Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

And I'm interested about your long-term career goals, now where do you see

yourself in say five years?

My long-term career goal is to start my own design company so in

five years or maybe two, I see myself working at a bigger advertising company,

probably a member of the HK4As.

So what are your long-term career goals, and where do you see yourself in five years?

My long-term career goal is to be a respected designer; in five years I see

myself still working very hard at your company

And I'm interested about your long-term career goals; where do you see yourself in

say five years?

My long time career goal is to be responsible for the design

jobs of major corporate events at your company, and to be able to collaborate with

internationally renowned brands in the field; I'm willing to invest five years

learning all aspects of the job towards professional advancement. In five years I

see myself as a senior product designer at your company doing work at

increasing levels of responsibility and skills. I would love to be the

designing team leader, mentoring junior designers and managing more people.

I find this position appealing because I think it will move in that direction.

Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more infomation >> Where do you see yourself in 5 years? - Duration: 2:01.


Why do you want to work for this company? - Duration: 0:54.

Why do you want to work for this company?

Well you see, yours is a very reputable company,

and I have done some research as well, and from what I've seen, from the

projects that you were running and that you are running, from the documents in the

report, it seems that the culture and the values, the core values of the company

really align with mine, and I would like to learn more from you, and I would like

to continue developing further with you as well, and I'm confident this is going

to be a mutually beneficial relationship.

Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more infomation >> Why do you want to work for this company? - Duration: 0:54.


6 Steps to Interview Success - Duration: 1:33.

The detailed job requirements one's looking for is important, and the anticipation of

what questions are going to be asked.

Don't give up, don't be discouraged, be yourself,

be prepared, have a good, solid CV that demonstrates your capabilities, what you bring to the table,

have a good, customised cover letter. Go through some mock interviewing, with friends,

or family, or even in the mirror; see how do you look when you're interviewing in the mirror.

Preparation, rehearsals, probably videoing,

making a video of how one is going to perform in front of an interviewer.

Know the venue, reach it on time, check the websites of all the individuals who are involved

in the interview.

Relax yourself, don't go in and be nervous;

if you go in and be nervous, people are not being confident within themselves.

Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more infomation >> 6 Steps to Interview Success - Duration: 1:33.


SPICY PUMPKIN II तीखा कद्दू बनाने की विधि II BY HOME COOK PRIYANKA SAINI II - Duration: 3:31.

Hi friends, welcome to priyanka's kitchen

Today the dish I'm going to teach you i.e Spicy Pumpkin

Pumpkin made with lot of methods

Whenever we have any festival then we make pumpkin in puri

Some people make sweet and some people make it sour in taste

I personally like spicy so today I'll make you teach spicy pumpkin.

For this we require Chopped Pumpkin

Chopped green chilli, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, dry mango powder & dry red chilli.

Its very easy to make, so let me share how to make it

If possible try to take heavy bottom pan

This way pumpkin gets soft very easily

It you'll take light bottom pan, then it will be burn from outside but will remain uncooked

So try to take it else you can cook it on the low flame

Here I've taken heavy bottom pan and adding mustard oil in it

If you'll not cook mustard oil properly it will release its smell and not everybody like that smell

When I was a kid and if the mustard wasn't cooked properly I often skin my meals

Let me tell you how to cook it, when you add this into the pan make sure you cook it until it releases smoke.

When it release its smoke then turn the flame off

Once its cool down then add the desired spices so that they'll not get burnt

And mustard oil will not even smell

This was shared by my grand mother. So as you can see it was smoking and now we'll turn the flame off

Now its cool down and we'll add fennel seeds in it

Fenugreek seeds , dry red chilli & chopped green chilli.

Stir it and add chopped pumpkin

There are two types of pumpkin, one which is soft and get cook fast another one is hard and takes time to cook

If you have taken soft pumpkin chop it into big chunks and cut the small chunks of green pumpkin

I've taken green pumpkin so I've chop it small

Stir it and add spices in it

It doesn't require much spices so coriander powder

Since we have already added chillies so not chillies now but little bit of turmeric powder

Now we'll cover it and make sure after adding spices do not mix it else they'll get burnt

Cover it and let it cook for 3-4 min on the low flame

Now uncover it and the pumpkin is almost cook

Adding dry mango powder and salt

Don't add dry mango powder initially else pumpkin will take time to get cooked

Stir it for 2-3 mins and here we have our spicy pumpkin ready

Please tell us how do you find our dishes.

