Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

IT's time for another Adventure. Çengelköy Plus Bosphorus

Hello everyone my name is Darren Burch and what a lovely surprise to have you

here yes Now I'm gonna go down to Çengelköy and

have a look at some of the shops and I'm gonna take you with me

yes I'm not gonna show you all the shops No, just to couple them and later on

I'll take you down to the waterfront to show you the Bosphorus and the Bosphorus

Bridge Isn't that a surprise for me yay. Hey hello

everyone my name is Darren Burch Oh better get out the way it's a busy

little road. Anyway I'm in Çengelköy and I'm gonna show you around

yes most of Istanbul roads are made up of these bricks and they're

everywhere. Most of the main streets are made up of them. Makes your ride very

bumpy and I guess they're easy to repair. You just uplift them fix the piping and

then just relay them. Easy so yeah I'm just walking down the street at the moment

I'm gonna go down to the water

Now Çengelköy Has lots of shops yes mainly mainly food shops they serve a lot of

Kababs menemen or sorts of food yes and there's some real nice dessert

shops here as well

There's a lot of old houses here. Wooden houses brick houses

See what I mean. Dessert shops

very very very very busy place

go this way

There's another famous chocolate place it's just here

And they sell a lot of chocolates in this place here. They'll got a little

fountain in there as well. The pours pure chocolate

Very hot today

Now this where I really wanted to take you. Yeah I want to show you the water

Show you the Bosphorus sea and one of the bridges. Either side of me is

restaurants and is restaurants everywhere

It's a very very very busy harbour container ships coming in from the

Black Sea the European side

Going right through Istanbul 24/7

they've got a new tunnel now that goes underneath this sea. It goes through one

end and goes out the other. So they've got three bridges and one tunnel and you

can actually take your car on a boat as well

Lots of Fury's. Over there is same container ships, over there.

And there's plenty more

Now eating ice cream

I'm trying to keep the camera steady

This is where I get my nuts from. Unsalted nuts

Lots of Herbs in there. All sorts of stuff.

This is where I am going

Going into here

City dogs


I'd love to say thank you very much for all those people out there

who have been watching my videos. Now I better go. Because I've got to put this

video together now and I'll catch you guys later and have a wonderful weekend

which is only a couple days away all right so see you later catch you later

Signing out

IT's time for another Adventure. Çengelköy Plus Bosphorus

For more infomation >> IT's time for another Adventure Çengelköy and Bosphorus - Duration: 10:36.


Download free music -2017- [tutorial]-HD- - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Download free music -2017- [tutorial]-HD- - Duration: 1:41.


Casablanca - Aerial Magic Views (Morocco)REACTION VIDEO - Duration: 4:11.

hello ladies and gentilemen welcome back well basically I've been to this city

Casablanca and I didn't walk around there but hey man someone wanted me

to actually react to it I wish I was that when this video shoot but up anyway

let's get right into this video i will leave for you the link and dont forget to subscribe and

let's see

how is getting amazing go

like a clock tower


well i just rember when i was up in the against sky flying

Wow Wow that is completely amazing Wow I really know that I appreciate

something it's not a mosque


compared through


shit is actually lit yo

oh snap let me see how actually it looks

yes it is really cool but i just didnt see any light signal to actuall run controll

you go man thank you guys once my family bring this for you guys you know and

it's every magic view and that was pretty cool man hey man I've been

holiday I've seen a lot of these already so it's pretty much not everything new

because I've seen it bites pretty cool and beautiful actually love that

building I see and what else can I say man

I was definitely if you guys have some more different area morocco don't forget

to leave that in the comment section I would definitely take a look at it and

bring it up for you guys and guys we still grinding man let's grind 100k I

cant wait to get there and I'll see you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> Casablanca - Aerial Magic Views (Morocco)REACTION VIDEO - Duration: 4:11.


3 Ways to Use Rosemary - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 3 Ways to Use Rosemary - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:01.


How to make a gaming logo in Illustrator | Logo for YouTube Channel | Cool and Awesome Gaming logo. - Duration: 7:18.

Create a new bg with any size

select rectangle tool

now try to make a head phone

For more infomation >> How to make a gaming logo in Illustrator | Logo for YouTube Channel | Cool and Awesome Gaming logo. - Duration: 7:18.


Hé Lộ Tử Vi thứ 7 ngày 22/7/2017 của 12 con giáp Xem tu vi hang ngay thu bay 12 con giap hàng ngày - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> Hé Lộ Tử Vi thứ 7 ngày 22/7/2017 của 12 con giáp Xem tu vi hang ngay thu bay 12 con giap hàng ngày - Duration: 13:04.


مثلجات الفواكه / تحضير مثلجات بالفاكهه اللذيذه الصيفيه ( ستيك الفواكه ) | مطبخ ميني - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> مثلجات الفواكه / تحضير مثلجات بالفاكهه اللذيذه الصيفيه ( ستيك الفواكه ) | مطبخ ميني - Duration: 10:17.


Hell is for Cabal Part One - Duration: 15:40.

Hell is for Cabal (Part One)

Author Note: This is by no means a complete investigation of the subject matter, rather

it is meant to raise awareness, spark debate, and encourage readers to undertake their own


By David Nova

The concept of Hell seems to have gone out of fashion in most spiritual belief systems,

the exception still being fundamentalist Christian dogma.

