Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

Airsoft Entrepot TV - VSR10 GSPEC Tokyo Marui

Hello Everyone ! A well known name in Airsoft is Tokyo Marui

This Japanese brand has been one of the first to make "modern" airsoft guns and invented a lot of actual standards

Despite the low power (due to Japanese laws), the quality of Tokyo Marui products is among the best there is

Today we show you the very famous VSR-10 Tokyo Marui, here the short version, the G-Spec ; let's take a look !

The gun is sold in a well decorated cardboard box

Inside we have the gun, well hold, a magazine, a silencer, some bbs, a cleaning rod and some tools to disassembly the gun

Its weight is 1,14 meters and its weight 2,1 kg (with the silencer)

The magazine is 12x3 cm and carries 30 bbs, its weight is 30 gr

The gun is available in black and OD, for about 250 € on our website

Its stock is well made, with no trace of moulding

The stock plate is made of rubber, with a VSR marking, also note the sling mount

The grip is comfortable and can be used by left and right handed users

The trigger guard is made of polymer, but the trigger itself is made of metal

On the right of the bolt, you have the safety (S position = safe)

The charging handle is made of metal

The cylinder can be seen through the (fake) ejection port

The picatinny rail on top of the bolt is 14 cm long, so you can put any scope you want

The external barrel is a straight cylinder, black and has discreet markings on the left side

The end cap has thread so you can put a silencer

The silencer length is 20 cm, its diameter 3,5 cm and its weight 93 gr

The thread of the silencer is proprietary to the gun

Chrony passage with 0.20 gr bbs ATM and hop up to the minimum

The charging handle is very smooth

The out of the box range is about 50 meters, which can be enough for the first uses

The gun has standard internal VSR10 parts

Disassembling can be hard if you're not used to this kind process, only do it if you know what you're doing

To disassembly the gun, first remove those two screws so you can remove the stock

Remove the screw from the trigger guard

Unscrew the screws from the trigger box and remove it from the receiver

Remove the cylinder

Remove the screw from the rail, and then from the receiver

It's important to remove those screws so you don't damage the external barrel when you unscrew it

Remove the two screws from the hop up unit and the screw from the hop up bar

You'll be then able to remove the whole from the external barrel

The inner barrel has a plastic barrel spacer

Remove all the screws from the hop up unit, in the end you'll be able to separate the hop up unit in two parts

You can now see the hop up bar, and the loading latch (it prevents double feed)

The gun (obviously) uses VSR10 inner barrels, the original barrel is made of brass (length is 303 mm, diameter is 6.04 mm)

The hop up rubber is a VSR10 type as well

Concerning the cylinder, it's crimped with pins ; be extra careful if you want to disassemble it

This is what the original parts look like

Brass cylinder head, polymer piston, plastic spring guide (with metal stick inside), 11 mm spring, metal cylinder

You can remove the charging handle by unscrewing the screw on the back of it

Concerning the trigger box, we can see the first sear and the 2nd sear (45° angle) ; they're both made of metal

The spring guide stopper is made of metal as well

The safety sear is also made of metal

On the left side, you can adjust the trigger course (stroke) and the trigger weight (trigger pull), using an alen key

This is how the safety works

This gun can be easily upgraded with VSR10 parts

If you want to shoot higher power, you'll have to upgrade the internal parts or something will break quickly

The VSR10 is inspired by the Remington M700

The military variants of this gun are known as M24 and M40

The Remington M700 is very common in the civil world, notably among hunters, but it's also used by armed forces

It's a very modular design, available in a large variety of calibers, with a lot of available accessories

On our model, we installed a JJ Airsoft scope ; you can also put for example a bipod and a sling

The G-Spec Marui is a very short, very light, easy to handle around, easy to upgrade, ideal for players who want to try sniping

It's also a good choice for the confirmed players who want one of the best base for a custom

Tokyo Marui is among the favorite brands of airsoft players, and we know why !

If you liked this video, don't hesitate to like, share

It was Diane for Airsoft Entrepot TV, see you soon and good games !

For more infomation >> [Présentation] VSR10 G-SPEC Tokyo Marui - Duration: 7:52.


