Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

Let's Play Kona

For more infomation >> Let's Play Kona Part 12 (Blind) - Duration: 52:16.


Ping Pong Trick Shots w/ Strangers - Duration: 4:56.

Welcome to Ping Pong Trick Shots


What's up, everyone? So that shot didn't go so well...

Here are some that did

For more infomation >> Ping Pong Trick Shots w/ Strangers - Duration: 4:56.


JIMMY STP REVIEW [CC] - Duration: 11:00.


Hey guys, it's me Chaseypoo and today I'm doing a review for you.


Disclaimer, this is a prosthetic for transgender men to help alleviate dysphoria,

it helps to, um, help them pee stand up and to have a bulge in their pants.

I am trying a new thing today where I don't have the background that I usually do

just to see if that will flag the video or not.

I probably will, but I thought "Might as well".

Today my loves I am reviewing something that you have all been asking for.

Finally, the Jimmy STP from FTM Pitstop.


So this is a stand to pee device that you can urinate from standing up.

And that you can pack with in your pants.

What I'm going to do is talk about the experiences that I've had

with this STP and show you what it looks like

in a couple of underwear that are designed for packing.

And just I guess regular underwear just so that you can see.

So in the past I have always said that the Transtetics EZP is the best STP out there.

It is far by, still, the one that I feel is the easiest for me to use.

And I still, I love it.


I have found something that comes very close to it.

And this is it over here.


And I know that it looks very balls-y.

If you look on the website it looks huge.

When I got it in the mail I was like: "Thank god!"

'Cos I thought it was going to be gigantic,

like one of the Freetom STPs.

Holy Jesus!

They're so big!

Close up realness..

So this is what it looks like.

This is the vanilla colour, alright?

And it has some detail on it.

I'm going to try to turn it so that you can still see.

You like my nail polish?


Alright so this is what it looks like in detail.

There is paint colouring so it's not just one colour of the silicone

that is this type of skin colour.

They, um, they have also added veins.

And then the inside over here looks like this.

So this is just a reflection, and this is what the tube looks like.

So there is a kind of lip over here and then the urine kind of goes through there.

Um, there is no safety lip like the EZP does have.

But I am going to explain to you why this one feels really good in your pants when you're peeing.

So I also have issues with STPs kind of leaking everywhere.

Like the Peecock is good but it leaks for me.

And that's really not fun.

But if you position it right, and you practice a couple of times...

It does work.

This one really works well,

because when you position it, for some reason it actually helps the pee just go through and it doesn't leak.

Which you would think it would because of this surface right over here.

It looks like it's just going to fall.

But because this is very flexible,

you're able to actually cup this right under you, where your urethra is.

And if you don't know where your urethra is,

it would be really helpful for you right now to actually go on Google-

it will be triggering, I'm sorry.

But if you don't know where your urethra is..

A lot of people think that the pee-

Just, they don't know where the pee is coming out of.

So if you know where your urethra is, then you're able to know exactly where to place the STP.

And then this kind of moves there.

So it is trying to act as a double: as a packer and as a stand, as an STP device.

So that's why it looks like this.

So when it's in your pants you can actually fold it like that.


And then when you want to pee-you can't pee like this.

You really need to bring this up, like that.

So it does kind of add like a little kink to the prosthetic.

But if you're holding it, and you can, you can gently hold it like that.

The inside of it is still, like, there's still the tunnel and it's still going to go through.

So in terms of how comfortable it is in pants,

I'm actually going to put the camera down now.

And I'm going to talk about it while I'm showing you in my pants.

Um, the reason being is because of the difference,

um, in-in-in how it looks in pants and how it actually feels in underwear.

But the tip of it is very s-it's not small..

Like, it's not discreet.

Alright, so if you are at a urinal using this,

and somebody's going to look at your weiner-

why would they do that?

But if they do, like, they'll get a glance and that's fine.

But I don't know if it would do a double take.

It looks very realistic, especially 'cos it's-

this is very close to my skin colour.

My skin tone.

Um, but if somebody was to have like a really close look at it..

Because of the tip of it, it doesn't look super realistic.

Alright so now I'm going to show you in some underwear.

I have gained a little bit of weight so I'm feeling a little bit self conscious.

But I want to show you anyways.

So these are the packing underwear from RodeoH.

Okay? They have a little pocket in here, right there.

It's black so it's kind of hard to see and then the light is there.

So it has a little pocket that you put the STP in.

So I'm just going to put it in, I'm going to show you what it looks like.

Alright, so this is what it looks like here.

And then what you do, you've got to flip it inside.

And then it just kind of holds itself like that.

This light is like really not helping me right now.

I'm sorry it needs to be there because if I turn it off-

[Light switch clicks]

It's like you can't really see but-maybe I should just turn it off.

Oh my god it looks like I have a boner,

but on the other side it's not too bad.


So it's in here, okay.

Now I will say: this is a great STP, and I do, I like it.


It makes a noise.

[STP noise]

Alright, and I don't like that.

[hits STP]


I don't like that it makes a noise.

But anyway, these underwear are really great.

I haven't reviewed them yet but I will post..

I mean, I probably have.

When this video comes out, I don't know.

Anyway so there's like a little slit, like most underwear do.

And that you have your weiner out, and then you just gotta-

And then you can pee.

So this is the underwear, I actually peed with them today.

And I was really surprised there was no leaking.

I was like feeling my booty in the back like that,

just to see if there was any leak and there was nothing at all.

Alright so these are the underwear from-

Oh look at that booty-

from FTM Downunder.

This one has an O-ring that is attached there.

So what you do is you put the weiner through,

I'm not sure if this will damage this prosthetic.

Okay? But it can damage.

And this underwear actually has a little pouch that you can put your weiner in.

And then there you go.

'Kay? So I know it looks big but when you're wearing pants,

it kind of covers it up.

But, again, it has this noise.

But remember that a lot of E-STPs have that.

This is the EZP by Transthetics.

When you put it against you, it also makes that-

[STP noise]


So with this, once again, you have the pocket.

And it's super easy just to get the weiner out.

And then you do your business.

You gotta, you gotta like bend your knees a little.

And then put this to cup it, and then you just do your business.

And you can put it back in.

And there you go.

And that's how it works.

These are my preferred underwear for packing.

I don't like boxer briefs that much honestly.

I much prefer, um, briefs.

But the company is maybe thinking about making briefs-[slap]

Because I like them so much.

So that would be great, wouldn't it?

Alright so the last thing I'm going to do at this angle is-

A lot of people have been asking:

"Can you do a demonstration of how the pee falls?"

This is going to be a little hard because the camera is here

but I'm going to try to show you.

And I don't know if you'll be able to actually see the pee fall.

But we're gonna..we're going to try to do this thing together.

Can you even see that in the camera?