The idea of Hell has largely been rejected because of the inherent contradiction that

a loving, forgiving, compassionate God would never judge and sentence a soul to eternal


This is perhaps an aspect of our societal rejection of a supreme parental deity that

indiscriminately hands out rewards and punishments for human behavior, a divine trait that in

hindsight seems very anthropomorphic (having human characteristics).

However, most modern accounts, from channeled material to actual descriptions from near-death

experience have informed us that the experience of Hell does exist, but that it is neither

eternal nor a divine punishment.

It is simply a transitional experience of self-purification.

Between the earth realm and the heavenly realms, there exists two hellish realms, the first

being an earthbound realm.

Consider some of these observations from near-death experiences:

�Hell refers to levels of negative thought-forms that reside in close proximity to the earth


It is where we go to work out, or remain within, our hang-ups, addictions, fears, guilt, angers,

rage, regrets, self-pity, arrogance, or whatever else blocks us from the power of our own light.�



�The difference between life on earth and life in the spirit is that your spirit world

corresponds to your inner nature.�

NORA SPURGIN What we have sown in our human incarnation,

we reap in the afterlife.

This is not a legal system of punishments for sins, but rather an organic process in

which we are responsible for creating our own experience.

If we embody love, we experience love.

If we embody hate, we experience hate.

On Earth, we have plenty of psychological tactics to hide from ourselves, deceive ourselves,

to justify our selfishness or evil deeds.

In the spirit world we experience our true inner nature without any ability to hide from


�In the spirit world, everyone lives in the kind of heaven or hell that they have

prepared for themselves while on earth.�


�The general rule of thumb is this: hellish life, hellish afterlife � heavenly life,

heavenly afterlife.

Death will not change a hellish life into a heavenly afterlife, nor does it change a

heavenly life into a hellish afterlife.�



Perhaps one way to visualize this earthbound lesser Hell is as a water filter.

After death, if our souls are relatively pure we simply pass through this filter without

friction, without delay.

However, if our souls have impurities, if we contain heavy metals and toxins, we are

stuck in that filter until the impurities are left behind, until we are freed from our

self-imposed chains.

Unfortunately, we sometimes cling to our pain, our hate, our anger, our self-destruction,

our darkness as an aspect of our ego or personality, something that we simply will not release.

Because there is little or no sense of time in the afterlife, Hell might last for a second

yet seem like an eternity.

�What people call hell is really a spiritual time-out condition in which souls reflect

and work out the things that blocked them from the power of their own light.�



�In hell, we have the opportunity to either revel in our folly or come to grips with the

reality of consequences � that every action has a reaction, what is inflicted on another

can be returned in kind.

This is not a punishment for our sins but a confrontation with any distortion of our

sense of values and priorities.�



Here is the catch � while many damaged souls may spend a short sojourn in these unpleasant

earthbound realms to confront the reality of their negative beliefs and behavior, other

souls actually revel in their �folly� and decide that it is better to rule in darkness

than face the Light.

These souls dig themselves even deeper into darkness, perhaps into what many near-death

testimonies commonly refer to as the �Void,� a realm of complete and profound darkness.

There are various degrees of darkness to this realm, and it is darker and denser at the

center than at its outer fringes.

The closer we are to the outer edges, the more interaction there is with others in the



�After death people gravitate into homogenous groups according to the rate of their soul�s

vibrations much like throwing a small pebble into a threshing machine.

It goes into the box that fits its proper size and weight.

After death, we are sorted by the high or low vibrations of our soul.

Everyone goes where they fit in!

High vibrations indicate love and spiritual development, while low vibrations indicate

debasement and evil.

All one has to do is to love so unselfishly that their soul-vibrations rise high enough

to fit into heaven.�


There are barriers at every level of ascension in place to keep the low low, and to challenge

the high to remember it is high.

In the afterlife, we are drawn toward those who share our vibration level.

As in a glass of pond water, the sludge settles on the bottom of the glass, the clear liquid

rises to the top.

This is an organic process that is guided and protected by guardians.

Over the past few decades, the internet and collective humanity has become much more aware

of the existence of dark souls.

We call them by many names: the new world order, luciferians, satanists, cabal, illuminati,

bloodlines, occult elite, and the powers that be/were.

And we have become much more aware of the unimaginable scope of their darkness: mind

control, pedophilia, ritual abuse, torture, murder, infanticide, cannibalism, and things

that sane human beings simply cannot fathom, a darkness too deep for many of us to penetrate.

Our Universe seems to be constructed to encourage accelerated polarization of darkness and light.

The process of ascension is more like a spiral than a staircase.

Those souls who choose darkness spiral down into an addiction of deeper darkness.

Those who choose light spiral up by releasing attachments.

When there is very little light, we say it is dark.

So-called dark forces are groups of souls that have very little light.


Because they have denied it in themselves, either consciously or unconsciously.

This is not to say that such dimly lit souls cannot wreak incredible havoc; indeed they

have for millions of years.

They live in a world of illusions, spun by dreams of fear and hate, but as long as they

believe in this nightmare, the nightmare will continue, albeit in one form or another.


These dark or dimly lit souls have created a Hell for themselves.

According the psychic Edgar Cayce, this Void of darkness was not fashioned by the One Infinite

Creator � it only came into existence as a consequence of these beings who created

this darkness for themselves.

Separation consciousness created its own Hell.

After death, one may find themselves in a particular degree of darkness that most closely

corresponds to the degree of the absence of love in one�s life.

Outer darkness is not a punishment.

It is a region which operates lawfully for the benefit of those who are there.

This region is not a realm which was created for any soul to experience, but one which

came about as a consequence of the negative activity of souls in creation.

