Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

Let's Play Kona

For more infomation >> Let's Play Kona Part 12 (Blind) - Duration: 52:16.


Ping Pong Trick Shots w/ Strangers - Duration: 4:56.

Welcome to Ping Pong Trick Shots


What's up, everyone? So that shot didn't go so well...

Here are some that did

For more infomation >> Ping Pong Trick Shots w/ Strangers - Duration: 4:56.


Carly Pearce Every Little Thing Cover - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Carly Pearce Every Little Thing Cover - Duration: 3:06.


INFERNO What Trump Just Did To These Obama Regulations Will Make Democrats SCREAM - Duration: 2:43.

INFERNO What Trump Just Did To These Obama Regulations Will Make Democrats SCREAM

By Emily Nowak

Trump Train coming through, and regulations are being rolled over left and right!

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney announced Thursday morning that the Trump

administration has rolled back over 800 Obama-era regulations.

Mulvaney said of the rollbacks:

�By amending and eliminating regulations that are ineffective, duplicative, and obsolete,

the Administration can promote economic growth and innovation and protect individual liberty.�

But it gets even better, Mulvaney exposed what he called Obama�s �secret� list

of 179 regulations that Obama never publicly announced.

Mulvaney said:

Advertisement �They had a bunch of things that they wanted

to regulate.

They just didn�t want to tell you about it.

They thought it would be bad for their reelection prospects in 2012, so they created a secret

list of regs that were not disclosed to you folks.

We are disclosing it.�

He continued:

�There will be no more of that.

We will not have a secret list.

We will not have a hidden list of regulations that we�re thinking about doing but we�re

not going to tell you about.

That�s going to end effective immediately.

In fact, it already has ended.�

While the 860 regulations cut is considerable, The Washington Times reports there are 16

in particular that cost businesses at least $100 million a year each.

The President has only introduced one major piece of regulation, which involves mercury


During his press conference, Mulvaney held up a giant stack of paper filled with the

860 Obama regulations and asked:

�Were you healthy and safe before this came out?


And you�ll be healthy and safe when it�s gone.�


Thank you, Mr. President!

Check out this 1 minute video of Mulvaney talking about Trump�s stance on regulation-

it�s EXACTLY why we voted for President Trump!

You won�t hear this on the mainstream media, that�s why we�re asking you to share this

100,000 times so everyone knows that despite all the obstruction, President Trump is still

working and still getting RESULTS!

For more infomation >> INFERNO What Trump Just Did To These Obama Regulations Will Make Democrats SCREAM - Duration: 2:43.


LESSON LEARNED - Duration: 6:33.

Hey you!

It's just me, Evie

For more infomation >> LESSON LEARNED - Duration: 6:33.


Gorge the Nymphet with Sleeping Pills【Lolita Quotes】 - Duration: 3:01.

I imagined all the casual caresses a mother's husband would be able to lavish on his lolita

Other visions of venery presented themselves to me swaying and smiling.

I saw myself administering a powerful sleeping potion to both mother and daughter so as to fondle the latter through the night with perfect impunity.

The house was full of Charlotte's snore, while Lolita hardly breathed in her sleep, as still as a painted girl-child.

"Mother, I swear Kenny never even touched me."

"You either lie, Dolores Haze, or it was an incubus."

No, I would not go that far.

Of my Lolita she seldom spoke—

more seldom, in fact, than she did of the blurred, blond male baby whose photograph to the exclusion of all others adorned our bleak bedroom.

In one of her tasteless reveries, she predicted that the dead infant's soul would return to earth in the form of the child she would bear in her present wedlock.

And although I felt no special urge to supply the Humbert line with a replica of Harold's production

(Lolita, with an incestuous thrill, I had grown to regard as my child),

it occurred to me that a prolonged confinement, with a nice Cesarean operation and other complications in a safe maternity ward sometime next spring,

would give me a chance to be alone with my Lolita for weeks,

perhaps—and gorge the limp nymphet with sleeping pills.

Next day, after lunch, I went to see "our" doctor.

The fact that Lo would have to come back to Ramsdale was a treasure of anticipation.

For this event I wanted to be fully prepared.

I had to be sure when my lovely child arrived, that very night, and then night after night,

I would possess the means of putting two creatures to sleep so thoroughly that neither sound nor touch should rouse them.

Throughout most of July I had been experimenting with various sleeping powders, trying them out on Charlotte, a great taker of pills.

The last dose I had given her had knocked her out for four solid hours.

I had put the radio at full blast. I had blazed in her face an olisbos-like flashlight.

I had pushed her, pinched her, prodded her—and nothing had disturbed the rhythm of her calm and powerful breathing.

However, when I had done such a simple thing as kiss her, she had awakened at once, as fresh and strong as an octopus (I barely escaped).

This would not do, I thought; had to get something still safer.

I love to fool doctors, and though inwardly rejoicing, pocketed the pills with a skeptical shrug.

I had had to be careful with him. Once, in another connection, a stupid lapse on my part made me mention my last Sanatorium.

For more infomation >> Gorge the Nymphet with Sleeping Pills【Lolita Quotes】 - Duration: 3:01.





JULY skin and makeup faves; makeup and skincare review JULY 2017 - Duration: 11:54.

Welcome back, so I have a favorite video from you today. It is my july

2017 Favorites, and I'm actually going to split my favorites into two videos

I'm going to do a hair favorites, and I'm actually going to do its skin makeup favorites which I'm doing today. I

Just have discovered or rediscovered

a bunch of hair products that

I want to share with you

And so I want to keep it all separate so let's get started with this skin care favorite if you are new here

Please hit that subscribe button if you're visiting from Facebook please hit that subscribe button I

Appreciate it so much the first thing that I have is a skincare favorite and it is

My favorite favorite of the month as you guys it is

Simply the lights going to be too light, and it's just a window for Godsake

It's the sicily black growth skin infusion cream. Oh my gosh, you guys this cream

So in this line the black Rose line

There is a mask there is this cream, and then there is a rose oil

okay, it's

phenomenal oh

My gosh, and it smells so good okay, so the deal with this cream is

They have the map and they have the oil and then they have the cream and this cream is supposed to hydrate. It's supposed to

Give you radiant skin and plumpness, and it totally does you guys it is freaking amazing

When I put it on I did get a sample first

I tried it for a solid week, and I was so in love with it that I was like got to have it

So when I put it on I feel like once it transforms on your skin

And it almost is like you can feel the oil infusion in the cream, but not in an oily way in a really light

Hydrating just amazing way. It is seriously the best moisturizer is found in so long

I'm so excited about it your makeup sits so nicely on top of it and your skin. Just looks good

It looks younger and it looks plump and it looks radiant

It's amazing definitely worth the splurge okay next up in this hair realm is

my Journal Logica

Multi Multi vitamin power recovery mask this mask you guys is seriously

ridiculously amazing it is

concentrated vitamins a c e and f and

You know I used to be a skin therapist for Dermalogica

So I remember that this in this age smart line. This was the mask

It's like if you have an event to go to or get a date or if you have time it

Will you put it on it kind of oxidizes and turns a little bit orange, but it stays creamy

And you when you rinse it off your skin is so amazing

And I'll tell you the tell-tale thing is I have dehydrated skin if I forget to moisturize. I'm a mess

I'm a mess because my skin just looks old it looks bad

and when I do this mask if I forget to moisturize, which is rare, but if I did

I'm not a mess. It really does do something for your skin

You have a good skin day when you use this mask

This mask is actually the reason why I didn't buy the simplymap because I thought I already have a mask that I love so much

and it retails for probably a quarter of the cost of the sicily Mask I

Highly encourage you if you've never tried it the multivitamin power recovery mask from Dermalogica

Seriously, it's the best. Mask. I've ever used of any mask. I've ever used ever it's amazing

So next up, so another looks refined was the lemare soft fluid

Foundation and this is long wear Spf 20 I have in the color

13 Linen and I didn't use this in my concealer video and


Love it. I will leave that video below or above somewhere, and oh my gosh

You guys it is such an amazing foundation. It literally makes your skin look like your skin, but better you

Can't necessarily detect that there's makeup on your skin

But there definitely is makeup because your face looks so much better. It is like night and day best foundation

I've found in a long time

I will say I did try several samples of this before I landed on color 13 linen and