My god this is going to be a disaster, it's so high up.


I don't even know if you can see that.


Anyways, your stream isn't that fast.

Okay, anyways.

Your stream is a little slower, but I will say that I-

I didn't have to, um, pee and then hold it in.

And then pee, and then hold it in.

Um, because I am pee shy.


But I would recommend, if you do pee like that, don't.

Don't. Because you will go overboard.

Pee, and then stop.

Pee, and then stop.

Just a little bit.

But I am like, super pee shy.

So like when I use an-an STP I pee and then it just stops for me.


And then I just go again.

Because my body just can't take it.

Anyways, so overall,

the Jimmy STP is a very very good STP.

A lot of people have been asking for me to review it.

Um, the thing is that it is a little bit tacky.

So sticky.

Um, so you could put powder on it uh,

baby powder or cornstarch.

Um, you don't need to but I don't really like the sticky-ness of it.

[STP noise]

And honestly, the only thing I don't like about this STP is that..

Oh god, it just like leaked on me.

Is that it makes noise.

But that's...

You can't have something perfect, right?

That's going to be like that for all the STPs that I have.

And that's just the one issue.

And especially when it's in your pants, it doesn't pack super big.

And that was my big concern.

I was like: "It's gonna pack huge, I can't pack with this! I wear skinny jeans!"

It's perfect if you wear skinny jeans!

Because I put it in my briefs normally

but then because I wear skinny jeans it like squishes it more.

So if you don't wear skinny jeans it's really-

it's just going to pop up.

And that's going to be a little bit uncomfortable.

But I don't think that that's going to be a problem

if you wear packing underwear.

Um, that are specifically designed for that.

But, I don't know.


So in terms of the paint job...


I'm just going to say that some parts I feel like

are a little bit too red.


Like, like, they're just like a little too concentrated

in some parts of the STP.

But I can honestly overlook that completely,

because it actually pees so well.

So I don't usually use an STP outside the house.

I usually mostly use it inside the house.

[clears throat]

But this one has been great for me to not even think about peeing.

Where I just go to the bathroom and I'm just letting it go.

So I do recommend the Jimmy STP if you are looking.

It might not work for everyone.

As all the other toys that exist in the world.

And the other prosthetics, and STPs, and packers...

Not everything will work for everyone.

Uh, but I absolutely do enjoy this one.

And it's something that I am happy to have on my wall.

And it's something that I'm happy to be able to do

comparison videos of like this, and the EZP in the future.

And the last thing, in terms of squishiness.

Like it is really like-[suction noise ]

It's making that noise because there was water in it.

Because I just did the demonstration.

But it is squishy, it is pretty, uhm, mushy like that.

So it's good.

And in your pants, if somebody was to grab it in your pants...

It doesn't feel like the worst thing in the world.

Like, especially if you're wearing packing underwear

or like boxers, or briefs,

and then you're wearing, um, pants over that.

That would be great.

I think if you're just holding it in your underwear,

then it just feels like you're a little bit hard

and a little bit-missing some part of your penis inside.


Anyway, let me know what you think.

If you love the Jimmy, if you don't love it, let me know.

Um, I'm really glad that I was able to review this product.

Because a lot of people have been asking for it.

So, if you have any thoughts, let me know.

If you have any, any, products that you would like me to review,

and you are curious about, please write them in the description below.

Or check my playlist and make sure I haven't done them yet.

I love you so much, thank you so much for joining me.

And thank you to FTM Pitstop for sending me this to review.

I love you guys so much, have a great day, bye!


For more infomation >> JIMMY STP REVIEW [CC] - Duration: 11:00.


LESSON LEARNED - Duration: 6:33.

Hey you!

It's just me, Evie

For more infomation >> LESSON LEARNED - Duration: 6:33.





How I Cut My Hair (My long layer haircut) - KayleyMelissa - Duration: 12:45.

- Hey everyone, Kayley here.

Today, I am answering one of my most asked questions,

how do I get my haircut.

And I thought, instead of just telling you,

I would show you, so I'm bringing in my friend Nadirah,

who's also been my hairstylist

for about three or four years now.

I love the way that she does haircuts,

and so I thought I would have her show you

all the ins and outs of my haircut as we go.

And this is just to help you know what to ask for

when you go into your hairstylist.

So let's get into it.

(gentle music)

And everyone, this is Nadirah,

my very favorite hairstylist/haircutter of all time.

So you guys are always asking

what I ask for the hairstylist,

so Nadirah, you've cut my hair about a 50 bazillion times.

What we talked about the first time,

forever ago at this point, we talked about the length,

you tell me how much hair I have to lose

because I've waited too long to get my haircut.

- Every time. - Every single time.

And then the things that I was definitely asking for

earlier on was that I wanted long layers.

I didn't want them short enough

that they mess with my braids or anything,

but I wanted some movement.

I wanna keep my hair looking as full as possible.

And then I like soft face framing.

I've definitely had a case before

and I think you even saw this when I first came in

where people gave me face framing that was like chunky


- I've heard people say it looks like a bob

and then a long haircut when that happens.

- Yeah, yeah, I know.

- And that's what we don't wanna do.

- Absolutely.

So that's what we typically go for.

So how would you describe the haircut

that you typically do on me?

- Basically, you hit the nail on the head,

you wanna keep the layers long because you're doing braids

and it's so sad when you see someone

who's got these beautiful braids

and they just get thinner and thinner towards the ends,

and so you wanna keep your layers as long as possible

if you're gonna be doing a lot of braiding.

But it also helps to have those layers in there

just for curling or movement,

just to give it some depth and dimension.

- Yeah.

- And like you said, it's really important

to keep fullness on the ends.

That density on the ends

is what makes long hair look healthy.

Like the moment it starts to get

kind of like what you have going on right now,

a little bit see through,

that's when hair starts to look not as healthy,

not as thick, and just kind of sad sometimes.

And I think with long hair,

when you're looking in the mirror,

like this is the most important hair, right here,

because this is what you see.

So this is your length.

A lot of people don't see what's going on

in the back of their head,

so I think it's really important

to do that really light face frame

and not cut into your hair

so that you can still have that thickness

and length and density in the ends,

in the front of the hair.

- Okay, so we're gonna leave some weight.

We're gonna do some long layers and face framing.

You ready to wet all this down and cut it?

- I'm so ready.

- Oh wait, how much are we, we're cutting a lot, aren't we?

Guys, this is sad. (Nadirah laughs)

- We're gonna take off at least two inches,

maybe two and a half.

- It's okay.

It's okay because wispy ends aren't really hair anyway.

That's what I have to tell myself.

- It's so much better to have long hair that looks healthy

than hanging on to that length that's just sad and thin.

No one wants those scraggly ends.

- It's true, the scraggly ends ruin the whole thing.

