Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

What is your favourite item of clothing in your closet?

Jeans. Any day!

What fashion label do you love dressing Misha in?

Misha! Misha, wears a lot of baby GAP

I think its just super comfortable

And her dad has just got some, Shahid just got some.. Thai designers for her

My sister is perpetually giving her Kate Spade and Polo

So I think, Baby GAP! Simple!

I love that she is a Baby GAP girl. Very cool, very trendy!

Who is your favourite fashion designer, I know that's a hard one to pick!

Hmm... I would say... Anita Dongre!

I love everything, its so hard to pick!

I wore her exclusively at my wedding!

MIRA: Yeah? MALINI: Yeah!

Who is your style icon?

My style icon?

I would say Emma Watson!

Simple and classic!

One fashion trend that you hate?

What I hate or what needs to go out of fashion now?

I think what needs to go out of fashion now!

Too much make up!

I think this contouring, baking, I don't know what all you're doing needs to go out of fashion!

I love it, my makeup artist at the back is grinning!

Okay, what is the most important beauty rule that you want to teach Misha?

Less is more!


Tell us about your skin care regime, because you have incredible skin?

I think its, thanks to my mom, that I've got such good skin

But, I never put on anything chemical, except for when they put, they insist on putting makeup

But everything is natural! Forest Essentials, Kama.. strictly Indian, strictly homemade!

Love that! What is one skin care product that you cannot live without?

Kumkumadi! It is this facial oil that I put at night. It's by Kama.

Nice! And one makeup product that you would never leave the house without?


This is like the desi girl thing!

This has been so much fun! Thank you so much for coming! For coming and chatting with us.

MIRA: Thank you Malini! Thank you guys!

If you like this video, please like and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Fashion Rapid Fire With Mira Rajput - Duration: 2:17.


Linkin Park' s Chester Bennington dies in apparent suicide - Duration: 0:39.

The lead singer of rock band Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, has died at the age of


His body was found at his house in LA County on Thursday morning, local time, and the county's

coroner believes he may have hung himself.

Tributes from fellow musicians and celebrities have poured in for Bennington, who died on

what would have been the 53rd birthday of his late friend and Soundgarden vocalist Chris

Cornell, who committed suicide two months ago.

Two-time Grammy award winning Linkin Park was to begin a tour next week.

For more infomation >> Linkin Park' s Chester Bennington dies in apparent suicide - Duration: 0:39.


Marvel vs Capcom Infinite : Spiderman, Nemesis, Frank West y Haggar : Primer Vistazo - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Marvel vs Capcom Infinite : Spiderman, Nemesis, Frank West y Haggar : Primer Vistazo - Duration: 2:45.


How powerful the words " I am " are | and my death experience - Duration: 11:07.

hi I am Maurice Kok author of the book the journey of an ascended master and in

this video I'm going to share with you how powerful the words powerful the

words I AM are and I also will share my death experience after use using the words

consciously I am dead so stay tuned

like I said the words I am are something

really powerful some people use the words unconscious like telling a story

and I am very attractive person or I am

broke or I am abundant or whatever you use I am for and when you use these

words unconscious this means that there are stories still active in your life in

your in your story you are living in that you are still thinking believing

that you are that kind of person and when you come at the state that you are

so deep in your Center and there are no stories anymore you can you use the I am

whatever you want to choose whatever you want to experience or want to be and you

can see it like if you are in that safe space in that zero point I will call the

center point and you tell yourself I am abundant period nothing more nothing less

or I am healthy nothing more and nothing less

you're going to get caught up in your mind selling what healthy will means

what how you would look like to see it or telling it I mean healthy okay

I mean healthy you know what I mean sometimes you choose something and you

mind can get caught up within it so when you're in it state and you can only say

to yourself I am healthy period you will be healthy maybe in a split second maybe

in a few weeks the main reason I say that is when you can choose it from this

point and you can step aside and let it happen that will happen because you

choose it so how do I know this for sure because I told you in one of the other

videos in how to allow that you can pretend to be dead just lay down and

pretend that you are dead because then you can give up everything and

everything works well surrounding looking the inside of you by accident I

lay down I was 100% in my safe space and I don't know why but I told myself I am

dead period and I stayed in that safe space I stayed in my center point and

after a few seconds maybe minutes time is is crazy in that space, a also on earth