It was difficult finding my right color

I will say that and I thought I didn't like the foundation

But the truth was I had to find the right color so I really encourage you if you want to try this foundation to

Definitely give some samples and try different colors once you land on the right color you will love this foundation

And I would say that it's good for normal to dry for sure

It's good for normal, and it's good for normal to combo so oily skin people get a sample everybody else

It's a dream foundation for real. I'm just these are all one favorite. It's four items, so I'm cheating

But it is the Cokie be bright concealer my Bobbi Brown

Instant full cover concealer it is my real techniques setting brush, and it's the Laura Mercier secret

Secret brightening Powder

These four things have been my savior the month of july

I just can't even believe that I found the perfect cocktail

For concealing the crazy crazy ass hyperpigmentation that I have around my eyes

Firstly my face is covered in Melasma and hyperpigmentation

and you can see that in my concealer video which I will also link above again and

you can see that not only the lemare foundation does such a good job of hiding my hyperpigmentation, but not masking it huge and


Corrector and concealers in particular

just get rid of my under-eye circles without

Really being not detectable it just looks like I have

Skin that looks good that it's so big to me

I don't want to be one of those people with the really super highlighted lots and lots of bright under my eye

I feel like personally it draws more attention to your under eye. I would rather it

Just look like a when skin looks good, and these do that also from one there is the new the Mayor powder

it's new to me anyway and

I absolutely love it. It does have a little bit of a shimmer in it

But it doesn't seem to be detectable on your face it

Just is kind of light reflective

And it is so finely milled I mean so finely milled that this literally just gives you that soft focus finish

Without the powder look it is awesome net another cheat my lip combo that I have been just living for that

I'm not even wearing right now

But I've been loving it has been my cokie

Dusty Rose lip liner which I'm sure some of you knew that this is coming because I swear I've had it in

Instagram hosts and everything and

my lips sent

praline Rose though that combo first lip liner then de Praline roads that set and

Then I'm cheating lip sense people's totally cheating and I'm going over my lips scents craving rose with a clay to po

Number 14 in the Radiant Liquid rouge this color. I'm just going to show you guys a swatch

Okay, so these are the these are the three colors alone?

This is the dusty rose. This is the praline rose, and then this is the clay topo radiant in

14 okay, so I know they don't look like anything special, but when these two are together

And they go beautifully together, and then that is on top it pops it oh

My gosh, I've been loving it for a summer color

I feel like it's you know vibrant enough, but it's not in punchy, but it's not like there's her lips

I love it cuz I'm normally a nude lip wearer

But this gives the latest gives it just enough pop of pink

That it feels very summery okay this one's kind of weird you guys, but I have been relying on and loving again


solid muted Lender cleanser you guys if

You use a beauty blender you need one of these this is so amazing. It's literally like just some soap right just so

Window like is so much light the thing about this soap is whatever ingredients are in it literally

Dissolve all the makeup off of your whatever sponge you use I prefer my l'oreal flinch these days to my beauty blender

I run it under water squeeze it out. It's

Amazingly satisfying to actually clean your sponge. I do it every time I use my sponge

I never never never use a dirty sponge on my face

I always clean it and it's kind of fun to clean with this cleanser, and it's quick and easy

I love this if you don't have this you need it. It is okay last

Two things I picked up this cokie

lips Powder palette you guys and

This one is in the cool

Cool news. Oh

My gosh, you guys this is seriously the best little palette of lip

Powders or lip products I'm going to swatch these to you guys every single color in this palette is awesome. So they're right there

So you can see there's a really light one amid a medium

And then a dark the you guys are throwing that a little bit darker than it really is

But the cool thing is you can contour in your lips you can mix and match with these? It's got a very velvety

Silky texture, and I absolutely love using like the lightest one in the middle of my lips. It's just wonderful and

it's so little it's

Perfectly travelerbill and awesome it comes with a little lip brush, and I just absolutely love it

I think it was ten dollars and the packaging is pretty cute, and you know sturdy and everything. I just really really liked it

Say Koki is killing it. They're crushing it. It's amazing

I am hard pressed to find very much from that brand, but I don't like it's awesome

Last thing and I can't remember if this has been in a favourites before but I'm doing it again because I absolutely love it is


Wonder bro. I love this duck. You guys I

Actually am using brunette which I was using the blonde and I do really like the blonde

And I think that's great for lots of people. I thought that the brunette was maybe a little bit too dark for me

what I've been doing is I have been using the brunette mostly like here to here and then just using the blonde at the

Beginning to kind of give a gradient to my brows it lasts it lasts for me a day or two

I don't really let it do that

I kind of take it off on purpose, but if I left it alone

It would it last through the pool the beach all that stuff is so amazing you guys okay?

So that is all of my skincare and makeup favorites. I hope that you enjoyed this video

I hope you like this video. Please give it a thumbs up I would love it

if you subscribe if you have a wonderful wonderful week and geez welcome

For more infomation >> JULY skin and makeup faves; makeup and skincare review JULY 2017 - Duration: 11:54.


How I Cut My Hair (My long layer haircut) - KayleyMelissa - Duration: 12:45.

- Hey everyone, Kayley here.

Today, I am answering one of my most asked questions,

how do I get my haircut.

And I thought, instead of just telling you,

I would show you, so I'm bringing in my friend Nadirah,

who's also been my hairstylist

for about three or four years now.

I love the way that she does haircuts,

and so I thought I would have her show you

all the ins and outs of my haircut as we go.

And this is just to help you know what to ask for

when you go into your hairstylist.

So let's get into it.

(gentle music)

And everyone, this is Nadirah,

my very favorite hairstylist/haircutter of all time.

So you guys are always asking

what I ask for the hairstylist,

so Nadirah, you've cut my hair about a 50 bazillion times.

What we talked about the first time,

forever ago at this point, we talked about the length,

you tell me how much hair I have to lose

because I've waited too long to get my haircut.

- Every time. - Every single time.

And then the things that I was definitely asking for

earlier on was that I wanted long layers.

I didn't want them short enough

that they mess with my braids or anything,

but I wanted some movement.

I wanna keep my hair looking as full as possible.

And then I like soft face framing.

I've definitely had a case before

and I think you even saw this when I first came in

where people gave me face framing that was like chunky


- I've heard people say it looks like a bob

and then a long haircut when that happens.

- Yeah, yeah, I know.

- And that's what we don't wanna do.

- Absolutely.

So that's what we typically go for.

So how would you describe the haircut

that you typically do on me?

- Basically, you hit the nail on the head,

you wanna keep the layers long because you're doing braids

and it's so sad when you see someone

who's got these beautiful braids

and they just get thinner and thinner towards the ends,

and so you wanna keep your layers as long as possible

if you're gonna be doing a lot of braiding.

But it also helps to have those layers in there

just for curling or movement,

just to give it some depth and dimension.

- Yeah.

- And like you said, it's really important

to keep fullness on the ends.

That density on the ends

is what makes long hair look healthy.

Like the moment it starts to get

kind of like what you have going on right now,

a little bit see through,

that's when hair starts to look not as healthy,

not as thick, and just kind of sad sometimes.

And I think with long hair,

when you're looking in the mirror,

like this is the most important hair, right here,

because this is what you see.

So this is your length.

A lot of people don't see what's going on

in the back of their head,

so I think it's really important

to do that really light face frame

and not cut into your hair

so that you can still have that thickness

and length and density in the ends,

in the front of the hair.

- Okay, so we're gonna leave some weight.

We're gonna do some long layers and face framing.

You ready to wet all this down and cut it?

- I'm so ready.

- Oh wait, how much are we, we're cutting a lot, aren't we?

Guys, this is sad. (Nadirah laughs)

- We're gonna take off at least two inches,

maybe two and a half.

- It's okay.

It's okay because wispy ends aren't really hair anyway.

That's what I have to tell myself.

- It's so much better to have long hair that looks healthy

than hanging on to that length that's just sad and thin.

No one wants those scraggly ends.

- It's true, the scraggly ends ruin the whole thing.

- And honestly, when your hair is this long,

cutting off two inches, it's still gonna be long.

- Thank you. That makes me feel better.

Okay, I think I'm ready.

Let's cut the hair.

- Okay.

All right, so we're going to begin the haircut.

