes in 39 yes because I keep getting stumped like if you set the main

character's name to block man oh and it gave me a cheat code cool and I did look

up how to change the character's name you just press X to delete like that's

it's not on there but it's listed in the readme so I could just read the readme

like you're supposed to do when you download the game and anyway that was it

for a Loney expect to see bonus content and stuff like different how Google

different names to you cuz I'm sure there's different kinds of stuff to do

and um I'm gonna play some fan games too because I love this this is so cool this

is it's like its own genre of horror game and everything it's got me doing

this with my hands so you know I really liked it yeah so anyway I hope you guys

enjoyed if you guys did enjoy make sure you slap that like button underneath the

video and until next time I'll see you guys later


For more infomation >> THE TRUE HORRORS WITHIN | Ao Oni Pt.8 (ending) - Duration: 14:51.


Besøg hos Holbæk hardball forening HHF - Duration: 6:05.

Hello, now I am visiting Holbæk airsoft association

and the concept here is a little special

That is the state prison, so don´t fool around with your guns here

But you park here, and then put your gear on a trailer

everything is driven into the forrest and then you have to walk in there yourself

so let´s go to the base and see there...

in the forrest now, the trailer has arrived, and the players are taking their gear into the base

let´s go in and have a look

this is the HHF base , in the forrest

in there a small cover

a lot of tables

a small hop at the end

some material storage

and some more roof are about to be build here

today there is about 25 players here

but I have noted, that there is several russians

or russian types with AK´s

so that is great, when you love the AK...

so come on out to Jyderup skov and visit HHF,

it´s great , whenever the weather is great too

"Game briefing before gamestart..."

when you get hit...

you yell hit or dead

and put your hand up

hello again, now I´m outside the base at HHF

and I got some of the guys that run the field here

And I got glasses on because we are right outside the safezone

could you please present yourself

I´m Mikkel and I am the cashier, on the association board

I´m Dan and I am just board member

my name is Kim and I am a board member too

Could you explain to people , what HHF is all about ?

We are a volunteer association, who has been lucky enough to get a great piece of forrest

where we are allowed to play every second sunday

it´s outside, without a lot of buildings

cause we want a more natural aspect in our field and use it that way

there are a few barricades and buildings

but primarely we operate in the normal danish forrest

there is also a lot of hills, that you can sneak along

if you want to play here...

what is the price and what can you offer ?

the price is 150dkk for first gameday

and that is with our insurrance, which covers any injuries

but the next time, it only costs 50dkk, because then you are a member

now that we are way out into the forrest

is it possible to get something to drink or BB´s ?

yes, we got the most in the shop

we have BB´s in different weight, gas and CO2

and ofcourse soda, and some salt and sugar...

Ok, how often do you play here, all year ?

It´s all year and every 14 day.

and normally the gear bus goes from the prison at 9:15

if you don´t want to carry yourself

and then there is a cosy 2 km walk here...

yes, you park a good bit away from the base

true, but we don´t have many wrist injuries

because people get warm from the walk, I think

do you need to be in good shape on this field ?

If you look at us, then you don´t need to be in crazy good shape

but you do get a bit tired and warm

Is it just Milsim or more regular

we have all players and it´s a good mix of all every sunday

it´s both milsim players that´s training and one day fun players

that just want some action for those 5 hours

but there has to be a place for everyone

but we try to give people a chance to train those milsim skills

so it´s a weak introduction to milsim

OK, thanks for your time, now let´s get out and play...

yes , good idea, let´s do that...

For more infomation >> Besøg hos Holbæk hardball forening HHF - Duration: 6:05.


Teaser of Gene Single's album "Tornado Dreams" (to be released on July 30, 2017) - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Teaser of Gene Single's album "Tornado Dreams" (to be released on July 30, 2017) - Duration: 4:02.


Youtube Tanıtım Videosu - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Youtube Tanıtım Videosu - Duration: 0:52.


HE DESERVES IT! - Duration: 6:34.


good job

Hey you guys

Good evening

Oh, wait not afternoon. Good evening

E: hello

It is dark outside because it is around 10 o'clock right now

We're starting the vlog super late

We just weren't doing anything interesting today

We were just editing and

oo thank you

now our day starts I guess and we're

gonna go to Dave and Busters

Like remember before I told you that she promised she would take me

now I got a good grade on my midterm so she's suppose to take me


but first we're at a grocery store

because my final cut pro trial

ended and now I'm going to have to buy it

but buying the gift cards at a grocery store gives me a discount

so let's go!

Why you so close to my face

E: it must be over there

E: 200 dolla

E: 192

E: Sorry?

E: okay

Employee: go to the vons on..