So great has been the desire for self, so monumental across time and space has been

the selfishness of some of God�s creatures, that this realm is the creation or manifestation

of their own collective activities.

Outer darkness and the reality with which it is associated were created and are held

in place by collective self-interest.


Service-to-Self beings created Hell for themselves to experience separation from the One Infinite

Creator, so that they could experience themselves as creator gods.

This is the allegorical story of Lucifer�s fall from Heaven.

However, the fall is not the end of the story.

The darkness is allowed to �lawfully� operate as long as it provides an opportunity

for spiritual rehabilitation and growth.

The problem for some souls is they prefer darkness rather than the light for one reason

or another.

For some of these souls, their only hope is reincarnation.

This is because it is not possible for any soul to be confined in the earthbound and

Void realms forever.

God is infinitely merciful and would never abandon anyone to their own spiritual agony

for too long; however, God allows souls to remain there only as long as it suits their

spiritual growth.


Thus the only exit out of the Void is either by turning to the Light or through reincarnation

� spiritual rehabilitation or spiritual growth.

Neither path is a �get out of jail free card.� The soul must choose a path to confront

it own distortion and balance its karma.

This inevitably requires many more lifetimes in a reincarnation cycle.

At some point in eternity the dark soul can choose to change the path it is on and work

its way back into the Light.

As I have written before, in the past few years there has been a paradigm shift in spiritual

beliefs, veering away from more traditional beliefs about reincarnation/the afterlife,

toward a belief system the espouses a soul catching net, or a false Light that manages

a reincarnation process that serves to keep us imprisoned in The Matrix.

Related Post: The Misunderstood Matrix of Karma, Reincarnation, and Soul Contracts

There is a misconception that many people have about reincarnation.

Some assume that after death, people immediately reincarnate without inhabiting various spirit

realms in between earth lives.

Near-death experience accounts affirm that we do not immediately reincarnate after death.

The reason is because time does not exist in the spirit realms.

This belief system seems to focus exclusively upon the theory of soul entrapment of human

light workers by interdimensional dark forces.

Yet I have found that this theory completely neglects to address the circumstance of dark

souls, luciferians, illuminati (Service-to-Self entities) upon death.

Proponents of this belief system often advise their followers that they should avoid �stepping

into the light� when they are faced with their own transition after death, faced with

the concept of a life review, faced with a decision to spiritually move forward.

As such, I find this spiritual advice to be highly suspect.

In whose interest is it that we not �step into the light?�

What proponents of this belief system fail to acknowledge is that the same reincarnation

system that they reject out of hand is what serves to quarantine the darkness to the lowest

realms of the Universe.

The rub is that each one of us personally believes the he or she shouldn�t be quarantined

here either.

I guarantee you that the illuminati feel the same way.

This concept of soul imprisonment on Earth, reflects the illuminati frustration with their

own spiritual imprisonment.

Consider the ultimate technological goals of the illuminati on Earth are immortality

and transhumanism.


Could it be they know where they go upon death, they know that their souls return, and they

are determined to escape the torment of the Void by any means.

Many sources have suggested that demonic entities are fearful of incarnating into our world

as they would be subject the same law of amnesia.

And so they fight to enter our world by other means, by soul possession.

Why are they so desperate to enter our world?

Perhaps to escape the darker impotence of the Void.

�Without physical bodies, feelings of hate and fear are intensified as souls [in hell]vainly

try to hide from their enemies.

Their only hope is to reincarnate.

Then unfortunately when they do, they may forget all about their torment in hell and

again lead lives of greed and tyranny.

This miserable cycle can continue forever unless they find salvation in one of their


Such people really need a savior, since they are not able to help themselves.

I�m sure Christ incarnated to help them because he said, �I came not to call the

righteous, but sinners to repentance.��


�The law of karma demands that we meet every bit of our karmic debts.

However, an even greater law exists, the law of forgiveness.

If we wrong someone and that person forgives us, when the day comes that we approach God,

we realize our memories which are incompatible with God, but forgiveness removes the barrier

of separation.

The law is so precise (what one gives one receives; no exceptions) that if we begin

forgiving others, we begin to receive forgiveness upon ourselves.

Unless, of course, we refuse to forgive ourselves.�

EDGAR CAYCE In Part Two, I will take a step beyond Hell,

and explore what a negative Service-to-Self ascension might look like � Hell on steroids.

David Nova is the author of the metaphysical fiction series �Season of the Serpent.�

He is a truth-seeker, a Wanderer, a blogger, and the moderator of Deus Nexus: Messages

For An Entangled Universe.

For additional information about

the author or his novels, visit his website, or his Facebook page.

For more infomation >> Hell is for Cabal Part One - Duration: 15:40.


Shadow People Stories of Sleep Paralysis and Strange Entities - Duration: 9:20.

Shadow People Stories of Sleep Paralysis and Strange Entities

Have you ever heard of sleep paralysis, or people seeing shadowy figures/entities in

the state of sleep paralysis?

The concept came up in my life recently when my little sister was forced to get a DTaP

vaccine, and she started having some strange experiences.

She didn�t have sleep paralysis, where you wake up and can�t move (usually in a state

of terror), but she saw some shadowy figures moving throughout her room.

She saw her cat meow and hiss in an unusual state of terror at the shadow figures.

This interested me, and so I started to research �shadow people� and sleep paralysis.

Surprisingly the phenomena is so common Wikipedia even has an article about it.