I've gone ahead and sectioned everything out

and the first thing I'm gonna do is establish our length.

We've already discussed how much we're gonna take off

and that's basically two inches

of those sad, see through ends

that we've got going on here.

Sorry. (both laughing)

Another thing to talk

about with your hairdresser before you get your haircut

is what shape you like the perimeter.

Some people like to have a V shape in the back

or they like it straight across.

For Kayley, I normally do just a soft U shape,

so it's straight in the center

and then curves up slightly toward the corners.

(gentle music)

So we can already see a big difference

just from cutting that off

by looking at how much fuller

and thicker Kayley's ends look.

You don't have all of that see through,

raggedy ends anymore.

It looks nice and thick and full,

which is exactly what we're going for.

- [Kayley] Yay. (both laughing)

- So now that we've established our perimeter

and reestablish some weight in Kayley's ends,

now we're gonna start with those long layers.

So the layering pattern that I'm gonna be using

on Kayley's hair is more of a rounded layering pattern.

You don't have to know what this means,

but your hairdresser will.

Basically, rounded layers are gonna help

make your hair look thicker and fuller,

but if you already have a ton of hair,

then maybe you wanna get flat or square layers.

That's actually gonna help reduce the look of thicker hair.

So for thick hair that you want to make look smaller,

ask for square or flat layers

and for finer hair that you want to look fuller,

make sure you ask for rounded layers.

(gentle music)

So that's gonna be the basic layering pattern

that I'm gonna do everywhere in the back

and you can see at the top of her head,

that's the shortest layer, right here,

and it's only about maybe five-ish inches shorter

than the length,

so the layers are really all down throughout here,

so that's gonna keep everything nice and full,

but still allows some movement.

(gentle music)

- [Kayley] So I guess right now

we're just establishing the length on the side?

- Mm-hmm. - Cool.

- We're just connecting the side perimeter

to the back perimeter.

(gentle music)

- Moment of truth.

(Nadirah laughs)

- All right, we have symmetry.

- Yes. (both laughing)

- All right, so now that we have

our perimeter established on the sides,

now we need to blend

our layering in through the front as well.

(gentle music)

I love that, those diagonal sections

that create that perfect short to long flow.

- I can't see it, but I've just imagined.

- [Nadirah] It's there, and it's good.

- Okay.

- One of the things that I'm really careful about

when I'm cutting hair is to look at my client's hairline.

So Kayley's hairline moves back right here

before it goes down,

and it's a little bit thinner right here,

so what I wanna do is make sure

that I don't layer this portion of the hair.

I don't wanna bring it up with my top layers

because if I do that, what's gonna end up happening

is she's gonna have a thick piece in front

because her hairline moves forward right here,

and then there's gonna be a little hole right here.

So pay attention to your hairline as well

when you go to the hairdresser.

And if there's anything

that you think might need to be addressed,

bring it up with them so that they know what to do

and how to address it properly.

(gentle music)

All right, so I've connected these layers on this side

and everything below that parting,

this is gonna be trimmed

when we work in Kayley's face frame.

So if you think that I'm ignoring it right now,

I'm doing it intentionally.

(gentle music)

Okay, so all of our layering is done

and now what I think

is probably one of the most important things

aside from maintaining that length in the front

is the face frame.

So one of the things that I see

that happens to people all the time

is that that face frame ends up

being cut back into the haircut,

and you end up losing all of that length.

This is, we already said, that's so important.

So I think it's really, really important

to make sure that the face frame

stays very light and very soft.

So the first thing we wanna do

is find out where you part your hair.

So Kayley, you part your hair on this side, right?

- Yes. - Okay.

- Right about where you finger is actually.

- Perfect, see I remember. (Kayley laughs)

- It's like you've done this before.

- But you know what though?

Let me say something about that.

Sometimes clients will come in

and say, "Just do the same thing as last time,"

and especially if it's been five months since you've come,

we don't always remember.

We see a lot of clients everyday,

so maybe

just recap it for us.

We can figure it out, what it is,

just by looking through it,

but it will save a little bit of time if you just remind us.

- It's true.

I also think it's great if you tell your stylist

what you really liked,

so they can make sure to hit that note again.

- Absolutely.

And also what you don't like.

- Yeah.

- Because sometimes things need to be changed

and adjusted, and it's okay if you don't like everything.

It's not gonna hurt our feelings

if you want something to be adjusted the next time.

- Yeah, I think the most polite thing

you can do for your hairstylist is to be honest with them

because at the end of the day,

they can't give you what you want

if you're not helping them to find out what that is.

- [Nadirah] So we want this to be, what?

Like an inch-ish below the chin?

- Yeah, I like to leave some of these pieces out

when I do ponytails and stuff,

so enough that it doesn't look awkward when I do that.

- Okay. - Yeah.

There it goes.

- So you'll notice that the only area

that I'm really cutting as part of that face frame

is this area that is to the front of the temple.

So that means that all of these hair is not being touched.

She's still gonna keep that length

and this is gonna blend really, really softly into it.

(gentle music)

So you can see now, she's got these pieces

that are framing her face,

but then nothing has been taken away from this area.

And then all I'm gonna do just to make sure

that everything is connected and blended seamlessly

is just comb this down

and you can see there's just that little corner right there

and all we're gonna do is just soften up that corner.

(gentle music)

All right, so that completes the wet portion of the cut.

(hair dryer whooshing) (gentle music)

All right, so this is the end result.

We've got beautiful, long layers,

a really soft face frame.

The only thing I want to adjust right now

is I wanna add some texture in the ends

because right now, it looks like a fresh haircut,

which is great and it feels really healthy

and thick and full,

but it doesn't necessarily style as well

when it's too blunt on the ends.

Curling can be a little bit of a challenge.

It can look like clumpy or chunky towards the ends.

So what I like to do is just go in

and soften up those ends so that it doesn't look so fresh

and it looks a little bit lived-in.

(gentle music)

And there you have it.

This is Kayley's new haircut.

- Jazz hands.

(both laughing)

Okay, so that is my haircut

and it feels so much healthier.

- [Nadirah] It looks so much healthier.

- Thank you, Nadirah.

Thank you so, so much.

Guys, this girl's amazing.

Can you give them your info

if they wanna come get their haircut by you?

- Yes, absolutely.

If you're in the Los Angeles area,

I'm in the salon all the time.

Email me, please.

My email is

and I really hope to hear from you guys soon.

- And that's it for today.

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I get my haircuts

and thank you, Nadirah, for being here today.

Be sure to hit that Subscribe button

if you wanna see more hair tutorials for everyday

and come back next Saturday for my next video.

I'll see you then.



(gentle music)

For more infomation >> How I Cut My Hair (My long layer haircut) - KayleyMelissa - Duration: 12:45.


Why EVERYONE Needs to Watch Gundam - Duration: 10:46.

At the end of this past spring, we here in the west finally were able to get our hands

on a lovely Blu-ray copy of what is known as the "Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy".

This is a very good thing.

If you've never heard of Gundam before, well first of all I would recommend finding

a better place to live, some new friends, and other life changes to never have such

a glaring issue occur to you EVER AGAIN.

Buuuuut let's say you have heard of it and just don't know much about it.

This is much less of a grievous offence.

[Insert FUCKING AWESOME Gundam clips here]

Gundam is an anime franchise that began in 1979.

Throughout its history it's been filled with high-stakes battles, despair, political

intricacies, and people wanting to kill one another.

(Seriously though this is Gundam Wing and in general I don't recommend it personally...)


The general subject matter of Gundam has always had this feeling

of intensity, but since this has been an ongoing thing since the very beginning, over time

the franchise has started to wear a face that comes off as self-important, convoluted and

esoteric, which isn't exactly great when talking about one of the most influential

titles of anime history.

If you want to just take a dip to see what all the hubbub is about but aren't sure

whether or not will want to proceed further then just one show, the recent Iron Blooded Orphans

will do you just fine.

That said, if you want to properly tackle GUNDAM, really is only one place to start.

At the beginning.

Gundam's first series of 43 episodes aired in 1979 with the original "Mobile Suit Gundam".

(Feel free to applaud here)

You might wonder why 43 specifically, and while the story behind that is interesting

it's far too long to do it justice here so I'll just TL;DR it with the fact that

the original series was canceled before it really got any traction with a modern audience

and it wasn't until its popularity started to soar after the cancelation that the series

following this were able to be made.

