Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

In the next 10 years, I'm looking forward to the endless amount of opportunities to come.

Thanks to pageants, so many doors to opportunities have opened for me.

And they've allowed me to be creative and curious in making my own decisions.

For example, this fall I have chosen to go to Endicott College

and pursue my passion in playing field hockey

and I'm going to major in Communications.

I have hopes and dreams to one day

be a news broadcaster.

Thanks to pageants,

I feel more prepared in my public speaking skills,

which can take me anywhere in life.

So as they say,

when one door closes, another door opens.

And I am most looking forward to

the endless amount of opportunities to come.

in the next 10 years.

Soon, my generation will be running the world.

To make this world a better place,

I can do my part by giving back to the community.

When you devote your time to others,

you're not only helping them,

but you're helping yourself.

I've learned this by volunteering for many different organizations.

For example, I volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club

by helping kids inside of a classroom.

And outside of school,

my field hockey team and I spend our time

creating field hockey clinics and helping kids of all ages

learn the fundamental skills of the game

since middle school sports were cut.

By spending time volunteering in my community,

I've learned when you help others, you're also helping yourself

by meeting new people, making connections and friendships, and supporting one another

to bring us all together and make this a better world.

For more infomation >> Miss Maine Teen USA 2017 Victoria Timm - Duration: 2:00.



For more infomation >> TOP LIFTING TECHNIQUES - Duration: 2:07.


Miss Virginia Teen USA 2017 Madison Walker - Duration: 0:45.

If I could be a character from a movie or book, who and why?

I would be Patch Adams because his goal as a doctor was to make kids always happy when they were sick,

and that's something that I hope I can do in the future

What do I want to see change in the next ten years?

I want to see kids with disabilities be able to go into the workforce and get equal opportunities.

Having a twin brother with down syndrome

I would love to see him be able to go into a regular job and be able to get equal pay and equal opportunities.

Don't you want a job, Bryan?


For more infomation >> Miss Virginia Teen USA 2017 Madison Walker - Duration: 0:45.


Casio CA100 Line Out Modification and Demo (Realistic Concertmate 670) - Duration: 15:03.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of 8-Bit Keys.

So, I know the title says Casio CA-100.

Now, what I have here says Realistic Concertmate on it.

So, for those who don't know, this was sold in Radio Shack back in, probably the late

80s early 90s, and during that time, Radio Shack would not allow any product on their

store shelves that didn't have one of their in-store brand names on it.

So, you would never find anything marked Casio or Sony or Panasonic or anything like that.

Realistic was the brand name they chose for many of their musical or audio type devices.

So, anyway, the only thing I know that is different between this and the Casio is the

demo tune.

So, the Casio version has a Rick Astley demo tune on it, and this one has some other thing.

But, I picked this up in an estate sale for about 5 bucks just recently.

And, there's actually nothing wrong with it.

There's nothing for me to repair.

There's nothing that needs to be restored on it.

It's in perfect condition.

But, before I get around to reviewing it, there is something, one modification I want

to make.

It has no line output jack.

All its got is a regular power port and a headphone jack.

Now, theoretically, yes, I can sample sound from the headphone jack.

But, it's annoying.

I like to be able to be able to plug these keyboards directly into say a laptop or a

computer and I want to be able to hear what I'm recording.

And, if you use the headphone jack, then the speaker gets turned off.

And so, then I have to play in silence or I have to find, you know I could use something

like this and plug in with a Y-Splitter, you know there's a hundred other ways you can

go about solving that problem.

But I don't have really a recording studio.

You know, I just like to keep this real simple.

I just like to be able to hear what I'm playing and it just makes it so much easier

for me if I have a line-output jack.

So, a lot of people have asked in previous episodes, how do I install these line-output


So, for example, I installed one on this guy because it had no headphone jack or anything.

And, you know, I didn't really go into a lot of detail about how you find the line-level

signal, so I'm going to talk about that.

I'm going to show you how to find it and how to do it, and then I'm going to demonstrate

the keyboard for you.

So, here's how I typically go about finding a line signal in these older keyboards.

The board will have a synthesizer chip that produces a line level signal, which is then

fed into an amplifier of some sort.

And then that powers the internal speaker.

Some synthesizer chips output a digital signal, and so they will have a separate chip which

is a digital to analog converter of some sort.

And so there should be a line level signal somewhere between the DAC and the amplifier.

And so you can tap off of these at either side to get the signal.

OK, so obviously I'll need to disassemble the keyboard.

This one is really weird because it has quite a bit of hollow space on the top and bottom,

with a big long metal piece in the center.

Anyway, I'll just start unscrewing things and see what I find.

OK, so removing this metal piece only really revealed the speaker and the key mechanism,

so I'll have to keep unscrewing to find the main board.

However, I did find a date stamp that shows this was made sometime between March and May

of 1990.

OK, so apparently, after enough screws are removed, this top piece comes off.

Now I've found the board, and it appears this entire keyboard is controlled by a single


And over here is the amplifier chip attached to a heat sink.

So, I know the amplifier is an LA4597, so I'll try to find a dataset on it.

And I did, but the data sheet is a bit confusing for most, so I've created an illustration

for the amplifier chip.

This thing has two inputs.

Presumably so it could be a stereo amplifier.

Two, outputs, a ground, and runs on 9 volts DC.

The next thing I need to do is get a look at the other side of this board.

The trouble is, I can't power on the keyboard on with the board unscrewed because of the

way the power switch works.

So I'll just take a good picture of it and then screw it back down.

Now that I have that, I just want to confirm a few things about this chip.

So I'll stick the negative probe of my multi-meter on the battery spring, that should be chassis


Now, back to my photo, this should be pin #1 since I'm looking at it from the under


This is pin 8, which should have 9 volts DC on it.

Once I put this board back down, I should be able to find that connected to any of these


So, I'll check here and sure enough, there is 9 volts.

It's fluctuating some because I have the demo tune running.

So I want to stay away from that pin when poking around with my line signal.

Next, I will put my meter in continuity test mode, so I can poke around and figure out

what is connected to what.

