Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 2 2017

How much deeper can the left's corruption possibly run?

Kevin Mallory, 60, used to work as a special agent for the Diplomatic Security Service

at the U.S. State Department, according to Dennis Michael Lynch.

Mallory's top secret clearance has led him to do the unthinkable — committing treason

against his country.

He was hiding classified documents in his closet, and attempted to sell them to China.

The FBI raided his home with a K-9 unit, and arrested Mallory.

He was convicted of espionage after falling into a trap.

The documents from the first day of court reveal that Mallory spoke fluent Mandarin,

and went to Shanghai to meet with undercover Chinese FBI agents who were posing as members

of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS).

Mallory thought he would be trading his top secret documents for $25,000.

It turned out to be a ploy to catch him in the act of trading classified documents to

other countries.

Other charges Mallory faces include making false statements, and delivering defense-critical

information to a foreign government.

In court, there were a slew of people claiming they would testify that Mallory has great


It doesn't matter how many people testify — we haven't forgotten about the wigs

and mustaches in his home.

Mallory was caught red handed.

We're not sure why people are there to defend him.

He was caught selling secrets to a foreign country — how can that be defended?

Treason is a SERIOUS crime.

It doesn't matter who you are.

The acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security announced the charges against

the former soldier.

It must have been a hard announcement to make, but it had to be done.

Traitors cannot be reasoned with — under any circumstance.

Dana Boente mentioned in her announcement that, "The conduct alleged in this complaint

is serious, and these charges should send a message to anyone who would consider violating

the public's trust and compromising our national security by disclosing classified


We agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly.

You should always do everything you can for your country.

The fact that this guy was willing to put ALL of our lives at risk for a mere $25,000

is disturbing, to say the least.

Mallory obviously had a plan, and knew exactly what he was doing when he got caught.

Reports went on to explain that investigators also found an SD card in Mallory's home.

The card had eight classified documents on it, which only leads to further speculation.

Collectively, we need to start ensuring that people like this stay OUT of government!

Do YOU think Mallory should get life in prison?

Please Share this news and tell us what you think.

For more infomation >> ALERT: FBI Arrest Virginia Man For Treason, Then Find HORRIFYING Item He Was Hiding In His Closet - Duration: 2:50.


Car crash causes power outages near Lake Worth Beach - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Car crash causes power outages near Lake Worth Beach - Duration: 0:48.


How Long Would It Take to Count to a Billion and What's the Highest Anyone Has Counted? - Duration: 9:25.

Counting is one of life's most basic skills and something most humans are quite adept


Despite most of us being experts on the subject, theoretically capable of counting infinitely

high with the ceiling bounded only by available time and how good we are at staving off psychosis,

few can accurately guess how long it would take to count to a million, let alone a billion.

This is largely owing to the fact that our brains have an amazing amount of difficulty

conceptualizing such large numbers.

This all brings us to the question of the hour- just how long would it take to count

to a million or a billion?

Let's start with a million.

The most commonly put forward time it would take to count from one to a million out loud

is about 23 days.

This time frame is cited in a number of textbooks we consulted and seems to have originated,

as far as we can tell, in a children's book suitably called, How Much is a Million by

David Schwartz, which uses various examples to put into perspective how amazingly big

numbers like a million really are.

Given the figure being cited in many a textbook and first appearing in a book literally titled

How Much is a Million, you might assume it's reasonably close to correct.

This is not the case, however; this number significantly underestimates the actual time


You see, Mr. Schwartz wasn't trying to come up with a real world figure here, just a simple

exercise to blow kid's minds without bogging them down in the details.

As such, there are a couple assumptions being made in the "23 days" figure that turn

out to make it completely useless as a real world estimate of how long it would take to

count to a million.

The first assumption is that the person counting would be able to do so 24 hours a day non-stop.

The second assumption is not quite so absurd on the surface: assuming that it would take

only about 2 seconds on average to say each number.

However, while certainly some of the lowest numbers can easily be said much faster than

that and with little time needed for thinking, the majority of the numbers for an average

speed speaker would take slightly longer.

For example, just consider how long it would take you to say out loud "one hundred ninety-five

thousand five hundred sixty-five".

