Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 20 2017

Hey guys, it's Kirsti. Welcome back to my channel and welcome to the Mid Year Book Freakout

tag! I know I'm doing this one a lot later than, like, most other people and it

is no longer the middle of year. I mean, it kind of is but it technically isn't,

like, the midpoint of the year. You know what I'm talking about, I was overseas,

it's fine, just go with it. Anyway, this tag was created by Chami and

Ely, and I will leave links as always to all their details down in the

description below. So let's get into the questions. Question number 1 is the

best book that you have read so far in 2017. Don't even try and act surprised

when I tell you that it is The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli.

I know that *I* am not surprised because I am fucking trash for Becky Albertalli

and for this book and for all of the things. I love this book. It means the

world to me. Like, I want to reread it again and again

and maybe a fourth time this year. I don't even know. But, like, I love this

book so so much. Question number 2: the best sequel that you have read so far

this year. I haven't read a huge amount of sequels this year, I don't think. Not

that I've read for the first time. I mean, I've read a lot of sequels, but they were ones I've read

before and so that feels like cheating. So anyway, the best sequel based on the

ones that I have read for the first time this year and based solely on my star

ratings, the best sequel that I've read this year is The Likeness by Tana French.

Question number 3: a new release that you want to read but haven't yet. The one

that I'm, like, hands-down the most excited to get to is Ash and Quill by

Rachel Caine, which is the final book in the Great Library series and I haven't

gotten to this one yet because I need to reread the first two. I'm part way

through the first one at the moment but, like, I want to read the whole trilogy

the whole way through before I get stuck into this one. But I just... I need to

read faster. I need, like, another week off work so that I can just finish this

series without having to be interrupted by teenagers every five minutes.

Question number 4: your most anticipated release for the second half

of 2017. Uh yeah, Before the Devil Breaks You by Libba Bray.

I need this book fucking right this very second. I need it right now.

I just... I-I-I've been waiting so long for the third book in the Diviners series. I need

it now. Please. Please and thank you. Question number

5: biggest disappointment. Uh yeah, that... that is going to be Nine Fox Gambit by

Yoon Ha Lee. So many people book was absolutely amazing and they

loved everything about it and I DNFed that shit because it made literally no

sense to me. Question 6: biggest surprise. Longbourn

by Jo Baker. I mean, it's a Pride and Prejudice retelling from the perspective

of the servants. I knew I was probably going to like it. What I didn't anticipate

was how fucking good it was going to be. It definitely definitely surprised

me. Question 7: your favourite new author. Probably Angie Thomas because,

like, this book. This book. This book is so good. Like, just so good. And I want to

read everything that Angie Thomas writes, including but not limited to her

shopping lists. Question 8: newest fictional crush. I don't really get

fictional crushes but, like, the love interest, I guess, who has been the, like,

cutest little squish of ever and I want to just protect him 'cause he's a little

cinnamon roll is Reid from The Upside of Unrequited. Question 9: newest favourite

character. Um, Henry Montague, otherwise known as Monty from The Gentleman's

Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, because he is wonderful and I love

him and I kind of just want to give him a hug because I feel like he really really

needs a hug. Question 10: book that made you cry. Um.

Pretty much all of them ever. Question 11: book that made you happy. Queens

of Geek by Jen Wilde. It was so unapologetically nerdy and so adorable

and just wonderful from start to finish and I loved it. Question 12: favourite book

to movie adaptation that you've seen so far this year. I think the only one that

I've seen - like, I've only seen 13 movies this year. It's really not very many and

most of those, to be honest, were on the plane on the way to Europe and then back

from Europe. I really have not watched very many movies at all. So I think the

only one that I've seen this year is the adaptation of Jasper Jones and that was

really freaking great. Question 13: favourite video you've done so far this

year. Probably one of the unpopular opinions one or, like, the...the popular

books that I hated. Question 14: the most beautiful book you have bought this

year. I already showed you guys this one on Wednesday, but The Bedlam Stacks by

Natasha Pulley is, like, it's so pretty and it's a hardback that doesn't have a dust

jacket! So, like, obviously I'm going to love this thing because dust jackets are the

worst. And finally, Question 15: what books do you need

to read by the end of year. For starters, all of the books that you can't see

because they're off the camera but all the books on the shelf up there that I

have out on loan from work. But I also need to get to all of the books that I

have paid money for that have been sitting on my shelf for, like, forever or

that I just bought on my trip to Europe. So yeah. So, like, for starters I need to

read this because it's so goddamn pretty. I need to read this because I will

physically die if I don't. I need to read The Silent Invasion by James Bradley.