Jump Bug Exploit - Should it be allowed? - Duration: 3:26.

I'm sure by now you're aware of the jump bug that exists in CS:GO.

Pretty much everybody is.

Jumping whilst crouched and quickly letting go of the crouch button lets you see as though

you were standing, whilst remaining hidden from enemies since your animation still shows

you as crouched.

It's obvious that this isn't a feature, but a bug.

And one that needs fixing ASAP valve pls fix.

And I'm sure they will, much like they did with the landing bug animation glitch from

a few years ago which was quite similar in terms of how it worked.

It's unfortunate that the discovery of this bug had to be during a major.

Valve may not get around to fixing it until after it ends, which I would agree with since

it's bad sport to change the gameplay midway through such a major event.

Even if the changes are with good intentions in mind.

Let's face it: CS:GO has had years of polish and this bug has only shown itself now.

I hold the belief that it's a lot better for everybody to know about a bug like this,

than it is for it to be known by a few who remain quiet about it whilst abusing it themselves.

Who knows how long this has been abused for?

I'm sure the witch hunts have already started.

Old matches will be rewatched and scanned for cases of this exploit in action.

Most likely for cases that caused their favourite teams to lose crucial rounds and so on.

It could get messy.

Which begs the question: what should be done about it until it's fixed?

A few of the teams have tried to reach a gentleman's agreement where they agree not to use it,

though it didn't turn out too well since it- or at least similar behaviour- was still


But I don't blame him.

He might have been abusing it to see higher, he might not have.

As pointed out on Reddit, he might have been doing it to keep his jumping silent.

I don't think it matters.

It's just too difficult to judge every case of this happening and because of that I think

the bug should be allowed until the official fix it rolled out.

Because otherwise, you're not just asking players to stop abusing it.

You're expecting them to avoid any sort of suspicious behaviour that could even be

remotely seen as abusing it.

They have to keep this new rule in the backs of their minds when they're playing to actively

avoid any learned behaviour they might have.

Any jumping habits they've picked up over the thousands of hours that they've played

this game, which they might not even be actively aware of as giving them an advantage.

That's a pretty big last-minute gameplay change that you're asking players to adhere

to and one that works against their ultimate goal of winning.

It's not like you have to install hacks or to coordinate elaborate strategies with

teammates to execute this bug- it's just a simple combination of controls that anyone

can do, at any time.

As a player in the major I'd certainly feel as though I was under enough pressure already

without having to hastily change the way I handle -literally- the core gameplay, last-minute.

Like I said I think it's bad sport to change the rules mid-way through a tournament.

Regardless, I think the bug should be frowned upon but still used and abused for the remainder

of this tournament.

It's not fair to expect players to change their behaviour and to have every jump, innocent

or not, contested and debated.

And the event's organiser, PGL, has spoken.

They will allow the jump bug.

No doubt many people won't be happy, but that should be the end of it.

Besides, the alternative would be a lot more complicated.

Forcing players to adhere to an artificially enforced disadvantage works against their

ultimate goal of winning and sets a dangerous precedent.

What about cases where a player pulls a successful bunny hop and arrives somewhere before they

should have?

What about overpowered weapons or currently undiscovered Molotov smoke glitches?

I really think that CS:GO's gameplay should be left to govern itself, with Valve patching

the bits that are discovered to be overpowered or faulty.

Such decisions shouldn't be left to players or to the fans watching.

But hey, that's just my opinion, I am sure that many of you will disagree with this.

Especially when your favourite team loses a round because of it.

For more infomation >> Jump Bug Exploit - Should it be allowed? - Duration: 3:26.


(美國宣導動畫) 酒後不開車 中文翻譯by Yashesh Mistry - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> (美國宣導動畫) 酒後不開車 中文翻譯by Yashesh Mistry - Duration: 2:01.


RESONANDO CON LAS ENERGIAS ZODIACALES Parte I por Carolina Capmany - Duration: 1:02:46.

For more infomation >> RESONANDO CON LAS ENERGIAS ZODIACALES Parte I por Carolina Capmany - Duration: 1:02:46.