Granted, when speed speaking, one can easily hit the 2 second mark, or even less.

But when actually counting aloud for many hours on end, there is a certain level of

physical and mental fatigue that goes along with it that makes it so speed speaking isn't

really viable long-term.

This is a marathon, not a sprint.

So just how long would it actually take someone to count to a million?

Thanks to the efforts of one Jeremy Harper, we know the real world answer is somewhere

in the vicinity of 89 days.

How did Mr. Harper figure this out?

Well, he did it from June 18 to September 14, 2007 and live-streamed the entire thing

online for everyone to watch.

Harper, a software engineer whose boss gave him time off to do this, neither left his

apartment nor shaved during the event; he recited numbers aloud (read off a computer

monitor) for about an average of 16 hours every 24 hour period for 89 straight days.

This is about 3.9 times longer than the oft' quoted 23 day estimate.

To be clear, we're not saying this all couldn't be realistically done faster.

Harper did take the occasional mini-break to break out in dance and things of this nature-

he wasn't trying to set a speed record to count to a million.

However, given his overall pacing when counting was reasonably quick, he dedicated the vast

majority of his waking hours to the task at hand, and the large sample size of counting

time we're dealing with here, this seems a pretty good ballpark figure to go with on

the "How long does it take to count to a million?" front.

As for why Harper did it, he was looking to raise money for Push America (now The Ability

Experience), a charity that helps disabled people.

Along with raising about $12,000 for the charity directly (and getting them a lot of free publicity),

Harper's achievement was recognised by no less of an authority than the Guinness Book

of Records for being the highest number ever counted to by a human.

As you might imagine, the reality of spending nearly every waking moment for just shy of

three months doing nothing but counting aloud was extremely mentally taxing according to


As he noted, "The cameras that were on the whole time, I think, are really what kept

me sane through the whole thing.

If I would have been locked in my apartment and counted to a million and nobody was watching,

I would certainly have lost my mind.

I would be like, you know, just out of it.


Naturally, after hitting 1,000,000, he did what anyone would do after such a momentous

achievement- the chicken dance.

As for the feeling of finishing counting higher than any person before, according to Harper:

at that moment, I lost – I just kind of lost all control, and then, you know, I said

the number.

And then, it was just like a big bubble – it's kind of – just popping on me.

At one time, I just said it and went with it.

You know, there's a weird emotion.

Now, within those 89 days, it took Harper about 1,424 waking hours, or about 5.13 million

seconds to count to a million doing almost nothing but counting.

This would mean the real world average time to speak each number is roughly 5.13 seconds

or about 2.6 times slower than Mr. Schwartz's 2 second assumption.

Granted, when we timed Harper saying some of the largest numbers here and averaged it

out, the two second mark wasn't that far off, ending up around 2.6 seconds each.

But in between time was needed to, you know, breathe, give the tongue, jaws, etc. a quick

rest, and take time to think about the next number on the screen before saying it, to

avoid messing up.

So what about a billion?

As no one has ever counted that high (and no individual human ever will unless we solve

that whole mortality thing), it's difficult to get quite as accurate of a general ballpark


Seemingly the best way to do this would be to gather, say, 10,000 people and have them

all take 100,000 number long segments out of the 1 billion number line and begin counting.

We'd then simply need to add up the total time and get a good rough estimate.

But as we don't know 10,000 people willing to volunteer a couple weeks of their lives

to such a task (unfortunately), we'll give it our best college try at an estimate using

Harper's numbers as a reference point.

On that note, as a sort of baseline, if we assume that the average time to say each number

was the same as around what it is to count to one million, and assume the same very reasonable

criteria as Mr. Harper used (counting roughly 16 hours per day with small breaks here and

there to eat, drink, etc.), that would be a whopping 5,126,400,000 seconds or 1,424,000

hours of actual counting time.

After adding in the other eight hours of the day, this comes out to 89,000 days or roughly

244 years.

(And if you're curious about the whole "no need to do anything else but count" scenario,

that would be roughly 59,333 days or about 163 years.)

But, of course, the time to say each number would actually go up slightly as one ascended

the number ladder.

But how much?