Part of that though was the creation of three films.

A trilogy that condensed the show's major events into a format that was more effective

at spreading the Gundam gospel as it were.

Despite the trilogy's existence though the original

TV series is still remembered fondly by many fans and survived through its availability

on international DVD and Blu-ray releases.

However, with the current anime landscape in which consuming a 1-to-2 cour show is what's

considered standard, getting someone to watch 43 episodes of Gundam only to tell them that

what they sat through was the first piece of a rather large puzzle may be a tad unreasonable.

Alternatively, these three films are approximately 140 minutes each, totaling up to 7 hours.

I realize I'm not normally one to recommend recap films.

In fact there are many instances where I find recap films completely pointless to where it

doesn't even save you a bunch of time!

Looking at you Madoka.

But to put this all in perspective, the total amount of time it would take to complete the

original run of the 1979 Gundam TV would be over 17 hours.

This story is only the beginning of what's referred to as the Universal Century timeline.

After that, you'd have Zeta Gundam which has 50 episodes, then Gundam Double Zeta which

is another 47 episodes before this initial story arc is concluded in the movie

Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack.

Only then is where things get complicated: Universal Century continued to sustain itself

in the form of OVA series' that take place all across the timeline.

War in the pocket, Stardust Memory and the excellent 8th MS team among others.

However, with more and more new entries into the existing continuity the accessibility

of the franchise as a whole decreases.

Thus making it harder for new fans to break in.

Sound like a familiar problem?

To counter this Bandai and studio Sunrise began producing Gundam shows that took place

in alternate universes to create fresh starts and adopt the anime trends of the era, hoping

that people could buy into those before eventually approaching Universal Century.

Of course, starting with the original Mobile Suit Gundam in all its outdated glory.

But here's the thing: watching these compilation films is not at all like reading a Gundam

history textbook, nor does it butcher the original TV series it was based from.

Even though many anime have been influenced by it since, for the most part they lack that

raw sting Gundam had when it was first starting out.

It was alone in a sea of reiterative capers about borderline magical machines that fought

cartoony aliens with virtually irrelevant consequences, something that would later be

referred to as "super robot".

[Gold Star to anyone who can identify this footage without looking it up]

Now these anime were definitely fun in their own right but back in the day when those shows

were a dime a dozen, Gundam's realism made the distinction of an entirely new subgenre:

real robot.

I'm not only recommending you watch the films over the TV show due to issues of length,

it's also because in my opinion, the show contains a lot of things that hold it back.

For starters it's relatively slow which denies the story the sense of urgency that

war dramas benefit from.

Some would argue that even the films can be a tad slow, but comparatively the trilogy

hits a much swifter stride.

With characters treated as humans first and warriors second, the story's deeper priority

is the inherent goodness humans are capable of.

If there's an enemy here it's the faceless war itself with its vicious cycle of ignorance

and highly disenfranchising consequences.

After you're done here you could continue on to through the sequel series, Zeta Gundam,

Double Zeta, Char's Counterattack and maybe even watch the OVA series Gundam Unicorn,

which is essentially a seven-part tribute to the original Gundam story-arc.

But if you didn't like or don't want to follow this particular conflict you still

have many great options.

While Universal Century's various OVA series' are technically stand-alone stories, they

really do require the pre-digested context of the original trilogy, as its events are

by far the most important.

For instance, Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket is told from a young boy's perspective as

he gets involved with an enemy pilot.

It does the old "war-is-bad" moral so much better than other anime and accomplishes

all this in just six episodes…yet you wouldn't get a feel for it without already knowing

the political situation set up in the original.

If you wanted something more auspicious, than Gundam The Origin functions as a prequel to

the trilogy.

But again, similar to Fate/Zero in relation to the Fate Franchise, without prior knowledge

of the eventual outcome, the tragic irony unique to Origin wouldn't be effective as

you'd have no connection with these beloved characters back when they still had peace in their lives

Just recently was a series called Gundam Thunderbolt which is just a battle that takes place concurrently

with the original Gundam, but it is such a stylistic marvel.

Trust me, you'll need that solid foundation of knowledge from the trilogy when diving

headfirst into all this chaos and jazz.

If Gundam is interesting, intriguing, or at all peaks your interest you really do owe

it to yourself to take an afternoon and have a gander at where it all started.

Watching the Gundam trilogy films is another example of something I recommend to do not

because it's a particularly amazing piece of media on its own.

I mean come on it's late 70's animation and pacing, there's a lot of improvement

that can be done here even by the same animators, shoutout to Ichirô Itano.

But more so I recommend it because the start of GUNDAM is really something that's too

important to ignore.

The influence of Gundam since its inception is undeniable, how it's left its mark in

the anime sci-fi lexicon, helping to influence other shows such as Macross, to Evangelion

and Bebop in the 90's

Modern anime wouldn't be the same without the original Gundam, not just for the franchise

itself but the industry as a whole.

Gundam's disenfranchising nature of war, written by people who grew up in the post

WWII nuclear era, pushed other anime to have similar themes, bringing very serious consequences

into these silly cartoons.

It's something that I've always pointed to about anime that sets it apart from other

animation styles and mindsets, particularly western ones.

Gundam isn't necessarily where that started but it's most definitely a contributing


Unlike starting with the TV show, which is bogged down with narrative baggage and being

too awkward to be relatable, these films are succinct and still have power despite their


Even if you end up disliking them, just remember that there's bound to be something great

to see in spite of it.

You'll still have experienced one of the biggest steps for progressive anime with your

own eyes, and you can use that context as a gateway to so many other fantastic stories

or even re-evaluate some of the great anime you've already seen.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video, I hope you enjoyed it.

There will be some links down in the description where you can purchase the gundam trilogy,

as well as some streaming links to other Gundam series that I recommend.

As always I want to thank my patrons for supporting my videos as without them they would not be


More specifically though I'd like to thank Siri Yamako, Viktor Ekmark, Joshua Garcia,

Hedrel Leon, Bing Theo, Robert Chumsae and Calhoonboy for being especially awesome.

That's it for me.

Until next time, Ladies, Gentlemen, and others Stay Frosty.

For more infomation >> Why EVERYONE Needs to Watch Gundam - Duration: 10:46.


Эти 7 мыслей помогут тебе войти в число лучших и стать успешным человеком – В чем главная цель жизни - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Эти 7 мыслей помогут тебе войти в число лучших и стать успешным человеком – В чем главная цель жизни - Duration: 3:58.


Tratamento caseiro PÉS RACHADOS - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Tratamento caseiro PÉS RACHADOS - Duration: 2:26.


German Try Japanese Snacks (Taste Test) - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> German Try Japanese Snacks (Taste Test) - Duration: 9:00.


Best Overwatch Players in the World #3 - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Best Overwatch Players in the World #3 - Duration: 11:40.



What is up guys

This is Roy

And Welcome to another

Unboxing video on this channel

Inside this box I think a couple of fidget spinner

And It send from TURKI

Ok So Lets unbox it Guys

lets see what inside

Inside this box

We have total

Four fidget spinners

Two of them is black

And another two of them is white

White Black

Made in China

There is nothing written on the box


Inside This Box

You Get





This is a micro USB cable

And this is USB C

Nice adapter

To Have

And you have this clip

And this is the spinner

Spin it guys you can see the text

So guys I am currently giving away

two of this fidget Spinner

So If you need it keep watching this video

at the end of the video I will tell you

What you need to do to get them

This one is not working

The build quality is pretty good

Premium quality plastic

And have near about 33 LEDs

I think its little bit dis balanced

Inside pack you also get a little manual

Those fidget spinner from Bestorx

You can connect the fidget spinner using android app

Or windows PC

Lest connect using Android app

go to website

Download complete open


Apps Installed

Here is the micro USB port

Lets connect it

Open the application

This red and blue LED means it connected

You can change the text






is okay okay

Ok Done

I need to unplug it

Whoooo!!!! look at this

awhoooo!!!! RoyTecTips

okay do it again

Whoooo!!! that looks really good

and if you guys want

Any one of this stupid fidget spinners

Make sure you click on the bell icon



The comment that get highest like will win

One of this Fidget Spinner

And second highest

Also win one of this

so make sure you guys comment in the comment section below make sure you

share and if you haven't subscribe to this channel make sure you subscribe for

upcoming more video like this

there is more Fidget Spinners giveaway coming soon

so guys meet with you on my next video

till then goodbye





For more infomation >> COOLEST SPINNER 2017 - COULD DISPLAY ANY WORD YOU WANT ??? - Duration: 3:14.