Also do not forget to subscribe to our channel. Thank you so much.

For more infomation >> SPICY PUMPKIN II तीखा कद्दू बनाने की विधि II BY HOME COOK PRIYANKA SAINI II - Duration: 3:31.


Очень интересная загадка интернета / Загадки для детей ! - Duration: 2:04.

Hello, young people!

Listen to the new riddle!

I think there will be a lot of correct answers in the comments.

You're all very smart!


Everyone knew that the king was leaving on the train tomorrow!

The guard knew that too!

He dreamed that the train of the king would have an accident!

He immediately ran to the king!

And he told him everything.

The king has postponed the trip!

The next day the king learned that the train had crashed!

The King thanked the guard, gave him money!

And he was fired from his job!


Why did he fire the guard?

Did he save his life

Write comments, subscribe to the channel!


For more infomation >> Очень интересная загадка интернета / Загадки для детей ! - Duration: 2:04.


(日本語字幕/Japanese Sub)BABYMETAL Mischiefs of Metal Gods Kami Band REACTION - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> (日本語字幕/Japanese Sub)BABYMETAL Mischiefs of Metal Gods Kami Band REACTION - Duration: 11:31.


【한글자막】DIA festival2日目!韓国の有名YouTuberさん続々♡ - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 【한글자막】DIA festival2日目!韓国の有名YouTuberさん続々♡ - Duration: 3:39.


Mega geheimes Geheim-Projekt! 😵 [Ach Stefy - 22] - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Mega geheimes Geheim-Projekt! 😵 [Ach Stefy - 22] - Duration: 3:50.


The secret to skin whitening is most effective today with only an orange - Duration: 12:39.

For more infomation >> The secret to skin whitening is most effective today with only an orange - Duration: 12:39.


How will your previous experience help you in this job? - Duration: 1:11.

Your previous experience in the military in Singapore was interesting for us, and I'm

just wondering, how that can be applied, that experience, to this current job?

Thank you very much for asking that question. It's a very good question.

Well, I wouldn't say that what I've learned in the army is totally relevant

to the job that I'm applying for, but when it comes to leading people, let's say

if I'm leading a group of junior accountants, I would think that you actually need to ...

what I've learned in the army is that you actually need to take note of

their feelings, their emotions, so in order to achieve an optimal performance in their

work standard; so leading a group of ... leadership is actually a skill that is

not easily attainable in a classroom environment but rather in the army;

something that I've learned in the army.

Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more infomation >> How will your previous experience help you in this job? - Duration: 1:11.


Ehtelam Ka Jar Se Khatama | Treatment of Nightfall in Urdu/Hindi | My Help in Health - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Ehtelam Ka Jar Se Khatama | Treatment of Nightfall in Urdu/Hindi | My Help in Health - Duration: 3:15.


Техника исполнения желаний. Секрет волшебников, как осуществить свою мечту от Наталии Правдиной - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Техника исполнения желаний. Секрет волшебников, как осуществить свою мечту от Наталии Правдиной - Duration: 1:43.


Tell me about yourself? - Duration: 0:53.

Tell me about yourself.

I started as a copywriter for a few years, so I've gained solid

experience understanding the industry, and then I worked myself up in the

same company and you can see that I just kept progressing, then I move up as a

marketing officer, PR officer; so I worked at my first company for six years,

and I just felt that it's about time that I need to expand my horizon, and my most

recent company, I worked there for two years as an Assistant Marketing Manager.

Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more infomation >> Tell me about yourself? - Duration: 0:53.


Speaking clearly - Duration: 1:55.

I think one area that I could work on, is my delegation skills; I'm always so

concerned about everything

be done right and on time that I can get stuck in the

mindset of

if you want it done right, do yourself.

Unfortunately that's not always the case, so I realised that I can slow things

down if I'm too controlling.

I think one area

I can work on is my delegation skills. I'm always so concerned about everything

being done right and on time that I can get stuck in the mindset of if you want it

done right, do it yourself.

Unfortunately that's not always the case, and I realise I can slow things down if

I'm too controlling. I learned that when given the opportunity to lead a group

project. I never had the chance to lead a team before, so this experience taught me

a lot. I found out how to delegate and my group mates and my tutor noticed a

difference in my management styles by the end of the semester. I know I can

benefit from additional development in this area, so I signed up for a management

skills training programme, and I'm always looking for more opportunities to be in

charge of group projects

Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more infomation >> Speaking clearly - Duration: 1:55.


