Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

It is a well-known fact that Jews have a lot dietary laws, and are not allowed to eat the

following: Among other things – we will look at these

in another video- Christians on the other hand seem to be able

to eat near enough anything despite the fact the roots of Christianity come directly from


In this video, we will be seeing why that is and whether Christians actually have dietary


So firstly, let's ask the question; why can Christians eat pork and other meats deemed

unclean by Jews?

Well naturally it is due to the key difference between the two religions which is that the

Jews are still waiting for the messiah, while Christians believe the messiah has already

revealed himself.

For the Christian, the change in law stems from the life and ministry of Jesus as well

as Peter and the apostles.

One specific incident in Jesus life is usually used to show the change in dietary laws.

The incident in Jesus life takes place in the gospel of Mark chapter 7 – in this chapter

Jesus is rebuking some Jewish religious leader's knowns as Pharisees, who were complaining

that Jesus disciples did not follow a practice of ritual cleaning, for being hypocrites,

as they are were careful to follow the outward laws and yet were not living in line with


In verse 18 he says that what goes into the body does not defile a person as it does not

go into the heart but (verse 20) rather what comes out of a person defiles them – then

listing a number of sins.

In most translations verse 19 comments on this by writing in brackets that "by saying

this he declared every kind of food acceptable in Gods eyes".

This seems like the case is closed and Christians can eat meat, but note that I said this is

in most translations and that is because old handwritten scriptures sometimes contained

footnotes and some scholars believe this statement to be just a footnote and not part of the


But even without this comment it is clear that this argument about eating other meats

could be made from this text.

The next and possibly most important event in the removal of the dietary laws is found

in the book of Acts chapter 15.

The book of Acts follows the lives and work of Jesus followers and the transition of Christianity

from being a Jewish sect into a wider reaching religion.

By chapter 15 many gentiles, or non-Jews, were becoming Christians and this was becoming

a real problem as the Jews wanted them to be circumcised and follow the Jewish law.

Naturally this was a real stumbling block (I mean would you want to give up bacon and

get the snip?), so the council needed to decide what was the right thing to do.

but before this in Acts 10 Peter had a vision of "unclean" creatures and a voice telling

him to eat them.

Peter having been brought up a Jew told the voice he could not, but the voice told him

not to call something unclean if God has made it clean.

Peter could not understand what this vison was meant to mean until gentile believers

came to see him, and he understood the vision to mean that the gentiles were not to be looked

at as unclean.

In Acts 15 the Christian council decided to make a set of guidelines for the gentiles

and intrestingly did not tell them to stop eating previously unclean foods such as pork.

There are a couple of other places in the new testament which also state the same thing

(1 timothy 4) but essentially after this council over time in the early church the distinction

between the Jewish Christians and the gentiles faded away and the pervious mosaic laws were


At this point I will note that there are still some Christian denominations like the seven

day Adventists and messianic Jews who still follow the dietary laws, stating that the

gentiles were never explicitly told they could eat unclean meat; but such groups are in the


So you might be thinking well then Christians can eat whatever they want right?

And well you would be wrong.

Ah, you could say Christians are not meant to eat meat on a Friday: and while that is

true in some traditions, that is all it is a tradition.

Christians actually are forbidden to eat a couple of types of food in Acts 15 – food

offered to idols, meat of strangled animals and blood.

The purpose of the ban on food offered to idols was to show publicly that they did not

worship idols, not that dedicated meat was supernaturally harmful.

In certain towns this would have been very hard and may have meant not eating meat at

all for certain people.

Naturally this is not an issue today, at least not in the west.

Strangled animals do not have the blood drained from their bodies, and thus break the restriction

on blood and blood was not to be eaten because god said in the book of Genesis 9:4 'But

you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it'.

Why was this command given?

Some have suggested health reasons, treatment of animals, symbol of the sacredness of life

or a symbol of the messiah.

But we are not 100% sure.

For more infomation >> Why Can Christians Eat Pork? - Duration: 6:03.


