Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

In this video, I'm going to show you how you can make a Youtube channel art

just like the one I have here in photoshop

And I'll show you all the different steps it takes to get to this final result.

I'm in the process of making a new Channel are just like this one

But it's going to be called Howfinity eats for a new YouTube channel

That's just on howfinity food related videos, and I'm going to show you how to do that from scratch

so this is going to be sort of the final result on that channel just to keep everything uniform and

if you look here into my layers if I turn this layer on and off

You could see I use the template, because depending on what platform you're watching it if you're watching it on TV on desktop tablet

It's all different sizes

So you want to make one that works for all the different sizes that you have so let's start from scratch

So I'm going to go over here to this page

This is basically the template that I downloaded for YouTube

and I'm going to use this as my

Template to get started. Next thing you want to do is you want to organize all your assets.

So I made a folder and I have all my different

assets here all the different pictures my logo

Everything that I'm going to use for this so make sure you do the same. I have all your pictures ready, basically

I just took my pictures from my video by pressing Command shift 4 on a Mac

And I just basically did a screen grab just like this, and then that's how I have my pictures on here

And I downloaded a couple more from a royalty-free website, so make sure you have all your assets ready then go back to photoshop

So you want to start with this template link in the description go ahead and download it because creating it

It's going to take a little bit of work, but if you don't want this template

And you want to start from scratch these are the dimensions.

So just go ahead and make a file with these dimensions up here file new and you could type in those dimensions

from here make sure it's transparent press ok and then you could start

But if you have this template you could just start from there once we're done

We're going to just turn it off basically and all these are going to go away

They're all in this folder that came with this template, so we're going to turn it off alright

So now step number one is we want our background picture and the background picture is going to be used on TVs

mostly, so if people are watching it on TV. They're going to see this full picture.

We're going to focus really on this banner here for youtube

but we'll start with the background picture, so I'm going to go to my finder here, and this is the background picture

I'm going to use. I'm just going to go ahead and open this in photoshop

and you could just kind of drag this down and bring this into this page and

I'm going to make sure I could resize this to my background, so to do that. I'm going to on a Mac here

I'm going to press command T or CTRL T on a PC

I'm just going to stretch it to fit my canvas right here, and I'm going to press this checkmark to say okay.

I'm just going to bring this down this layer one here down here

So I could see the specs on top again once we were done. We're going to turn this off

Just like that next I'm going to make that rectangle that's going to be laying over here

Let me go back to my other channel, or you see that rectangle that I have here

so I'm just going to create that and that's the rectangle tool and

Again over here, I'm going to always create a new layer

So everything is going to be on their own independent layer, and I'm going to grab and drag here

And there we go if I let go again. It's going to create it based on this color here

So if you didn't want it in red

I'm just going to go ahead and delete this to show you I'll create a new layer and go ahead and change this to whatever

you want so here let's say if I wanted to make it gray go ahead and Drag and

Then end it here

There is the area where my channel banner is going to show up on YouTube and I'm going to lower the opacity here

I'm selecting this layer and lowering the opacity to

50 next

I'm going to create these circles. I want the same kind of look so I'm going to create the circles here

and that's just going to the shape tool again and creating a lips tool and

Again, let me make sure I create a new layer

Go ahead and drag and if you hold shift it's going to make it a circle if you don't it's going to just

Kind of be whatever. Shape you drag out to be so I'm going to press shift. I'm going to drag out

I want it to be about this size

And I'm going to press V to just move it in place again create a new layer do the same thing press shift

The color doesn't matter right now

I'm going to change that in a second

But I'll put that here and then I want to do one more and I'll put that one over

Here, I'll just walk you through doing this side, and then you could do the same thing with this side again

you could create any shape you want and then do the

Same kind of thing so if you want that to be the shape do that

Alright now that we have these shape layers. We want to put a picture inside of these shape layers, so to do that

I'm going to go back to finder here

And I'm going to open up the few pictures that I want to put inside those shape layers

So I'm just going to go ahead and open those with photoshop

I'll just drag this into this project real quick, and I'm going to press command t to reshape it and

I'll put it over here for example

Let me just make it a little bit smaller so it's going to fit this picture a little bit better

I'm going to press ok whichever shape layer is going to be going into I'm just going to drag this

Picture on top of that shape layer, so if you do this one at a time, it's a little bit easier

But in this case it's going to go inside the very first shape

I made let me just turn these other two off. So it doesn't get confusing now

We have the picture right over that shape you have to go to layer

Create clipping mask

Boom we have a right inside. We could still move it around if you want to shape it a little better

We could still press command t

And resize it a little bit better

so I'm just going to go ahead and do that and resize it if you want your image to have a border or anything like

That I could come back to this layer

I'm going to double click this layer, and press stroke right here

And that's going to give me a stroke around that I could change the stroke color for example

If I click stroke, I could just click the color here and make it red

Just like that press ok let me just show you this on one more image

And then I'll fast over to when I have all my shapes

So the next shape was I'm just going to turn this layer on this is the next shape if you want this to be under

This shape you could always grab this and bring it down. So it could be underneath this shape

It's okay right now where it was. I'm just going to put it back and

Again, let me go back to finder and go ahead and open a different image in this case. I'll open this image open


Again, I'm going to bring it down and bring it into this picture and let me go ahead and resize it to make it smaller