I... I've had it since April. I've heard not great things about it but I'm going

to read it anyway. I need to read Stars Above by Marissa Meyer because my plan

was to reread the whole Lunar Chronicles series and then pick this one up

straight away. Yeah, I finished Winter like a month ago and I still haven't

picked this thing up. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken which I got in

February of 2016. Who Runs the World by Virginia Bergin, which I bought in the

UK because, like, look at that spine! It is so goddamn pretty. Also, it sounds amazing.

But, like, I need to read it. And City of Saints and Thieves by Natalie C

Anderson which is a YA crime thriller thing that is set I think in Kenya or

the DRC? I don't remember which. But it's set in Africa anyway and I'm super

excited to read it. So there you have friends. That is the Mid Year Book Freak Out

tag. If you have thoughts on any of these answers, let me know down in the comments.

Also let me know which is the, like, giant stack of books that I have sitting on my

shelves that I should read it first. Thank you guys so much for watching.

I love all your faces and I'll see you on Monday. Bye guys.

For more infomation >> Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2017 [CC] - Duration: 5:57.


5 Creepy Mutant Fish Caught On Camera - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 5 Creepy Mutant Fish Caught On Camera - Duration: 3:39.



Hey guys! So, this is Anisha from India.

Hi everybody! How are you?

Is it your first time on a Brazilian YouTube channel?

Yes, I have never been on a Brazilian YouTube channel.

As a matter of fact, I have a very, very close dear friend...

My childhood friend was from Brazil

and, actually, hopefully, is watching this. Hey Marta!

-What's up? -Hi! Say hi to Marta...


And today we're gonna talk about the Indian accent

because she's from India, right?

And the first thing I would like to ask you is...

How did you learn English?

Do all Indian people speak English as a first language?

How does it work in your country?

So, I'm actually, originally and born and brought up actually in Germany.

I said "actually" a lot!

I was born in Germany, so I learned, I learned English in school in Germany.

But many people in India actually learn English in school.

English is basically like the second mother tongue,

next to their native language, which could be Hindi, Tamil...

So we learn it in school.

Does everybody speak English in your country?

Most of the time. I mean, of course...

Majority does because it is very necessary,

if you don't know English, you can't get along, around, sorry.

But there are parts of India like,

smaller cities, villages and places where

there isn't enough education yet for people to learn English,

and the facilities are not there. But other than that,

people want to learn, and there's is an effort

because we're still trying to spread education everywhere,

'cause we don't have enough schools or teachers

in India yet to do that.

But we have many english-speaking Indians, yes.

You said people in India learn English at school, right?

But what kind of classes do you have?

It's because in Brazil it's very focused on grammar and everything.

And we don't even learn how to speak the language at school.

So, how is it in India?

I mean, of course we learn the grammar,

so, from all the friends who went to school in India,

they all learn grammar from a very young age.

You start... Also because in families, you speak a lot of English.

Again... There are families who speak more their local language,

but you grow up with your family, learning and speaking English

with each other, but in school most of the time

especially if you go to English convent schools where they only speak English,

there're literally people in India who just go to English convent schools

and they learn everything in English.

And the Hind becomes like a subject, but otherwise

everything is in English.

And some people also speak English with each other,

because as I said it is important,

but some people actually speak more their native language.

So, then they're not comfortable speaking so much in English...

Over time that is getting better. The more of they watch

so many English content from the US, they all watch like

The Big Bang Theory, How I met Your Mother, Friends,

Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, it's all in English,

so they all want to know more and more English.

So it's common to talk in English, to speak English with people who

speak the same mother tongue that you speak, right?

So it's so different in Brazil because

-it's very artificial. -You don't?

It's very artificial. Why would I speak English with my sister,

for example, if we both speak portuguese?

It's very strange for us, you know? English is not part of our lives

as much as it is in India, I think.

It is like, if you see the signs, if you watch movies... Okay,

it's part of our lives, but we don't have so many opportunities to speak

So, I have something funny to see to this...

Because in India it is like the second mother tongue,

But I'm from Germany so I grew up actually with German.

Yeah, she has a crazy story.

I have a very weird story guys. Trust me, it's strange...

Go to my channel and then you'll understand what happend to me.

And the link is somewhere. Anyways, what I was saying is...

If you have there in Brazil

that people only speak in Portuguese with each other,

we have similarly the same thing in Germany!

So, I grew up in Germany. I did not speak in English to anybody.

As you said, it's weird for you to speak to your sister in English.

It was weird for my sister for me to speak to her in English

because they only either speak German or Hindi.

We don't speak English. I mean, I learned English in school, but

still you don't really speak because you don't have to.

It's not like you have English friends. It's not like

you do... You need it to talk to a shopkeeper.

You speak in your native language. You speak in German.

Like, [speaking German]. That's German by the way, guys...

-I was like, what did she say? -I know...

But that... So that I totally understand, 'cause in Germany

we go through the same thing.

