Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And today I am going to show you a way of practicing which is fun.

And is going to help you improve your shot trajectory with your wedges.

Stay tuned.


So if this is your first time here.


This channel is all about helping you improve golf.

Today I'm going to talk to you about how to control the trajectory with your wedges.

Because you do need to be able to control the trajectory with your wedges.

Sometimes you do want to hit it low.

Sometimes you do want to hit it high.

So you can do that with the one club.

You don't have to keep changing clubs.

So what I have done here is I've set up something I do when I teach a lot of juniors.

And I call it my Harry Potter Quidditch inspired training drill.

I've just got a couple of a hula hoops taped up to some shafts and some tomato stakes.So

we have got 2 different heights there.

So I am going to have a go at the first one.

Which is the yellow hoop.

The initial one there.

I just have a few practice swings, trying to picture.

What angle of attack I need and where my hands need to be to control the loft of the club


So if I am here trying to flick my wrists.

I am going to hit the ball in the air too much.

So I need to come down keeping my angle of attack quite shallow.

And especially after I hit it.

I really want to keep that club low to the ground.

And my hands slightly in front.

So we will see how I go with that.

I have got the ball in the middle of my stance.

My hands are slightly forward.

So there is my shallow angle of attack.

And I got the ball to go through the yellow hoop.

You won't always be successful.

I got that one in.

I am not going to get it in every time.

And you don't have to.

as long as you you are trying to do it.

So now I am going to have a go at the second one.

That pink one.

So I have got to then get a feel through my hands.

What angle my club face needs to be on when I hit the ball.

And I can't teach you this.

You can only do it in practice.

I can talk you through it.

It's a bit like if you are driving a car and the car has stopped in front of you.

How hard do you press the brake.

Do you want to stop it quickly or do want to stop it slowly.

I can't say that you need to press down an inch or 2 inches it's a feel thing.

That's the purpose of this.

I have just got to keep practicing the more you do it the better you will get.

Alright so I am picturing that little pink hoop.

Trying to get my hands in the right position.

We will see how I go.

Just over the top of it.

Only missed by a couple of inches.

So that was pretty good.

And of course my big philosophy here is we don't keep trying to hit the same shot.

We alternate.

We go one to the yellow and one to the pink.

One to the yellow and one to the pink.

The reason we do that is you don't get the chance to do it 2 3 or 4 times in a row on

the golf course.

When we train we have to make training feel like it's golf.

If it doesn't feel like golf, smell like golf, taste like golf, it's not golf.

So it's a different variation.

It's just practice.

But practice has to be efficient.

Whatever we learn here we need to take to the course.

I'll have another go at that yellow one.

Always picture the shot.

Go through your routine.

Got that one through.

And we will have one more at the pink.

Got that one through.

So if you can practice doing that.

It's really going to improve your short game.

While you re doing it you are practicing your alignment, your posture, your pre shot routine

and your feel.

It's doing multiple things at once.

So give that a go.

If you have higher tomato stakes.

I am limited by the stakes I have got.

Get some bigger ones.

And you can set it up.

It's actually a fun way to practice.

And if it is fun you will do it for longer.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I'm Brian Fitzgerld The Golf Doctor.

And if you like my videos you can click on the round avatar down the bottom there.

You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.

You can also sign up to my electronic newsletter at

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