And put it right on top of this again when you resize if you press shift you won't change the aspect ratio

But if you don't you can just drag freely and just like before

I'm going to make sure the shape is under and the picture is on top of that shape directly

Go to layer

Create clipping mask, and that's going to put it right in there

And if I want the same stroke that I had on this image

I could just go ahead and right-Click or control-click here

Copy layer style, and then go over here to the shape say paste

layer style

And I'll get that and if I want to change that stroke color for example to make it blue like my other channel I

Could do it. Just like that and then reduce the opacity a little bit if I want to and press ok now

I'm going to fast forward to where I have the rest of my pictures and shapes

Okay, so I've created all my shapes

And I'll put the images inside each shape and I created the borders around each shape and again. Make sure

Every little thing you create is on an individual layer, so you could edit it individually at strokes like colors

Whatever it may be and the last thing I want to do is I want to add my logo right in the center

I got my channel logo as a separate

Photoshop file, so in this case. I'm just gonna go ahead and drag all these layers as my logo

but if you have a logo

You could just bring it in just like any image and here because I brought them in as individual layers

You could see I could turn the text layers on and off so I could we edit this is going to be the food channel

- 80 each

So I need to real able both of these so if you don't have it like this

The easiest way to create a text like this is here. I'll create a new layer and just press t

I'm going to go to this new layer and here

I'm going to press t and it's going to turn this into a text layer, so I could type in how any d eats?

I'm going to press ok I'm going to move it over here

You tucked it in great because when I created the text it was set to gray

But if it's set to any other color you'll make it that color

But you could always come and select some of them and change the color so I'm going to change this part to red

I'm going to change this part

Blue for examples, I'm almost there. I just need to replace my description


recipes each week

I'm going to select that I'm going to change the color to this dark blue again

So you could see it and if I press V I could just go ahead and move this around

it's still a bit hard to read so I'm going to work on this a little bit more let me just show you what the

End result could be I'm gonna go down and remember how I had those specs over here

I'm just going to turn those off now

So this was the specs that let me use this as a template and once you're done. Go ahead to file

You could do a file export as and this is the dimension for Your TV

You could basically upload this dimension to youtube and you could export it here

you could change it to a hundred percent quality and

Go ahead and export that so after a few tweaks to send out of being my final result

I changed some of the colors. I'll put some borders

I changed some of the strokes and

Again if your text is hard to read you could either put a shape behind it that way you'll create a nice

Separation what I did is I selected that layer that image layer behind, and I just used a burn tool

And I just started going behind it to make it a little bit darker. Just like you see here

I can make as dark as I want to make this text pop

I'm just going to undo that and that's basically how I got to this final result and you could upload this to YouTube

I hope this helps you make your Youtube banner

Please subscribe to this channel for YouTube tutorial photoshop tutorial a lot more and give this video a thumbs up if it was helpful

Thanks for watching and see you on the next video

For more infomation >> how to make youtube channel art with photoshop - Duration: 10:06.


Пирамида Тети и Серапеум в Саккаре/Pyramid of Teti and the Serapeum in Saqqara - Duration: 10:12.

Following the Ancient Civilizations


In this series

Teti Pyramid

Serapeum in Saqqara

We arrived at a place called Saqqara.

Here, about 30 km from Cairo, is the oldest

necropolis of the capital of the Ancient Kingdom - Memphis.

The name of the necropolis comes from the name of the god of the dead - Sokar.

Teti pyramid is in front of us.

Although it resembles just a small hill on the outside,

a lot of interesting is hidden inside.

On the descending corridor, which goes 20 meters deep,

we descend to the megalithic base of the pyramid.

Кроме как мегалитами никак иначе и не назовешь, One can not call them other than megaliths,

these huge, carefully fitted blocks of limestone.

The overlapping of the chamber is made of massive limestone blocks,

on which the ornament of five-pointed stars is well discerned.

The sarcophagus is made of greywacke, a material that is comparable in strength to basalt.

By its size, this sarcophagus is larger than those

that stand inside the pyramids of Giza.

Its weight is estimated at 65 tons.

This is the only sarcophagus on which there are inscriptions engraved inside,

among which is the cartouche of Pharaoh Teti.

But we were more interested in the cuts on the sarcophagus,

reminiscent of the traces of modern machining.

The entrance to the cell was once tightly closed by granite blocks,

to the left we see the remains of one of them, and a little further to the right is seen and one more.

We descend to Serapeum, a place in which, it is believed,

the sacred bulls were buried, in ancient Egyptian

mythology called Apis.

Historians include the most ancient burials to the epoch of the

reign of the 18th dynasty pharaoh, Amenhotep 3.

The weight of each sarcophagus is about 100 tons.

These sarcophagi are several times larger than those that stand inside the pyramids of Giza.

The surface of the sarcophagus is perfectly smooth and flat.

- Usually such large sarcophagi were placed from above

That is, they dug a hole ... made a hole, made a device, poured sand on top, put it on the sand,

then sand was selected from the side and the sarcophagus descended.

And how was it done here? The ceiling is monolithic!

To drag this box along the corridor is almost unbelievable!

Then, how?

Possible version: let's say this sarcophagus is 10,000,000 years old

10 million?

Yes, but what's wrong? Granite will stand still and nothing will happen to it ...