Anisha, many people, not only in Brazil, but in other countries,

they mention that the Indian accent, sometimes,

is a little hard to understand. Do you agree with that?

I know that is... Some people have a very strong Indian accent...

But, you know... It's not even their fault.

And it's hard because I understand...

If you don't understand, if you don't understand the type of accent,

it becomes difficult. Like, I felt the same way with American accent.

I watched many movies. I had no idea what they were saying

'cause of... Like...

[speaking incomprehensible English]

Every country has their own type of accent.

I understand. Like, I can understand you...

You have a special accent, we Indians have a special accent.

The German speaking English, they have a special accent.

Everybody has an accent. It's a normal thing in the world.

So, I wouldn't say something is difficult to understand or not,

It's just an accident. It's just a matter of

-getting used to it. -Exactly!

Our native language has an affect, an effect, sorry, on our English

because that's what you've learned and spoken your entire life.

So even in India, if somebody has a strong accent...

It's because that's how we speak, you know...

And it's not even like our fault, it's not even a bad thing, right?

-It's because they get along in India. -Of course not!

But I don't agree, it is of course difficult, but I would say

there's also other English which is delay.

If German speak English, that's also tough if somebody is not used to it.

I feel that shouldn't be a stigma, you know, on...

-this things like... -Of course not!

"Oh you're from Brazil, you have an accent".

"Oh you from India, you have an accent."

"Oh you from Germany, you have an accent."

No, because in our countries... This is who we are,

-this is how we speak. -This is our identity.

That's what I've been trying to tell you!

And guys, you shouldn't care! Wherever you are from...

Is it Brazil? Is it India? Is it... I don't know, Taipei! Wherever!

It doesn't matter, your accent makes who you are!

Accept that!

And we are communicating, I think that's the most important thing.

We can understand each other very well. We were talking to

so many people from so many different places,

and we were still communicating and having fun and sharing our stories.

So I think this is the most... the nicest part of speaking in English

because it connects so many cultures and that's fine!

So, tell us about the amazing work you do on your channel,

tell them why I'm love with your channel!

Oh Gosh, she's so cute. I'm so, feeling so shy right now.

-Oh, c'mon! -You're so sweet.

So, I have a Youtube channel called Rikshawali.

So, Rikshawali is basically...

-Do you have rikshaws in Brazil? -No, you'll have to explain.

So rikshaws are basically tuc tucs, there're these three villars...

-It's like a taxi... -I'll put a picture here.

Yeah put up here. There will be a picture. That's a rikshaw...

And we use it as a taxi to get around. It's very,

very popular in India. Everybody rides in a rickshaw,

you can't live without a rickshaw, and I make videos in a rickshaw.

I make comedy videos. I try to make people laugh in a stupid, silly way.

My jokes are not always the best, but I'm trying to spread happiness

and make people laugh. That's what my mission is.

And talk about a lot of girls, I want to empower and help them

and inspire them and tell them how amazing girls are.

So, anyways, I also go around the world and make foreigners eat

and do Indians thing, but it's very entertaining by the way, so

you should check it out.

But yes, that's kinda what I do on my channel so, check it out!

That's why I'm a big fan of Anisha's work.

And I'm big fan of her bacause she's empowering people,

she's teaching people English. I mean, how awesome is that!

I wish she knew Hindi, so she could come to India

and teach people in India English.

So, I really hope you guys like this video. I hope you

practiced your listening ability with this video.

So, I just wanna tell you that's very important

for you to listen to different accents

because English doesn't belong to Americans...

Or to British people anymore. English is spoken

everywhere in the world, so you have to get used to

all these accents, if you were to communicate with everybody.

-I hope you understood me. -They have, they have.

And please follow Anisha because she...

You speak English in most of your videos, right?

Yes, most of them, yes! But, make sure to like this video,

make sure to share it and subscribe and comment...

and show everybody and your friends, ??? this video,

So they can see that people from different countries,

with different accents are working together, talking together...

Love punch!

To video, to video together.



-So, I hope you guys liked it! -Thank you!

For more infomation >> SOTAQUE INDIANO: O INGLÊS MAIS DIFÍCIL DE ENTENDER? (legendado) - Duration: 9:27.


Netflix Exclusives You Should Be Watching - Duration: 12:37.

Because of its massive reach and selection of original content, Netflix can offer a little

something for everyone.

There's more to watch every month, making it difficult to keep track of the best offerings.

With that in mind, here are some of the best series made by Netflix, for Netflix.

13 Reasons Why

One of the saddest teen-oriented shows in recent memory is also one of the best.

Based on the novel by Jay Asher, 13 Reasons Why is a provocative, often unsettling examination

of bullying, mental illness, assault, trauma, and suicide.

The "13 reasons" of the title refer to audiotapes recorded by a high school student named Hannah,

with each side detailing a different reason why she took her own life.