According to Wiki:

�A shadow person (also known as a shadow figure, shadow being or black mass) is the

perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, particularly as interpreted

by believers in the paranormal or supernatural as the presence of a spirit or other entity.

A number of religions, legends, and belief systems describe shadowy spiritual beings

or supernatural entities such as shades of the underworld, and various shadowy creatures

have long been a staple of folklore and ghost stories.�

This reminded me of an experience I had 3 years ago.

When I didn�t have a place to live in Seattle, my friend and I would sleep in the back of

a truck that our friend would park for us to sleep in.

One morning, my friend got sleep paralysis and woke up unable to move next to me in the


He saw shadowy figures surrounding the truck, and he was filled with what he described as

the worst terror he�d ever felt.

Then when I sat up awake, his paralysis stopped and the entities disappeared.

So here are some other accounts I found online about �shadow people.�

According to an anonymous comment on the forum Godlikeproductions:

�The black shadow entity always pounces on me and when I try to scream for help or

move I�m paralysied, but recently I am able to break out of the paralysis right before

it pounces, and when I do I am just where I thought I was and was not dreaming.

The whole episode lasts only a few moments, but I have trained my body to be aware of

the paralysis coming on.

Coming out of the paraylisis is kind of hard but if I can do it so could anyone.

Thats why I think its not sleep paralysis my body makes to protect me from moving around

while dreaming�cause I move around while dreaming, so does my girlfriend.

Its induced paralysis, done by the shadow entities, and used to access my body for some


The shadow entities use it to subdue the �victim�.

Since I have also had an �old hag experience�, where a gargoyle looking creature was sitting

on my chest looking at me, and me being totally paralysied in my bed looking at it, I have

come to the conclusion the shadow entities and gargole like creatures are probably the

same type of �shadow animal�.

For some reason they usually only attack when I am sleeping on my back.�

According to another comment on the thread:

�Interesting topic indeed.

If only I had the desire to elaborate my stories in finite detail.

But I don�t.

By now I have become a bit protective of my stories, especially any strange metaphysical


I will share a little however, as I think it may be beneficial to some.

Its a bit �woo wooic� but I experienced it so in my world it is real.

I used to practice OBE, starting around age 14.

I became proficient at it by 16.

One of the key components of OBE is a state similar to �sleep paralasis� where the

body becomes so relazed it is practically numb.

There are many other sensations and whatnot, but this is a part of the experience, where

the experiencer disassociates themselves form the body.

That part should be in bold, disassociates from the body.

I know of many types of entities.

These ones that you are calling Shadow Entities well your title is �inconclusive.

You could more accurately define them as �Powerful men and women who know very special techniques

for assuming control of a physical body of another human�.

This would be a mouthful I suppose but accurate.

I know I know your very evident arguement �but they are NOT men and/or women�.

Once the energetic essence is capable of travel (without the corperal shell) a practitioner

of such arts could form themselves into nearly any immaginable or unimmaginable shape or


Now, I give a gift of my collected knowledge, OP you may find this very handy.

When you see or suspect a nearby �strange entity or energy form� point your pinky

finger at it, and in your mind (or aloud if you so choose) say �True form� with the

clear intent of seeing their true form.

You will see your shadow turn into a blob of �light� with a strange hue, take note

of the shape and hue, humans are roundish, as are most organics� It will take them

weeks to recover from this one simple maneuver (you basically �broke� their form, which

they can and will repair).

The entity may return, but it is unlikely, as you have made it known to them that you

are not completely powerless.

Also remember that the FEELING of being powerless makes you so.

This could be called �the Dark side of The Secret�, the very art that governments and

religious institutions use for the �benefit of humanity�.

Rule of thumb: Only one conciousness can have control of your vehicle at any given time.

If someone steals your car, and gets into an accident, you might not be held accountable.

It is not the same with your Body, as all evidence points to You.

Reccommendation: If you are plagued by these things, learn as much as you can about your

abilities to protect yourself, shield yourself, and repel them.

I prefer letting them taste, and see for themselves that I am not palatable to them at all, most

people are quite tastey however!!�

According to another comment on the same thread:

�You�re not gonna find any �Psychology Report� on it�

Because that shit is REAL.

It ain�t no dream.

I think it has to do with the time of the year and the spirit world, I believe� but

that was happening frequently to me about a year ago.

My experiences were somewhat different though.

I�d wake up, sit up, or just open my eyes, and there would be a white mist in a corner

of the ceiling in my bedroom, or �standing� in the corner by my bedroom door.

They like corners.

One morning, really early, I woke up to a �Person� walking across my bedroom, by

the foot of my bed.

I think it was a woman.

But I couldn�t see the face.

It was walking strangely.

Almost like in the movies, just not as dramatized.

And guess where the �Person� was headed?

For the corner by my bedroom door.

I was sitting up in bed watching it and they walked over to the corner, and just stood

there facing the wall.

Scared the hell out of me.

I covered my head up with the blankets.

That was the worst experience.

They gradually stopped happening after that.

I�ve never experienced sleep paralysis.

Even though I�ve been quite scared while seeing these things.

I�ve never seen a black figure though.

It�s usually always with the black figure that people experience sleep paralysis.

And that makes sense doesn�t it?�

What do you think about shadow people or sleep paralysis?

This appears to be a very common phenomena.

I�ve never personally experienced it, but it�s become very interesting to me.

If you also find it interesting, research away.

There is interesting info all over the internet if you search hard.

For more infomation >> Shadow People Stories of Sleep Paralysis and Strange Entities - Duration: 9:20.