OK, so I've confirmed that the schematic matches the chip here.

But, I was confused about some things and I had to check with a friend of mine who is

an electrical engineer to find the answer.

OK, so most of the other cheap keyboards I've done work like this.. they have the audio

signal go to the amp, then it gets boosted and connects to the positive terminal on the


The negative terminal just goes to ground.

Simple, huh?

Well, on this keyboard, the audio goes to the two separate amplifier inputs and both

are amplified.

One goes to the positive terminal, and the other gets inverted and goes to the negative


That way the voltage difference between the positive and negative on the speaker is even

greater, making it louder.

So, time to do some poking and prodding.

I'm going to unsolder the speaker for the moment so I can clearly hear what audio I'm

dealing with.

Then I'll connect this RCA cable up to my boombox and use some alligator clips on the

other end.

I'll attach ground to the battery ground again.

I'll stick a little capacitor on the end of my positive lead, as this is protection

against transferring any voltage to my boombox.

I'll set the demo tune running so I have something to hear.

And here's what I found…

Tapping off of either of these input pins, like I originally planned, ended up being

too weak.

I can hear the sound but it is very faint.

Tapping off of either of these two output lines actually produces a nearly perfect line

level signal.

However, once I re-connected the speaker, it ended up pulling the signal down some,

so these are just a bit too quiet now.

So just for comparison, if I used this particular audio capture device, it has no gain control

at all, not in software, not in hardware.

So if I use it to capture from just one leg of the speaker with ground, it sounds like


And if I capture from both legs of the speaker, it sounds like this.

If you look at a visual representation, this section here is captured from one leg, and

this is captured from both.

So this is really about the perfect signal.

So, all that's left to do is drill a hole.

I picked this location since there appeared to be room next to the other existing ports

on the keyboard.

Then I just soldered the capacitor and a couple of wires to the speaker connections.

So the irony is, in most cases I will say not to capture from the speaker and instead

get the signal from the board.

But in the case of this particular keyboard, I honestly think this is probably the best

place to get it from.

I'm really not entirely sure why it worked out that way.

So now, let's talk about the keyboard itself.

It says pulse code modulation right here on the front.

I'm going to tell you right now I don't believe that it's really pulse code modulation.

I mean, I think the drums are pulse code modulation but I think everything else is not.

It may be possible that some of the instruments are using PCM samples but if they are the

sample rate is so low and it sounds so bad, it's really hard for me to say that it is


So, let me give you a tour of some of the sounds on this thing.

It does claim to have 100 sounds, which is not entirely accurate as some of these, especially

these here are just taking other sounds and splitting the keyboard.

Still, even with 90 sounds there are too many to demonstrate here, so I'll give you a

sampling of some that I like.

Now, I find it odd that any tone bank keyboard starts off on brass.

I mean, why would anyone want that as a default instrument?

Piano would make so much more sense.

So, I am going to do a polyphony test right quick by holding down the high note.

And it looks like I can play 3 other notes before it cuts off.

So that's 4-voice polyphony.

However, let me try another instrument like this flute.

OK, so on simpler instruments it looks like there is 8-voice polyphony.

OK, so here's the piano.

Doesn't sound all that great, as expected.

The most annoying part is there is no sustain option of any sort so I find myself wanting

to hold the keys down longer.

I actually think I like the electric piano sound better, although they moved it up an

entire octave.

OK, so this is the vibraphone.

It doesn't really have any sustain to it.

I keep looking for a better bell type instrument, but I'm just not finding one.

This is called Sample Percussion.

Not sure what that is supposed to be.

This is rock drum, which is a form of manual drums, but the layout didn't really make

sense at first.

Then I realized they are essentially giving you only 4 sounds, and each one is on its

own octave.

OK, so this is synth reed, a nice square-wave tone.

This is one of my favorite.

Synth Piano is probably my favorite piano-type instrument on here.

Also, the bass instruments are interesting because they move them up higher on the keyboard,

and then on the lower octaves they give you drums.

OK, let's try some sound effects.

This is called airplane, and if you hold it down long enough, the sound starts to change


If it weren't for that, it would be one of the coolest instruments on this thing because,

if I avoid holding it down, I can create some pretty cool sounds.

OK, so now I'm going to do a little multi-track tune for you.

Now, this is the same tune that I did a while back on the Casio HT-700.

Now, many people have asked me to do the same song on more than one keyboard so that they

could better tell the difference between how the two keyboards sound.

So, that's what I've done.

So, have a listen.

And so, I think if you go back and listen to the version I did on the HT700, you'll

hear a remarkable difference.

The HT700 sounding better, of course, because it was closer to the professional side of


So, where do I place this on my toy meter?

Well, I'm going to put it right at the entry level for the amateur keyboards.

I am taking into account that this was made in 1990.

And so, because of that, I really expected more out of it compared to similar keyboards

from the same time period.

So, what do I think of this keyboard overall?

Well, to be honest I was a little bit disappointed with it.

Because, hey it's got a tone bank of 100 sounds so I thought surely I'll like at

least 40 or 50 of those sounds, but in reality I only ended up liking maybe 10 of the sounds

on this keyboard.

Which means that it's really no better off than using a Casio like one of these that

has less than 20 sounds to begin with.

That being said, people often ask me for advice on picking a retro keyboard and I'm actually

going to be doing an episode on that eventually but I think it's safe to say that this keyboard

will not be making it on the top 10 list.

I am looking forward to reviewing two keyboards that I received as donations last month.

One of them is this Casio MT-68, which is pretty cool, and I look forward to showing

you this.

The second one is this Yamaha PSR-6.

And it's also a tone-bank keyboard.

I haven't even fired this thing up yet but I'm really excited about how it's going

to sound.

So anyway, I look forward to bringing you the episodes on this, so stick around for

that and well, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Casio CA100 Line Out Modification and Demo (Realistic Concertmate 670) - Duration: 15:03.



For more infomation >> ZAMASU KILLS ZENO SAMA ★ DRAGON BALL SUPER ★ - Duration: 7:33.