It's not for the faint of heart, but 13 Reasons Why is definitely a must-watch.

Orange Is the New Black

"Women in prison" used to be the domain of seedy movie theaters and late-night Cinemax.

Not anymore: Orange Is the New Black is one of the most wholly original and feminist series

in TV history.

Based on Piper Kerman's memoir about being an upper-middle-class white woman jailed for

a drug crime, the show has evolved into a vast ensemble drama with a lot to say about

gender, race, and economic issues.

It tells the stories of incarcerated women as people, not just "criminals," and how they

form new families and learn more about their own identities while locked up.

Clear your schedule, because once you start you'll be binge-watching for hours.

Stranger Things

It's no small feat that a show about children in grave danger somehow gives viewers the

warm and fuzzies.

That's the power of nostalgia.

A wholly original science-fiction series with its own deep mythology, rules, and a range

of fleshed-out characters, Stranger Things is loaded with references to '80s sci-fi and

horror, in part because it's set in the '80s.

More than anything, it feels like another entry in that so-'80s genre of entertainment

about adventurous kids that adults could enjoy too: inventive, dark, and completely entertaining.

Never say die.

BoJack Horseman

This is a cartoon set in some kind of alternate universe where all kinds of animals have human

qualities and live among humans.

Its main character is BoJack Horseman, a washed-up actor who starred in a terrible '90s family

sitcom called Horsin' Around.

Yet in spite of all of this zaniness, BoJack Horseman provides one of the most accurate

and heartbreaking portrayals of depression ever put to screen.

BoJack is a sellout who wants to make art, but isn't sure if he can, and always self-sabotages

his own successes.

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

While the 2004 adaptation of the kiddie goth book series Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate

Events was certainly delightful, the problem is that there was only one.

There are multiple bestselling books about the forever-doomed Baudelaire orphans, and

now they all finally get to come to life via a Netflix original series.

Neil Patrick Harris stars as the wicked Count Olaf, an actor by trade who uses his access

to wigs and makeup to worm his way into the lives of the kids so he can steal their inheritance.

The versatile Harris is perfectly cast as Olaf, and he also sings the theme song, warning

the viewer to stay away from the show because it's just too bleak and troubling.

The dark and playful humor is balanced with whimsical, dreamlike imagery, making a show

that's guaranteed to entertain all ages.

Arrested Development

In 2013, Netflix aired its first revival of a show originally produced on another network,

making quite a statement in the process: If Arrested Development, a critically adored

cult hit that lurked near the bottom of the ratings when it initially aired on Fox, could

be revived, then anything could.

It also proved Netflix was a major player in entertainment, as an Arrested Development

revival had already been discussed at big places like HBO and Showtime, with Netflix

ultimately winning out.

The show reunited the entire main cast to create what's really a 13-episode movie.

Each episode focuses on the backstory of a different main character and what they've

been up to in the past decade or so.

It's ridiculous, multi-layered, self-referential—and astonishingly good.

If you only watch one episode, watch the one about Gob, in which he confuses the first

friendship he's ever had for romantic attraction, gets himself locked in a fake rock, tries

and fails to raise bees, and becomes part of the entourage of a pop star who writes

a song about how awful Gob is.


How many Netflix shows is Will Arnett on, anyway?

He's the voice of the title character on BoJack Horseman, he plays a prominent figure in A

Series of Unfortunate Events, and he co-starred in the Arrested Development revival.

Arnett also co-created the quiet dramedy Flaked about a recovering middle-aged alcoholic trying

to put his life back together after killing another man while driving under the influence.

His recovery includes making stools, fighting with his best friend, and tooling around Venice,

California on his bike.

It's a sometimes poignant, sometimes funny show about a numb guy in paradise trying to

take action but never quite getting there.

Wait a second…is this just a live-action BoJack Horseman?

W/ Bob and David

Mr. Show with Bob and David ran on HBO from 1995 to 1999 and became one of the most highly

regarded sketch comedy shows of the '90s.

Many of its cast and writers went on to become comedy icons, including stars David Cross

and Bob Odenkirk, as well as Paul F. Tompkins, Tom Kenney, and Scott Aukerman.

Gathering all those talents together to make more top-notch sketch comedy after nearly

20 years apart seemed impossible, but Netflix was able to do it with the four-episode miniseries

W/ Bob and David.

Time has passed but the magic has not, and these sketches are worthy additions to the

Bob and David canon.

If you loved all the absurdity of the original, you'll definitely get a kick out of the revived


Making a Murderer

Along with HBO's The Jinx, Netflix's Making a Murderer reignited the public's fascination

with true crime stories.

This exhaustive and extraordinarily compelling series analyzes every possible aspect of the

2005 murder case for which Wisconsin man Steven Avery was charged—and as the series shows,

a lot of things don't quite add up.