Hey you guys

I just wanted to let you know that your help and your support has

has paid for our final cut pro software


editing software

so thank you so much

appreciate for you support

it makes our editing, filming so much better

and easier so thank you so much. It's all thanks to you guys

Now we're gonna go to Dave & Busters!


I got a good grade on my midterm

so I really deserve it!

Yes you did

E: you did

I know I said that already but I do deserve it!

Yes, you deserve it. We're going now

Wow it's really not that crowded

Well it's 10 right now

so of course it's not crowded

look how empty it is

Does it suck dating a car guy?

Yes, it does

E: Because a normal person would park over there

E: but he has to park alllll the way over here

E: Why?

E: why

He has to make sure nobody parks next to him

E: so I have to walk

Come on! Keep up

Hurry up!

Ready for me to beat you

ohhh beat me by one point

I won!

We both sucked so neither of us won

We both sucked

Don't worry you're with me

oh okay. I feel better now

You're shooting our people

He was going down anyways


Good job

I just let you have it

I'm still alive. You died

I didn't die

didn't die

you win

I died!

Babe, you got it?

Should I play?

I'll handle myself

oh, you're almost dead

Ryan's on his own

Almost got it

Ryan's favorite game!

What happened?

This game. Mine kept on swerving to the left

Want to go to this one?

Have fun?


It didn't last as long as last time

Because we came really late

But yeah, that was fuuunnn

Are you happy you got your midterm gift?


I'm happy


We're gonna go

yep, we're gonna go home

go home


Shout Out to Mackenzie!

Sign Duo


For more infomation >> HE DESERVES IT! - Duration: 6:34.



For more infomation >> BTS FIRE BRAZIL TOUR 2017 REACTION! [B-ARMYS ARE CRAZY] - Duration: 4:48.


Song of Phoenix - Episode 10 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:25.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ The far and long roads, ♫

♫ the man I miss is at a distant place ♫

♫ Seeking the truth in heaven and on earth, opening up the words deep in my heart, ♫

♫ not looking back ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, if one's heart could be fragrant ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, desolate like the moon ♫

♫ I worry, when can I appreciate the grasses and flowers with a beautiful woman ♫

♫ The ancient people didn't have time to leave some Yimoxiang (a type of plant) ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, heart becoming fragrant on its own ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, fragrant dreams ♫

♫ The whole world is drunk, one's whole life just follows the blue water ♫

♫ I'll drive and go away for an adventure, flying as I want to in the nine skies ♫

Song of Phoenix

Episode 10

Nothing is sadder than being separated while still alive; nothing is happier than meeting a new friend. - The Nine Songs, The Lesser Master of Fate - "Shao Si Ming" by Qu Yuan

My Lord, look.

You're sure it's death by poison?

Absolutely certain.

Before this matter is fully investigated, not a single word can be leaked out.

- That includes the King. - Yes.

Why did you come at this time?

It was so hard for me to come see you once, Royal Uncle. Why can't I?

My heart is in a mess.

Is it still because of what happened to Zi Qin?

Of course.

It's just a child. Just bury him.

What do you know?

Let me tell you.

Zi Qin was poisoned.

Did you find out who did it?

If I found out who did it, would my heart still be a mess?

I would have told the King long ago!

Tell the King? If the King finds out, he won't let the culprit off lightly.


Why are you so worried?

M-me? Why would I be worried?

Could it be...that you sent someone to do it?

I...I didn't!

You-! You are too daring!

What? Who told that wench to get my Lan'er beaten?

You've committed a huge wrong!

You'll drag me down too!

What are you afraid of? If I wanted to drag you down, I would have done so long ago.

I can admit to it here.

But outside of this room, I'll never admit it.

But if the King finds out Zi Qin was poisoned to death,

he won't stop until he investigates everything!

If you don't let him know,

then won't it just end like that?

Your Majesty, how is Qin'er's investigation going?

This cannot be dragged on.

As I see things, Qin'er should be buried soon.

Your Majesty, Your Highness, the Queen.

The Senior Minister requests to see you.

Let him come in.

Royal Uncle, how is the investigation going?

Your Majesty, this case has been fully investigated.

Prince Zi Qin died naturally of an illness.

- Died naturally? - That's right.


Your humble servant checked it thoroughly with the royal doctor. There are no doubts.

My pitiful Qin'er.

You have worked hard, Royal Uncle. You can leave first.


Your Majesty, it looks like I've worried too much.

Since it's been fully investigated, let's end it like this.

You've worked hard during these days too.



Why aren't you talking, Qin'er?

Why aren't you talking?



Princess! Princess!

Your Highness the Queen.

Qin'er, don't be afraid.

Her Highness the Queen is a good person.

Don't be afraid.

Your Highness the Queen,

with the Princess like this, what should we do?

Has she taken her medicine?

Yes, but it wasn't very helpful.