Considerably based on a few practice runs we attempted on some of the larger numbers.

Beyond it being much harder than you might expect keeping the large number in your head

to increment appropriately (an issue that could be avoided via reading the numbers off

a screen as Harper did), the actual average time to say something like "three hundred

twenty two million four hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred ninety nine" for

us was around 4 seconds at a normal speaking pace.

Given Mr. Harper averaged an additional roughly 2.5 seconds in between each number, we're

looking at a slightly more realistic number (though still with a large error bar) of around

6.5 seconds average for those larger figures.

The lower digits, of course, would be closer to Mr. Harper's 5.13 total seconds, but,

as with counting to a million, the upper end would come to dominate pretty quickly.

So just for an exceptionally rough ballpark figure, we'll go with a more realistic 6

seconds per number average, giving us around 1,666,667 hours or 104,167 days (counting

16 hours per day) or roughly 285 years, assuming one had the benefit to get to read the numbers

off a screen.

(Without this, we're quite certain given our little practice runs with counting such

large figures, that it would take much, much longer due to added interim seconds needed

for focusing/thinking in order to keep the number in one's head… and stave off a

mental breakdown as the years go on.)

So how long would it take to count to a billion?

We'll go with somewhere between 244-285 years counting for about 16 hours per day.

If you happen to know 10,000 people who want to dedicate a couple weeks to counting, maybe

we can come up with a more accurate figure.

Now that's all counting to a billion with normal speaking pace.

Just for fun, we were curious what the fastest speaker in the world could do assuming the

unrealistic scenario of being able to motor-mouth all day.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the fastest talkers in the world can speak

over 600 words per minute, such as Sean Shannon and Steven Woodmore.

This is about four times faster than a normal speaking pace, meaning Shannon or Woodmore

could count from 1 to a billion in about 71 years given the previous stipulations… you

know, if they had nothing better

to do.

For more infomation >> How Long Would It Take to Count to a Billion and What's the Highest Anyone Has Counted? - Duration: 9:25.


How To Find Fish on Unfamiliar Lakes | Bass Fishing - Duration: 2:24.

Glenn: Hey, folks.

Glenn May here with, and I'm here with Hank Parker with another episode

of a Hank Parker Fishing Tips, Hank Parker's Fishing Tips.

Hank: I like that.

Hank Parker Fishing Tip.

Glenn: There we go.

Hank, this week's question comes from Chris from Maryland.

And he asks or she asks, "If you are scheduled to fish a lake or river that you haven't fished

in a long time, what are the three most important things you look at?"

Hank: That is a great question and I appreciate that.

Number one, I want to know if that water's been rising or falling.

That is critical.

When I go to a lake, is the water rising or falling?

Obviously, I already know based on the time of the year whether it's pre-spawn or post-spawn.

But that's very important to take into consideration.

And the third thing that I want to know is watercolor.

And today, we've got so much more information we had when I was fishing on the tournament

circuit, I'd always charter airplane and fly, and look at the...look at the water from the


And if it was a little off-colored water in a certain area, I can mark it on my little

paper map before we never had LakeMaster from Hummingbird, and Navionics, and all the other

maps that are out there.

We just wrote it on a paper map and I would fly the lake.

But I like that information.

I want to know, is there muddy water somewhere.

Because it's a lot easier in most cases to catch big fish and trick them in off-colored

water than it is clear water.

So I'm always looking for that advantage in that little bit of off-colored water.

I want to know if the water's been rising or falling.

If the water's been rising, the fish are gonna be on the inside.

They're gonna be on the inside of the breaks.

They're gonna be up shallow.

If the water's been falling, they're gonna be on the outside.

They're gonna be on the break lines.

So, all of that is really important before I start to look.

But I gather that information, and then I go through a process A, B, C and try to put

my pattern together.

Glenn: Perfect.


Chris, I really do hope that helps you.

For more tips and tricks like that, you need to visit, where there's lots

of tips and tricks and articles posted by Hank.

And if you want to be notified the next time we post Hank's tips, subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> How To Find Fish on Unfamiliar Lakes | Bass Fishing - Duration: 2:24.