Was evidence planted?

Were police out to frame Avery because he was suing them for wrongful conviction and

imprisonment for an earlier crime?

Did police coerce a confession out of Brendan Dassey, Avery's accomplice and nephew?

Making a Murderer is equal parts riveting and enraging, and its real-world struggle

is guaranteed to get you hooked.

House of Cards

Based on a British miniseries, House of Cards details the slow, methodical, and deadly path

by which Southern politician Frank Underwood seeks out and obtains the power he's so obsessed


Over the course of several seasons, cold-blooded Frank does whatever he needs to do to ascend

the government ladder.

Even if political dramas aren't usually your thing, House of Cards is bound to suck you


Master of None

Less a serial comedy series and more an anthology of standalone episodes, Master of None is

definitely a unique addition to the Netflix library.

Comedian, actor, and writer Aziz Ansari and his writing partner Alan Yang won an Emmy

for this series, which is probably the first to really capture the millennial point of


It's thoughtful, wise, and even legitimately touching—but also hilarious, because Ansari

can't help being funny.

The Crown

Quiet, slow-building stories about British monarchs are nothing new to television—it's

the bread and butter of PBS and the BBC, after all.

And yet The Crown is something entirely different.

Shot at a cost of $100 million, the most expensive series in Netflix history, it's an extraordinarily

ambitious project that aims to tell the complete life story of Queen Elizabeth II, from childhood

to coronation to the present day, as she struggled to keep England together in the post-war years

and learned how to be a stateswoman from the incomparable Winston Churchill, portrayed

by John Lithgow.

Keep in mind that Elizabeth is still alive—but she'd find it hard to be offended.

It's all done with an empathy and humanity not generally given to larger-than-life figures,

especially ones that can seem as cold and distant as English monarchs.

We see her grieve, we see her insecurities, we even see her getting flirty with her husband

Prince Phillip.

The Crown is also absolutely gorgeous—the set and costume design is so lush and spot-on

that you could swear it was shot right in Buckingham Palace.

The OA

This sci-fi show is about a mysterious young woman who re-appears after disappearing for

seven years...

Only now she's covered in scars, calls herself "The OA," and can see even though she used

to be blind.

It's a dark, labyrinthine series about death, the afterlife, science, violence, conspiracies,

and human spirituality.

In short, it gets deep, and it gets weird.

It's a good thing that Netflix doesn't charge by the hour, because we'd all rack up huge

bills trying to figure out The OA.

Black Mirror

A dead TV series returning to life thanks to rapidly spreading technology?

That sounds like an episode of Black Mirror!

Netflix revived Charlie Brooker's creepy British sci-fi anthology series for six new stories.

They're all vaguely set in the very near future and, like the original series, examine the

often damaging effects of the place where humanity and technology intersect, and how

that relationship affects our humanity and dignity…for better or for worse.

Santa Clarita Diet

Yeah, there are a lot of zombie shows on TV right now, but Santa Clarita Diet has them


First of all, it's just as gory and disgusting as The Walking Dead, but it's a lot funnier.

Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant star as Sheila and Joel Hammond, Southern California

real estate agents who hit a bit of a rough patch in their marriage when Sheila turns

into a zombie with an insatiable desire for human meat.

Naturally, she must turn to murder, but Joel is on board, as is their teenage daughter

Abby and their macabre-obsessed neighbor.

Sheila taking a huge bite out of life is a great metaphor for choosing to live life to

the fullest, but this is still a zombie show, so there are plenty of gross-out moments.

No spoilers, but this is probably your only chance to see the star of Never Been Kissed

barf up a swimming pool's worth of sludge.

"That was a crazy amount of vomit."

"Well, I'm not a medical expert.

So I can't say what the proper amount of vomit is."

"It was a HUGE amount."


By day, Matt Murdock is a lawyer.

By night, he cleans up New York's Hell's Kitchen with his fists and fighting skills.

The action sequences are intense, and Daredevil lays waste to every thug he faces despite

his blindness.

Those scenes are almost as terrific as the ones with Vincent D'Onofrio as the terrifying

villain Kingpin.

Put it all together, and you have one of the best original action series on Netflix.

Even a blind man could see that.

Jessica Jones

Is Jessica Jones the first superhero psychological drama?

It's a comic book and superhero show without the usual trappings—you rarely see Jessica

exhibit her amazing abilities.

Instead, it focuses on the ramifications of how she's used those powers in the past.

In many ways, it's less of a superhero show and more about a young woman trying to forge

her own identity while struggling to leave her past behind.

She just happens to be super-strong.

Luke Cage

This show marks Netflix's first spin-off, focusing on the character portrayed by Mike

Colter on Jessica Jones.