Suppose there was a factory here, or something else

The sarcophagi stood like that for some purpose

Then the civilization disappeared, the sea came

For millions of years, limestone has layered

and covered it up to the top.

Millions of years pass by.

A civilization that builds pyramids appears.

They have radars, they have researchers, they probe the soil for the existence of prior civilizations.

Discover these boxes, sign a project to create a historic gallery

Dig them out here as we now see

Here the floor is higher, and here the boxes are lower

After all, if you want to put them there, then why make such obstacles yourself? ..

Why not make the floor lower, and put the boxes

Here it is floor, the glass windows are left so it could be seen

The level of the floor is clearly visible

- And why is there nothing left but sarcophagi?

Everything is rotten .. what else will stay millions of years?

For millions of years there will be nothing left

Dmitry, and you can determine the approximate age by these dents?

Their origin is unknown ...

It can be seen that the inscriptions are made to the already deformed box

Ideally straight


And angles?

The guys stayed here for the next 5 thousand years :)

The lids of the sarcophagi are shifted approximately one distance apart,

sufficient to allow the person to enter freely.

But who moved these massive lids?

Grave robbers?

Or sarcophagi already stood in oblivion for many centuries,

and the ancient Egyptians, discovering them, wanted to find out what they were hiding?

However, not all lids are shifted towards the passageway.

Some are shifted from it.

Then it is not entirely clear how they were moved.

Because you would have to stand in a very narrow and uncomfortable

niche behind the sarcophagus, where, generally speaking, it's hard to turn around.

The inscriptions on the sarcophagi are made rather carelessly compared to

the quality of the sarcophagus itself.

And it seems that they were written by a completely different civilization.

To be continued

English subtitles by Mike Sotov (c)2017

For more infomation >> Пирамида Тети и Серапеум в Саккаре/Pyramid of Teti and the Serapeum in Saqqara - Duration: 10:12.


Animation VS. Coding | AskBloop #040 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Animation VS. Coding | AskBloop #040 - Duration: 2:13.


Opal Fruits (Starburst) // TheCandyGuy - Duration: 4:11.

Welcome back to my channel TheCandyGuy where i talk about treats for the sweet tooth

Today I'm going to talk about Starburst

Starbursts were first introduced in 1960 by the Mars company in the UK

Now I know some of you from the UK are right now scratching your heads and thinking

I don't recall seeing Starbursts on my store shelves when I was a kid

That's because they were originally named Opal Fruits

In 1967, seven years after Opal Fruits were introduced

they were brought to the US and they were sold under the name Starburst

but they were still sold under the name Opal Fruits in the UK

up until 1998 not sure why there was a name change

I looked I really don't know why

[it's] something the Mars company did because if you recall my Mars candy bar the Mars

bar in the US was different from the Mars bar in the UK even though they

were both sold by the Mars company they made two different bars with the same name

and the Milky Way from the US is apparently the Mars bar from the UK

I don't know the Mars company. The dad owned the US branch and the son owned

the UK brand I don't know what their thinking was I don't

so after 1998 the Opal Fruits name was removed and Starburst became the

globally recognized name for this candy. The original flavors were lime, lemon,

orange, and strawberry. Today the lime got replaced by cherry

A little extra information

If you look on the wrapper there's no Mars Incorporated on the wrapper

They... Wrigley Jr Company now distributes Starburst

but it's still technically owned by the Mars company when they

merged back in 2008 so you'll see Wrigley on here but it's still

technically a subsidiary of the Mars company

In the description below I'll have links to different commercials I found

For Opal Fruits, for Starburst

and for a Starburst version that no longer exists it's a California Fruits version

I didn't know this existed until like a couple of years ago

when a customer came in asking me do we carry it. I looked it up and found out sorry

I looked it up and found out, sorry, they've been discontinued

so there's Starburst wrappers also Opal Fruits if

that's what you grew up knowing them as. They're now Starburst is sold globally so

everyone should I think know what a Starburst is. I'm assuming?

and there is the chewy bursting with fruit flavor candy

I'm going to go with strawberry all right then

So to describe a Starburst it's a chewy taffy

It doesn't stick all over your teeth so that's why I enjoy Starburst

I don't really have an issue with that

it is burst with a lot of fruit flavor so my mouth is usually salivating

so it's mouth-watering and that's actually been the slogan for Starbursts

and Opal Fruits since the 60's that it's mouth-watering

and it is. it's just you're...

it's a really good flavor, it's not super sweet in my opinion, it just has a really

good amount of fruit flavor

So if you haven't for some reason experienced Opal Fruits or Starburst, then give them a try

Thank you for watching this week's video of TheCandyGuy

Links for the Penny Candy Store and myself will be in the description of this video

I post videos every Friday so I shall see you all next Friday

have a sweet day. Bye!

Please remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe to my videos and also share if you'd like

Let me know what you thought about having the little timeline there. I can't always provide it if I

don't find enough dates and information on candies but I feel like it's very

useful to keep in mind. Visual learning. Thanks. Bye

For more infomation >> Opal Fruits (Starburst) // TheCandyGuy - Duration: 4:11.


Makin' a house - To The End! #1 - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> Makin' a house - To The End! #1 - Duration: 10:08.






Varying opinions on the rise and prominence of GMOs has led to a lot of controversy.