but after a while I become very aware of myself I saw myself I didn't feel my

body anymore I could walk around in the room but I saw my body still laying on

bed and I enjoyed it for a while I was like

this feels nice not the tight body anymore feeling

around you and then I realized what I just just said and I was like ooh shit I'm out of

my body but actually I want to stay a little bit longer so I saw my body it's

like a shell just empty I was a little bit shocked because it was really really

empty it was really like with someone death you know it's empty it's just that

shell laying there and I tried to get myself in my body again I pushed myself

into it only then I got stuck I got stuck in the middle of my body they have

was hanging outside and the other half my head was already in my body in my

stomach area and I realized that I was too big to fit in a little body and I

tried to do to touch a body maybe all most of the times when you are out

astral projection or deep deep inside and all the time line when you touch the

body and you are still connected you will shoot right back into your body and

you are back again so I try to touch my body but nothing happens I try to throw

water over my body but nothing happened and I felt stuck in this I couldn't turn

anymore I couldn't do anything because my body was not connected anymore with

my with me so I try to move the body but nothing happens after a while I pushed

myself into it with a lot a lot of power and effort and whatever because I

couldn't find another way to get back into my body I think it lasted for a few

hours before I got back and when I fell back pushed myself back in my body

I could feel my body again I was connected again and everything herded

like hell because my blood started flowing again and I could

feel the thickness of my blood and every little piece in my body

was hurting like like hell so what I'm trying to say with this is after a few

days I became aware of how powerful I don't like the word powerful but then you

know what I mean there was I am whenever you put behind it are so when you can

realize this and how powerful it is and you become aware how you call yourself

you can choose whatever experience you want you can choose whoever you like to

be by just calling yourself it period just choosing it period nothing more

nothing less

take whatever you are desiring I am healthy and you can do that from

that safe space without all the attachments to health without all that

stories you already have prepared how health will look like when you can shut

all of that you can just be in an empty space that's Health has no meaning

except for how you want to feel and you can choose it I am healthy and you can

hold yourself in that outer space out of your and can out of your stories is what

you already had in living in you can stay there you will find yourself in a

period of time in a healthy body so actually this is what I'm going to do

in Dubai I will go to Dubai in a few days and

I'm taking a ones who want to be in abundance who are going into wealh with

me we we are going to do this together and we are going to strip all that

layers all that stories around wealth and abundance away tasting into it

feeling the energies, adopting the energies to know how it feels and then when we are

in a safe space in this oneness in a Center or zero-point

we can tell ourselves without any story already prepared I am wealthy period and

then our life should take the control over our surroundings will show up you

can be wealthy abundant whatever you like

in short period of time and why I know this for sure is you heared my story how

powerful these words are I am whatever you want to so we are going to Dubai and

if you want to join us it's your choice I don't care that much

I'm going so if you want to subscribe for check it out over here and get your

spot it will be fun and it will pay you back 100 million times I know for sure

so stay tuned and leave a comment below and don't forget to subscribe to my

youtube channel if you like my videos so see you again

For more infomation >> How powerful the words " I am " are | and my death experience - Duration: 11:07.


<閒式遊日本>廣島、山口、福岡 1 - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> <閒式遊日本>廣島、山口、福岡 1 - Duration: 9:15.


காதலுக்கு கண் இல்லை என்று நிரூபித்த பிரபலங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers | Kollywood News - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> காதலுக்கு கண் இல்லை என்று நிரூபித்த பிரபலங்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers | Kollywood News - Duration: 2:22.


Jisook's Table For One | 지숙이의 혼밥 연구소 - Ep.3 : Japanese style beef curry [ENG/2017.07.21] - Duration: 15:53.

Hello. (Jisook)

I have missions now?

Ah! Today's menu!

Japanese style beef curry.

Do I shop for groceries first?

Let's go! (Go look for curry ingredients)

What do I buy first?

I think I need to look for vegetables.

Vegetables, vegetables...

This is really exciting.

Potatoes are an essential ingredient in curry.

These would taste good steamed, right?

I love steamed potatoes coated with sugar.



You're making me do everything.