It's another Marvel series that reflects the real world and its culture, history, and race


Luke Cage is a human story about a superhero trying to navigate a world in which he sometimes

feels like he doesn't fit in, which makes a great allegory about a young man trying

not to get swallowed up by the underbelly of urban society.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Netflix Exclusives You Should Be Watching - Duration: 12:37.





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just like this one help and inspire businesses and individuals just like

yourself to get online with video thanks for watching will in this video show but

well in this video I will show you exactly how you can go ahead and hit

that subscribe button that sounded very

For more infomation >> Royalty Free Music for YouTube Videos Copyright Free 2017 - Duration: 2:39.


EMAIL ALERTS ON TOP YOUTUBE TRENDS - New Feature for YouTube Creators - Duration: 5:15.

vidIQ, can you send me an email on the top trending videos over the last week on fidget


Yes, yes it can.

Hello every and welcome back to another round of vidIQ awesome sauce and this week's cherry

on the top is a tool that helps you find the most popular videos on Youtube right now on

any given topic or channel.

And once you've found them it can alert you to new updates as frequently as you like.

It's call trend alerts and this is how you use it.

With vidIQ's chrome extension installed the Trend Alerts tab sits at the top of the creator

studio panel which you see whenever you are managing your channel.

When clicked a popup will appear where you can setup your first alert.

There are many different ways you can use this tool but here's three ideas you can start


First we'll create an alert to follow a super trending topic.

First give your Trend an Alert name.

Free users can setup 1 alerts with other tiers displayed on screen now.

Next up you need add some keywords by which to define your alert.

You can use more than one and you should separate each keyword or phrase with a comma.

We'll keep it nice and simple for this example and go with fidget spinners.

In this example we're going to skip the middle competitors section and move straight to VPH

which stands for views per hour.

This ensures the video is still popular and therefore trending.

Fidget spinners are still a huge topic right now so let's crank that up to 5K VPH, for

free users this is defaulted to 1K VPH.

Email Frequency determines how often the alert is calculated whether it be every day, 2 days,

each week or each month.

Again this is defaulted to every week for free users.

Frequency is important to bear in mind.

With big news stories you might want to set the frequency to every day, for longer trends

such as fidget spinners then maybe every week will suffice.

When you're ready click create alert and that will give you a preview of the sort of results

you may expect to see.

Notice how this list is sorted by views per hour so it reflects the most watched videos

right now.

From here you can click on the video to view and conduct further research using the vidIQ

video scorecard to see engagement rates, SEO score, channel information, tags used and

all the other awesome stuff vidIQ provides.

This tool in itself is really useful for discovering trending videos on the topics that matter

to you, but remember this isn't just a search tool, it's an alert tool too... oh, what's


That is the vidIQ trend alert email listing all the videos that fit your criteria: the

perfect way to see what's trending (in this case over the last week) in the world of fidget


Each video includes when it was published, total video views, current VPH rate and how

many new subscribers the video earned for its channel

And these alert emails will continue to land in your inbox at the set frequency.

At any time you can return to the Trend Alerts screen to edit an alert or delete it.

Those are your basics to using the Trend Alerts tool, another vidiq feature that aims to help

you get more views in less time.

But since we're done with the basics, let's show another couple of ways we think this

tool can used.

A few weeks ago we introduced a competitor's tool that allows you to add any channel you

want to a special watch list that focuses on VPH.

We've already made a video on how to use this tool specifically, but what we've also done

is tie the competitor tool into the trend alerts tool.

So when you create a new alert instead of search for trending keywords, you can track

videos from your competitors to see which videos are trending on their channel over

a set period of time.

Depending on the size of the channels you are tracking you might need to lower the VPH

threshold down to 100 but once you have you'll get the same list of alerts as you do for

keywords sent straight to your email inbox so you never forget what your competitors

are up to.

Alternatively if you want to look at the whole of Youtube I'm sure you'll be aware of the

trending page, well consider our trending tool the enhanced version of this page.

If you create an alert with no keywords or competitors you can then set the frequency

to see what videos on the whole of Youtube are trending over the last day, 2 days, week

or month.

And don't forget, that trend alert will email you too.

If you want to refine the search a little you can add a general keyword such as politics,


fashion, business and so on.

We like to think of the trend alerts feature as a sandbox tool ready for interpretation

however you see fit so we'd love to hear your thoughts on how you intend to use and what

features you would like to see added.

That's it for this week, enjoy the rest of your video making day.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> EMAIL ALERTS ON TOP YOUTUBE TRENDS - New Feature for YouTube Creators - Duration: 5:15.


[FREE] Lil uzi x 808 Mafia x TM88 Type Beat | Money Flow ( SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil uzi x 808 Mafia x TM88 Type Beat | Money Flow ( SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:34.