El Temor a Dios - Paul Washer - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> El Temor a Dios - Paul Washer - Duration: 2:38.



For more infomation >> EM LÀ TẤT CẢ [AUDIO FULL] | ĐỨC PHÚC | CHỜ EM ĐẾN NGÀY MAI (OST) - Duration: 3:47.


Making Soy Wax Candles & Testing the Golden Brand | Summer Short Series - Duration: 6:41.

Hi and welcome to "La Fille de la Mer" my name is Ariane Arsenault and today I'm gonna tell

you about some testings I did for my candles, because as many of you know,

one of the brands that many candle makers were using, including me, were out of stock

They had an international shortage of their soy wax for candles so

I decided to test another brand while waiting for my usual supplier to stock

back their soy wax so I did some testings with the Golden Brand

soy wax and I'm just gonna show you what I've learned. The first thing that I did

is that I made votives and then I placed them into my status jars and I pour my

wax at about 135 degrees Fahrenheit. I did that for my 8 ounce and my 12 ounce

status jars. Here are the two candles that I test poured this morning. I am

removing the wick centering tools and checking the surface for irregularities.

When you pour soy wax, in the cool down, sometimes it creates a little crater or

a void in the surface of the wax and I want to eliminate that so I'm using

a heat gun and gently heating the surface of the wax until there no

longer seems to be a void then I'm gonna let that wax cool down again

and check the surface later to see if it fixed the issue. So there I am done with

the 8 ounce candle and I'm gonna proceed and do the exact same thing for the 12

ounce candle. Now if we take a closer look at the center of the wick I can see

that there are air bubbles that are coming out so I melted that really

nicely and made sure that all of the air bubbles were coming out and then I just

put the wick centering tool back on again and wait till this firms up for

two days before test burning. I have cut down my wicks and it's time to do

the burn test after the golden brand wax has been setting for 48 hours

this one is an 8-ounces and this one is 12 ounces and I

will be back, I'll let these burn for one hour and then I'll show you what the

burn pool looks like and how the wax and the wicks performed together. Oh! By the

way these are HTP 1212 and these are HTP 105. Here is 40 minutes

in to burning tests and the pool is almost at the edges of the container it

doesn't feel too hot, it's just warm and I will keep this burning to complete a

full hour and see if I reach a full burn pool within an hour be right back! Oh!

look at these little tea light these are perfect really happy about these.

These candles have been burning for a 1 hour and I'm pretty happy with the results as

the burn pool has reached the edge of the glass on both candles so that's a

very good sign. When you reach a full burn pool it means that from there and

on the wax will keep fueling the wick and we'll go down evenly rather than

creating a void or a crater and like digging into the wax rather than burning

down equally. So... Great! It's time to turn these off they have been burning for 4 hours

You can see that the burn pool is very nice, the flame isn't too big but

since they've been burning for a while they're kind of making little balls on

the top so I'm gonna blow these out, I'm gonna let these cool down completely

then I'm gonna trim my wicks and keep enjoying them another day. And now for

the real test making a whole bunch of candles with the golden brand you can

see that I've made the votives with the same wax that I'm pouring right now.

I'm pouring at 135 degrees F but this time I am coloring my candles and scenting

them at 5%. We made many candles with many different scents in many different

colors because we really had to restock for the shop. Here you can see the

votives through the clear wax but as it dries and hardens up the wax will be

opaque and the colors will be a bit lighter. Here they are now! This is a

different technique; we're doing a double pour so two layers. It's the same thing

basically but with two colors on top of each other. Still we had problems with

frosting and little craters or gaps creating irregularities on the surface

of our candles so we did have to use the hot-air gun and blow on top of each

candle to fix the surface. It was not absolutely perfect but it was good

enough for my expectations! I'm working with a different product so

I have to expect something different! And here they are all laid out in the shop

This candle was made using soy wax from my previous supplier, it's nice and

smooth, this was done in a single pour, with the same technique using the

votives inside but at one pour no heat gun was required to smooth out the top.

This is the only thing that was a bit more tricky to do with the Golden Brand

I had to heat gun every single candle so the tops would be smooth and even though

there was a little bit of frosting on top in my colored candles but definitely

the Golden Brand has saved my summer season as we sell so many soy wax candles

in the shop, so I'm really happy I have this wax available. I will make another

candle making video once I get my new wax back, because our supplier is

supposed to stock back up in August and they will have a new formula; so more

testings for me to do and I will keep you updated on that as well. Thank you so

much for watching, if you have any questions or comments leave them in the

comment section below. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, if you liked

this video give me a thumbs up and I will see you later! Thank you, good bye!

For more infomation >> Making Soy Wax Candles & Testing the Golden Brand | Summer Short Series - Duration: 6:41.


Learn Colors with Shovel Toys Pool Surprises for Children Finger Family Song Shovels Зырики ТВ irl - Duration: 2:53.



Learn Colors with Shovel Toys Pool Surprises for Children Finger Family Song Shovels Зырики ТВ irl

Honestly, let me see






For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Shovel Toys Pool Surprises for Children Finger Family Song Shovels Зырики ТВ irl - Duration: 2:53.


Sokakta Torpil Atma Şakası - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Sokakta Torpil Atma Şakası - Duration: 5:29.


Births in my henhouse eglu Go UP. The JEALOUS HEN? - Duration: 11:58.

Hello, in this film I am talking about things never seen in thirty years of breeding.

To begin, a friend gave me three beautiful hens

These black hens are Harco hens. These are excellent layers. Right, Cruella, left chives.

In the center, Princess sadly passed away shortly after his arrival.

So we have just two hens.

Since I do not have enough space, I separated the two red hens.

A young 16 year old girl adopted them. For her it's a childhood dream come true.

That's the surprises begin.

One morning Chives shows all the signs of a hen hatching determined.

She never leaves the nest, a sign that does not deceive.

I made the decision to help because I would like myself, have chicks.

I installed a small box just for her.

But apparently it's a bit too narrow.

I am looking for another option.

This time, I see more.

There at least, it can move therein.

Ditto for the chicks that are born in this bottomless bait therein.

