Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

yoyoyo was good was popping with everybody what is happening man thank

you for coming back this is CPA strength I am the strongest licensed CPA

in the state of Florida and I teach the account I teach accounting to the world

by basic building block by building block by building block that was

presumptuous that I welcomed you back if this happens to be your first time I'll

leave a card here to the best playlist in the world this is my accounting

playlist this one lets you pass tests this lets you make lots of money and

that's what should be a CPA so what more do you want from life right they don't

find you companionship as well everything you need all right what are

you doing what are you doing CPA bruh what are you doing today no man I'm

doing it I'm doing it doing it well right I'm doing over 47 what is that in

Spanish I don't know my a spaniels fucking poquito Malo

and Dia cesta dia yeah it says Mala Mala Mala chico anyways we don't Emirates we

do whatever the word perpetual today alright and I just went from 46 let's

jump back in time in 46 it ran long we did we did FIFO all right so really all

it changed was a couple word because I was first I changed it to last don't

worry about that so much if you can only if you have attention deficit or

whatever but now we're changing which one we sell or say we're selling the

last one in is what we're selling the last inventories in the woman right

before we did the first the first ones in is what we were selling this is the

last one since we changed this and all these facts are the same with the dates

that we bought and sold which this this is I didn't change I didn't

change anything in here in our facts and with changing how which inventories were

selling none of none of the February journal entries changed that is a March

journal entries change see where has the brownish color here the eight thousand

sixty four government and credit because we sold see we sold a different

selection of our inventory because we're doing lastin first-out this time so that

changed and also we didn't get to May in the last video with this one this this

changes to how much the Zener is in our May inventory to sell ok so let's just

let's just dot let's just dive off in that's I'm sorry freakin a API shout out

after person so shout out boy Joe off my dog I'll have to wear my science shirt

and some more videos where anyways how about you say were just God okay

first off into the video huh let's do this

so let's just go you know I think February let's segue German three we

sell we sell 30 you sell 30 the self 700 which to thirty dollars pieces twenty

one thousand and there's there's our sales journal entry we're getting the

money now we're going to get rid of we're to cost it cost us fourteen

thousand dollars this was the same and forty six as it is in this one so I can

spend too much time on it mark we purchased five hundred and twenty to

forty this did not change from our last time eat from from how we are value the

inventory because that's for selling it we bought it out of certain price so

twenty to forty times five hundred eleven thousand two hundred that's what

we did in March now April this is kind of why this is

look this is one of the things that I changed I changed I change the words

right here from first a changes to last I changed this journal entry and then I

changed this journal entry because this is what we had an inventory so where's

my cowboy would you need to talk later bro oh okay stairs right here quickly

right here all right what did you do I don't know what I did

okay let's just hop off into April

just hop up in April so this isn't too long if you're like what's what's going

on here please look at 46 because I spend more

time leaning up and everything is if you're lost try 46 if you're still lost

after watching 46 okay I suggest starting from number one of my playlist

running through by the time you run through I'll probably be on for 50 or 60

and then we'll just see how your skills are then alright let's go let's go into

April what happened in April I sold I sold 360 widgets at 30 dollars a piece

360 360 times 30 equal ten thousand eight hundred gifts that's the cash I

got dev attached getting money debited out revenue credit sales ten thousand in

Hunter that's our first one now we're doing a perpetual system we so now we're

trying to see how much did this cost us we're getting the inventory off the

books and put our costs on the books for this alright so in April what's going on

in April 360 you sold 360 of these units all right whistle 360 degrees which one

which what Jesus did we go real fast real fast what was in our inventory here

what was there we started out with a thousand units at $20 apiece we sold 700

units number so after February we had 300

units of inventory at 20 apiece March we bought more inventory about 500 units of

inventory of 22 for your piece so first first we bought these 320 or first we

have these 322 inventory next or last not further if you're not if you're not

first you're last right accounting tells you that so laughs or not first you have