Garota - Álbum Amor Esquecido - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Garota - Álbum Amor Esquecido - Duration: 3:37.


Booktube Newbie tag - Duration: 7:43.

Hi my name is Meg and today I'm going to do the Booktube Newbie tag.

This tag was created by Brenda C. and it has ten questions.

So we'll just started shall we?

The first question is "why did you create this channel?"

I started this channel because I've been watching booktube videos for quite a while and I really

wanted to be able to join the conversation.

I want to be able to take part in things like the Biannual Bibliothon and in order to do

that I felt like I wanted to have a channel and I also really wanted to share my love

of reading.

My fianceé loves to read as well but she reads a few different genres from what I read

so sometimes our interests overlap but for the most part they really don't.

And it would be nice to talk to someone who likes the same kind of books I do.

Question two is "what are some fun and unique things you can bring to booktube?"

This is a really tough question.

I actually scripted this video so that I'd have answers and I still don't know what my

answer to this question is.

So, what I've said on what I've written down is that I am South African originally but

I have spent seven years in the US studying and so I often have a very different opinion

from a lot of different people and so I'm going to bring a unique perspective about

books to booktube.

But I also have a Masters degree in Psychology and so I tend to psychoanalyze characters

quite a lot and I think that I might end up bringing some of that to my booktube channel

as well.

Hopefully that's unique, I don't know, I've spent the last seven years in University so

we'll see how this goes.

Question three is "What are you most excited about for your new channel" I'm really really

excited to get to join the community and to get to make friends from around the world

who all enjoy to read and who are all bookworms just like me.

Question four is "why do you love reading?"

I love reading because it allows you to go to different worlds, you've always got somewhere

new you can explore, you've always got new characters to meet which are like new people

and new friends waiting to be discovered.

I was bullied from k through 12, or from grade 0 to grade 12, whichever country you're in,

and it was really rough but characters in the books were people who didn't know anything

about the school drama.

I could disappear into a world and forget about my school drama, focus on someone else's,

focus on something else going on.

It just really me to have some security in my childhood.

Number five is "what book or series got you into reading?"

So the first books I remember reading are the Beatrix Potter books and then also Noddy

by Enid Blyton and the Berenstain bear books and that must have been around grade 0 so


I don't remember reading anything else before that but I'm sure that I did and I do remember

being on a reading level for third graders in first grade so I was reading ahead of what

my classmates were allowed to read which caused some interesting conversations with classmates.

As for what's kept me reading Harry Potter has played a huge role in my life keeping

me reading, keeping me just sane in the general nuttiness of life.

Number six is "what questions would you ask your favourite booktubers?"

So I have two questions.

The first question would be how do you come up with so many creative new ideas and what

your process is for that and the second question seems to be a question that a lot of people

on the Booktube newbie tag are asking and that would be, like, could we be friends because

I am overall joining booktube to make friends and I really admire the people that I watch

a lot of the time so it would be great to get to actually be friends with them and have

a closer relationship than just me watching them and very one sided.

Question seven is "what challenges do you think starting a booktube channel are going

to be hardest to overcome?"

So I had two on the script but a third one has come to me while I've been filming.

The first one was how do you come up... like... how to come up with creative ideas and not

just do the same old tags, and tbrs, and wrap-ups and stuff like that but like to actually have

something creative and interesting and the second one would be editing of videos.

I've only edited a couple videos before, I've watched some tutorials, I think I know how

to do it but it is going to be kind of trial and error for a while unfortunately, and then

the third challenge is looking in the camera.

I keep wanting to look in the cool little view finder thing that shows my face because

I want to make eye contact with myself apparently, and I shouldn't be, I should be looking at

the little camera and I keep reminding myself of that but I'm gonna to slip up for a while

I'm sure.

Question eight is "When did you start reading" so I think I've already answered this, sort

of, but I started reading, my earliest memories of reading are in kindergarten so when I was

five, um, I know my parents read to myself and my brother a lot before that so I was

probably reading along with my mom from earlier than that but I don't have any concrete memories

of reading until kindergarten.

Question number nine is "where do you read?"

I really like to read in my apartment, I prefer to read indoors than out of doors because

I have glasses and glasses have like an awful habit of creating glares when you don't want

them, I do occasionally go and read outdoors though, there's a really nice park nearby

so sometimes I'll go and read there, mostly though I really love to read on my bed, curled

up, like just be comfortable or on the couch.

We've also got some really nice IKEA chairs that I love to curl up in and they're really

comfortable and it's really nice to read in one of these.

So, wherever I'm feeling like reading.

I also just came back from an interview in DC and I read both ways on the train so I

do prefer to take public transportation if possible just so that I can read some more.

The last question is "what kind of books do I like to read" I really love historic fiction,

Philippa Gregory's books specifically about the Tudors and the houses of York and Lancaster

and the Cousin's War all that kind of extended time period I really enjoy.