Many people, regardless of their stance, still feel entitled to know what they�re consuming,

and if it�s the product of laboratory research.

vSnf7 dsRNA is an insecticide, but unlike others, it�s not sprayed on crops.

To use it, you encode instructions for manufacturing it in the DNA of the crop itself.

So, for instance, if a Western corn rootworm begins destroying your crop, the plant�s

self-made DvSnf7 dsRNA interferes with a critical rootworm gene and kills the pesky bugger.

This disruption is referred to as RNA interference, or RNAi.

Haven�t heard of it?

That�s because it was just approved.

Didn�t hear that news?

That�s because mainstream media remained silent, allowing the Environmental Protection

Agency to recently approve the first insecticide relying on it.

The first DvSnf7 dsRNA product will come in the form of SmartStax Pro, a line of genetically

modified corn seeds created by Monsanto and Dow.

The RNAi part comes from Monsanto.

The agricultural giant anticipates corn seed with RNAi coming to the market by the end

of this decade.

The Western corn rootworm has proved quite resilient, with corn farmers continuously

investing in new ways to stop it from damaging their cornfields.

When spray-on pesticides failed, farmers took advantage of corn genetically modified to

make the Bt toxin, a technology also from Monsanto, which also didn�t work as hoped


Now, the farmers are eagerly awaiting the arrival of SmartStax Pro, which will have

both Bt as well as DvSnf7 dsRNA.

Despite critics revealing in a 2011 paper the potential safety harms of DvSnf7 dsRNA,

in which Chinese scientists found naturally occurring RNA molecules from rice circulating

in the bloodstream of people eating it, the EPA became the last of three agencies, the

others being the FDA and USDA, to give DvSnf7 dsRNA the go-ahead.

The EPA gave a short 15 days of public comment, and didn�t even post its proposed decision

in the Federal Register, which is customary.

Such quiet approval was likely meant to ensure public scrutiny remained slim.

Bill Freese, CFS�s science policy analyst, said that the real problem is bigger than

RNAi itself.

�There�s faddish interest in the latest technology,� he said.

�It often neglects the basic issues of the unhealthy practices used in planting corn.�

Rotating crops � as we did in traditional farming � as opposed to planting corn multiple

years in a row in the same field, could diminish the Western corn rootworm problem, according

to Joseph Spencer, an entomologist at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

But such simplicity is being overlooked, in place of a product that hasn�t had years

of safety testing before licensure, but is being rushed to market instead.

Freese was surprised by the EPA�s handling of the situation, most notably given how unprecedented

it is to use an RNAi insecticide in a plant meant for human consumption.

The Western corn rootworm is surely only the beginning of Monsanto�s goals for the use

of RNai.

We will certainly require continued education and awareness to counteract the widespread

acceptance of such a technology.

Related CE Articles On GMOs With More, Heavily Sourced Information

Here�s Why More Than 34 Countries Have Banned Genetically Modified Crops

Federal Lawsuit Forces The US Government To Divulge Secret Files On Genetically Engineered


Wikileaks Cables Reveal That The US Government Planned To Retaliate & Cause Pain On Countries

Refusing GMOs

New Study Links GMOs To Cancer, Liver/Kidney Damage & Severe Hormonal Disruption

Geneticist David Suzuki Says Humans Are Part of a Massive Genetic Experiment




For more infomation >> 7 ЧЕТКИХ ПРИЗНАКОВ, ЧТО ВЫ НАДОЕЛИ СОБСТВЕННОЙ ЖЕНЕ - Duration: 3:35.


Les Bons Plans AMAZON – partie 3 - Duration: 4:07.

Check out the Amazon

Part 3 tips

with just one click with my app.

On the program, the good plans sports and leisure,

DIY, fashion, beauty and perfume,

kitchen and home, hygiene and health.

To do this,

simply click

on the link

below and

be guided by the video.

For more infomation >> Les Bons Plans AMAZON – partie 3 - Duration: 4:07.




by stevew

On Corey, Andrew, and the Whistleblowers

A Secret Space Program? Yes.

Since 2009, I have written and spoken about a probable breakaway civilization. At the

time, my thoughts centered on the knowledge that within the classified world there were

certainly technological developments that have been kept secret, sometimes for a long

time. Famously, the stealth fighter was fully operational and secret for six years before

it was officially announced, while stealth technology itself had been in the works for

more than a decade before that, without a peep to the rest of us.

I recall my conversation with a former scientist at NSA from the mid-1960s who told me of NSA

computer clockspeeds exceeding 600 mHz, a speed not reached by the consumer market for

35 years. Today, there are rumors that NSA or some other intelligence agency has achieved

quantum computing�no one outside that world knows for sure. Beyond that, rumors and allegations

never cease about radical tech coming from the �black world.� I have long credited

the ARV story emanating from Brad Sorensen via Mark McCandlish. If true, it means that

clandestine reverse-engineered flying saucer craft have been manufactured secretly and

have been operational since at least the 1980s.

Along these lines we have the statements coming during the 1980s and 1990s to respected aviation

and aerospace journalist James Goodall. One of Goodall�s sources from within Groom Lake

(Area 51) told him, �we have things in the Nevada desert that would make George Lucas

envious,� and �we have things out there better than Star Trek, Star Wars, or anything

you see in the movies.� And so on. It�s not that we should take such claims as gospel.