Syria before and after the war سوريا قبل وبعد الحرREACTION VIDEO - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> Syria before and after the war سوريا قبل وبعد الحرREACTION VIDEO - Duration: 9:18.


More Accurate Headlines: Lifelong Liars Not That Great at Lying - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> More Accurate Headlines: Lifelong Liars Not That Great at Lying - Duration: 2:54.


Bachatas 2017 Lo Mas Romanticas - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata 2017 Mix - Duration: 1:00:23.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachatas 2017 Lo Mas Romanticas - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata 2017 Mix - Duration: 1:00:23.


DIY Pineapple Marquee Light - HGTV Handmade - Duration: 4:09.

Hi guys, I'm Karen Kavett, welcome back to HGTV Handmade.

Today we are going to make this fun pineapple marquee light.

It's actually a lot easier to make than it looks, and you can totally take this technique

and adapt it to any other shape that you want to make.

So, let's get started.

So you'll want to start with a pattern showing the outline and where your lights will be


Tape that together and cut it out.

Now I'm using a piece of museum board for the main pineapple shape.

You can definitely use cardboard instead, you just want it to be sturdy enough so that

it can stand up without flopping over.

So trace your pattern and use a craft knife to cut it out from the museum board.

Once you have that cut out, place your pattern back on top and use a thumbtack to poke a

hole through the center of each circle, and this is where each of your lights is going

to go.

Once you have all of them marked, grab some string lights and have them on hand.

Use your craft knife to cut a plus sign and then a circle at each point, and you want

them just big enough for your string lights to poke through.

Once you have all of your circles cut out for your lights, put the pineapple aside for

a minute and grab some posterboard.

Cut the posterboard into two inch strips.

Then you can also cut a two inch wide rectangle for the bottom of the pineapple, and I cut

this one out of museum board so it would be a nice solid base for the light to stand on.

Now before you start gluing, draw a line that's a half inch in from the side.

Then put down a line of hot glue and glue it to the bottom of the pineapple.

You can add more glue to the back to make sure it's really stuck on there.

Now we're going to add the sides.

Once again, drawing this line is really helpful to make sure you're gluing in a straight


So just add your hot glue a few inches at a time and glue the posterboard to the sides

of the museum board.

Once you've finished the main pineapple body, the top is a little tricky, but just

take your time and bend the posterboard around each of the curves, gluing it as you go.

When you get to the top, leave a little tab to attach the two pieces together.

And then you can add more glue onto the seams.

And also onto the back to make sure the sides are really solidly on there.

Now you could totally leave this white if you're going for a modern, clean look, but

I decided to paint mine.

I did two coats of paint, making sure to paint both the inside and the outside.

Once the paint is dry, we're almost done.

Just take your string lights and poke them through the holes, using masking tape to tape

down the wires.

And then flip it over and grab a handful of ping pong balls.

Use your craft knife to cut an x into each one and then stick them onto the string lights.

You shouldn't need any glue here, they should just stick right on there.

And that's it.

We've made this fun pineapple marquee light, which is the perfect summertime decoration

for a party or just for your room.

But of course, safety first, string lights shouldn't get hot enough to cause any danger,

but I still wouldn't recommend leaving it on unattended, just in case.

So I hope you guys liked that project.

Let me know in a comment right down below what shape you would make your marquee light.

Maybe a flamingo, a unicorn, the first letter of your name.

And as always, be sure to like and subscribe if you liked this video, and I'll see you

guys next time.

For more infomation >> DIY Pineapple Marquee Light - HGTV Handmade - Duration: 4:09.


Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.57 [ENG/2017.07.21] - Duration: 35:57.

Cheongju Women's Prison?


I guess I'll get to see what a mess you are.

Hey. You should apply.

(Wid Fashion Design Competition)

Okay, Yeori.

Let's go back into Wid Group

to find Bom and get Jiwon.

Just wait, Jiwon.

Music, cue.


This is Cheongju Women's School's very own

designer, 1894.

This is the only place in the world

where you can see her special fashion show!

♪ Trust me ♪

♪ I will only look at you ♪

♪ I will keep you in my arms ♪

♪ Forever ♪

Time for bed!

Did you hear

they're awarding some prisoners parole during

the special amnesty?

- Yes. / - Did you have a good dream?

You're a model inmate.

I pray every day.

That I get out and find Bom.

Listen up.

There will be a special lecture on fashion today.

We have a special guest coming to give the lecture,

so behave yourselves.

What a treat.

Let's ask the lecturer afterwards,

whether our designs are marketable.

Shall we?

I wanted an expert opinion anyway. What luck.

Please come in.

She's here.

Gu Haeju.


I'm the manager of Wid Fashion's design team,

Gu Haeju. I'm here to give you a lecture on fashion.

The world-renowned designer Chanel once said

that fashion changes, but style endures.

What could that mean?

It means, fashion trends change quickly,

but each person's personal style does not change.

Thus, each person's personal style

is key to fashion design.

Son Yeori!

Long time no see.

I made time in my busy schedule just to see you.

You can't just leave.

The lecture ended, so leave.

Don't start with me.

It's the perfect fit.


The prison uniform looks great on you.

It looks the best on you

among all the outfits I saw you in.

Your family is the one

who'd look good in prison uniforms.

What nonsense is that?

Did I scare your family that much?

Trying to extend my sentence so that I can't get out.

Making false reports against my parents' restaurant.

It wasn't out of fear.

You were like an annoying cockroach

that we wanted to get rid of.