I also really enjoy young adult fiction, I'm trying to get into the habit of reading more

adult fiction but there's just so much romance in it that it's difficult for me to get into.

So I'm trying to find more recommendations and see where I go from there.

Sometimes I'll read fantasy, really I'll read, I'll try to read, anything, I won't always

stick with it if I don't like it but I will try.

Anyway, that is my booktube newbie tag.

Please comment below, say hi, I'd love to get to know you all and get to be a part of

the community.

Have a great one.


For more infomation >> Booktube Newbie tag - Duration: 7:43.


Don't come to KPK (Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa) again or please stop littering (with English subtitles) - Duration: 6:17.

I am here at Dunga Gali

and when you travel from Muree to Nathia Gali (which is in KPK Province

and when you travel from Muree to Nathia Gali (which is in KPK Province)

Look at the landscape (you can imagine the environment of this place)

its someones private property

so when you enter into the KPK province from Punjab province

you find many spots at road sides named as REST AREA

where you have different facilities like "Masjid" (Mosque), "Tuck shop" & "Restrooms"

Although, Trash bins are installed here at different places

but i 'll show you how people are still throwing trash everywhere in the mountains


look at this

what people

have done :(

and when i go down stairs

i 'll show you more, what people have done

i mean

people do their own job here (cutting vegetables or whatever)

but they don't bother to throw garbage at right place, look there's another trash bin there

this one is the Mosque (Masjid)

look how the government made such a beautiful place to facilitate tourists

and you can see these rest areas after every few kilometers

where all of these facilities are available


this area is extremely peaceful

i can't show you the cliff clearly, but this place is more than 5000 ft above the sea level

(actually 8200 ft)

lush green landscape, you can be here anytime

and you can enjoy the beauty here, i think you can't find a place like this

with so much peace of mind, near to Islamabad

I don't think Muree is calm anymore like it was used to be

its overfilled, its crowded

Alright, i will show you something here, look at this

this light pole can't break itself

definitely, the guys that would have come here as a tourists, they play with it, and break it into pieces

they play by hanging on them

I 'll show you more

alongside, look at the garbage here

I don't know how it makes people satisfy

Its unbelievable, and

look at this pole, the lamp of this pole

is here, at this seat

someone ate mangoes here (leaving remaining for us)

and here is the remaining of that electric pole

SO, this public property that is made from our taxes

and we our self destroyed it

This shows the standards of our educational systems

Mostly educated public comes here for tourism that's for sure

the items in the garbage like coke tins, the type of food wasted here,

olper milk packets, purified water bottles, absolutely none of the poor

can bring these things here, but only we literate people

coming from Lahore, Karachi,

Multan, or from wherever we come, and that's what we do here in the end

i mean, look at the effort of the government

they did tremendous job by making these spots

after every few kilometers, less than every 10 kilometers you will found these Rest Areas

and they look beautiful, you can stay here for a while

and have a peace of mind

look at this fireplace, you may enjoy bonfire here,

or can make barbecue, or just sit here with buddies and have a quality time


i wouldn't like to sit at this unhygienic place anymore, this is not like


So this is our state

and what's more shocking is,

as the number of tourists here increasing every year

this is getting more and more worst

the trash here

is increasing dangerously

One thing more i 'll show you

there are some restrooms here

Let me show you

what's their condition???

(Deep exhalation)

I am going

towards Rest Rooms


and this side was made for women

i was here because i had to rest for a while

but unfortunately, no facilities available here

seems to be a haunted place

here government should pay attention

the switches of lights are ON, but there's no light here

and the doors are locked on both sides

(men and women) both are locked


nothing is available here

disappointing "i can't rest :( "


the bulb of this lamp

someone has broken it, knowingly

I don't know

what's the problem with our people

are we here for tourism or what?

as Junaid Akram says

one of the famous comedian and vlogger on youtube

as he says that's the habit of our people

whenever they go somewhere, for sure they will bring oranges and billets with them

he's absolutely right

because we see their peels everywhere in our cities

the type of waste i saw here contains plastic bottles

and you must know that Plastic is 100% recyclable



of the world's plastic is wasted each year

So the government should think about that

and more than government, THE PEOPLE

i mean they are provided such a beautiful Rest Areas at different places

but they aren't taking any advantage of

this facility, this is

weird, how can we attract foreigners in this way?

This is bad

please, if you can't change your behavior,

better you don't come here again



For more infomation >> Don't come to KPK (Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa) again or please stop littering (with English subtitles) - Duration: 6:17.


NOTICE | JMusic | Albums | PhantomCore ツ - Duration: 4:04.

I'm posting all the albums on the new Youtube channel, the link is in the description of the video ||| This channel will disappear in 6 days :(

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