5 Pokemon That SHOULD Be Related - Duration: 9:19.

Hey guys, HDvee here.

Now as we all know, Pokemon evolve.

Some Pokemon evolve a lot, some Pokemon only evolve once, and of course, some Pokemon don't

evolve at all.

Have you ever looked at two Pokemon though and thought, hey, you guys look pretty similar

to me.

Well I certainly have, and so in today's video we'll be taking a look at a few Pokemon

who have a bunch of similarities.

With that being said, today's video takes a look at the Top 5 Pokemon That Should Be


Don't hesitate to drop a comment down below about the video and if you found it interesting

or not!

Don't forget to leave a like on this video too to show your support and I'll be sure

to bring out a new video very shortly.

Make sure to subscribe if you haven't already to keep up to date and follow my twitter to

hear updates about the channel.

Now, without further ado, let's get into the video and I really hope that you enjoy!

Starting things off and taking the number five spot in today's top five video is Tauros,

and it being related to Bouffalant.

Both based on members of the bovine family, when Bouffalant was revealed in generation

5, everybody assumed it was a Tauros evolution.

Looking at their designs, Bouffalant is essentially a beefed-up Tauros with an afro.

Tauros is a quadruped, bovine Pokémon.

It is covered in light brown fur with a thick, darker brown mane around the neck.

It has a rounded muzzle with a dark brown nose, and three gray bumps running vertically

down its forehead.

Whilst Bouffalant is a bovine Pokémon with a large, dark afro on its head.

Two large, curving horns, each with two golden growths resembling rings, protrude from the

afro They even share the same brown and grey color scheme.

When you look at their stat distribution things get even weirder, Bouffalant's defense,

19.4%, and special attack, 8.2%, are exactly the same as Tauros'.

All of its other stats are higher, except for speed; which would make sense considering

it weighs 13.4 lbs more than its generation 1 look-a-like.

Coming in at the number four spot in today's top five video is Venonat, and it being related

to Butterfree.

Long rumored to have been a mix up of names in the Game Freak offices, it's easy to

see why people think that Butterfree was originally supposed to be Venomoth.

In fact, pretty much every single aspect of its design matches up with Venonat; purple

coloration, bulging red eyes, 2 antenna, small mouthpiece with 2 pincers, inward pointing

hands with 3 fingers and large feet.

Likewise, the Pokemon now known as Venomoth shares several features with Butterfree's

evolutionary relatives; Caterpie's bulging eyes and pointed head piece, Metapod's patterned


Could such a big mistake have really been made?

Or is it all just coincidence?

It's definitely possible, and so for all of these reasons, Venonat and it's very

strong resemblance to Butterfree takes the number four spot in today's top five video.

Coming in at the halfway point in today's top five video is Luvdisc, and it being related

to Alomomola.

Alomomola is another Generation 5 creature suspiciously comparable to a Pokemon from

a previous game.

Basically a Luvdisc with extra frills, the real kicker here is that both appear to be

based on the relatively unknown discus fish.

At least Bouffalant and Tauros are based on easily identifiable real-world animals.

Coming up with two designs centered around an uncommon fish, and even then failing to

create some kind of link between them just seems baffling.

On the other hand, unlike the bulls, their stats are a bit of a mismatch.

Luvdisc's speed and special defense are its highest ranked stats, whereas, Alomomola's

are HP and physical defense.

However, just for the obvious reasons of how much these two Pokemon look like each other

is enough for you to think that they should at least be in the same evolution line, you'd

really be helping Luvdisc out too gamefreak, it's just terrible right now.

For all of these reasons though, Luvdisc and it's very strong resemblance to Alomomola

takes the number three spot in today's top five video.

Coming in at the number two spot in today's top five video is Pinsir, and it being related

to generation two's Heracross.

Heracross was introduced in generation 2, as a counterpart to Pinsir.

Both of them have the same base-stat-total of 500, are the same height at 4'11",

and have a mega-evolution.

Yes there are other Pokemon counterparts throughout the universe – Zangoose and Seviper, for

example – but this one is interesting as both creatures are based on types of beetle.