But there is a history, a pattern. Moreover, the sources of many of such claims come from

individuals whose backgrounds have been confirmed, even if their stories have not. When it comes

to UFOs and all things related, it�s a fact that we are dealing with things that are classified

and secret.

There is no getting around that fact, something most full-time debunkers seem conveniently

to forget time and again. Unfortunately, those of us who research and investigate the secret

world of the UFO cover-up are handicapped not merely by the intrinsic difficulty of

the subject, which is substantial, but by the secrecy and obfuscation that perennially

accompany it. Still, over the years I have concluded that not only is there a probable

�breakaway civilization,� utilizing classified technological breakthroughs, most likely derived

in part from alien technology, but that this includes a secret space program.

The two go together. That is, if you conclude, as I do, that � 1) UFOs are real 2) We have

recovered some of this technology via Roswell and elsewhere 3) We have secretly been studying

these breakthroughs over the many years � then, it�s reasonable to assume that: 1) The classified

world has made key breakthroughs over the years, some of which have been monetized,

and others which are probably too important even for commercial profit and are being used

covertly. Things such as radical propulsion technologies, for starters. There would undoubtedly

be other breakthroughs, but who knows what. 2) Such breakthroughs would enable these people

to do things utterly off limits to the rest of us, including, crazy as it might seem to

many people, to go �off-world.� 3) There would be little to no incentive for those

in-the-know to let the rest of us know what�s going on.

It�s too big, too explosive a secret. It will only voluntarily be let out when it�s

no longer important, which is usually the case with big secrets. All too often, we learn

about important things after they become irrelevant. There is more I can say here about all this,

but in fact I�ve said it repeatedly here, here, and here, and many other places. The

evidence for this hypothesis is very strong. The New Whistleblowers: Andy, Corey, and the

Rest For many years, there have been a number of other people, often described as �whistleblowers,�

who have claimed to have participated in such secret space programs.

Now, on the face of it, you could say that, assuming there is such a thing as a secret

space program, it�s entirely conceivable that someone from the program would eventually

speak out. Some of the most prominent of these people include Andrew Basiago, Randy Kramer,

and Corey Goode. These three individuals have each claimed to have gone to Mars for extended

periods of time. That�s explosive enough, of course, but they have also stated that

they have engaged in time travel. I met Andy back in 2012 at a conference in Santa Clara,

California. I found him to be very personable and intelligent. Of course, that doesn�t

mean I believe his story. I don�t believe that he went through a �jumproom� to Mars.

I don�t believe that he did these things with a young Barack Obama in the 1980s.

And I don�t believe that, as a child, he time travelled back to Lincoln�s Gettysburg

Address, despite the fact that he claimed he was in a photograph depicting it. I realize

there are strange things beyond the circumscribed fence of our officially sanctioned reality.

But I am not obligated to believe every story that crosses my path, especially those that

are obviously self-aggrandising, and particularly those that don�t provide evidence. So over

the years I have mostly ignored Andy�s claims and stories. Although I have personally considered

them unfortunate, I never had a desire or felt a need to do much about them.

I developed the same attitude regarding Corey Goode, who lately has become even more prominent

than Andy. Like everyone else interested in ufology, I watched his claims sweep across

the field starting in 2014. Corey claimed to have gone to Mars on a �twenty and back�

program starting in his late teens, and then, at the conclusion of his program, was sent

back to Earth. But not at his age in his late 30s, and not to an Earth twenty years later.

Instead, he was �age regressed� and �time regressed� back to his teenage body, back

to the same year he left. Mom never even knew he left the house. Clearly, I found this story

problematic and was amazed at the willingness of so many people to take him at his word.

His story is perfectly designed to counter the obvious objections people might have to

it: no paperwork, no twenty-year disappearance, no family member who can vouch for him, and

so on.

My main issue when it comes to Corey Goode (or Andy or Randy Kramer for that matter)

isn�t that I �disbelieve� them, per se. Yes, I find their stories to be unlikely.

But the real problem has been that none of these people have provided the evidence that

an independent investigator needs to make a determination one way or the other. There

is a concept in science and philosophy called falsifiability. If something is falsifiable,

it doesn�t mean it�s false. It means you have the ability to test it, to investigate

it, to determine whether it is true or false. It could tell you that my suitcase weighs

thirty-five pounds. That�s falsifiable because you can take my suitcase and put it on a scale.

Now, I could tell you that five years ago I checked a thirty-five pound suitcase at

the airport for one of my flights.

That is probably not falsifiable�unless perhaps you find the airline records. In the

instance of my suitcase, you might not doubt my claim, even if you can�t prove or disprove

it. After all, it�s perfectly mundane and common. But when it comes to significant claims

being made�really big claims that are not only radical on their own merits but which

transform the field (and bring fame and money to those making them), then we clearly need

a higher standard than �he seems like a good guy with a detailed story so I believe

him.� Again, I must emphasize that none of these whistleblowers has made a claim that

an independent investigator can confirm.

Everything is based on trust. Believing such stories without genuine evidence takes us

down a dangerous road within an already treacherous field that is constantly in the crosshairs

of a skeptical establishment. The MUFON Symposium Personal opinions aside, I have had no desire

to be in a war with anyone in this field. I don�t have the time or energy to expend

on such things. This, despite the fact that nearly every week I receive messages from

people who want me to attack these people. For my part, I prefer to do my own research

and focus on the fascinating nuances of the UFO phenomenon itself. But I was unable to

stay out of the controversy for a specific reason.