I'm sure.

If you have a conscience at all,

seeing me must remind you of

all the low things you people did.

You still talk big, even in prison.

I guess it's because you were once a lawyer.

But you can yap all you want.

You're not a lawyer anymore.

You can't do anything

once you get out of here.

I wonder if you're right.

You're the one who seems more nervous than me.


Your dad might be rich

but he's a vegetable now thanks to your mom.

Your mom stole her husband's position.

Your husband would betray you at any moment

just to get what he needs. That rat, Kim Muyeol.

Your mom, dad and husband.

Even your kids, fortune, health, career.

Others may think you have it all,

but strangely enough, I don't envy you one bit.

So don't start with me in here.

Look after your own self, Gu Haeju.

Hey, you.

Why are you taking sewing and design classes?

Don't tell me you want to become a designer.

What is that?

- Gu Haeju! / - Do you think anyone...

Would hire an ex-con?

Not as long as I'm alive.

I'll stop you.

Give that back.

Fashion style isn't all that remains the same.

Your dirty nature...

That's your personal style.

Welcome home, my little puppies.

Are you home alone?

No. Your grandpa's home too.

May we go see him?

I miss him.

I haven't seen him in so long.

Your other grandma said

not to let anyone in the study.

I want to see grandpa.


I'm sure he misses hearing his grandkids' voices too.

You have to be quick.

Look at his face and come right out, okay?

- Okay! / - Okay!

I'll stand guard outside.

If anyone comes out

or comes home, I'll make this sound.

You have to run out, okay?

- Okay! / - Okay!

Grandpa, it's me, Gaya.


Please wake up soon.

I hate you. You won't get up.

I'm leaving.

Grandpa, don't be sick.

I'll come back again when no one's around.


What are you doing home so early?

You didn't say you would be.

Must I tell you when I'm coming to my own house?

No, I just...

I'll change and be out,

so keep the engine running.

Grandpa, are you awake?

That sound...



I thought you were awake.



When did you come in here?

Just now, when I got home from school.

But grandma, grandpa opened his eyes.

He must be all better.

Hush. Quiet.


Did he wake up?

Comatose people open their eyes at times.

It's just a reflex.

It's meaningless.

So don't tell anyone else, got it?

If you come in here again,

I'll scold you much more.

Get out.


I can't even take it in.

You're spending so much money on flowers every day.

I want to.

I want to have you see something nice

every single day.

I'm happy enough seeing your face.

Was that a profession of love?

They say some model inmates

may receive parole under special amnesty.

Some say that I could be one.

- Really? / - Don't tell my parents yet.

Just in case I don't get it.

I don't want to disappoint them.

Have you been busy lately?

You look tired.

It's tough, working at the company.

It was hard enough being an actor,

but I feel like I've entered a brand new jungle.

I saw the poster for Wid Group's competition.

The qualification requirements were different

from the past. I'm thinking of applying.

You are?

True. Your sense of style played a huge role

in redesigning the inventory last year.

I feel like this is the only way I can join Wid Group

through proper means.

And to be honest, designing is so much fun.

When I see people smile after putting on my designs,

it makes me realize how happy designing makes me.

When I finally meet Bom,

I want to make clothes for her too.

Okay. I'll help in any way if you need.

But you know I can't help you win, right?

Of course.

I'll do my best to win.

You can do it.


There's no time for this.

Before he wakes up,

I need to put all the assets in my name.

I need to talk to Haeju. Wait downstairs.


What is it?

I spoke with Dr. Kim.

He says your dad...

Doesn't look like he'll ever wake up.

I thought he'd wake up right away.

I didn't know it would take this long.

So I was thinking,

we can't leave him like that forever.

I'm thinking maybe

I should become his legal adult guardian.

Adult guardian?

All of his authority and assets would be

delegated to me.

I may be the acting chairman,

but it hinders business.

But I need your consent, as his child.

I feel bad toward dad.

It's like we assume he'll never wake up.

I'm not telling you to decide right now. Think it over.

You look pretty today.

You should go like this to the Sunshine gathering.

The Sunshine Association?

Isn't that for female business owners?

That's why you should be there.

You'll be taking over Wid Group soon.

Sorry I'm late. Did you wait long?

It's fine. We just got here ourselves.

This is Gu Haeju, the one who will take over

Wid Group after me.


Did you see Hong Jiwon?

She can't stop smiling.

Is she that happy about her husband falling ill

and taking his place?

She was an orphan, so she's a tenacious one.

She's nothing like us.

How did Chairman Gu end up with a woman like that?

He fell for her pretty face, obviously.

I know.

What the! Who did that?

Watch what you say!

I'll pour sewage water on you next time.

Who was that?

What took you so long?

What's wrong?

Do you feel sick?

What's wrong?

Why didn't you tell me?


I heard what those women were saying.

That you were an orphan.

It's nothing good.

No wonder.

I wondered why we never had any relatives

from your side.

I just thought they all passed away

before I was born.

You must've been so lonely.


I'll sign the papers to make sure you become

dad's adult guardian.

No matter what other people say,

I'm on your side.

I'll make sure your position

is so strong that no one can disrespect you.

Thank you. You're all I have.

When I first came here,

everyone bowed at my feet.

- That's right. / - Really?

- That's right. / - It's nothing now.

- Look at you. / - 1894.

- Yes? / - Congratulations.

You've been granted parole.

- What? / - Really?



- I knew you'd get it. / - Me too.


What is it? What's wrong?