- And honestly, when your hair is this long,

cutting off two inches, it's still gonna be long.

- Thank you. That makes me feel better.

Okay, I think I'm ready.

Let's cut the hair.

- Okay.

All right, so we're going to begin the haircut.

I've gone ahead and sectioned everything out

and the first thing I'm gonna do is establish our length.

We've already discussed how much we're gonna take off

and that's basically two inches

of those sad, see through ends

that we've got going on here.

Sorry. (both laughing)

Another thing to talk

about with your hairdresser before you get your haircut

is what shape you like the perimeter.

Some people like to have a V shape in the back

or they like it straight across.

For Kayley, I normally do just a soft U shape,

so it's straight in the center

and then curves up slightly toward the corners.

(gentle music)

So we can already see a big difference

just from cutting that off

by looking at how much fuller

and thicker Kayley's ends look.

You don't have all of that see through,

raggedy ends anymore.

It looks nice and thick and full,

which is exactly what we're going for.

- [Kayley] Yay. (both laughing)

- So now that we've established our perimeter

and reestablish some weight in Kayley's ends,

now we're gonna start with those long layers.

So the layering pattern that I'm gonna be using

on Kayley's hair is more of a rounded layering pattern.

You don't have to know what this means,

but your hairdresser will.

Basically, rounded layers are gonna help

make your hair look thicker and fuller,

but if you already have a ton of hair,

then maybe you wanna get flat or square layers.

That's actually gonna help reduce the look of thicker hair.

So for thick hair that you want to make look smaller,

ask for square or flat layers

and for finer hair that you want to look fuller,

make sure you ask for rounded layers.

(gentle music)

So that's gonna be the basic layering pattern

that I'm gonna do everywhere in the back

and you can see at the top of her head,

that's the shortest layer, right here,

and it's only about maybe five-ish inches shorter

than the length,

so the layers are really all down throughout here,

so that's gonna keep everything nice and full,

but still allows some movement.

(gentle music)

- [Kayley] So I guess right now

we're just establishing the length on the side?

- Mm-hmm. - Cool.

- We're just connecting the side perimeter

to the back perimeter.

(gentle music)

- Moment of truth.

(Nadirah laughs)

- All right, we have symmetry.

- Yes. (both laughing)

- All right, so now that we have

our perimeter established on the sides,

now we need to blend

our layering in through the front as well.

(gentle music)

I love that, those diagonal sections

that create that perfect short to long flow.

- I can't see it, but I've just imagined.

- [Nadirah] It's there, and it's good.

- Okay.

- One of the things that I'm really careful about

when I'm cutting hair is to look at my client's hairline.

So Kayley's hairline moves back right here

before it goes down,

and it's a little bit thinner right here,

so what I wanna do is make sure

that I don't layer this portion of the hair.

I don't wanna bring it up with my top layers

because if I do that, what's gonna end up happening

is she's gonna have a thick piece in front

because her hairline moves forward right here,

and then there's gonna be a little hole right here.

So pay attention to your hairline as well

when you go to the hairdresser.

And if there's anything

that you think might need to be addressed,

bring it up with them so that they know what to do

and how to address it properly.

(gentle music)

All right, so I've connected these layers on this side

and everything below that parting,

this is gonna be trimmed

when we work in Kayley's face frame.

So if you think that I'm ignoring it right now,

I'm doing it intentionally.

(gentle music)

Okay, so all of our layering is done

and now what I think

is probably one of the most important things

aside from maintaining that length in the front

is the face frame.

So one of the things that I see

that happens to people all the time

is that that face frame ends up

being cut back into the haircut,

and you end up losing all of that length.

This is, we already said, that's so important.

So I think it's really, really important

to make sure that the face frame

stays very light and very soft.

So the first thing we wanna do

is find out where you part your hair.

So Kayley, you part your hair on this side, right?

- Yes. - Okay.

- Right about where you finger is actually.

- Perfect, see I remember. (Kayley laughs)

- It's like you've done this before.

- But you know what though?

Let me say something about that.

Sometimes clients will come in

and say, "Just do the same thing as last time,"

and especially if it's been five months since you've come,

we don't always remember.

We see a lot of clients everyday,

so maybe

just recap it for us.

We can figure it out, what it is,

just by looking through it,

but it will save a little bit of time if you just remind us.

- It's true.

I also think it's great if you tell your stylist

what you really liked,

so they can make sure to hit that note again.

- Absolutely.

And also what you don't like.

- Yeah.

- Because sometimes things need to be changed

and adjusted, and it's okay if you don't like everything.

It's not gonna hurt our feelings

if you want something to be adjusted the next time.

- Yeah, I think the most polite thing

you can do for your hairstylist is to be honest with them

because at the end of the day,

they can't give you what you want

if you're not helping them to find out what that is.

- [Nadirah] So we want this to be, what?

Like an inch-ish below the chin?

- Yeah, I like to leave some of these pieces out

when I do ponytails and stuff,

so enough that it doesn't look awkward when I do that.

- Okay. - Yeah.

There it goes.

- So you'll notice that the only area

that I'm really cutting as part of that face frame

is this area that is to the front of the temple.

So that means that all of these hair is not being touched.

She's still gonna keep that length

and this is gonna blend really, really softly into it.

(gentle music)

So you can see now, she's got these pieces

that are framing her face,

but then nothing has been taken away from this area.

And then all I'm gonna do just to make sure

that everything is connected and blended seamlessly

is just comb this down

and you can see there's just that little corner right there

and all we're gonna do is just soften up that corner.

(gentle music)

All right, so that completes the wet portion of the cut.

(hair dryer whooshing) (gentle music)

All right, so this is the end result.

We've got beautiful, long layers,

a really soft face frame.

The only thing I want to adjust right now

is I wanna add some texture in the ends

because right now, it looks like a fresh haircut,

which is great and it feels really healthy

and thick and full,

but it doesn't necessarily style as well

when it's too blunt on the ends.

Curling can be a little bit of a challenge.

It can look like clumpy or chunky towards the ends.

So what I like to do is just go in

and soften up those ends so that it doesn't look so fresh

and it looks a little bit lived-in.

(gentle music)

And there you have it.

This is Kayley's new haircut.

- Jazz hands.

(both laughing)

Okay, so that is my haircut

and it feels so much healthier.

- [Nadirah] It looks so much healthier.

- Thank you, Nadirah.

Thank you so, so much.

Guys, this girl's amazing.

Can you give them your info

if they wanna come get their haircut by you?

- Yes, absolutely.

If you're in the Los Angeles area,

I'm in the salon all the time.

Email me, please.

My email is

and I really hope to hear from you guys soon.

- And that's it for today.

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I get my haircuts

and thank you, Nadirah, for being here today.