Six months ago, I was asked by MUFON Director Jan Harzan to speak at the MUFON International

Symposium. It had been six years since I had last spoken there I decided to accept Jan�s

offer to speak at the 2017 Symposium. He then asked me if I would speak specifically about

the secret space program. In fact, I didn�t want to, and told him so. I had explored it

in the past and was looking at other things. But he really wanted it, and so I thought,

sure, I can do fresh research and present my findings. Several months later, I learned

that MUFON had organized this into the conference�s major theme, and that Corey Goode, Andrew

Basiago, William Tompkins, and Dr. Michael Salla were not only presenting on that very

topic, but that i would be featured on a panel with them. (In fairness I should add that

MUFON has also invited other researchers, including Mark McCandlish and Michael Schratt,

both highly credible, as well as bringing Gary McKinnon in by Skype).

Before I continue, let me have a word on Michael Salla and Bill Tompkins. I�ve known Michael

for over a decade, and have had several long conversations with him. What I say here I

have said to him personally: I believe he has done genuine and good research on a number

of matters, but has a tendency to be too trusting. From my perspective, it�s always been like

that. There are people who love his work, and there are haters. I am neither, but am

always looking for information I can use. Sometimes I get good information and insights

from his work and so I find him worthwhile to listen to, even if I don�t approve of

his quickness to jump to conclusions.

Bill Tompkins is an interesting case. He is in his 90s, and recently wrote a book entitled

Selected by Extraterrestrials, which details his life and claims about having participated

in the Navy�s top secret program to create a secret space fleet. Unlike the other alleged

whistleblowers, Tompkins has a career that has been confirmed: he did work at Douglas

Aircraft for many years and has very impressive credentials. That counts for something. I

should add that Dr. Salla and Dr. Bob Wood have both done a great deal of work to investigate

and confirm Tompkins� background and found what they believe is at least some corroboration

to Tompkins� claims.

Even so, I have my doubts about Mr. Tompkins. It�s not widely known, but I had the opportunity

to be his publisher. After I learned about his credentials from Bob Wood, but before

I read his manuscript, I had agreed in principle that I would publish it. But after reading

the manuscript, I had to decline. I found the tone of this book to be perfectly designed

to bring disrepute to the field and I wanted nothing to do with it. I found a number of

obvious errors in the book and what seemed to me examples of self-aggrandisement that

didn�t sit well with me. I wished Tompkins well and that was that. I haven�t made my

final judgment on Tompkins, and perhaps I never will. If evidence can be brought forth

to substantiate his key claims, then I will look at it.

In any case, when I learned I would be on a panel with Corey, Andy, Bill, and Michael,

I phoned Jan and politely asked him what was he thinking. I mentioned my concern about

MUFON�s decision to bring in individuals with claims that are inherently impossible

to verify. MUFON, after all, is supposed to have evidence-based standards.

Jan explained himself as well as he could, essentially saying that he wanted to bring

in diverse and interesting opinions and to let attendees decide for themselves. Well,

MUFON is allowed to do what it wants, and of course the public is allowed to say what

it wants in return. But this left me in an interesting position, and I realized it was

time to begin expressing my thoughts on this more forthrightly.

I did this through a few different radio interviews, most definitively with Bill Ryan earlier in

July 2017. That interview is on Youtube and gives a good overview of my thoughts (and

his) on the matter of these whistleblowers and claims. Judging from the responses, it

is obvious to me that the interview has touched a chord with many people out there.

Since then, Andrew Basiago has called me a liar and disinformation agent, but to my knowledge

none of the other individuals concerned has. In fact, I spoke recently with Corey Goode

and said to him the same essentials as I am writing here. It�s nothing personal, I said,

and while I am skeptical of his story, that is less important than the fact that his claims

don�t allow for me to confirm them independently. To Corey�s credit, he didn�t take offense

and we spoke cordially and candidly.

I want to make this point as clear as I can. My opinions (and yours, for that matter) don�t

mean very much. What matters is the evidence that can be brought forward for these stories.

I hold it as possible that there is something in these accounts that is true. After all,

I believe that radical technology is being withheld from us. I believe the ARV story

and more. But if a story gives me no chance to confirm or deny its basic claims, then

it�s essentially useless to me as a researcher.

This is especially so if I cannot even confirm the basics of the person�s alleged career.

I�ve said this many times. You can�t be considered a whistleblower if you can�t

confirm that you are who you say you are. William Binney is a whistleblower. We know

who he is. There are other real whistleblowers. If you can�t even confirm the basics of

your alleged career, then you are not a whistleblower.

Disinformation or Something Else?

About a year ago, in an interview with Jimmy Church, I said that if I were responsible

for managing the secret space program, I would want to find people who had truly outrageous

stories to tell. I would then make sure they received enough publicity to make the whole

thing seem crazy. This would keep the mainstream far away while also derailing many genuine

investigators and sending them down false leads.

We have to consider this as a genuine possibility. Especially when we consider American history

from Cointelpro, through the false flags and color revolutions it has organized around

the world, to Snowden�s leaks, and even former Obama official Cass Sunstein�s call

for infiltration of allegedly anti-government organizations. If someone wanted to guard

the secret space program while laying waste to the UFO field, they very well might cultivate

such alleged whistleblowers.