ஆண் குழந்தை பிறக்க எளிமையான வழி!! இத பண்ணுங்க போதும்!! | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> ஆண் குழந்தை பிறக்க எளிமையான வழி!! இத பண்ணுங்க போதும்!! | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 1:17.


What is your most significant accomplishment so far? - Duration: 1:18.

And what do you consider to be your most significant accomplishments so far?

I worked as the food and beverage host at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel as an intern

for six months and during that time I was responsible for handling the guest

enquiries and just dealing with the guest normal daily operations.

During that time I had an outstanding customer satisfaction record with the highest

number of customer raves received each month, and then I also supported my team

members by doing some training workshops. As a team we were nominated for a

service award. Well, although we didn't win it, I still think it's an accomplishment for me

because it is the result of the excellent teamwork and the recognition

from the executive management. I'm looking forward to applying what I

learned in a past at your company and to achieve your goals.

Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

For more infomation >> What is your most significant accomplishment so far? - Duration: 1:18.


1 हफ्ते में 5 से 10 इंच बाल कैसे बढ़ाये | HOW TO GROW HAIR FASTER - Duration: 3:39.

HOW TO GROW HAIR FASTER by best Home remedies for STOP HAIR FALL

using our best faster hair growth tips and remedies like natural things

this is best hair growth for HOW TO GROW HAIR FASTER like & subscribe this video for more amazing Hair growth tips

For more infomation >> 1 हफ्ते में 5 से 10 इंच बाल कैसे बढ़ाये | HOW TO GROW HAIR FASTER - Duration: 3:39.


Guest Apocalypse 3 - A ROBLOX Machinima - Duration: 6:02.

Guest Apocalypse 3

Dramatic: Over the years, Fave has killed many guests, it was once thought that he wiped

them all out, but it turns out, there was just one old guest left, and as ROBLOX recreated

the guests, the last old guest woke up, and had one goal, to end Fave.

*old guest wakes up* *fade to fave*

*fave eating hot cheetos and on the phone* Fave: and after i killed that last guest,

they were all dead! i really killed all of them!

Nicco: no way, you're saying there's NO MORE guests?

Fave: nope, i killed them all, with my bare hands... and my lord of the magma launcher

*knock knock knock* Nicco: i can't believe that, i remember when

i was a guest *knock knock knock*

Nicco: everyone hated me, i felt so left out, wait, fave, hello?

Fave: hold on a second *knock knock knock*

*fave opens door* Fave: i don't have anything illegal!

Rep: i'm not a cop, fave.

I'm a guest representative Fave: a guest representative? but you're not

a guest!

Rep: i've come here to inform you, remember the last guest you thought you killed?

Fave: you mean the one i killed?

Rep: yeah no, he's alive Fave: no he's not!

Rep: and, he's got a huge army of guests coming to your front door

Fave: no he doesn't!

Rep: you can't say I didn't warn you Fave: you're a liar!

*fave slams door* Fave: there aren't any of those old guests

left, i decimated them!

*fave goes back to couch* *phone*

Fave: anyway, as i was saying Phone: *evil* WE'RE COMING TO YOUR HOUSE FAVE,


homicide *fort homicide*

Fave: they'll never find me here... *fave goofs around*

*fave dancing* Fave: CUT THE MUSIC!

Fave: what is that noise?

lemme check the window *guests*

Fave: holy crap, they found me *Guest Slaughtering Action VI*

Fave: good thing i didn't come here defenseless, DUAL LORD OF THE MAGMA LAUNCHERS, ACTIVATE!

*guest falls thru stairs* Fave: ha! stupid guest, i need to make my

way to my nuke base, that's how i can end this once and for all

*fave climbs ladder* *fave walks into nuke base*

Fave: finally, made it to my end of the world shelter

*nstar next to button* Nstar: fave, what are you doing here?

Fave: you don't know?

Nstar: there's no windows in here Fave: what do you mean there's no operating

systems in here?

Nstar: boy if you don't get your linus tech tips head ass out of here, i don't wanna hear

about no damn operating systems in my shelter Fave: bro, i'm gonna push the button

Nstar: you won't do it, no balls Fave: you think i won't press the button?

Nstar: you won't, because i will *nstar pushes the button*

Announcer: and just like that, not only was the guest population wiped out, but so was

the noob population, and the robloxian population... so now, robloxia had to rebuild as a new society..

*world ends* *outro*


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