Which sleazebag is harassing you this time?

I've been granted parole.

- I can go home now. / - What?

That's great.

It's so sudden. What happened?

I had my hopes,

but I didn't want you and father to be disappointed,

so I couldn't tell you.

Your father's heart will race like crazy once he hears.

I'd better give him his medicine before telling him.


Also... Here.

What is this?

Wid Group is holding a competition.

It's my portfolio.

Would you apply for me?

I don't know anything, and it looks pretty to me too.

Why didn't you give it to Dochi?

You should've asked him for help.

I want to be judged fairly.

I'm sure he wouldn't,

but just in case I win,

I don't want people to think Dochi helped me.

People would never let him live it down.

I want

to have my skills evaluated and judged on merit.

I want to help Dochi.

And whenever I do meet Bom,

I want to be a mom

that she can be proud of.

Did that person who sent you Bom's hair

contact you again?

It's so annoying.

Ever since Gu Haeju became our manager,

sales dropped and she abuses her power so much.

No one will talk, since she's in the owner's family,

but even the higher-ups say her sense of style

is the problem.

Her designs really are lame.

Don't bother responding to every little chatter.

Let's go.

Just show them with your skills.

What? My designs are lame?

My sense of style is the problem?

Mom was there too. How humiliating.

Darn it.

(Wid Fashion Design Competition)

Okay. This is it.

The applications are anonymous

to ensure a fair evaluation,

so if I win,

no one can criticize my skills.

I'll prove my skills.

Here's the list of judges for the competition.

They're all outside experts other than you and me...

Not me. Take me out.

How could the design team manager

not judge a design competition?

I'm out, so proceed without me.

This isn't it.

It's so annoying.

Ever since Gu Haeju became our manager,

sales dropped and she abuses her power so much.

No one will talk, since she's in the owner's family,

but even the higher-ups say her sense of style

is the problem.

Think of something.

There must be something good.

Gu Haeju!

No. That's stealing.

My pride won't let me steal Yeori's design.

What if I get caught?


She's in prison. How could she find out?


Here. My seal.

You can become dad's adult guardian then, right?

That must've been hard for you to decide.

Thank you, my daughter.

No one cares more about dad than you do.


With this, Wid Group will be completely mine.

Mr. Kim.

Prepare the form for me to become

the legal adult guardian of Chairman Gu Doyeong.

Prepare transfers of all assets in his name.

Did she drop out of judging in order to

compete herself?

What's going on?

They're the same.

Did Haeju submit two entries?

How is the judging going?

How about the other judges?

Employees are prohibited during the judging process.

We can't risk anyone stealing the designs.

Strictly speaking, I was a judge too.

Do we have some good designs?

It's better than last year.

This one jumps out at me the most.

It's yours, right? I saw you drawing this.

Don't make it personal.

Judge them fair and square.

I know. Anyway, did you submit

the same design twice?


There's another of the same design.

Son Yeori.

Did you enter the competition too?

What happened?


Just a minute.

What do I do?

If they find out I copied Yeori's design...

Son Yeori.

You're locked up in prison anyway.

It's not like you can break out just to complain.

Blame your cruddy fate.

What is this?

The first round of judging by outside experts ended.

Director Kim, you're the only one in here

who participated in judging,

so tell us your thoughts.

They are of higher quality than last year.

There is one design that stands out above the rest.

It's good enough to sell right now.


We have to make this competition a success.

That way, we can try to repair

Wid Fashion's fallen image.

I'd like to let the public choose the final winner.

The public?

Consumers aren't experts like the judges.

They are average people.

I think the consumers should choose the best design.

We've already hired a judge to make the final decision.

How could we bring all those people in

to judge the competition?

We can post the designs online

and let people vote once per person.

We can have a lottery

to give out Wid Fashion gift cards to participants.

That would increase participation

and promote the brand.


Let's have the public choose the final winner.

1894. Congratulations on your parole.

- Yeori. / - Yeori.


Welcome back.

Enjoy your freedom.

No one can stop you now.

Eat this first.

Don't come back here ever again.

I tried to stop him,

but your dad stayed up making tofu to feed it to you.


I think we should go.

Why? I want to look at my daughter's face some more.

You are so clueless.

You'll see her plenty from now on. Let's go.

Let's go.

Why are we here?

Hello. We came to register our marriage.

Where do we go?


What took you so long?

I made dinner hours ago.

We registered our marriage.

We're legally married now.

We stopped by the district office.

Great going.

I felt terrible that the wedding was cut off

in the middle.

I like how quickly you move.

Congratulations, Yeori.

- Congratulations, son-in-law. / - Thank you.

That aside, are you still

planning to live in the same house with Jiwon?


I'll spend tonight with you and father,

and move in tomorrow.

Dochi needs to protect his brother and his home.

And I need to find out where Bom is from Jiwon.

You're finally back, and we have to send you away.

Don't worry.

We'll come visit every day.

Anyway, Jiwon will lose her mind

like she's seeing a ghost.

I wish I could see that for myself.

Welcome back.

And thank you

for coming to me so soon.

Me too.

Thank you for waiting for me.

- Are all the preparations done? / - Yes.

Did you make them already?

Yes. I thought it would be better for them

to be seen in person.

Good work.

Let me guess which one came in first.

- This one. / - That's right.

What are your thoughts, Madam Chairman?

It catches your eye.

Even I'd like to try it on.

The rose pattern

can be used as Wid Fashion's signature.

I think it's good enough to make it

this season's main item.

I want to meet the designer.