I have to hold the camera and the onions.

I should buy some carrots too.

(Carrots are perfect for curry)

Have I bought everything?

Onions, beef.

Yes, I've bought everything.

I think I can make a great curry.

Let's go and make curry!

It's so heavy.

- Hello. / - Hello.

I've come with the groceries.

You bought a lot.

(Lee Jingu / Lee Wonmi) You bought a lot.

You even did the shopping...

- By yourself. / - Yes.

I heard we're making curry.

I bought the groceries myself.


Crispy, colorful broccoli.


I have a secret ingredient, butter.

I think we should make a special curry.


- Not the curry that we're used to. / - That's right.

- Something different. / - I have a tip.

- Tomato! / - Tomatoes.


I'm going to add tomatoes to the curry

to create a really sophisticated taste.

I have a tip too.

- Yes, chef. / - I thought only I came prepared.

- What's your tip, chef? / - What is it?

We're making Japanese curry.

We can use this to upgrade the flavor.

These bay leaves.

It smells great.

If you add it to food, the fragrance...

It adds fragrance to the broth.

We can use it to create a more exotic fragrance.

Butter, tomatoes, bay leaves.

I'm looking forward to this.

Let's cook a wonderful curry dish.

(Beef, onion, broccoli, tomato)

(Curry, bay leaves, butter, carrot, potato)



(Sliced onion)

(Carrot, potato)

(Curry powder and 1 cup of water)

(Tomato, broccoli, bay leaves)

(Japanese style beef curry)

Today, I've invited two singles who prefer

to starve than cook their own food

to cook with me.

Please come out!

- Hello. / - Hello.

Nice to meet you.

Good to see you.

Hello, nice to meet you.

Hello, I'm 28 years old.

I'm preparing to sit for the civil service examination.

I'm Seol Jaeseok.


- Wait. You're born in 1990? / - Yes.

(Jaeseok and Jisook are the same age)

Hello, I'm a jazz pianist.

My name is Park Chaelyeon.


Do either of you cook at home?

I cook sometimes.

Sometimes? What do you cook?

Kimchi fried rice.

I make that

but it doesn't taste good.

- It doesn't taste good? / - No.

I always make my own breakfast.

You make breakfast? What do you cook?

Instant noodles?

I add a lot of meat to instant noodles.

- It's a hearty meal. / - Hearty.

You can eat healthy food at home.

I've researched a way to do that

with our cuisine researchers.

I've brought just the right amount, all prepared.

Today's menu is Japanese style beef curry.

We've already measured the ingredients.

All you have to do is stir-fry.

Let's begin making this easy curry.

Are you ready?

- Let's do it! / - Let's do it!

Heat the pan first.

Once it's warm, take the butter.



This is really uncomfortable.

What should we use then?


It's too deep.

I'll use this.

It's nothing special. Let's add the butter.

We usually fry vegetables and beef in oil.

Today, we're using butter to add fragrance.

Add the butter and...

It's too hot!

If it's too hot, the butter will burn.

Look, look.

It's burnt already.

Wait a minute.

Leave it to the side.

(Jisook takes care of her guest)

It's not hot here. (Jealous)

Okay then.

Leave it to the side.

It's melted.

Is it burnt?

It's a little burnt.

Want to switch pans?

Can't we do that? Switch pans?

It's melted.

Once it's melted,

we're going to cook the beef.

It's beef.

Beef is good for you.

- Add it to the pan. / - One piece at a time?

The surface has to be browned.

So the beef still contains the juice.

Like this.

The beef looks delicious on its own.

It's really delicious. Have a piece.

The pieces of beef that we're using

are larger than you'd expect.

That's why the texture's good.

You can taste the beef as you eat.

I mean it.

Once the surface is cooked,

place them in a bowl.

I feel really happy thinking about eating this.

Next, on top of this add the onions.

- Onions? / - Yes. Stir-fry it.

Do you know how to caramelize onions?

Have you seen it on TV?

The onions are cooked brown like caramel.

Onions taste sweet when they're cooked.

Imagine that and keep stir-frying.

- How does it smell? Good? / - Yes.

The butter smells really good.

It's really a caramel color.

I know.

- Keep cooking. / - More.

- They're doing whatever I tell them to. / - I know.