Women's concealed carry class in West Palm Beach - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Women's concealed carry class in West Palm Beach - Duration: 0:37.


fighting over a bus ...irl, play, toys, fun, kids - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> fighting over a bus ...irl, play, toys, fun, kids - Duration: 1:56.


100 Dolares Cada Mes | 2Captcha- Día (2) | 02/Julio/2017 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 100 Dolares Cada Mes | 2Captcha- Día (2) | 02/Julio/2017 - Duration: 2:00.


a day at the zoo ...irl, play, toys, fun, kids - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> a day at the zoo ...irl, play, toys, fun, kids - Duration: 1:11.


Photoshop Tutorial: How to Quickly Create a Cool-looking, Torn Paper Portrait. - Duration: 7:40.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I'm going to show you how to create a cool-looking, torn paper portrait effect and how to quickly

replace it with another photo without having to redo the effects.

I provided this royalty-free, Creative Commons image of torn paper, so you can follow along.

Its link is in my video's description or project files below.

Open a sharp, well-lit, close-up photo of someone that you'd like to use for this project.

I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.

We want our subject to be over a plain white background as in this example.

If your subject isn't on a white background, you'll first need to separate the subject

from its existing background.

There are many ways to do this and your choice should depend on the characteristics of your photo.

I covered the various methods in many of my previous tutorials, so to save time, I won't

be going over them here.

Once you make a selection over the subject, to refine it, especially around the hair,

go to Select.

If you're using a version of Photoshop earlier than CC, click Refine Edge.

If you're using CC or later, you can either click Select and Mask or if you prefer to

use Refine Edge, press the Shift key as you click "Select and Mask".

This will open "Refine Edge".

I did in-depth tutorials on both Select and Mask and "Refine Edge", so if you'd like to

watch them, I provide their links ,as well.

Click "Smart Radius" and drag the Radius to the right a bit.

We'll brush over the edge of the hair, but first, if you want to adjust the size of your

brush, press the right or left Bracket key on your keyboard.

Brush over the edge of the hair to refine it.

Output it as a "New Layer with Layer Mask" and click OK.

To place your subject over a white background, we'll make a new layer below the active layer

by Ctrl-clicking or Cmd-clicking the New Layer icon.

We'll fill the empty layer with white, but first, if your foreground and background colors

aren't black and white respectively, press "D" on your keyboard.

Since white is your background color, press Ctrl or Cmd + Delete to fill the empty layer with white.

We'll convert our visible image into a Smart Object, so we can modify it non-destructively,

as well as replace our subject with another with having to redo the effects.

To do this, Shift click your subject to make it active as well, and click the icon at the

upper, right corner of the Layers panel.

Click "Convert to Smart Object".

Press "v" to open your Move Tool and drag your subject onto the tab of the torn paper document.

Without releasing your mouse or pen, drag it down and release.

To size and position your subject, first, we'll reduce its opacity, so we can see the torn paper through it.

Open your Transform Tool by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + T. If your Transform Tool's bounding

box goes beyond your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0 to see it all.

Go to a corner a when you see a diagonal, double-arrow, press Alt or Option + Shift

as you drag it in or out.

Size and position it, so your subject's eyes are centered inside the hole of the torn paper.

Press Enter or Return to accept it and increase its opacity back to 100%.

Make a copy of it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. Go to the middle layer and drag it below the torn paper.

Make your top layer active, go to the paper layer and Ctrl-click or Cmd-click on its thumbnail

to make a selection of the hole.

Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection next to the active layer.

Make your top layer active and change its Blend Mode to Multiply.

Click the Adjustment Layer icon and click "Black White".

Adjustment layers affect all the layers below them.

However, we want it to affect only the one layer below it.

To do this, we need to make the adjustment layer into a clipping mask.

Either click the "Clipping Mask" icon or press Ctrl + Alt + G on Windows or Cmd + Alt + G on a Mac.

Click the Adjustment layer icon again and this time, click, "Levels".

Clip it

and drag the Input black level a little to the right

and the Input midtones and the Input Highlights to the left.

Double-click the torn paper layer to open its Layer Style window.

Click "Drop Shadow" to create a shadow under the top of the tear.