OnePlus 5 3D Printed Stealth Camera Case - Duration: 11:10.

So I often go to Huaqiangbei and other electronic markets and they have some

you know usually they have some very interesting stuff.

We don't know who invented it and probably we just copied it and Shanzhai-ed it, they're counterfeit.

I can't just point my camera at the product because probably the security guys will stop me.

They don't know if I'm a lawyer or detective- they are suspicious.

So I want to make something to prevent this from happening and I will show you the process.

So watch and see what I'm going to do.

So this is my radius gauge and this is the digital caliper.

And I'm going to get the measurements so I can

get the model and print out the case I want.

So this is my first outer case for, this is the first measurement I got so lets take look.

It fits good and the next step is I'm going to measure the buttons on the side.

I want to know the distance between these two so that I can

deduct it and get the right number.

Also the back of the camera, I need to measure.

So you can see there is still some gap between the camera and the

case so I have to deduct it and get the right number.

It's about 2mm from the side I have to deduct. And also here a the top...

This is good. This looks good, I think this is it and now I'm going to print the top of it.

On the side it looks pretty good. Oh, I think I accidentally move it to the side.

So I have to fix it.

So this time I printed the whole thing

but I took out a back of it because I don't want to waste any material.

As I've shown you before I print out just half of it

because I just need to get the rough shape so that I know it's right and it

takes a lot of time to print out the case and if I will only print half of it

then it will save me time and I will still get the right number.

So I the idea I was talking about I'm going to show you right now just wait a sec.

So this is my idea and I'm going to remove this case first.

So you can see there is a triangular a slot here it is for my prism.

So when I put the prism in you can get some sneaky picture of other people.

Like if someone is stalking you and they're taking pictures of you and you're to shy to

say something or you feel disturbed. You can pretend you're not

looking at them but you still take pictures of them. Like at this angle

it can show. You don't have to point a camera directly at them but you

can still take a sneaky picture. I think it's pretty good because sometimes

you know when you go outside alone, it's not safe.

So that's my idea I hope you like it, I hope you enjoy it.

For my project you'll need something called a prism and I bought these glasses on TaoBao.

This is for watching videos and reading books in the bed.

They have two, and I think they all come with the same sizes like the other ones I bought online.

But you can just this online and take it out and then each one you can put in the different cases like

probably I will print more cases later different color and then you can put one on each case

But the one I'm using is the other one I bought

separately online this comes with each each one comes separately without the glasses.

For more infomation >> OnePlus 5 3D Printed Stealth Camera Case - Duration: 11:10.


My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.39 [ENG/IND/2017.07.22] - Duration: 1:06:10.

(Episode 39)

You two.

What are you doing here?

Did you sort everything out?

What do you mean?

At the law firm.

Your contract was a fraud.

How'd you find out?

Do you know the lawyer?

What a terrible firm.

They should've protected my identity.

Also, did you have to tell Jeonghwan about this?

That's not the issue.

What will you do now?

I'll deal with it. Pretend you don't know.

Where will you sleep tonight?

I will deal with it.

I got a room at a hotel.

How long will you stay at a hotel?

A suite costs 200 to 300 dollars a night.

You need to pay off the loan too.

I said I will deal with it.

Why are you interfering? Since when did you care?

How could you fall victim to something like this?

It's not a small sum. It's 100,000 dollars.

If you'd checked carefully before signing the paper,

this wouldn't have happened.

I'll get it back.

That's why I contacted a law firm.

Is it your money I lost?

I won't ask for your help or money.

Just stay out of this.

This isn't something to be stubborn about.

What if Mom finds out?

How would she find out? Don't you dare tell her.

Why don't you just come home?

Staying in an unfamiliar place for a long time

can't be good for Chico.

Compared to humans, dogs feel a heightened level

of stress in unfamiliar surroundings.

That is true.

This isn't fair on Chico.

Forget it.

I already moved out. I can't go back home.

Why don't you do it for Mother?

She isn't prepared to put her marriage behind.

If you were to leave after a unilateral notification,

it's just so cruel to her.


Be a humanitarian.

You've lived with her for 38 years.

You're right. From a humanitarian aspect,

it's worth considering.

Okay. Let's do that.

You're doing the right thing.

Don't you tell her what's really going on.

I'll tell her when it's sorted out.

Don't tell her first and make things worse.

Don't worry. I wanted to tell Mom right away,

but I didn't because Hyeyeong stopped me.

Did you?

Goodbye. I'm leaving with hopes of a new future.

Fine, just leave.

Do you think I can't live without you?

But still, we shared a bed for 38 years.

How could he leave without a word?

He just left me a note.

Mom. Where are you? Mom?

I'm in my room.

I see you're back.

What's going on?

Dad is home.


Why are you back?

It's been less than a day since you left.

I think I was too cruel to you.

Even professional athletes stretch and warm up

before a match.

We were married for 38 years.

I think it was too cruel of me to suddenly

announce our marriage graduation.

Hyeyeong said that a unilateral notification

makes our graduation look more like a separation.

It was quite a reasonable objection.

So, I decided to give you enough time to consider

the idea I proposed.

We can also discuss

as I will also open

a forum to debate on the issue.

Do you understand what I mean?

Chico, we're home.

You wanted to come home, Chico, didn't you?

Let's go to Daddy's room.

What happened?

Did you bring him home?

No, Hyeyeong did.

She did?

We'll leave now.

Are you leaving already?

We need to rest.

Good night, Mom.

I see. Good night.

You did a good job.

It's really a small world.

How did Dad end up going to Kyungjoo's law firm?

He got busted.

I guess he wanted to avoid my law firm.

He doesn't have enough money to leave home now.

I think he'll stay quiet for a while.

I really hope he does so.

I really wish nothing else happens.

I'm sorry.

I tell you I'm sorry so often. It drives me crazy.

But Mom and Dad didn't use to make

many troubles before.

Right after I got married,

they're doing this. It's a mystery to me.

It's mysterious to you, is it?

For me, it's pleasure followed by pain.

So I'm the pleasure, isn't it?

Do I bring you pleasure?


I'm so exhausted

that I feel like I'm coming down with a cold.

You shouldn't catch a cold, Walnut.

Get inside and lie down.

I'll remove your makeup.

Take a rest, and I'll get you honey-water.

Drink it and sleep hard.

Let's get inside.

There you go.

You were home.

I was worried about you. You should've called me.

What's wrong in here?

Did something happen here?

Did you say you were worried about me,

Mr. Lee Yoonseok?

Why do you look surprised?

Did you think that I would never find out?

You're my dad's friend, aren't you?

How can you deceive me for four months

with such an innocent face?

You shouldn't have accepted me at all.

You took me in your house

and pretended to be my dad with that smile all along?

What made you do such a terrible thing to me?

Were you afraid to get caught?

Were you going to counteract quickly

if I find out the truth and report to the police?

So, how did you feel?

"That idiot really thinks I'm his dad"

"since I treat him nicely."

"If I keep this up,"

"I might never be caught."

Is this what you thought?

I mean, say something.

For the last four months,

you've acted so well just like an Academy winner.

Why are you so reserved now?


How dare you call my name?



you call my name?

Why did you deceive me?

How could you

deceive me

pretending to be my dad?

Tell me.

Why did you deceive me?

Darn it!

Because of you,

I didn't know my dad passed away

until today. Also, because of you,

I don't know how I should feel about it.


I don't want to see you.

I said go!

(Dad's Snacks)


The phone is turned off. You'll be transferred...

You're soaking wet. You should get changed.

I can do that later.

You met him, didn't you?

I did.

How did you find out he knew and went there?

Junghui sent

the DNA test result to our home.

That was the package he sent you.


You should've called me right away.

I did,

but your phone was turned off.

I was worried that you might visit him.

I thought you should go knowing that he found out.

I assumed you had a heart attack,

but it turned out this way at last.