Little Sister Yin, listen to me.

Let the past be the past, okay?

Perhaps she'll calm down in a few days.

Remember, this matter must not reach the State of Qin.

In a bit, come to my place to get some calming medication. It might be useful.

I thank Your Highness the Queen on the Princess's behalf.

Alright. Take good care of her.

I will leave first.

She was the King's favorite woman. In just a few days,

her son died and she went crazy too.

This is the royal palace.

In the royal palace, there are only two types of people. One is the type that eats others,

and the other is the type that gets eaten.

My father went to the Qu mansion today.

I know.

Do you know why he went?

I know.

Then what are you standing here for?

- Cang Yun, just what do you want? - I...

My family has mentioned the marriage to the Qu family again recently.

I think our matter cannot be dragged out anymore.

If you want us to be together, then hurry and propose marriage to my father!

A marriage proposal cannot be sloppy.

In my current position, if I rashly propose marriage, I'm afraid...

You're afraid he'll look down on you?

That's not it.

I just think that if I had some official position

and then I propose marriage, I might have a higher chance of success.

Bi Xia, why don't I ask your father to help me get a position at court?

I'm not going.

You aren't using your head.

As long as we're together, why wouldn't Father help you?

That's true. I'll find a chance to propose marriage to your family.

You're not in a panic or afraid that I'll be stolen by the Qu family.

Don't worry.

The head of the family has just arranged marriage, and will not set further decisions so quickly.

Here. Do you like them?

These must be very valuable. Did you have someone make them?

"Yun" and "Xia" (Cang Yun, and Zhao Bi Xia)

I'll keep the one with "Yun" on it. You keep the one with "Xia" on it.


I'll keep this one.

In the future, if you're not by my side,

when I see this, it'll be just like seeing you.


When I see this, it'll also be like seeing you.

My heart has been given to you.

If you forsake me, I definitely won't spare you!

Look, another person died!

Big Brother.

I say! Didn't Magistrate Qu say he was looking for a way to fix things?

It's been two days, and nothing has happened!

That's right!

I think the epidemic is just because of him!

- Demand justice for our family - Yeah! Yeah!

We'll go get some justice!

Let's go! Let's go get justice!

Let's go!

We'll have a good show to watch! Let's go.

Let me try the medicine first.

Wait, it's hot!

How could this be?

I knew that Huixian might be strong, but I never thought it will be that hyper-toxic.

Could it be...we found the wrong herb?

Lord Magistrate! Lord Magistrate!

Lord Magistrate, I finally found you! The magistrate's office is a mess right now!

What happened?

This morning, the citizens brought all the epidemic patients to the magistrate's office!

They insist on getting justice from you!

-Let's hurry and go! -Yes!

Father, Qing'er, take good care of Yi'er.

-Be careful! -Go slowly!

Qu Yuan!

-I'll go back with you. -It'll be dangerous!

At least we'll be together. And then what danger shall I fear?

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Everyone, everyone.

Be calm, the magistrate will be back very soon.

If Magistrate Qu doesn't come, we won't leave!

Why be like this?

Just tell me when Magistrate Qu will be back!

Look, my mother is about to die!

We've already sent someone to look for him. He'll be back very soon!

W-w-where will you look for him?

Let me tell you! You can't find him!

You can't find him!

Who are you saying can't find me?



Lord Magistrate, w-w-we were all worrying about you!

A-a-all of you, what are you making a fuss here about?

Who's making a fuss?

Magistrate Qu asked for three days. The third day has come!

So what?

Look! Everyone look!

What are you afraid of? We have to let them know!

Everyone take a look!

To save everyone, Magistrate Qu also caught the epidemic!

Look carefully!

H-he caught it too!

And yet you all make a fuss here? Where is your conscience?

L-look. Lord Magistrate already said

that he can cure the epidemic, so let's trust him!

But! Let me tell you!

- This Qu Yuan is bad luck! - Bad luck!

Think about it! Before he came to Quan County, there were no problems in Quan County!

Today, we must send away the bad luck!

Send away the bad luck! Send away the bad luck!

bad...bad luck...

Everyone! I know you've all had it hard recently.

Together with everybody else, I also felt as if burning up from the inside.

What I can tell everyone is, I've already found the medicine!

It's just, I still need to test the medicine.

So, I hope you all can give me a little more time.

Why should we still believe you?

Then do you have a better idea?

Let me tell you! If you two dare to say one more word,

I'll rip your mouths to shreds!

Can you take responsibility for dragging out treatment for everyone's illness?

T-then how about this?

W-w-we will not keep Lord Magistrate from treating everyone's illness.

Then we'll just all stay here.

We'll wait for Lord Magistrate to treat everyone's illness, okay?

What okay? What staying?

