Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017

From 2004 through 2015, Wife Swap and its spinoff series, Celebrity Wife Swap, entertained

viewers with dramatic stories of very different families experiencing life in each other's


But was any of it real?

Or was it all just another "reality" TV hoax?

Here are some of the stories the Wife Swap producers don't want you to hear.

Manufactured drama

Former contestant Stephen Fowler earned national media attention for how badly he treated his

replacement wife, eventually getting fired from his job due to the controversy.

But he explained to The Noe Valley Voice that, after the first few days of filming were deemed

too boring, the producers told him he had to be more dramatic on screen.

"They strongly encouraged me to be acerbic.

I was playing a character.

I was playing a role… like Simon Cowell on steroids.

I overreacted."

Nancy Cedarquist, who appeared on Wife Swap in 2005, told The Barre Montpelier Times Argus

that producers manipulated every interaction on the show.

"The director and the producer, they get you into these confrontations.

They take you aside and say 'He said this, this and this about you.

You're stronger than that, don't put up with that.'

They train you for two days in how to answer their questions on-camera so it doesn't sound


In fact, some contestants claim the producers have whole storylines written before filming

even starts.

Former contestant Karen Martel told The Hartford Courant that her episode "was a one-sided

view of [my husband] and the boys that is not the whole picture.

They plugged us into what they wanted their storyline to be."

And once the footage is shot, the producers allegedly use clever editing to manipulate


Contestant Eric Schroeder told The Herald Bulletin that he actually threw his replacement

wife out of the house, but producers cut the entire sequence.

"She was saying horrible things about our family and about the kids in front of my kids.

A lot of the worst things she said were cut out."

A contestant sued the show

Alicia Guastaferro, who appeared on Wife Swap in 2008 as the 15-year-old daughter of one

of the couples, sued the show in 2010 for "purposefully, intentionally and knowingly

caus[ing] severe emotional and psychological harm to a fragile 15-year-old" for their own

financial gain.

Guastaferro, a former pageant queen, claimed she was directed to play up the spoiled brat

persona and was even fed lines like "I am the most popular girl in school," and "I do

feel sorry for people that are not gorgeous people."

She alleged that once the show aired, she was subjected to "incessant verbal and physical

assaults from her peers," and that the "ridicule, mockery and derision" forced her to drop out

of school.

The suit was settled under undisclosed terms in 2011.

Guastaferro later found herself in the news again after being charged with prostitution,

before becoming a professional rapper.

So there's an interesting career arc.

Those manuals

At the beginning of each episode, wives craft a manual they leave for their replacement

explaining the rules of the household, which the replacement wife is supposed to follow

for the first week.

One problem, though: according to contestants, those manuals were actually written by the


Ashley Fine, who appeared on Wife Swap when she was 13 in 2006, said in a Reddit AMA that

"the rules the moms come up with are not their own, the producers create the rules."

As an example, producers wanted to add a rule that the other family's dog had to be kept

in a tiny cage, and only backed off when Ashley's mom threatened to quit the show in protest.

Fame chasers

Most Wife Swap contestants say they're in it to provide a more accurate representation

of their community — or to earn the $20,000 paycheck that comes with appearing on the


But some contestants are only there to get famous.

"This is how I handle this.

Hey baby! Come on in and get my jackhammer!

Know what I'm gonna do? Hey! Wanna hear a little story? I got a broken jackhammer.

Yes, it's the Heene family, who appeared twice on Wife Swap and later tried to parlay that

fame into their own reality series with Lifetime.

When things didn't progress as fast as they hoped, the Heenes staged a hoax where they

pretended their six-year-old son Falcon had floated off into the sky in an experimental


Somehow the six-year-old ends up going through the door in the thing and he's in there according to authorities!

I mean, I can't confirm that."

The "Balloon Boy," as the media called him, was later found hiding in the attic — and

that his parents knew he was there the whole time.

Falcon's folks, Richard and Miyumi Heene, both served jail time and were required to

pay $36,000 in damages for wasting the time and resources of emergency workers responding

to their phony call.

Celebrity shenanigans

Regular people aren't the only ones who've had issues with the producers of Wife Swap.

Celebrities have had their share of problems as well.

After appearing on Celebrity Wife Swap, Coolio told The Daily Record that the entire premise

of his episode was a total sham, because he wasn't even in a relationship with the woman

the show presented as his partner.

"It was all set up.

I'm nothing like that.

I'm not even with Mimi.

I never was.

She's a friend of mine.

They tried to make me look bad.

I don't want to do that stuff again.

I'm going to concentrate on my music and food shows from now on."

And former Bachelor star Sean Lowe was also angry about how he was portrayed on Celebrity

Wife Swap.

Lowe and his wife Catherine appeared with fellow Bachelor Jason Mesnick and his wife


But Lowe took exception to a sequence where Molly woke up to find a daily to-do list of

household chores left by Lowe.

"I put together a to-do list."

"A list?!"

"Do you normally leave Catherine a to-do list?"

"When I go to work."

"... the laundry. Cleaning up, of course, the dogs.

Lowe tweeted after the show that his wife would scratch his eyes out if he ever actually

left her a to-do list.

He later aired his displeasure with the show on Instagram, posting "Yeah… so that whole

Wife Swap thing made me look like a complete jackass but I guess that's the risk you run

when you agree to take part in something like that.

Thanks to those who saw through it all and offered words of support."

Considering Lowe is a seasoned reality show veteran and never complained about how he

was portrayed on The Bachelor, his criticism of the Wife Swap producers is especially damning.

Even though, you know… he definitely just left that list.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Stories The Wife Swap Producers Don't Want You To Hear - Duration: 5:24.


MY TATTOOS [PART I ] - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> MY TATTOOS [PART I ] - Duration: 15:00.


Overnight Carrot Cake Oats | Food Network - Duration: 0:49.




For more infomation >> Overnight Carrot Cake Oats | Food Network - Duration: 0:49.


Colors for Children - Learn Colors with Animals, Fruits, Vegetables I For Children Kids Toddlers - Duration: 10:36.