You must

have been shocked.

I thought the world would fall apart

if we got caught.

But the world hasn't fallen apart.

We struggled the past 35 years not to get caught.

I know I asked too much of you.

At least now you

won't have to go on living having nightmares.

The first thought that came to mind was

that you'd

be able to go to sleep peacefully now.

How could I after what I've done to Junghui?

He didn't know his father had passed away

because of me.

If I've lived with his identity for 35 years,

that's a long time. It's time I straighten things.


I'm going to turn myself in.

You should.


shouldn't we let our children know first?

I know

you're most concerned about Junghui,

but I think it's right we tell the others in advance.

Our children will all be here for your birthday today.

Tell them first and then go to the police.

It'll only be two more days.

All right.

I'll do as you say.

I'll go with you.

I'm just as guilty as you are.

Come to think of it,

I'd say I'm guiltier.

Don't blame yourself. It was my decision.

You suggested it, but I chose to do it myself.

At the time,

I thought of my late mother.

I was worried I wouldn't be able to protect you

and my baby like I wasn't able to protect my mother.

That's what made me decide to do it.

As a father, I thought I should protect my baby.

You just helped me a bit.

It was me who made the final decision.

I'm sure I wasn't the only one that couldn't sleep.

Don't you ever blame yourself.

I'm going to the police alone.

Like you said,

I'll go to the police

after I tell our children the day after tomorrow.

I'm sure they'll be shocked at the news,

but they're all grown up now.

(Dad's Snacks)

I don't know why I'm preparing this for him.


Why are you going? Aren't you having breakfast?

- Have a seat. / - What are you doing?

Sit. You love braised

- mackerel and kimchi. / - Goodness.

- Seriously. / - Hurry and sit down.

Since you insist, I'll eat what you've prepared.

Don't worry about my meals from now on though.

Why not?

I've also prepared cucumbers pickled in salt.

In the summer, I know you can eat with this alone.

Try this too. Doesn't it taste amazing?

What do you think? Doesn't it taste unbelievable?

The weather is getting hot. Aren't you losing energy?

Would you like me to get you some herb medicine?

You must have gotten the wrong idea.

I haven't canceled graduating from marriage.

I'm here to give you time to get used to the idea.

I'll say this clearly one more time.

I'm graduating from this marriage.

What should I do with this man?

Goodness, this is good.


I almost forgot about Chico.

I should get to Chico.

Wait a minute.

I'll finish this first.

Who could it be this early in the morning?

Did you sleep well?

I almost forgot and was about to go up the stairs,

but I remembered our promise and came this way.

What can I do for you, Mother?

You see, I have something I'd like to ask you.

Could you possibly meet with me for lunch?

I'm afraid I'll be busy with consultations.

Then, I wouldn't mind meeting in the evening.

Could we meet somewhere other than the house?

I have something I'd like to consult with you.

We have to modify our contract too, don't we?

We can do that as well.

- Our contract? / - Yes.

Then, I'll check my schedule and let you know.

All right.

I was just about to leave for work, Mother.

I see. All right. Go ahead and finish getting ready.

How could she not even invite me in?

No. Never mind.

I have to get on her good side right now.

I'll let this go just this once.

Inner peace.

(Inner peace)

What will I do with this stress?

Turn on some exciting music.

(Turn on some exciting music.)

(Do you like this music?)

I like this.

Walnut. What's wrong?

What's with the dancing this early in the morning?

Why are you up so early?

Get some more sleep. I'll make breakfast today.

No. I'm sure you didn't get much sleep.

No. I got some sleep.

Now that he found out, I'm actually more at ease.

I feel the same way.

I actually feel lighthearted.

That's good. I'll wake the children up and make juice.

You fold the blankets and take your time.

Rayeong and Miyeong, wake up.

Rayeong, you said you have to go early. Get up.

Wake up. You'll regret this in ten minutes.

I love you, Dad.

I love you too, but you still have to wake up.


If you sleep in, you won't have time for breakfast.

Wash up and come to the kitchen.

Good morning, Mother, Father.

Did you sleep well?


Is your boyfriend still suffering from my punches?


Is Rayeong seeing someone?

Did you meet Coach Park?

Is he good-looking?

Who is Coach Park?

He coaches people at the sports center.

He is apparently handsome and tall.

He isn't handsome or tall at all.

He is handsome and tall.

So you are seeing someone.

Where is he hurt?

Junyeong just went and punched him all over.

I didn't punch him all over.

I freaked out because he jumped on you

from behind like this.

He jumped on you?

He did not. Junyeong.

When he did, she giggled.

Stop it.

Finish your breakfast.

Whether he is handsome or not,

we'll see when you introduce him to us.

Off to work, everyone.

- You'll be late. / - Okay.

My handbag.

Which bag should I take today?

What's this?

I'll come home early today.

I'll head to work first.

Why aren't you here? You have an interview.

I've been waiting in the parking lot.



What about the interview?

Why didn't you pick up?

Wait at the agency.

I'll see you there.

I can't do that.

I'm at your door. Let me in.

I said I'll see you at the agency,

so wait for me there.

(Mr. Kang)

Where are you? Why aren't you here?

Sit where you want.


- Is this it? / - Yes.

I think you're all here.

Shall we begin?

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

People are saying your acting has improved.

What do you think about that?

What do you mean?

Do I agree?

Yes, I do. Even I think I'm doing great.

Why are you laughing?

Don't you think so?

What's wrong with him now?

I guess living with your father helped you

portray your emotions.

I don't know.

Do you get along with your father?

You're asking all sorts of things.

Is that why you're into exposing my private life?

This is insane.

Excuse me.

Could you please stick to the questions we sent you?

Junghui is not well at the moment.

He was late today because he was

at a hospital getting an IV drip.

His fever reached 40 degrees last night.

He was so hot I almost burned my hand.

It was bad.

It hurts.

(Mr. An)

Junghui's back at it again.

What about him?

He upset a reporter during the interview.

He messed things up.

Is he in the building?

I think he left by the back door.

Junghui, is something wrong?

Why did you trash the interview?


My goodness.


You're avoiding me, aren't you?

You won't take my calls

or answer my texts.


I apologize.

Who am I to...

I know that having someone like you to like me

is as huge

as winning the lottery.

In my whole life,

I never even dreamed

of winning the lottery.

I'm really sorry.

I don't feel the same way about you.

I knew all along,

but actually hearing it really hurts.

Is it because of Junghui?

Do you

like him?


What kind of nonsense is...

You do.

Why didn't you tell me so?

I feel like a fool now.


Take care, Miyeong.

How could I like Mr. An?

♪ Kiss me, darling ♪

♪ Kiss me, kiss me tonight ♪

I'm off on a business trip to check out a site.

I can't join you for lunch.

Too bad. Take care.

Can you all gather round?

We have a tasting this afternoon.

You both have a quota that you need to fill.

A quota? Is this normal?

No, we never had one until now.

Direct orders from the chairman.

The chairman?

Do you mean Mr. Park?

Rayeong's quota's bigger than ours.

The others must sell ten boxes,

but you must sell 15.

Why is that?

I'd love to know why.

(Good Base Tasting)

13, 14, 15 boxes.

Let's do this.

Come and have a taste. Do you want one?

Are you thirsty? A free...

It's an oriental raisin.

Grandma, would you like a free sample?

What makes me look like a grandma? How could you?

Just a moment. Goodness, what's this?

I feel so much better now. Hello, miss.

Have a pouch of this.

You'll see the world so much clearer.

I'll give you one.

Here you go.

It's not bad. How much did you say this is?

Two, four, six.

Let's do this.

Free tasting.

These drinks are good for you and your body.

There are many kinds. You can pick and choose.

Free tasting.

My goodness.


This is one of ours. Would you like a taste?

This is the product line I was telling you about.

It doesn't look too different.

You'll feel the difference once you taste it.

Your skin is dry. Did you drink a lot last night?

If you work and drink, this is the one for you.

It's nice and refreshing.

- Is it? / - Right?

You know this is good for women, right?

It's refreshing, light, and tasty. Free tasting.

Free tasting.

I like it.

Oh, wow, very nice.

- Isn't it nice? / - I like it.

- It's great. / - It is.

Since you like it, I will buy you a box each.