There are many possibilities to what these people are saying. For my part, I don�t

adhere definitively to any one of them. I don�t know the answers.

1) Could it be that they participated in a program and were utterly messed with upon

being let go? I have known several ex-U.S. military people who were severely damaged

mentally (intentionally) so as to protect the classified secrets they were exposed to.

I consider this a crime, and one that ought to result in prosecution, were it not for

the fact that our system is hopelessly and irredeemably corrupt and has been so for ages.

By the way, at least one credible account has come to me describing the same thing happening

to a former high-level KGB officer.

If this has happened to one or all of the alleged whistleblowers, is it possible that

there is a kernel of truth somewhere in their claims? After all, the hallmark of disinformation

is to place an important truth within several obvious falsehoods. That way, the truth is

also discredited and the the secret can safely continue for a time longer. When you are running

an important secret program, it�s all about buying time, and every little bit counts.

2) Could it be that one or more of them are simply mentally unbalanced? This is not for

me to say, but I�ve met my share of such people and they exist. In this case, I really

have no idea.

I would like to add something here. If any of these individuals have some form of mental

disturbance, whether from induced trauma or simply a random act of the universe, they

have my sincere sympathy. If any of them have been subjected to serious traumas, it might

be that the only way they could piece their mental life together has been by creating

a belief system they can live with, one that helps them make sense of their life and which

shields them from an even darker reality. Such a belief would be so important to them

that they might feel impelled to maintain it at all cost.

Again, this is all speculative.

3) Is it simply a case of people concocting a good story? Let me tell you a story from

my past. Many years ago, I had a close friend named

Bill who was one of the funniest, smartest, and kindest people I ever knew. He died back

in 1990 and I miss him to this day. Bill was a member of the DuPont family, so he said.

He also talked extensively about having gone to the Juilliard School of Music, one time

guest conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra, and even giving a grand piano recital as a

child prodigy for Queen Elizabeth. Back then, my much younger self believed my friend. After

Bill died, one of our colleagues investigated him. This was all during the pre-Web era,

but nevertheless she found (shocker) that Bill wasn�t part of the DuPont family. Instead,

his mother had been a secretary at DuPont. Bill never attended Juilliard, never guest-conducted

the Philadelphia Orchestra, and certainly never met the Queen of England!

My dear friend was a pathological liar, at least when it came to his own accomplishments.

Relating to everything else, as far as I can tell, he was perfectly honest. The interesting

thing is that his lies about himself didn�t stop him from being a good and trusted friend

to me or to many other people. Bill just liked to glorify himself.

The thing I learned from Bill is that you can be a good person and still lie. Conversely,

you can be a real prick and still be telling the truth. When we investigate claims of any

sort, we have to remember that personalities must always take a back seat to evidence.

One more thing about lying. When someone is lying to you, most of the time you believe

them. That�s why they lie, after all. Because it often works and some people are very good

at it. Many people who are genuinely honest have a hard time imagining why someone else

could possibly lie. They are trusting to a fault.

So are these whistleblowers lying? Again, I don�t know. If someone is able to document

a provable lie, then we need to know. But as of now I am not making any such assertions.

4) Is it a case that these people really did the things they claim, with little to no distortion

in their story? If so, then I would think they still realize they have many hurdles

to overcome in terms of credibility. I get the distinct impression that some of them

realize this while others do not. Moving Forward

I remain willing to engage in a civil discourse with Corey, Andrew, Bill Tompkins, Michael

Salla, or anyone else who has made claims. In a sense, I understand their position, since

I know what it�s like to speak to staunch skeptics about the UFO subject.

However, in any sort of engagement I have with such people, they must realize that the

onus is on them to provide their evidence. That is what I do regarding UFOs. A story

that is inherently unverifiable just doesn�t count, nor does it help if some other random

person seemingly supports the story. Words alone aren�t good enough. Nothing can be

taken at face value.

I have been in this field long enough to feel a responsibility for defending it. There are

countless people out there who would like nothing more than to see the study of UFOs

lying in ruins. That would be a great tragedy. One of the problems of our era is that people

seem to enjoy drama and anger. Social media amplifies the situation, allowing sentiments

to spread through a community like a forest fire. I would like to encourage the supporters

and critics alike to take a step back, take a breath, and before you continue running

your mouth and continuing along your personal warpath, please remember that it�s always

best to stay away from personal invective and adhere to the facts, wherever they lead.

No one ever became interested in ufology because of the infighting among researchers. They

became interested because this is one of the most fascinating subjects of all time. There

is something very important going on here, and the only way we have a chance

to succeed in learning the truth is by adhering to the main and true path: studying the phenomenon

itself with as much care as we can give it.

For more infomation >> RICHARD DOLAN ON COREY, ANDREW, AND THE WHISTLEBLOWERS - Duration: 23:49.


COKE ESPORTS 200 PLAYER TOURNAMENT | Clash Royale - Duration: 2:32:54.

For more infomation >> COKE ESPORTS 200 PLAYER TOURNAMENT | Clash Royale - Duration: 2:32:54.


BRÖTCHEN ! Homemade German Hard Rolls Recipe | Crusty & Chewy - Duration: 4:45.