Learn Colors for Kids

For more infomation >> Colors for Children - Learn Colors with Animals, Fruits, Vegetables I For Children Kids Toddlers - Duration: 10:36.


SETI Astronomer says We're Ready for Alien Contact… Thanks to Hollywood - Duration: 13:20.

SETI Astronomer says We�re Ready for Alien Contact� Thanks to Hollywood

BY Robbie Graham

Seth Shostak is best known for his work as Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute, but

he also works in the movie biz, offering scientific advice to Hollywood filmmakers. While writing

my book, Silver Screen Saucers, I interviewed Seth about his activities in Tinseltown and

about the role movies play in shaping our perceptions of potential alien life.

Seth told me:

�I think we are ready for ET contact in some sense, because the public has been conditioned

to the idea of life in space by movies and TV� I think that Hollywood is by far the

biggest term in the equation of the public�s reaction to confirmation of alien life.�

My conversation with Seth was fascinating, but ultimately was never included in my book.

I�d significantly overshot my planned deadline for submission and I had insufficient time

to weave this material into the established structure of the then near-finished manuscript.

Still, I�m loath to let a good interview go to waste. So, here it is, in full�

RG: You�ve advised on a number of Hollywood movies over the years, including Contact,

the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, Green Lantern, and Battleship, among others.

What�s the general nature of your involvement in these productions?

SS: The producers will call up and they ask me questions or they�ll fly me down to LA

and I talk to the director and the writer and things like that. It�s a great deal

of fun for me and I hope that it helps. Usually the filmmakers are in problem-solving mode.

They already have an idea of what their scenario�s going to be; you�re not going to change

that. But sometimes they have a specific problem, like �we need some realistic way for the

aliens to communicate with us��something very specific and descript, and they need

some scientifically plausible mechanism for that. That�s usually the nature of their

enquires. And you can understand that�they�re in the storytelling business; they�re not

in the science education business, so if I can help them with that, that�s fine. What

I would like to happen, but doesn�t, is for me to get to these people early enough

that they incorporate some of the interesting things that are happening in science, rather

than just taking the usual scenarios with a variant and them asking you to fix some

scripting problems for them.

RG: What was the nature of your advice on Contact?

SS: Several of us at the SETI Institute here were advisors to the film. I was called up

almost every day for a while�mostly by the art department at Warner Bros. because they

wanted to get the sets right, so I took pictures of things for them, and so forth. But they

would also call up and ask, �what does it look like when you fly through a wormhole?�

Well, it�s not as if I do that regularly, but I kinda described to them what it would

look like if you got close to the speed of light, where the whole universe collapses

to a bright point in front of you and behind you. But, again, it was mostly technical details.

The premise is that, if you get the science right, the film is somehow more valuable to

getting kids interested in science. But I don�t know that it�s such a good premise;

I don�t think it matters much. I don�t think kids will ever walk out of a movie theatre

and say �well that�s it, mom, I�m not studying chemistry anymore because they got

that wrong.� I don�t think that ever happens.

RG: What did you contribute to the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still?

SS: I was actually much more involved with that film. They flew me up to Vancouver to

be on set when they were shooting a scene. That scene when Jennifer Connelly takes the

alien, Keanu Reeves, to the home of this physicist, played by John Cleese, and there are all of

these equations on the blackboard and the alien finishes one of the equations. Well,

to begin with, I was really looking forward to meeting John Cleese, being a huge Monty

Python fan, so that was fun for me. And Jennifer Connelly was� very nice. She called me several

times here at the Institute, trying to get the jargon and so forth. But the director,

Scott Derrikson, he needed those equations and I went through three iterations with him,

so those equations on the film are in my handwriting. I was a little concerned actually when Keanu

was writing one of the equations; I had written it, but then they traced what I wrote in pencil

and then erased the chalk, so Keanu could see the pencil but the camera could not. And

so during this sequence he has to trace the pencil with the chalk, and that means he�s

writing these Greek letters very, very slowly. So, I said to the director: �No scientist

would write them so slowly,� to which he replied �Seth, he�s an alien, of course

he writes Greek letters slowly!� I also redlined the script and said �look, scientists

don�t talk like this� and I would write suggested dialogue, about a third of which

they accepted. But the other two thirds they didn�t take. But there was this whole sequence

where someone says something like: �Professor Fudnick! There�s a bolide on a hyperbolic

trajectory entering the solar system at three times ten to the seventh meters per second!�

And I scratched all that out and replaced it with: �Bob, there�s a goddamn rock

headed our way,� because that�s what they would say! But they decided to use their original

dialogue instead.

RG: What do you consider to be the most scientifically accurate depiction of alien contact ever in

film and television?

SS: Contact. Because, yes, that movie benefited from all the consultancy, but what it really

benefited from was the fact that Carl Sagan wrote the book, and Sagan knew about SETI,

so that was all going to be right. The middle of the story where she goes off on this big

carnival ride to see the aliens, obviously that�s all fiction and maybe not so accurate,

but nobody knows. But the depiction of how SETI works and so forth, that was very accurate.

In fact, there a lot of in-jokes in the film. So, when they find a signal somebody says

�Thank you, Elmer!� I�m sure there weren�t many people in the theatre who understood

what that was about, but it was a reference to our Follow-Up Detection Device that we

use to verify a signal�the FUDD. So that was a reference to Elmer Fudd. But in any

case, that was all accurate.

RG: Were you pleased with the movie?

SS: Yeah. The first time I saw it I thought �God, there�s three endings to this film

and it�s soft in the middle.� That was my first reaction. But of course I had to

see the film many times, and the second time I saw it I thought, �yeah, this is a pretty

good film,� and by the third time I thought �Y� know, this is really a good film.�

So, I have to say thumbs-up to that film.

RG: Did the success of Contact help SETI as an organization?