- Will you? / - You must taste it

to like and trust my company's products.

Give them a box each.

Yes, sir.

- Here you go. / - One for you.

- One for you. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - You're welcome.

Shall we head out?


Sir, you must pay.


Do you want my money?

I'm the chairman.


You must pay the price that suits the product

so they will buy from us in the future.

"This product is so great that even I,"

"the chairman, buy it with my own money."

- What... / - She has a point.

A product that even the chairman buys.

She is quite a skilled salesperson.


I'll do that.

Everything from our products to our staff

are honest and transparent.

Thank you. I'll give you the staff discount, sir.

Rayeong is beating our dad.

That's about the soccer field.

It's two-thirds the size of a standard field.

It's clean. The artificial turf is relatively new.

The facilities such as the showers

and locker rooms need fixing.

That requires negotiating.

We're still talking.

Why? Are the negotiations not going well?

No. It's tough to find a compromise.

Why do you want to do something that's so tough?

Just come and work for me...

If you change the topic,

- I'll leave. / - No.

Sit down. When did I change the topic? Please sit.

I'm just a dad worried about his son.

Why do you always misunderstand or twist...

Next, about the soccer team's uniform.

- You have a... / - Hello, sir.

Hello, Cheolsu.

- Rayeong. / - How dare you barge in.

I apologize. I had something to give you.

You bought six boxes from me

and I forgot to give you the free samples.

These are great for when you feel swollen.

I thought this is what you need.

Are you tired?

Your face is always puffy. Drinking this should help.

Have a great day.


Which part of my face is puffy?

It's more like you put on fat for being so mean.

Rayeong has mistaken.

I'm just puffy and swollen. See?

(Message from Ms. Lim)

May we talk in private?

A latte, isn't it?


I think I should quit drinking coffee.


What's this? "Leave of absence"?

Do you want to take time off? Why?

I'm pregnant.

Considering the poor timing,

I wasn't sure how to tell you this.

I thought about going straight to our VP,

but that would only undermine your authority.

I'm sorry, Ms. Kim.

Don't be. You have nothing to apologize about.

I guess

I should congratulate you.

Thank you.

I will tell our VP.

Okay, you do that.

Are you sure about this?

You were so ambitious. You might not get to return.

I know that.

I thought long and hard about it.

Even now I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing.

You know how greedy and selfish I am.

I thought that if I survived this year,

I could get promoted at the end of it.

I even thought I had a shot

at the company scholarship to study abroad.


I should be responsible.

I want to be.

Who is it for? Your girlfriend?

No, it's for my wife.

Could you recommend a chocolate cake?


Yuju, you're tired, aren't you?

Seeing you come home sick or tired

makes me wish I could be sick instead.

I'm sorry I can't do that.

Once our baby is born,

I will take paternity leave

and care for the baby so you can do what you want.

You know I love you and feel sorry, right?

It's nice.

I'd like to cancel my prenatal checkup.

3 p.m., Kim Yuju.

- I'll get it. / - Let go.

What's with you?

During the last check-up,

I think I told you that your baby is too small.

Your baby isn't big enough yet.

You have to rest.

If you can, take some time off.

You need at least a week of rest.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I was wrong.

I was wrong.

You came home early, Yuju.


Why did you take these out?


It's because of me.

It's all because of me.

I should've gone to the hospital that day.

That presentation wasn't that important.

Only if I didn't carry those heavy boxes.

When the doctor told me the baby was too small,

I should have listened

to her advice to eat well and rest well.

When you wanted

to give our baby a nickname,

I should have done that.

Only if I had called the name of our baby,

just once.

I'm sorry, Junyeong.

I was wrong. I was really wrong.

I was wrong.


No, Yuju.

Why is that...

Why is that your fault?

Don't think that way.

People say this can happen to anyone.

Our baby...

Our baby

just didn't want to come to us.

It's okay, Yuju.

It's all right.

Let's tell the others tomorrow

and go to the police the day after that.

I'll tell them about what I've done,

and pay for my crimes.

But I know it can't undo what I did to you

or compensate for how much I hurt you.

I should still give your dad his name back.

You can do whatever you want.

You can report me,

and you can file a lawsuit against me too.

You can do

whatever you would like.

I'll gladly accept whatever punishment I get.

I am sorry.

I have committed a huge crime

which those words cannot contain.

But I'm sorry.


You weren't asleep yet.

I feel bad for you,

but I'm glad Mr. An isn't here today.

What will I do from now on?

You can wear these today.

Your son-in-law and Hyeyeong are coming too.

I will.


tell the kids after they eat.

Yes, of course.

Wow, these have dried very well.

Very crisp.

Mom. Mom, goodness.

Mom, did you get a black eye?

It looks like you're dressed up too.

Mother, are you going somewhere?

No, I'm running to the grocery store.

After I appeared on TV,

it feels like everyone is looking at me,

and they actually recognize me too.

So I am trying to cover myself up a bit.

I do stand out in a crowd.

Isn't that right?

My mom thinks she is a celebrity.

- She does. / - You're right.

If she is going to cover her face,

she should wear the sunglasses

instead of putting them on her head.

Now that I'm out,

it's not really manners

to cover myself up too much, isn't it?

Why can't they ask me for an autograph?

I guess they would feel shy

to talk to someone they've seen on TV.

Hello, yes.

Okay, I'll give you an autograph.

Yes, you're right.

I'm the woman who was on TV

last week...


You darned idiot. Come here.

Here you are. Goodbye.

- Goodbye. / - Come again.

Goodness, let me take a break.

Why do we have so many customers today?

You're right.

I think I've become a slice of pizza too.

My legs hurt.

Hey, Do Jeongtae.

Jeongtae, how dare you come here?

Do you want to go to the police?

- Calm down. / - Hey.

I was going

to pay you back first when I get any money.


I had such a hard time making a living,

so I couldn't.

So what? What are you trying to say?


Recently, I finally got a lump sum of money.

I've been thinking about what I can do with it.

But that's when

I saw your mom on TV.

Also, I heard her speak when she dropped out.


This isn't half of what I owe you,

but I'm sure

this will help you out with Minha's education.

I'll pay the rest back whenever I can.

Goodness. We couldn't find you

when we looked everywhere for you.

How on earth did you think

of coming to us to pay his money back?

As a parent,

I couldn't just let this pass

when I heard about Minha.

I'm sorry. I apologize, Ms. Kim.

Hey, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Goodness, 35,000 dollars?

Goodness, I guess Minha is destined to study more.

Yes, Mother. What a perfect timing, isn't it?

We'll last his high school years with this money.

- Mom. / - Yes?

This is all thanks to you.

I always thought I was lucky

with my wife and kid, but you were my luck.

Did you just find that out?

I'm home.

- Hey. / - Minha, come here.

Sit down.

- Is there great news? / - Yes.

- My son. / - Minha.

You really wanted to get into...

Wait, what's going on?

(Pizza Headquarters)

- The headquarters. / - What?

- Hello? / - Honey.

- What? / - The speakerphone.

Is this Mr. Na and Ms. Lee's phone?

- Yes. / - Yes.


You've won first place in the pizza menu contest.

- Awesome. / - The first prize?

Yes, your sweet pumpkin steak pizza was selected.

You get prize money and start-up assistance.

You can do a start-up with limited capital.

Wait, how much do we need to do a start-up?

It really depends, but about 30,000 dollars.

30,000 dollars?

My goodness.

Why does life always put me to a test?

- You're here. / - Yes.

What were you looking at?

Lawsuit cases on divorce caused by mother-in-laws.

Are there such irrational daughter-in-laws

who ask for a divorce because of them?

Hey, I love this cafe.

I wanted to start a cafe like this.

Do you remember Cafe de B?

I'm going to try starting a cafe again.

The statistics say among newly established cafes,

63 percent of them close down in three years.

If you're going to start something new,

you should consider something that's unique.

I'm a bit busy, so let's cut to the chase.

Mother, do you have a list of demands?



"Call once a day. Go to a public bath together."

"Take vacations together. Go shopping once a month."

"Go grocery shopping once a week."

Yes, I don't have a daughter, you know.

I had a million things I wanted to do

with my daughter-in-law once my son gets married.

To be honest, that isn't everything I wanted to do.