A second friend, offered me this 5th Sussex chicken eggs.

I put them directly in place and poses Chives above.

Six days later, I mir 5 eggs.

Of the 5, I deleted 3 that were not fruitful.

I keep the other 2 but however, I have a big doubt on their content.

That same day, I contacted a breeder hens Australorp and buys 12 fertile eggs.

And now a strange thing happens. While Chives takes his 15-minute break,

Cruella takes his place and begins to fuck the mess in the nest.

This does not seem to bother Chives currently.

Cruel seems to incubate the eggs but still very awkward.

It is advisable to isolate a hen brooding, not to have this kind of concern.

But I have no place to do it.

After 10 minutes, she abandons the nest.

Chives, takes his place mom.

Under it, there are 14 eggs in total.

3 days passed without any problem.

And now Cruella begins to impose even once.

She goes again, more and more time at the nest

She tries in vain to take the eggs of Ciboultte to lay his.

The fuss is not good for the future chicks.

The Now he spends all his time in the nest.

Yet she still shows no sign of brooding.

It even allows to make its droppings in the nest.

Every day I fate of the nest to make room for chives.

Cruella does not appreciate.

Dice the arrival of Cruella, his sister is showing signs of stress.

It even steal eggs from her sister, who no longer even trying to defend himself.

Somehow, Chive repair the damage.

And the worst starts.

She deliberately hunting Chives, distraught, her nest.

Not knowing what to do with Cruella, Chive leaves him instead and goes.

Chives, expressed his displeasure in the indifference of Cruella.

It was from that day that Cruella support Chives in the nest.

Despite all this mess, miracles have their places in my chicken coop with over a minimum of loss.

Even the 4 days over 35 °, had no reason to them.

The bad news, I lack of space, I soon have to part with some of these little ones.

However, I board 3 or 4 months to enjoy maximum.

Thank you to all follow me and soon for more videos.

For more infomation >> Births in my henhouse eglu Go UP. The JEALOUS HEN? - Duration: 11:58.


LoliRock Amaru Coloring Book Page Lolirock Amaru Coloring Page LoliRock Colouring Book For Kids Art - Duration: 3:35.

Welcome to Happy Magic Toys and episode 3 of our LoliRock coloring book series.

Today's coloring page is Amaru.

Amaru is a cat-dog with the ability to change into a Pegasus.

Please check out my playlists to see more Magical Girl coloring book pages, color swaps and customs.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the channel to find videos based on other TV shows and films.

Please like and subscribe for daily videos, and leave any coloring page, color swap and/or custom requests in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> LoliRock Amaru Coloring Book Page Lolirock Amaru Coloring Page LoliRock Colouring Book For Kids Art - Duration: 3:35.


The Bushwhacker (214 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 3:33.


For more infomation >> The Bushwhacker (214 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 3:33.


soi cầu - xsmb ngày 22/7/2017 - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> soi cầu - xsmb ngày 22/7/2017 - Duration: 3:42.


[Part 2] Girl's Day Minah, Noh Hyeran & Hotshot Kid Monster (Noh Taehyun) friendship - Duration: 15:12.

skip to 2:00 for Hyeran's profile

skip to 4:12 for Taehyun's profile

skip to 5:54 for previous video (part 1) highlights

skip to 8:32 for Hyeran x Taehyun

skip to 8:40 for Minah x Hyeran

skip to 13:00 for Minah x Taehyun

skip to 13:08 for Tae x Ran x Min! (Taeramin? XD)

For more infomation >> [Part 2] Girl's Day Minah, Noh Hyeran & Hotshot Kid Monster (Noh Taehyun) friendship - Duration: 15:12.


German style port cutlet dipped in jam! [Battle Trip / 2017.07.21] - Duration: 14:40.

I heard we can tour around the stadium.

That's the home ground of...

- FC Bayern Munich. / - Yes.

(One of the 1,001 architectures to see before you die)

(Allianz Arena of Munich)

- I really want to go there. / - I got goose bumps.

- Is that a famous stadium? / - Yes, it is.

It's the home ground of Germany's best soccer team.

(Tour around the stadium when there's no game)

This is it.

- This is it. / - This is it.

So this is it!

- This is it. / - Goodness.

This is the home of FC Bayern Munich.


Hello, Ribery.

- This is amazing. / - This is amazing.

- You can see the inside. / - I know.

Let's go inside.

I love Bayern Munich so much.

This place is...

This is the home of Bayern Munich.

There are a lot of people even when there is no game.


Shall we go in?

When there's no game, you can pay the entrance fee

and tour around the stadium. Is that right?


And when there's no game,

you can go inside the stadium with a tour guide.

- How much is it? / - It's $29.

- Including a guide. / - The tour includes...

It's about $30 per person.

Check out the trophies.

- They sell uniforms too, right? / - Of course.

- What are these trophies? / - I don't know these.

There must be a big ear.

Do they not have it?

What is big ear?

It's European Champion Clubs' Cup.

It's the one that have big handles on the side.

- The handles look like big ears. / - The big handles.

They look like big ears so it's called big ear.

- We have to find the big ear. / - What do we do after?

It's not here.

Is it not here?

The European Champion Clubs' Cup is not here?

The European Champion Clubs' Cup isn't here.

(He leaves the group)

(He walks around)

It says Champions League.

- Big ear. / - What?

- It says Champions League. / - These are replicas.

When did they receive this?

- They are replicas. / - Did they get it 3 years ago?

- Are they all replicas? / - They got it 3 or 4 years ago.

They got it when they traveled somewhere.

Why are these all replicas?

That's what I heard.

Those are replicas. The real ones are kept separately.

The real ones are still in use.

- I'm disappointed. / - So it's a replica.

I am disappointed.

It's great.

I watched the Champions League Final

a few days ago.

I really wanted to hold it.

They should have let us hold the replica.

I took a picture with the real one

when they brought it to Korea.

That's the bus they ride.

Those are the seats the players sit on.

Is that the bus the players actually ride?

It's the replica.

- Bus? / - Yes.

We can't tell that it's a special bus.