SS: I don�t know that it brought in additional monies, but it certainly simplifies my task

during public lectures. The first thing I�ll ask is, �How many of you have seen Contact?�

And if it�s a fair fraction of the audience, that shortens my exposition for how SETI works,

because then they know. But in terms of getting people interested in this subject, the thing

that movies can do is not educate people about the science, but it can get them emotionally

involved, so that they see that this is exciting. It doesn�t have to be 100% scientifically

accurate; it just has to be interesting.

RG: Do you think it�s fair to say that entertainment media is the dominant force in shaping popular

expectations of life in the universe, and of first contact scenarios?

SS: Yes, I do. I really do. But I think we are ready for ET contact in some sense, because

the public has been conditioned to the idea of life in space by movies and TV. And if

you go into a classroom with a bunch of 11 year olds and ask them �how many of you

kids think there are aliens out there?� they all raise their hands! Why? Is it because

their parents have been educating them about astrobiology? No. It�s because they�ve

seen them on TV! Now unfortunately these products may give the kids the impression the aliens

are going to come here and flatten LA or something like that because the aliens often are hostile

in these depictions. But anyway, they have this preconceived notion that we share the

universe with lots of company, and, doggarn it, if we were to find it then we�re just

proving something they already thought was true. So, yes, I think that Hollywood is by

far the biggest term in the equation of the public�s reaction to confirmation of alien


RG: Is Hollywood�s influence in this regard beneficial or problematic?

SS: I don�t think it�s problematic. I think it�s okay. I think it�s a good thing,

because, think about it, why do the American taxpayers spend a couple of buck a year to

support NASA? Is it because they�re interested in the hydrology on Titan, or something like

that? No. They�re interested in life in space, and that�s because of movies and

TV. In that sense, William Shatner did more for NASA than NASA does for NASA. It�s a

fact. People are interested in this because of the emotional appeal, the romance.

RG: If and when humanity makes contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, would the

cinemagoing public be able to divorce Hollywood�s alien depictions from the alien reality with

which we�re presented?

SS: I think that in the beginning people will imagine things that they�ve seen in the

movies. They will probably imagine it in terms that they�re already familiar with, and

they�ve been exposed to alien movies for a very long time.

RG: Films depicting benevolent extraterrestrials�Close Encounters, E.T., Avatar, for example�have

enjoyed enormous success at the international box office. Despite this, Hollywood prefers

to explore the negative impact of alien contact. Why is this so? And would you like to see

Hollywood produce more �friendly alien� movies?

SS: Sure. It would be nice to have some more thoughtful films, because you might think

about them, that�s all. It�s going to cost you the same to go see them; the popcorn�s

stilling going to be outrageously expensive, and you�re still just going for the entertainment.

I�m not going to the movies to learn something about extraterrestrial life, right? And, to

be honest, I like the action films, too. They�re okay by me. But clearly when you look at films

which have become classics, very frequently they have a message that goes beyond �here�s

a bad guy and we�re going to have to vanquish them.� Thoughtful films tend to have more

endurance. But, hey, we�re not talking about Oxford University here, we�re talking about

the motion picture industry and it�s a business, and so whatever succeeds at the box-office

is what they�re going to make. Personally I don�t have much of problem with that.

I used to have a problem with them getting the science wrong, but I�ve come around

to realize that maybe that doesn�t matter. When I was a grad student I wrote Gene Rodenberry

a letter and I said I�ll come over and redline your Star Trek scripts for you, and he replied

saying he�d already got an organization [RAND] that�s doing that

for us. Well, they didn�t do a very good job, I gotta tell you!

For more infomation >> SETI Astronomer says We're Ready for Alien Contact… Thanks to Hollywood - Duration: 13:20.


Doruk GEZİCİ #fellow2017 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Doruk GEZİCİ #fellow2017 - Duration: 2:27.


How Trump Is Rewarding Iran for Complying with the Anti Nuclear Deal - Duration: 6:06.

How Trump Is Rewarding Iran for Complying with the Anti-Nuclear Deal

by Darius Shahtahmasebi

Despite Iran�s compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement, signed between the United

States, Iran, and other world powers, the U.S. continues to provoke the Islamic Republic

by slapping fresh sanctions on companies and individuals it claims provide material support

to Iran�s military, as well as organizations involved in the country�s ballistic missile


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The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced on Tuesday it had �designated 16 entities

and individuals for engaging in support of illicit Iranian actors or transnational criminal


The announcement came just one day after the Trump administration certified that Tehran

is in compliance with the terms of the 2015 nuclear agreement, also known as the Joint

Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Last Friday, the U.S. lifted nuclear-related sanctions under the JCPOA.

According to the New York Times, Trump reluctantly certified Iran�s compliance with the JCPOA,

but only after hours of �arguing with his top national security advisers.� Trump reportedly

spent 55 minutes of the meeting expressing his desire to kill the nuclear accord, even

in the face of mounting opposition to his perspective from the likes of Secretary of

State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim �Mad Dog� Mattis, and Trump�s national

security advisor General H.R. McMaster (all of whom are staunch anti-Iranian war hawks).

That being said, the new sanctions are seemingly unrelated to the JCPOA and instead �target

procurement of advanced military hardware, such as fast attack boats and unmanned aerial

vehicles, and send a strong signal that the United States cannot and will not tolerate

Iran�s provocative and destabilizing behaviour,� according to a statement released by U.S.

Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin.

�We will continue to target the [Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps] and pressure Iran

to cease its ballistic missile program and malign activities in the region,� Mnuchin


In turn, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) responded by warning the U.S. against

imposing the sanctions, as well as warning the U.S. not to designate them as a terrorist

organization, suggesting doing so would mean �a big risk for America and its bases and

forces deployed in the region.�

This statement is quite clearly in relation to Iran�s ability to strike the wider region

with its newly developed missile capabilities, as well as the fact that it has troops, proxy

armies, and militiamen stationed in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon who would be more than

capable of striking U.S.-backed personnel and their bases.

Indeed, Iranian-backed troops were provoking an American base in Syria for a significant

period in June this year.

So why would the U.S. confirm the JCPOA is working effectively only to continue to look

for ways to escalate a fight between the American military and Iran?