Be sure to hit that Subscribe button

if you wanna see more hair tutorials for everyday

and come back next Saturday for my next video.

I'll see you then.



(gentle music)

For more infomation >> How I Cut My Hair (My long layer haircut) - KayleyMelissa - Duration: 12:45.


Эти 7 мыслей помогут тебе войти в число лучших и стать успешным человеком – В чем главная цель жизни - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Эти 7 мыслей помогут тебе войти в число лучших и стать успешным человеком – В чем главная цель жизни - Duration: 3:58.


Best Overwatch Players in the World #3 - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Best Overwatch Players in the World #3 - Duration: 11:40.


My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.39 [ENG/IND/2017.07.22] - Duration: 1:06:10.

(Episode 39)

You two.

What are you doing here?

Did you sort everything out?

What do you mean?

At the law firm.

Your contract was a fraud.

How'd you find out?

Do you know the lawyer?

What a terrible firm.

They should've protected my identity.

Also, did you have to tell Jeonghwan about this?

That's not the issue.

What will you do now?

I'll deal with it. Pretend you don't know.

Where will you sleep tonight?

I will deal with it.

I got a room at a hotel.

How long will you stay at a hotel?

A suite costs 200 to 300 dollars a night.

You need to pay off the loan too.

I said I will deal with it.

Why are you interfering? Since when did you care?

How could you fall victim to something like this?

It's not a small sum. It's 100,000 dollars.

If you'd checked carefully before signing the paper,

this wouldn't have happened.

I'll get it back.

That's why I contacted a law firm.

Is it your money I lost?

I won't ask for your help or money.

Just stay out of this.

This isn't something to be stubborn about.

What if Mom finds out?

How would she find out? Don't you dare tell her.

Why don't you just come home?

Staying in an unfamiliar place for a long time

can't be good for Chico.

Compared to humans, dogs feel a heightened level

of stress in unfamiliar surroundings.

That is true.

This isn't fair on Chico.

Forget it.

I already moved out. I can't go back home.

Why don't you do it for Mother?

She isn't prepared to put her marriage behind.

If you were to leave after a unilateral notification,

it's just so cruel to her.


Be a humanitarian.

You've lived with her for 38 years.

You're right. From a humanitarian aspect,

it's worth considering.

Okay. Let's do that.

You're doing the right thing.

Don't you tell her what's really going on.

I'll tell her when it's sorted out.

Don't tell her first and make things worse.

Don't worry. I wanted to tell Mom right away,

but I didn't because Hyeyeong stopped me.

Did you?

Goodbye. I'm leaving with hopes of a new future.

Fine, just leave.

Do you think I can't live without you?

But still, we shared a bed for 38 years.

How could he leave without a word?

He just left me a note.

Mom. Where are you? Mom?

I'm in my room.

I see you're back.

What's going on?

Dad is home.


Why are you back?

It's been less than a day since you left.

I think I was too cruel to you.

Even professional athletes stretch and warm up

before a match.

We were married for 38 years.

I think it was too cruel of me to suddenly

announce our marriage graduation.

Hyeyeong said that a unilateral notification

makes our graduation look more like a separation.

It was quite a reasonable objection.

So, I decided to give you enough time to consider

the idea I proposed.

We can also discuss

as I will also open

a forum to debate on the issue.

Do you understand what I mean?

Chico, we're home.

You wanted to come home, Chico, didn't you?

Let's go to Daddy's room.

What happened?

Did you bring him home?

No, Hyeyeong did.

She did?

We'll leave now.

Are you leaving already?

We need to rest.

Good night, Mom.

I see. Good night.

You did a good job.

It's really a small world.

How did Dad end up going to Kyungjoo's law firm?

He got busted.

I guess he wanted to avoid my law firm.

He doesn't have enough money to leave home now.

I think he'll stay quiet for a while.

I really hope he does so.

I really wish nothing else happens.

I'm sorry.

I tell you I'm sorry so often. It drives me crazy.

But Mom and Dad didn't use to make

many troubles before.

Right after I got married,

they're doing this. It's a mystery to me.

It's mysterious to you, is it?

For me, it's pleasure followed by pain.

So I'm the pleasure, isn't it?

Do I bring you pleasure?


I'm so exhausted

that I feel like I'm coming down with a cold.

You shouldn't catch a cold, Walnut.

Get inside and lie down.

I'll remove your makeup.

Take a rest, and I'll get you honey-water.

Drink it and sleep hard.

Let's get inside.

There you go.

You were home.

I was worried about you. You should've called me.

What's wrong in here?

Did something happen here?

Did you say you were worried about me,

Mr. Lee Yoonseok?

Why do you look surprised?

Did you think that I would never find out?

You're my dad's friend, aren't you?

How can you deceive me for four months

with such an innocent face?

You shouldn't have accepted me at all.

You took me in your house

and pretended to be my dad with that smile all along?

What made you do such a terrible thing to me?

Were you afraid to get caught?

Were you going to counteract quickly

if I find out the truth and report to the police?

So, how did you feel?

"That idiot really thinks I'm his dad"

"since I treat him nicely."

"If I keep this up,"

"I might never be caught."

Is this what you thought?

I mean, say something.

For the last four months,

you've acted so well just like an Academy winner.

Why are you so reserved now?


How dare you call my name?



you call my name?

Why did you deceive me?

How could you

deceive me

pretending to be my dad?

Tell me.

Why did you deceive me?

Darn it!

Because of you,

I didn't know my dad passed away

until today. Also, because of you,

I don't know how I should feel about it.


I don't want to see you.

I said go!

(Dad's Snacks)


The phone is turned off. You'll be transferred...

You're soaking wet. You should get changed.

I can do that later.

You met him, didn't you?

I did.

How did you find out he knew and went there?

Junghui sent

the DNA test result to our home.

That was the package he sent you.


You should've called me right away.

I did,

but your phone was turned off.

I was worried that you might visit him.

I thought you should go knowing that he found out.

I assumed you had a heart attack,

but it turned out this way at last.

You must

have been shocked.

I thought the world would fall apart

if we got caught.

But the world hasn't fallen apart.

We struggled the past 35 years not to get caught.

I know I asked too much of you.

At least now you

won't have to go on living having nightmares.

The first thought that came to mind was

that you'd

be able to go to sleep peacefully now.

How could I after what I've done to Junghui?

He didn't know his father had passed away

because of me.

If I've lived with his identity for 35 years,

that's a long time. It's time I straighten things.


I'm going to turn myself in.

You should.


shouldn't we let our children know first?

I know

you're most concerned about Junghui,

but I think it's right we tell the others in advance.

Our children will all be here for your birthday today.

Tell them first and then go to the police.

It'll only be two more days.

All right.

I'll do as you say.

I'll go with you.

I'm just as guilty as you are.