We can't tell.

As if we are on their bus.

Can't we upload one more photo?


- Can't tell. / - It's because we're not in uniform.

Let's go get a uniform.

They are selling it here.


- Vidal. / - If you take children who love soccer...

- They would be thrilled. / - So thrilled.

You must take them.

Do you want to put our name?

Isn't it too embarrassing?

You're not a big soccer fan, are you, Hyun?

- I think that was a mistake. / - Right?

You can't put your name there.

Wouldn't it be fun?

The number will be 100 because we want 100 votes.

I'm too embarrassed to do that.

You want to write 100 on the back?

- Do you have to do that? / - How about it?

Do you have to do that?

Let's do it.

I'm in charge of the Germany tour.

So just listen to me.

Do whatever you want.

- Okay. / - It's a shame.

Let's put K.will

and Lee Hyun.

Let's do that. Okay?

- I really didn't want to do that. / - With just two guys...

I thought it'd be awkward...

- But you're really delicate. / - No!

Did you buy that?

- He forced me to do it. / - No!

Thank goodness the name is in the bottom.

We put 100 so that you'd give us 100 votes.

Isn't it great?

(75,000 people are waiting for FC Lee K Tour)

That's where

the players wait before they enter the stadium.

- When you enter there... / - I am the little kid.

- I see. / - The little kid.

- Can you go out there? / - Not a pretty picture.

Goodness. I got goose bumps.

They were fixing the field.

It hurts.

It's artificial turf but it still feels so nice.

Just stepping here feels nice enough.

I want to step on the field.

(You can't enter the real field)

I see.

What are you doing?

- What? / - What are you doing?

- I'm patting the grass. / - Isn't the grass nice?

It's amazing.

You can't step on the actual field, can you?

- You can't. / - We couldn't.

We're standing on the artificial turf.

So that's where the players sit.

That's it.

This mark is...

There's the tiger.

- Tiger. / - Yes.

He's the assistant coach.


(It's a goal!)

Because they can't step on the grass,

they don't go far.

We were very careful.

We were careful.

Good job.

- Good job. / - We enjoyed it.

We are still children after we get married.

Let's sit.

How can a singer have such weak lung capacity?

I'm tired.

- Goodness. / - Let's go eat.

I drove,

ran on the field...

I'm tired. Why aren't you feeding me?

- I'm so hungry. / - I'm hungry.

I don't have any energy to move.

- This feels so good. / - This feels amazing.

This is it.

Has it ended?

They say you lose if you get jealous but I have to lose.

I am unbelievably jealous.

What's the difference between wheat beer...

- And the one you drank? / - Pilsner.

Pilsner tastes like ordinary Korean beer

with a little more feeling of refreshment.

- Wheat beer tastes a bit... / - The scent.

It's richer.

I'm more curious about the snacks

rather than the beer.

Beeramisu? It looked very soft.

Compared to tiramisu,

it has a firmer texture like bread.

Is it like bread?

They sprinkle a little salt on the top of beeramisu.

You can enjoy the combination of sweet and salty.

Alright. Now...

- We've seen the first half. / - Let's vote.

As Lee K Tour planned,

would you go to... How do you say Munich again?

- Munich. / - Munich.

Would you go to Munich or not? Please vote.

(Lee K Tour planned a trip to Munich, Germany)

(What will the judges choose for the first half?)

We have the result. Let's see it.

Alright. You can't see the result of the vote...

I'm shocked.

- We can't see, right? / - Sikyung's face...

This many votes?

- That's his expression. / - Well...

- I feel bad. / - Maybe I criticized them too much.

- Sook. / - Let me just say this.

Please don't get hurt by this.

I'm sure we got many votes.

I know how Sikyung looks when he's displeased.

- This is what you've done. / - I feel bad.

- I'm 100% sure it's a high score. / - Right? Right?

- I'm right. / - I'm 100% sure it's a high score.

- Right? Right? / - I'm right.

No, wait. Among the things men would go crazy for,

how many were shown?

- Cars. / - Three.

- You still have four things left. / - That's right.

You have more than half left.

That's a relief.

You're right. It's a good thing.

- Everyone, it's Munich. / - Munich.

Let's watch the second half now.


(7 things men would go crazy for, schweinshaxe)

Normally, there should be more people.

- Earlier, it was... / - Yes. It's too quiet.

- The weather is too good. / - It's such a fine day.

Everyone is outside to enjoy the sunset.

There are many people outside but no one is inside.

Yes. It feels like we borrowed this place.

You're right.

This must be how it feels to borrow a restaurant

for your girlfriend.

- But you're here with me. / - I'm here with you.

You're wearing matching clothes and hats.

That's what tourists wear.

- Was that your honeymoon? / - It's a uniform.

- This is schweinshaxe. / - This?

- This is schweinshaxe. / - I think you're right.

It's schweinshaxe. They also have the 1L beer

which is famous in the Oktoberfest.

The name of the beer is Hacker-Pschorr.

- Hacker-Pschorr? / - Hacker-Pschorr.

- Hacker-Pschorr? / - I've only seen the picture of it.

The glass is really big.

- It looked as big as a 3L glass. / - I want to drink it.

A German lady with big arms might carry

the beer glasses with her both arms like this.

- Just one glass is quite heavy. / - It is.

- That's right. / - They must have schweinshaxe too.

Excuse me.

Did he just speak Korean?

We want to order.

- Schweinshaxe. / - One schweinshaxe? Okay.

Two glasses of Hacker-Pschorr.

Schnitzel and sauerkraut.

- Okay. / - Okay.


It's so convenient that you memorized the dishes.

Gosh, this feels good.

- You did it. / - I did it.

People study for a reason.

I think I know what this trip is all about.

- What? / - It's a free trip...

And all we need to do is memorize the food.

Then we have no problem.

We just have to know what to eat...

- At which restaurant. / - That's right.

This is Hacker-Pschorr.

This is the one.

- Is that 1L? / - Huge, right?

That's right. Also, their portions are huge too.

You're right. It's a lot.

We'd share the food.