To put it simply, Trump wants out of the nuclear deal completely, but his advisers know better

than to risk the fallout with the international community that would occur once it became

clear that it was the U.S. that forced the nuclear deal to fail.

By provoking Iran outside the framework of the agreement as much as possible, the U.S.

can likely force Iran to withdraw from the agreement instead, thereby laying the blame

with Tehran instead of Washington.

In an interview on Monday with National Interest, Iran�s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad

Zarif, confirmed that if it came to a major violation of the terms of the agreement, it

would be Iran that would walk away from the JCPOA.

As the New York Times explains:

�That would be an outcome welcomed by the Trump administration.

Top officials like Mr. Tillerson and Mr. Mattis have expressed concern about the effect on

American relations with European allies if Mr. Trump were to unilaterally pull out, especially

after he already announced his intention to back out of the Paris climate change accord

that Europeans strongly support.�

�But some advisers to the president argue that if they can provoke Iran into being the

one to scrap the nuclear deal, it will leave the United States in a stronger position.�

[emphasis added]

A stronger position for what, one must wonder.

Clearly, America�s decades-long infatuation with Iran has nothing to do with concerns

about the Islamic Republic�s ability to acquire a nuclear weapon given the JCPOA has

proven to be quite successful in alleviating those fears.

As a recent report conducted by the U.S. Army War College�s Strategic Studies Institute

noted, Iran intends �to destroy the reach of the U.S.-led order into what they perceive

to be their legitimate sphere of influence,� and this is why Iran is deemed to be a threat

to the United States government.

In other words, Iran believes that the U.S. should have little to no say in the affairs

of the geographical sphere that comes under Iran�s arc of influence � and this is

why the U.S. continues to lead us down the never-ending warpath with yet another country

in the Middle East.

This really doesn�t sound like something worth losing American lives over, not to mention

the countless number people who will be killed throughout the region due to the domino battle

effect such a conflict would have.

One can only hope that cooler heads prevail and that if the JCPOA is torn up in the future,

history will rightly remember the party responsible for selfishly leading the world down a path

of rampant death and destruction.

For more infomation >> How Trump Is Rewarding Iran for Complying with the Anti Nuclear Deal - Duration: 6:06.


Interview AdreN - Gambit Esports (PGL Major Krakow) - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Interview AdreN - Gambit Esports (PGL Major Krakow) - Duration: 5:25.


Kanye's Yeezy Season 6 Could Be Dropping Soon - Duration: 1:46.

Hey everyone, for Complex News, I'm Beija Velez... and it looks like Kanye West might

finally emerge from recording new music in the mountains of Wyoming—or wherever the

hell he's laying low these days—to drop new a Yeezy Season collection.

Women's Wear Daily reports that Kanye might unveil Yeezy Season 6 at New York Fashion


Their sources say Kanye's been in talks with the Council of Fashion Designers of America

about choosing a timeslot on the spring 2018 calendar.

So far though, Adidas and C-F-D-A have declined to comment, as the New York Fashion Week calendar

for the September events hasn't been made public yet.

We don't know much about the show so far, but bet that it'll be a tightly-controlled


If Kanye locks in a spot, Yeezy Season 6 will be his sixth straight Yeezy reveal during

New York Fashion Week.

There were rumors that Season 6 would actually debut in Paris, mainly because of controversy

he caused during his last New York Fashion Week show.

For Yeezy Season 5's debut at Pier 59 last February, Kanye simply took a timeslot without

asking, which angered the CFDA, especially because that slot was already spoken for on

their schedule.

It seems like both sides have patched things up since then though.

Spring 2018 seems far away, but don't get it twisted: Kanye's still staying very busy.

In addition to completing Yeezy Season 6 and making his Wyoming trips, earlier this month

he was seen bouncing in the studio during a reported recording session with Migos.

More privately, a Kanye fan who's paralyzed from the shoulders down has been documenting

his rehab on social media, and recently received a special pair of Yeezy Boost 350s and a heartwarming

note from 'Ye.

So you know Kanye's still watching, even if he's been moving on the low.

For now though, we'll just have to wait for 'Ye to bless us with new clothes and


That's the news for now, but for more on Kanye and Yeezy Season, be sure to subscribe to

Complex on YouTube today.

For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.

For more infomation >> Kanye's Yeezy Season 6 Could Be Dropping Soon - Duration: 1:46.


Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Enjoy Some Quality Family Time - Duration: 2:44.

- Okay, so today I'm gonna walk you through

some business basics.

You know, how to invest in properties,

set up separate phone lines.

And how to spend your Daddy's money wisely.

- Oh, yeah,

I don't know Jared,

I think I just kinda

want to go shopping.

- Sure, yes of course, right.

- Tiffany, ready to go?

- Hi Ivanka.

- Oh, darling, hi.

I was just telling your sister

about how you would talk to her about business,


business strategy.

Strategy of business.

- Tiffany, sit up straight.

- Oh, I'm sorry,

is this better?

I love your dress

and you look so pretty

and you're so cool

and you're such a good big sister.

- Women are so important to me,

that's my deepest core value.

And that's why you're my favorite sister.

- No! - And only sister.

- And that's why you're your Daddy's favorite half-daughter.

- Ah, President Trump?

- I don't know that a half-daughter's a thing.

- And that's why we're gonna need your help

when Jared has to testify.

- Oh my gosh, of course, I would do anything for you.

I love you

and I love your lipstick.

What color is it and where can I get it

or maybe we'll just kiss and then I'll can wear it too.

- It's Givenchy,

and it's discontinued,

but I make them make it for me. (laughing)

- Wow!

- You get me Tiffany

more than anyone on the planet

and that's why after you do such a good job

testifying for Jared,

You and I are gonna have a spa day.

- No!

Oh My God!

- And me.

- No Jared, not you!

- Oh yeah right, yeah sorry.

I would never want to impede on family time, y'know.

But I can have my own maybe

here at the house.

You know just some boys

gabbing, giggling, getting beautiful.

Really feeling ourselves.

I could invite your brothers.