素|SHANGHAI | Full of happiness #2 ♡ 행복 가득 상해 여행 No.2 - Duration: 17:04.

I have been here

11 years ago

I have been here 11 years ago

That's right. I remember that. Oh no~

Yes, Right..


Yes, Yes, That's right

I saw the bakery shop at the opposite side

I remember the bakery shop

When I came her for studying Chinese

I had been there to buy bread

And I rememeber that.. I have been here before

After seeing this area,especially

I am sure that I have been here


I feel so different

because when I came here to Shanghai for study,

I had hard time as I didn't get used to everything

But I grow up

Oh~ this area...

has changed

It is very clean now

There was a market behind this area

which changed to be clean and better

Look at here

It was not that clean at that time

Now is different

At that time, I didn't quite recognise here whether this is Jingan temple or not

I just used to follow friends

and even didn't know where I was

I feel so great that I could come here again

I am so happy

I arrived

I arrived

I arrived finally


I am so happy now

This is vegan cookie

called Strictly cookie

It included, Rice flour



coconut oil

bean, salt

something like kind of flour

This is Vegan

I washed my hands, so it's okay

It is full of chocolate

I ordered tea, rose tea

Raspberry and Blueberry in it

It is really tasty

It is rose flavour which I really like

Chocolate and Rose!!

It tastes really good

I want to come back agian

They also sell smoothie bowls

which look really tasty

This is what I really like

It is taste of roses.

I arrived another restaurant

This cafe is very close to the place where we've been

You can really easily find this place as well

It is very close to that place we went

3~5 minutes by bike

This is a takeout restaurant

You can sit and eat at the restaurant

But here is specialized take-out restaurant

There are a lot of mosquitoes

You just walk or stand like me, they will bite you

I ordered this one

I am not hungry..but

I ordered Chinese style Mapo Tofu

which is the new menu

I will take this and go back home


I don't know whether I could come back here

I came to this cafe partly on take-out and partly for knowing this restaurant

So I don't know whether I could come here agian

So I ordered foods

Let's go back home now

This is main street.

OH~They sell organic vegetable buns

I need to come back to try that

They open at 7:00am

I am sweating so much

Shanghai has beautiful street everywhere

So I like riding a bike in Shanghai

and very convenient

I rode 10 mins...

I like most of streets in Shanghai

I gonna get shower after arriving home,

and then, let's have dinner

This smoothie bottle is called Lizzy's all natural

I bought three bottles

Green one, Red Velvet, and last one is tea..

It is written 'Mapo tofu'

This is new menu

There is no meat in it

Do you know that original Mapo Tofu has meat in it ?

No meat flavour

Let's put this soup over the rice

I think this is olive oil

It looks really tasty

I have thought of going outside again after having dinner at home

But I think I couldn't

It' very good to know this kind of take-out vegan restaurant

There are vegetables for side dish as well.

After eating this food, I will take a rest at home

If you also would like to try Chinese style vegan foods,

you can check out here, Delish

I will add the website below description

Check it out if you like

You can try other delicious menu

Let me try this one

I don't recommend this one

Although there is written' TEA',

Water, Black tea, Probiotic cultures

cane sugar, ginger, beetroot

It tastes like vineger

I will take a rest...

See you tomorrow. Good bye~

For more infomation >> 素|SHANGHAI | Full of happiness #2 ♡ 행복 가득 상해 여행 No.2 - Duration: 17:04.


Politische Vorhaben absurd? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Politische Vorhaben absurd? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:45.


Purple Sweet Potato Ondeh Ondeh (紫甘薯椰糖椰丝糯米球) - Duration: 2:41.

Turn on subtitles for instruction

Steam for 15~20 mins.

Mash the 200 g sweet potato until smooth.

120 g glutinous rice flour

100 ml warm water

add palm sugar in the center

Steam for 10 mins (100 g grated coconut+2 pandan leaves + a pinch of salt)

In low heat, cook until the ball float.

Coat with grated coconut

Thank for watching!

For more infomation >> Purple Sweet Potato Ondeh Ondeh (紫甘薯椰糖椰丝糯米球) - Duration: 2:41.