500 by 20 to 40 so now we're in April and we sold 360 which 360 did we sell

here well now this one what how are you evaluating inventory now we are valuing

our inventory by last in first out okay we're making our first sales here what

was our last inventories in all 500 of these that's that's the last one in yes

it is yes it is a 20 to 40 ok we'll about 20 to 40 22 43 the first one out

okay great so twenty two point four is how we're valuing this this this 360 go

out times 360 equals eight thousand sixty-four so really we can get this

week we get the number eight thousand sixty-four was you know how do you know

the debit because this is the double journal entry you're selling inventory

or a perpetual system so you want you want to keep up to date on the costs and

what is in your inventory how much you know you want to keep track of

everything so this journal entry helps you this will take the inventory off the

books because you're crediting the inventory inventories an asset you're

going to have a negative asset because we're going to take it off the books

you're decreasing the creeks in your out of inventory you have so it's going to

be a credit that's why your credit how your inventory over here you've

taken off the books now the devastating cost of goods sold

this makes print it's going for the expensive book cost of goods sold so

that's how the devastate thousand sixty-four cost of goods sold credit

inventory eight thousand sixty four now we have a couple more minutes with

Gullett Oppo dive up into the may alright what happen your may homie we're

happy array we sold cert we sold two hundred and forty weeks at $30.00 I

guess you keep on popping them up for series what if you go over 30 already

slang you know no one else got him right now pop them off what pop pop pop I'm

doing about raising the prices brown I just like to just I'm moving fast yeah I

let them flat I let the birds fly cheaper to fly away liberty of the

British flag with cheaper all needle that's that newly son who run out of

time running out of time that sucks now I'm going crazy alright what

happened it may have sold 200 240 times 30 7200 we've got money that's why the

cash at 7200 rummage sale sent me 200 that's our work crying now now that we

sold we sold inventory so what's our second journal entry our second journal

entry is getting rid of the inventory and putting our expense on the books so

what do we do we sold to 40 which 240 did we sell though which 240 in did we

sell that is the crux the problem what 240 did we sell I'm going to turn last

lap in so we sold 360 so we have 140 we have 140 left we have 140 at 22:40 all

right now it's sold 240 so the last in so that's what we have is it so last end

140 times 2240 140 times 22.4 equals 31 36 31 36 plus 31 36 Plus hold on 31:36

what do we have left here we sold one hundred and fortieth all we have left of

these so we're still selling a hundred more we're still selling a hundred more

as we're selling 240 we just sold 140 to 500 is allowed last one and we don't

have any more 500 so we're selling 100 of these that we got in 20 so 100 times

20 100 times 20 equals 2,000 plus 2,000 see 3,000 31 36 from our first batch

plus two thousand five five thousand one two five thousand hundred thirty six is

our credit over there okay blue on the side of feels creepy to be on this side

am I allowed to be on the side anyone you tell me anyway so write our diary

but as you can see this is how we that's the difference over here so we're doing

life on left and first out and you can see the numbers the numbers that this

was even though we didn't go in this one on the first one but right look it's hot

it's hot it's fork any office obviously if the AC doesn't work I live in so four

but I'm grinding can you appreciate the struggle so would like this video so so

sweet a strengthen get strippers up so CPA strength can live in office or live

in an environment where you can have air conditioning okay anyways thanks for

watching until next time deuces

For more infomation >> Accounting for Beginners #47 / LIFO / Last in First Out Journal Entries / Inventory Perpetual - Duration: 12:54.


NASA finds a mysterious 'energy trap' at the center of our galaxy - Duration: 6:01.

NASA finds a mysterious �energy trap� at the center of our galaxy

Astronomers from NASA have found a �galactic tap� at the center of the Milky Way that

according to experts, is capturing high energy cosmic rays.

The H.E.S.S. mirror telescopes in Namibia recently complemented with a 28-metre mirror

(Picture: � Christian F�hr/ H.E.S.S.

Collaboration, 2012) Experts have discovered that our galaxy�The

MilkyWay�conains a �trap� that gathers some of the highest-energy cosmic rays which

are considered as some of the fastest particles in the universe.

The center of the Milky Way concentrates cosmic rays of high energy in our galaxy, which is

among the fastest particles in space, according to a scientific study echoed by NASA.

The scientific paper, originally published in the journal Physical Review Letters, is

based on data from NASA�s Fermi gamma-ray space telescope and the high-energy stereoscopic

system (HESS) in Namibia.

Describing the discovery, lead author Daniele Gaggero at the University of Amsterdam said:

�Our results suggest that most of the cosmic rays populating the innermost region of our

Galaxy, and especially the most energetic ones, are produced in active regions beyond

the Galactic center and later slowed there through interactions with gas clouds.�

�Those interactions create many of the gamma-ray emission observed by Fermi and H.E.S.S.�

�Once we subtracted bright point sources, we found good agreement between the LAT and

H.E.S.S. data, which was somewhat surprising due to the different energy windows and observing

techniques used,� said co-author Dr. Marco Taoso, from the Institute of Theoretical Physics

in Madrid and Italy�s National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).

�This agreement indicates that the same population of cosmic rays � mostly protons

� found throughout the rest of the Galaxy is responsible for gamma rays observed from

the Galactic center.

But the highest-energy share of these particles, those reaching 1,000 TeV, move through the

region less efficiently than they do everywhere else in the Galaxy.�

�This result in a gamma-ray glow extending to the highest energies H.E.S.S. observed.�

A composite image of the central region of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Credit to: NASA�s Spitzer Space Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the NASA/ESA

Hubble Space Telescope.

Cosmic rays� that sounds like something from a science-fiction movie.

Well, not entirely.

Cosmic rays are defined as high energy particles that move through space at almost the speed

of light.

Awesomely fast.

They are made out of 90 percent protons, with electrons and nuclei of several atoms making

up the rest.

In their journey through the galaxy, as scientists explain.

Electrically charged particles are influenced by magnetic fields, which alter their paths

and make it impossible to know where they originated from.

Not aliens guys, not aliens.

Astronomers have a chance to learn more about cosmic rays as they interact with matter and

emit gamma rays, which are considered as the most energetic form of light out there.

In the new study, published in the journal Physical Review Letters, an international

group of astronomers discovered a continuous gamma-ray spectrum at the galactic center�the

center of our Milky Way� emitting across a thousand-fold span of energy.

By using HESS�which is ground based observatory that spots emissions once the atmosphere cleans

up gamma rays sending particles out as flashes of blue light�and FERMI in combination,

experts found that there is a continuous gamma ray spectrum from the galactic center emission.

Ok hold on, what does this mean exactly?

Well, experts believe that the same population of cosmic rays located across the rest of

the galaxy is in fact responsible from gamma rays that are observed at the galactic center.

�The most energetic cosmic rays spend more time in the central part of the galaxy than

previously believed, so they make a stronger impression in gamma rays,� said Alfredo

Urbano from the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva and INFN Trieste.

To check out more, visit the study published online this week in the journal Physical Review


For more infomation >> NASA finds a mysterious 'energy trap' at the center of our galaxy - Duration: 6:01.


Tử Vi Hàng Tuần Của 12 Con Giáp: Từ Ngày 24/7 Đến 30/7/2017: Con Giáp Nào Sự Nghiệp Hanh Thông Nhất - Duration: 13:11.

For more infomation >> Tử Vi Hàng Tuần Của 12 Con Giáp: Từ Ngày 24/7 Đến 30/7/2017: Con Giáp Nào Sự Nghiệp Hanh Thông Nhất - Duration: 13:11.


Wordplay: Kids Guess what "Collywobbles" Means - Duration: 2:09.

- [Interviewer] You know what queasiness is?

- No.

- [Interviewer] It's like when you feel sick or you're like,

you feel like there's a knot in your stomach.

- How can you tie a knot in your stomach?