- [Unison] They don't want to come.

- Right.

- Tiffany,

we're going to Bergdorfs.

- Ah, let me just grab my purse.

- Bye, have fun.

That's alright, I have a lot to keep me busy.

You know,

documents to erase.

Things to forget.

Russia, who's she?

It's a country where I have a lot of connections.

(creepy music)

- Tiffany the car,

it's ready, we have to go.

- Oh my God, I'm sorry car.

- Yeah.

- [Tiffany] Car!

- You're in trouble,

just sit on your hands while I'm gone

with an apple in your mouth.

- Yeah, that's good.

Could someone get me an apple.

- Bye!

- Bye, I love you.

- [Ivanka] No!

- I'll call one of my Russian friends.

(clapper clapping)

- I'll go down in the mud

and then you'll go down in the mud

and then a light will fall in the mud

and we'll get zapped

and we'll swap brains and I'll be you

and that's what's most important.

- Tiff, do you know what a spa is?

- Ah huh.

- It seems like you think it's a

mad scientist's lair.

- Yeah, Frankenstein was made in a spa,

the Wolfman lives in a spa.


I was working in the spa late one night

when an eyes became a weary sight

and it's Monster Mash

and I think that's how

they make humus.

For more infomation >> Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Enjoy Some Quality Family Time - Duration: 2:44.


Cosmic Ordering – Awaken To Universal Attraction Laws - Duration: 14:23.

Cosmic Ordering � Awaken To Universal Attraction Laws

By consciousreminder

Wouldn�t it be great if, instead of you just struggling through life, relying solely

on luck and chance, you could actually tap into your inner powers and the universal energies,

which would give you access to all the things that you desire in life.

This is what cosmic ordering is all about, it�s a universal law and guidance system,

which allows you to put your own destiny in your hands and control.

Cosmic ordering is not a new thing to you, it is something that you were born with and

something that you used to apply naturally when you were a young child.

But over the years, it is a process that you have slowly lost, forgotten and abandoned

as you have allowed logic and your conditioning too control your thinking and beliefs systems.

As a young child, you allowed your imagination, to work in a way it was designed for, to dream

and create.

You would imagine and role play, what you wanted to be, your dream career, when you

were older, over and over again.

At christmas, you would, write a list of all the things that you wanted, then you would

get all excited about it, and you would, let it happen naturally, without trying too hard,

or without trying to make it happen.

Let�s say, you wanted a brand new bike, you would write it down or tell your parents,

then you would imagine yourself, riding your new bike, and those feel good, creating emotions

would kick in as your positive expectancy grew.

You wouldn�t doubt it coming, or constantly question, if it was coming, you would just

know, then you would get more and more excited, as Christmas, drew nearer and nearer.

This is the basic concept of cosmic ordering, but, sadly, as we grow up we turn our all

powerful imagination against us, as we use it to imagine everything going wrong, and

we imagine more of what we don�t want, rather than what we do want.

What was once an automatic process for us, becomes obsolete, as we allow, what we perceive

as being normal, to become our way of life, and our inner powers, become nothing more

than a thing that fairy tales are made of.

Awaken the hidden Genie Within

We all have to ability to access the hidden genie within us, once we can put aside our

logical ways of thinking, and we can enter the concept of cosmic ordering, without any

preconceived judgments.

We are all connected to the universal creative forces and intelligence. The universe could

be compared to a car�s satellite guidance system.

This digital device which is connected by satellite, when you type in the required information,

it will pinpoint your position and give you step by step directions to guide you to your


These, satellite navigation system, are connected to a database and a higher network of information,

and they basically do all the hard work for you.

You still have to do the physical work, which is driving and steering your car, but the

how bit, is taken care for you, so all you have to do is, just focus on, and enjoy the


You cannot see, the invisible energy and signals, that connects the satellite device, to the

whole network, but you know it exists.

What has this got to do with, cosmic ordering and manifesting the things and life that you


Well, the universe operates in a similar way, you give it your instructions, which is the

things that you want.

Then you allow the universe, to do the how bit for you, and as long as you believe and

trust in the process, and as long as you�re in emotional alignment with, what is wanted,

then the universe will guide you and assist you to your final destination or desire.

Usually, there will be some action work required by you, all you have to do is, listen to and

follow, the universal guidance and help, and then take immediate action, when it is required.

Then all you have to do is, just enjoy the journey, with a positive expectancy and a

deep down knowing and undoubting certainty, that what you want, will show up in your experience,

at some point.

The universe is always trying to help and guide us, but most people are, simply not

tuned into it, so they do not spot, recognize or take action with the universal help, guidance,

information, or the opportunities that are presented to them.

If you decide to have a go at cosmic ordering. Treat it a bit like you do when you order

something from Amazon for instance.

You type in what you want, you place your order and you expect it to be delivered, without

questioning or doubting, will it turn up, you just know, so you basically, forget about

it, and let it happen.

The emotional work comes before the manifestation

Although the action work is important as the universe cannot do the physical work for you,

the emotional work is equally as important, because before you can have it or experience

it, you have to feel it. It is important that you begin to pull the things that you want

towards you instead of pushing against what you want all the time.Don�t be bound by

your beliefs and your previous experiences and conditioning. Your emotions will let you

know whether you�re moving towards what you want you what you don�t want.

It is a quite simple philosophy, if you feel bad, then this generally means you�re either

thinking about what is not wanted, or you�re allowing something in your outside experience

to upset you or determine how you feel.

Practice focusing on what is wanted instead of not wanted. Sort out, deal with, or let

go with things that make you feel bad or miserable.

Learn to become consciously aware and mindful of your thoughts and feelings, so you can

guide yourself to joy, happiness and emotional wellness, because your reality is a reflection

of your thoughts and feelings

When you make up your mind about something it becomes part of your experience, so make

every effort possible, to only focus on what you want and what makes you feel good.