(It's traditional German beer)

(It has plentiful bubbles and a rich, creamy taste)

- Lee K Tour. / - Lee K Tour.

Bottoms up.

This is really heavy.

(It's as big as a person's face)

- It was great. / - They might drink it all.

- Bottoms up. / - No, it's a lot.

You can't drink it all at once.

- This is great. / - Hyun is like K.will's wife.

Hyun does really cute things.

It tastes similar to the beer we drank first.

- Pilsner? / - Yes.

- Anyone would like this beer. / - Right.

It's the beer that Koreans are familiar with

but it has a great texture.

Yes. This is what I wanted.

Did you hear that?

A bell rang.

It means they have fresh Hacker-Pschorr.

(A new beer barrel shows up)

- What's that? / - It comes up like that.

Oh, my.

- That was fast. / - It's draft beer.

(When the fresh beer is ready)

They ring a bell.

They let us know they have fresh beer.

The food is here.

Are you ready, guys?

- Is this schweinshaxe? / - It's schweinshaxe.

- It's schweinshaxe. / - Schweinshaxe.

- Come on. / - This is sauerkraut.

It's similar to Korean pork hocks.

I see.

Goodness. It looks delicious.

- My gosh. / - I don't think...

I can criticize that.

- It's crunchy and juicy. / - Shall we eat?



(The crisp sound hits your ears)

This is true meat.

It's really firm.

It must be delicious.

I can clearly see that it's delicious.

You have to eat it with the sauce.

The outer layer is so crisp as if it's been fried.

It's different from pork hocks because of the crust.

The outer layer feels like fried chicken and the inside...

- Is like pork hocks? / - Crispy out, soft in.

But it's not fried.

- What? / - It's not fried.

- It's roasted. / - They roast it in the oven.

I see.

It must have removed the grease.

- That's right. / - It looks delicious.

It's delicious. This is great.

Are you giving it to me?

Try it.

Eat it like a Viking.

(You should gnaw off the meat to really enjoy it)

(Mouth watering)

I think this is like coleslaw.

Is that sauerkraut?

- It's like white kimchi. / - It tastes refreshing.

It's like white kimchi.

I love this.

I think every country has a side dish

with vegetables that can rid the greasiness of meat.

Let's try this too.

- It's schnitzel. / - Schnitzel.

Schweinshaxe is pork.

- What's that? / - Is that kimchi pancake?

That's like veal cutlet.

They coat veal with bread crumbs

and grill it with butter.

It's meat?

(Fresh lemon enhances the flavor)

- That's berry jam. / - They eat it with jam.

Doesn't it taste strange to eat cutlets with sweet jam?

- It's delicious. / - That was really good.

Women would love that.

I look so happy.

It's good.

- It looks like a pancake. / - You two eat a lot.

It doesn't look like a meat dish.

- I know. / - This is a very interesting dish.

It's hard to describe its taste.

What's that?

- Strawberry jam? / - Is this strawberry jam?

Isn't this amazing?

- It was great. / - It's like cranberry jam.

It doesn't feel like they'd taste good together.

It's really delicious.

While Schweinshaxe feels like a meal...

- Schnitzel feels like a snack. / - I see.

- How was today? / - Thanks to you.

It was a fun second day.

We can have fun like this tomorrow as well, right?

- Of course. / - K.will seems drunk.

That's his drunk look you showed us earlier.

I told you. That's the look.

Let's say our team name.

- Lee K Tour. / - Lee K Tour.

Sikyung would say,

"They're drinking too much beer."

That sounds like something he'd say.

For more infomation >> German style port cutlet dipped in jam! [Battle Trip / 2017.07.21] - Duration: 14:40.


Изысканное вишневое варенье с коньяком и корицей. - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Изысканное вишневое варенье с коньяком и корицей. - Duration: 4:40.


Power Rangers (2017) Blu-ray CLIP | The Rangers vs. Rita Repulsa 'First Encounter' (Scene) | HD - Duration: 7:12.

I don't wanna just sit around and watch it die, okay?

Let's go and do the one thing that's been asked of us

and kill Rita.

You know this is a really bad idea, right?

The worst.

Let's vote. Show of hands.

Let's do it.

Okay. Okay, let's go.

Take the left, I'll take the right.

Okay. Got it.

- We'll, untie him. Hold this. - No, no, no.

Let's just think about this, okay?

Oh, shit!

Right on time.

I was beginning to think you were too dumb

to know where the dead ships live.

Let's play.

Five little rangers tied up like fish.

The leader? Oh, hello, Red.

Oh! You're not entirely disappointing.

Oh, look at you. Trying to figure out my plan.

I'll just tell you.

Yellow has led you to your deaths.

Because I'm going to kill you,

one by one, until you tell me,

where is my crystal?

We don't know.

No, Red. You don't know!

But guess what?

One of you does.

Who could it be?

Eenie, meenie, miney...


Blue, so loyal.

Pure of heart.

Tell the class what you know!

Where's my crystal?

You can tell me now, Blue,

or you can tell me after I kill all of your friends.

Let's start with Black.

No! Stop!


He dies in three, two...

Okay! Okay!

Don't hurt my friends, all right?

It's at a dining establishment.

Where? What does that mean? What's it called?

It's a Krispy Kreme.

- Krispy Kreme? - Krispy Kreme.

This is a special place?

- Very special. - It must be.

The source of life itself is buried there.

Thank you, Blue, for being so weak.

Zordon would lose all respect for me if I don't kill you.

- At least one of you. - What?

No! Billy!

- Billy! - Billy!

- Jason, we gotta help him! - Billy! Billy!

You're not ready to kill me.

Ha! You're not worthy.

Quick! Get the rope!



He's gonna be okay, right?

Come on.

Hey, hey. You got this, big guy. Come on.

He's dead.

He's dead.


Pick him up.

Help me pick him up!

Come on!

Okay. Okay. Come on, Billy. We got you, buddy.

Take him. Take him.


- Let's just put him down. - Okay.

- Slow, slow, slow. - Master Billy.

Do something, okay?

There must be something you can do for him.

I told you that you were not ready.