(orchestra music)

- [Interviewer] Hi Rajewel.

It's me, Chris.

It's time for a new word.

(gasp) (clapping)

- I'm ready.

What am I gonna learn?

- [Interviewer] Repeat after me.


- Collywobbles.

- Collywobbles.

- Collywobbles.

- [Interviewer] Oh, perfect.

What do you think that means?

- Bordie collar?

No. Um.

- [Interviewer] What does it sound like, collywobbles?

- A unicorn dog.

(flourish) (barking)

- A thing that wobbles.

- [Interviewer] Like what's a thing that wobbles?

- A duck.

(quaking) (giggling)

- You're calling at the same time wobbling

'cause you need to use the bathroom,

which you can't because of the telephone won't reach there

and then it's too late.

(wah-wah-wah sound)

And that's collywobbles.

- [Interviewer] I like what your interpretation of the word

but that's not exactly what it says in the dictionary.

- What does it mean?

- [Interviewer] Stomach pain or queasiness.

Like you get an attack of the collywobbles.

You ever get sick like when you ride a rollercoaster

or you're in the car?

- Yes. - Sometimes I get nervous.

- I'm getting kind of that on the cruise ship.

I just hope it doesn't go sinking.

- When the other kids write messy

and then a teacher makes them redo the work again

so then I feel like I might have to do that.

- [Interviewer] Congratulations Rajewel.

You get the collywobbles.

- I get the collywobbles?

- [Interviewer] You do get the collywobbles.

But you know what?

It's okay because we all do

and there's nothing wrong with it.

Well great job everybody.

That was fun.

Wasn't it?

Come back next week for another wordplay.

- Thank you for watching me learn new words.

- Find more words here.

Subscribe right here.

Comment below with the word we should know next.

I'm so excited.

For more infomation >> Wordplay: Kids Guess what "Collywobbles" Means - Duration: 2:09.


日本在住ポーランド人にインタビュー:日本とポーランドの恋愛事情 What is the difference when it come to dating? - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> 日本在住ポーランド人にインタビュー:日本とポーランドの恋愛事情 What is the difference when it come to dating? - Duration: 11:15.


The Silver Play Button - Duration: 2:24.

Hi! I'm Korney.

And these are my experimental friends, Andrew and Ivan.

Ivan, when you are nervous, then you set fire to objects. Is it still so?

To avoid this, I give you this cube. This is intended to calm the nerves.

Stop it!

Calm down.

It would be better if you gave him a woman.

We are meeting today on another occasion.

My channel received the Silver Play Button.

In fact, it happened a long time ago. But I received it only a year later.

Subscribers on the channel during this time increased. Already enough for 5 silver buttons.

So slow is the bureaucracy.

I am very grateful to all my subscribers and viewers who are interested in my experiments.

And I'm very grateful to you, my friends, because you participated in my experiments.

Unfortunately, today there is no Dima.

Dima continues to break bricks.

And recently he got a concussion of the brain.

Let's drink to the button. Here are interesting wine glasses in the form of skulls.

Thumbs up. Subscribe to the channel. It was Korney. Bye.

Give us at least a snack.

For more infomation >> The Silver Play Button - Duration: 2:24.


4 EXERCÍCIOS PARA PERDER BARRIGA EM CASA! Como Perder Barriga e Emagrecer Rápido! Treino Iniciante - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> 4 EXERCÍCIOS PARA PERDER BARRIGA EM CASA! Como Perder Barriga e Emagrecer Rápido! Treino Iniciante - Duration: 6:02.


The Major Events in the Galaxy Which Have Shaped Mankind's History - Duration: 35:39.


Major Events in the Galaxy Which Have Shaped Mankind�s History

A brief Cosmology of events leading up to the NOW!

350.000 B.C.

- Fear based ego contamination spreads through this Universe like a wildfire eventually contaminating

even to the base levels of eternal verities in the Creator Laboratory.

Mass sentience has degenerated into a mass of arrogant, violent rebels who begin to use

their intelligence to develop destructive weapons and mind control technology.

300.000 B.C.

- Beings within this life wave corrupted their knowledge and take it to the extreme by trying

to fuse science with sorcery, in collaboration with fallen verities.

Strange genetic spawns are formed by sorcerer- scientists who are intent on playing god,

these beings become the drone armies.

Spiritual circuitry is severed in this sector of the galaxy.

This manifests on this planet as huge global tectonic collapses and, under tremendous pressure,

the underground magma reservoirs explode out through the crust via the mid-oceanic rifts,

sending huge geysers of basalt-laden waters miles into the sky, where it disperses through

and consolidates with the mist-like atmosphere of the planet, which in turn �primes�

the hydrodynamic cycle.

Emptied of their contents, vast subterranean caverns form which are later colonized, and

mountain ranges and continents are pushed upwards.

Sorcerer-scientists on the island-continent of Atlantis open up a rift in hyperspace as

an experiment with crystal-based electromagnetic manipulation goes out of control, releasing

electromagnetic �subspace fallout� for thousands of years to come.

These �Atlanteans� try to escape the global cataclysm by taking refuge in the underground

caverns below the east coast of North America and western Europe.

Many however perish from suffocation, starvation, or from drowning as their bases are flooded.

250.000 B.C.

- ET Alchemists choose Earth as a base from which, working in under the direction of fallen

deities, they genetically engineer a race of reptilian humanoids using a reptilian and/or

saurian DNA base.

These reptiloids, some of whom have been fused with humanoid and other strains of DNA, get

out of control and rebel.

Fallen angels - astral parasites - poltergeists incarnate these creatures and successfully

attempt to assimilate - absorb - integrate their physical nature into their own beings.

Some remain physical and migrate into existing underground caverns, whereas others are phased-out

of the third dimension... from time to time these "repti-poltergeists" or "wer-dracs"

possess powerful world leaders in order to assimilate their physicality, thus creating

a tri-symbiotic being - a virtual perversion of nature - that is part poltergeist, reptilian,

and human... all integrated or superimposed as one entity.