Come to think of it,

I'd say I'm guiltier.

Don't blame yourself. It was my decision.

You suggested it, but I chose to do it myself.

At the time,

I thought of my late mother.

I was worried I wouldn't be able to protect you

and my baby like I wasn't able to protect my mother.

That's what made me decide to do it.

As a father, I thought I should protect my baby.

You just helped me a bit.

It was me who made the final decision.

I'm sure I wasn't the only one that couldn't sleep.

Don't you ever blame yourself.

I'm going to the police alone.

Like you said,

I'll go to the police

after I tell our children the day after tomorrow.

I'm sure they'll be shocked at the news,

but they're all grown up now.

(Dad's Snacks)

I don't know why I'm preparing this for him.


Why are you going? Aren't you having breakfast?

- Have a seat. / - What are you doing?

Sit. You love braised

- mackerel and kimchi. / - Goodness.

- Seriously. / - Hurry and sit down.

Since you insist, I'll eat what you've prepared.

Don't worry about my meals from now on though.

Why not?

I've also prepared cucumbers pickled in salt.

In the summer, I know you can eat with this alone.

Try this too. Doesn't it taste amazing?

What do you think? Doesn't it taste unbelievable?

The weather is getting hot. Aren't you losing energy?

Would you like me to get you some herb medicine?

You must have gotten the wrong idea.

I haven't canceled graduating from marriage.

I'm here to give you time to get used to the idea.

I'll say this clearly one more time.

I'm graduating from this marriage.

What should I do with this man?

Goodness, this is good.


I almost forgot about Chico.

I should get to Chico.

Wait a minute.

I'll finish this first.

Who could it be this early in the morning?

Did you sleep well?

I almost forgot and was about to go up the stairs,

but I remembered our promise and came this way.

What can I do for you, Mother?

You see, I have something I'd like to ask you.

Could you possibly meet with me for lunch?

I'm afraid I'll be busy with consultations.

Then, I wouldn't mind meeting in the evening.

Could we meet somewhere other than the house?

I have something I'd like to consult with you.

We have to modify our contract too, don't we?

We can do that as well.

- Our contract? / - Yes.

Then, I'll check my schedule and let you know.

All right.

I was just about to leave for work, Mother.

I see. All right. Go ahead and finish getting ready.

How could she not even invite me in?

No. Never mind.

I have to get on her good side right now.

I'll let this go just this once.

Inner peace.

(Inner peace)

What will I do with this stress?

Turn on some exciting music.

(Turn on some exciting music.)

(Do you like this music?)

I like this.

Walnut. What's wrong?

What's with the dancing this early in the morning?

Why are you up so early?

Get some more sleep. I'll make breakfast today.

No. I'm sure you didn't get much sleep.

No. I got some sleep.

Now that he found out, I'm actually more at ease.

I feel the same way.

I actually feel lighthearted.

That's good. I'll wake the children up and make juice.

You fold the blankets and take your time.

Rayeong and Miyeong, wake up.

Rayeong, you said you have to go early. Get up.

Wake up. You'll regret this in ten minutes.

I love you, Dad.

I love you too, but you still have to wake up.


If you sleep in, you won't have time for breakfast.

Wash up and come to the kitchen.

Good morning, Mother, Father.

Did you sleep well?


Is your boyfriend still suffering from my punches?


Is Rayeong seeing someone?

Did you meet Coach Park?

Is he good-looking?

Who is Coach Park?

He coaches people at the sports center.

He is apparently handsome and tall.

He isn't handsome or tall at all.

He is handsome and tall.

So you are seeing someone.

Where is he hurt?

Junyeong just went and punched him all over.

I didn't punch him all over.

I freaked out because he jumped on you

from behind like this.

He jumped on you?

He did not. Junyeong.

When he did, she giggled.

Stop it.

Finish your breakfast.

Whether he is handsome or not,

we'll see when you introduce him to us.

Off to work, everyone.

- You'll be late. / - Okay.

My handbag.

Which bag should I take today?

What's this?

I'll come home early today.

I'll head to work first.

Why aren't you here? You have an interview.

I've been waiting in the parking lot.



What about the interview?

Why didn't you pick up?

Wait at the agency.

I'll see you there.

I can't do that.

I'm at your door. Let me in.

I said I'll see you at the agency,

so wait for me there.

(Mr. Kang)

Where are you? Why aren't you here?

Sit where you want.


- Is this it? / - Yes.

I think you're all here.

Shall we begin?

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

People are saying your acting has improved.

What do you think about that?

What do you mean?

Do I agree?

Yes, I do. Even I think I'm doing great.

Why are you laughing?

Don't you think so?

What's wrong with him now?

I guess living with your father helped you

portray your emotions.

I don't know.

Do you get along with your father?

You're asking all sorts of things.

Is that why you're into exposing my private life?

This is insane.

Excuse me.

Could you please stick to the questions we sent you?

Junghui is not well at the moment.

He was late today because he was

at a hospital getting an IV drip.

His fever reached 40 degrees last night.

He was so hot I almost burned my hand.

It was bad.

It hurts.

(Mr. An)

Junghui's back at it again.

What about him?

He upset a reporter during the interview.

He messed things up.

Is he in the building?

I think he left by the back door.

Junghui, is something wrong?

Why did you trash the interview?


My goodness.


You're avoiding me, aren't you?

You won't take my calls

or answer my texts.


I apologize.

Who am I to...

I know that having someone like you to like me

is as huge

as winning the lottery.

In my whole life,

I never even dreamed

of winning the lottery.

I'm really sorry.

I don't feel the same way about you.

I knew all along,

but actually hearing it really hurts.

Is it because of Junghui?

Do you

like him?


What kind of nonsense is...

You do.

Why didn't you tell me so?

I feel like a fool now.


Take care, Miyeong.

How could I like Mr. An?

♪ Kiss me, darling ♪

♪ Kiss me, kiss me tonight ♪

I'm off on a business trip to check out a site.

I can't join you for lunch.

Too bad. Take care.

Can you all gather round?

We have a tasting this afternoon.

You both have a quota that you need to fill.

A quota? Is this normal?

No, we never had one until now.

Direct orders from the chairman.

The chairman?

Do you mean Mr. Park?

Rayeong's quota's bigger than ours.

The others must sell ten boxes,

but you must sell 15.

Why is that?

I'd love to know why.

(Good Base Tasting)

13, 14, 15 boxes.

Let's do this.

Come and have a taste. Do you want one?

Are you thirsty? A free...

It's an oriental raisin.

Grandma, would you like a free sample?

What makes me look like a grandma? How could you?

Just a moment. Goodness, what's this?

I feel so much better now. Hello, miss.

Have a pouch of this.

You'll see the world so much clearer.

I'll give you one.

Here you go.

It's not bad. How much did you say this is?