Liu Wai Zui, do you think this issue hasn't become big enough?

Magistrate Qu has had it hard while treating everyone's illness!

Why are you adding to the mess?

M-Mo Chou, I'm not adding to the mess!

Look, if everyone stays,

it'll be easier for Lord Magistrate to treat their illness!

T-they are about to die, where else can they go?

-Liu Wai Zui, you-! -Mo Chou.

Don't make things worse. He's got a point.

Everyone! Just stay here.

- Magistrate... - It's settled.

Then what if you still can't cure it?

W-w-w-what nonsense!

-Master. -If he says he can cure it, then he definitely will.

If the Magistrate still can't cure it, would he still have the face to stay in our county?

That's true, Master is right.

He definitely wouldn't have the face to stay!

Lord Magistrate, we'll have to trouble you.

Let's go.

T-t-t-this, what kind of place is this?

Don't worry. I will make him speechless.

Zhao Mansion

I never imagined that you'd memorize the music so fast.

If I don't practice the songs you find me every day,

it would put your efforts to waste.

As long as you're happy, all I do is worth it.

My Lady, the Master is asking you to come.

I heard that recently, you are getting closer to that Cang Yun.

Father, Master Cang Yun helped me find a long-lost piece of music.

Recently, we've been practicing it together.

Master Cang Yun?

He's just a guest.

A guest? He is about to be promoted to "literature elector attendant".

He will definitely be a official in the Court!

Based on himself?


You must understand. Some people are talented,

but they may not necessarily be able to become officials in the court.

So what if they can't?

Don't interact with him so much.

I refuse.

Say that again.

I refuse!

Dear Xia'er,

how could you talk to your father like that?

I've made myself very clear!


How ridiculous! How ridiculous!

How could I have a daughter like her?

What did the Master say to you?

Nothing much. He wants me to practice the song well with you.

Let's go and continue playing.

The marriage is off. The marriage is off!


Are you really going to watch our daughter leave us?

This won't do.

I have to hurry and go to the Qu mansion.

The Qu mansion?

What do you intend to do there?

I have to hurry and settle this engagement.

Hurry and prepare some proposal gifts.

Husband, this isn't right. Why should we prepare proposal gifts?

Now that things have come to this, I don't need to keep face anymore.

Hurry and go!

Quan County Magistrate's Yamen

Give them plenty, okay?

Magistrate, you cannot drink this medicine.

Before she left, Miss Mo Chou told me she's afraid it's poisonous.

If I don't try it, how would I know if it's effective?

Besides, I found the recipe for it.

I am the only person who can try this medicine.

Magistrate, this world is so big.

Why must you stay in this horrible place?

You are new here, so you don't know much about Quan County.

I've seen many things like what happened today.

Do you think that the people coming to protest here is just a crisis from the heavens?

Officer, you mean...?

It is a crisis from the heavens, but also a result of human actions.

You're talking about Liu Wai Zui?

Liu Wai Zui is just a small character. The real background player is Jing Lian.

He has connections to the royal court. Regular people can't touch him.

In these years, multiple magistrates have either worked in cahoots with them,

or resigned and returned to their hometowns.

The good ones were utterly destroyed by them.

That is them, not me, Qu Yuan.

Magistrate, can't you tell?

Why does Liu Wai Zui continuously say things to hurt you?

He says he's afraid you'll run away.

But actually, they'd rather you leave Quan County immediately!

I just got here and am always working against them.

It's natural that they treat me this way.

Since you know, why throw yourself into danger?

I am Quan County's magistrate!

All the peasants out there are sick with a plague. If I give up now, how is that different from watching them die?

-Magistrate! -Enough! I know what you want to say.

But the more they force me to leave, the more I won't.

Those of the Qu family don't know how to write the words "run away".

Magistrate, please listen to me, don't touch this pan of hot water.

You should go back and be a poet.

What you've done this time,

it's already enough for the people of Quan County.

My decision has been made. I will not leave.

Magistrate, I do not want to see you fall to evil plots.

Disasters in life are fated.

People cannot beat the heavens!

If the heavens insist on fighting with Quan County,

then I'll just have to fight once with the heavens!

Magistrate, may I ask you, between your life and your reputation

which is more important?

My life is obviously important. But my reputation is even more important.

Is a good reputation something that you can obtain so easily?

Besides, this is experimental medicine. What if it doesn't work?

Yes, it might not work.

If I don't try it, then it definitely won't work!

Besides, I have caught the epidemic.

Even if I don't try it, I'll die anyway.

Is this really worth it?

It's worth it.

Very well.

Since you are set on trying the medicine,

then I will do it with you!

Officer! What are you doing? Hurry and get up.

I've been here for twenty years.

Out of the ones I've seen, you are

the only good official who truly works for the people.