Many of these remain on the surface of the planet, and develop methods for "blending

in" with the human population [molecular shape shifting, technotic projection, laser holograms,

superficial bio-phasing, etc.].

Several of these escape to Antarctica [at the time a semi-tropical continent] and develop

a powerful empire.

200.000 B.C.

- The center of human civilization is in a lush kingdom in the Gobi region of central


Blue-eyed, blond-haired humans, in alliance with a tall humanoid branch known as the �Nepheli�,

wage war against the reptilian empire in Antarctica.

The Gobians, in a desperate measure to defend their infiltrated and threatened society,

use an experimental super-weapon [a cobalt warhead?] against the Antarcticans, and the

explosion knocks the planet off its axial alignment and sends most advanced cultures

back into the stone age, except for those who escape underground in order to maintain

their scientific continuity.

When the planet stabilizes, the poles have shifted.

The Gobi begins to turn into an inhospitable desert, burying the remains of the pre-Nordic

kingdom under tons of sand; and Antarctica is turned into a frozen wasteland, which in

turn buries the remnants of the reptilian empire under tons of ice.

Wholly Mammoths in Siberia are frozen solid almost overnight.

With their main center of power shattered, reptilian forces in secret outposts all over

the planet band together and are forced to take refuge within huge cavern systems that

had been discovered underground which remained intact.

These multi-leveled hydrothermal caverns become their new abode, especially a massive underground

system centered below the general region of Nepal and stretching from Benares, India to

Lake Manosarowar, Tibet.

Many of the former Gobi �Nordics� also escape underground, into recently discovered

cavern systems below the general region of Mongolia and central Asia.

As with the reptiloids, the �Nordics� carefully conceal the entrances to these underground

realms, in order to protect themselves from unwanted intruders.

Lower down, the Reptilian and Nordic cavern systems intersect, leading to inevitable underground

conflicts between the two super-powers.

Other Nordics migrate westward and give rise to those tribes which will eventually become

the Scandinavians, whereas other more fanatical factions invade India [the �Aryan� invasion

of the Indian sub-continent] and bring with them their �Hindu� traditions of �gods�,

who were essentially humans or �ancient astronauts� from earth, utilizing sophisticated


The reptilians and their underground �snake-world� also appear in Hindu traditions, which refer

to the reptiloids as the �Nagas�, a subterranean race of space-faring reptilians who are very

menacing to the human race.

Also, ancient vedic texts from India record accounts of strange machines, mercury-powered

airships called �vimanas�, and even nuclear warfare, resulting from the technology that

the 'Aryan' Nordics brought with them during the invasion of India.

150.000 B.C.

- The �Nordics� underneath the Gobi region [within the �Agharti� kingdom and its

capital �Shambhala the Lesser�] and the Reptiloids underneath the region of Nepal

[the seven-leveled reptilian underworld of �Patala�, with its capital �Bhoga-vita�]

continue to wage a species war against each other, first within the caverns of Asia, then

within the caverns of the Americas and other continents, then a war for domination of the

air, and finally taking their conflict to the Moon and Mars.

100.000 B.C.

- The Nordics and Reptiloids of the SOL system [and of Terra/Earth/Shan] discover hyperspace


America would discover how to manipulate hyperspace much later during the Philadelphia Experiment,

only 40 years following the Wright Brother�s first heavier-than-air flights.

Accessing hyperspace is relatively easy, the problem comes with trying to manipulate hyperspace

without tragic and dangerous side effects.

Over the next 70.000 years, - a large segment of the galaxy and several dimensions are colonized,

due to the advent of instantaneous interstellar and inter-dimensional travel.

Life forms on Earth had succeeded in "breaking out of the cradle".

In most cases the masses of the planet have been intentionally kept in technological darkness

and poverty, especially by the more malevolent star-faring groups, in order to provide a

constant supply of slaves, bio-genetic sources, and resources for various �alien� groups

which had their original genesis on planet Earth.

All throughout history regular �brain-drains� have recruited the most intelligent minds

that the surface of planet earth had to offer, these being initiated into the secret societies

which operate underground, off-planet or in other dimensions.

The war-like masses of planet Earth, who were considered a potential threat to the interventionists

and non-interventionists alike, are manipulated into a long-range plan of eco-political servitude.

The malevolent aliens are terrified at the prospect of a Nordic-backed �open� or

�free� society on planet Earth breaking out of the planetary �cradle� and thus

threatening their galactic empire; and the benevolent aliens are fearful at the prospect

of a Draco-backed �controlled� society [such as the Nazi space forces] being used

as mind-controlled warriors to fight the Draconians� galactic battles for them.

A Nazi/Bavaria space force based in Antarctica would eventually be responsible for helping

the Draco collective to enslave several worlds within the immediate 21 star-system sector

of the galaxy.

On earth these atrocities were being carried out by a third faction - the ASTARTE or ASHTAR

cult (nothing to do with the Ashtar Command), based in caverns below the Egyptian/Giza desert.

This cult - which much later had close ties with Nazi occult societies, elements of conventional

religiosities, and International Bankers who are the REAL controllers of the planet - forms

out of a collaboration between humanoid and Reptiloid techno-sorcerers who are part of

an interplanetary �Masonic� lodge style organization.

Fallen elements of the human and serpent [beast] races begin to develop genetically-engineered

bodies to be used by their Luciferian masters in order for their masters to operate in and

manipulate 3rd dimensional matter and technology.

Many of the so-called �Grey Aliens� are conceived.

Fallen elements from the three creations: angels, humans, and beasts, are now fully

collaborating as part of Lucifer�s ancient rebellion and conspiracy against the creative


The �Greys� are a frankensteinian combination of reptiloid, insectoid, humanoid and even

plant-like DNA combined with sophisticated cybernetics and implant technology which links

them into a group-mind, ultimately controlled and incarnated by fallen verities themselves

- Satanaku�s attempt to imitate God and �create� a race of his own.