7g active dry yeast, 1 tablespoon sugar, 375ml warm water (300ml at first)

Stir and let sit for 15 minutes

500g all purpose flour, add a half only (250g)

Pour the remaining warm water. Stir well.

Cover for an hour

Until bubbles appear

Add the remaining flour (250g)

8g fine salt. Stir well.

I do it by hands. Feel free to use Kitchen Aid or mixer with dough hook

On work surface with extra flour

I knead about 8 minutes

Knead until smooth, form a ball

A large bowl coat with oil

Coat the dough with oil as well

Cover for an hour

Very soft & hollow

Back to work surface

Form again until smooth (optional)

Divide into 10 pieces about 90g of each

Form balls and cover for 15 minutes

Flatten the dough

Roll and pinch to form oval/round

Or form longer size

Cover & rest on oiled baking tray for an hour

* Heat oven at 230°C (450°F) 15 minutes before baking time. * Prepare baking pan on the bottom of oven. * After slash and spray the dough, insert baking tray into oven. * Pour 1 cup of hot water into prepared pan on the bottom. * Spray the sides of oven as well and close immediately to trap the steam inside.

Slash quickly in the middle with a sharp knife/blade

Spray the surface with water. Bake at 230°C (450°F) for 20 minutes

After 10 minutes baking, switch the position and spray again with water

Sturdy, crusty, chewy, soft inside

I made 8 pieces oval shape and 2 pieces longer shape

For more infomation >> BRÖTCHEN ! Homemade German Hard Rolls Recipe | Crusty & Chewy - Duration: 4:45.


The 10 Best WrestleMania Matches in History, wwe greatest matches - Duration: 2:51.

The 10 Best WrestleMania Matches in History, wwe greatest matches ►►Videolink: ►►Don't forget to subscribe: Video Description 1. Bret Hart vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (WrestleMania 13) 2. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania X) 3. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (WrestleMania X) 4. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania XXV) 5. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 21) 6. "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat (WrestleMania III) 7. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania XX) 8. The Dudley Boyz vs. the Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian (WrestleMania X-Seven) 9. The Rock vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (WrestleMania X-Seven) 10. Money in the Bank (WrestleMania 21) Follow us on ►► Fb : ►► twitter; : ►► Google+ : ►► blogger : ►► Pinterest Related Keywords #wrestlemania matches #wwe best matches -----------------------------------Other Videos----------------------------- Top 10 Best WWE Wrestlers Of 2017 (So Far) Top 10 Best Independent American Wrestlers Top 10 Greatest WWE Wrestlers of All Time Top 10 WWE Matches You Must See Before You Die The 10 Best WrestleMania Matches in History

For more infomation >> The 10 Best WrestleMania Matches in History, wwe greatest matches - Duration: 2:51.


5 cung hoàng đạo có tố chất trở thành người nổi tiếng - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 5 cung hoàng đạo có tố chất trở thành người nổi tiếng - Duration: 2:17.


awkwardly (adverb) - Duration: 0:48.

awkwardly (adverb)

1 in a way that makes you feel embarrassed or shows that somebody is embarrassed

'I'm sorry,' he said awkwardly.

2 in a way that is not pleasant or easy to deal with

the awkwardly named VZEMail service

3 in a way that makes something difficult or dangerous because of the shape or design of something

an awkwardly shaped room

4 moving in a way or into a position that is not comfortable or easy

She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle.

For more infomation >> awkwardly (adverb) - Duration: 0:48.


SORTEO INTERNACIONAL IPHONE 7 PLUS (NUEVO)!!!!!!! Resubido - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> SORTEO INTERNACIONAL IPHONE 7 PLUS (NUEVO)!!!!!!! Resubido - Duration: 3:13.


هذا حال العراق بعد 2003 كحاب ارخاص وجراوي - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> هذا حال العراق بعد 2003 كحاب ارخاص وجراوي - Duration: 0:49.


awkward (adjective) - Duration: 2:32.

awkward (adjective)

1 making you feel embarrassed

There was an awkward silence.

I felt awkward because they obviously wanted to be alone.

See related entries: Embarrassment

2 difficult to deal with

synonym difficult

Don't ask awkward questions.

You've put me in an awkward position.

an awkward customer (= a person who is difficult to deal with)

Please don't be awkward about letting him come.

It makes things awkward for everyone when you behave like that.

3 not convenient

synonym inconvenient

Have I come at an awkward time?

2 difficult or dangerous because of its shape or design

This box is very awkward for one person to carry.

This tool will reach into awkward corners, such as under kitchen units.

not moving in an easy way; not comfortable

He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward.

I must have slept in an awkward position—I'm aching all over.

See related entries: Position and movement

Extra examples

He always sounded awkward on the phone.

He could make things very awkward for me if he wanted to.

He was embarrassed, which made him awkward.

I was the most socially awkward person you could imagine.

She asked some rather awkward questions.

She is awkward with people she doesn't know.

They felt awkward about having to leave so soon.

Don't ask awkward questions.

He can be an awkward customer.

He was in an awkward situation and I thought he handled it very well.

Please don't be awkward about letting him come.

That's a bit awkward for me—could we make it earlier?

There was an awkward moment when they asked about his wife.

You've put me in an awkward position.

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