When you want something to desperately, you�re signalling to the universe, that you�re

coming from a place of lack, not having or scarcity, and this will become the dominant

thoughts and feelings that you will be projecting, and your experience, is a reflection of your

inner thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

To become successful at manifesting and cosmic ordering, you have to love yourself and love

the life that you already have, and start to show more appreciation, for the life and

things that you do have, no matter how little or small.

Most people are too busy, moaning and complaining or they are too busy focusing on the fact

they hate or have no job and no money, poor health, bad or no relationship, instead of

being thankful for the things they do have.

Positive thinking

Perhaps you have already given cosmic ordering or the law of attraction a go, maybe you have

followed all the advice of having a vision board and you may have already done endlessly


To start with, it is important to think positive, but it has to be natural and not forced, this

means you have to build up the positive momentum and slip positive statements into your everyday


This means to start off it is far better to focus on doing the ground work and making

a general effort to feel good and just concentrate on general and good feeling thoughts rather

than just diving straight in and telling yourself affirmations like I am rich and successful.

Because saying your affirmations without positive emotion or real conviction is a waste of time

and unless you really believe in what you�re telling yourself without any resistance affirmations

are pointless.

That�s why it may help to begin with to focus on general things to get the positive

momentum going like,

All is well Things will get better

The best is still to come Things are getting better

It�s great to know I am the creator of my own destiny

Everything is going to turn out alright Life is good

I am doing fine Things always work out for me

There are plenty of opportunities available to me

I can have it all There is plenty more money coming my way

I am making progress I am heading in the right direction

Although positive thinking is important, it is the good feelings that you�re searching

for, so try to be optimistic and keep a positive attitude, even when things aren�t going

so well.

The hardest part of manifesting is allowing, and getting yourself in the receiving mode.

Most of us, our own worst enemies, allow our current situation and our past failures and

disappointments to spoil our futures.

The biggest hurdles most people come across are, self doubting and allowing what is and

what they�re observing to hold themselves in the negative energy.

Sometimes people become so desperate to have what they deeply desire, that they end up

coming from a place and energy of lack, not having or not happening, and that blocks off

all the things that they want from showing up in their experiences.

The ideally allowing state, is, the knowing with an absolute faith that what they want,

will happen, before it has manifested.

You have to make it a way of life

Cosmic ordering or thinking positive is not a thing you do part time, you have to commit

to it fully and you have to make it a way of life because you cannot afford to let negative

thoughts and emotions to gather momentum. Otherwise, you will spend all your time drawing

what you want towards you, then you will push it away.

The better your life is generally the better the chances are of you fulfilling your dreams

and desires. Manifesting is not all about your mind, you also want to feel at your peak

best physically.

Learning to relax, getting adequate amounts of good restorative sleep and having a well

balanced, varied and healthy diets is essential because you want to be at peace with yourself

and you want to feel good physically.

To get the maximum results, you should aim to be in a state of inner peace, balance and

harmony both physically and emotionally where you have reached a state of

Complete faith Trust

Your in the zone Your feeling grateful

Positive expectation Knowing everything is going to turn out alright

The universe tunes into and responds to your feelings and wants, but this is a two way

thing and it both applies to both positive emotions and the things you want and negative

emotions and all the things you don�t want.

Complaining, moaning, doubting or getting annoyed about your lack of results or your

current circumstances will not help you, neither does demanding or shouting at the universe

to grant your wishes.

If you want to experience the things you want you have to be in a vibrational alignment

to them before you can access them, this is why it is as equally important to focus on

yourself as well as your desires.

Many of the advice available about cosmic ordering centers around the principals of

Asking Believing

Receiving But although they are three important components

of the formula they are a few missing vital elements. Two of the most important aspects

of cosmic ordering are making sure your not resisting what you want and the second is

feeling good before you manifest your desires.

To get from the wanting stage to the having you have to be in a state of knowing and a

sense of a feeling of certainty. The knowing is a sense of feeling where you reach a point

where you expect with absolute confidence and where you don�t have to keep questioning

or doubting.

You have to be in a flow like state of where you allow things to happen freely and easily,

most good things happen when your not even thinking about what you want and where you

have reached the stage of complete trust and certainty.

The universe works on energy, frequencies and vibrations and to tap into your true potential,

information and creativity you have to first be in the right emotional place which is in

the positive energy range.

Negative emotions such as fear, worry, hate, desperation and frustration are some of the

lower frequencies that will block your true potential and creativity.

The most potent frequency and energy is that of love and when you love yourself, your life,

you learn to love more and hate less and you consistently vibrate at love or above then

you will be at your peak best and your most powerful.

Cosmic ordering is a skill

Cosmic ordering or manifesting is a skill and like all skills it will need developing

and practice. For most of us our old beliefs and teaching has gone against the natural

laws of manifesting.

It can be very hard to change your pre-conditioned mindset and perceptions, there is no guarantee

you will become the next millionaire, but you even have

less chance if you do nothing.

For more infomation >> Cosmic Ordering – Awaken To Universal Attraction Laws - Duration: 14:23.


Amanjaku - Jikei (ENG SUB) [HD] - Duration: 3:39.

アマンジャク。「ジケイ」Amanjaku - Jikei

Translations: Mine (credit if you take)

1. Electricity shocks you as you're executed sitting.

2. Hanging by a rope, a human teruterubouzu.

3. You die as a guinea pig prescribed poison.

Today as well

"In the name of the moon, I will punish you!"

[screams in japanese]


4. Scream! Fainting in agony over the shock of torture is your deathbed.

5. An injection into your blood, a human pump.

6. Beheaded at the switch of a guillotine "Click♪"

Today is busy too…

Damaged, bereaved family members

Please rely on me.

My work is a murderer! It kills and eats one's livelihood

Oh Yeah! "Execution"

My occupation is an executioner

I'll pass down a righteous judgement for you

Oh Yeah! "Execution"

This is a pleasant job, isn't it? (LOL)

i believe i can kill

i wanna be the judgement!

i believe i can kill

i wanna be the judgement!

Even without finding an "answer"

I'm gazing at a mountain of corpses…

There are no sins that can go unjudged?

If that's the case, then I'll….