It is not a creation however, but merely a perversion of that which has already been


The �Ashtar� collaboration by this time had been infiltrated and contaminated by the

rebel verities which manipulate much of this �universal� and non exclusive collective

by masquerading as �ascended masters�.

They eventually establish a large network based in Sirius-B. A faction however rises

in Sirius-A which resists the expansionist philosophy of the main �Ashtar� alliance

and becomes known as the Sirius A Alliance.

Since many within the Ashtar collective are linked together psionically via 3rd, 4th and

5th density implants, it was not too hard for the Draconians - who also have access

to 3rd, 4th and 5th density realms - to �hack in� to the collective and begin to manipulate

it, in spite of any good intentions of some of those semi-individuals who are a part of

the Ashtar Alliance.

Many of those �Nordics� who adhere to strict non-interventionist ethics establish

the core of their civilization near the Ring Nebula of Lyra, and the Reptiloids establish

the base of their empire in Alpha Draconis (Thuban), whereas other reptilian factions

who do not believe in the predatory activities of the �Draconians� themselves break off

and establish independent colonies in other star systems such as Capella (these reptilian

factions now serve tirelessly with the Cosmic Hierarchy to end the disharmony).

The next 1000 years see the Ashtar Collective largely ineffectual due to in-fighting and

internal sabotage, over time though the integrity of the collective was re-established leaving

this group as the foremost authority in the galaxy on the subversive tactics of the draconian


50.000 B.C.

- In a sudden surprise attack, the Alpha Draconian empire destroys three Nordic colonial worlds

in the Lyra region, many other planets were ravaged during these Lyran Wars by a group

known as the Draco Borg Collective.

The first thing that they did was subtlety infiltrate all strata of society and use implants

to exercise mind control.

They then systematically erode the collective soul matrix and assimilate the population

into their group memory complex, effectively replacing the soul history of the population

with their own memories, turning them into drones.

This is exactly what elements of that collective are attempting to do here now on this planet.

If you look around, you will see more and more people here that are just not home, they

seem oblivious to the highest good yet are driven by purpose alone which manifests as

selfish ambition.

Many world leaders are totally under the control of the dark forces and negative ET�s, many

actually have had physical surgery to implant cybernetic control mechanisms.

When this system was assimilated, a group who were not susceptible to these primitive

forms of mind control came to this system and established an outpost of the Sirian High

Command, their role has been education and peace keeping ever since.

Over 50 billion men, woman and children perished in the initial attacks on Lyra.

Vega Lyra escapes the destruction and is able to put up a defense, and receives some of

the surviving refugees from the devastated worlds, whereas other refugees escape to Rigel

Orion, and to the Pleiades cluster, where they commence to terra-form several worlds

which become the base of a large Federation of Worlds.

The Hyades and Andromeda constellations [not necessarily Andromeda galaxy] are colonized,

as are several worlds within the anti-matter [DAL] universe.

Much later in this period, an elite High Command is formed which comes to be known as the Circle

of Sirius, membership is strictly limited to monadic groups sourced of eternal verities

which due to their unalterable loyalty to the creators plan are immune to the negative

ego and mind control technology of the fallen verities.

32.000 BC

- The Nordics in Rigel, after massive infiltration by Draconian forces, wage a desperate war

against Reptilian and Grey forces.

The surviving Nordics are forced out of the Orion open cluster and take refuge on the

Jovian moons of Sol, in Sirius-A, and in Procyon.

Other humanoids flee to the outer Orionite systems, yet because of their close proximity

to the central empire must capitulate much of their sovereignty over to the Draconian


These peoples are used by the collective to serve the empire in a similar fashion as peasants

serve a king or dictator, yet on a much larger and more tragic scale.

18.000 BC.

- The Orion cluster is now fully controlled by the "United Worlds of Orion" which in turn

serves under the authority of the Alpha Draconian empire, Rigel and Bellatrix being major centers

of Orionite power.

This sub-empire of Orion consists all-in-all of six Orionite star systems at the core,

which have succeeded in conquering and subduing several worlds throughout this sector of the

galaxy in order to feed their empire�s parasitical lust for conquest, many of these worlds are

slave-planets where descendants of human colonials live, although their horrifying existence

could probably not be considered �living�.

The atrocities of the Draco-Orion empire are known throughout the whole galaxy and has

earned itself the title, among many of their Federation enemies, of "The Unholy Six".

Devastating battles are waged between the Pleiadeans and Orionites.

Whole worlds are devastated.

The Sirians, many of whom are descended from refugees from Rigel Orion, begin a long history

of interstellar conflict with the Orionites over the disputed sector of space, a star

cluster in the immediate vicinity of Sol, containing some 21 life-bearing star systems

and 287 inhabited worlds.

10.000 BC.

- Core systems of the Draconian collective include:

Alpha Draconis Rigel Orion

Epsilon Bootes Zeta II Reticuli

Core systems of the Ashtar Alliance include:

Sirius-B Arcturus

Aldebaran Altair

Core systems of the United Federation include:

Taygeta Pleiades Tau Ceti

Vega Lyra Procyon

To better understand these three networks, you could say that:

the United Federation�s MAIN focus is on spiritual development

whereas the Ashtar Alliance�s is on intellectual advancement and the development of the ideal

of Christed civilization and the Draconian�s on material conquest

We live in a universe of spirit, mind, and matter.

The important thing to remember however, is to ensure that spirit dominates over matter,

rather than the other way around [that is, a top-down flow of LIFE rather then a bottom-up

flow of CHAOS].

There are fallen verities who would try to counterfeit true spiritual LIFE.

You will know them by their �fruits�, and by their obsession with materialism, and

their advocation of material means for salvation of spirit, for instance so-called salvation

by surrendering to a psionic- electronic COLLECTIVE which discourages free agency, sovereignty,

creativity, liberty and self-expression.