If I can die with you today,

then I haven't lived in vain!

-Big Sister! -I'm here.


I wonder how Magistrate Qu's medicine is coming along.

Father, take care of Yi'er. I'll go to the magistrate's office.

Alright, hurry and come back soon.

Sir. Give this to Miss Mo Chou.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ The far and long roads, the man I miss is at a distant place ♫

Miss Mo Chou.

If I really die first,

♫ The white horse galloping, ♫

that is because I went to look for the mountain spirit already.

Whether I live or die,

I will stay by your side.

♫ the returning bird left one's far birthplace ♫

♫ Seeking the truth in heaven and on earth, opening up the words deep in my heart, ♫

♫ not looking back ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, if one's heart could be fragrant ♫

Father. Mother.

I am not filial. I might have to die before you.

♫ I worry, when can I appreciate the grasses and flowers with a beautiful woman ♫

♫ The ancient people didn't have time to leave some Yimoxiang (a type of plant) ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, heart becoming fragrant on its own ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, fragrant dreams ♫

♫ The whole world is drunk, one's whole life just follows the blue water ♫

Looking up and sighing.

I'll just bury my misery.

But I wish that in my next life, two different trees can grow together as one, can co-exist.

Lord Magistrate!

Lord Magistrate! Lord Magistrate!

Lord Magistrate! Lord Magistrate!

Oh no! The medicine!

Lord Magistrate! Men, men!

-Lord Magistrate, Lord Magistrate! -What's wrong?

-What happened? -Lord Magistrate!

Qu Yuan!

What's wrong?

Not good! Hurry and call for a doctor!

- Hurry and go! - Alright!

Qu Yuan! Qu Yuan, you must be alright!

You must be alright!

Mo Chou.



Qu Yuan!

Hurry up! Hurry! Hurry up, Doctor!

Hurry up! He's here, he's here!

He's here, Doctor!

Hurry and take a look at him!

What did Lord Qu eat?

Huixian ?

Doctor, you must have a way to save him. Please!

Yes, Lord Magistrate used himself to test the medicine so he could save everyone!

He is full of poison, and his pulse is very weak.

I'm afraid it's...

You're afraid it's what?

There's nothing I can do.

Huh? No way! No way!

No way! Please, you must save him! You must have a way to save him!

Lord Qu is a good person.

If I had a way, I would definitely save him.

But Huixian is a poison among herbs,

a medicinal herb among the poisons. Whether it is a poison or a medicine,

it depends on Lord Magistrate's luck.


In three days, if he still isn't awake,

I'm afraid he'll never wake up again.

Three days?

♫ The far and long roads, ♫

♫ the man I miss is at a distant place ♫

♫ The white horse galloping, vast and magnificent stars, ♫

♫ the heart is sick with melancholy ♫

Miss Mo Chou.

Lord Magistrate told me to give this to you.

♫ the returning bird left one's far birthplace ♫

♫ Seeking the truth in heaven and on earth, opening up the words deep in my heart, ♫

Vast garden of sweet flag, by the riverbanks of Ying.

The beautiful lady descended here, fragrance filled the air.

I give my love and asked for difficulties.

Entrusted my pure heart and get replies in my dreams.

Don't pity, separation and reunion.

I wish that the orchid's heart will forever be green.

Looking up and sighing.

I'll just bury my misery.

But I wish that in my next life, two different trees can grow together as one, can co-exist.

I was one step too late from stopping the Lord Magistrate.

♫ the returning bird left one's far birthplace ♫

♫ Seeking the truth in heaven and on earth, opening up the words deep in my heart, ♫

♫ not looking back ♫

What next life?

I only want this one.

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, fragrant dreams ♫

Do you hear me?

I don't want the next life.

I just want this life.

♫ I'll drive and go away for an adventure, flying as I want to in the nine skies ♫

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

It's been a while since Yuan'er sent a message home.

I wonder how treating the epidemic is going.

You're going at that again. The King says he wants to give him some experience.

Stop worrying so much.

What if the people of Quan County bully him?

You're saying others will bully him?

As long as he doesn't create trouble, doesn't go offending people, that's already our ancestors giving him mercy.



Lord Zhao has come.

Ah. Invite him in.


What has he come for?

- Brother Qu! - Brother Zhao.

-Brother Qu. - Brother Zhao.

This is...?

Brother Qu.

After talking last time, I've been waiting for your response letter.

I think you must have been very busy.

That's why you haven't returned an answer to me yet.

Since you didn't come looking for me, I could only come to see you!

Please, please, please. Please!

Madam Qu.


Regarding my daughter and your son's matter, I have already discussed it with Zhuo Jing.

Zhuo Jing...also wishes it to be so.

It's perfect that Madam Qu is here today too. What do you think?