The color is black, the Blend Mode is Multiply and the Opacity is 30%.

The Angle is 132 degrees, the Distance is 12 pixels, the Spread is 0 and the Size is 10 pixels.

Then, click OK.

To replace your subject with another, double-click the Smart Object to open the source image.

Go to File and if you're using version CC or later, click Place Embedded .

If you're using an earlier version, click "Open".

Click a different photo and click "Place" or "Open".

"Place Embedded" automatically opens your image with the Transform Tool, however, if

your using an earlier version of Photoshop, open your Transform Tool.

Reduce its opacity and size and position your image to match your other subject.

Then, increase its opacity back to 100%.

As before, make a selection around your subject.

Use Refine Edge or Select and Mask to refine the edges of your subject.

Output it to a "Layer Mask".

Click off the eyeball icon next to your original subject to hide it and close the tab of the Smart Object.

When you see this message, click "Yes" to save the changes.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial: How to Quickly Create a Cool-looking, Torn Paper Portrait. - Duration: 7:40.


Body found after fire in Palm Beach Gardens - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Body found after fire in Palm Beach Gardens - Duration: 0:43.


licking the window ...irl, play, toys, fun, kids - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> licking the window ...irl, play, toys, fun, kids - Duration: 0:54.


New Comics for July 5, 2017 - Duration: 6:13.

Hey It's that time of the week again where we take a look at the comics coming out this


During the video, you may notice a little card pop up in the top right corner.

That just means I did a video review and recap of that comic.

Well let's get to it and look at the comics coming out July 5th.

I'm not the biggest Deadpool fan but I am excited for this comic.

It's done by the same team that did it the first time.

I want to see different, creative, and interesting ways Deadpool takes out the major characters

from the Marvel Universe.

This One-Shot is the only new number one I have and it's a tale of Spider-Man vs The

Crime Master.

It is not written by Dan Slott and will include a reprint of the Vultures first appearance.

Heads up.

I plan on doing a Key Issues Video this Saturday about Vultures first appearance.

Superman has just had a lot on his plate.

And now we get one of those easier issues where the Man of Steel gets to relax and recuperate

with his family on a vacation.

Death Stroke has formed his own team full of ex-Teen Titans.

Including Wally West Kid Flash.

Can they help Deathstroke live out his new life style and fight for justice?

This is Planet Anomaly, where all of mankind is extinct.

Only cybernetic hybrids roam the earth.

Except for Cyborg and Beast Boy.

This sounds like the fun Cyborg Beast Boy team-up I've been waiting for.

Please let me know if you are interested in this comic.

There's a new creative team on Spider-Man/Deadpool.

Now both Spidey and Deadpool have vowed not to be funny.

Something is up here.

And Slapstick might have something to do with it.

Green Arrow is determined to shut down the Ninth Circle.

So he will travel across America to kick them out of every city their set up in.

A Cross country quest is bound to bring a long a team-up.

And the first one is with Flash.

We get more insight into the Green Lantern mythos as we find out what happened to the

power the Guardians of the Universe used to defeat Volthoom 10 billion years ago.

The Walking Dead #169 starts a new story arc; where Dwight is going to need to step up.

Now would be a good time to read the comic to the hit tv show The Walking Dead.

I've got to admit I didn't think I'd enjoy a comic about a fashion blogger.

But the murder mystery surrounding Snot Girl intrigued me.

And now a new story arc will begin with issue 6.

The Wicked + The Divine 29 starts the Imperial Phase Part 2 with Regrets.

You're going to have to read this to find out more.

This title will feature a couple of Secret Empire stories.

1 about Starbrand.

A second about the traitor in Atlantis.

Thor has been trapped and no one knows where or when she is but she is needed here and

now to fight with the rest of the Avengers.

In the wake of the events of Secret Empire, the X-Men have opened their doors to be a

safe-haven for all of mankind, human and mutants alike.

But they unknowingly let in the X-Cutioner and he is hunting mutants.

The Champions have been trained and they know what their up against.

But do they have what it takes to do what is necessary to fix what's been messed up?

The Riddler and the Joker are at an all-out war against each other forcing everyone to

choose a side.