It feels strange.

We're waiting for your instructions. What next?

Once it's reached this state,

add the potatoes and carrots.

Feel happy as you stir-fry.

Is it okay if the order's mixed up?


It matters. You have to cook the onions first.

When I cook at home,

these vegetables take longer so I cook them first.

- No. / - That's how I did it.

Because, as I told you earlier,

you have to caramelize the onions.

That creates the aroma.

We have to cook these but

make sure that you cook the onions first.

Next, let's begin the real dish.

Add the beef.

Then the curry.

You know the blocks of curry? Add that.

Add the water.

The studio's going to be filled

with the aroma of curry.

It smells good.

(Can't think straight)

(Jaeseok cooks alone in silence)

Jaeseok, are you normally this quiet?

Excuse me? Oh...

You seem shy and embarrassed.

- I'm nervous. / - Oh, you're nervous?

I met him in the car earlier.

The first thing he told me is that he's your fan.



Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Which girl group is your favorite?


Rainbow aren't too bad.

Which of Rainbow's songs did you like?



It's the best song.

(Jisook sings "A" for him)

This is great.

This is really fun.

Let's add the broccoli and tomatoes now.

You haven't seen anyone add tomatoes, right?

I haven't seen anyone add broccoli either.


Once you taste this, you'll crave it.

It's really addictive.

Add the broccoli first.

Add the tomatoes too.

- Just like that? / - Yes, whole.

That's interesting.

Do we eat them whole then?

No, once they're cooked, just cut them like this.

They've already been blanched.

Oh, they're blanched.

You can remove the skin

or you can leave them like this.

It's up to you.

The color's pretty, isn't it?

It contains a lot of colors.

Yellow. orange, green.

What color was I in Rainbow?

- Green. / - You're good.

You're the center!

(Jaeseok's eternal center, Jisook)

(He's a real fan)

Enjoy the curry today.

Want some help?

Do it like this.

(We're so happy)

(I'm jealous, pay attention to me too)

Should I go home now?

It's because you're doing a great job.

Now, add the bay leaves.

Can we eat them?

You can eat them.

We add the bay leaves here

to create a more robust aroma.

It's almost ready.

Let's take a look.

(The curry looks flavorsome)

- Good job, Chaelyeon. / - I really made this.

(Satisfied pose)

Jaeseok, wow.

It looks like the curry we see on TV.

Yes, I made this.


I've finished mine too.

We can't eat curry alone. I'll go get the rice.

Once we set the dishes, we can eat together.

It looks really good!

It looks delicious.

It looks really good.

Let me wipe here.

(Gestures of an expert)

You have to ring the bell.

Ready to serve.

You're witty.

(Tomato and bay creates a robust aroma)

(Japanese style beef curry)

Let's taste the curry that we've cooked.

- Ready? / - I've been waiting for this moment.

(I'm dying to eat)

It's easy to find the beef.

- Because it's big. / - Yes!

Let me taste it

(Big bite)

- It's good. / - Is it good?

It's delicious.


You made it yourself.

It's just like the curry I ate in Japan.

(Japanese style curry perfected!)

(How will Jaeseok respond?)


It's really good.

You're lost for words because it's so good?

We should taste each other's dishes.

(Do the others taste good too?)

That's too much.

It's good.

It's delicious.

Our curries all taste a little different.


Here comes the curry.

(Jisook feeds her fan)

The score?

What is it? Yours is better?

No, no.

They all taste good.

(Can't put their spoons down)

(Can't stop eating)

- The beef's delicious. / - I know.

This restaurant serves good curry.

- I know. It's good. / - This place is good.

(Easy, healthy, tasty Japanese style curry)

We've tasted the curry that we made.

There's one more thing left to do.

We made this curry ourselves. It's unique.

We have to give it a suitable name.

- A name? / - Yes.

A name to describe the curry.

We should think up a pretty name.

Are your mics switched off?

What should we name it?

This came to mind while I was eating.

It's good that we cut the beef into large chunks.

I kept thinking about that.

It has a lot of beef in it.

Beefy, beefy curry?

Beefy, beefy curry?

Curry together with Jisook.

Curry together with Jisook.

Beef curry that isn't rare.