Two, four, six.

Let's do this.

Free tasting.

These drinks are good for you and your body.

There are many kinds. You can pick and choose.

Free tasting.

My goodness.


This is one of ours. Would you like a taste?

This is the product line I was telling you about.

It doesn't look too different.

You'll feel the difference once you taste it.

Your skin is dry. Did you drink a lot last night?

If you work and drink, this is the one for you.

It's nice and refreshing.

- Is it? / - Right?

You know this is good for women, right?

It's refreshing, light, and tasty. Free tasting.

Free tasting.

I like it.

Oh, wow, very nice.

- Isn't it nice? / - I like it.

- It's great. / - It is.

Since you like it, I will buy you a box each.

- Will you? / - You must taste it

to like and trust my company's products.

Give them a box each.

Yes, sir.

- Here you go. / - One for you.

- One for you. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - You're welcome.

Shall we head out?


Sir, you must pay.


Do you want my money?

I'm the chairman.


You must pay the price that suits the product

so they will buy from us in the future.

"This product is so great that even I,"

"the chairman, buy it with my own money."

- What... / - She has a point.

A product that even the chairman buys.

She is quite a skilled salesperson.


I'll do that.

Everything from our products to our staff

are honest and transparent.

Thank you. I'll give you the staff discount, sir.

Rayeong is beating our dad.

That's about the soccer field.

It's two-thirds the size of a standard field.

It's clean. The artificial turf is relatively new.

The facilities such as the showers

and locker rooms need fixing.

That requires negotiating.

We're still talking.

Why? Are the negotiations not going well?

No. It's tough to find a compromise.

Why do you want to do something that's so tough?

Just come and work for me...

If you change the topic,

- I'll leave. / - No.

Sit down. When did I change the topic? Please sit.

I'm just a dad worried about his son.

Why do you always misunderstand or twist...

Next, about the soccer team's uniform.

- You have a... / - Hello, sir.

Hello, Cheolsu.

- Rayeong. / - How dare you barge in.

I apologize. I had something to give you.

You bought six boxes from me

and I forgot to give you the free samples.

These are great for when you feel swollen.

I thought this is what you need.

Are you tired?

Your face is always puffy. Drinking this should help.

Have a great day.


Which part of my face is puffy?

It's more like you put on fat for being so mean.

Rayeong has mistaken.

I'm just puffy and swollen. See?

(Message from Ms. Lim)

May we talk in private?

A latte, isn't it?


I think I should quit drinking coffee.


What's this? "Leave of absence"?

Do you want to take time off? Why?

I'm pregnant.

Considering the poor timing,

I wasn't sure how to tell you this.

I thought about going straight to our VP,

but that would only undermine your authority.

I'm sorry, Ms. Kim.

Don't be. You have nothing to apologize about.

I guess

I should congratulate you.

Thank you.

I will tell our VP.

Okay, you do that.

Are you sure about this?

You were so ambitious. You might not get to return.

I know that.

I thought long and hard about it.

Even now I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing.

You know how greedy and selfish I am.

I thought that if I survived this year,

I could get promoted at the end of it.

I even thought I had a shot

at the company scholarship to study abroad.


I should be responsible.

I want to be.

Who is it for? Your girlfriend?

No, it's for my wife.

Could you recommend a chocolate cake?


Yuju, you're tired, aren't you?

Seeing you come home sick or tired

makes me wish I could be sick instead.

I'm sorry I can't do that.

Once our baby is born,

I will take paternity leave

and care for the baby so you can do what you want.

You know I love you and feel sorry, right?

It's nice.

I'd like to cancel my prenatal checkup.

3 p.m., Kim Yuju.

- I'll get it. / - Let go.

What's with you?

During the last check-up,

I think I told you that your baby is too small.

Your baby isn't big enough yet.

You have to rest.

If you can, take some time off.

You need at least a week of rest.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I was wrong.

I was wrong.

You came home early, Yuju.


Why did you take these out?


It's because of me.

It's all because of me.

I should've gone to the hospital that day.

That presentation wasn't that important.

Only if I didn't carry those heavy boxes.

When the doctor told me the baby was too small,

I should have listened

to her advice to eat well and rest well.

When you wanted

to give our baby a nickname,

I should have done that.

Only if I had called the name of our baby,

just once.

I'm sorry, Junyeong.

I was wrong. I was really wrong.

I was wrong.


No, Yuju.

Why is that...

Why is that your fault?

Don't think that way.

People say this can happen to anyone.

Our baby...

Our baby

just didn't want to come to us.

It's okay, Yuju.

It's all right.

Let's tell the others tomorrow

and go to the police the day after that.

I'll tell them about what I've done,

and pay for my crimes.

But I know it can't undo what I did to you

or compensate for how much I hurt you.

I should still give your dad his name back.

You can do whatever you want.

You can report me,

and you can file a lawsuit against me too.

You can do

whatever you would like.

I'll gladly accept whatever punishment I get.

I am sorry.

I have committed a huge crime

which those words cannot contain.

But I'm sorry.


You weren't asleep yet.

I feel bad for you,

but I'm glad Mr. An isn't here today.

What will I do from now on?

You can wear these today.

Your son-in-law and Hyeyeong are coming too.

I will.


tell the kids after they eat.

Yes, of course.

Wow, these have dried very well.

Very crisp.

Mom. Mom, goodness.

Mom, did you get a black eye?

It looks like you're dressed up too.

Mother, are you going somewhere?

No, I'm running to the grocery store.

After I appeared on TV,

it feels like everyone is looking at me,

and they actually recognize me too.

So I am trying to cover myself up a bit.

I do stand out in a crowd.

Isn't that right?

My mom thinks she is a celebrity.

- She does. / - You're right.

If she is going to cover her face,

she should wear the sunglasses

instead of putting them on her head.

Now that I'm out,

it's not really manners

to cover myself up too much, isn't it?

Why can't they ask me for an autograph?

I guess they would feel shy

to talk to someone they've seen on TV.

Hello, yes.

Okay, I'll give you an autograph.

Yes, you're right.

I'm the woman who was on TV

last week...


You darned idiot. Come here.

Here you are. Goodbye.

- Goodbye. / - Come again.

Goodness, let me take a break.

Why do we have so many customers today?

You're right.

I think I've become a slice of pizza too.

My legs hurt.

Hey, Do Jeongtae.

Jeongtae, how dare you come here?

Do you want to go to the police?

- Calm down. / - Hey.

I was going

to pay you back first when I get any money.


I had such a hard time making a living,

so I couldn't.

So what? What are you trying to say?


Recently, I finally got a lump sum of money.

I've been thinking about what I can do with it.

But that's when

I saw your mom on TV.

Also, I heard her speak when she dropped out.