What will Batman do to obtain peace in Gotham and protect the innocent.

Nightwing is stock on a submarine with some of the deadliest villains of the DC Universe

while Blockbuster is free to rule over Bludhaven.

Will Nightwing be able to escape to defeat Blockbuster?

Find out in part three of Blockbuster.

Batman and Bane had to team up to escape, but will their being at each other's throats

cause them to be recaptured?

The tension's so thick you can cut it with a knife for Harley Quinn, Red Tool, and Poison


One of them is going to have to go.

The Justice League have traveled to the afterlife but are trapped and haunted by dead villains,

and civilians and heroes that were killed because they didn't save them.

The Supreme story continues.

Matt is fighting this both in the courthouse and on the streets and now Jennifer Walters

is jumping into the mix, but will she oppose him or become an alley?

Jessica Jones is investigating the secrets of the Marvel Universe for Mariah Hill.

I wonder what she will find.

Danny Rand has made it to the end of the Trial of the Seven Masters and now faces The Wolf

in Iron Fist #5.

Guardians of the Galaxy #5 is a Peter Quill centric issue so it should be fun.

Black Bolt and others attempt a prison break during a riot.

But was this all part of someone else's plans?

The Red Room isn't done with G.I.R.L. just yet.

They have sent superhuman bounty hunters after Nadia and Ying.

It is up to Janet Van Dyne, The Wasp to save them.

There is an undercover Hydra agent in Atlantis.

Nick Furry is down there to fish him out.

I'm surprised this isn't a Secret Empire tie-in.

Kate Bishops investigation is going deeper into her past.

Will she be ok with whatever she uncovers?

Miles Morales has gotten a little too involved in the crime-land gang war.

What will he do next?

In All-New Wolverine #22 Wolverine teams up with the Guardians of the Galaxy to find where

the alien, whom almost killed New York, came from.

Luke and Leia are stranded alone on a desert island.

Oh, no!

This is before they knew they were brother and sister.

But I bet nothing like that will happen.

Rat Queens #4 finds them on a harmless quest into a dark dungeon with monsters, traps and

sentient décor out to kill them.

This quest might not be so harmless after all.

Give this video a thumbs up if you saw any comics you plan on reading.

And let me know which ones in the comments below.

There are just too many good ones it's impossible to read them all choosing which ones is the

hard part.

But you can check back later for my opinion and recap on some of them I do end up reading.

If you like seeing what comics are coming out every Wednesday hit the subscribe button.

Thanks for watching.

And till next time.

Brian Out!!!

For more infomation >> New Comics for July 5, 2017 - Duration: 6:13.


Creator Encouragement Thoughts [CC] - Duration: 2:56.

I edited that video which I think is about two and a half to three minutes

long down from like eight hours of footage. (laughing)

(upbeat music) Intro

So I'm wanted to do a video today to say hello but also say thank you to all my new

subscribers. Let me set you in here in the office.

So I'm going to do some more VidCon videos coming up, but I wanted to take a minute to step back and talk about the

blooper video that I uploaded right before leaving for Anaheim.

That was a video that was challenging for me to make only in that it was very tedious and

time-consuming. Yes, I had like eight hours of footage from about, oh probably

45 or 50 different clips all in one file that I scrubbed through and I edited it

down from 8 hours to one hour down to the final 2 min version that you saw.

And even in my process of doing that I was questioning, Why am I? (laughing)-- is this worth it?

that's what I was saying, not why am I doing it, but is this worth it? And the

thing that really motivated me to keep going to do it was that it's an

oversimplification or a cliche to say that vlogging is hard, or video creation is hard, I feel.

And by hard I don't necessarily mean technically hard, although that can be part of it, it's

just it's a lot it's a long process from from video idea to research to gathering

the assets, sometimes creating the assets, to sitting down and doing the rough cut

to doing the final cut and then you have sound correction,

color correction, all the things. Sometimes being on camera comes more

natural for some people than others. My main point was if you're thinking about

vlogging, if you're thinking about getting this video space whether it's on

YouTube or some other platforms, if you feel passion for it just do it!