Kore Koreka.


Kore curry.

Kore curry.

Kore curry, beef that isn't rare.

Kore curry, kore curry.

Kore curry. That's good.

It's Japanese style curry.

Kore curry.

Kore curry, Kore curry.

It's a good name, right?

Yes, I like it.

Curry where the beef isn't rare. Kore curry.

Chaelyeon, how did you enjoy making curry?

I didn't realize it when I just ate my food,

but I realized that you think about a lot

if you cook for yourself.

- I burnt the butter too. / - You burnt it.

I felt anxious adding the vegetables but

in the end, I felt satisfied with my cooking.

It's like a new history has been written for you?

It'd be nice to invite someone home

to eat this together. It's a comforting taste.

I don't feel alone.

That's great.

I feel so happy.

Jaeseok, how did you feel cooking the curry?

I can cook too.

I can cook something delicious,

unlike the kimchi fried rice I usually make.

I realized that for the first time.

The three of us cooked

a pleasant meal here today.

You both seem so happy.

That makes me happy too.

Please come back again.

If you send in a request, I won't forget you.

I definitely won't choose you.

We research for the health and joy of lone eaters.

Jisook's The Cooking Institute will be

back next time with another nutritious recipe.

Join us alone again, next time!

I did it alone. Why didn't you join me?

(Thank you to Park Chaelyeon, Seol Jaeseok)

(Photos sent in by the guests after the show)

(Japanese style beef curry)

(Beef, onion, broccoli, tomato)

(Curry, bay leaves, butter, carrot, potato)



(Sliced onions)

(Carrot, potato)

(Curry powder with 1 cup of water)

(Tomato, broccoli, bay leaves)

For more infomation >> Jisook's Table For One | 지숙이의 혼밥 연구소 - Ep.3 : Japanese style beef curry [ENG/2017.07.21] - Duration: 15:53.


Microsoft Surface Pro | Mediascout | Deutsch - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Microsoft Surface Pro | Mediascout | Deutsch - Duration: 6:07.


Allie Jo's 3 Months Old! - Duration: 0:31.

Three months old today! I'm three months old today!

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

I'm old! As Hell!



I am three months old today!

Yeeeah! Oh yeah!

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

Oh my gosh!

Being old is so hard!

What are you doing?!

What are you doing?!

You're so pretty!

For more infomation >> Allie Jo's 3 Months Old! - Duration: 0:31.


Top 10 Megan Fox Funny Sexy Commercials - React Rajib Ferdoush - Duration: 7:22.

Top 10 Megan Fox Funny Sexy Commercials - React Rajib Ferdoush

Top 10 Megan Fox Funny Sexy Commercials - React Rajib Ferdoush

For more infomation >> Top 10 Megan Fox Funny Sexy Commercials - React Rajib Ferdoush - Duration: 7:22.


WE WORE LAMPS | Yoga Challenge - Part 2 | MIM - Duration: 9:34.

Hey guys welcome to that train wreck. Oh

hi guys, and welcome back to MIMadness today the affiant due in part to its only bit like

Yeah, I remember

Will venture out we will find it on doing it on like the fourth year so as you can see in DBM is some training

far we've chosen um six different yoga poses and

They don't look too bad. I'm kind of worried about second one. I've heard about all of them except the first

number one number one an ad on top way to

Be like oh, you take the jacket no oh


what is my


Okay, what?

Okay, what is will be okay? Yeah? Oh?


God well, if that literally looks like so easy

It's really long you try doing a lot wait wait. Oh


Hope we'll take listen anu enki moving on

This one you know

Talk so it's not that bad okay, but I have to be

like this

Like that is my back is like horrible

not really

sure up and

like down

Like that yeah, okay?

disabled Jonathan Uneven and Shut-ins like going to be


You okay if I thought like?

Okay, ask me like that

Okay, if I die today, I'm going in you all right, sorry

Whoa, okay Michael the barrel bitch?

Hey, but yeah, I'm gonna do a bit closer to you. So that you can get some paper

other weighted leg up on


Coming to shorten composition is proof sniffling rude my leg. Yeah, well listen you

Are you stable let me give up?

Your lips, right?