Master Zhao, we can't settle a marriage just by talking a little about it.

We have to see if the children match each other.

Brother Qu, you have truly thought of everything. You thought of the same thing as me!

My daughter's birthday is here. If Brother Qu would like,

can you let me take your son's birth date back with me? (T/N the next stage, checking astrology of both people).

Married couples are set by the heavens. If the birthdays match,

then it will be a match made in heaven.



Yin Year, Yin Month,

Yin Day, Yin Time. (T/N Year of the Tiger, the best month, a jackpot birth combination)

Brother Qu, this-!

Your son is truly a genius among the people!


Qu Yuan is really dead?

He's just about dead.

What did I say? Trying to go against us? He still is too soft for that.

Now, even the heavens are helping us!

I-is this a bit overboard?

What? You can't bear to do it now? Have you forgotten how he first tortured you?

It's still a human life!

Weakling! How can you do great things like this?

Moreover, Qu Yuan wasn't really killed by us. Who told him to be so nosy?


That's right! Lord Jing is right.

When Qu Yuan just came to our county, we tried our best to coax him off.

But it was him who refused. He kept pushing forward.

Or else, how could these matters afterwards have happened?'s over. It's over. I-I-It's over.

Something will happen!

If Minister of War Qu knows about this,

w-w-what do we do then?

You are just too overcautious.

This is a natural disaster. How can they blame it on us, huh?

This isn't our fault!

Besides, even if the sky falls down on us,

isn't there a tall person supporting it for us? (T/N Master Jing has influence to protect them - thus "tall")

Big Sister, come eat something first.

I'm not hungry.

If your body collapses,

who will take care of the Lord Magistrate?


Do you not hate me?

Why do you say that, Miss?

If not for me, Qu Yuan wouldn't have caught the epidemic from Yi'er.

Nor would he have tried the medicine himself.

I was too selfish, I pushed him too far.

The County Magistrate's temperament is naturally like this. Miss, why must you blame yourself?

You won't understand.

This is all set by the heavens. Those who must leave cannot be kept here.

Those who must stay cannot leave.

I believe that the Lord Magistrate will be repaid well for his good deeds.

He will definitely make it past this.

Big Sister, where are you going?

Take good care of Qu Yuan. Please!

♫ Day and night, summer and winter, nonstop changes ♫

♫ Herbs and trees, prosperity and decline, would still depend on a beautiful woman ♫

♫ Rumors brought by wind from all over; inciting ministers with different dreams ♫

♫ Asking Heaven if it can bear witness to one's loyalty ♫

♫ Muddy and clear, beautiful and ugly, overturning all living creatures ♫

♫ Angelica and magnolia, orchids and quan, have a hard time emitting their fragrance ♫

♫ Why must you proceed against the current? Why must a lonely flower admire herself? ♫

♫ No one knew that one's birthplace has become someone else's territory ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Getting drunk for a lifetime of dedicating oneself for one's country ♫

♫ Coping with the long, long road, hard to beg the heaven and the earth ♫

♫ I lamented the numerous sorrows in the life of the citizens ♫

♫ Singing one 'Li Sao', pain of separation, sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes. ♫

♫ If this dream is difficult, ♫

♫ let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation, sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes. ♫

♫ If this dream is difficult, ♫

♫ let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

For more infomation >> Song of Phoenix - Episode 10 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:25.


Best Moments of (PewDiePie, Jake Paul, Logan Paul, and SSundee) Funny Moments Montage - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Best Moments of (PewDiePie, Jake Paul, Logan Paul, and SSundee) Funny Moments Montage - Duration: 3:40.


JARUHA - LECHISTAN - Nieznane Dzieje Polski 432 Hz (PL, RUS, ENG - TEXT) - Duration: 12:53.








Awake my sister, awake my brother Listen, cause you never heard that history

Our mothers and fathers also haven't heard it for ages. That's why our nation is so crippled

Only hope is in our untold historyAbout quietly forgotten Lechistan before the Christians

Of witch chronicler Prokosz wrote about a lot. Just read it my dear friends

over ten thousand seven hundred years we leave here and it's really a long time

our blood haplogroup R1A. Nobody can hide it, this is our trace

They told you that before christening Poland didn't exist. Vipers tribe conceal our history

Lechistan has not yet perished, as long as we are alive. Until our hearts are pumping the blood of our ancestor

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan And it's not foreigners' or catholics'

This is my place, this is my Home, And whoever defiles it will fall under thunderbolt !!!