Mother, a daughter-in-law cannot be your daughter.

Hey, why not?

I really think of you as my daughter.

A daughter is from your own bloodline,

but your daughter-in-law is a complete stranger.

I'm not sure what the case will be

after people live together for decades,

but for our case, how can I be your daughter

if we just got to know each other through Jeonghwan?

Should I give you an example?

After a daughter gets home from work, she can eat

the dinner you cooked without doing a thing.

However, what if a daughter-in-law do that?

She will be rebuked right away, wouldn't she?

If a daughter complained about your dishes,

you might think about making something else.

However, what if a daughter-in-law do that?

The mother will rebuke her and ask,

"Did your parents bring you up like this?"

You always have the smartest thing to say.

Let's take a look at each clause.

"Call once a day."

I don't think even Jeonghwan does this.

Isn't this too much to ask of your daughter-in-law?

You're my daughter-in-law. You're supposed to do it.

Again, we can see that you do not consider

your daughter-in-law as your daughter.

Why must a daughter-in-law call you every day?

If anyone should do that, it should be your son.

It's only right for him to do it as your child.

Isn't that right?

So I'll tell Jeonghwan to call you once a day.

Next one. "Go to a public bath together."

Mother, after I became an adult,

I don't even go to public baths with my sisters.

Why did you ask me to write these down anyway?

Next one. "Take vacations together."

I only get a week of vacation in a year.

I can't do a whole week, but I'll consider

taking a family trip for three days in a year.

Three days?

Next. "Go shopping once a month."

Let's put this together with two monthly visits.

However, it cannot go over two hours

and we must respect each other's taste.

I'd like you to refrain from giving me dishes

or beddings as gifts when I don't want them.

It's a waste of emotions and time.


You're so good with words and at debating things.

Honestly speaking, you are really something.

How can I be more like you?


I want to speak and debate well like you,

but I get angry and I cry once I start speaking.

So I have no chance at winning with your father.

While we're on the subject,

can you give me a hand?

With what?

Help me so that I won't do a marriage graduation.

I really don't want to graduate from my marriage.

But I can never win against your father.

If you help me, I'll do whatever you want me to.

So can you please help me?

- Can you taste this? / - Taste that? Okay.

It's deliciously smoky

and it's seasoned perfectly too.

It's much better

than what you get in Chinese restaurants.

Right? Junyeong is too good of a cook

to be sitting at a dong office all day.

Come on, honey. I think so too.

Why did all of Father's cooking DNA go to you,

but not to Hyeyeong?

- Not at all. / - Exactly.


What about me?

- Hyeyeong. / - Hyeyeong is here.

- Welcome. / - Hey, honey.

I told you to work, not to talk behind my back.

I wasn't talking behind your back.

I did my best, I did.

But Junyeong is such a great cook.

Yes, only the men in our family can cook.

That's why you are a great cook too.

That's why I'm bad at cooking.

- Right. / - Goodness.

Mr. An is gone again. Can't he come today?

No, I don't know. I forgot to call him.

Why not? Let's call him now.

He is probably busy.

Even so, he should come. It's Dad's birthday.

It's not just any birthday, it's his 60th.

You're right.

Text sent.

Junghui, it's Dad's birthday today.

We're throwing a party, so come home.

- ♪ Happy birthday ♪ / - ♪ Happy birthday ♪

- ♪ to you ♪ / - ♪ to you ♪

- ♪ Happy birthday ♪ / - ♪ Happy birthday ♪

- ♪ to you ♪ / - ♪ to you ♪

- ♪ Happy birthday, ♪ / - ♪ Happy birthday, ♪

- ♪ dear Dad ♪ / - ♪ dear Dad ♪

- ♪ Happy birthday ♪ / - ♪ Happy birthday ♪

- ♪ to you ♪ / - ♪ to you ♪

Happy birthday, Hansu.

- Happy birthday, Dad. / - Happy birthday, Dad.

- Always be healthy. / - Congratulations, Father.

- Look. / - Junghui is here.

Come here, Junghui.

- Hello, Junghui. / - Hello, Mr. Celebrity.

You're here.

Happy birthday,


(My Father is Strange)

An agent for marriage graduation?

If I successfully stop you from marriage graduation,

- you'll let us move out. / - Okay.

My heart beats fast even when I stay still.

It feels like my heart is constricted.

What's with Junghui?

Don't think you really know about your parents.

I think something is really going on between him and

Mom and Dad, without us knowing.

What will I do?

I can't seem to face him.

Why are you running away?

Why are you avoiding me?

Miyeong, you're insane. You are crazy.


For more infomation >> My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.39 [ENG/IND/2017.07.22] - Duration: 1:06:10.





Nghe truyện Phật này mỗi đêm rất dễ ngủ Phật tổ Phù hộ gặp nhiều may mắn thuận lợi vô cùng - Duration: 32:28.

For more infomation >> Nghe truyện Phật này mỗi đêm rất dễ ngủ Phật tổ Phù hộ gặp nhiều may mắn thuận lợi vô cùng - Duration: 32:28.


Time for a change! - DOG TOY REVIEWS & DIY TREATS | Nylabone BIG DuraChew - Duration: 4:58.

Greetings everyone and welcome back to this special episode of Tough Toy Tryouts!

If you're new here, think about hitting that Subscribe button and if you're really

feeling saucy today, click that bell icon to receive alerts whenever we post something

to the channel.

Why's this episode special, you ask?

Well we'll be doing things a little differently from now on and we'll explain that in a

bit but first, let's introduce this week's toy.

If you're an avid watcher of the show, you'll know all about Nylabone and their USA made

nylon chew toy products.

This week, we're taking a look at their largest DuraChew product simply called BIG!

This chew toy is the strongest product Nylabone makes and it's chicken flavored to boot.

They say with chew toys, the bigger the better as it promotes chewing from the side instead

of trying to inhale the whole thing and you can't get much bigger than this!

So now that we know what toy we'll be testing, let's gently hand this toy on over to Story—because

tossing it might knock her out—and see how it does after a week's heavy abuse.

Oh, but first, back to why this episode is special.

In lieu of gags and phony commercials, this episode will kick off the switch to more informative

and fun projects you can do.

This week we'll be teaching you how to make some easy dog treats which we'll be including

in a super special episode next week!

And here it is, all chewed up and who knows what's all stuck to this thing.

We knew this thing would survive but how well did it perform?

Let's kick things off with safety where this big chew receives a 3.

As with most Nylabone products, you really want to keep an eye on your dog during their

chew sessions.

Bits of nylon WILL come off but generally these are pretty safe to swallow.

Once you start getting chunks larger than a grain of rice however, you'll want to

remove it.

Luckily that didn't happen thanks to the sheer size of this toy but it's not one

you should leave alone with your pet.

Next on the docket is design and I feel this toy has earned a 4.

It's super strong and flavored and the fact that it's so large, kept Story from really

destroying this one down to nub.

The only issue we had was that Story wanted us to play fetch with it from time to time

and we obviously couldn't throw this thing around without putting holes in the wall but

that's not the toy's fault.

The only thing that could make this toy even better would be adding little bumps to help

with cleaning teeth.

Moving on to longevity this toy gets an easy 5.

Unless your dog is massive enough and strong enough to crack this thing in pieces, it's

going to last quite a while.

That said, it's far too heavy and too large and didn't keep Story's attention enough

to warrant keeping it around after this week so you likely won't be seeing it again.

And finally we come to the price which at $8.83 on chewy is surprisingly low for such

a large Nylabone product and therefore receives a 4.

If your dog is a super aggressive chewer and at least 35 pounds, this toy is well worth

the money.

So after changing out the old corroded batteries from my beloved Ti-83 calculator—and playing

a game of drug wars—I've determined that the Nylabone BIG DuraChew receives a 4 out

of 5 bones.

This is a true powerhouse of a toy that should stand up to all but the most aggressive of

chewers and the price really warrants that you give it a go.

Just remember to monitor your dog's play or the price won't include a trip to the

vet's office.

And that's where we end this week's show.

Before you head out, be sure to let us know if you liked the new format by hitting that

"Like" button and leaving a comment down below.

And if you REALLY liked it, do us a HUGE favor and share with your friends and get the word

out about the channel.

Until next time, we hope you have an incredible week and thanks for watching!

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