How to Win Summer: Root Beer Tiramisu | Food Network - Duration: 1:12.






For more infomation >> How to Win Summer: Root Beer Tiramisu | Food Network - Duration: 1:12.


Il bicchiere è mezzo pieno o mezzo vuoto? La risposta SCIENTIFICA - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Il bicchiere è mezzo pieno o mezzo vuoto? La risposta SCIENTIFICA - Duration: 3:13.


Pure Pod's Glass Cabins | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:06.


For more infomation >> Pure Pod's Glass Cabins | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 2:06.


Overview: Placebo Stimulants Make You Think You're Performing Better - Duration: 5:42.

A paper published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs has given extra support to the power

of placebo.

It found that giving someone placebo, if it was said to be a prescription stimulant like

Adderall, could make people self-report improvements in cognition.

This sort of finding exemplifies something that's becoming well understood.

Namely, that a person's expectancies impact not only what a real drug does, but can make

a placebo seem like it's doing something.

I think results of this sort need to be kept in mind when people are experimenting with

alleged cognitive enhancers, whether they're nootropics or LSD microdoses.

The background for this paper is that the non-medical use of prescription stimulants

has become popular among undergrads and graduate students.

They often believe stimulants can improve performance, which contributes to higher use


In the US, it's estimated 12 to 20% of university-level students have used these drugs at some point.

Although people may think their performance will improve, the results are often mixed

or negative in actual studies.

At this point we still don't have much evidence that amphetamine or methylphenidate significantly

improves performance in healthy, non-sleep deprived people.

People with ADHD do consistently receive benefits, yet some papers have found the same drugs

in healthy people can't do a whole lot.

It's possible some benefits exist, but probably not to the degree people think.

A key part of this paper was looking at the impact of positive expectancies on the effects

of a placebo.

We don't fully know how placebo effects will change based upon preconceived notions.

But there's reason to think a placebo can feel like a stimulant, depressant, or another

kind of substance depending on what's expected.

166 participants enrolled in the study, with 86 entering the experimental group, and 80

acting as a non-experimental control group.

These individuals were undergraduate students with a mean age of 19 years old and an average

GPA of 3.45.

Experimental participants were asked to pick a "dose" of alleged Ritalin, Adderall, or


74% chose Adderall, which probably indicates a greater familiarity with that drug's alleged

positive effects.

But, keep in mind, everyone ultimately received placebo.

They only thought they were getting a prescription stimulant.

To measure performance, four neuropsychological tests were employed: the d2 Test of Attention,

the PASAT (which measures information processing), a Passage Comprehension test, and Digit Span

tests to look at short-term memory.

They were also given subjective tests of typical positive and negative stimulant symptoms.

On the positive side were changes in alertness, focus, and motivation.

While the negatives included things like dry mouth, dehydration, and shakiness.

The experimental group had no significant positive changes in performance.

Rather, those who thought they received a stimulant actually had a potential decline

in performance on the PASAT.

So, at least in this paper, a placebo stimulant couldn't improve actual cognitive performance.

But that's a bit different from what the users reported.

Those who received the placebo stimulant reported significant improvements in alertness, focus,

and positive mood.

While the control group experienced the opposite.

And there was no change between groups in terms of physical symptoms like dry mouth

and shakiness.

The second part of this paper involved looking for correlations between performance, subjective

performance, and expectancies.

A large portion of the sample had positive performance-related ideas about stimulants.

For example, they felt they could improve focus, improve attention, and sometimes contribute

to higher grades.

Despite those feelings, higher positive expectancies didn't mediate any true neuropsychological


One of the only correlations was actually between negative expectancies (i.e. about

addiction or health issues) and Passage Comprehension.

Experimental participants with higher negative expectancy scores showed improved performance.

Whether this is a true finding and what the mechanisms may be aren't known.

In summary, if you give someone a placebo and tell them it's a stimulant, you can make

them think they're under the influence of a cognitive enhancer.

And you could even make them feel better overall.

Positive expectancies may not actually improve performance, at least according to this paper,

but they can mediate self-reported benefits.