My work is a murderer! Killing and eating one's livelihood, it's tasty today too!

"Human disqualification? You did it!"

I'll pass down a righteous judgement for you

Oh Yeah! "Execution"

My occupation is an executioner

Today, tomorrow, forever I'll pass down a hand of judgement, ridding blood with blood.

"I wonder if someday someone will judge me?"

that's all folks

thanks for watching!

support amanjaku and buy their single!!!

if you find any errors in my translation pls tell me


For more infomation >> Amanjaku - Jikei (ENG SUB) [HD] - Duration: 3:39.


New Triathlon Bike - Duration: 6:13.

- Is this a new bike?


Because there are so many innovations that happen

over the course of four or five years.

Long story short, I'm basically a hero.

Oh morning Trainiacs, you would not believe it.

I know you come here for triathlons stories and tips

but this story from this morning.

Oh my God!

Purses being stolen.

Taren being a hero!

Stopping an old man from getting beaten down.

Police statements.

Car chases.

This was big morning.

Alright so Mark and I,

we finished the group ride.

We topped up on coffee.

We start rolling on back to go home

and we get to this street,

and this lady is screaming out of the side of her window.

"They tried to steal my purse.

"Go get them, go get them!"

I turn around and I start going down a back lane

to see where these kids are.

I find them and I say, what the hell?

You steal a lady's purse?

And of course, they deny it.

So I asked to see in their backpacks.

Nothing in their bag packs but as I'm looking

in their bag packs for this lady's purse.

This one kid, he's beaking me, he's beaking me

and he's trying to start a fight with me.

He's getting right in my face.

So I tell him, alright, you got no purse in your backpack.

Everyone just walk away, everything's fine.

But this is where things unravel.

As they start walking away.

An old man, who saw what happened with the old lady.

He rolls down his window and he tells the kids to take off.

The kids start throwing rocks at his van.

He stops and tells them to take off.

They start approaching his vehicle

and they're starting right in his face

right in his face.

And they end up starting to get on the door handle

and try to get into his vehicle.

This old man, at which point,

gets out to try to defend himself.

The kids start punching him

and I'm about 50 yards away.

I'm on my bike.

This is happening?

What's going on?

These kids are beating up an old man.

So they're about 50 yards away.

This one kid and the old man are going at it like this.

The other kids in behind them laying the boots to him,

punching the old man in the back of the head.

At which point.

(angelic music and thunder)

Super Taren comes out.

I sprint towards the old man

and yelled, hey, get off that old man.

Obviously, all 5'8" of me, 160 lbs is very intimidating.

So the kids get off the old man

and they start getting in my face, in my face.

But then being the super, intimidating hero

that I am, I'm telling the old man to go away.

Get in his van.

I'm telling the kids to get away.

The kids' mum comes up.

The kids start beaking the mom.

What is wrong with these kids these day, seriously?

Eventually, the kids run away.

They come back.

They get bikes so that they can bike further away.

We called the cops.

I have to give statements.

Long story, short.

I'm basically a hero.

Seriously though Gracey.

What is with kids these days?

What is with kids?

Moral of the story.

All heroes wear spandex.

Gotta go get ready for the ceremony.

Get the key to the city, I'm sure.

My God, oh my God Trainiacs.

This is a big day.

This is a very big day, beside new shoe day.

This is like the best day.

(vehicle passing)

(uptempo techno music)

So it's a big day

and I'm at the Alter Ego Bike Shop.

Any idea what that means?

(uptempo techno music)

(woman vocalizing)

Yeah, yep, yep.

(vehicle passing)

Alright Trainiacs, is this a new bike?


Is this my new bike?

Hey, not so much.

Allow me to explain.

Alright Trainiacs, what we have here

is a brand, spanking new 2017 Cervelo P2.

Is it mine?


How this came about and something that we can talk about

is when you start getting to older bike.

This is a 2011 or a 2012 P3.

It stops becoming relevant

because there's so many innovations

that happen over the course of four or five years.

And once you get to that four, five, six year mark.

The technology, the measurements, the standards.

They end up changing.

Right now, disc brakes are coming in.

25, 27, 28 millimeter wide tires are what's in.

So all of a sudden when things go wrong

like they did with my wheel set for this.

Nothing that is new for this bike,

which is new, fits.

So what happened is, I don't have a bike

for my wheels set and I don't have a wheel set for my bike.

So I ended up in this short sandwich

where I didn't have a tri bike.

Fortunately, thanks to Alter Ego they help me out.

I get to demo this for the next couple weeks.

So yeah the lesson here is be careful

about what you try to save your money on.

Because if you try to save your money

by going with older stuff.

The longer you're in the sport,

the more it might actually end up costing you.

I'm just gonna say it, just gonna say it.

Thanks Jeff, James, Heather, Alter Ego.

You guys are solid.

P.S. don't tell no triathlon cam

that I've got a new bike in the house.

For more infomation >> New Triathlon Bike - Duration: 6:13.


Rainbow Dash Coloring Book Page My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Coloring Page for Kids Art - Duration: 3:31.

Welcome to Happy Magic Toys and episode 91 of our My Little Pony coloring book series.

Today's coloring page is Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic MLPFiM.

Rainbow Dash is part of the Mane 6 and possesses the element of loyalty.

Please check out my playlists to see more My Little Pony coloring book pages, color swaps and customs.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the channel to find videos based on other TV shows and films.

Please like and subscribe for daily videos, and leave any coloring page, color swap and/or custom requests in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Dash Coloring Book Page My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Coloring Page for Kids Art - Duration: 3:31.


Trabzonspor ● Sosa Geliyor! (Son Dakika) ● 21 Temmuz 2017 ● Futbol Videoları - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Trabzonspor ● Sosa Geliyor! (Son Dakika) ● 21 Temmuz 2017 ● Futbol Videoları - Duration: 4:20.


Injustice 2 - Trailer - DLC - Estelar (Starfire) - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Injustice 2 - Trailer - DLC - Estelar (Starfire) - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:39.