Now we are then move your shoulders down be ours. They're all your weight. So they are they're on the up

- I need like

Oh my God, my sight

You go through the slowest weight right knee all those time I can even do that

Like that here little penises like I can't do that job. Does it flat feet don't get the stop sake I'm very

Hagar's on top you. I'm very pleased that it loves bin. Oh


Right they are having too many reporter


Lee Adama back over your thought that she might work don't wiggle

Okay, okay ready. Yes

All right - barn. Oh, why why reason why I didn't?


Yet, yeah

I can't see a thing. I presume

If the chemical happiness can be rolled up backwards because of this one. I don't doubt it


Okay, so I have to stop off

About that

This is my triangle

Sodium that's all around

Get ready. I am not ready to over your life. They just are wrong

Great let me race

Potentially rather dry here like straight. Yeah

I'm not flexible


That's a we believe me when I'm doing I'm grabbing your back yep

Hey, I read yes. Are you pulling so that what I do this?


You did that what sure?

Yeah, looks way, too hot it. No. I was like looking in your curriculum. Yes

Okay, you need to try and get up and over lolly

You're lying okay try again. I

Want to think look hey try to you'll have a virtual set and then please see like that. Yo

Ryan cover legs, right

Okay, success yes. Yes, okay? Yeah, yeah

We did oh

Thank you guys for watching

We have never doing this again

Yeah, well but thank you for watching see you in the next video


know it

For more infomation >> WE WORE LAMPS | Yoga Challenge - Part 2 | MIM - Duration: 9:34.


BEST WINNIPEG SEO - (204)451- 6460 - Video SEO Winnipeg,MB - Duration: 1:43.

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For more infomation >> BEST WINNIPEG SEO - (204)451- 6460 - Video SEO Winnipeg,MB - Duration: 1:43.


Нематериальная мотивация персонала. Управление персоналом. - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Нематериальная мотивация персонала. Управление персоналом. - Duration: 2:13.


Dusty Tomes: World Of Warcraft Lore - The Old Gods And The Ordering Of Azeroth - Duration: 3:18.

Hello and welcome to the first episode of dusty tomes world of Warcraft a series in

which we delve into the lore books of world of Warcraft but rhgouh the titles we find


Today were looking at the old gods and the ordering of azeroth found in the explorers

league section of Ironforge.

Unaware of Sargeras' mission to undo their countless works, the titans continued to move

from world to world, shaping and ordering each planet as they saw fit.

Along their journey they happened upon a small world that its inhabitants would later name


As the titans made their way across the primordial landscape, they encountered a number of hostile

elemental beings.

These elementals, who worshiped a race of unfathomably evil beings known only as the

old gods, vowed to drive the titans back and keep their world inviolate from the invaders

metallic touch.

The pantheon, disturbed by the old god's penchant for evil waged war upon the elementals

and their dark masters.

The old god's armies were led by the most powerful elemental lieutenants: Ragnaros the

firelord, Therazane the Stonemother, Al'Akir the windlord and Neptulon the Tidehunter.

Their chaotic forces raged across the face of the world and clashed with the colossal


Though the elementals were powerful beyond mortal comprehension, their combined forces

could not stop the might titans.

One by one the elemental lords fell and their forces dispersed.

The pantheon shattered the old gods citadels and chained the five evil gods far beneath

the surface of the world.

Without the old gods power to keep their raging spirits bound to the physical world, the elementals

were banished to an abyssal plane, where they would contend with one another for all eternity.

With the elementals departure, nature calmed and the world settled into a peaceful harmony.

The titans saw that the threat was contained and set to work.

The titans empowered a number of races to help them fashion the world.

To help them carve out the fathomless caverns beneath the earth the titans created the dwarf-like

earthen from magical living stone.

to help them dredge out the seas and lift then land from the sea floor the titans created

the immense but gentle sea giants. for many ages the titans moved and shaped the earth

until at last there remained one perfect continent.

at the continents centre the titans crafted a lake of scintillating energies.

The lake which they named the well of eternity was to be the fount of life for the world.

Its potent energies would nurture the bones of the world and empower life to take root

in the lands rich soil.

Over time, plants, trees, monsters and creatures of every kind began to thrive on the primordial


As twilight fell on the final day of their labours the titans named the continent kalimdor,

land of eternal twilight.

Thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed the reading, please tell me what you thought

of the story and how it differs from the lord we know as cannon today.

If you have a book you'd like me to read, let me know its title and location.

Take care and ill see you next time, bye.

Thank you so much for watching shout outs to subscribers new and old, you guys are the


Thumbs up or down and leave your comments on the video in the section below.

Subscribe to the channel to be notified of uploads.

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daily updates.

Take care and ill see you next time.

For more infomation >> Dusty Tomes: World Of Warcraft Lore - The Old Gods And The Ordering Of Azeroth - Duration: 3:18.


Jaguar E-PACE 2018 review #epace - Duration: 11:45.


the New Jaguar in Place the compact Suv reimagined by Jaguar

Unmistakeably and Jaguar the sports car inspired design of an eerie pace is taut assertive and dynamic

Signature J

blade Led headlights frame a bold Honeycomb mesh grille

The distinctive profile feels coupe a light with a sculpted bottom and dynamic Roofline swooping down to the sport

Which rests above a steeply raked rear window?

musky gorgeous

Integrated twin exhaust finishes give a fullness appearance to the rear

With full Led rear taillights give the deep exit, una pista

the sporting field continues inside the pace with a driver focused yet practical Cabin

sports car inspired Grab Handle and sequential shift gear Selector emphasize the vehicle's performance


at the heart of the interior lies a

high-definition 10 inch touchscreen

Providing an intuitive interface with Jaguars touch pro infotainment system

The interior is meticulously designed

With premium quality materials and finishes modern and progressive yet family-Friendly

premium leather seats with contrast stitching add to the sense of sporting actually

While a large fixed panoramic sunroof creates a light and spacious environment

In the rear there's ample room for passengers to relax and enjoy the luxurious environment

the Generous proportions also extend to the Flexible road space

the E places stowage options provide up to 50

Including Flexible deep storage in the center console with a phone holder

Charging points and removable cup holders that extends the size of the storage even further

There's a place for everything in the pace

Take to the Road and you immediately realize Jaguars performance technology

permeates every part didi paced driving experience

power comes from Jaguars range of light right in Gm engines available in both Petrol and diesel

These have been designed to provide excellent drivability refined and strong fuel economy

and for the more demanding driver

They include both the diesel and Petrol high power engines which deliver outstanding


the fully Independent suspension system features a sophisticated multi-link rear suspension

So that you can take the road ahead with poise and confidence. Whatever the leader Shoney's

Jaguar drive control puts you in charge with multiple driving modes to suit your driving style and roof

Choose dynamic mode for a more responsive Sporty drive

You can even customize the e paces driving character to get the drive. That's right for you

Jaguars electronic power assisted steering further enhances driver engagement while also improving fuel economy

Eco mode optimizes efficiency

Modifying settings throughout the vehicle to reduce fuel consumption and encourages a more efficient driving style

Winter mode is ideal for wet or icy conditions

Enhancing the E paces stability in low grip situations in these conditions

Jaguars intelligent all-wheel drive system continuously and automatically

switches torque between front and rear axles providing traction where it's needed so the e pace always feels stable and


torque vectoring by braking also complements for driving experience when cornering strongly

Torque vectoring by Braking applies the brakes to the inside Wheels to provide greater driver confidence

No traction launch helps you to pull away

while all surface progress control maintains consistent levels of Progress across challenging terrain such as

these advanced engineering innovations help improve angle stability

And refinement making every journey of pleasure in the new Jockey heavy base

the New E pace features the latest connected technology

B pace offers the perfect soundtrack to your journey with a choice of two state-of-the-art premium meridian audio systems

including the top of the range 825 watt meridian solar system

And the 10 inch touchscreen works together with navigation product so you can view your route map and navigation information

And the head-up display uses laser technology to clearly project key information onto the green screen

So you can keep your eyes

The new activity Key is an Innovative wearable technology

Whilst your regular key, Fob is safely disabled inside your vehicle

The activity key allows you to lock or unlock your vehicle and engage in active pursuits unencumbered by keys

Gesture control allows you to open the tailgate by simply raising your foot to sensors located either side of the rear bumper