Zordon, please help us, okay? Please.

There's nothing that I could do for him.

We were both reckless with our teams.


Thanks for Watching (CoolestClips4K-Cliptonite)

For more infomation >> Power Rangers (2017) Blu-ray CLIP | The Rangers vs. Rita Repulsa 'First Encounter' (Scene) | HD - Duration: 7:12.


Major science breakthrough Wormholes to other GALAXIES could exist in the Milky Way - Duration: 4:34.

Major science breakthrough Wormholes to other GALAXIES could exist in the Milky Way

Absolutely fascinating! A giant doorway to another galaxy could exist at the center of

our galaxy the Milky Way, a new study suggests.

Wormholes have long been considered to exist only in popular movies and video games. But

science fiction and reality are divided by a thin line it seems. Physicists claim that

a wormhole could exist withing our Galaxy�the Milky Way�which could lead to other parts

of the universe.

Experts now believe that these theoretical portals may in fact be REAL and one such wormhole

could exist in the Milky Way.

A wormhole is a solution of the Einstein field equations having a non-trivial structure linking

separate points in spacetime, much like a tunnel with two ends, each at separate points

in spacetime. Such connections are consistent with the general theory of relativity, yet

their existence remains hypothetical.

And while a wormhole has still not been spotted anywhere near us, experts from the International

School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, believe wormholes are not just science fiction

and they may very well be real, and could be hiding within dark matter inside the Milky


Speaking about wormholes and their existence, Professor Paulo Salucci, said: �If we combine

the map of the dark matter in the Milky Way with the most recent Big Bang model to explain

the universe, and we hypothesise the existence of space-time tunnels, what we get is that

our galaxy could really contain one of these tunnels, and that the tunnel could even be

the size of the galaxy itself.�

�But there�s more. We could even travel through this tunnel, since, based on our calculations,

it could be navigable. Just like the one we�ve all seen in the recent film �Interstellar�.�

Researchers wrote in their study:

�Our result is very important because it confirms the possible existence of wormholes

in most of the spiral galaxies.�

�Dark matter may supply the fuel for constructing and sustaining a wormhole. Hence, wormholes

could be found in nature and our study may encourage scientists to seek observational

evidence for wormholes in the galactic halo region.�

In the past, scientists theorized that if wormholes do exist in the universe, they could

be relatively small.

But, the team of astrophysicists believe that the wormhole which may exist in the Milky

Way could be �big enough to fit a spaceship� allowing it to travel across the universe,

most likely ending up in another distant galaxy.

Prof Salucci, continued: �Obviously we�re not claiming that our galaxy is definitely

a wormhole, but simply that, according to theoretical models, this hypothesis is a possibility.�

Here�s a really cool video about wromholes:

The research paper was published in the Annals of Physics�a monthly peer-reviewed scientific

journal covering all aspects

of physics.

For more infomation >> Major science breakthrough Wormholes to other GALAXIES could exist in the Milky Way - Duration: 4:34.


Munich at a glance, 3 grand observatories in Marienplatz! [Battle Trip / 2017.07.21] - Duration: 11:43.

That sounds like something he'd say.

(The last day of stopover in Germany)

(Lee K Tour itinerary, Munich's landmark)

They drank a lot of beer.

It will be our last 24 hours in Germany now.

- Already? / - Yes.

Gosh, time passes so quickly.

Today, we're going to a place you really wanted to go...

- New Town Hall. / - That pretty building?

- Yes. / - Okay.

- That building. / - It looked so beautiful.

- I know. / - Do you know the way?

♪ Somewhere ♪

♪ Over the... ♪

- The weather feels like... / - Goodness.

It looks like a cathedral.

The sky is gray.

I heard that there aren't many fine days in Germany.

In a way, this is the real weather of Germany.

We're going to go on the tram here, right?

- This is... / - Yes. That's the tram.

We have to get to Theatinerstrasse.

- We're here, right? / - Yes.

We should get on it.

Let's get on.

(They successfully got on the tram)

- Let's have a seat. / - We should mark our tickets.

That's right. They don't check the tickets

but if you get caught, you have to pay a large fine.

Yes. It's often like that in Europe.


We have to listen carefully and get off at the right stop.


What you just said made me anxious.


When we hear this, we should get off.

What if we miss it?

It's actually very fun to take the public transportation.

It's really fun in the place you've never been.

Also, I think this is better than

the subway because it's above the ground.

Gosh, that's beautiful.

(It's a fine panorama of the city)

(The tramway is on the roads)

(Since it's above the ground)

(It's a great way to enjoy the view)

Every building here looks like a piece of art.

(11 minutes from their hotel to Marienplatz)

(This stop is Theatinerstrasse)

It said Theatinerstrasse.

I heard it.

This is the stop we should get off.

We have to press the button to get off.

Does it skip the stop if we don't press the button?

It's Theatinerstrasse.

When we go to the city hall,

we can look down at the whole...

- City of Munich? / - City of Munich.

Is that it?

(It's located in Marienplatz, the center of the city)

- It's wonderful. / - What a nice town hall.

The building is gorgeous.

It really is.

(The New Town Hall)

It's beautiful.

- How old is that building? / - It's only 100 years old.

- Only 100 years old? / - Only 100?

- Compared with other... / - That's why it's called new.

- Yes. / - It's the New Town Hall anyway.

- Since other buildings... / - They must be older.

(The observatory in the New Town Hall)

(It costs $3.20, you can take the elevator)

- Can you tour the observatory? / - Yes, you can.

- It costs $3.20. / - As I told you...

Because there are no hills, from up there,

you can look down at the whole city of Munich.

They must be the performing dolls.

- Do they perform there? / - I think you can watch it.

The performance is at 11 o'clock.

There will be a lot of people around that time.

- So will it be crowded after 11? / - Yes.

- I want to watch it too. / - Let's go.

I really wanted to come here yesterday.

- Is that an elevator? / - Yes, it is.

I guess so.

Something is written here.

- Maybe "Be careful." / - No. The button doesn't work.

It's closed today.

(Is it closed?)