طريقة عمل صيانة \\ الغسالة الاتوماتيك \\ فى المنزل - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> طريقة عمل صيانة \\ الغسالة الاتوماتيك \\ فى المنزل - Duration: 7:20.


How to Learn BEST Calisthenics SKILLS with Resistance Bands - Duration: 9:49.

What's up guys, TrainingPal here.

Bodyweight skills are among the most common reasons why we love calisthenics so much.

Not only can they be used to develop huge strength and a great body, but they also look awesome.

The desire to be able to do them was something that motivated me to train the most at the beginning.

However, practically all of the best skills are quite difficult and take a lot time to master.

This is because they not only require vast amounts of strength,

but also an excellent control and awareness of your body.

sing the progressions also known as easier variations of the skill

is an awesome tool to build up the necessary strength,

but doesn't teach you what it feels like to be in the final position.

This is why using resistance bands is a great way to learn skills even faster.

If used properly, the bands make performing the skill easier without changing the mechanics of it.

You still have to use the same exact muscles

and position your body in the same exact way, but without the strength needed for the skill.

This way you can train your body and mind to know what it means to hold, for example,

front lever properly, that is holding the body straight and parallel to the ground.

Its very common problem for people to think that they're doing it right,

but in fact their hips are too low and thus the body isn't horizontal.

It applies to all the other skills as well.

In this video I'm gonna show what are the best ways to use resistance bands to develop this mind-body connection.

Without further ado let's get to the specific skills.

Here's what you have to do to make the band help you hold the human flag in the most comfortable way.

First you need to attach the band to the upper handle (in case of horizontal handles)

or just above your upper hand (in case of vertical pole).

Then, you have to put a proper leg into the loop,

that is the one which is going to be on top, when you're already holding the human flag.

Just be careful no to put your balls into the loop.

The green band helps quite a lot here, but the flag still isn't easy.

I can hold it for 2-3 seconds on my weaker side,

but with the band I'm able to do it for 10 or 15 seconds.

I also tried the purple band and it makes things easier as well, but is a little more comfortable.

Muscle up is pretty straight-forward with the band.

You need to attach it to the bar and put one or both feet into the loop.

Another important thing to note is that you have to keep your knees extended all the time.

If you would bend them, the band would get shorter and thus help you less getting above the bar.

Even if you can do one or two reps without any help,

doing the muscle ups with a band is going to be greatly beneficial for you.

First of all, it's going to let you do more reps and practice the exact move more extensively.

And secondly, you can perform harder versions of the muscle up with the band,

like wide or narrow grip muscle ups

or explosive muscle up.

Using bands is a great way to learn front lever.

The best way to do in my opinion is to grab a band with both hands,

put it behind you on your lower back and get into the position.

The most convenient bars to do that are dip bars. They're usually on a perfect height.

If you don't have such possibility you can use a higher bar,

but you have to stretch the band as you reach for it.

That may be difficult with particularly high pull up bars.

However if you have rings, they can be used to make things very easy,

because they let you adjust the height according to your needs.

This one is actually quite tricky.

I tried a couple of different setups and none of them seemed to work good for me.

The band was forcing me to rotate all the time

or lifting my legs in a weird way as I was trying to go up.

However after testing many different ways of attaching the band I finally found a perfect one.

Here's how to do it, if you pull up with your right hand:

put your right foot into the loop and grab the bar on the left side of the band.

Then put your left leg between the band and your right leg, so the band wraps behind it.

This setup is ideal, because the band does not make you rotate too much

and allows you to stay vertical throughout the whole move.

Keep your legs straight to get uniform assistance during the movement.

Back lever is probably the easiest of the skills I'm showing here,

but that doesn't mean you can't use a band to practice it.

Here's the best way to get into the position.

Grab the band with both hands and reach for the bar.

Then lift your hips up and put your feet through the loop.

It's not the easiest thing in the world to do for a beginner,

but after some practice you should be able to do it without big problems.

Another way of getting into the position that I found requires you to hang on the bar by your knees.

Then you just hold the band in your hands and reach for the bar.

The most convenient method, however, is using the rings.

You just need to get into inverted hang and then lower yourself slowly on the band.

Using the band for planche hold is a little bit tricky, because you need it to be on very specific height.

Finding a proper setup for a particular band requires you to do a few tests.

Great way to make things easier is, again, use rings to adjust the band height freely.

Here, I'm using a purple band attached directly to a pull up bar

and it seems to work quite good for me.

This way you can do negatives quite comfortably as well.

V-sit requires a simple setup to work great.

You need to hook up the band to the dip bars and put your feet into the loop.

The band is pulling strongly when your legs are on the ground,

but as you go up it assists less and less.

When you hold an actual V-sit it helps just a little bit.

You can adjust the amount of assistance you get by moving closer or away from the bar.

To do the band assisted ring muscle ups you need to put the band behind you

and hold it in your hands as you grab the rings.

Then get into the support position and sit on the band as you go down.

Be sure to lock out your elbows at the bottom of the move

to practice this important aspect of a proper rings muscle up.

Hold the false grip all the time you're under the rings.

And lastly handstand push ups.

I haven't really found a good way to use bands for assistance.

The method you watch me use right now is pretty good, but getting your feet into the band is a hard thing to do.

I had to use years of my experience in handstands to do it smoothly.

This other way I found is much easier but looks quite stupid.

You need to attach the band to dip bars and put your head inside.

It works, but isn't the most comfortable method.

I hope this video showed you one of the benefits of owning a set of resistance bands.

If you'd like to get them for yourself, the link is in the description below.

By using this link to place an order you help to support my channel, so I'd be very grateful for that.

If you wonder which bands to choose, I recommend getting the set of black, purple and green one,

because they together fulfill all the needs for calisthenics whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete.

Thanks again and see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How to Learn BEST Calisthenics SKILLS with Resistance Bands - Duration: 9:49.


Happy birth'day Kitty | Colours Kitty with cake | Kitty Coloring book | Paintings Kitty watercolor - Duration: 3:06.


Hi Kitty

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