Ideal for when your hands are full

Me pace is available with Jaguar smartphone pack

With this pack you can connect your phone to a usb port and control your favorite apps directly from the E paces touchscreen

the New E pace features state-Of-the-Art connected technology

Inbuilt Wi-Fi Hotspot' Connectivity keeps you seamless and connected at all times

You can also access your music streaming service and stream movies using the inbuilt 4G connectivity

Adaptive Cruise control can be activated to monitor the traffic ahead adjusting speed automatically to maintain a set distance

Resuming a preset speed once the road is clear

cue assist keeps a suitable distance when cueing in traffic bringing the vehicle to a halt when necessary

Emergency braking can detect a potential collision ahead alerting the driver and applying the brakes if required

A blind spot assist apply a steering tool to help prevent collisions when changing lanes

Driver condition monitor detects when the driver shows signs of drowsiness giving an early warning when you need to take a break

Lane keep assist can detect when the vehicle starts to drift and helps to gently steer it back into its lane

the surround camera system provides a 360 degree exterior view Via the touchscreen

Giving you greater confidence when maneuvering your vehicle in confined situations

With park assist you control the speed whilst the vehicle steers itself through parallel and perpendicular parking maneuvers

It can also guide you out of the space

Real traffic monitor warns your vehicles Pedestrians, or other hazards approaching from either side of your car

the New Jaguar in Pace

the compact Suv

reimagined by Jaguar


For more infomation >> Jaguar E-PACE 2018 review #epace - Duration: 11:45.


ஷூட்டிங் ஸ்பாட்டில் டீ விற்ற நடிகர் விஜய் | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers | Kollywood News - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> ஷூட்டிங் ஸ்பாட்டில் டீ விற்ற நடிகர் விஜய் | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers | Kollywood News - Duration: 0:52.


ICEBERG BABIES!! - Duration: 2:13.

*Hums* What's up guys?

You know who it is: your boy, the Climate Troll.

Look, you guys know me by now-- I like to look up information.


It's really interesting when you run upon stuff like this.

So this is a study conducted by Lund University in Sweden-- by the way the source is NPR radio.

And they said, "hey the biggest way to reduce climate change is to have fewer kids"!

Now how is that gonna settle with Michelle Obama?

Probably not very well.

But anyway we're gonna cut right to the chase, "having one fewer child on average for developed

countries", "58.6 metric tons CO2 equivalent", "living car flee-- FLEE blah", "avoiding airplane

travel", "eating a plant-based diet"-- anyway, all that other stuff.

So, they say look DON'T have kids!

The world sucks!

That's right it SUCKS! *chuckles* It's sucking the life outta you, and there's only one way

down...and that's DOWN.

So I said, if this offends you?

If you like having-- you like popping out babies, if you wanna be an Octo-Mom, if you're

like "these guys are a buncha flippin' yahoos"?

Well I've got GOOD news for you! *Austin Powers* YEAH baby, YEAH!

Well, remember that iceberg that broke off of Antartica?

Yeah *in Trump voice* that really big one?

The one that's a gem?

It's a star?

Well A68 its...pretty big!

Look at this-- 6,000 square kilometers!

If you and me right now, were standing on opposite ends of this iceberg, we wouldn't

be able to see each other, hear eachother, fix each other peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...I


Do you realize how many slushies we could give those kids if we put them on this iceberg?

This VERY iceberg?

And chances are ladies and gentlemen, this won't be *chuckles* the last iceberg.

So keep poppin' out babies!


This has been your boy, the Climate Troll.

Remember to click that "Subscribe" button, check out my Instagram-- yes I have one, check

out my Twitter, I post random stuff there.

And Yeah!

Make sure you obey this one rule (the one rule): NOTHING good happens after midnight!

You guys stay easy.

For more infomation >> ICEBERG BABIES!! - Duration: 2:13.


Catalonication - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Catalonication - Duration: 5:28.


[firstlovestory] Ep.1 El hombre en la pagina de Facebook (Sub) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> [firstlovestory] Ep.1 El hombre en la pagina de Facebook (Sub) - Duration: 3:11.


How To Apply For Caste Certificate Online In India - SC, OBC, ST Online Application - Duration: 5:34.

How To Apply For Caste Certificate Online In India / west bengal

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