This sort of research needs to be taken to heart by self-experimenters.

Legitimate cognitive enhancers may exist, but I'm inclined to think a lot of the anecdotal

reports are heavily tainted by placebo and expectancy.

The authors of the paper felt it was surprising task performance didn't improve due to positive


"Despite self-reported subjective improvements in focus, alertness, and pleasant mood in

the placebo group, participants did not perform better across task administrations overall.

This substantiates prior research indicating that students' beliefs that stimulant medications

are cognitive enhancers are likely misconstrued."

The authors concluded by suggesting college administrators begin telling students about

these findings in order to reduce expectancies and perhaps the use of stimulants by students.

If there's another thing I'm inclined to believe, it's that we probably won't see much of an

effect from anti-Adderall public information campaigns.

If you have any questions, feel free to put them in the comments.

You can also email me with questions.

The Drug Classroom is exclusively funded by donations.

Listeners like you make TDC possible.

If you want to support, please do so on Patreon.

For more infomation >> Overview: Placebo Stimulants Make You Think You're Performing Better - Duration: 5:42.


vaandag spellen we roblox: Shard Seekers - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> vaandag spellen we roblox: Shard Seekers - Duration: 9:52.



Hey guys I'm Ena and you're watching 2Game's weekly news update.

The Overwatch World Cup Group Stage is heading to Australia.

Last week, we saw Team China and Team France fight their way to the top in Shanghai, snatching up the first two places.

This weekend groups C and D will take the stage in Sydney.

Group C includes Italy, Portugal and Sweden and Group D consists of Finland, Japan, Spain, and Vietnam.

Battlefield 1's forthcoming Lupkow Pass map has been showcased in a new video.

Based in the Carpathian Mountains, the map has a thick layer of snow, as well as ravines and mountains.

Battlefield 1's next expansion, In The Name of the Tsar, doesn't actually release until September,

but the new map will be available in August to Battlefield 1 Premium Members.

Destiny 2's open beta begins today

Players will be able to play the opening mission of the game, called Homecoming, and a new strike called The Inverted Spire,

set on Nessus, a planetoid and one of the game's new locations.

A PC beta for Destiny 2 will take place in August.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds dethroned GTA 5 from Steam's all-time peak players list.

Battlegrounds' peak concurrent players record was achieved this week at just over 382,000 players, overtaking GTA 5's 360,000.

The game is already on track to reach Fallout 4's 471000,

and become the third most popular title after Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

A new trailer has been released for Star Wars: Battlefront II.

The trailer called "Behind the Story" features the creators talking about their game and the story that it tells.

It gives you the first proper look at Inferno Squad and its commander.

There is a big promotion starting right now on

You can save up to 60% on the following games,

and I also have a special discount code you can use to save an additional 10%.

Make sure to come by and hang out with me tomorrow as I will be trying out

Tom Clancy's: Ghost Recon Wildlands on our Twitch account 2GameOfficial.

Don't forget to enter our massive giveaway!

We will be drawing 10 winners each week. The link to enter is in the description bar below.

Thank you for watching and if you like what you've seen make sure to give this video a thumbs up

and subcribe to our channel. See you next week!

For more infomation >> DESTINY 2'S OPEN BETA, PLAYER UNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, MASSIVE GIVEAWAY| 2Game News - Duration: 2:47.



For more infomation >> 6 САМЫХ СТРАННЫХ И НЕОБЫЧНЫХ ОБРУЧАЛЬНЫХ КОЛЕЦ - Duration: 3:08.


Sons dos animais da fazenda para Crianças - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Sons dos animais da fazenda para Crianças - Duration: 2:35.


Алексей Сахновский - свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Алексей Сахновский - свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих - Duration: 10:07.


Dr. Kawashima's Devilish Braining Training: Can you stay focused? - wersja demo - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Dr. Kawashima's Devilish Braining Training: Can you stay focused? - wersja demo - Duration: 0:31.


TheFatRat - Fly Away feat.Anjulie | Trap VN - Duration: 3:16.