Make any offer necessary to scout the designer.

I thought you'd be curious,

so I invited the winner to your office in advance.

Please be careful to make sure nothing breaks.

- Okay. / - Thank you.

This is Yeori's.

Oh, my gosh. Yeori!

You came in first in the design competition.

- Really? / - Let me see.

- Oh, my gosh. / - This is yours, right?

It is.

Great job.

You came in first.

Wait. But it's slightly different.

This isn't my drawing.

What do you mean?

I know they say there's nothing new anymore,

but how could it be

the same design and color?

It isn't mine.

The entry number is different too.

Mine's 99,

but this is 13.

What happened?

Did someone copy your design?

I thought you said the winner would be here.

Mom. The truth is...

Congratulations, honey.

Mother, the winning design was hers.

What? Really?


I wanted to show you what I was capable of

and have my skills acknowledged.

I wanted to help you.

That's why she refused to be a judge.

Good going!

I'm so proud of you!

The public chose the final winner, as you wanted.

You don't doubt my skills anymore, right?

No, I don't. Congratulations.

I mean, congratulations, Manager Gu.

You'll be the shining star

of the award ceremony today.

- Hi, Yeori. / - Dochi.

Did you see the results of the design competition?

Just now.

Shockingly, Haeju came in first.


I guess yours was eliminated.

I have to get to the award ceremony.

I'll call you after.

The winning design was Haeju's?

Gu Haeju!

Gu Haeju.

Did you steal my design?

No. I can't let you steal it. No.

I won't let you.

Madam Chairman,

it's time to head to the award ceremony.


What is it?


Son Yeori was paroled?


Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Son Yeori...

You wormed your way out while I had my guard down?

Fine. I'll have to create a new net to catch you.

Dochi, where's the ceremony?

We will begin the award ceremony for

the Wid Fashion Design Competition.

Gu Dochi, you worm.

You smiled to my face,

but you hid the fact that Yeori was paroled.

Gu Haeju.

Congratulations, Manager Gu.

Thank you, Madam Chairman.


- What's going on? / - Who's that?

- What's going on? / - Who is she?

Son Yeori!

Why is she here?

She should be in prison!

Why is she here right now?

That design is mine.


What do you mean?

Gu Haeju copied my design.

Gu Haeju is a thief. She stole my design.

(Unknown Woman)

It isn't true. Who do you believe?

Why that little thief. Let's go.

Why were you eavesdropping?

They were delivered for Son Yeori.

Who? Son Yeori?

Hong Jiwon, act two of our war has begun.

I'll remove your mask

and make you pay for your sins.

For more infomation >> Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.57 [ENG/2017.07.21] - Duration: 35:57.


Dijital Pazarlama Dersi - YouTube Dil ve Ülke Ayarları Değiştirme - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Dijital Pazarlama Dersi - YouTube Dil ve Ülke Ayarları Değiştirme - Duration: 0:44.


Stereo Superman - Dear Asha (Feat. Ayui The Origins) - Lyrics Video - Duration: 4:39.

Hey! People of the internet!

Thanks for watching this video

as usual if you like it give this video a "Thumbs Up" or a "Like" or a "Heart" depending on where you are watching this

But full disclaimer though

Yes this song was inspired by the Hong Kong YouTuber; Asha Cuthbert

I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that right

But this song is purely fictional and has nothing to do with the living or the dead

I just make this song for fun

She doesn't even know I exist

But that being said!

Go check out her YouTube Channel

All the videos of her I use in this video are from there

I'll link her channel somewhere in the screen

and also in the descriptions

Also I have another YouTube channel for my vlogs

be sure to check that out as well

Well that's it!

I guess I'll see you guys on the next video

**Special thanks to Phurba Wong for the Chinese Subtitles**

For more infomation >> Stereo Superman - Dear Asha (Feat. Ayui The Origins) - Lyrics Video - Duration: 4:39.


ميزة قديمة ولكن لا احد يعرفها في برنامج Winrar - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> ميزة قديمة ولكن لا احد يعرفها في برنامج Winrar - Duration: 1:44.


Why are my Mandarins so Small this year? - Duration: 2:10.

Why are my Mandarins so small?

Now look at this tree it is loaded with fruit.

and this is the size of the Mandarin and all the fruit are about that size so why is it

that this tree has so many fruit but they're only that big so this is a late

season this is a pixie late season they're only just starting to ripen up

I've got a couple of other mandarins to show you here this is an Okitsu wase

it's an early Mandarin they always come off pretty large and this is an emperor which

is a mid season. So why is it that these Pixies are so small this year so this

year this crop of mandarins has been very very small.

So this is the Emperor

Mandarin this is the midseason Mandarin these are just perfectly ready for

picking now and they're good size fruits see beautiful perfect Mandarin size

fruits lovely tree and it's got a nice spattering of fruit across the tree if

you have a look you'll see that it's well covered there's maybe about 300 fruit on

that tree so we're going to have another look at our Pixie

so we're back here at the Pixie.

which has these tiny mandarins and if you look at the Pixy compared to

the Emperor that we've just looked at you can see that it has a lot more fruit

on the tree it's actually loaded it probably has easily twice as much fruit

on the tree as the Emperor so what you could do in this situation is if you

thin your fruit so if you take off half those fruit they'll grow larger and

you'll get bigger fruit mind you these little fruits are still going to taste

good and they're going to fit really nicely in a lunchbox

so there can also be an advantage of having a bumper crop of small fruits

Either way they still taste great.

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