Upon generation two's reveal, when Scyther was revealed to evolve into Scizor, it was

assumed Pinsir would in turn evolve into Heracross.

Whilst I'm not suggesting that that should be the case, I think this is a perfect opportunity

for Game Freak to release a baby Pokemon which can evolve into either one of the two.

Perhaps – working similarly to the mechanic which sees Wurmple evolve into Silcoon or

Cascoon – this Pokemon's evolution could be predetermined by personality value and

only discovered by the player once it had reached the correct level.

Also, with Pokemon Ultra sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon just around the corner, could we see

a pre-evolution soon?

It would definitely be an awesome thing to see, and so, Pinsir and Heracross having some

huge factors in common, takes the number two spot in today's top five video.

Finishing things off though, and claiming the number one spot in today's top five

video is Cubone and Marowak, and being related to Kangaskhan.

Cubone is the orphaned child of a dead Kangaskhan, or at least it was originally.

According to the theory, when a mother Kangaskhan passes away, its child uses its skull for

protection, over time this skull fuses to its head and becomes part of it, thus creating

a Marowak.

From here a female Marowak would potentially be able to further evolve into a Kangaskhan.

Okay, so it's one of the more morbid theories of the Pokemon universe, but there is some

evidence supporting the idea that all 3 were intended relations.

First of all, Cubone's name in the Beta Versions of Red and Blue was, quite heartbreakingly,


Secondly, the glitch Pokemon 'M' – which has the same color palette as Marowak – can

evolve into Kangaskhan.

And, finally, the appearance of Cubone in earlier depictions is alarmingly similar to

that of a baby Kangaskhan outside of its pouch.

Of course, for whatever reason, the idea was never included in the game.

Perhaps because it seemed a little too dark for the intended audience or perhaps just

because of a change of heart.

Since then, Kangaskhan has received a mega-evolution which features the Joey taking on a new form;

therefore dispelling any hopes of the idea being rekindled.

Even so, it's still a very interesting little mystery.

For all of these reasons though, Cubone and Marowak being related to Kangaskhan takes

the number one spot in today's top five video.

But with that, wraps up this video.

I really hope you enjoyed it as much as i did making it!

If you did enjoy the video though, please leave a like i'd really appreciate it!

Like i said at the start of the video, I would also love to hear your guys opinions too on

this subject so be sure to leave them in the comment section below.

I have a couple top fives coming onto your screen in a second so be sure to give them

a watch if you have the time, and also subscribe if you like my content!

That's everything from me though so thanks for watching guys, have an amazing day, and

i'll see you, in the next video!

For more infomation >> 5 Pokemon That SHOULD Be Related - Duration: 9:19.


Moderne Architektur - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Moderne Architektur - Duration: 1:04.


A SnK Skit: Forgiveness - Duration: 4:13.

Ah, Corporal!


Just the man I wanted to see!


I like your face.

I also want you to look over these battle plans I made for tomorrow.

If you see anything that requires immediate fixing...

ignore it.

I'm just joking! Fix it. I trust your judgment Corporal.

I'm sure this will be fine.

I'm glad he thinks so.

What did you do?

Nothing! Nothing!

I uh...

Um.. I just, I thought... uh.. you could use one. Cause I..


Kind of owe you...


Is it okay?

Thank you, Eren.



I forgive you.


Now get out of my sight.

Yes, sir!

I uh..

I hit the thing.

So... you're back in Corporal Levi's good books?


Well, I'm not in any books but..

he's forgiven me!

How'd you do that?

I gave him his cup back.

Oh, you get him a new one?

No his old one.

I found it pieces in the garbage...

so I glued it back together with glue stick!

Glue stick...


And how's that holding up?



Well, I'd say it was nice knowing you Jaeger, but...that'd be a lie.

You too eh?

Sometimes I pee like a puppy in sheer excitement over new battle plans as well.

Thank goodness for these skirts eh?

Gotta love a good skirt!

I just broke my cup.

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