Such a false �salvation� tends to KILL the spirit rather than set it free.

However, the Federated worlds MUST subdue and tame the Draconians, otherwise the Draconians

- who are motivated by unbounded material appetite just like their rebel/fallen angelic

masters - will annihilate the Federation worlds, which the Draconian collective considers to

be the only obstacle standing in the way of full galactic assimilation and conquest.

They are especially hostile to those hard-core non-interventionists who would try to police

the galaxy in an effort to prevent interventionist forces from interfering with the sovereignty

and destinies of independent worlds.

1.500 A.D.

- Draconian Reptiloids and Rigelian Greys try to attack and conquer the Nordic colonial

world in Procyon.

They fail, and use the excuse that it was all a mistake and misunderstanding.

Incredibly, the Rigelian Greys gain the confidence of certain self-serving members of Procyon

intelligence by offering to exchange advanced technology in order to make up for the harm

done to them as a result of being forced out of their former home-world in Rigel during

the Orion wars.

The Dracos/Greys gain access to all levels of Procyonian society through a Trojan-horse

type of subversion and infiltration.

At a critical point, the Dracos-Greys carry out a sudden coup, and Procyon falls to their


Many are killed and many, many Nordics are taken captive to be used as slaves or for

biological/DNA sources for experimentation.

Many of these mind-controlled Nordics are used to gain the trust of the inhabitants

of other targeted worlds, including planet Earth.

Procyon inter-dimensional freedom fighters finally liberate their people in the latter

part of the 20th century [earth-time].

The three MAJOR interstellar superpowers in this sector of the galaxy continue to expand

multi-dimensionally, wars rage, empires rise and fall into oblivion, whole civilizations

are enslaved and liberated, only to be enslaved again.

The battle between spirit and matter continues.

Many worlds which have lost the knowledge of their ancient genesis on planet earth begin

to discover the truth.

All eyes begin turning towards planet earth and to the galaxy-shaking events which are

beginning to form there.

The Creator continues to focus upon Earth with the mysterious and awesome plan to bring

the corrupted creation back into harmony utilizing ascendent aspects of loyal monads that have

been scattered among the stars.

The Creator Gods do not seek to destroy the material forces of chaos, but to cleanse them

and bring them back into alignment with the original plan and purpose of this Universe

and beyond.

This is accomplished individually.

We are God�s vessels to �tame� the material forces of the universe and bring them into

alignment with spirit.

Mankind originally possessed such supernatural dominion in the beginning, however they/we

forfeited it by succumbing to the lies of the fallen verities who possessed the �serpent�

race as described in Genesis chapter 3.

This effectively spawned suspicion and fear within humanity and the simple faith in God

which served as the conduit for the flow of divine LIFE was broken at our end, and our

supernatural dominion over nature was lost....

2.000 A.D.

- The conflict between the Pleiadeans and the Orionites is now focusing on planet earth

- which with its strategic location and resources and central role in galactic history is the

KEY to the success or failure of either side.

In Sirius, a massive civil war erupts as Draconian and Orionite infiltration of the Ashtar/Astarte

alliance is exposed by factions loyal to the Androme-Pleiadean non-interventionists.

Many within the Alliance:

especially in Sirius-A, begin to ally themselves with the Androme-Pleiadean Federationists,

whereas many within Sirius-B, including reptiloids, align themselves with the Draco-Orion collectivists.

A Draco-Orion backed armada, with battleships upwards of 50 miles long, leaves Sirius-B

at sub-light speeds in order to maintain third dimensional integrity [it�s easier to phase-in

to other-dimensional realities through exceeding light-speed, than it is to phase-back-in to

third dimensional reality from an other-dimensional mode].

Their destination is the SOL system, where they intend to help enforce an electronic

New World Order dictatorship that human agents of the Draco-Orion-SiriusB alliance - who

are members of international banking fraternities - have been implementing on earth from their


near Gizeh, Egypt Dulce, New Mexico [controlled by ciakars or

winged dracos, white dracos, and green dracos] Pine Gap, Australia (click here)

the German Thule Societies� M.A.L.T.A.

base in the Alsace-Lorraine region of Germany the �New Berlin� base in the New Schwabenland

region of Antarctica.

Massive abduction, indoctrination, and implantation programs targeting Earth�s citizens have

been carried out through previous decades in order to facilitate the take-over of planet

earth and its annexation into the Draconian-Orionite collective.

Massive Andromedan, Pleiadean, Tau Cetian, Procyonese, Arcturian, Iummite, Vegan, Koldasian

and other forces loyal to the United Federation and the non-interventionist directives have

established a massive �blockade� near the orbital sphere of Neptune in order to

prevent this sector including planet Earth from being interfered with by incoming Draconian-backed

forces, who are aware of their ancient genesis on planet earth and who are intent on overthrowing

or enslaving the human race at this critical time in our planet�s history, so that they

can take back �their� planet.

A-Z List of Aliens Operating on Earth Throughout History

More recent eventualities

- During the first half of 1996, a large mothership was found by the Andromedans to have parked

itself just outside our solar system in violation of a non-interference treaty negotiated in


The Ashtar Collective and the Sirian High Command reconnaissance later in 1996 revealed

a large number of draco/reptilian soldiers in cryogenic stasis on board.

The Andromedans have stated that the origin of the craft was the Ursa Minor system.

In 1997, the Draco Forces invaded the Sirius System in the arrogant belief that they will

be able to annihilate the headquarters of the Sirian High Command.

These forces were tricked into believing that they had the official sanction of key members

of the Ashtar Collective/Sirius A Alliance and were lured into a trap which devastated

the local battle fleet of the Draco/borg Collective.

The mothership in our solar system was then destroyed by the Ashtar Command when attempts

were made to enforce the surrender of the ship.