Fly Away - TheFatRat, Anjulie | Trap VN

For more infomation >> TheFatRat - Fly Away feat.Anjulie | Trap VN - Duration: 3:16.


NERF Super Soaker Unboxing & The Mermaids Swimming in The Pool in a Mermaid Nerf War - Duration: 3:48.

so today me

Reagan from our live streams are going to not be

unboxing from Super Soakers and this really cool, Hover Flood.

Actually flies and sprays water

I have the same Super Soaker as Aria and

My Super Soaker is the dart fire it shoots darts.

There are five darts that load into the barrel like this

This one's need water and dogs

this is

Super Super heavy fun. It's like a helicopter

Hovers on hide your palate sprays in water water. It's super cool invention

Let it thrown up help you put it together. Thanks, Mom

Now that we built this bad boy. We can fly

Hey, and if you like mermaids check out my murmurs show by clicking the picture part of your stream

Please subscribe by clicking that picture in the career of your street and like us by clicking the thumbs up

Here we are fine

For more infomation >> NERF Super Soaker Unboxing & The Mermaids Swimming in The Pool in a Mermaid Nerf War - Duration: 3:48.


Университет монстров Достаем Сюрпризы из глаза Видео для детей Funny video for kids - Duration: 7:13.


Children's Channel Ritka Style!

Super premise came from

Monsters corporation

Monsters university

super package

great monsters of the University Eye

Open your eyes and see that there is!



she probably delicious

but there is something else sticks

let's see what kind of candy

it is not edible

what is it ? monster

strashilka Monsters University

I caught a lot of eyes monster Scott

Scott monster horror story

cheerful monster


He waves his pen

see what else

Open the eyes again)

Unpacking surprise, pulled out and look

who are they?

who are they?

monsters twins

we will see

These are the monsters

See, the two-headed monster

Seems Terry and Terry

open surprise

I got so much candy

I think that there will be

Who will be there?


Cheerful monster!

very funny monster

cheerful Monster Art


talking to friends

We get one more piece of candy

We get a surprise from the eye

little candy

small kofetka

I think that there is Mayk Vazovsky

Mayk Vazovsky from Monsters University

let's watch

maybe this time you guess!

I know it's a monster Mayk Vazovsky

you guessed! Well done!

Mayk Vazovsky from Monsters Inc.

with books

probably in a hurry learning, runs somewhere

that's such a monster Mayk Vazovsky with books

probably in a hurry somewhere, learning

Hello, waving a pen

Greetings from Mike vazovskaya!


open your eyes and see what else is there

maybe it is Sally?

What do you think?


it's not Sally

This purple Crank


It's the ringleader of horror stories!

The leader of the monsters

Just do not remember his name

too cool

It seems his name is Johnny

Joni his name

Guys who remember the name of this monster please email us

in comments

the most important of horror stories


even candy

what is there, we will fall



it does show us the

it looks like Mike

Randall is not like Mike

two eyes, a tail

cute Randall

dear such class !! keep


Hello horror story!

open your eyes and pull out another surprise

again a little candy

you want more sweets


little monster

let's see, but I do not know what to call it

this monsters

pig dog

pig or goat

we do not know what kind of monster

too funny little beautiful


open the next gift

oh, wow what a great

maybe it's Sally, what do you think?


hey, why do you head stuck?

Sally stuck his head)

Sally Monsters University

Here's a cute Sally from Monsters Inc.

he smiles

beautiful Sally, with a backpack

Sally is studying with Mike

together with a friend

Hi Sally, went to learn!

let's see what else we have

wow, even candy!

still sweet

who's there ?

octopus Don

Hi Don octopus!

funny mustache Don

waving, too, Hello hello Ritka

cheerful monster

hand had grabbed grabbed


Gilt incomprehensible

monster little like a pig

Mayk Vazovsky


Mnogoglazka monster

The ringleader of horror stories


I'm taking him

take away

most liked Sally

because Salli Dobry monster

Take Sally

and in this video we want to say hello


Zlata Hi Hi!

Like it! To subscribe to a channel Ritka Style!

Videos for kids

Do not forget to press the bell, so as not to miss a new video)

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