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan and it's not foreigners' or catholics'

We are brave, powerful Lach tribe Great power indwells in our right hearts

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan And for sure not sidelocks' or catholics'

I will never leave this place even if I got paid mocked or hold in disrepute

Lechistan ! Lechistan ! Enemy still fortifies under your gates

We will retrieve what's ours - faith, scripture, land, Because we are invincible Aryan race

I have request to you - search for Berman plan it has to reach to you that you are on your knees

before those who were stilling your history through the centuries telling you false theories about Slavs

You're licking dirty feets of Khazars rabble. You are not respecting holy virtues of your ancestors

Finally, do something with yourself my dear compatriot. Discover an important truth about yourself Pole

And you foreigner should be afraid and get out of my way, you are full of bad intensions so run in fear

because my Gods will exert merciless, cruel wrath on you and you won't avoid conflagration from my hands

Scabby gang bites my homeland breast, she wears scars from vampire fangs

It is time to wake up from deep dream and fight for the truth to the last breath

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan And it's not foreigners' or catholics'

This is my place, this is my Home, And whoever defiles it will fall under thunderbolt !!!

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan and it's not foreigners' or catholics'

We are brave, powerful Lach tribe Great power indwells in our right hearts

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan And for sure not sidelocks' or catholics'

I will never leave this place even if I got paid mocked or hold in disrepute

Lechistan ! Lechistan ! Enemy still fortifies under your gates

We will retrieve what's ours - faith, scripture, land, Because we are invincible Aryan race

Look Pole, what's became of you drinking, parties every week and it's still not enough

Shame on you, where is your dignity. You fully deserve for goi nickname

And Khazars pack is happy, they rub their hands After every reset you work more for them

And you buy more for borrowed money without realizing that its useless shit

It saddens me, I don't believe what I see, I'm really disgusted by all this

You have to know, that I won't leave Lechia for better live because it would kill my mindfulness for sure

Thanks to her I have found that great truth and I have awoken my pagan soul from sleep

I'm proud Pole, brave Lach, rebel of this Planet, mental outlaw

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan And it's not foreigners' or catholics'

This is my place, this is my Home and whoever defiles it will fall under thunderbolt !!!

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan and it's not foreigners' or catholics'

We are brave, powerful Lach tribe Great power indwells in our right hearts

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan And for sure not sidelocks' or catholics'

I will never leave this place even if I got paid mocked or hold in disrepute

Lechistan ! Lechistan ! Enemy still fortifies under your gates

We will retrieve what's ours - faith, scripture, land, Because we are invincible Aryan race

Brothers Slavs lets close our ranks don't get caught in ideological snares

of politicians, laymans, charlatans and priests banksters impostors, devious mythomaniacs

And you people of good will loving the truth you who surrender to the fate of life with humility

Turn off your TV, radio, burn newspapers throw away all unnecessary gadgets, scrap

Apocalypse means to discover the truth, It's definitive time - fight for your lif

Let's save our wonderful Mother Earth Gaya, Loving her is the only religion I acknowledge

Let's be righteous and honest like ancient Lachs and how fast will world change will surprise you

None reptile force, will ever again humble us. And the holy strength of our hearts will create a shield for us

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan And it's not foreigners' or catholics'

This is my place, this is my Home, And whoever defiles it will fall under thunderbolt !!!

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan and it's not foreigners' or catholics'

We are brave, powerful Lach tribe Great power indwells in our right heart

Independent Poland - it is a Lechistan And for sure not sidelocks' or catholics'

I will never leave this place even if I got paid mocked or hold in disrepute

Lechistan ! Lechistan ! Enemy still fortifies under your gates

We will retrieve what's ours - faith, scripture, land, Because we are invincible Aryan race








For more infomation >> JARUHA - LECHISTAN - Nieznane Dzieje Polski 432 Hz (PL, RUS, ENG - TEXT) - Duration: 12:53.


The Frozen Autumn - Onyria (subt Eng - Esp) - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> The Frozen Autumn - Onyria (subt Eng - Esp) - Duration: 8:37.


3 Awesome Life Hacks - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> 3 Awesome Life Hacks - Duration: 6:50.


Here's My Canada: Cold, Free, Home - Duration: 0:09.

Canada is cold.

Canada is weather.

Canada is freedom.

But most of all, Canada is home.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Cold, Free, Home - Duration: 0:09.


Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Tom Funny Montage 2017 - Duration: 30:22.

Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Tom Funny Montage 2017

For more infomation >> Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Tom Funny Montage 2017 - Duration: 30:22.


English for Spanish Speakers 36 - difference between 'folder' and 'carpet' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:19.

Hi again everyone, and welcome back to

'One English Tip in One Minute for

Spanish Speakers' where each week I

talk about, in some detail, one common

English mistake made by those who speak

Spanish as a mother tongue...and this is

the 36th video, so video number 36.