Yes, that's right. It says, "Tower is closed."

Why is it closed?

"Tower is closed, elevator out of order."

- The elevator is out of order. / - Then...

Can't we look down at Munich?

They have to go up there since they're there.

This is wonderful. Can we see this first before we go?

Let's see this tomorrow with great anticipation.



("Please Don't" by K.will, 2012)

Can't you use the stairs either?

- You can but... / - Because it's closed...

- You can't see it anyway. / - Don't give up.

You brought me here.

It doesn't make sense to close the observatory

because of the elevator.

Can't we go up the stairs?

They say we can't.

- There is another observatory. / - Really?

(Observatories in Church of Our Lady and St. Peter's)

There were many clock towers and

they were observatories.

- There are three observatories. / - Yes.

- We're going to another one. / - Thank goodness.

But this is the only clock tower

that doesn't have an elevator.

Isn't it nice?

- ♪ We climb stairs ♪ / - So good, right?

- ♪ And sweat it out ♪ / - Good, right?

That observatory

has very funny stairs.

So this is what it looks like.

(They start to go up 306 stairs to the observatory)

- Isn't it fascinating? / - Gosh.

- It feels like we're in a castle. / - It does.

I came up only one floor and I already feel tired.

I think you should be in front of me.

- To stop me from running away? / - It looks narrow.

- That's why it was fun. / - It was interesting.

- Are there 306 stairs? / - It's almost hiking.

- There is a bench here. / - Okay.

- Is that for a rest? / - Yes.

You can rest there.

Are there separate stairs used for coming down?

- No. / - No, there isn't.

That's for both to go up and to come down?

- Isn't this wonderful? / - What?

- Hold on. / - It's wonderful.

Okay. Let's go.

Let's go.

It looks somewhat like a tiring honeymoon.

- 1, 2. / - 1, 2.

- Look. / - It got brighter. Great.

We're almost there.



We can really see the whole city.

You can look down at all of Munich indeed.

If you look all directions, you can see everywhere.

We could see Allianz Arena from there too.

That's the plaza we're going to visit.

- Where there are a lot of roofs? / - Yes.

You can't see many people now

but there will be a lot soon.

We have some extra time.

I was told that it's great to watch it down there.

- You mean the puppet show? / - It's great down there.

- Okay. / - We have time so let's go there.

- Okay. Let's go. / - I know you can do it.

The bell rings five minutes before the puppet show.

Five minutes before the show.

There are many people already.

- It's getting crowded. / - It was not before.

Do the puppets moonwalk or something?

Don't expect too much.

Right. You should not expect too much.

The puppets will move like this.

- They can't move a lot. / - Please don't expect a lot.

(The puppet show begins)

People seem to be waiting for shooting stars.

It's rotating. It just moved.

Let me explain the content. On the top floor,

they are celebrating Wilhelm V's wedding.

On the lower floor, they are having a party outside

to celebrate because the plague has gone.

Something like that.

- The plague. / - Yes.

Here come knights.

- This is the crucial moment! / - What is it?

- Gosh. / - Goodness.



- Why? / - He's dead. He was thrust.

- Why? / - The knight thrust a spear.

- He thrust a spear. / - He did?

- The other knight is down. / - Right.

We get touched even by the smallest things.

- It is detailed. / - I missed it.

That's like missing the last scene

in "The Usual Suspects."

I'm hungry. I get hungry so easily.

- Let's go eat something. / - Let's go.

In Victuals Market, what shall we eat?

Sandwiches, salads?

- No. / - I'm just looking around.

- Are you? / - There is wine too.

- I want to look around. / - It's fun at markets...

Because there are so many varieties.

We only have one or two varieties of potato.

There are so many kinds of potatoes there

and they all taste different.

(There is a variety of food there too)

(You can enjoy snacks at the beer garden)

(Hold on for a moment!)

- Why? / - You have to pay.

To use the restroom.

(You can use the clean restroom with some fee)

This must be the ticket.

I'll be back.

(After getting the ticket, he has a peaceful time)

You should keep the ticket.

I received the ticket to go to the restroom.

With this ticket,

I can get a discount at this restaurant.

Not every restaurant gives you a discount

but if you keep this ticket,

you may enjoy your trip

with less money.

- It's not cheap in that city. / - Right.

So those kinds of tips are helpful.

- Shall we go there? / - Here is the menu.

- Currywurst. / - Currywurst.

- I'll have that. / - Okay.

- I want to eat curry. / - What's that?

Let's eat it.

Wurst means sausage.

- One currywurst, please. / - Oh, sausage.

- They serve with French fries. / - French fries too.

French fries come along with almost every dish.

- Potatoes are their staple food. / - That one?

That shrimp dish looks good.

But I ate a lot for breakfast.

- Let's eat it too. / - I'm going to gain weight.


They use only white sausage for that.

They have special sausage only for currywurst.

(Fresh salad on crispy nacho)

(The white and firm shrimp are grilled)

That was very good.

- What is that? / - Shrimp salad and shrimp skewer.

- Did we order too much? / - You're going to eat a lot?

I wanted to try them.

- How does it taste? / - It's good.

It's a little spicy.

This is the food Germans usually eat for breakfast.

- In the morning? / - Yes.

Sausage and beer together?

- Bravo. / - Maybe not.

I heard they drink beer in the morning too.

- They start the day with beer. / - It's before noon.

- Beer glasses are on every table. / - There are.

It surely is a country of beer.

It's not awkward to drink during the day.

- Please look around. / - It's 11:50 a.m.

They look relaxed.

Do you think they have the term "day drinking?"

I wonder.

The egg is...


This is delicious.

- It's so fresh. / - Yes.

It's very good.

Nacho is salty in Korea but this is not at all.

I think we chose the salad dressing very well.

(For you)

- It was a nice choice. / - What's going on?

It looks strange.

- We're eating quite early. / - We are.

Yesterday, we ate only one dish. This is nice.

Now that we ate, we should work out.

We should work out while drinking beer.

- You know what I mean. / - Work out while drinking?

- You mean the beer bike? / - Yes.

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