Since the 1997 almost annihilation of the Local Draco fleet by the Federation/Ashtar

Alliance, many negotiators have been busy traveling throughout the galaxy performing

ambassadorial functions to head off a possible Galactic War by negotiating some type of treaty

or truce.

The intended goal is to keep any conflict with remaining forces from expanding out beyond

as few a systems as possible.

Groups from the Pleaides, Procyon and Tau Ceti have been having confrontations with

those from both the Orion system and the Draconians within the outskirts of our solar system.

The action is designed to maintain the quarantine in our solar system.

It was reported that loss of life has occurred on both sides of the conflict.

Furthermore, seven ships are currently parked in Earth�s atmosphere with the purpose of

creating a blockade defense system for Earth.

The blockade consists of two Andromedan, two Pleaidian and three Procyon ships.

Procyon humanoids have recently become strong partners in the effort to quarantine Earth

so that we are given a chance to evolve on a natural basis.

The Procyon humanoids have been only recently liberated from the Dows (Greys), so they are

every supportive and compassionate regarding the position of the population on Earth.

Since 1998 another large armada of ships have however been amassing in the Sirius B system

pointing to a possible conflict between the Sirius B system and the Orion system over

the quadrant in which Earth is located.

Facts do however seem to support the existence of a shaky alliance between the two groups

that is maintained because of a common interest in the population of the Earth.

Although events in the continuum can change, at present it is believed that the armada

is largely in a standoff position.

A recent conference which included representatives from Sirius Alliances, the Orion Empire, the

Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Collective [No Dows (Greys) or Draconians (Reptilians)

were evidently present at this meeting] revolved around the subject of territorial rights and

quadrant title to certain parts of our Galaxy.

The official stand is that Earth be left alone so that we can be allowed to evolve without

further interference.

The Sirius High Command/Alliance-Ashtar Collective-Galactic Federation Group is more than capable of taking

on the entire Orion Empire on their own and they are not alone in their support of the

evolution of the sector in which Earth is located.

The so called negative ET groups active on Earth at this time are not officially sanctioned

by the Orion Empire or the Draco/Borg Collective, more so they are renegade elements of these

groups who do not desire peace for the galaxy.

The real solution to this is for everyone individually to clear their negative ego,

advance through the ascension process and clear their soul and monadic extensions.

Only this will see and end to this conflict for all time.

There is currently an agreement with the Draco Collective that they may abduct only people

who are walkins of their own.

The latest negotiations see the Draco Alliance acknowledging that their days are numbered,

many of the leaders are experiencing enlightenment and demonstrating willingness to cooperate

with the Federation to establish long term peace.

The warrior classes however have different ideas and know nothing other than the instinct

of domination and carnage.

We still have a long way to go, however if we all clear our negative egos then this will


The grays are developing a new human/reptilian hybrid with a soul matrix for them to embody


This is the purpose of the abductions and this work is supported by the Cosmic Hierarchy

provided free will is not violated.

Judgment and Persecution makes things polarize more.

Put yourself in the position of the Grays for a moment, they are unable to reproduce,

their development along scientific lines and self directed mutation over aeons of time

led them to destroy their soul matrix, if they do not develop a new hybrid matrix then

they will cease to exist.

This would be disastrous for this galaxy as they are meant to be embodying the �dark�

polarity in this creation, without them this creation cannot achieve its purpose of synthesis

of extreme polarities.

All beings involved need to get their heads out of a place where the sun does not shine

and forgive what has been, embrace the NOW opportunities for new learning, and so create

future moments of peace and harmony.

I have personally met several of the new hybrid reptilian/humans, and I like them, these new

embodiments of that polarity seek peace and understanding like we do.

The more ancient elements cannot be trusted, yet we must work with these new enlightened

aspects of that energy to restore integrity to the creators plan, if we as senior lightworkers

do not then there is no hope.

We must lead by example, we will and are leading by example and we are in the home stretch

of harmony and balance reigning again!

Each and every person who clears their negative ego effects a victory towards harmony and

peace within the galaxy which is a victory beyond measure!

How does this kind of thing happen?

Early scientists were attuned to the laws of nature and the energies of the world and

its land and to the energies of the universe.

But as technology and the scientific perspective gained momentum that link to spiritual truth

was gradually lost and fell away as a discarded robe.

Science became its own god, which meant it was given a form of worship and all discovery

and invention were hailed as the way ahead and the way of growth.

This is why science and its inventions in reality led to an impact that has devastated

the lands and its peoples and almost the planet itself.

When something becomes so powerful and important it brings reward and admiration and greatness

among the human races but it has lost its sensitivity and its link to the spirit and

therefore has gone astray and has not fulfilled what it could have done.

We are not speaking against progress, we are not speaking against the brilliance of some

minds and we are not speaking against man�s need for protection, shelter and growth but

we are saying that how wonderful it could have been if it had been attuned.

Before recorded history, in your work on many of the worlds in the universes, there are

examples where science is the servant rather than the master and has therefore retained

its balance and created a place of balance, unity love and peace.

Before recorded time the ancients used science to create, to build and to attune the energies

of the individual to the energies of the universe.

Such beings that then lived were completely in balance.

But as with your present world and over time and with contact with galaxies that were less

attuned and balanced, a regression and the worship and pursuit of ways not consistent

with the forces of the universe began and continued.

We are not saying this was wrong and we are not saying this was right, it just was or

as we would now say it is the is.

It is also part of the cycles that characterize most civilizations in all its forms.

And so, while science is necessary and essential it is better balanced with spiritual awareness.

Can we give an example?

Nuclear fission has such wonderful potential but without the spirit has become a devastation

for your world.

If the �scientists� that worked with this energy had been attuned to the spirit and

to the universal consciousness you would see such energy replacing the sources that scourge

the earth.

Mankind has the potential to harness the energy for good but man also has the potential to

employ the energy to enlist fear that leads to conflict, destruction and devastation.

This is not the only example.