Because everybody starts out rough, and this fact was validated for me at VidCon

where we got to hear from, you know, featured creators and panelists who've been doing

online video creation for years that they continue to say

it's hard. And they continue to say they have to do retakes. So don't be

discouraged because you aren't alone. You know if you're thinking about doing, or

if you are doing it and you think you're the only one that takes ten takes to do

a simple intro, you're not. So, please, just keep at it and you will get better.

For more infomation >> Creator Encouragement Thoughts [CC] - Duration: 2:56.


Grings - INEQUAÇÕES - Sistema de Inequação do Segundo(2°) grau - ( Aula 4 ) - Duration: 17:20.

For more infomation >> Grings - INEQUAÇÕES - Sistema de Inequação do Segundo(2°) grau - ( Aula 4 ) - Duration: 17:20.


How To Control The Trajectory Of Your Pitch Shots Using Hula Hoops - Duration: 4:39.


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And today I am going to show you a way of practicing which is fun.

And is going to help you improve your shot trajectory with your wedges.

Stay tuned.


So if this is your first time here.


This channel is all about helping you improve golf.

Today I'm going to talk to you about how to control the trajectory with your wedges.

Because you do need to be able to control the trajectory with your wedges.

Sometimes you do want to hit it low.

Sometimes you do want to hit it high.

So you can do that with the one club.

You don't have to keep changing clubs.

So what I have done here is I've set up something I do when I teach a lot of juniors.

And I call it my Harry Potter Quidditch inspired training drill.

I've just got a couple of a hula hoops taped up to some shafts and some tomato stakes.So

we have got 2 different heights there.

So I am going to have a go at the first one.

Which is the yellow hoop.

The initial one there.

I just have a few practice swings, trying to picture.

What angle of attack I need and where my hands need to be to control the loft of the club


So if I am here trying to flick my wrists.

I am going to hit the ball in the air too much.

So I need to come down keeping my angle of attack quite shallow.

And especially after I hit it.

I really want to keep that club low to the ground.

And my hands slightly in front.

So we will see how I go with that.

I have got the ball in the middle of my stance.

My hands are slightly forward.

So there is my shallow angle of attack.

And I got the ball to go through the yellow hoop.

You won't always be successful.

I got that one in.

I am not going to get it in every time.

And you don't have to.

as long as you you are trying to do it.

So now I am going to have a go at the second one.

That pink one.

So I have got to then get a feel through my hands.

What angle my club face needs to be on when I hit the ball.

And I can't teach you this.

You can only do it in practice.

I can talk you through it.

It's a bit like if you are driving a car and the car has stopped in front of you.

How hard do you press the brake.

Do you want to stop it quickly or do want to stop it slowly.

I can't say that you need to press down an inch or 2 inches it's a feel thing.

That's the purpose of this.

I have just got to keep practicing the more you do it the better you will get.

Alright so I am picturing that little pink hoop.

Trying to get my hands in the right position.

We will see how I go.

Just over the top of it.

Only missed by a couple of inches.

So that was pretty good.

And of course my big philosophy here is we don't keep trying to hit the same shot.

We alternate.

We go one to the yellow and one to the pink.

One to the yellow and one to the pink.

The reason we do that is you don't get the chance to do it 2 3 or 4 times in a row on

the golf course.

When we train we have to make training feel like it's golf.

If it doesn't feel like golf, smell like golf, taste like golf, it's not golf.

So it's a different variation.

It's just practice.

But practice has to be efficient.

Whatever we learn here we need to take to the course.

I'll have another go at that yellow one.

Always picture the shot.

Go through your routine.

Got that one through.

And we will have one more at the pink.

Got that one through.

So if you can practice doing that.

It's really going to improve your short game.

While you re doing it you are practicing your alignment, your posture, your pre shot routine

and your feel.

It's doing multiple things at once.

So give that a go.

If you have higher tomato stakes.

I am limited by the stakes I have got.

Get some bigger ones.

And you can set it up.

It's actually a fun way to practice.

And if it is fun you will do it for longer.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I'm Brian Fitzgerld The Golf Doctor.

And if you like my videos you can click on the round avatar down the bottom there.

You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.

You can also sign up to my electronic newsletter at

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