This isn't half of what I owe you,

but I'm sure

this will help you out with Minha's education.

I'll pay the rest back whenever I can.

Goodness. We couldn't find you

when we looked everywhere for you.

How on earth did you think

of coming to us to pay his money back?

As a parent,

I couldn't just let this pass

when I heard about Minha.

I'm sorry. I apologize, Ms. Kim.

Hey, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Goodness, 35,000 dollars?

Goodness, I guess Minha is destined to study more.

Yes, Mother. What a perfect timing, isn't it?

We'll last his high school years with this money.

- Mom. / - Yes?

This is all thanks to you.

I always thought I was lucky

with my wife and kid, but you were my luck.

Did you just find that out?

I'm home.

- Hey. / - Minha, come here.

Sit down.

- Is there great news? / - Yes.

- My son. / - Minha.

You really wanted to get into...

Wait, what's going on?

(Pizza Headquarters)

- The headquarters. / - What?

- Hello? / - Honey.

- What? / - The speakerphone.

Is this Mr. Na and Ms. Lee's phone?

- Yes. / - Yes.


You've won first place in the pizza menu contest.

- Awesome. / - The first prize?

Yes, your sweet pumpkin steak pizza was selected.

You get prize money and start-up assistance.

You can do a start-up with limited capital.

Wait, how much do we need to do a start-up?

It really depends, but about 30,000 dollars.

30,000 dollars?

My goodness.

Why does life always put me to a test?

- You're here. / - Yes.

What were you looking at?

Lawsuit cases on divorce caused by mother-in-laws.

Are there such irrational daughter-in-laws

who ask for a divorce because of them?

Hey, I love this cafe.

I wanted to start a cafe like this.

Do you remember Cafe de B?

I'm going to try starting a cafe again.

The statistics say among newly established cafes,

63 percent of them close down in three years.

If you're going to start something new,

you should consider something that's unique.

I'm a bit busy, so let's cut to the chase.

Mother, do you have a list of demands?



"Call once a day. Go to a public bath together."

"Take vacations together. Go shopping once a month."

"Go grocery shopping once a week."

Yes, I don't have a daughter, you know.

I had a million things I wanted to do

with my daughter-in-law once my son gets married.

To be honest, that isn't everything I wanted to do.

Mother, a daughter-in-law cannot be your daughter.

Hey, why not?

I really think of you as my daughter.

A daughter is from your own bloodline,

but your daughter-in-law is a complete stranger.

I'm not sure what the case will be

after people live together for decades,

but for our case, how can I be your daughter

if we just got to know each other through Jeonghwan?

Should I give you an example?

After a daughter gets home from work, she can eat

the dinner you cooked without doing a thing.

However, what if a daughter-in-law do that?

She will be rebuked right away, wouldn't she?

If a daughter complained about your dishes,

you might think about making something else.

However, what if a daughter-in-law do that?

The mother will rebuke her and ask,

"Did your parents bring you up like this?"

You always have the smartest thing to say.

Let's take a look at each clause.

"Call once a day."

I don't think even Jeonghwan does this.

Isn't this too much to ask of your daughter-in-law?

You're my daughter-in-law. You're supposed to do it.

Again, we can see that you do not consider

your daughter-in-law as your daughter.

Why must a daughter-in-law call you every day?

If anyone should do that, it should be your son.

It's only right for him to do it as your child.

Isn't that right?

So I'll tell Jeonghwan to call you once a day.

Next one. "Go to a public bath together."

Mother, after I became an adult,

I don't even go to public baths with my sisters.

Why did you ask me to write these down anyway?

Next one. "Take vacations together."

I only get a week of vacation in a year.

I can't do a whole week, but I'll consider

taking a family trip for three days in a year.

Three days?

Next. "Go shopping once a month."

Let's put this together with two monthly visits.

However, it cannot go over two hours

and we must respect each other's taste.

I'd like you to refrain from giving me dishes

or beddings as gifts when I don't want them.

It's a waste of emotions and time.


You're so good with words and at debating things.

Honestly speaking, you are really something.

How can I be more like you?


I want to speak and debate well like you,

but I get angry and I cry once I start speaking.

So I have no chance at winning with your father.

While we're on the subject,

can you give me a hand?

With what?

Help me so that I won't do a marriage graduation.

I really don't want to graduate from my marriage.

But I can never win against your father.

If you help me, I'll do whatever you want me to.

So can you please help me?

- Can you taste this? / - Taste that? Okay.

It's deliciously smoky

and it's seasoned perfectly too.

It's much better

than what you get in Chinese restaurants.

Right? Junyeong is too good of a cook

to be sitting at a dong office all day.

Come on, honey. I think so too.

Why did all of Father's cooking DNA go to you,

but not to Hyeyeong?

- Not at all. / - Exactly.


What about me?

- Hyeyeong. / - Hyeyeong is here.

- Welcome. / - Hey, honey.

I told you to work, not to talk behind my back.

I wasn't talking behind your back.

I did my best, I did.

But Junyeong is such a great cook.

Yes, only the men in our family can cook.

That's why you are a great cook too.

That's why I'm bad at cooking.

- Right. / - Goodness.

Mr. An is gone again. Can't he come today?

No, I don't know. I forgot to call him.

Why not? Let's call him now.

He is probably busy.

Even so, he should come. It's Dad's birthday.

It's not just any birthday, it's his 60th.

You're right.

Text sent.

Junghui, it's Dad's birthday today.

We're throwing a party, so come home.

- ♪ Happy birthday ♪ / - ♪ Happy birthday ♪

- ♪ to you ♪ / - ♪ to you ♪

- ♪ Happy birthday ♪ / - ♪ Happy birthday ♪

- ♪ to you ♪ / - ♪ to you ♪

- ♪ Happy birthday, ♪ / - ♪ Happy birthday, ♪

- ♪ dear Dad ♪ / - ♪ dear Dad ♪

- ♪ Happy birthday ♪ / - ♪ Happy birthday ♪

- ♪ to you ♪ / - ♪ to you ♪

Happy birthday, Hansu.

- Happy birthday, Dad. / - Happy birthday, Dad.

- Always be healthy. / - Congratulations, Father.

- Look. / - Junghui is here.

Come here, Junghui.

- Hello, Junghui. / - Hello, Mr. Celebrity.

You're here.

Happy birthday,


(My Father is Strange)

An agent for marriage graduation?

If I successfully stop you from marriage graduation,

- you'll let us move out. / - Okay.

My heart beats fast even when I stay still.

It feels like my heart is constricted.

What's with Junghui?

Don't think you really know about your parents.

I think something is really going on between him and

Mom and Dad, without us knowing.

What will I do?

I can't seem to face him.

Why are you running away?

Why are you avoiding me?

Miyeong, you're insane. You are crazy.