Your ozone layer and the holes therein, your smog filled cities and the layers of chemically

polluted silt covering so much of your ocean shores are other examples.

As the new beginning grows into a continuum of growth there will be the opportunity to

reverse much of what has happened, but we must first bring mankind to an awareness of

the spirit, the universal consciousness and that each in God.

Once this is realized all that happens will happen in and to restore and maintain balance.

For when the spirit is glowing and vibrating with pure radiant energy, the thoughts that

lead to inventions and discoveries are also glowing, vibrant and pure.

It is important that each one who hears this message reflects on at least one discovery

that has created imbalance.

If you replace that invention in you mind by thinking of how it could have been different

and served mankind then all such thoughts will link into the universal consciousness

from which those who do discover can draw ideas that will change and develop positive

and balanced outcomes.

It can also help mankind rediscover the wisdom and power of the ancients, for herein is the

way to future growth and

a future balanced universe.

For more infomation >> The Major Events in the Galaxy Which Have Shaped Mankind's History - Duration: 35:39.


X Ambassadors: "Ahead of Myself" - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> X Ambassadors: "Ahead of Myself" - Duration: 4:06.


دورايمون في العالم الحقيقي || نوبي وشيزو - ضحك بلا حدود || جديد سبيس تون 2017 - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> دورايمون في العالم الحقيقي || نوبي وشيزو - ضحك بلا حدود || جديد سبيس تون 2017 - Duration: 6:25.


表計算テク 機密漏洩対策 秘密の数式を消して結果だけにする方法 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 表計算テク 機密漏洩対策 秘密の数式を消して結果だけにする方法 - Duration: 3:16.


參觀景賢里 | SalinaLi - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 參觀景賢里 | SalinaLi - Duration: 4:17.


English Listening Comprehension - Ep. 02 (Mid Speed) - Duration: 2:07.

Weilà weilà raga!

How's it going guys?

I hope you're all doing great today!

This is yet another English listening comprehension video.

Today I will be talking to you guys in a little bit more of a faster pace than I did in my

last video.

But, as always you can activate the subtitles by clicking "CC" down below.

Today I'd like to talk to you guys a little bit about something nice that has happened

to me as a result of studying foreign languages.

Simply put, studying languages has opened up my world and my mind.

And how has that been possible?

Well, languages enable you to communicate with people that live in other parts of the world.

So, for example, I have friends that live in other countries and because I know how

to speak their languages I'm able to learn about a wide range of things.

For example, what it's like to go to school in their country, to work there, and also

just to know what the general everyday life is like for someone who lives in that country.

I'm always interested to learn about these kinds of things and thanks to foreign languages

I'm able to learn them.

So here's my question for you guys today, and you can leave me your responses down below

in the comment section.

Share with me something good that has happened to you as a result of learning another language.

I'm really interested to find out!

Thanks so much guys, as always, for tuning and checking out this video!

I really hope that you liked it!

And always remember to spread the love guys!

I'll catch you all in the next video.


For more infomation >> English Listening Comprehension - Ep. 02 (Mid Speed) - Duration: 2:07.


Guide facial beauty simply with a cup of water filter 10 people, 99 people do not know - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Guide facial beauty simply with a cup of water filter 10 people, 99 people do not know - Duration: 10:28.


Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Süper Chat Nedir - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Süper Chat Nedir - Duration: 4:29.


பிக் பாஸ் நாடகம்!! ஜூலியின் நடிப்பால் மாட்டிகொண்ட VIJAY TV | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> பிக் பாஸ் நாடகம்!! ஜூலியின் நடிப்பால் மாட்டிகொண்ட VIJAY TV | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> БАЗОВАЯ СТРАТЕГИЯ В БЛЕКДЖЕКЕ - Duration: 3:25.


Money or...??? Why Latina Date Foreign !!! Open Talk - Duration: 5:12.

ok i will respond,i think it is a stereotype

all Latinas like

...all the blacks

it do not matter the type of girl, Colombian or not,

or any from Latin America,they like Foreigners

i think , lets say some my think, it could be

and others

generally it does not matter of you are Black or a white man.

and you , what do you think...

i think that...

in Colombia,

it is easy for women,to visit other countries as a girl

because here there are too many beautiful women... but

the boys,practically they are not handsome...


but obviously

it is due to the differences

and you...,

me too i think the same , most Latina like foreigners in General,

not only Gringos,


Go out with someone different..

..calls for attention

The differences in Culture, different countries,

guys from different countries

you will find foreign guys have ,different heights, but i do not mean all...

That is true, The skin color is also different,

everything is different...

different ascents...and that calls for attention.

and , generally Latinas like to find new people from other places, in general,

...mmmh yes different cultures, and for many things..

is it for the culture or... other people it is because of Money...

when everyone thinks a foreign guy has Money

is it for that or?

we can say everything... is an important factor..

so, which type of men do you like?

which ones?

a good kind person or..

a person with Money?

which is your type of man?

generally... a nice person

money is important but as a side thing

so we can say money NO but it is a factor too

the attitude is the most Important...


thank you so much for the interview...

thank you...

For more infomation >> Money or...??? Why Latina Date Foreign !!! Open Talk - Duration: 5:12.


Calma Bambino | Rime Per I Bambini | Filastrocche In Italiano | Prescolare Canzoni - Duration: 1:01:48.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word

Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.

If that mockingbird won't sing,

Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring turns brass,

Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.

If that looking glass gets broke,

Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.

If that billy goat won't pull,

Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.

If that cart and bull turn over,

Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.

If that dog named Rover won't bark,

Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.

If that horse and cart fall down,

You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.

So hush little baby, don't you cry,

Daddy loves you and so do I.

For more infomation >> Calma Bambino | Rime Per I Bambini | Filastrocche In Italiano | Prescolare Canzoni - Duration: 1:01:48.


Good Dinosaur Boss Baby Finger Family Song Nursery rhymes Playdoh - Duration: 0:54.

Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

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