As you may have heard once or twice

before, I totally appreciate the fact

that you are trying to improve your

English. It truly is a cool thing to do, I

think, and a very practical thing to do in

today's world. In these videos I show

you a slide, and on the side there are

two sentences: One is the correct way

that a native English speaker would say it,

the other is the wrong way that a native

Spanish speaker would say it. You

have to decide which one is correct .

Again, read the sentences, listen to me

read the sentences, pause the video, think

about your answer and I will discuss the

answer in the slide that follows this slide.

(If you got his) wrong - or took a wild guess and just happened to get

it right...and what it means is -- it's very

simple: You just need to study to get

past this mistake. The more you study,

the quicker you'll get past this mistake.

To start you off on the process I've

given you three sentences. You should

memorize these sentences in their

entirety, you should hardwire them into

your brain through reviewing them and

you should put into practice what you've

learned through speaking or writing or

both...and you should just continue this

process, using outside resources if you

have to, until you get the good English

in your head and the bad English is out

of your head (hopefully forever).

For more infomation >> English for Spanish Speakers 36 - difference between 'folder' and 'carpet' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:19.


Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh 2017 List - Duration: 2:39.

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh 2017 List Video link: Don't Forget To Subscribe: Describe Videos: 1. Moosa Bin Shamsher 2. Salman F Rahman 3. Tarique Rahman 4. Sajeeb Wazed 5. Sayed Abul Hossain 6. Ahmad Akbar Sobhan 7. Giasuddin Al Mamun 8. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir 9. Ragib Ali 10. Iqbal Ahmed Blogger: Twitter: Google+ Facebook:

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh

For more infomation >> Top 10 Richest man in Bangladesh 2017 List - Duration: 2:39.


Here's My Canada: Family! - Duration: 0:09.

Alright, hello. My name is Brandon

and what Canada means to me is family.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Family! - Duration: 0:09.


Acne Studios Beige Suede Zack Boots | Reviews - Duration: 4:50.

hey guys so today we're doing a new review and in today's review I'm really

sorry we won't be talking about Rick Owens

don't worry some Rick Owens review are coming soon but today's review will be

about the Zach beige boots from acne studio in suede really an amazing

product alright so Before we jump into the

description let me tell you a little bit about this boot so it's made in Italy

out of a hundred percent calf leather it's super comfortable and I decided to

size down so usually as you know I wear a size 10 and a half 11 but in this case

I bought a size 43 so 10 us and it really fits me like a glove I wore it

for a full day and it was extremely extremely comfortable there it is the

Zach beige acne boot in suede it was 570 US dollars on the acne store so starting

from the top to the bottom it has that tab to pull on your boots I think it's

not necessary it's more of an aesthetic thing however I think it looks nice

what does look super nice and is super convenient is that elastic band so it's

really really practical to put on and to put out I think it looks great and it's

really practical going down you have that amazing suede and you have a

leather sole with a stacked leather heel here you would have the sole it's the

stitch sole which i think is always telling in terms of quality you know if

you have a glued sole it usually is I would say

cheaper quality whereas here it's really really high end and really well made with

amazing material so all around I think it's an amazing product you know great

details a great alternative for a common project or Bottega Veneta a little bit

more elevated with that elastic band and with the pointy toe so really I

think a slick look I would definitely recommend it's being worn in a classics

slick manner it's not a shoe to be avant-garde or I really try to push the

boundary with a shoe like that I think it's really a shoe that is interesting

in a in a nice evening where you want to have a slick look feel maybe a little

bit sexy if you want to however I need to warn you since its suede it's super

easy to stain so if you do wear it at evening at the party please be aware of

that and you would for sure be sad if you were to stain your $600 suede boots

so just keep that in mind if you were to purchase it so a little bit of a few

words on how to style that boot I think since it's a very clean look you know I

wouldn't try to be very experimental with that shoe I would say like just go

with something very clean and easy I would definitely wear a skinny jean with

it and I would say you have two ways to wear it either tucked in the boots or

outside in my case I would recommend wearing it outside the boots so that has

like a continuous feel to it and then if you were to put it in the boots just

beware that your Jean you can stack it a little bit too much and that can I think

break a little bit the slick aesthetic of the acne boots so

definitely you know just do whatever you like but in my opinion I think it would

be slightly better wearing it outside the boot with a you know great black or

grey skinny jeans alright guys so if you like that you know please give it a

thumbs up also please make sure to visit our Instagram and our Grailed and if you

are interested into some of the products that we sell on Grailed make sure to let

me know because I will try to hook you up it's always great to see people that

have the same interests as me so I usually try to give you a great price

until next time have a good day

For more infomation >> Acne Studios Beige Suede Zack Boots | Reviews - Duration: 4:50.


Here's My Canada: A Lot of Rivers - Duration: 0:10.

I like how Canada has a lot of rivers

so then people can go swimming

whenever they want.

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