For more infomation >> My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.39 [ENG/IND/2017.07.22] - Duration: 1:06:10.





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For more infomation >> Nghe truyện Phật này mỗi đêm rất dễ ngủ Phật tổ Phù hộ gặp nhiều may mắn thuận lợi vô cùng - Duration: 32:28.


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For more infomation >> Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Toplu Düzenleme - Duration: 0:48.


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Essence of Murli 23-07-2017 - Duration: 8:05.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 23rd July 2017

( Todays Murli is Avyakt Murli ( Revised Course ). This Murli was first spoken on 28th April 1982 )

Murli Heading : Signs of complete renunciates.

BapDada is seeing all the great renunciate children who have renounced everything.

BapDada is seeing which children are attaining this great fortune and have come close.

What are the specialities of the children who are complete renunciates, on the basis of which they come close and become equal?

With the last words in the corporeal form, Baba related three specialities: ( In the last Murli spoken By Brahma Baba )

1. Although corporeal, to be constantly incorporeal in thoughts and to be souls who are constantly detached and loving to the Father.

2. To be constantly egoless in words, that is, to have spiritual sweetness and humility.

3. To be viceless in action in all the physical senses, that is, to have the personality of purity.

( Thus Baba in the last Murli through Brahma Baba when alive blessed all children with three words "Be Bodiless, Be Egoless & Be Viceless" )

So, be a great donor and a bestower of blessings through your all your physical senses.

Through your forehead, be a bestower of blessings and a great donor and remind everyone of their original form

With the spiritual drishti from your eyes, grant everyone a vision of their original home,

the land of liberation, and of their sovereignty, liberation-in-life.

To the elevated souls who are constantly full of practical fruit and perfect,

to those who are constantly incorporeal, egoless and viceless, equal to the Father,

to those who never allow any vice even to touch any of their actions,

to such complete renunciate souls

to the flying birds who constantly fly in the flying stage,

to such elevated souls who are equal to the Father, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Blessing: May you be a true tapaswi who makes the snake of vices a garland around your neck.

These five vices are poisonous snakes for people,

but for you yogi and tapaswi souls, these snakes become a garland around your necks.

This is why they show a garland of snakes around Shankar's neck representing the bodiless and tapaswi form as a memorial of you Brahmins and Father Brahma.

The snakes become a stage for you to dance on in happiness.

They have shown this as a sign of mastery

Your spiritual stage is the stage.

When you have such victory over the vices, you will then be said to be true tapaswis.

Slogan: To die to the old world and sanskars is to die alive.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 23-07-2017 - Duration: 8:05.


SCHORNDORF & the Political-Correct PRAVDA ENGINE 17 July 2017 - Duration: 5:50.

Schorndorf today, it looks peaceful

Though mass disturbances had broken out between Saturday and Sunday at the Scholsspark

1000 youths and adults had gathered together to celebrate and then bottles had flown

According to police info. : Troublemakers had reacted anonymously from the crowd

They had attacked today other celebrators and police officers

The police tried at night to enforce the current alcohol ban

In addition, it had come to sexual assaults, 2 young women had reported

The offenders are of all colours ..There are also Germans who are also guilty of physical abuse

As I'd said: there were 2 sexual abuses. On Friday it was an Iraqi and in the second case: 3 young Afghans

The sexual abuses remind inevitable the events of New Year Eve in Cologne 2015 -2016

It had came then to sexual attacks on women

by groups of young men; mainly of North African origin and Arab countries

No occurrences are known from the fireworks of this weekend in Cologne

Still the fear of riots and attacks are automatically dwindling by some (people)

Schorndorf had received about 700 refugees

The Iraqi and the 3 Afghans who had molested the young women

were, according to the police, under influence of Alcohol

like the other rioters at the Schloss Park

Police could not say, whether many of them have migrant background

The number of migrants among the public was not above average

Our reporter, Anton Jani, is now in Schorndorf

Mr. Jani. Anger is boiling In social media networks. Something that cannot be ignored

reading, in the early noon hours, what part of the people are writing

It states: deeds are being swept away also by the media and things under sizing

Now you're on the spot, you made research work and spoken to people

How do you see it as a reporter?

We can estimate it so. The messages that haunt Germany today , seem to be exaggerated

There is no obvious evidence that the acts are of refugees or people with migrant background. But they were definitely there

Behind me, on the grass field, were about 1000 people celebrating

the way they do every year at the annual open air event in Schorndorf

When police wanted to keep order as disturbances broke out

Little bottles flew around and violence was used against the police

police cars were damages. But police say's there is, till the day of today, no evidence

That these acts are solely the work of people with migration background or refugees

Police investigates the matters here in Schorndorf and depends also on witnesses statements

But as I've said before; we have to wait the results of police investigations

Fact is; it seems that politics is making use of rabble-rousing against refugees

But ..Well..We are used to it from many earlier events

Thanks for this information, Anton Jani, and thanks for the research work

We live in the mid of all this and think; we've nothing to do with it

And suddenly are here chaos makers in town. It is unbelievable

I was not on the spot, but what we get from the media is unbelievable

It was always so! There at the Schloss Park was always a 'Hally Gally'

It was always so!

But now it seems to be different?

Yes! ..maybe Yes! I would say that violence has escalated ..but..


There is no direct fear, but there is naturally on both sides more extremism than earlier

Though, I regard it as terrible when there is always a reference to people with a dark skin

Who had done this or that and they are put in a corner

I find it's terrible when people say: it comes from the refugees etc..

I think it's awful. To my opinion there are irregularities on both sides and .. Yes!

When such irregularities find place, we need to worry about it

Because it's clear that from now on repetition will take place in other festivities

It is so, because it has been said that the police had not the situation under control

It was written in the NTV

I don't know whether it was that way.. I've not been there

But I think that more and more irregularities will take place. It's becoming too much .So simple it is!


No! .No! Police had done it's utmost best and we really have to praise them

They really do everything .Yes! But they cannot be everywhere

It is awful to see they (offenders) are not really punished at all

It cannot be, that normal residents that are walking around here

regardless whether they are young, elderly or what so ever

and they throw bottles at the police …It is not done?

They (the police) risk their heads for us

and they are scolded, spit at and beaten up. It cannot be that way .Yes!


I guess that a total safety doesn't exist. Thus it simply doesn't exist

There is no guarantee that a breakdown wouldn't occur. It's easy to know that in a special event

where can be assumed there are irregularities

Police forces have to be sent to that point or perhaps more police

Important is that police tries to avoid escalation

Subtitles: RONI STOKER

For more infomation >> SCHORNDORF & the Political-Correct PRAVDA ENGINE 17 July 2017 - Duration: 5:50.


HOT GIRL SUPER CAR AND BEST NEW 4 YOU 2018 - Duration: 4:14.

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